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Sta. Cruz Campus

Front – Matter page number are placed 1 inch from the top, right side. Use lower case Roman numerals for front
matters, Arial font style, size 11. Do not include number of the first page of preliminaries.
1. Write title in capital letter, single-spaced, inverted pyramid, 1 inch from top, not more than four lines,
centered, bold.
2. For other entries A Thesis Presented to… see sample for format and contents, centered.
3. Name of Researcher is written in capital letters, complete with middle name, 1 from the bottom of the
page, centered, bold.
4. Write complete month and year below the name of the researcher, centered, bold.
1. Start approval sheet 1 inch from the top. Write subtitle APPROVAL SHEET in all capital letters,
centered, bold.
2. Title of research is written in bold, capital letters with quotation marks
3. All entries must be single spaced.
4. Subtitle PANEL OF EXAMINERS is written in capital letters, centered, bold
5. All signatories are written in upper case, one space between the word panel member. Include
educational attainment of the panel of examiners (e.g.:Ph.D., Ed.D., etc.)
6. Names of panel members come last after the name of chairman
7. Place a blank with the word date italized below in the acceptance portion. The month, day and year of
acceptance shall be handwritten by the Dean as he/she signs the copies which is in line with the date.
8. Place a blank with the word Research Contribution below the date
(see attached sample)
1. Write subtitle DEDICATION in all capital letters, bold, centered, 1 inch from top.
2. Maintain one page for Dedication.
3. Any style may be adopted

1. Write subtitle ACKNOWLEDGEMENT in all capital letters, bold, centered, 1 inch from top.
2. Write in bold capital letters, names of person being acknowledged use Prof. or Dr. not Mr. and Mrs.
3. End with your initial
4. Use semi-colon at the end of each entry/paragraph and period at the end of the last paragraph
1. Title ABSTRACT is written on top in capital letters, centered, bold
2. Provide triple space between the word ABSTRACT & the paragraph.
3. Contents of the Abstract is written in paragraphs, maximum of 3 pages.

1. Subtitle TABLE OF CONTENTS is written 1 inch from the top, all capital letters, centered and bold
2. Title of preliminaries is written in capital letters, double-spaced with page number written in small
Roman numerals.
3. Chapter number are written in Arabic numerals and chapter titles in capital/lower case, bold.
4. Subtitles of each chapter are written in title case, double-spaced, with corresponding starting page
5. Include end matters BIBLIOGRAPHY, APPENDICES, and CURRICULUM VITAE, written in capital
letters, bold
6. Entries for the APPENDICES are marked Appendix “A”, Appendix “B”,…. and so on

1. Subtitle LIST OF TABLES is written in all capital letters, centered, bold
2. List of tables is written double-spaced between and single spaced within. Include page number.

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1. Subtitle LIST OF FIGURES is written in all capital letters, centered, bold
2. List of figures are written double-spaced between and single-spaced within. Include page number
General format of the Chapters and other Considerations
1. Use font size no. 12, Arial
2. Use double space in all discussions
3. Start each chapter in 1 inch from top, written in capital lower case type, bold, centered.
4. Chapter title is written after triple space in uppercase, bold, centered
5. Chapter number is written in Arabic
6. Top margin – 1 inch, bottom margin – 1 inch, left margin – 1.75 inch, right margin – 1 inch.
7. Subtitles are written in capital lower case type to the left of the page and bold.
8. There should be double space before the start of each section
9. There is continuous pagination from the first page of the chapter written in Arabic on top of the
right side of the page
10. Page number is not reflected for every page of the chapter
11. Related literature and studies should not be more than ten (10) years beyond
12. The main variables/factors are found in the title with not more than 20 substantive words.

1. Discussion at once follows after the chapter title and subtitle; no introduction of the chapter
2. Discussions are in paragraph starting from macro to micro development that gives an overview of the
3. It should show that the researcher is familiar with the literature by developing the background more
comprehensively; showing the anti-thesis and thesis
4. It may include concepts and ideas from other sources; acknowledgement of sources is done in
journal form.
5. It should have a maximum of two (2) pages
Background of the Study
The background includes
1. The discussion of the problem situation as observed and experienced by the researcher; on why
researcher was interested on the study
2. Concepts and ideas related to the problem; practical and theoretical importance of the study
3. How the present study has evolved by highlighting the gap in the existing knowledge and how the
present study will attempt to bridge the gap
4. It should have a maximum of two (2) pages
Theoretical Framework
1. It presents the review of theories (minimum of three) in the researchers discipline that he will utilize to
anchor his work
2. Discussion of the main idea and guiding principles of theory is first given followed by the discussion of
its relation to the study
3. It has maximum of three (3) pages
Conceptual Framework
1. The framework is the researcher’s own conceptualization of the study using a research scheme or
research paradigm, based or related to the theories previously presented
2. The conceptual model is a figurative representation of the research framework drawn in a separate
whole page in the middle of its discussion
3. In the discussion, the researcher extensively explains the model, the meaning of the figures, the
content; the processes involved, relationship among variables are also included
4. All the variables involved should be written in the model
Statement of the Problem/Objective of the Study (depending on the nature of the research)
1. This section should have an introductory paragraph that would include the general objective(s) of the
2. It should enlist the specific questions/objectives answered by the research

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1. This section should have an introductory statement
2. It should enlist the hypothesis (es) tested in the research stated in null form
NOTE: If statement of objective is used there will be no hypothesis

Significance of the Study

1. This gives the highlights of the research work and presents the contribution of the researcher in doing
the study to the field of knowledge
2. This also states the probable effects of the results of the study on a theory or practice
3. Individuals or groups of individuals to be benefited by the results of the study are written in hierarchal
4. Individuals or group of individuals is written in capital lower case type, bold, indented.
Scope and Limitation
1. This section discusses the parameters of the research in paragraph form
2. It answers the basic question
a. What – the topic of investigation and the variables included
b. Where – the venue or setting of the research
c. When – the time frame by which the study was conducted
d. Why – the general objective of the research
e. Who – the subject of the study, the population and sampling
3. The researcher also enlists the variables that he could not control and can also be uses as
springboard for the recommendations.

Definition of Terms
1. The section should have an introductory statement
2. Terms or variables are enlisted and arranged in alphabetical order, written in capital lower case type,
bold, left part of the paper
3. Each variable is given a definition written immediately after each term, separated by a period mark, in
sentence form. Cite (author, year) for conceptual definitions(s). Include the operational definition(s).


Related Literature
1. This gives references that will provide exhaustive review of the topic, the review is developmental in
2. Theories, concepts and ideas that will explain the meaning of every variable are included
3. The discussion also includes how the variables were used in the present research to explain its
4. The variables are arranged based on its presentation in the model, starting with the dependent
5. A minimum of five (5) related literatures are required for each variable; all should be relevant to the
objectives of the research study
6. Cross-referencing must be observed
7. The use of Wiki or blog site as sources are not allowed
8. A big percentage of the literature review should come from refereed or scholarly journals in the
discipline of the researcher
9. Avoid second citation(s)
10. Include recent references only (10 years in the past)
11. Subtitle should be excluded in the discussion of the paper
Related Studies
1. The variables are arranged based on its preparation in the model starting with dependent variables
2. Integrate and synthesize all foreign and local studies to link the past studies to the current study being
3. Compare and contrast the current work from the past studies done
4. Cross-referencing must be observed
5. A minimum of five (5) related studies

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6. A big percentage of the literature review should come from refereed or scholarly journals in the
discipline of the researcher
7. Avoid second citation(s)
8. Include recent references only (10 years on the past)


This chapter starts with an introductory paragraph citing the different parts or contents of the chapter.

Research Design
1. This section has the following contents in paragraph discussion that answer the following questions:
a. What is the most appropriate method to use in gathering the needed data?
b. What is the appropriate design to use in addressing the parameters define in the study?
2. This section has a discussion of how this method(s) was/were used in the study
3. It should include the recent source(s), with the (author, year)

Respondents of the Study

1. This section answers the following questions and the contents are in the paragraph form.
a. What is the population of the study and the sampling scheme to be used in selecting the sample?
b. What is the sample size?
c. Is the sample are truly representative of the entire population?
d. What inclusion and exclusion criteria govern the choice of the samples?
2. It should include the recent source(s), with the (author, year)

Research Procedure

This section discusses in paragraph form the different activities undertaken to complete the research
which follows the general procedure of the study. A Gantt Chart of activities may guide the discussion.

It includes but not limited to the following: the inclusive factors for the data gathering; the adequate dates
to finish the data gathering; the research tools; and the statistical tools.

Research Instrument
This section deals with a detailed description of the research tool(s) or instrument(s) used in the research.
The tool(s) or instrument(s) should be the most appropriate to use in gathering the most pertinent data and
information. It should contain all the constructs and variables found in the research objective(s). Response
manner to the questionnaire or test should be mentioned.
In case of researcher-made instruments, validation process should be discussed and figures or results be
presented when statistical measures were used.
If the instrument was adopted, the author should be recognized and source should be documented.
Statistical Treatment of Data
1. Statistical analysis tool(s) to be used for each question in the statement of the problem is discussed
under this section in paragraph form.
2. Formulas need to be written
3. State if data processing was done manually or computerized
4. Ranges for descriptive statistics should be presented


1. An introductory paragraph is provided at the start of the chapter

2. Subtitles of sections are based on the questions in the statement of the problem stated in declarative
form, single-space, bold, left aligned
3. Table and Figure numbers and titles are written in capital lower case type at the left, single-spaced,
arranged in inverted pyramid
4. Table and Figure should be in continuous numbering; presented first before the discussion; must
appear in a whole page
5. Graphs should be colored; tables enclosed with double line borders

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6. Discussion should follow the format presentation of data analysis and interpretation then its
implications. Related literature and studies may be used to support or negate the findings.


The chapter should have an introductory paragraph

1. This section is composed of paragraphs that include the general and specific objectives of the study,
the scope and methodology. (One page only)
2. It also include the summary of findings but do not copy and paste the interpretation of data found in
Chapter 4, synthesize findings for each of the statement of the problems presented in Chapter 1.
Avoid the quantitative part (because this has been presented in Chapter 4). (maximum of 2 pages)

1. This section is introduced first
2. Conclusions are enlisted based on the hypothesis

1. This section is introduced first
2. Recommendations are enumerated based on the important results
3. It is suggested that concrete programs be the recommendations rather than general ideas

1. Enlist all the reference materials used in the thesis or dissertation classified into:
a. Books
b. Periodicals
c. Published/Unpublished Materials
d. Other sources
2. The word BIOBLIOGRAPHY is written in upper case, bold, centered
3. The subtitles:
a. Books
b. Periodicals
c. Published/Unpublished Materials
d. Other Sources
Are written in capital lower case type, bold, centered
4. All entries are in hanging indent, single-spaced within, double-spaced, between
5. Adapt the APA Style in writing citations
6. For thesis, minimum of five (5) pages; dissertation – minimum of eight (8) pages
7. Include recent sources (10 years in the past)

1. Each appendix begins in a new page, headed with its letter and a short descriptive title
2. The pages of the appendixes are numbered as a consecutive part of the pagination of the
thesis/dissertation as a whole.
3. The appendices must be type written with the usual margin on the same paper as the text

A summarized curriculum vitae of the researcher, about 1-3 pages is included in the last part of the


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Juacalla, Merilyn P. Ed.D. (2012) Writing the Graduate Research: The LSPU- Sta. Cruz Thesis and Dissertation Format .
Copyright No. 02014-1652
LSPU Research Operations Procedures. Revised 2018. Published by Office of the Research & development
Developing the Content Domain of a Research Proposal (2002).Technological University of the Philippines Guidelines for
Writing Thesis/Practicum or Research Report. Mapua University manual

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