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Name: Bantoy, Maria Luisa C.

Section: ABPS-1B
Date: August 29, 2021


A. Make a poster (with natural colors), interpreting or portray the definition of our
subject, in human nature.
B. Answer the following:

1. State at least 5 problems you encounter in your own society or


✓ The five common problems I’ve encountered within my community, first is the
noisiness of our neighbor. Back when there was no pandemic, I often scolded those kids
who play Infront of my house because they’re so loud that they’re already a disturbance in
my grandmother’s sleep. Then the pandemic occurs, as a student in online class I must
really need a peaceful background in order to focus on class, but these gossipers are hard
headed even though my Uncle always scold and told to be quiet because I am studying
they’re just pain in the neck. Second, the battle of the clothesline. Our house has a
clothesline wherein it can directly receive the sun rays so the clothes can dry up easily. It
is our OWN. Not to be greedy or what, I know that we should give and take because that’s
what neighbors do but in the instance of that we always GIVE like whenever I do the
laundry I don’t know where to hang my clothes in order to dry up! I have no choice to use
the electric dry fan or any alternative choices. Sometimes being so generous can be tiring.
Third, the never-ending GOSSIPERS. If gossiping is a professional work, I bet the tsimosas
in my community would be promoted as CEOs! Best in gossiping! I know that’s a common
issue and should be ignored but the irritations still linger in my bones and my blood still
boils. Fourth, parking lot. I believe those who purchase motorcycle should also purchase
their own garage! Not to park in anyone’s front yard. Whenever early in the morning they’re
trying to start the engine of their motors the sound is so annoying that it would cut your
sleep instantly. Lastly, trashes. Our house is located in an eskinita or narrow street. That’s
mean all house had a narrow space to walk and I can’t deny the fact that our neighbors in
front their kids often their candy or junk foods wrappers in front and that’s annoying to be
honest. I know I can’t blame them because they’re still kids, but I believe in those age are
the right time to teach them about what is must and what is not.

2. Choose 3 out of 5 then give your own possible solutions to these problems.

✓ The first issues that I choose is the noisiness. I figured out a possible solution
for me to not get distracted. My Uncle already talk to those people and inform that I’m
already struggling in online class and don’t let them make me suffer by their noises. I also
change my location to study in order to have a peaceful mind and environment. Second
issue is the battle of the clothesline. I change the day to do my laundry such as every
weekdays only because our neighbors do their laundry every weekends. I just learn to be
understanding and learned to forgive then to forget. Third is the parking. My Uncle of
course talk to those neighbors who owns motorcycle because I trust him as the head of the
family to talk to them. Thank God that they already move to another place to park their
vehicles because that’s the right to do in order to avoid perversion.
3. In our present situation in life (pandemic-COVID 19), for you, what do
you think is the best way to cope up with this kind of current social
problems? In 200 words or more.

No one’s been prepared. No one’s been advised. No one knew how long this pandemic
will last long. This new crisis we’re currently facing has driven to an emotional misfortune of
every human life around the globe itself. It unexpectedly presents a massive, phenomenal
challenge to public health sectors, food systems, work, and precisely in education.
As a normal student looking forward for an exciting vacation back in March 2020. I’m
shocked about the news that some kind of virus had entered in the country that came from the
country of China specifically originated in Wuhan, China. At first, I’m relief about a week
suspension declared by the mayor but as times goes by, it gotten longer, and I’m starting to feel
uneasy. A lot of happened just a glimpse of matter of weeks, the cases are rising, and a heavy
lockdown already impose by the national government. This has been the huge adjustment that
we experience throughout in our lives. It’s not the same as it used to be. This “new normal”
type we currently adjusting is still unbelievable. Although things and issues have been solved
in such alternative ways such as in the education systems, online and blended learning is
imposed for more accessible and safety reasons same as the work sectors they’re working from
home. But in the case of the industry and economic status of the country, it’s hard to accept
that a lot of people suffers more like losing their jobs, business and worst their loved ones.
I believe that everything has a reason like what it is happening right now. Perhaps the
world needed a time-out to keep in mind how to appreciate what it had but forgot to experience
and taste it again. In spite of the fact that it may be difficult at all the times, it’s critical for us
to keep our heads up and keep in mind that this won’t last forever. Everything comes to its end.
Let’s all have a brave heart in the drastic situation.

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