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system administrator’s guide

6.1 SQL server edition
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Infor Global Solutions
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October 2006
MP2 Professional 6.1 SQL Server Edition System Administrator's Guide

1 ƒ Installation ................................................................................................. 1
Installation Requirements.................................................................................................................... 2
Installing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express ................................................................................... 2
Installing MP2 on the Server ............................................................................................................... 5
Creating a Repository for Automatic Upgrades ................................................................................ 12
Generating a Configuration File for Unattended Workstation Installations....................................... 15
Executing Unattended Workstation Installations............................................................................... 19
Executing Manual Workstation Installations ..................................................................................... 20
Adding a New Database Connection to an Existing Workstation Installation................................... 25
Increasing the Number of MP2 Seats and Installing Add-ons .......................................................... 28
Uninstalling MP2 ............................................................................................................................... 31

2 ƒ Data Entry Planning......................................................................................33

Key Fields.......................................................................................................................................... 34
Naming Key Fields......................................................................................................................... 34
Changing Key Fields...................................................................................................................... 34
Identification Methods ....................................................................................................................... 35
Guidelines for Identification............................................................................................................ 35
Custom Identification Methods....................................................................................................... 35
Employee Codes...................................................................................................................... 35
Vendors.................................................................................................................................... 36
Equipment................................................................................................................................ 36
Inventory .................................................................................................................................. 36
Additional Types and Codes.................................................................................................... 37
Descriptions ............................................................................................................................. 37
Optional Identification Methods ..................................................................................................... 38
Industry Standard Reference................................................................................................... 38
Manufacturers Reference ........................................................................................................ 38
Item Reference ........................................................................................................................ 38

Type Reference........................................................................................................................38
Equipment Group .....................................................................................................................38
Data Entry Methods ...........................................................................................................................39
Method 1: Create Complete Equipment Records ..........................................................................39
Method 2: Create Equipment Records with Only Equipment Number and Description ................39
Method 3: Create Parent Records .................................................................................................39
Method 4: Create Records While Creating Tasks and Work Orders .............................................40

3 ƒ Security ................................................................................................... 41
Creating Role Types ..........................................................................................................................42
Creating a Purchasing Center........................................................................................................42
Creating Warehouses.....................................................................................................................43
Creating a Site................................................................................................................................43
Setting Up Security ............................................................................................................................44
Creating Security Roles..................................................................................................................44
Creating User Accounts .................................................................................................................45
Changing User Passwords.............................................................................................................46
Assigning Users to Security Roles .................................................................................................47
Assigning Users to Security Roles Individually........................................................................47
Assigning Users to Security Roles Simultaneously .................................................................48
Restricting Security Roles..................................................................................................................49
Defining Field Security ...................................................................................................................49
Defining Form Security...................................................................................................................50
Defining Menu Option Security ......................................................................................................51
Defining Group Purchasing Security ..............................................................................................51
Copying Security Restrictions ........................................................................................................53
Customizing Menu Titles and Field Labels........................................................................................54
Customizing Menu Titles ................................................................................................................54
Customizing Field Labels ...............................................................................................................55
Sample Security Sets ........................................................................................................................55
Management Role ..........................................................................................................................56
Maintenance Role ..........................................................................................................................56
Inventory Role ................................................................................................................................56
Purchasing Role .............................................................................................................................56

4 ƒ Initial Setup............................................................................................... 57
Entering the Automatic Client Update Path.......................................................................................58
Setting Up Facility Information...........................................................................................................58
Setting Up Financial Periods .............................................................................................................59
Setting Up Inventory ..........................................................................................................................60
Setting Up Invoicing...........................................................................................................................61
Setting Up Quotations and Requisitions............................................................................................62
Enforcing Automatic Numbering ....................................................................................................62
Printing Multimedia Files ................................................................................................................63
Specifying the Next Quotation and Requisition Numbers ............................................................. 63
Entering the Requisition Heading .................................................................................................. 64
Creating the Single Source Letter.................................................................................................. 65
Entering Requisition Approval Levels ............................................................................................ 65
Specifying Requisition Generation Options ................................................................................... 66
Bypassing the Requisition Approval Process ................................................................................ 68
Setting Up Purchase Orders ............................................................................................................. 68
Specifying Default Purchasing Options ......................................................................................... 68
Specifying Default Addresses........................................................................................................ 69
Specifying Purchase Order Receive Options ................................................................................ 70
Specifying Purchase Order Generation Options ........................................................................... 72
Setting Up Fax ............................................................................................................................... 72
Setting Up Work Orders .................................................................................................................... 73
Modifying the State and Province Codes .......................................................................................... 74
Specifying Multimedia File Search Paths.......................................................................................... 75
Creating Credit Card Records........................................................................................................... 76
Defining Euro Currency Conversion Settings ................................................................................... 77

5 ƒ Utilities ....................................................................................................81
Converting Data from Other Infor Products....................................................................................... 82
Loading the Sample Database.......................................................................................................... 83
Changing the Server Password ........................................................................................................ 84
Viewing System Information.............................................................................................................. 84
Managing Audit Trail Information ...................................................................................................... 86
Specifying Users to Audit............................................................................................................... 86
Setting Up Audit Trail Information.................................................................................................. 86
Viewing and Printing Audit Trail Information.................................................................................. 87
Purging Audit Trail Records ........................................................................................................... 88
Viewing Active Users......................................................................................................................... 89
Viewing Number of Records ............................................................................................................. 90
Exporting Data................................................................................................................................... 90
Importing Equipment and Inventory Data.......................................................................................... 92
Synchronizing Descriptions............................................................................................................... 94
Archiving and Restoring History........................................................................................................ 94
Archiving and Restoring Inventory Transactions ........................................................................... 94
Archiving Inventory Transactions ............................................................................................ 95
Restoring Inventory Transactions ............................................................................................ 96
Archiving and Restoring Purchase Order History.......................................................................... 97
Archiving Purchase Order History ........................................................................................... 97
Restoring Purchase Order History........................................................................................... 98
Archiving and Restoring Purchase Order Revisions ..................................................................... 99
Archiving Purchase Order Revisions....................................................................................... 99
Restoring Purchase Order Revisions .................................................................................... 100

Archiving and Restoring Work Order History ...............................................................................101
Archiving Work Order History.................................................................................................101
Restoring Work Order History ................................................................................................102
Scheduling Generation, Close, and Projection Jobs.......................................................................103
Viewing and Editing Scheduled Jobs ..............................................................................................107
Checking for Orphans......................................................................................................................108
Performing Data Surgery .................................................................................................................109
Removing Temporary Data and Views............................................................................................110
Accessing SQL Server Books Online ..............................................................................................110

6 ƒ MP2 Designer .......................................................................................... 113

Naming Tables and Fields...............................................................................................................114
Creating New Tables .......................................................................................................................115
Adding Fields to Existing Tables .....................................................................................................117
Creating Form and Report Menu Options .......................................................................................119
Viewing Menu Option Properties .....................................................................................................120
Deleting Menu Options ....................................................................................................................120
Designing User-defined Reports .....................................................................................................120
Adding Controls to Forms ................................................................................................................121
Adding Tables to User-defined Forms .........................................................................................121
Adding Labels to Forms ...............................................................................................................123
Adding Fields to Forms ................................................................................................................124
Adding Tab Sheets to Forms........................................................................................................125
Adding Tables and Fields to Tab Sheets .....................................................................................129
Changing Control Captions .............................................................................................................132
Resetting Forms...............................................................................................................................133

7 ƒ Facilities Management Interface .................................................................... 135

Record Structure..............................................................................................................................136
Server Registration ..........................................................................................................................136
Level Parameter...............................................................................................................................136
Functions .........................................................................................................................................136
Invoking Functions .......................................................................................................................137
User Login ....................................................................................................................................137
Equipment and Location...............................................................................................................137
Work Requests and Work Orders ................................................................................................140
Statistical Predictive Maintenance ...............................................................................................141
Recordset Functions........................................................................................................................142
Free ..............................................................................................................................................142
First, Last, Next, Prev ...................................................................................................................142
Move .............................................................................................................................................142

Recordset Properties....................................................................................................................... 143
Return Codes .................................................................................................................................. 144
Sample Code................................................................................................................................... 145

Appendix A: Field Definitions............................................................................. 147

Appendix B: Table Names................................................................................. 161
Appendix C: Table Definitions ............................................................................ 167
Appendix D: SQL Utilities ................................................................................. 181
Backing Up and Restoring SQL Databases.................................................................................... 182
Backing Up SQL Databases ........................................................................................................ 182
Restoring SQL Databases ........................................................................................................... 183
Optimizing SQL Data....................................................................................................................... 185

Index ......................................................................................................... 187


This chapter outlines the procedures for installing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express on
the server, as well as procedures for installing MP2 on the server and workstations. Install
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express prior to installing MP2.

ƒ Installation Requirements
ƒ Installing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express
ƒ Installing MP2 on the Server
ƒ Creating a Repository for Automatic Upgrades
ƒ Generating a Configuration File for Unattended Workstation Installations
ƒ Executing Unattended Workstation Installations
ƒ Executing Manual Workstation Installations
ƒ Adding a New Database Connection to an Existing Workstation Installation
ƒ Increasing the Number of MP2 Seats and Installing Add-ons
ƒ Uninstalling MP2

Installation Requirements
Refer to the MP2 SQL v6.1™ Hardware and Software Requirements Guide on the
Datastream Web site at for the hardware and software
requirements for MP2MP2 requires SQL Server 2005 installation on the database host
machine. If the installation wizard does not detect SQL Server, the installation wizard
installs Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express. To install SQL Server on the database host
machine, refer to "Installing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express" later in this chapter for
more information.

Installing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express

Install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express if it is not already installed.
Follow these steps to install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express.
1 Insert the MP2 CD into the proper drive.
2 Choose Start | Run from the Windows taskbar. Windows displays the Run dialog
Note: If you are installing from a drive other than D:, substitute that drive for D: in these
3 Enter D:\SETUP.EXE, and then click OK. The wizard displays the first installation
dialog box.

4 Select the language for the installation, and then click OK. The wizard displays the
next dialog box.

5 Click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.

6 Select I accept the terms of the license agreement if you agree with the terms, and
then click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.
Note: Click Print to print the license agreement.

7 Name—Enter your name.

8 Company—Enter your company name.
9 Product ID—Enter the product ID.
10 Click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.

11 Select SQL Server Express, and then click Next. The wizard displays the next
dialog box.

The wizard automatically populates Server Name, Instance, and System

Administrator User.
12 System Administrator Password—Enter the password for the system
13 Confirm Administrator Password—Enter the password to confirm the system
administrator password was entered correctly.
14 Default Language—Select the default language for the Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Express application.
15 Click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.

16 Click Next. The wizard installs SQL Server 2005 Express and then displays the next
dialog box.

17 Click Finish. The wizard displays the next dialog box.

Note: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express is now installed. The wizard will now display the
setup screens for the server installation type. Refer to the appropriate sections in this
chapter for completing the MP2 installation.

Installing MP2 on the Server

Follow these steps to install MP2 on the server.
Important: The database host machine must already have Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or 2005
Express installed. Refer to "Installation Requirements" earlier in this chapter for more
1 Insert the MP2 CD into the proper drive.
2 Choose Start | Run from the Windows taskbar. Windows displays the Run dialog

Note: If you are installing from a drive other than D:, substitute that drive for D: in these
3 Enter D:\SETUP.EXE, and then click OK. The wizard displays the first installation
dialog box.

4 Select the language for the installation, and then click Next. The wizard displays the
next dialog box.

5 Click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.

6 Select I accept the terms of the license agreement if you agree with the terms, and
then click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.
Note: Click Print to print the license agreement.

7 Name—Enter your name.
8 Company—Enter the your company name.
9 Product ID—Enter the product ID.
10 Click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.

11 Select Server, and then click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.

12 Choose one of the following options:
ƒ Install to this directory—Click Next.
ƒ Install to a different directory—Click Browse. Select the directory to which to
install, and then click Next.
The wizard displays the next dialog box.
Important: Infor strongly suggests installing MP2 SQL version 6.1 to a different directory than
version 6.0.

13 Choose one of the following options:

ƒ Select Yes to preserve your settings from the selected configuration file path, or
click Browse to search for a new configuration file path.
ƒ Unselect Yes if you do not wish to preserve your settings.
14 Click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.

15 Choose one of the following options:
ƒ Program Folder—Enter a new folder name.
ƒ Existing folders—Select an existing folder.
16 Click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.

17 Click Next. The wizard copies the workstation files and then displays the next dialog

18 Server Name—Enter the name of the server on which to install the MP2 database.
Note: For SQL Server Express, an Instance name is required along with the Server Name,
i.e., mp2sqlserver\SQLEXPRESS.
19 User Name—Enter the system administrator's user name.
20 Password—Enter the system administrator's password.
21 Click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.

22 Database—Enter the name of the database to create.

23 User Name—Enter the user name to create.
24 Password—Enter a password for the database user.
25 Hide advanced database configuration options—Select to accept the default sizes
and location of database data files and log files.
Note: Unselect Hide advanced database configuration options to customize these defaults.
26 Click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.
Note: The following dialog box does not display if Hide advanced configuration options was
selected in step 22. If the Database already exists, the wizard automatically
populates the following dialog box.
27 Name—Enter a unique name to identify the data file.
28 Path—Enter the file path in which to create the data file.
29 File Size (MB)—Enter the initial size of the data file.
30 Growth Increment (MB)—Enter the amount by which to grow the data file once it
becomes full.
31 Name—Enter a unique name to identify the log file.
32 Path—Enter the file path in which to create the log file.
33 File Size (MB)—Enter the initial size of the log file.
34 Growth Increment (MB)—Enter the amount by which to grow the log file once it
becomes full.
35 Click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.

36 Click Next. The wizard displays the final dialog box.

Note: The wizard will display any errors in the log file that occurred during the database

37 Click Finish. The wizard closes the window.
Note: Select View the README file to view the contents.

Creating a Repository for Automatic Upgrades

Create a repository of the setup files so that each user can automatically upgrade MP2
when you install a new version on the server.
Follow these steps to create a repository for automatic upgrades.
1 Insert the MP2 CD into the proper drive.
2 Choose Start | Run from the Windows taskbar. Windows displays the Run dialog
Note: If you are installing from a drive other than D:, substitute that drive for D: in these
3 Enter D:\SETUP.EXE, and then click OK. The wizard displays the first installation
dialog box.

4 Select the language for the installation, and then click OK. The wizard displays the
next dialog box.

5 Select I accept the terms of the license agreement if you agree with the terms, and
then click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.
Note: Click Print to print the license agreement.

6 Name—Enter your name.

7 Company—Enter your company name.
8 Product ID—Enter the product ID.
9 Click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.

10 Select Repository, and then click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.

11 Choose one of the following options:

ƒ Create the repository in this directory—Click Next.
ƒ Create the repository in a different directory—Click Browse. Select the
directory to which to create, and then click Next.
The wizard displays the next dialog box.

12 Click Next. The wizard displays the final dialog box.

13 Click Finish. The wizard closes the window.

Note: Once you install a new version of MP2 on the server and create the repository,
generate the MP2SETUP.INI file to execute unattended installations on each
workstation. Refer to "Generating a Configuration File for Unattended Workstation
Installations" later in this chapter.

Generating a Configuration File for Unattended

Workstation Installations
Generate a configuration file, and then either tell each user the location of the file on the
server or send each user the file so that they can customize it and place it on their
workstations. The MP2SETP.INI file is used to run unattended workstation installations.
Refer to "Executing Unattended Workstation Installations" later in this chapter.
Follow these steps to generate a configuration file for unattended workstation
1 Insert the MP2 CD into the proper drive.
2 Choose Start | Run from the Windows taskbar. Windows displays the Run dialog
Note: If you are installing from a drive other than D:, substitute that drive for D: in these
3 Enter D:\SETUP.EXE, and then click OK. The wizard displays the first installation
dialog box.

4 Select the language for the installation, and then click OK. The wizard displays the
next dialog box.

5 Select I accept the terms of the license agreement if you agree with the terms, and
then click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.
Note: Click Print to print the license agreement.

6 Name—Enter your name.
7 Company—Enter your company name.
8 Product ID—Enter the product ID.
9 Click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.

10 Select MP2 Setup, and then click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.

11 Choose one of the following options:

ƒ Generate the MP2Setup.ini file in this directory—Click Next.
ƒ Generate the MP2Setup.ini file in a different directory—Click Browse. Select
the directory to which to generate, and then click Next.
The wizard displays the next dialog box.

12 Choose one of the following options:
ƒ To set the workstation destination directory in the MP2Setup.ini file to this
directory—Click Next.
ƒ To set the workstation destination directory in the MP2Setup.ini file to a
different directory—Click Browse. Select the directory to which to set, and then
click Next.
The wizard displays the next dialog box.

13 Choose one of the following options:

ƒ Program Folder—Enter a new folder name.
ƒ Existing Folders—Select an existing folder.
14 Click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.

15 Click Next. The wizard displays the final dialog box.

16 Click Finish. The wizard closes the window.

Executing Unattended Workstation Installations

If you generated a setup configuration file (mp2setup.ini), you may execute unattended
workstation installations. Refer to "Generating a Configuration File for Unattended
Workstation Installations" earlier in this chapter.
If you created a repository of the setup files, you may run setup from the repository
location. Refer to "Creating a Repository for Automatic Upgrades" earlier in this chapter.
These instructions use D: as the CD drive and N:\MP2 as the network drive where the
repository directory and MP2SETUP.INI file were created. If your CD-ROM drive,
network drive, or path for repository and MP2SETUP.INI file are different, substitute the
appropriate drive/path.
Follow these steps to execute unattended workstation installations.
1 Start Windows.

2 Choose one of the following options:
ƒ Install from CD—Place the MP2 CD into the proper drive.
ƒ Install from the repository—Go to the next step.
3 Choose Start | Run from the Windows task bar. Windows displays the Run dialog

Note: In the following step, there are no spaces between the switch (/u or /z) and the value.
The z parameter creates a log file that reveals errors. Infor strongly recommends
always generating the log file when running an unattended install.
4 Choose one of the following options:
ƒ Install from CD—Enter D:\setup.exe /uN:\MP2\mp2setup.ini/
zC:\mp2setup.log , and then click OK.
ƒ Install from repository—Enter N:\MP2\setup.exe
/uN:\MP2\mp2setup.ini/ zC:\mp2setup.log, and then click OK.
The wizard installs MP2 on the workstation.

Executing Manual Workstation Installations

You may manually install MP2 on workstations if you choose not to create the setup
configuration file. Before installing MP2 on workstations, close all memory-intensive
Important: MP2 Server must be installed prior to installing workstations.
Follow these steps to execute manual workstation installations.
1 Insert the MP2 CD into the proper drive.
2 Choose Start | Run from the Windows taskbar. Windows displays the Run dialog
Note: If you are installing from a drive other than D:, substitute that drive for D: in these
3 Enter D:\SETUP.EXE, and then click OK. The wizard displays the first installation
dialog box.

4 Select the language for the installation, and then click OK. The wizard displays the
next dialog box.

5 Select I accept the terms of the license agreement if you agree with the terms, and
then click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.
Note: Click Print to print the license agreement.

6 Name—Enter your name.

7 Company—Enter your company name.
8 Product ID—Enter the product ID.
9 Click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.

10 Select Workstation, and then click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.
Note: If Microsoft SQL Server 2005 is already installed, the wizard does not display the
following dialog box. The wizard displays the Workstation Destination Directory page.
Go to Step 10.

11 Select Yes to automatically install the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 client utilities,
and then click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.

12 Choose one of the following options:
ƒ To install to this directory—Click Next.
ƒ To install to a different directory—Click Browse. Select the directory to which
to install, and then click Next.
The wizard displays the next dialog box.

13 Choose one of the following options:

ƒ Program Folder—Enter a new folder name.
ƒ Existing folders—Select an existing folder.
14 Click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.

15 Choose one of the following options:
ƒ Enter connection information manually—Select Enter connection information
Server Name—Enter the server name of where the MP2 database is located.
Database—Enter the MP2 database name.
User Name—Enter the MP2 database user name.
Password—Enter the MP2 database user's password.
ƒ Specify an existing MP2 configuration file—select Specify an existing MP2
configuration file.
Tip: Select Specify an existing MP2 configuration file if you want to provide the MP2
database password in encrypted form for security reasons. Send each user the
MP2.INI file from an existing workstation install. The users will browse for the MP2.INI
file on this screen. The wizard will automatically populate Server Name, Database,
User Name, and Password.
16 Click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.

17 Click Next. The wizard displays the final dialog box.

18 Click Finish. The wizard closes the window.
Note: Select View the README file to view the contents of the file.

Adding a New Database Connection to an Existing

Workstation Installation
Add a new database connection and MP2 configuration file to an existing installation.
Follow these steps to add a new database connection to an existing workstation
Important: MP2 workstation files must be installed prior to installing a new database connection.
1 Insert the MP2 CD into the proper drive.
2 Choose Start | Run from the Windows taskbar. Windows displays the Run dialog
Note: If you are installing from a drive other than D:, substitute that drive for D: in these
3 Enter D:\SETUP.EXE, and then click OK. The wizard displays the first installation
dialog box.

4 Select the language for the installation, and then click OK. The wizard displays the
next dialog box.

5 Select I accept the terms of the license agreement if you agree with the terms, and
then click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.
Note: Click Print to print the license agreement.

6 Name—Enter your name.

7 Company—Enter your company name.
8 Product ID—Enter the product ID.
9 Click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.

10 Select New Database Connection, and then click Next. The wizard displays the next
dialog box.

11 Choose one of the following options:

ƒ Enter connection information manually—Select Enter connection information
Server Name—Enter the server name of where the MP2 database is located.
Database—Enter the MP2 database name.
User Name—Enter the MP2 database user name.
Password—Enter the MP2 database user's password.
ƒ Specify an existing MP2 configuration file—Select Specify an existing MP2
configuration file.
Tip: Select Specify an existing MP2 configuration file if you want to provide the MP2
database password in encrypted form for security reasons. Send each user the
MP2.INI file from an existing workstation install. The users will browse for the MP2.INI
file on this screen. The wizard will automatically populate Server Name, Database,
User Name, and Password.

12 Click Next. The wizard displays the final dialog box.

13 Click Finish. The wizard closes the window.

Note: The new shortcut will open MP2 and connect to the new database. Go to the Start
Menu to view and access the new MP2 shortcut. Add as many database connections
as needed.

Increasing the Number of MP2 Seats and Installing

Increase the number of MP2 seats available when you purchase additional site licenses
for MP2 or MP2 add-ons. Use the new 16-digit key code.
Follow these steps to increase the number of MP2 seats and install add-ons.
1 Insert the MP2 CD into the proper drive.
2 Choose Start | Run from the Windows taskbar. Windows displays the Run dialog

Note: If you are installing from a drive other than D:, substitute that drive for D: in these
3 Enter D:\SETUP.EXE, and then click OK. The wizard displays the first installation
dialog box.

4 Select the language for the installation, and then click OK. The wizard displays the
next dialog box.

5 Select I accept the terms of the license agreement if you agree with the terms, and
then click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.
Note: Click Print to print the license agreement.

6 Name—Enter your name.

7 Company—Enter your company name.
8 Product ID—Enter the new product ID that contains the upgraded add-on and user
seat information.
9 Click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.

10 Select Upgrade, and then click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.

11 Click Next. The wizard displays the next dialog box.

12 Click Finish. The wizard closes the window.

Uninstalling MP2
Uninstall MP2 as necessary.
Follow these steps to uninstall MP2.
1 On your desktop, click My Computer.
2 Click Control Panel, and then click Add or Remove Programs.
3 Select MP2 6.1 SQL Server Edition.
4 Click Remove. The wizard displays the first dialog box.

5 Click Yes. The wizard uninstalls the files and then displays the final dialog box.

6 Click Finish. The wizard closes the window.


A well-planned and well-designed system for entering data into MP2 directly affects the
usability and flexibility of MP2. Determining standards for data entry facilitates record
searches and improves reporting capabilities. Plan and organize your data entry method
to increase MP2 efficiency.
This chapter provides guidelines for planning and organizing maintenance information.

ƒ Key Fields
ƒ Identification Methods
ƒ Data Entry Methods

Key Fields
Key (or required) fields are generally the first fields in any table. Plan the contents of key
fields carefully. MP2 sorts information in tables using key fields, preventing record
duplication. All MP2 tables have at least one key field, and some tables have as many as
Customize key fields to distinguish them from non-key fields. Refer to “Customizing
Field and Form Colors” in Chapter 2: Basics of the MP2 User’s Guide.

Naming Key Fields

Follow these rules when naming key fields.
ƒ Enter only letters, numbers, and hyphens in key fields. Other characters, such as
double quotes (“), question marks (?), slashes (/), or backslashes (\) make searches
and report queries difficult.
ƒ Do not enter a space, a hyphen (-), or an underscore (_) as the first character of any
key field.
ƒ Assign key fields that maintain the order that you want because MP2 sorts
information by key field. For example, if you use clock numbers for employee codes,
then MP2 sorts the employee table by clock number, not employee name.
This example illustrates the concept of key fields.

The Work Orders form has one key field—WO No. MP2 does not permit the same WO
No. for two work order records. For example, if you enter “9700001” for WO No. on one
record on the Work Orders form, you cannot enter “9700001” for WO No. on another
record in the Work Orders form.
If you add additional character(s) to 9700001, MP2 creates a different code, such as
SR9700001. Although MP2 does not permit duplicate key fields, it does permit other
fields in the form to contain duplicate information.

Changing Key Fields

Infor cautions against changing key fields. However, if necessary, you may change most
key field values at any time. MP2 does not permit changing a key field if a critical
operation currently involves that key field. For example, MP2 does not permit a change
to an inventory item number if the item appears on an open purchase order.
If you try changing a key field used in a critical operation, MP2 displays a message
indicating that you cannot change the key field because other records depend on the
current value.
If you try changing a key field that affects other records, MP2 displays a confirmation
indicating that it will modify all references to the data in other tables to reflect the new
value and asking whether to continue. For example, if you change an equipment number,
MP2 changes all references to that equipment on work orders.


Identification Methods
Evaluate your method for identifying equipment, inventory items, etc., if you have one,
and decide whether to keep it, modify it, or create a new one. Plan an identification
method if you do not have one.

Guidelines for Identification

Follow these guidelines when identifying MP2 data.
ƒ Carefully plan a functional and practical identification method before entering
information into MP2, eliminating the need to change key references later.
When you change a key field, MP2 checks for references to the changed key field
throughout the database and changes that value for every instance. Depending on the
size of the database and the speed of the computer, each change could take several
MP2 does not change key fields that are involved in critical operations. Refer to
“Changing Key Fields” earlier in this chapter.
ƒ Create an identification method that is meaningful, easy to use, and easy to
ƒ Create identification codes that are easy to recognize. For example, in a report, a cost
center coded “SHIP” may be easier to recognize as the Shipping department than a
cost center coded “S53.”
ƒ Use consistent terminology, especially with abbreviations. For example, consistently
use either “BLDG” or “BUILD” as an abbreviation for building so that a query or
search finds all occurrences of building.

Custom Identification Methods

Create a custom identification method that fits your facility’s needs. Follow these
guidelines when creating a custom identification method.
ƒ Create key fields that contain meaningful groups of characters. Refer to “Key Fields”
earlier in this chapter.
ƒ Ensure that the first characters of key fields refer to the categories you want grouped
together because MP2 sorts records by key field.
ƒ Include “gaps” in your identification method so that you can easily insert new
records or record groups in the future.

Employee Codes
Use either initials or initials and numbers instead of only numbers for employee codes.
For example, use “KBR” or “KBR01” for Kevin B. Roberts. Another option for
employee codes is clock numbers. Do not use social security numbers for employee
codes. They are difficult to remember and require a lot of typing.


Use abbreviated vendor and manufacturer names for vendor IDs. For example, use
“AMER-BRGS” for American Bearings and “BOOTH-PNT” for Booth Painting
Contractors. MP2 permits 12 characters for these codes. MP2 sorts the vendor records by
Vendor ID, not by Description, so create vendor identification codes that you will
recognize. If your Purchasing department has corporate identification numbers for
vendors, use those numbers.

Create equipment numbers by starting with general information and ending with specific
information. For example, if you have a certain gear drive on a certain conveyor in
shipping, enter SH-CON-01-G-01 as the equipment number.
The equipment number illustrated below has the indicated meaning:

Create item numbers by starting with the item type and ending with specific information.
For example, if you have an oil filter for a certain conveyor, enter FLT-OIL-CON-10 as
the item number.
The item number illustrated below has the indicated meaning:

Tip: Contact Infor’s Professional Services for assistance in designing the best
identification method for your facility.


Additional Types and Codes
MP2 further organizes maintenance information with codes and types. These examples
demonstrate MP2’s code and type identification methods.

Example 1
Group inventory records according to their purpose by specifying the Type on the
Inventory form. Track inventory usage for an entire group of inventory items, and include
this information in reports and graphs.

Example 2
Each equipment item has a type designation (Equipment Type), cost center code (Cost
Center), general ledger number (General Ledger No.), and department code
(Department). An air-handling unit might be located in one department but also belong
to a group (equipment type) consisting of all air handlers in the facility. All air handlers,
furthermore, might belong to a cost center for all HVAC equipment. Create reports to
include all work on one specific air handler, all filter changes on all air handlers, or all
HVAC work a specific employee performs. MP2’s ability to report on such information
depends on effective types and codes.
Follow these recommendations for codes and types.
ƒ Examine the forms and reports on which you will use a code.
ƒ Create meaningful abbreviations that are easy to learn and remember.
ƒ Start simple. Use general categories at first. With MP2, it is easier to make a system
more detailed later than it is to simplify it.
ƒ Leave a code or type blank if you are not sure how to use it. Come back to it later
when you have more experience with MP2.

MP2 identifies and sorts most records in the Equipment, Inventory, and Vendor forms by
their key field code or number (for example, Equipment, Item No., Vendor ID). Use the
corresponding Description to “spell out” the meaning of the code. And, as with codes, be
consistent with descriptions. Accurate, consistent descriptions enable regular and contract
employees to learn and use the system quickly.
These two examples illustrate good descriptions for codes that follow the methods
described in previous sections.

Example 1: Equipment Descriptions

If you identify equipment by Location, Main Definition, Unit Number, and Specific
Descriptor, you might enter this equipment number and corresponding description.
Equipment Number Description
SH-CON-028-MD01 Shipping, Conveyor, 028, motor drive


Example 2: Inventory Descriptions
If you identify inventory by Main Definition, Specific Descriptor, Area Used, and Size,
you might enter this inventory number and corresponding description.
Inventory Number Description
FLT-OIL-CON-03 Filter, Oil, Conveyor, P516

Optional Identification Methods

This section outlines several identification methods. Use two or more of these methods in
combination, or design a custom identification method.

Industry Standard Reference

The industry standard identification method uses references that are standard to the
industry. For example, the NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association)
identification method for inventory specifies references for items, such as motor frames
and insulation cases. This identification method ensures that duplicate spare parts do not
exist under another number. However, NEMA does not have a number for all parts.

Manufacturers Reference
The manufacturers reference identification method uses the manufacturer’s item number.
Use this method if you consistently purchase equipment or parts from the same

Item Reference
The item reference method uses sequential numbering, such as 00001, 00002, etc. The
item reference method is sometimes cryptic, so it is most useful when combined with
another method, such as the type reference.

Type Reference
The type reference method groups items around a common type. For example, all
bearings would be BRNG-001, BRNG-002, etc. This system is popular because a simple
search for Item No. is greater than or equal to ‘BRNG’ displays all bearings, requiring
that you need only move the cursor through these records to find the particular bearing.

Equipment Group
If you use a group of parts for a certain equipment only, use an equipment group
reference for required parts and spare parts. For example, use “CON” as a preface to
conveyor part numbers so that all conveyor parts appear together in the MP2 inventory


Data Entry Methods
Choose a method of data entry that suits your needs and that integrates MP2 into your
facility within your designated time limit. While determining the organization of the
information, consider identification methods.
These methods illustrate entering information for equipment records because equipment
records are the focal point of maintenance management; however, you may apply these
methods to all MP2 records.

Method 1: Create Complete Equipment Records

Define all equipment separately by creating complete equipment records for each. If an
equipment consists of several components, such as a compressor assembly that consists
of a compressor, motor, and gear drive, create a separate equipment record for each
The advantage to this method is that you keep a detailed maintenance history on each
equipment from the very beginning. Initial equipment entry, however, may be more time
consuming, thus delaying the implementation of the entire system.

Method 2: Create Equipment Records with Only Equipment Number

and Description
Enter the equipment number and description for all equipment records, and then later
enter the specifications, such as serial number and cost. You need only an equipment
number to create an equipment record. After entering the equipment record, create tasks
and work orders.
This method is a fast way to start, but the disadvantage is that complete equipment
information on reports is not available until you complete data entry.

Method 3: Create Parent Records

Enter a record for each major equipment, and create tasks and work orders for its
components by assigning them all to this parent record. As you have more time, create
the component equipment records and separate the history to reflect maintenance done on
the actual equipment.
This method is also a fast way to start, but the disadvantage is that work order history
does not reflect the true equipment number until you complete data entry.


Method 4: Create Records While Creating Tasks and Work Orders
When creating tasks and work orders, insert and edit equipment records as you create
tasks and work orders.
This method expedites implementation because you enter work orders immediately. If
you use this method, have a solid equipment numbering scheme before starting, or your
equipment numbers will lack uniformity.
Important: If you enter complete equipment information before generating work orders, MP2
saves the codes in work order history. If you do not enter complete information, you
might later have to enter codes into hundreds of history records to generate a report
sorted by a particular code.



Define security so that only authorized personnel can start MP2 and access data. If the
security of files and information are important to the facility, Infor strongly recommends
that you define security. Except for the Change Password option, only users in the
System Administrator security role have access to MP2’s security options.
Customize MP2 menu titles and field labels so that they are more specific and meaningful
to your facility. Customize fields to streamline data entry and processing.

ƒ Creating Role Types
ƒ Setting Up Security
ƒ Restricting Security Roles
ƒ Customizing Menu Titles and Field Labels
ƒ Sample Security Sets

Creating Role Types
Create records for your facility’s site, purchasing center, and warehouses. This diagram
illustrates the overall relationship between facilities, sites, purchasing centers, and

Purchasing Center

Facility Site


Creating a Purchasing Center

Create a purchasing center record for your facility’s purchasing center. Enter the
purchasing center manager, contact information, tax code, and address. Once you create
user accounts and assign them to security roles, you can view all MP2 users with access
to each purchasing center.
Follow these steps when creating a purchasing center.
1 Choose Tools | Security | Purchasing Centers from the menu bar. MP2 displays
the Purchasing Centers form.
2 Click the Record View tab. MP2 displays the Record View page.

3 Purchasing Center—Enter a unique code identifying the purchasing center.

4 Enter information into the remaining fields, as necessary.

Creating Warehouses
Create warehouse records for the warehouses at your facility’s site. Enter the warehouse
manager, their contact information, and warehouse address. Once you create user
accounts and assign them to security roles, you can view all MP2 users who have access
to each warehouse.
Follow these steps when creating warehouses.
1 Choose Tools | Security | Warehouses from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Warehouses form.
2 Click the Record View tab. MP2 displays the Record View page.

3 Click to insert a record. MP2 creates a new warehouse record.

4 Warehouse—Enter a unique code identifying the warehouse.
5 Enter information into the remaining fields, as necessary.

Creating a Site
Create a site record for your facility’s site. Enter the site manager’s name and contact
information as well as the site address. Once you create user accounts and assign them to
security roles, you can view all MP2 users for the site.
Follow these steps when creating a site.
1 Choose Tools | Security | Sites from the menu bar. MP2 displays the Sites form.
2 Click the Record View tab. MP2 displays the Record View page.

3 Site—Enter a unique code identifying the site.
4 Purchasing Center—Select the purchasing center with which to associate the site.
5 Primary Warehouse—Select the primary warehouse with which to associate the
6 Enter information into the remaining fields, as necessary.

Setting Up Security
Set up security by creating security roles and user accounts, and then assign the user
accounts to their respective security roles.
Important: Security settings do not take effect until the System Administrator logs out and users
log back into MP2.

Creating Security Roles

Create security roles for the various groups at your facility. For example, you may have a
role for all of the maintenance workers, one for everyone in your purchasing department,
and one for persons responsible for inventory (or stock room). Refer to “Sample Security
Sets” later in this chapter.
Follow these steps when creating security roles.
1 Choose Tools | Security | Roles from the menu bar. MP2 displays the Roles form.

2 Click to insert a record. MP2 creates a new role record.
3 Role Name—Enter a unique code identifying the role.
Tip: To print a list of security roles, choose Reports | Security | Roles from the menu bar.

Creating User Accounts

Create a user account for each MP2 user. User accounts contain the user’s login ID,
password, audit trail designation, and filter name. Once you establish user accounts,
assign users to security role(s). Refer to “Assigning Users to Security Roles” later in this
Users in the System Administrator security role can view and edit all user accounts and
all security roles. Users in other security roles can only change their password.
Important: MP2 requires at least one user to be in the System Administrator group before it
permits adding users to other groups.
Follow these steps when creating user accounts.
1 Choose Tools | Security | Users from the menu bar. MP2 displays the Users form.
2 Click the Record View tab. MP2 displays the Record View page.

3 Click to insert a record. MP2 creates a new user record.
4 User ID—Enter a unique code identifying the new MP2 user. For example, enter the
user’s initials.
5 User Name—Enter the user’s complete name.
6 Password—Enter the user’s password. MP2 displays the Confirm Password dialog
7 Reenter User Password—Re-enter the user’s password, and then click OK.
8 Filter Name—Enter a security filter for the user.
9 Enter information into the remaining fields, as necessary.

Changing User Passwords

Change user passwords when necessary. MP2 automatically grants users access to this
option so that they may change their password, but you may hide this option, if
Follow these steps when changing user passwords.
1 Choose Tools | Security | Change Password from the menu bar. MP2 displays
the Change Password dialog box.

2 Password—Enter the new password.

3 Confirm Password—Re-enter the password.
4 Click OK. MP2 changes the password and then closes the dialog box.

Assigning Users to Security Roles

Assign each user to their respective role types one at a time or assign all users to all sites,
purchasing centers, and/or warehouses simultaneously.
Important: MP2 requires that you assign all users to a site before they can log into MP2.

Assigning Users to Security Roles Individually

You may assign users to more than one Role Type (Site, Purchasing Center,
Warehouse), and within each role type you may assign users to more than one Role
Type ID. For example, you may assign employee CRJ to sites 1 and 2, and to
warehouses A, B, and C.
Additionally, you may assign users to more than one security role (Role Name). For
example, you may assign CRJ (the Maintenance Supervisor) to a management security
role (MGMT) and a maintenance security role (MAINT).
Follow these steps when assigning users to security roles individually.
1 Choose Tools | Security | Role Assignments from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Role Assignments form.

2 Click to insert a record. MP2 creates a new role assignment record.

3 User ID—Enter the user ID for the user to assign.
4 Role Type—Select the type of role to assign the user.
5 Role Type ID—Enter the code identifying the type of role assigned.

6 Role Name—Enter the security role to assign the user.
7 Enter information into the remaining fields, as necessary.
Tips: Copy and paste records when assigning users to security roles that have similar role
assignment characteristics.
To print a list of role assignments, choose Reports | Security | Role Assignments from
the menu bar.

Assigning Users to Security Roles Simultaneously

You may assign all users to all sites, purchasing centers, and/or warehouses or if you add
a user after assigning roles, you may assign one user to all sites, purchasing centers,
and/or warehouses.
Important: Changing role assignments via Quick Role Assignment overwrites all role
assignments previously entered.
Follow these steps when assigning users to security roles simultaneously.
1 Choose Tools | Security | Role Assignments from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Role Assignments form.
2 Choose Quick Role Assignments from the options menu. MP2 displays the Quick
Role Assignments dialog box.

3 Role Name—Select the security role to which to assign users.

4 Assign To—Select one of these options.
ƒ All Users—Select to assign all users to the selected security role.
ƒ Single User—Select to assign an individual user to the selected security role,
and then select the user.
5 Role Types—Select to assign the user(s) to All Sites, All Purchasing Centers,
and/or All Warehouses.

Restricting Security Roles
New security roles have access to most every menu and function in MP2, with the
exception of most Security options and some of the utilities under the Utilities menu.
These options are only available to users in the System Administrator role. Restrict any
field, form, menu option, or MP2 table from a role.
Define a new role before restricting its security access. MP2 does not permit changing
security for the System Administrator security role.
Tip: To reset security restrictions to the original default security, click Reset Role (for one
security role) or Reset All Roles (for all security roles) on the Design Security form.

Defining Field Security

Define field security for each security role. Allow roles read-write (edit) access or read-
only access to fields. Additionally, you may hide fields altogether.
Follow these steps when defining field security.
1 Choose Tools | Security | Design Security from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Design Security form.
2 Role Name—Select the security role for which to define field security.
3 Click next to one of these options. MP2 displays the available options.
ƒ Site related security
ƒ Warehouse related security
ƒ Purchasing center related security
4 Click next to Forms. MP2 displays the available options.
5 Click until reaching the form that contains the field for which to define security,
and then select the form. MP2 displays the form.
6 Select the field for which to define security. Hint: Click in the editable area below or
to the right of the field label. MP2 displays the Object Property dialog box.

7 Object Security—Select one of these options.

ƒ Normal—Permits all users in the role full editing rights to the field.
ƒ Read-only—Permits viewing rights only. Users in the role cannot change the
contents of the field.
ƒ Hidden—Hides the field or button and its contents from all users in the role.

8 Click Apply. MP2 applies the field security.
9 Click Close. MP2 closes the Object Property dialog box.
10 Click in the upper right corner to close the form. MP2 returns to the Design
Security form.
Tip: To revert to the original field security, click Default.

Defining Form Security

Define form security for each security role. Allow roles read-write (edit) access or read-
only access to forms.
Follow these steps when defining form security.
1 Choose Tools | Security | Design Security from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Design Security form.
2 Role Name—Select the security role for which to define form security.
3 Click next to one of these options. MP2 displays the available options.
ƒ Site related security
ƒ Warehouse related security
ƒ Purchasing center related security
4 Click next to Forms. MP2 displays the available options.
5 Click until reaching the form for which to define security, and then select the
form. MP2 displays the form.
6 Click on the title bar of the form. MP2 displays the Object Property dialog box.

7 Table Security—Select one or more of these options.

ƒ Normal—Prohibits all users in the role full editing rights to the form.
ƒ Read-only—Permits viewing rights only. Users in the role cannot change the
contents of the field.
8 Click Apply. MP2 applies the form security.
9 Click Close. MP2 returns to the Design Security form.
Tip: To revert to the original form security, click Default.

Defining Menu Option Security
Restrict access to menu options at any level. For example, you may hide the entire Tools
menu, or you may hide just the Utilities menu under Tools. Furthermore, you may hide
the Data Surgery utility under the Tools | Utilities menu.
Follow these steps when defining menu option security.
1 Choose Tools | Security | Design Security from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Design Security form.
2 Role Name—Select the security role for which to define menu option security.
3 Click next to one of these options. MP2 displays the available options.
ƒ Site related security
ƒ Warehouse related security
ƒ Purchasing center related security
4 Click next to Menus. MP2 displays the available options.
5 Click until reaching the menu option for which to define security, and then select
the option. MP2 displays the Object Property dialog box.

6 Object Security—Select one of these options.

ƒ Normal—Gives all users in the role access to the menu option.
ƒ Hidden—Hides the menu option from all users in the role.
Tip: To revert to the original menu option security, click Default.

7 Click Apply. MP2 applies the menu option security.

8 Click Close. MP2 returns to the Design Security form.

Defining Group Purchasing Security

Restrict purchasing security roles further by permitting them read-only, non-cost, or
unrestricted access to MP2 purchase orders and requisitions. Specify whether these roles
can receive items, insert new line items into purchase orders with requisitions, or make
changes to purchase order statuses.
Follow these steps when defining group purchasing security.
1 Choose Tools | Security | Design Security from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Design Security form.
2 Role Name—Select the security role for which to define group purchasing security.

3 Click next to Purchasing center related security. MP2 displays the available
4 Select Purchasing Security. MP2 displays the Purchasing Role Setup dialog box.

5 Requisition Access Rights—Refer to this table when selecting role access rights to

Requisition Status Security Options

For unapproved Select Read-only for users to view, but not edit,
requisitions unapproved requisitions.
Select Unrestricted for users to view and edit any
unapproved requisitions.
For approved requisitions Select Read-only for users to view, but not edit,
approved requisitions.
Select Non-Cost for users to view and edit fields
on approved requisitions that do not involve costs.
Select Unrestricted for users to view and edit any
approved requisitions.
6 Purchase Order Access Rights—Refer to this table when selecting role access
rights to purchase orders.

Purchase Order Status Security Options

When PO Status is ‘Ready’ Select Read-only for users to view, but not edit,
Ready purchase orders.
Select Non-Cost for users to view and edit fields
on Ready purchase orders that do not involve
Select Unrestricted for users to view and edit any
Ready purchase orders.

Purchase Order Status Security Options
When PO Status is ‘Open’ Select Read-only for users to view, but not edit,
Open purchase orders.
Select Non-Cost for users to view and edit fields
on Open purchase orders that do not involve
Select Unrestricted for users to view and edit any
Open purchase orders.
When PO Status is Select Read-only for users to view, but not edit,
‘Receiving’, ‘All Received’, Receiving, All Received, and Completed
or ‘Completed’ purchase orders.
Select Non-Cost for users to view and edit fields
on Receiving, All Received, and Completed
purchase orders that do not involve costs.
Select Unrestricted for users to view and edit any
Receiving, All Received, and Completed
purchase orders.
7 Allow insertion of new line items without a requisition—Permits all users in the
role to insert new line items into a purchase order without a requisition.
8 Allow manual changes of PO status—Permits all users in the role to manually
change the purchase order status.
9 Allow Receiving—Permits all users in the role to receive purchase order items.
10 Click OK. MP2 applies the purchasing security rights to the role and returns to the
Design Security form.

Copying Security Restrictions

When setting up security roles with similar access, copy security restrictions from one
role to another role, and then customize the security of the second security role.
Follow these steps when copying security restrictions to other security roles.
1 Choose Tools | Security | Design Security from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Design Security form.
2 Role Name—Select the security role to which to copy security restrictions.
3 Click Copy Role. MP2 displays the Copy Role dialog box.

4 Select the security role from which to copy security restrictions, and then click OK.
MP2 copies the security restrictions from one role to the other role.

Customizing Menu Titles and Field Labels

Customize menu titles and field labels to better suit the needs of your facility.
Important: Customizing titles and labels affects all security roles and applies to all users.

Customizing Menu Titles

Customize menu titles if your facility uses different terminology for its overall
maintenance management processes. For example, you may change the Tasks menu
option to PMs.
Follow these steps when customizing menu titles.
1 Choose Tools | Security | Design Security from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Design Security form.
2 Click next to one of these options. MP2 displays the available options.
ƒ Site related security
ƒ Warehouse related security
ƒ Purchasing center related security
3 Click next to Menus. MP2 displays the available options.
4 Click until reaching the menu option to customize, and then select the option.
MP2 displays the Object Property dialog box.

5 Label—Enter the new menu option title, specifying the hot key letter by entering an
ampersand (&) in front of it.
Tip: To revert to the original menu title, click Default.

6 Click Apply. MP2 applies the new menu title.

7 Click Close. MP2 returns to the Design Security form.
Customizing Field Labels
Customize field labels if your facility uses terms that are different from the default terms
(fields) used on MP2 forms. For example, you may change the Task No. label to PM No.
Customizing field labels does not change the field size or the field data type. Customized
field labels appear both on the form where you customize them and on table views,
lookups, and reports containing the same field. Customized field labels appear in their
customized form for ALL security groups, including the System Administrator group.
Follow these steps when customizing field labels.
1 Choose Tools | Security | Design Security from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Design Security form.
2 Click next to one of these options. MP2 displays the available options.
ƒ Site related security
ƒ Warehouse related security
ƒ Purchasing center related security
3 Click next to Forms. MP2 displays the available options.
4 Click until reaching the form that contains the field to customize, and then select
the form. MP2 displays the form.
5 Select the field to customize. Hint: Click in the editable area below or to the right of
the field label. MP2 displays the Object Property dialog box.

6 Label—Enter the new field label.

Tip: To revert to the original field label, click Default.

7 Click Apply. MP2 applies the new field label.

8 Click Close. MP2 returns to the Design Security form.

Sample Security Sets

This sample security set contains access rights for different types of security roles. These
samples are only guidelines and may not apply to your facility setup.

Management Role
You might apply the following security restrictions to a management security role.
ƒ Read-write (edit) rights to all Setup, Utilities, Labor, Tasks, and Work Orders
ƒ Allow access to all utilities, graphs, and reports
ƒ Read-only rights to the rest of the system

Maintenance Role
You might apply the following security restrictions to a maintenance security role.
ƒ Restrict access to all Setup, Utilities, and Labor options
ƒ Edit rights to the Equipment, Tasks, and the Work Orders forms
ƒ Read-only rights to the rest of the system

Inventory Role
You might apply the following security restrictions to an inventory security role.
ƒ Restrict access to all Setup, Utilities, and Labor options
ƒ Edit rights to the Inventory form
ƒ Read-only rights to the rest of the system

Purchasing Role
You might apply the following security restrictions to a purchasing security role.
ƒ Restrict access to all Setup, Utilities, and Labor options
ƒ Edit rights to the Purchasing options
ƒ Read-only rights to the rest of the system


After planning your method of data entry; setting up MP2 security; and creating site,
purchasing center, and warehouse records; enter the facility-wide information and set the
system defaults for the site, purchasing center, and each warehouse.

ƒ Entering the Automatic Client Update Path
ƒ Setting Up Facility Information
ƒ Setting Up Financial Periods
ƒ Setting Up Inventory
ƒ Setting Up Invoicing
ƒ Setting Up Quotations and Requisitions
ƒ Setting Up Purchase Orders
ƒ Setting Up Work Orders
ƒ Modifying the State and Province Codes
ƒ Specifying Multimedia File Search Paths
ƒ Creating Credit Card Records
ƒ Defining Euro Currency Conversion Settings

Entering the Automatic Client Update Path
Enter the automatic client update path for each site. Enter the same path in which you
created the repository during the MP2 installation. Refer to “Creating a Repository for
Automatic Upgrades” in Chapter 1: Installation.
Once you install a new version of MP2 on the server and create the repository, MP2
displays a message as each user logs into MP2 explaining that the version of MP2 on
their client is not the most recent version. Setup then executes an unattended workstation
Follow these steps when entering the automatic client update path.
1 Choose Tools | Setup | Client Update Path from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Automatic Client Update Setup form.

2 Client Update Path—Enter the path from which to install the new version of MP2
for each site.

Setting Up Facility Information

Enter the name of the facility, which appears on report headings, and the number of
decimal places you want to print on purchase orders and work order invoices.
Follow these steps when setting up facility information.
1 Choose Tools | Setup | Facility from the menu bar. MP2 displays the Facility Setup

2 Name—Enter the name of the facility.
3 No. of Decimal places—Enter the number of decimal places to print on purchase
orders and work order invoices.

Setting Up Financial Periods

A site’s accounting department typically pre-defines the financial periods. Financial
periods, such as months or quarters, are the periods in which accounting departments
track inventory transactions. If your accounting department defines specific financial
periods, set up these periods in MP2.
MP2 posts inventory transactions to the financial period in which you create them. For
example, suppose you create a financial period called 1ST_QUARTER for January 1st
through March 31st, and another financial period for April 1st through June 30th called
2ND_QUARTER. If you enter inventory transactions on February 5th, MP2 posts these
transactions to the 1ST _QUARTER financial period.
MP2 blocks transactions if the transaction date is from a closed financial period,
preventing you from creating a transaction in the current financial period and modifying
the date to reflect an earlier financial period (back-dating). MP2 considers a financial
period closed on midnight of the last day of the period. MP2 also blocks future
transactions (post-dating).
Important: Once you post inventory transactions to a new financial period, you may only edit the
Grace Days of that financial period.
Follow these steps when setting up financial periods.
1 Choose Tools | Setup | Financial Periods from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Financial Periods form.

2 Click to insert a record. MP2 creates a new financial period record.

3 Financial Period ID—Enter the code identifying the financial period.

4 Starting Date and Ending Date—Enter the date range for the financial period.
5 Grace Days—Enter the number of days past the given financial period in which
users can continue to post transactions for inventory items. The number must be
greater than or equal to zero.
6 Description—Enter a description for the financial period.

Setting Up Inventory
Set up inventory information for the facility. This information includes specifying from
which warehouse to retrieve cost information when calculating item costs, and specifying
the fiscal year start date of the facility.
Additionally, set up inventory information for each warehouse. This information includes
specifying whether to allow negative quantities on hand, whether requisitions can exceed
the specified limit, selecting a costing method (FIFO, LIFO, or Weighted Averaging),
and specifying which sites access this warehouse.
Follow these steps when setting up inventory.
1 Choose Tools | Setup | Inventory from the menu bar. MP2 displays the Inventory
Setup form.
2 Select the warehouse to set up, and then click the Setup tab. MP2 displays the Setup

3 Retrieve cost from—Select the warehouse from which to retrieve cost information
when calculating costs during inter-warehouse transfers. For example, if you choose
Source Warehouse and the item you are transferring is $3.49 at the source
warehouse, but $3.99 at the destination warehouse, MP2 posts the item cost as $3.49
for the IT transaction.
4 Fiscal Year Starting Date—Enter the first day of the fiscal year for the facility.

5 Validate Stock Location—Select to validate stock locations when inserting new
locations on the Stock sub-page of the Inventory form. If unselected, MP2
automatically adds new locations without first displaying a message.
6 Allow Negative QOH—Select to allow MP2 to record negative quantities on hand
when stock adjustments result in the quantity falling below zero.
7 Requisition Exceeds Max.—Select to allow MP2 to create requisitions that exceed
the specified limit.
Caution: Changing the inventory costing method may distort financial results. If your facility
relies on MP2 to cost inventory for fiscal reports, consult your corporate accounting
group before changing the inventory costing method.
The costing method directly affects how the facility computes income. Therefore, allow
upper management to decide whether to include MP2 maintenance cost data in facility-
wide accounting processes. If the facility does not include MP2 data in its accounting
processes, choose the method that works best for the maintenance department.
8 Choose one of these inventory costing methods.
ƒ FIFO (First In First Out)—The first merchandise acquired is the first
merchandise sold. The current operating costs and stock on hand values reflect
early purchase prices because you use the oldest stock first.
ƒ LIFO (Last In First Out)—The most recently acquired goods are sold first.
This method reflects current purchase prices and current operating costs, but
stock on hand values remain constant, while possibly becoming obsolete and
less meaningful.
ƒ Weighted Averaging—MP2 divides the total cost of goods available for sale by
the number of units available for sale. MP2 assigns the average cost to each unit,
but you may still record and track actual purchase prices.
9 Site—Enter the site with access to the warehouse.
Tip: To view the address and contact information for each warehouse, click the Address

Setting Up Invoicing
Enter tax and markup rates for each site. MP2 applies the tax rates to all call-in request
invoices and the markup rates to new tenant records. Additionally, if indicated, MP2 also
applies the markup rates to all call-in request invoices.
Follow these steps when setting up invoicing.
1 Choose Tools | Setup | Invoicing from the menu bar. MP2 displays the Invoice
Setup form.

2 Site—Enter the site for which to set up invoicing.
3 Labor Tax Rate (%)—Enter the labor tax rate applied to services rendered by the
4 Material Tax Rate (%)—Enter the material tax rate applied to services rendered by
the facility.
5 Labor Markup (%)—Enter the labor markup rate applied to services rendered by
the facility.
6 Material Markup (%)—Enter the material markup rate applied to services rendered
by the facility.
7 Mark Up Invoice—Select to add markups to costs on call-in request invoices.

Setting Up Quotations and Requisitions

Set up quotation and requisition information for the entire facility. Additionally, set up
quotation and requisition information for the site. This information includes specifying
the next quotation and requisition numbers, entering a standard requisition heading,
creating a single source letter, entering requisition approval levels, and specifying
requisition generation options.

Enforcing Automatic Numbering

Enforce automatic numbering to avoid having users manually enter any quotation or
requisition number.
Follow these steps when enforcing automatic numbering.
1 Choose Tools | Setup | Requisitions from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Requisition Setup dialog box.
2 Click the Sites tab. MP2 displays the Sites page.

3 Enforce automatic requisition numbering—Select to enforce automatic requisition
numbering. If you select this check box, MP2 will not allow users to manually enter
a number for Requisition No. on the Requisitions form.
4 Enforce automatic quotation numbering—Select to enforce automatic quotation
numbering. If you select this check box, MP2 will not allow users to manually enter
a number for Quotation No. on the Quotations form.

Printing Multimedia Files

Specify whether to print multimedia files with quotations and requisitions.
Follow these steps when printing multimedia files with quotations and requisitions.
1 Choose Tools | Setup | Requisitions from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Requisition Setup dialog box.
2 Click the Sites tab. MP2 displays the Sites page.
3 Print Multimedia Files from Requisitions—Select Yes to print multimedia files
when printing requisitions.
4 Print Multimedia Files from Quotations—Select Yes to print multimedia files
when printing quotations.

Specifying the Next Quotation and Requisition Numbers

Specify the next quotation and requisition numbers for MP2 to assign when manually
creating or generating a quotation or requisition.
Follow these steps when specifying the next quotation and requisition numbers.
1 Choose Tools | Setup | Requisitions from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Requisition Setup dialog box.
2 Select the site for which to specify numbers, and then click the Numbering/Headings
tab. MP2 displays the Numbering/Headings page.
3 Next Requisition No. and Next Quotation No.—Enter the number for the next
requisition and quotation. MP2 automatically increments each consecutive
requisition and quotation by one.

Entering the Requisition Heading

Enter the heading to print at the top of each requisition.
Follow these steps when entering the requisition heading.
1 Choose Tools | Setup | Requisitions from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Requisition Setup dialog box.
2 Select the site for which to enter the heading, and then click the
Numbering/Headings tab. MP2 displays the Numbering/Headings page.

3 Requisition Heading—Enter the heading to print at the top of each requisition.

Creating the Single Source Letter
A single-source vendor is the sole vendor from whom your facility purchases particular
items. If you list a vendor as single source on a requisition, MP2 prints the contents of the
single source letter on the bottom right corner of the requisition.
Follow these steps when creating the single source letter for requisitions.
1 Choose Tools | Setup | Requisitions from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Requisition Setup dialog box.
2 Select the site for which to create the letter, and then click the Single Source Letter
tab. MP2 displays the Single Source Letter page.

3 Enter, in the memo field, the information to print as the single-source letter.
4 Click Requisition No. and/or Vendor Name to enter placemarkers. When printing
requisitions, MP2 substitutes the placemarkers with the actual requisition number
and/or vendor name.

Entering Requisition Approval Levels

If your facility uses no requisition approval process, you may set up MP2 to bypass the
requisition approval process. Refer to “Bypassing the Requisition Approval Process”
later in this chapter for more information.
MP2’s requisition approval process contains up to 4 approval levels. Specify an approval
level for each employee. Employees may only approve requisitions up to the dollar
amount specified for their level.
Follow these steps when entering requisition approval levels.
1 Choose Tools | Setup | Requisitions from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Requisition Setup dialog box.
2 Select the site for which to enter approval levels, and then click the Approval Levels
tab. MP2 displays the Approval Levels page.

3 Enter the appropriate amounts into these fields.
ƒ Level 1 May Approve Up To—Enter the amount for which users with Level 1
requisition approval level may approve.
ƒ Level 2 May Approve Up To—Enter the amount for which users with Level 2
requisition approval level may approve.
ƒ Level 3 May Approve Up To—Enter the amount for which users with Level 3
requisition approval level may approve.

Specifying Requisition Generation Options

Edit the default requisition information, if necessary. If you add an item when manually
creating a purchase order that is not already on a requisition, MP2 adds it to the default
requisition. Specify whether to separate non-stock items from stock items and determine
requisition approval.
Follow these steps when specifying requisition generation options.
1 Choose Tools | Setup | Requisitions from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Requisition Setup dialog box.
2 Select the site for which to specify generation options, and then click the Generation
Options tab. MP2 displays the Generation Options page.

3 Default Requisition No.—Enter the default requisition number.
4 Requisition Grouping—Choose one of these methods for grouping requisitions
during requisition generation.
ƒ One for each vendor—MP2 creates one requisition for each vendor. Each
requisition contains all requisitioned items for that vendor.
ƒ One for all vendors—MP2 places all items for all vendors on one requisition
for approval at one time.
ƒ Use default requisition—MP2 places all items on the default requisition.
Default requisitions require no approval for generation.
Tip: If you choose to use the default requisition and have single source items, generate
requisitions for these items manually. MP2 will not add single source items to the
default requisition during automatic generation.
5 Non-stock items—Choose one of these options for managing non-stock items on
ƒ Mixed with stock items—MP2 mixes non-stock items and stock items on
ƒ Separate from stock items—MP2 creates separate requisitions for stock items
and non-stock items.
ƒ Do not reorder—MP2 does not place non-stock items on requisitions.
6 Automatic Req. Approval—Choose one of these options.
ƒ No auto-approval—MP2 requires approval to generate purchase orders for
ƒ Stock items only—MP2 does not require approval to generate purchase orders
for stock items.
ƒ All items—MP2 does not require approval to generate purchase orders for stock
or non-stock items.

7 Automatic PO Generation—Select to automatically generate purchase orders when
generating requisitions.

Bypassing the Requisition Approval Process

Bypass the requisition approval process if your facility does not require requisition
approval before generating purchase orders from requisitions.
Follow these steps when bypassing the requisition approval process.
1 Choose Tools | Setup | Requisitions from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Requisition Setup dialog box.
2 Select the site for which to bypass the approval process, and then click the
Generation Options tab. MP2 displays the Generation Options page.
3 Requisition Grouping—Select Use default requisition.
4 Non-stock items—Select Mixed with stock items.
5 Automatic Req. Approval—Select All items.
6 Automatic PO Generation—Select to automatically generate purchase orders when
generating requisitions.
Now when you generate requisitions, MP2 places all items on the default requisition,
which requires no approval.
Tip: To avoid having too many items on one requisition, change the Default Requisition
No. regularly.

Setting Up Purchase Orders

Set up facility-specific purchase order information. Specify whether MP2 should record
all purchase order revisions and audit changes to the item status on purchase orders. You
may also specify whether to enforce automatic purchase order numbering for purchase
orders created at the facility.
Additionally, set up purchase order information for each purchasing center. This
information includes specifying the next purchase order number, entering a default site,
entering default addresses, specifying receive options, specifying generation options, and
setting up electronic media.

Specifying Default Purchasing Options

Specify the next purchase order number for MP2 to assign when manually creating or
generating a purchase order. Enter the default site and default buyer for each purchasing
center. Record changes to approved purchase orders and changes to the status of line
items on requisitions and purchase orders. Enforce automatic numbering to avoid having
users manually enter a purchase order number.

Follow these steps when specifying default purchasing options.
1 Choose Tools | Setup | Purchasing from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Purchasing Setup dialog box.
2 Click the Purchasing Center tab. MP2 displays the Purchasing Center page.

3 Select the purchasing center for which to specify default options.

4 Next PO No.—Enter the number for the next purchase order. MP2 automatically
increments each consecutive purchase order by one.
5 Default Site—Enter the default site for the purchasing center.
6 Default Buyer—Enter the default buyer for the purchasing center.
7 Record PO Revisions—MP2 records changes to approved purchase orders.
8 Record Item Status Changes—MP2 records changes to the status of line items on
purchase orders.
9 Enforce automatic PO numbering—Select to enforce automatic purchase order
numbering. If you select this check box, MP2 will not allow users to manually enter
a number for PO No. on the Purchase Orders form.

Specifying Default Addresses

By default, MP2 prints the confirm-to, ship-to, and invoice addresses on each purchase
order. However, you may change these addresses for specific purchase orders.
Follow these steps when specifying default addresses.
1 Choose Tools | Setup | Purchasing from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Purchasing Setup dialog box.
2 Select the purchasing center for which to specify the addresses, and then click the
Addresses tab. MP2 displays the Addresses page.

3 Address Type—Choose one of these options.
ƒ Confirm-to Address—Address to which vendors send confirmation
ƒ Ship-to Address—Address to which vendors ship the order
ƒ Invoice Address—Address to which vendors charge the order
4 Enter the facility name and address.

Specifying Purchase Order Receive Options

Specify certain options for MP2 to enforce or apply when receiving line items on
purchase orders.
Follow these steps when specifying purchase order receive options.
1 Choose Tools | Setup | Purchasing from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Purchasing Setup form.
2 Select the purchasing center for which to specify receive options, and then click the
Receive Options tab. MP2 displays the Receive Options page.

3 Choose one or more of these options.
ƒ Auto-fill Qty to Receive—MP2 automatically enters the remaining Qty to
Receive on the Receive Line Items dialog box. MP2 obtains this quantity from
the Purchase Orders form.
ƒ Include Tax—MP2 includes tax for the line item on the Receive Line Items
dialog box.
ƒ Include Shipping Charge—MP2 includes the shipping charge for the line item.
MP2 obtains this value from the Ship Rate on the Receive Options page.
ƒ Include Miscellaneous Charge—MP2 includes the miscellaneous charge for
the line item. MP2 obtains this value from the Miscellaneous Rate on the
Receive Options page.
MP2 includes the tax, shipping charge, and miscellaneous charge in the Adjusted Unit
Cost on the Costs sub-page of the Inventory form and in the Amount Received on the
Costs page of the Purchase Orders form.
4 Ship Rate (%)—Enter the shipping charge to apply to all purchase orders.
5 Miscellaneous Rate (%)—Enter any miscellaneous charge to apply to all purchase
6 PO Status—Select the status that MP2 applies to a purchase order when you begin
receiving items from the purchase order.
7 Choose one or more of these options.
ƒ Allow Receiving Non-inventory Items to Stock—MP2 receives non-inventory
items to stock.
ƒ Use Automatic Receiver No.—MP2 automatically assigns the next
incremented receiver number when you receive an item. Enter, for Next
Receiver No., the number for MP2 to assign to the next item you receive.
ƒ Print Receiver—MP2 prints the Receiver report when you receive an item.

8 Label Layout File—Enter the location and filename of your saved label layout.
MP2 prints labels in this format. Infor recommends saving the file on the network. If
left blank, MP2 prints labels in the default label layout.

Specifying Purchase Order Generation Options

Specify options for MP2 to apply when generating purchase orders.
Follow these steps when specifying purchase order generation options.
1 Choose Tools | Setup | Purchasing from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Purchasing Setup dialog box.
2 Select the purchasing center for which to specify generation options, and then click
the Generation Options tab. MP2 displays the Generation Options page.

3 Choose one or more of these options.

ƒ Separate Stock Items from Non-stock Items—MP2 separates stock items
from non-stock items.
ƒ Default for printing and submitting—MP2 automatically selects Select for
Printing on the Purchase Orders form so that you may batch print all purchase
orders generated.

Setting Up Fax
Set up fax information if you send purchase orders or faxes to vendors electronically.
Follow these steps when setting up fax.
1 Choose Tools | Setup | Purchasing from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Purchasing Setup dialog box.
2 Select the purchasing center for which to set up fax, and then click the Electronic
Media tab. MP2 displays the Electronic Media page.

3 Fax Program Name—Enter WINFAX. MP2 supports only the WinFax fax program.

Setting Up Work Orders

Specify whether you want to enforce automatic work order numbering for work orders
created at the facility. Additionally, set up site-specific work order information. This
information includes specifying the number of days to project when refreshing the work
schedule, whether you want to print multimedia files (drawings, word processing
documents, etc.) with work orders, and the next work order number.
Follow these steps when setting up work orders.
1 Choose Tools | Setup | Work Orders from the menu bar. MP2 displays the Work
Order Setup dialog box.

2 Click to insert a record. MP2 creates a new work order setup record.
3 Site—Enter the site for which to set up work orders.

4 Enforce automatic WO numbering—Select to enforce automatic work order
numbering. If you select this check box, MP2 will not allow users to manually enter
a number for WO No. on the Work Orders form. This is a corporation-wide setting.
5 Show RFO Codes at Work Order Level—Select to display the Reason for Outage
(RFO) code at the work order level (e.g., on the List View and Record View pages of
the Work Orders form).
6 Projection Duration—Enter the number of days into the future for MP2 to project
when refreshing the work schedule. The default value is 90 days. In this case, MP2
includes all work orders coming due within the next 90 days.
7 Print Multimedia Files from Work Orders—Select whether to print multimedia
files when printing work orders in either the short or long form.
8 Next WO No.—Enter the number to assign to the next work order number. MP2
automatically increments each consecutive work order by one.
9 Print WO’s from Call-in Requests—Select one of these options.
ƒ Short Form—Select to print work orders in short form when printing work
orders from call-in requests.
ƒ Long Form—Select to print work orders in long form when printing work
orders from call-in requests.

Modifying the State and Province Codes

Modify the State/Province Codes table if your facility is in a country other than the
United States or Canada, or if you use vendors, manufacturers, employees, or contract
employees whose addresses are not in the United States or Canada.
Follow these steps when modifying the state and province codes.
1 Choose Tools | Setup | State/Province Codes from the menu bar. MP2 displays
the State/Province Codes form.

2 Click to insert a record. MP2 creates a new state/province code record.

3 State Code—Enter the code identifying the state or province. Use postal codes, if
4 Country—Enter the country in which the state or province is located.
5 State Name—Enter the name of the state or province.
Tip: Define filters for this form, and then apply a filter to display only those
states/provinces that match the filter criteria. For example, you may create a filter to
display only provinces in Canada.

Specifying Multimedia File Search Paths

In MP2, you can open these file types, if the associated program is available, and you
may also attach multimedia files directly to equipment, inventory, task, or work order

Type Extension
Microsoft Word .DOC
Rich Text .RTF
text .TXT
Audio for Windows .WAV
Video for Windows .AVI
help .HLP
Additionally, you can open graphic files in these formats.
You can save graphic files in these formats.
Store multimedia files in one or more directories on the network or local drive. If you
store multimedia files on your local drive, other MP2 users will not be able to access
them. Specify the path to each directory in the Multimedia File Search Paths dialog box,
and then attach image files from these directories to equipment, inventory, task, and work
order records.
Follow these steps when specifying multimedia file search paths.
1 Choose Tools | Setup | Multimedia File Search Paths from the menu bar. MP2
displays the Multimedia File Search Paths dialog box.

2 Path—Enter the directory path of each multimedia file. Click Browse to search for
each path, if necessary.
3 Click OK. MP2 returns to the main window.
Attach multimedia files from these directories to equipment, inventory, task, and work
order records.

Creating Credit Card Records

Create credit card records for corporate credit card accounts.
Follow these steps when creating credit card records.
1 Choose Tools | Setup | Credit Cards from the menu bar. MP2 displays the Credit
Cards form.
2 Click the Record View tab. MP2 displays the Record View page.

3 Click to insert a new record. MP2 creates a credit card record.
4 Purchasing Center—Enter the code identifying the purchasing center.
5 Credit Card Description—Enter the name of the credit card.
6 Card No.—Enter the credit card number.
7 Name on Card—Enter the individual’s name appearing on the credit card.
8 Active—Select to indicate that the credit card is active.
9 Month—Enter the number identifying the month of expiration.
10 Year—Enter the number identifying the year of expiration.
11 Address 1—Enter the billing address for the card.
12 Enter information into the remaining fields, as necessary.

Defining Euro Currency Conversion Settings

Set up your database for compatibility with the European Union’s currency. When
performing currency conversions in the Purchasing module, MP2 performs either a cross
conversion or a triangular conversion based on these settings. Your base currency is the
currency in your Windows settings. The national currency is defined in the Purchasing
module of MP2, and it normally represents your vendor’s currency. After defining Euro
currency conversion settings, you may follow the steps in the Euro Currency Conversion
wizard. MP2 either converts the base currency values in the MP2 database to Euro
throughout the MP2 system, or it converts the national (vendor) currency MP2 values to
Euro in the Purchasing module only. To access the Euro Currency Conversion wizard,
choose Tools | Utilities | Convert to Euro from the menu bar.
Important: The Euro currency conversion will not be accurate if your company uses multiple
workstations with different currency settings.
Follow these steps when defining Euro currency conversion settings.
1 Choose Tools | Setup | Euro Conversion from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Euro Setup dialog box.

2 Your base currency is—MP2 displays the currency that is defined in your Windows
settings. This currency appears in all currency fields throughout the system.
3 Enable Euro—When unselected, MP2 will perform a cross conversion. MP2 will
perform either a triangular or cross conversion, depending on certain criteria
explained below. Enable Euro must be selected if you want to enable the triangular
MP2 will perform a cross conversion when one of the following is true.
ƒ Enable Euro is not selected.
ƒ Enable Euro is selected and both currencies (base and national) are non-Euro-
ƒ Enable Euro is selected and Use triangular for opt-out Euro-based is not
selected and one or both currencies (base and national) are opt-out Euro-based.
MP2 will perform a triangular conversion when one of the following is true.
ƒ Enable Euro is selected and one or both currencies (base and national) are
ƒ Enable Euro is selected and Use triangular for opt-out Euro-based is
selected and one or both currencies (base and national) are opt-out Euro-based.
4 Use triangular for opt-out Euro-based—When selected, MP2 will perform a
triangular conversion if Enable Euro is selected and if one or both currencies are
opt-out Euro-based.
5 Do you have a Euro-based base currency?—Choose one of these options.
ƒ Yes, it is Euro-based—Select if your base currency is fully Euro-based.
ƒ Yes, it is opt-out Euro-based—Select if your country is in the process of
converting to Euro.
ƒ No, it is non-Euro-based—Select if your base currency is not Euro-based.

6 What is your Euro to base currency conversion rate?— Enter the currency
exchange rate from Euro to your base currency.
Tip: If your base currency is Euro, the base to Euro conversion rate is 1.

7 Click the Exchange Rates tab. MP2 displays the Exchange Rates page.

8 Currency—Enter the national (vendor) currency.

9 Exchange Rate—Enter the exchange rate for your base currency to the national
(vendor) currency.
10 Currency Symbol—Enter the national (vendor) currency symbol.
11 Euro-based—Choose one of these options.
ƒ Euro-based—Select if the national (vendor) currency is fully Euro-based.
ƒ Opt-out Euro-based—Select if the vendor’s country is in the process of
converting the national currency to Euro.
ƒ Non-Euro-based—Select if the national (vendor) currency is not Euro-based.
12 Euro Rate—Enter the exchange rate from Euro to the national (vendor) currency.


This chapter outlines procedures for administering MP2 utilities.

ƒ Converting Data from Other Infor Products
ƒ Loading the Sample Database
ƒ Changing the Server Password
ƒ Viewing System Information
ƒ Managing Audit Trail Information
ƒ Viewing Active Users
ƒ Viewing Number of Records
ƒ Exporting Data
ƒ Importing Equipment and Inventory Data
ƒ Synchronizing Descriptions
ƒ Archiving and Restoring History
ƒ Scheduling Generation, Close, and Projection Jobs
ƒ Viewing and Editing Scheduled Jobs
ƒ Checking for Orphans
ƒ Performing Data Surgery
ƒ Removing Temporary Data and Views
ƒ Accessing SQL Server Books Online

Converting Data from Other Infor Products
The MP2 Data Conversion Wizard leads you through each step of the conversion process.
Convert data from these Infor products.
ƒ MP2 Professional 6.0 SQL Server Edition
ƒ MP2 Enterprise 6.0 SQL Server Edition
ƒ MP2 Access 2000 Edition
If you have an older version of MP2 not listed above, contact your Infor Sales
Representative for upgrade information.
Important: Infor strongly recommends allocating additional hard drive space when converting
data. Determine the additional space needed by following this formula.
[MP2 installation (35 MB) + size of existing data directory] x 1.5 = total space needed
Only users in the System Administrator security role have access to the conversion
function. Ensure that all users exit MP2 before beginning the conversion process.
Follow these steps when converting data from other Infor products.
1 Back up the data of the existing Infor product. Refer to the Infor program
documentation or your database program documentation for information on backing
up data.
2 Restore history archives in the existing Infor product.
3 Check for orphans and fix/restructure indexes in the existing Infor product, if
applicable. Refer to the Infor program documentation.
Contact Infor Tech Support if the utilities indicate problems.
4 Determine the data directory of the existing Infor product. Check the data directory
under System Information.
5 Install the new version of MP2. Refer to Chapter 1: Installation.
6 Start MP2.
7 Choose Tools | Security | Purchasing Centers from the menu bar. MP2 displays
the Purchasing Centers form.
8 Create a purchasing center record for your facility’s purchasing center.
9 Choose Tools | Security | Warehouses from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Warehouses form.
10 Create warehouse records for all of your facility’s warehouses.
11 Choose Tools | Security | Sites from the menu bar. MP2 displays the Sites form.
12 Create a site record for your facility’s site.
13 Assign a Purchasing Center and Primary Warehouse to the site record.

14 Choose Tools | Setup | Inventory from the menu bar. MP2 displays the Inventory
Setup form.
15 Assign the Site to each warehouse record.
16 Click . MP2 updates the warehouse’s Primary Site.
17 Choose Tools | Utilities | Convert Other Products from the menu bar. MP2
launches the Data Conversion Wizard.
18 Follow the on-screen steps provided by the Wizard.
19 Verify that MP2 successfully converted the data by starting MP2 and checking the
number of records in the key database tables. Refer to “Viewing Number of
Records” later in this chapter.
20 Uninstall the previous Infor product or delete previous Infor product directories and
their sub-directories from the server and workstations. Refer to “Uninstalling MP2”
in Chapter1: Installation or to the Windows documentation for information on
deleting directories.
Refer to this list of default directory and sub-directory names. The directory names
are different if you did not accept the default directory names when installing the
Infor product.
ƒ MP2 6.0 SQL Server—MP2V60
ƒ MP2 Access 2000—MP2ACC2000
21 Delete obsolete program groups from the Start Menu or Program Manager. Refer to
the Windows documentation.

Loading the Sample Database

Load the sample database for use in system testing and system training.
Important: Re-loading the sample database overwrites any changes made to the sample
Follow these steps when loading the sample database.
1 Log into MP2 as the System Administrator.
2 Choose Tools | Utilities | Load Sample Database from the menu bar. MP2
displays a warning and asks if you want to continue.
3 Click Yes. MP2 loads the sample database, and then displays a confirmation.
4 Click OK.
Tip: To log into MP2 again after loading the sample database, enter DSTM as the User ID
and dstm as the Password.
Important: MP2 includes the DSTM user in the sample database and creates this user with
system administrator privileges. Change the password for this user or delete this user
after creating a new system administrator user in the sample database.

Changing the Server Password
MP2 uses both user passwords and server passwords. User passwords prevent
unauthorized users from logging into MP2. Each MP2 user specifies a user password.
Server passwords prevent unauthorized users from connecting to the database system that
stores MP2’s data tables. MP2 permits one user password per user and only one server
password per system. Change the server password to ensure data security. Notify all
authorized MP2 users of the new server password.
Only users in the System Administrator security role have access to this function.
Follow these steps when changing the server password.
1 Choose Tools | Utilities | Change Server Password from the menu bar. MP2
displays a warning explaining the impact of changing the server password.
2 Read the message, and then click Continue. MP2 displays the Change Server
Password dialog box.

3 Old Server Password—Enter the old server password.

4 New Server Password and Confirm Password—Enter the new server password.
MP2 changes the password and displays another message box outlining additional
5 Click OK.
Notify all authorized users of the change and ensure that they update the configuration
file (.INI) on their workstations with the encoded new server password.

Viewing System Information

View and print MP2 system information, including product and user information, ODBC,
network specifications, drive space, and workstation’s system setup. Print this
information before calling Infor TechSupport.
Follow these steps when viewing system information.
1 Choose Tools | Utilities | System Information from the menu bar. MP2 displays
the System Information dialog box.

2 Click these tabs for corresponding information.
ƒ Product—Product name, product edition, product directory, product number,
version number, the add-ons installed, maximum number of users, the current
user login name and audit trail status, role name, and database schema.
ƒ ODBC—ODBC driver and version, server name and version, server language,
and case sensitivity information.
ƒ Network—Network provider and user’s network login name.
ƒ Drive Space—The boot directory, total disk space, total free disk space, setup
scratch directory, and setup temporary directory.
ƒ Workstation—System and CPU type, operating system information, system
directory, total physical memory, total free physical memory, total virtual
memory, total free virtual memory, screen height and width, printer information,
keyboard and mouse type, date, and time.
ƒ Server Upgrade—Service pack number and installation date, as well as a list of
all the objects upgraded.
ƒ Workstation Files—Files affected by the service pack installation.
3 Click OK.
Tip: To print the information on these pages, click Print.

Managing Audit Trail Information
Audit trails trace actions in MP2, thereby helping the facility comply with government

Specifying Users to Audit

Specify which MP2 users to audit. Only users in the System Administrator security role
have access to this function.
Follow these steps when specifying users to audit.
1 Choose Tools | Security | Users from the menu bar. MP2 displays the Users form.
2 Click the Record View tab. MP2 displays the Record View page.

3 Locate the user to audit, and then select Activate Audit Trail.

Setting Up Audit Trail Information

Set up audit trail information. Specify which tables and fields to audit. Specify whether to
audit insertions, modifications, and/or deletions users make to records in MP2.
Follow these steps when setting up audit trail information.
1 Choose Tools | Utilities | Setup Audit Trail from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Setup Audit Trail form.

2 Click to insert a record. MP2 creates a new audit record.
3 Table Name—Enter the name of the table to audit.
4 Field Name—Enter the name of the field to audit.
5 Refer to this table when setting up auditing information.

Field Explanation
Insert Select Yes for MP2 to audit insertions of this field; otherwise select
Delete Select Yes for MP2 to audit deletions of this field; otherwise select No.
Update Select Yes for MP2 to audit updates to this field; otherwise select No.

6 Click Create Triggers. MP2 creates the necessary triggers.

Important: Click Create Triggers each time you insert a new table, insert or delete a field, or
change one of the field attributes (e.g., Insert, Delete, Update).
Tip: To print the audit trail settings, choose Audit Trail Settings Report from the options

Viewing and Printing Audit Trail Information

View or print a list of the changes made by audited users.
Follow these steps when viewing and printing audit trail information.
1 Choose Tools | Utilities | View Audit Trail from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Audit Trail Report Setup form.

2 No. of Records—Enter the number of records to process each time MP2 passes
through the table, and then click OK. MP2 displays the Audit Trail print dialog box.

3 Choose one of these options.

ƒ View audit trail information—Click Print Preview. MP2 displays the report
ƒ Print audit trail information—Select Print, and then click OK. MP2 prints the
Important: If the report includes multiple pages, MP2 displays a message asking whether to

Purging Audit Trail Records

As employees insert, delete, or update records in MP2, the size of the Audit Trail table
increases. As the size increases, MP2 takes longer to process and locate records.
Regularly remove unnecessary audit trail records.
Follow these steps when purging audit trail records.
1 Choose Tools | Utilities | Purge Audit Trail from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Purge Audit Trail dialog box.

MP2 automatically displays the date of the first audit trail record for Purge Start
Date and the current date for Purge Through.
2 Purge Through—Enter the date through which to remove records.
3 Select the user whose audit information you want to purge from the Available list,
and then click or click to select all users. MP2 moves the user(s) to the
Selected list.
4 Click OK. MP2 deletes the selected records and then displays a confirmation.
5 Click OK. MP2 closes the Purge Audit Trail dialog box.

Viewing Active Users

View a list of all network users who are currently logged into MP2.
Follow these steps when viewing active users.
1 Choose Tools | Utilities | List Active Users from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Active Users dialog box.

MP2 lists all the current users in MP2 along with their network session ID, user
name, and host name.
2 Select a user, and then choose one or more of these options.
ƒ View user login sites—Click the Sites tab. MP2 displays the Sites page listing all
the sites to which the user has access.
ƒ View user login warehouses—Click the Warehouses tab. MP2 displays the
Warehouses page listing all the warehouses to which the user has access.
ƒ View user login purchasing centers—Click the Purchasing Centers tab. MP2
displays the Purchasing Centers page listing all the purchasing centers to which
the user has access.

Viewing Number of Records

View the current number of records in all MP2 tables.
Follow these steps when viewing number of records.
1 Choose Tools | Utilities | Number of Records from the menu bar. MP2 displays
the Number of Records print dialog box.

2 Click Print Preview. MP2 displays the report on-screen.

Exporting Data
Caution: Infor strongly recommends that only management or responsible technical
personnel export data. Improper use may corrupt or overwrite existing data.
Export data from all MP2 tables not hidden by security, and import it to another database
format. The exported spreadsheet file includes the field labels of the table as the first row.
Export data in two ways: (1) from the MP2 menu bar, as described below, or (2) by
selecting Export as the Destination on any print dialog box.

Follow these steps when exporting data.
1 Back up files before exporting data. Refer to the SQL documentation for more
information on backing up databases.
2 Choose Tools | Utilities | Export Tables from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Export dialog box.

3 Table—Select the table to export. For the selected table, MP2 displays, in Fields to
Export, the field labels of all fields not hidden by security.
4 Rearrange fields in Fields to Export by selecting a field, and then by clicking or
to move the field up or down in the list. MP2 exports the fields in the order in
which they appear in Fields to Export.
Tip: To exclude a field when exporting data, select the field in Fields to Export, and then
click . MP2 moves the selected field to Available Fields.
5 Click Export. MP2 displays the Save As dialog box.
6 Save in—Select the directory in which to save the exported file.
7 File name—Enter a name for the exported file.
8 Save as type—Select one of these export formats. MP2 adds the selected export
format extension to the export file name.

Export Format Export File Extension

ASCII comma delimited .CSV
ASCII tab delimited .TXT
Data Interchange Format .DIF
Dbase II, III, III+, IV .DBF
Microsoft Excel 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 .XLS
Microsoft Excel 5.0 (non-OLE 16-bit version) .XLS

Export Format Export File Extension
Lotus 1-2-3 2.x .WK1
Lotus 1-2-3 3.0 .WK3
Lotus 1-2-3 4.0, 5.0 .WK4
Quattro .WKQ
Symphony 1.0, 1.1 .WRK

Microsoft Access .MDB
† Refer to these guidelines when exporting to Microsoft Access.
ƒ The File name is equivalent to a Microsoft Access database name, either existing or non-existing.
ƒ The exported table name (Table) is the same as the Oracle table name, and MP2 inserts the table into the
user-selected Microsoft Access database (File name).
ƒ MP2 does not permit exporting to a system-required Microsoft Access database, such as MP2SYS.MDB.

9 Click Save. MP2 exports the selected table.

Importing Equipment and Inventory Data

Infor strongly recommends that only management or responsible technical personnel
import files. Improper use may corrupt data. Import new equipment, inventory, inventory
site, and stock data into MP2 or import data for existing equipment, inventory, inventory
site, and stock records. Import data from these file types into MP2.
ƒ ASCII comma delimited (*.CSV)
ƒ ASCII tab delimited (*.TXT)
ƒ Dbase II, III, III+, and IV (*.DBF)†
ƒ Excel (v2.0-v5.0) (*.XLS)
ƒ Lotus 1-2-3 (v2.x- v5.0) (*.WK1, *.WK3, *.WK4)
ƒ Symphony (v1.0-v1.1) (*.WRK) )
† Due to limitations in the software, field names from Dbase will only show the first 8 characters.

Follow these steps when importing equipment and inventory data.

1 Back up the database before importing files. Refer to SQL documentation for
procedures related to backing up data.
2 Choose Tools | Utilities | Import Tables from the menu bar. MP2 displays the
Import dialog box.

3 Choose one of these options.
ƒ Import From—Enter the complete path and filename of the file to import.
ƒ Click Browse to locate the file. MP2 displays the Open dialog box. Select the
file to import, and then click Open. MP2 enters the path and filename in Import
4 Import To—Select the table to which to import the data.
5 Update Existing Records—Select to update existing records with the new imported
data. For example, you may change the Qty on Hand for several items already
existing in MP2.
6 Read First Row As Field Names—Select if the import file is an ASCII file and the
first row is field names (or column headings).
Tip: Map data to the key field for each Import To table. Refer to Appendix C: Table
Definitions for a list of these tables, including field names, field types, sizes, and key
MP2 permits mapping one field from Fields in Import File to several fields in Fields in
Destination Table, but it does not permit mapping one field from Fields in Destination
Table to more than one field in Fields in Import File.

7 Map the fields by specifying the fields in the source file (Import From) that
correspond to the fields in the destination table (Import To). Choose one of these
ƒ Select a field from Fields in Import File, select the corresponding field from
Fields in Destination Table, and then click .
ƒ Select a field from Fields in Import File, and then drag it to the corresponding
field in Fields in Destination Table. Refer to the Windows documentation for
more information on dragging objects.
MP2 displays the one-to-one relationship in the currently mapped fields area.
Tip: To delete a mapping, select a mapping in the currently mapped fields area, and then
press DELETE.
8 Click OK. MP2 displays a message indicating the progress of each table/record.

Synchronizing Descriptions
When changing equipment or inventory descriptions, apply the changes throughout the
system by synchronizing the descriptions.
Only users in the System Administrator security role have access to this function.
Follow these steps when synchronizing descriptions.
1 Choose Tools | Utilities | Synchronize Descriptions from the menu bar. MP2
displays a message indicating that it will update equipment and inventory
descriptions to match current equipment and inventory records.
2 Click Yes. MP2 synchronizes equipment and inventory descriptions.

Archiving and Restoring History

The more history records that MP2 contains, the more hard disk space the history tables
consume. As you add more records, MP2 takes longer to process them and to locate a
specific record. Infor offers archiving in order to free system resources and speed up
You may archive selected history records and then restore them later to view them or
analyze them for reports. When you restore history records, MP2 does not delete the
records from the archive but retains them for future use.
MP2 does not include archived records when generating reports and graphs. To include
archived records in reports and graphs, you must first restore the records.

Archiving and Restoring Inventory Transactions

When you perform inventory transactions, MP2 saves the transactions in the Inventory
Transaction History table. Over time, the size of the table increases and occupies more
hard disk space. MP2 then takes longer to process data.

To reduce the size of the Inventory Transaction History table, archive selected records.
Restore the records later to view or analyze them for reports.
Tip: To define a filter for archiving/restoring inventory transaction records, click the Select

Archiving Inventory Transactions

Follow these steps when archiving inventory transactions.
1 Choose Tools | Utilities | Archive/Restore History | Archive Inventory
Transactions from the menu bar. MP2 displays the Archive Inventory Transactions
dialog box.

2 Click the Select Warehouses tab. MP2 displays the Select Warehouses page.
3 Select the warehouse(s) for which to archive inventory transactions.
4 Click the Options tab. MP2 displays the Options page.
5 Database—Click Browse to select the drive and directory to which to archive the
6 Starting Date and Ending Date—Enter the first and last dates of the transactions for
which to archive.
7 Options—Select one of these options.
ƒ Archive—Copy the records to the selected drive and directory without
removing the records from the Inventory Transaction History table.
ƒ Archive and delete—Copy the records to the selected drive and directory and
remove the records from the Inventory Transaction History table.
ƒ Delete—Remove the records from the Inventory Transaction History table
without copying them to another location.
Caution: If you select Delete, MP2 deletes the records from the Inventory Transaction History
table, and you cannot recover them.
8 Click OK. MP2 archives the inventory transactions.
Restoring Inventory Transactions
Follow these steps when restoring inventory transactions.
1 Choose Tools | Utilities | Archive/Restore History | Restore Inventory
Transactions from the menu bar. MP2 displays the Restore Inventory Transactions
dialog box.

2 Click the Select Warehouses tab. MP2 displays the Select Warehouses page.
3 Select the warehouse(s) for which to restore inventory transactions.
4 Click the Options tab. MP2 displays the Options page.
5 Database—Click Browse to select the drive and directory from which to restore the
archived files.
Tip: If you select an existing archive database that contains matching inventory
transaction records, MP2 will not overwrite the records to the database.
6 Starting Date and Ending Date—Enter the first and last dates of the transactions for
which to restore.
7 Options—Select one of these options.
ƒ Restore as archive—Restore the archived history files to the Inventory
Transaction History table with a designation that allows you to easily delete
them when you no longer need them.
ƒ Restore permanently—Restore the archived history files to the Inventory
Transaction History table in their original state as permanent records.
Tip: Select Restore as archive when restoring records so that you may quickly delete only
restored archive records from the Inventory Transaction History table when you no
longer need them. To delete the records, archive them again and select Delete.
8 Click OK. MP2 restores the inventory transactions.

Archiving and Restoring Purchase Order History
When you close purchase orders, MP2 saves the purchase orders in the Purchase Order
History table. Over time, the size of the Purchase Order History table increases and
occupies more hard disk space. MP2 then takes longer to process data.
To reduce the size of the Purchase Order History table, archive selected records. Restore
the records later to view or analyze them for reports.
Tip: To define a filter for archiving/restoring purchase order history records, click the
Select tab.

Archiving Purchase Order History

Follow these steps when archiving purchase order history.
1 Choose Tools | Utilities | Archive/Restore History | Archive Purchase Order
History from the menu bar. MP2 displays the Archive Purchase Order History dialog

2 Click the Select Purchasing Centers tab. MP2 displays the Select Purchasing Centers
3 Select the purchasing center(s) for which to archive purchase order history.
4 Click the Options tab. MP2 displays the Options page.
5 Database—Click Browse to select the drive and directory to which to archive the
6 Options—Select one of these options.
ƒ Archive—Copy the records to the selected drive and directory without
removing the records from the Purchase Order History table.
ƒ Archive and delete—Copy the records to the selected drive and directory and
remove the records from the Purchase Order History table.
ƒ Delete—Remove the records from the Purchase Order History table without
copying them to another location.
Caution: If you select Delete, MP2 deletes the records from the Purchase Order History table,
and you cannot recover them.
7 Including details—Select the details of the purchase order history records to include
in the archived file.
Tip: Accept the default selections so that MP2 includes all information in your archive.

8 Click OK. MP2 archives the purchase orders.

Restoring Purchase Order History

Follow these steps when restoring purchase order history.
1 Choose Tools | Utilities | Archive/Restore History | Restore Purchase Order
History from the menu bar. MP2 displays the Restore Purchase Order History dialog

2 Click the Select Purchasing Centers tab. MP2 displays the Select Purchasing Centers
3 Select the purchasing center(s) for which to restore purchase order history.
4 Click the Options tab. MP2 displays the Options page.
5 Database—Click Browse to select the drive and directory from which to restore the
archived files.
6 Options—Select one of these options.
ƒ Restore as archive—Restore the archived history files to the Purchase Order
History table with a designation that allows you to easily delete them when you
no longer need them.
ƒ Restore permanently—Restore the archived history files to the Purchase Order
History table in their original state as permanent records.
Tip: Select Restore as archive when restoring records so that you may quickly delete only
restored archive records from the Purchase Order History table when you no longer
need them. To delete the records, archive them again and select Delete.

7 Including details—Select the details of the archive records to include in the restored
Tip: Accept the default selections so that MP2 includes all information in the restored
8 Click OK. MP2 restores the purchase orders.

Archiving and Restoring Purchase Order Revisions

When you modify purchase orders, if specified in Purchasing setup, MP2 saves the
purchase order revisions in the Purchase Order Revisions table. Over time, the size of the
Purchase Order Revisions table increases and occupies more hard disk space. MP2 then
takes longer to process data.
To reduce the size of the Purchase Order Revisions table, archive selected records.
Restore the records later to view or analyze them for reports.
Tip: To define a filter for archiving/restoring purchase order revision records, click the
Select tab.

Archiving Purchase Order Revisions

Follow these steps when archiving purchase order revisions.
1 Choose Tools | Utilities | Archive/Restore History | Archive Purchase Order
Revisions from the menu bar. MP2 displays the Archive Purchase Order Revisions
dialog box.

2 Click the Select Purchasing Centers tab. MP2 displays the Select Purchasing Centers
3 Select the purchasing center(s) for which to archive purchase order revisions.
4 Click the Options tab. MP2 displays the Options page.
5 Database—Click Browse to select the drive and directory to which to archive the

6 Options—Select one of these options.
ƒ Archive—Copy the records to the selected drive and directory without
removing the records from the Purchase Order Revisions table.
ƒ Archive and delete—Copy the records to the selected drive and directory and
remove the records from the Purchase Order Revisions table.
ƒ Delete—Remove the records from the Purchase Order Revisions table without
copying them to another location.
Caution: If you select Delete, MP2 deletes the records from the Purchasing Order Revisions
table, and you cannot recover them.
7 Including details—Select the details of the purchase order revision records to
include in the archived file.
Tip: Accept the default selections so that MP2 includes all information in your archive.

8 Click OK. MP2 archives the purchase order revisions.

Restoring Purchase Order Revisions

Follow these steps when restoring purchase order revisions.
1 Choose Tools | Utilities | Archive/Restore History | Restore Purchase Order
Revisions from the menu bar. MP2 displays the Restore Purchase Order Revisions
dialog box.

2 Click the Select Purchasing Centers tab. MP2 displays the Select Purchasing Centers
3 Select the purchasing center(s) for which to restore purchase order revisions.
4 Click the Options tab. MP2 displays the Options page.
5 Database—Click Browse to select the drive and directory from which to restore the
archived files.

6 Options—Select one of these options.
ƒ Restore as archive—Restore the archived history files to the Purchase Order
Revisions table with a designation that allows you to easily delete them when
you no longer need them.
ƒ Restore permanently—Restore the archived history files to the Purchase Order
Revisions table in their original state as permanent records.
Tip: Select Restore as archive when restoring records so that you may quickly delete only
restored archive records from the Purchase Order Revisions form when you no longer
need them. To delete the records, archive them again and select Delete.
7 Including details—Select the details of the archive records to include in the restored
Tip: Accept the default selections so that MP2 includes all information in the restored
8 Click OK. MP2 restores the purchase order revisions.

Archiving and Restoring Work Order History

When you close work orders, MP2 saves the work orders in the Work Order History
table. Over time, the size of the Work Order History table increases and occupies more
hard disk space. MP2 then takes longer to process data.
To reduce the size of the Work Order History table, archive selected records. Restore the
records later to view or analyze them for reports.
Tip: To define a filter for archiving/restoring work order records, click the Select tab.

Archiving Work Order History

Follow these steps when archiving work order history.
1 Choose Tools | Utilities | Archive/Restore History | Archive Work Order History
from the menu bar. MP2 displays the Archive Work Order History dialog box.

2 Click the Select Sites tab. MP2 displays the Select Sites page.
3 Select the site(s) for which to archive work order history.
4 Click the Options tab. MP2 displays the Options page.
5 Database—Click Browse to select the drive and directory to which to archive the
6 Options—Select one of these options.
ƒ Archive—Copy the records to the selected drive and directory without
removing the records from the Work Order History table.
ƒ Archive and delete—Copy the records to the selected drive and directory and
remove the records from the Work Order History table.
ƒ Delete—Remove the records from the Work Order History table without
copying them to another location.
Caution: If you select Delete, MP2 deletes the records from the Work Order History table, and
you cannot recover them.
7 Including details—Select the details of the work order history records to include in
the archived file.
Tip: Accept the default selections so that MP2 includes all information in your archive.
8 Click OK. MP2 archives the work orders.

Restoring Work Order History

Follow these steps when restoring work order history.
1 Choose Tools | Utilities | Archive/Restore History | Restore Work Order
History from the menu bar. MP2 displays the Restore Work Order History dialog

2 Click the Select Sites tab. MP2 displays the Select Sites page.
3 Select the site(s) for which to restore work order history.

4 Click the Options tab. MP2 displays the Options page.
5 Database—Click Browse to select the drive and directory from which to restore the
archived files.
6 Options—Select one of these options.
ƒ Restore as archive—Restore the archived history files to the Work Order
History table with a designation that allows you to easily delete them when you
no longer need them.
ƒ Restore permanently—Restore the archived history files to the Work Order
History table in their original state as permanent records.
Tip: Select Restore as archive when restoring records so that you may quickly delete only
restored archive records from the Work Order History table when you finish using
them. To delete the records, archive them again and select Delete.
7 Including details—Select the details of the archive records to include in the restored
Tip: Accept the default selections so that MP2 includes all information in the restored
8 Click OK. MP2 restores the work orders.

Scheduling Generation, Close, and Projection Jobs

Schedule common, but often time-consuming, MP2 processes to run automatically at
specified time intervals, such as every evening. For example, schedule the server to
automatically close work orders daily at 7:00 PM. MP2 processes the information in the
background on the database server as scheduled without interfering with other user
activities. Schedule jobs through Microsoft SQL Server. Refer to the Microsoft
documentation for more information concerning job scheduling.
Follow these steps when scheduling generation, close, and projection jobs.
Important: Microsoft SQL Server Agent must be activated before running scheduled jobs. Refer
to the Microsoft documentation for more information concerning activating Microsoft
SQL Server Agent.
1 Choose Start | Programs | Microsoft SQL Server | Enterprise Manager from the
Windows taskbar. Windows displays the SQL Server Enterprise Manager form and
the Console Root\Microsoft SQL Servers form.
2 Select the appropriate server, and then choose Tools | Job Scheduling from the
menu bar. Enterprise Manager displays the Create Job Wizard.
3 Follow the on-screen steps to create a scheduled job.

Tip: Select Transact-SQL command as the command type, and refer to this table for
examples of Microsoft SQL Server statements and parameters.

Task/Job Statements/Parameters
Batch Work Order Close BEGIN
DECLARE @p_AppErrorId_out INT
DECLARE @p_AppErrorText_out VARCHAR(255)
‘01/01/2000’, VIJAY SITE-1', @p_AppErrorId_out,
Tip: Do not include a space between site names.
Clear Temporary Data BEGIN
DECLARE @p_AppErrorId_out INT
DECLARE @p_AppErrorText_out VARCHAR(255)
@p_AppErrorId_out, @p_AppErrorText_out
Tip: Locate the first parameter (Session ID) by
1) listing active users from MP2 or
2) running the command SELECT * FROM

Task/Job Statements/Parameters
Work Order Generation BEGIN
DECLARE @p_AppErrorId_out INT
DECLARE @p_AppErrorText_out VARCHAR(255)
1',NULL,'10/25/1999','Y','Y','Y','Y','Y','N','(EQNUM =
''EQ1'')','(LOCATION = ''LOC1'')', '(CRAFT =
Tip: Enter the parameters in this order: Sites,
Assigned To, Generate Through date.
Important: If no additional filters (parameters) are
necessary, enter three null parameters (“,”,”).
Purchase Order Generation BEGIN
DECLARE @p_AppErrorId_out INT
DECLARE @p_AppErrorText_out VARCHAR(255)
DECLARE @p_Filter VARCHAR(255)
SELECT @p_Filter = ''
@p_PCs, @p_Filter, @p_AppErrorId_out,

Task/Job Statements/Parameters
Requisition Generation BEGIN
DECLARE @p_AppErrorId_out INT
DECLARE @p_AppErrorText_out VARCHAR(255)
DECLARE @p_Filter VARCHAR(255)
SELECT @p_Filter = 'where a.ITEMNUM *=
@p_Sites, 'from INVY a, WAREHOUSEINFO b ',
@p_Filter, @p_AppErrorId_out,
Work Order Scheduling BEGIN
DECLARE @p_AppErrorId_out INT
DECLARE @p_AppErrorText_out VARCHAR(255)
SITE-1,FUQ SITE-2', @p_AppErrorId_out,
Purchase Order Close BEGIN
DECLARE @p_AppErrorId_out INT
DECLARE @p_AppErrorText_out VARCHAR(255)
@p_AppErrorId_out, @p_AppErrorText_out

Task/Job Statements/Parameters
Cost Calculation for Open BEGIN
Purchase Orders and
DECLARE @p_AppErrorId_out INT
DECLARE @p_AppErrorText_out VARCH(255)
@p_AppErrorId_out, @p_AppErrorText_out
Important: To avoid performance problems, run this
scheduled job during off hours. Do not run
this scheduled job during purchase order
or requisition generation processes.
Tip: MP2 displays logged errors in the
Tip: Refer to the Microsoft SQL Server documentation and online help for additional
information concerning scheduling jobs.

Viewing and Editing Scheduled Jobs

Follow these steps when viewing and editing scheduled jobs.
1 Choose Start | Programs | Microsoft SQL Server | Enterprise Manager from the
Windows taskbar. Windows displays the SQL Server Enterprise Manager form and
the Console Root\Microsoft SQL Servers form.
2 Click next to Microsoft SQL Servers. Enterprise Manager expands the list of
server options.
3 Click next to SQL Server Group. Enterprise Manager expands the list of server
4 Click next to the appropriate server. Enterprise Manager expands the list of server
5 Click next to Management. Enterprise Manager expands the list of management
6 Click next to SQL Server Agent. Enterprise Manager expands the list of server
agent options.
7 Click Jobs. Enterprise Manager lists the names of all jobs and their details.
8 Double-click a job name. Enterprise Manager displays the Properties dialog box.

9 View additional job information and/or edit job information as necessary.

Checking for Orphans

If a parent (master) record is corrupt or lost, its children (detail) records become orphans.
Delete or repair orphan records.
Infor strongly recommends that only system administrators have access to this utility.
Refer to “Defining Menu Option Security” in Chapter 3: Security.
Follow these steps when checking for orphan records.
1 Choose Tools | Utilities | Check for Orphans from the menu bar.
MP2 displays a message as it checks for orphans one table at a time. If it finds
orphans in a table, it displays a message asking whether to examine the orphan
2 Click Yes to examine the orphan records. MP2 displays the Orphans dialog box.

The Orphans dialog box displays a list of orphan records for the table.

3 Select one of these options.
ƒ Delete Orphaned Records—Deletes the orphan records in this table.
ƒ Reinsert Orphaned Records into Master Table—Reattaches the parent record
to the orphaned records.
ƒ Leave Orphaned Records—Leaves the orphan records as they are, without
changing the table.
4 Click OK. MP2 continues checking the remaining tables for orphan records, notifying
you of orphans.

Performing Data Surgery

If the data tables are irreparable, perform surgery on them as a last resort. Only users in
the System Administrator security role have access to this function.
Caution: With Data Surgery, MP2 permits changing any table. Incorrect use of this function
may corrupt data. Infor strongly recommends that you contact TechSupport for
Follow these steps when performing data surgery.
1 Choose Tools | Utilities | Data Surgery from the menu bar. MP2 displays a
2 Click Yes. MP2 displays the Data Surgery dialog box.

3 Select a Database Table—Select the table on which to perform surgery. MP2 opens
the selected table in table view. For example, if you select the STOCK table, MP2
displays the Data Surgery - STOCK (Inventory Stock Levels and Locations) form.

4 Change, add, or delete information.
Tip: To reverse (or undo) changes, click . MP2 restores the database to the original
5 Click Done. MP2 saves the changes to the table.

Removing Temporary Data and Views

Remove temporary data and views left by failed stored procedures. You may restrict
users from accessing this utility. Refer to “Defining Menu Option Security” in Chapter 3:
Follow these steps when removing temporary data and views.
1 Choose Tools | Utilities | Remove Obsolete Temporary Data and Views from
the menu bar. MP2 displays a confirmation.
2 Click Yes. MP2 removes all obsolete temporary data and views and displays a
completion message.
3 Click OK.

Accessing SQL Server Books Online

SQL Server Utilities provides SQL Server Books Online, an entire online reference
library. Access this reference library for information on SQL utilities, programming
issues or questions, and database development.
Follow these steps when accessing SQL Server Books Online.
1 Choose Start | Programs | Microsoft SQL Server | Books Online from the
Windows task bar. SQL Server Books Online displays the main window.

2 Click next to the book to view. SQL Server Books Online displays the contents of
the book.
3 Click next to the topic to view. SQL Server Books Online displays the text of the

4 View, copy, or print the information.


Create new tables and add fields to MP2 tables. Create new forms and add fields to forms
so that you can view, insert, delete, or update data.
Important: Infor strongly recommends that you back up your data before designing tables or
forms. Refer to “Backing Up and Restoring SQL Databases” in Appendix D: SQL
Infor strongly recommends that only one person access MP2 when designing

ƒ Naming Tables and Fields
ƒ Creating New Tables
ƒ Adding Fields to Existing Tables
ƒ Creating Form and Report Menu Options
ƒ Viewing Menu Option Properties
ƒ Deleting Menu Options
ƒ Designing User-defined Reports
ƒ Adding Controls to Forms
ƒ Changing Control Captions
ƒ Resetting Forms

Naming Tables and Fields
Refer to these guidelines when naming tables and fields.
ƒ Names must be 1 to 27 characters long.
ƒ Names cannot contain quotation marks.
ƒ Names are not case-sensitive.
ƒ Names must begin with an alphabetic character from the database character set.
ƒ Names can only contain alphanumeric characters from the database character set and
these characters: _, $, and #.
Important: Infor strongly discourages using $ and #.
ƒ If your database character set contains multi-byte characters, Infor recommends
including at least one single-byte character for each user or role name.
ƒ Names cannot be SQL reserved or key words. See the table below.

SQL Reserved and Key Words


114 6 ƒ MP2 DESIGNER


Creating New Tables

Create new tables by customizing fields, lookup tables, and values.
Follow these steps when creating new tables.
1 Choose Tools | MP2 Designer from the menu bar. MP2 displays the MP2 Designer
2 Click next to Tables. MP2 expands the list of tables.

6 ƒ MP2 DESIGNER 115

3 Select Tables, and then click New. MP2 displays the Table Designer dialog box.

4 Table Name—Enter a unique code identifying the name of the table. Refer to
“Naming Tables and Fields” above.
5 Table Title—Enter the display name for the table.
6 Security—Select Site, Warehouse, or Purchasing Center to apply the base for
security restriction, or select None to apply unrestricted access to the menu option.
Tip: If the current menu option is not expanded, the new menu option will be its last
sibling. If the current menu option has no child, the new menu option will be its child.
If the current menu option is expanded, the new menu option will be its last child.
7 Click New to add a field to the table. MP2 displays the Field Designer dialog box.

116 6 ƒ MP2 DESIGNER

8 Name—Enter a unique code identifying the name of the field. Refer to “Naming
Tables and Fields” above.
9 Label—Enter the display name of the field.
10 Type—Select the type of field.
Tip: If you select Integer, Float, or Currency, MP2 enables the Maximum Value and
Minimum Value fields.
11 Size—Enter the number of characters allowed for the field. MP2 enables this field
only if the field type is Alphanumeric. The maximum field size is 255 characters.
12 Key Field—Select to designate a key field.
13 Look up to Table—Select to add a lookup table to the field.
14 Lookup-Table—Select the name of the table.
15 Lookup-Field—Select the name of the field.
Tip: The lookup field should be the same size as the new field.

16 Validate Against Lookup Field—Select to require the field value to be in the

lookup table.
17 Maximum Value—Enter the maximum value allowed.
18 Minimum Value—Enter the minimum value required.
19 List—Click Add to enter all possible string values, and then click OK.
20 Click OK. MP2 returns to the Table Designer dialog box and adds the new field name
to Fields.
21 Click OK. MP2 closes the dialog box and adds the new table name to the list of

Adding Fields to Existing Tables

After adding fields to existing tables, you may add the fields to existing MP2 forms if
there is available space on the form. Refer to “Adding Fields to Forms” later in this
Follow these steps when adding fields to existing tables.
1 Choose Tools | MP2 Designer from the menu bar. MP2 displays the MP2 Designer
2 Click next to Tables. MP2 expands the list of tables.
3 Select an existing MP2 table, and then click Design. MP2 displays the Table
Designer dialog box.

6 ƒ MP2 DESIGNER 117

4 Click New. MP2 displays the Field Designer dialog box.

5 Name—Enter a unique code identifying the name of the field. Refer to “Naming
Tables and Fields” earlier in this chapter.
6 Label—Enter the display name of the field.
7 Type—Select the type of field.
Tip: If you select Integer, Float, or Currency, MP2 enables the Maximum Value and
Minimum Value fields.
8 Size—Enter the number of characters allowed for the field. MP2 enables this field
only if the field type is Alphanumeric. The maximum field size is 255 characters.

118 6 ƒ MP2 DESIGNER

9 Look up to Table—Select to add a lookup table to the field.
10 Lookup-Table—Select the name of the table.
11 Lookup-Field—Select the name of the field.
Tip: The lookup field should be the same character size as the alphanumeric field.

12 Validate Against Lookup Field—Select to require the field value to be in the

lookup table.
13 Maximum Value—Enter the maximum value allowed.
14 Minimum Value—Enter the minimum value required.
15 List—Click Add to enter all possible string values, and then click OK.
16 Click OK. MP2 returns to the Table Designer dialog box and adds the new field name
to Fields.
17 Click OK. MP2 closes the dialog box and adds the new table name to the list of

Creating Form and Report Menu Options

Create form and report menu options after creating or modifying tables.
Follow these steps when creating form and report menu options.
1 Choose Tools | MP2 Designer from the menu bar. MP2 displays the MP2 Designer
2 Click next to Forms or Reports. MP2 expands the list of forms or reports.
3 Click next to a form or report node. MP2 expands the list of forms or reports in
the node.
4 Select a form or report node, and then click New. MP2 displays the Menus dialog

5 Menu Label—Enter the name of the menu option.

6 Security Based On—Select Site, Warehouse, or Purchasing Center to apply the
base for security restriction, or select None to apply unrestricted access to the menu
7 Click OK. MP2 creates the new menu option and closes the dialog box.
Tip: If the current menu option is not expanded, the new menu option will be its last
sibling. If the current menu option has no child, the new menu option will be its child.
If the current menu option is expanded, the new menu option will be its last child.

6 ƒ MP2 DESIGNER 119

Viewing Menu Option Properties
View menu option properties for user-defined forms and reports only.
Follow these steps when viewing menu option properties.
1 Choose Tools | MP2 Designer from the menu bar. MP2 displays the MP2 Designer
2 Click next to Forms or Reports. MP2 expands the list of forms or reports.
3 Click next to a form or report node. MP2 expands the list of forms or reports in
the node.
4 Select the form or report for which to view properties.
5 Click Properties. MP2 displays the Menus dialog box.

Deleting Menu Options

Delete user-defined forms and reports only.
Follow these steps when deleting menu options.
1 Choose Tools | MP2 Designer from the menu bar. MP2 displays the MP2 Designer
2 Click next to Forms or Reports. MP2 expands the list of forms or reports.
3 Click next to a form or report node. MP2 expands the list of forms or reports in
the node.
4 Select the form or report to delete.
5 Click Delete. MP2 displays a confirmation message.
6 Click Yes. MP2 deletes the menu option and the form or report associated with it.

Designing User-defined Reports

Follow these steps when designing user-defined reports.
1 Choose Tools | MP2 Designer from the menu bar. MP2 displays the MP2 Designer
2 Click next to Reports. MP2 expands the list of reports.
3 Click next to a report node. MP2 expands the list of reports in the node.

120 6 ƒ MP2 DESIGNER

4 Select a user-defined report, and then click Design. MP2 displays the Report
Designer dialog box.

5 Table—Select a table to add to the report.

Adding Controls to Forms

Modify forms by adding databound controls (tables and fields) or non-databound controls
(labels, page controls, and tab sheets).

Adding Tables to User-defined Forms

MP2 allows only one table on user-defined forms.
Follow these steps when adding tables to user-defined forms.
1 Choose Tools | MP2 Designer from the menu bar. MP2 displays the MP2 Designer
2 Click next to Forms. MP2 expands the list of forms.
3 Click next to a form node. MP2 expands the list of forms in the node.
4 Select a user-defined form, and then click Design. MP2 displays the Object Selector
dialog box and the corresponding form.

5 Table—Select a table, and then drag it to the form. MP2 adds a table grid to the

6 ƒ MP2 DESIGNER 121

6 Position the table by clicking and holding down the left mouse button, and then
move the table to a new location.
Tip: Select the table cell. MP2 displays handles on the table grid. Resize the table by
clicking and dragging the handles.
7 Close the Object Selector dialog box and form.
8 Reopen the Object Selector dialog box and form by following the steps above. MP2
displays the form with the table and fields.

Tip: To delete the table, right-click on the table, and then select Delete. MP2 deletes the

122 6 ƒ MP2 DESIGNER

Adding Labels to Forms
Follow these steps when adding labels to forms.
1 Choose Tools | MP2 Designer from the menu bar. MP2 displays the MP2 Designer
2 Click next to Forms. MP2 expands the list of forms.
3 Click next to a form node. MP2 expands the list of forms in the node.
4 Select a form, and then click Design. MP2 displays the Object Selector dialog box
and the corresponding form.

5 Non-Databound Control—Select Label, and then drag it to the form. MP2 displays
a label (above the table).

6 Right-click on the label, and then select Property Editor. MP2 displays the Property
Editor dialog box.

6 ƒ MP2 DESIGNER 123

7 Caption—Enter a caption identifying the name of the label, and then click OK. MP2
displays the label on the form.

Tip: To delete the label, right-click on the label, and then select Delete. MP2 deletes the

Adding Fields to Forms

Add new fields to user-defined forms, or add new fields to existing MP2 forms. You
must add new fields to existing MP2 tables before adding new fields to existing MP2
forms. Refer to “Adding Fields to Existing Tables” earlier in this chapter.
Follow these steps when adding fields to forms.
Tip: If a field has no constraints, the control type will be Edit Box. If a field has constraints,
the control type will be Combo Box.
1 Choose Tools | MP2 Designer from the menu bar. MP2 displays the MP2 Designer
2 Click next to Forms. MP2 expands the list of forms.
3 Click next to a form node. MP2 expands the list of forms in the node.
4 Select a form, and then click Design. MP2 displays the Object Selector dialog box
and the corresponding form.

124 6 ƒ MP2 DESIGNER

5 Table—Select the table that contains the field to add to the form.
6 Fields—Select a field name, and then drag it to the blank form.

7 Position a field by clicking and holding down the left mouse button, and then move
the field to a new location.
Tip: To delete a field, right-click on the field, and then select Delete. MP2 deletes the field.

Adding Tab Sheets to Forms

Add tab sheets to existing MP2 forms or user-defined forms.
Follow these steps when adding tab sheets to forms.
1 Choose Tools | MP2 Designer from the menu bar. MP2 displays the MP2 Designer

6 ƒ MP2 DESIGNER 125

2 Click next to Forms. MP2 expands the list of forms.
3 Click next to a form node. MP2 expands the list of forms in the node.
4 Select a form, and then click Design. MP2 displays the Object Selector dialog box
and the corresponding form.

5 Non-Databound Control—Select Page Control, and then drag it to the form. MP2
displays the empty tab page.

Tip: Select the tab caption. MP2 displays handles on the tab page. Drag the handles to
resize the tab page.
6 Right-click on the tab caption, and then select Property Editor. MP2 displays the
Property Editor dialog box.

126 6 ƒ MP2 DESIGNER

7 Caption—Enter the name of the tab, and then click OK. MP2 displays the caption on
the tab.

8 Non-Databound Control—Select Tab Sheet, and then drag it to the form. Release
the mouse button on the label of the first tab. MP2 displays a tab page behind the
first tab.

6 ƒ MP2 DESIGNER 127

9 Select the second tab to bring it to the front.
10 Right-click on the second tab caption, and then select Property Editor. MP2
displays the Property Editor dialog box.

11 Caption—Enter the name of the tab, and then click OK. MP2 displays the caption on
the tab.

128 6 ƒ MP2 DESIGNER

Tip: To delete a tab, right-click on the tab caption, and then select Delete. MP2 deletes the

Adding Tables and Fields to Tab Sheets

Complete the steps in “Adding Tab Sheets to Forms” before adding tables and fields to
tab sheets.
Follow these steps when adding tables and fields to tab sheets.
1 Choose Tools | MP2 Designer from the menu bar. MP2 displays the MP2 Designer
2 Click next to Forms. MP2 expands the list of forms.
3 Click next to a form node. MP2 expands the list of forms in the node.
4 Select a form, and then click Design. MP2 displays the Object Selector dialog box
and the corresponding form with tab sheets.

6 ƒ MP2 DESIGNER 129

5 Table—Select a table, and then drag it to the tab sheet. MP2 adds a table grid to the
tab sheet.
Tip: You cannot add tables to existing MP2 forms.

6 Position the table by clicking and holding down the left mouse button, and then
move the table to a new location.
Tip: Select the table cell. MP2 displays handles on the table grid. Resize the table by
dragging the handles.
7 Close the Object Selector dialog box and form.
8 Reopen the Object Selector dialog box and form. MP2 displays the form with the
table and fields.

130 6 ƒ MP2 DESIGNER

9 Click the Record View tab. MP2 displays the Record View page.

10 Table—Select the table that contains the field to add to the tab sheet.
11 Fields—Select a field name, and then drag it to the blank tab sheet.

6 ƒ MP2 DESIGNER 131

12 Close the Object Selector dialog box and form.
13 Reopen the Object Selector dialog box and form. MP2 displays the form with the
fields and field labels on the tab sheet.

Changing Control Captions

Follow these steps when changing control captions.
1 Right-click on a control, and then select Property Editor. MP2 displays the Property
Editor dialog box.

132 6 ƒ MP2 DESIGNER

2 Caption—Enter a new caption.

Resetting Forms
Reset existing MP2 forms to delete user-added controls. MP2 resets the form to its
original settings.
Follow these steps when resetting forms.
1 Choose Tools | MP2 Designer from the menu bar. MP2 displays the MP2 Designer
2 Click next to Forms. MP2 expands the list of forms.
3 Click next to a form node. MP2 expands the list of forms in the node.
4 Select an existing MP2 form.
5 Click Reset Form. MP2 deletes all user-defined controls.

6 ƒ MP2 DESIGNER 133


MP2 Professional provides access to internal functionality through well-defined

application programming interfaces (APIs). The Facilities Management Interface (FMI)
is an out-of-process OLE Automation Server that runs as its own process. It operates with
an MP2 client window visible in order to allow the automatic opening and manipulation
of MP2 forms. The Facilities Management Interface contains functions that may be used
by Computer-Aided Facilities Management products.
Refer to DSDD.PAS, DSDD.H, and APICONST.PAS on the MP2 CD for an updated list
of TableIDs and error codes. Refer to Appendix C: Table Definitions for a list of all
FieldIDs, their specifications, and their restrictions.

ƒ Record Structure
ƒ Server Registration
ƒ Level Parameter
ƒ Functions
ƒ Recordset Functions
ƒ Recordset Properties
ƒ Return Codes
ƒ Sample Code

Record Structure
Each record set mentioned in “Functions” below is a DSRecord structure (wrapper
around an ODBC record set). This structure provides functions that return the field label
for a particular field. In addition, all of the fields that the functions return are subject to
MP2 security—if the current user does not have access to view a specific field, the
function removes it from the returned record set. The DSRecord structure is part of an
OLE object, allowing it to be accessed by the client application.

Server Registration
The server name for this interface is Mp2.OleServ. When you open MP2 the first time,
you automatically register the OLE Automation server. If you have not opened MP2, you
can register the server by entering MP2 /regserver at the MP2 prompt on the client.

Level Parameter
The Level parameter exists in functions where you filter locations. At times it is difficult
to tell from the location parameters alone, what data should be filtered. For example, if
you enter Location = ‘Site 1,’ Sublocation1= ‘Building 1,’ and Sublocation2 = ‘Floor 1’
as parameters, it is unclear whether you want to see the data for a specific sub-location or
for the more general location, Site 1 – Building 1. For this reason, the Level parameter
has been included in functions with location parameters. The Level parameter can be one
of these values.

Value Description
-1 Query for locations that match Site
0 Query for locations that match Site and Location
1 Query for locations that match Site, Location, and Sub-location 1
2 Query for locations that match Site, Location, Sub-location 1, and
Sub-location 2
3 Query for locations that match Site, Location, Sub-location 1, Sub-
location 2, and Sub-location 3

This section provides general procedures for invoking functions and lists the available
functions for FMI APIs. Current functions of the FMI fall into three categories.
ƒ The first type of function performs a calculation on specified data and returns
the result of the calculation. For example,
ViewMaterialCostForEquipment(‘BOIL-01’, ErrorCode) returns a numeric
cost representing the total material costs accumulated for equipment BOIL-01.
ƒ The second type of function performs a calculation and returns the result as an
object (recordset) containing one or more records of data.


For example, ViewNameplateForEquipment(‘BOIL-01’, ErrorCode) returns an
object containing a row of data for each item in the nameplate for equipment BOIL-
Important: All database information returned from these calls respect the MP2
security defined for the user connecting to MP2. The returned records
also reflect changes to the field label text.
ƒ The final type of function opens a data entry form, either locates a specific
record or inserts a new record, and then populates the record with default
information. For example, CreateWorkOrderRecordForEquipment(‘BOIL-
01’, ‘Greenville’, ‘BLDG1’, ‘BASE’, ‘-‘, ‘-‘) opens the Work Order form with
the next incremented WO No., enters BOIL-01 for Equipment No., Greenville
for Site, BLDG1 for Location, and BASE for Sub-location 1.

Invoking Functions
Follow these steps when invoking functions.
1 Create an OLE object. The name of the automation server is ‘Mp2.OleServ.’
2 Log into MP2.
3 Invoke a function using the OLE object.
4 If the result is a recordset, use the functions and properties described in “Recordset
Functions” and “Recordset Properties” later in this chapter.

User Login
Log into MP2. Refer to this list of functions, their purpose, their necessary parameters,
and the returned fields.

Functions and Parameters Purpose Returned Fields

LoginToMP2(var Log into MP2 none

Equipment and Location

View all cost information for a specific equipment or location, view nameplate
information for a specific equipment, view service contract information, and view cost
center and department information for a specific location. Refer to this list of functions,
their purpose, their necessary parameters, and the returned fields.
Functions and Parameters Purpose Returned Fields
ViewMaterialCostFor View the costs of all Material Cost on the
Equipment(var EqNum: parts used on work Financial Data page of the
string, var ReturnCode: orders for the selected Equipment form
integer):double equipment


Functions and Parameters Purpose Returned Fields
ViewLaborCostForEquipme View the costs of all Employee Labor Cost on the
nt(var EqNum:string, var employee labor used on Financial Data page of the
ReturnCode:integer):double work orders for the Equipment form
selected equipment
ViewVendorCostFor View the costs of all Vendor Labor Cost on the
Equipment(var vendor labor used on Financial Data page of the
EqNum:string, var work orders for the Equipment form
ReturnCode: selected equipment
ViewTotalCostForEquipmen View the sum of the Sum of the Material Cost,
t (var EqNum:string, var Material Cost and Labor Employee Labor Cost, and
ReturnCode:integer):double Cost for the selected Vendor Labor Cost on the
equipment Financial Data page of the
Equipment form
ViewServiceContract(var View service contract ServiceCode, ContractNum,
EqNum:string, var information for the VendorID, StartDate,
ReturnCode:integer): selected equipment ExpirationDate, Rate, Per,
recordset TotalPayment, NextDueDate,
LastPayment, DatePaid
ViewNameplateFor View nameplate EqNum, user-defined
Equipment(var information for the nameplate information
EqNum:string, var equipment type of the
ReturnCode:integer): selected equipment
ViewEquipmentInLocation View all equipment in EqNum, EqType,
(var SiteID, Location, the selected location and Description, InService,
Sublocation1, Sublocation2, all levels below this Location, Sublocation1,
Sublocation3:string, location Sublocation2, Sublocation3,
Level:integer, var Dept, SerialNum, ModelNum,
ReturnCode:integer): Manufacturer, VendorID,
recordset SpareCode, GenLedger,
CostCenter, AssetNum,
PurchDate, StartUpDate,
WarrantyDate, Life,
VendorCost, MatlCost,
ServiceCode, SafetyNote,
PersonResponsible, Priority,
EPATitled, UD1 – UD10


Functions and Parameters Purpose Returned Fields
ViewMaterialCostFor View the total Material Sum of all Material Cost for
Location(var SiteID, Cost for all equipment equipment in the selected
Location, Sublocation1, in the selected location location
Level:integer, var
ViewLaborCostForLocation View the costs of all Sum of all Employee Labor
(var SiteID, Location, employee labor used on Cost for equipment in the
Sublocation1, Sublocation2, work orders for the selected location
Sublocation3:string, selected location
Level:integer, var
ViewVendorCostForLocatio View the costs of all Sum of all Vendor Labor
n (var SiteID, Location, vendor labor used on Cost for equipment in the
Sublocation1, Sublocation2, work orders for the selected location
Sublocation3:string, selected location
Level:integer, var
ViewTotalCostForLocation View the Total Cost Sum of all Material Cost,
(var SiteID, Location, (sum of Material Cost Employee Labor Cost, and
Sublocation1, Sublocation2, and Labor Cost) for all Vendor Labor Cost for
Sublocation3:string, equipment in the equipment in the selected
Level:integer, var selected location location
ViewCostCenterForLocation View the Cost Center Cost Center and Description
(var SiteID, Location, for the selected location for the selected location
Sublocation1, Sublocation2,
Sublocation3:string, var
ViewDepartmentForLocatio View the Department Department and Description
n (var SiteID, Location, for the selected location for the selected location
Sublocation1, Sublocation2,
Sublocation3:string, var

View spare parts and reserved items for a specific equipment or location. Refer to this list
of functions, their purpose, their necessary parameters, and the returned fields.

Functions and Parameters Purpose Returned Fields

ViewSpareParts(var View all spare parts for ItemNum, SiteID,
EqNum:string, var the selected equipment Description, and Qty
ReturnCode:integer): recordset


Functions and Parameters Purpose Returned Fields
ViewReservedItemsFor View all items reserved to ItemNum,
Equipment(var EqNum:string, a work order that contains WarehouseID, SiteID,
var ReturnCode:integer): the selected equipment WONum, QtyRsrvd
ViewReservedItemsFor View all items reserved to ItemNum,
Location(var SiteID, Location, a work order that contains WarehouseID, SiteID,
Sublocation1, Sublocation2, the selected location WONum, QtyRsrvd
Level:integer, var
ReturnCode:integer): recordset

Work Requests and Work Orders

View all unapproved work requests for a specific equipment or location. Create a new
work order for an equipment or location, and view all open or closed work orders for a
specific equipment or location. Refer to this list of functions, their purpose, their
necessary parameters, and the returned fields.

Functions and Parameters Purpose Returned Fields

ViewUnapprovedRequestsF View all unapproved SiteID, RequestNum,
orEquipment(var work requests for the RequestedBy,
EqNum:string, var selected equipment RequestDate, Priority,
ReturnCode:integer): WOType, EstDuration,
recordset TaskNum, Description
ViewUnapprovedRequestsF View all unapproved same as above
orLocation(var SiteID, work requests for the
Location, Sublocation1, selected location
Sublocation3:string, Level:
integer, var ReturnCode:
CreateWorkOrderRecordFor Open the Work Orders none
Equipment(var EqNum, form, displaying a new
SiteID, Location, record with the next
Sublocation1, Sublocation2, work order number, the
Sublocation3:string):integer selected equipment, and
all equipment
CreateWorkOrderRecordFor Open the Work Orders none
Location(var SiteID, form, displaying a new
Location, Sublocation1, record with the next
Sublocation2, work order number, the
Sublocation3:string):integer selected location, and all


Functions and Parameters Purpose Returned Fields
ViewOpenWorkOrderFor View all open work SiteID, WONum,
Equipment(var orders for the selected TaskNum, TaskDesc,
EqNum:string, var equipment WOType, SchedStartDate,
ReturnCode:integer): SchedFinishDate,
recordset CompletionDate,
ViewOpenWorkOrderFor View all open work same as above
Location(var SiteID, orders for the selected
Location, Sublocation1, location
Level:integer, var
ViewWorkOrderHistory View all closed work same as above
ForEquipment(var orders for the selected
EqNum:string, var equipment
ViewWorkOrderHistoryFor View all closed work same as above
Location(var SiteID, orders for the selected
Location, Sublocation1, location
Level:integer, var

Statistical Predictive Maintenance

Create new statistical predictive maintenance (SPM) records and view all SPM
information for specific equipment. Refer to this list of functions, their purpose, their
necessary parameters, and the returned fields.

Functions and Parameters Purpose Returned Fields

CreateSPMRecord(var Open the Statistical none
EqNum:string):integer Predictive Maintenance
form, allowing the user to
enter new SPM data for
the selected equipment.
ViewSPMReadingsFor View all SPM EqNum, Measurement,
Equipment(var information for the MeasurementDesc, Units,
EqNum:string, var selected equipment UseMfgsSpecs,
ReturnCode:integer): MfgsMinValue,
recordset MfgsMaxValue,


Functions and Parameters Purpose Returned Fields
Use1StdDev, Use2StdDev,
TimeRepaired, SiteID

Recordset Functions
Important: This function is required at the end of each MP2 recordset function to clean up views
that may have been created.

Function Description Returned Value

Free; Frees an MP2 recordset not applicable

First, Last, Next, Prev

Function Description Returned Value
First:WordBool; Displays the first record Boolean value—True when
successful; otherwise False.
Last:WordBool; Displays the last record same as above
Next:WordBool; Displays the next record same as above
Prev:WordBool; Displays the previous same as above

Function Description Parameter Returned Value
Move Displays the displacement—Enter a Boolean value—
(displacement: record specified positive number to True when
integer):WordBool; by the move forward and a successful;
displacement negative number to otherwise False.
move backward.


Function Description Parameter Returned Value
GetFieldValue Obtains a value intIndex—Position of Boolean value—
(intIndex:integer; for the specified the field. Zero True when
var str:string): field specifies the first field successful;
WordBool; in a record. otherwise False.
str—String value is
† The returned value is a string regardless of the underlying data. For example, even if the data type for a field
is float, the function returns a string for the floating point value.

Recordset Properties
Property Description
FieldCount:integer; Returns field count for the recordset.
FieldLabels [intIndex: Returns a field label for a given field index. Zero is the
integer]:string; first field in the record.
FieldTypes Returns a field type for a given field index. Zero is the
[intIndex:integer]:integer; first field in the record. Data types are defined as follows.
Value Type
0 integer
1 floating point number
2 double precision floating point number
3 string
4 date/time
5 time
6 memo
7 image
8 monetary
9 unknown
RecordCount:integer Returns the number record for the MP2 records.


Return Codes
Refer to this list of return codes and their descriptions.

Return Code Description

1000 The OLE function executed successfully.
1001 The OLE server failed to activate a form in MP2.
1010 The OLE server failed to activate MP2.
1011 The user has insufficient security rights to access this operation.
(Menu is hidden.)
1013 The equipment number is a required field in this function.
1014 The equipment number specified does not exist or the user does not
have the access rights to the equipment site.
1015 The location specified does not exist in the location table.
1016 The location specified is blank.
1017 The OLE server could not assign the equipment number to an MP2
record because of insufficient security rights.
1018 The OLE server could not assign the location to an MP2 record
because of insufficient security rights.
1019 The OLE server could not assign sub-location 1 to an MP2 record
because of insufficient security rights.
1020 The OLE server could not assign sub-location 2 to an MP2 record
because of insufficient security rights.
1021 The OLE server could not assign sub-location 3 to an MP2 record
because of insufficient security rights.
1022 The OLE server could not assign the SPM measurement to an MP2
record because of insufficient security rights.
1023 The OLE server could not assign the work order number to an MP2
record because of insufficient security rights.
1500 The OLE server failed to open an MP2 record.
1501 A call to an SQL procedure failed.
1502 The result of a query resulted in an empty recordset.
1503 The user does not have sufficient security rights to this function or one
or more fields in the table(s).
1504 The user has insufficient security rights to access equipment cost
1505 The OLE server could not obtain a value from an MP2 record.


Return Code Description
1506 The equipment specified does not have an equipment type.
1508 Nameplate record does not exist for this equipment type.
1517 The user does not have sufficient security rights to the equipment
number field.
1518 The operation could not be performed because the user does not have
sufficient security rights to the Equipment form.
1519 The user does not have sufficient security rights to the site.
1521 The user does not have sufficient security rights to enter a close date.
1522 The site specified does not exit or the user does not have sufficient
security rights to access the site.
1523 A site must be specified to perform this function.
1524 One or more location fields are blank. All four locations must be
specified for this function.
1525 Site specified does not match the one in equipment.

Sample Code
The sample code shown below allows you to view all open work orders for a specific
piece of equipment, view all costs associated with a specific piece of equipment, and
view all costs associated with a specific location.
objMP2, recMP2 : Variant;
iResult : integer;
f : Double;
s, loc, sub1, sub2, sub3 : string;
iLevel : integer;
stUserName, stPassword, stEq, stValue : string;
objMP2 := CreateOLEObject(‘Mp2.OleServ’);
stUserName := ‘DAW’;
stPassword := ‘123’;
iResult := objMP2.LoginToMP2(stUserName, stPassword);
stEq := ‘EQ-01’;
recMP2 := objMP2.ViewOpenWorkOrderForEquipment(stEQ, iResult);
if iResult = 1000 then


f := objMP2.ViewTotalCostForEquipment(stEQ, iResult);
if iResult = 1000 then
showMessage(‘Total Cost for The Equipment =’+FloatToStr(f));
s := ‘site1’
loc := ‘loc1’;
sub1 := ‘subloc1’;
sub2 := ‘subloc2’;
sub3 := ‘subloc3’;
iLevel := 3;
f := objMP2.ViewTotalCostForLocation(s, loc, sub1, sub2, sub3, level, iResult);
if iResult = 1000 then
showMessage(‘Total Cost for The location =’+FloatToStrF(f, ffCurrency, 15, 2));



Field Form/Dialog Box Definition

Account No. Requisition Setup Account number for the requisition. MP2 stores account
numbers for your reference.
Activate Audit Users Select to track insertions, modifications, and deletions the
Trail user makes in MP2.
Active Credit Cards Select to indicate that the card is active.
Address 1 Many Postal address of the site, purchasing center, warehouse,
Address 2 etc.

Address 3
Address Type Purchasing Setup Select one of these options to add/edit the applicable
default address.
Confirm-to Address—Address to which vendors confirm
that they receive the order.
Ship-to Address—Address to which vendors ship items.
Invoice Address—Address to which vendors charge the
All Purchasing Quick Role Select to assign the user(s) to all purchasing centers.
Centers Assignments
All Received Purchasing Setup Select to automatically change the Status in the purchase
order to All Received after you receive all ordered items.
You must then manually change the Status to Completed
before closing the purchase order.
All Sites Quick Role Select to assign the user(s) to all sites.
All Users Quick Role Select to assign all users in the selected security role to all
Assignments sites, purchasing centers, and/or warehouses.

Field Form/Dialog Box Definition
All Warehouses Quick Role Select to assign the user(s) to all warehouses.
Allow insertion of Purchasing Role Select to enable users in this security role to insert new
new line items Setup line items into a purchase order without a requisition.
without a
Allow manual Purchasing Role Select to enable users in this security role to change the
changes of PO Setup purchase order status.
Allow Negative Inventory Setup Select to display negative values in Qty on Hand on the
QOH Inventory form if a stock adjustment results in this
quantity falling below zero.
Allow receiving Purchasing Role Select to enable users in this security role to receive
Setup purchase order items.
Allowing Purchasing Setup Select to allow receiving non-inventory items to stock.
Receiving Non-
inventory Items
to Stock
And Many Second value by which to filter. MP2 activates this option
if you select is between or is not between from
Ascending Many Select to sort the records alphabetically or numerically by
the selected field.
Auto-fill Qty to Purchasing Setup Select to automatically default the Qty to Receive for each
Receive item on the Quick Receive form or the Receive
Items/Services dialog box.
MP2 obtains this number for each item by subtracting the
Qty Received (UOP) from the Qty Requested (UOP) on
the Line Items List page of the Purchase Orders form.
Automatic PO Requisition Setup Select to generate purchase orders immediately after
Generation requisition generation.
Automatic Req. Requisition Setup Select one of these options.
Approval No auto-approval—MP2 assigns new requisitions an
approval status of Unapproved.
Stock items only—MP2 assigns new requisitions for
stock items an approval status of Approved and all new
requisitions for non-stock items an approval status of
All items—MP2 assigns new requisitions for all items an
approval status of Approved.
Available Fields Export Fields available for export.
Balance Warehouses Account code for items while they are in inventory.
Base Table Object Selector MP2 table on which the new table is based.
Belongs to Inventory Setup Description of the selected site.


Field Form/Dialog Box Definition
Card No. Credit Cards Credit card number.
City Many City where the site, purchasing center, or warehouse is
Client Update Sites Path from which to install the new version of MP2 for
Path each site.
Company Many Enter the name or your company or organization.
Confirm Change Password Enter the password a second time for verification.
Password Change Server
Custom Installation
Connection ID Active Users Number assigned to each user’s network session.
Contact Sites Name of the individual assigned as the contact for the site,
Purchasing Centers purchasing center, or warehouse.

Country Many Country where site, purchasing center, warehouse, etc. is
Credit Card Credit Cards Name of the credit card.
Currency Euro Setup Code identifying the currency the vendor uses or with
which the purchase order is calculated.
Currency Symbol Euro Setup Symbol representing the currency.
Custom Setup Database Setup Select to complete a customized installation of MP2.
Database Alias Server Setup For Server Setup, enter the name of the database alias on
Workstation which to install the MP2 database.
Configuration For Workstation Configuration, enter the name of the
database alias on which you installed the MP2 database.
Date Many Date the activity (inventory transaction, meter reading,
etc.) took place.
Default Buyer Purchasing Setup Default buyer for the purchasing center.
Default for Purchasing Setup When generating purchase orders, MP2 automatically
Printing and selects Select for Printing on the Purchase Orders form so
Submitting that you may batch print all purchase orders generated.
Default Home Role Assignment Site MP2 enters when inserting site-related records.
Default Requisition Setup Unique code identifying the default requisition. MP2 adds
Requisition No. items to the default requisition if you do not have an
approval process, if you add non-requisition items to
purchase orders, or if you select Use default requisition
from Requisition Grouping.
Default Site Purchasing Setup Default site for the purchasing center.


Field Form/Dialog Box Definition
Delete Orphaned Orphans Select to delete orphaned records in the table.
Department Requisition Setup Department of the individual requesting items/services.
Descending Many Select to sort the records in reverse alphabetical or
numerical order by the selected field.
Description Many Description of the corresponding identification code (site,
purchasing center, warehouse, etc.).
Email Sites For Sites, Purchasing Centers, and Warehouses: Electronic
Purchasing Centers mail address of the contact at the site, purchasing center,
or warehouse.
For Requisition Setup: Electronic mail address of the
Requisition Setup individual requesting items/services.
Enable Euro Euro Setup Select if you want to enable the triangular conversion.
Ending Date Financial Periods Last day on which the financial period is open.
Enforce Purchasing Setup Select to enforce automatic purchase order numbering. If
automatic PO you select this check box, MP2 will not allow users to
numbering manually enter a number for PO No. on the Purchase
Orders form.
Enforce Work Order Setup Select to enforce automatic work order numbering. If you
automatic WO select this check box, MP2 will not allow users to
numbering manually enter a number for WO No. on the Work Orders
Euro-based Euro Setup Select Euro-based, Opt-out Euro-based, or Non-Euro-
based to reflect the vendor’s currency.
Euro Rate Euro Setup Exchange rate from Euro to the national (vendor)
Exchange Rate Euro Setup Exchange rate for your base currency to the national
(vendor) currency.
Expense Warehouses Account code for inventory items when they are used. For
example, charge an item you check out to a work order to
an Expense Account Code related to that work order.
Export Many Select to save the report, graph, or labels in a specified
table format.
Express Setup Database Setup Select to complete MP2 installation using default settings.
Extension Sites Phone extension of the contact at the site, purchasing
Purchasing Centers center, or warehouse.

Fax No. Sites Fax number of the contact at the site, purchasing center, or
Purchasing Centers warehouse.



Field Form/Dialog Box Definition
Fax Program Purchasing Setup MP2 supports only WinFax software. Enter WINFAX in
Name the field.
Federal Tax ID Sites Site’s federal tax identification number.
No. MP2 stores this number for your reference.
Field Name Many Field by which to select and filter records or reports.
Fields Object Selector Select the field to add, and then drag it to the new form.
Fields in Import List of fields in the destination table.
Destination Table
Fields in Import Import List of fields in the source file.
Fields to Export Export Selected fields for MP2 to export.
FIFO Inventory Setup First In, First Out—Select to issue parts at the cost of the
oldest receipt of that item.
File Name Save As Name of the file you are creating.
Filter Many Select an existing filter or select (New) to create a new
Filter Name Users For Users, the security filter assigned to the user.
Filter dialog box For Filter dialog box, name of the filtered data set. Select
Private to save the filter for your use only, or select
Public to save the filter for use by any MP2 user. Click
Save. MP2 saves the filter by the specified name.
Financial Period Financial Periods Unique code identifying the financial period.
Fiscal Year Inventory Setup Date the company’s fiscal year starts. MP2 uses this date
Starting Date to calculate YTD inventory usage and quantities received
Footer Many Enter the footer to be printed at the bottom of each page.
For approved Purchasing Role Choose Read-only to enable this user group to only read
requisitions Setup approved requisitions. Choose Non-Cost to enable them
to make changes that do not affect the cost. Choose
Unrestricted to enable them to make any type of changes.
For unapproved Purchasing Role Choose Read-only to enable this user group to only read
requisitions Setup unapproved requisitions. Choose Unrestricted to enable
them to change unapproved requisitions.
Free Space (MB) Custom Installation Displays the amount of amount of data tablespace not in
Generate the Server Installation Select for Setup to generate SQL installation scripts that
installation allow you to perform a custom server installation later.
scripts and install


Field Form/Dialog Box Definition
Grace Days Financial Periods Number of days past the Ending Date of the financial
period in which to post any transactions for inventory
Group By Many Select to group the records by the selected field.
Group Name Active Users The name of the security group to which the active user
Hidden Object Property Select to hide the field, form, table, or menu option and/or
its contents from the selected security role.
Hidden Fields Many List all fields not to include in the report.
Host Name Active Users MP2 user’s machine name.
I want to view the Setup Complete Select to view the README file.
Import From Import File from which to import equipment and inventory data.
Import To Import File to which to import equipment and inventory data.
Include Purchasing Setup Select to include miscellaneous charges in the Adjusted
Miscellaneous Unit Cost on the Costs sub-page of the Inventory form
Charge and in the Amount Received on the Costs page of the
Purchase Orders form.
Include Shipping Purchasing Setup Select to include shipping charges in the Adjusted Unit
Charge Cost on the Costs sub-page of the Inventory form and in
the Amount Received on the Costs page of the Purchase
Orders form.
Include Tax Purchasing Setup Select to include tax in the Adjusted Unit Cost on the
Costs sub-page of the Inventory form and in the Amount
Received on the Costs page of the Purchase Orders form.
Install now Server Installation Select for Setup to continue with the MP2 installation.
Key Field Field Designer Select to designate a key field.
Label Object Property Field label or menu title.
Field Designer Name MP2 displays for the field.
Label Layout File Purchasing Setup The location and filename of your saved label layout. MP2
prints labels in this format. If left blank, MP2 prints labels
in the default label format.
Labor Markup Invoice Setup Labor markup rate applied to services rendered by the
(%) facility.
Labor Tax Rate Invoice Setup Labor tax rate applied to services rendered by the facility.
Leave Orphaned Orphans Select to leave orphaned records as they are, without
Records changing or modifying the table.


Field Form/Dialog Box Definition
Level 1 Can Requisition Setup Users with the specified requisition approval level can
Approve Up To approve requisitions with a total cost up to this amount.
Level 2 Can
Approve Up To
Level 3 Can
Approve Up To
Level 4 Can
Approve Up To
LIFO Inventory Setup Last In, First Out—Select to issue parts at the cost of the
most recent receipt of that item.
Lookup Field Field Designer Select the field to which to lookup from this field.
Lookup Table Field Designer Select the table to which to lookup from this field.
Look up to Table Field Designer Select to specify that the field is a lookup field.
Mail Many Select to send the report, graph, or labels to an email
Manager Sites The name of the site, purchasing center, or warehouse
Purchasing Centers manager or the employee code identifying the manager.

Mark Up Invoice Invoice Setup Select whether to add markups to costs on call-in request
Material Markup Invoice Setup Material markup rate applied to services rendered by the
(%) facility.
Material Tax Invoice Setup Material tax rate applied to services rendered by the
Rate (%) facility.
Maximum Value Field Designer Maximum value allowed.
Menu Label Menus Name of the menu option.
Minimum Value Field Designer Minimum value required.
Miscellaneous Purchasing Setup Rate for MP2 to use when calculating miscellaneous
Rate (%) charges.
Month Credit Cards Number identifying the month of expiration.
MP2 Select Products Select to install MP2.
MP2 Setup Setup Type Select to generate a configuration file.
Name Many For Save As, the name by which to identify the file or
For Purchasing Setup, the name of the contact person at
the confirm-to, ship-to, or invoice address.
For User Information, enter the user’s name.
For Custom Installation, enter the logical name of the
For Field Designer, unique code identifying the field.
Name on Card Credit Cards Individual’s name appearing on the credit card.
Field Form/Dialog Box Definition
New Server Change Server Enter the new password for accessing the server.
Password Password
Next PO No. Purchasing Setup Next purchase order number that MP2 uses when
numbering purchase orders automatically.
Next Quotation Requisition Setup Next quotation number that MP2 uses when numbering
No. quotations automatically.
Next Receiver No. Purchasing Setup Next receiver number that MP2 uses when numbering
receivers automatically.
Next Requisition Requisition Setup Next requisition number that MP2 uses when numbering
No. requisitions automatically.
Next WO No. Work Order Setup Next work order number that MP2 will use when
numbering work orders automatically.
No. of Decimal Facility Setup Number of decimal places you want to appear on printed
places purchase orders and work order invoices.
Non-Databound Object Selector Select the control to add, and then drag it to the new form.
Non-stock items Requisition Setup Select one of these options.
Mixed with stock items—MP2 places all line items
together on a new or default requisition.
Separate from stock items—MP2 creates a new
requisition for non-stock items.
Do not reorder—MP2 does not generate non-stock items
on requisitions. You can still add non-stock items
Normal Object Property Select to enable users in a selected security role to have
full editing rights to a field, table, or menu option.
Old Server Change Server Enter the old password used to access the server.
Password Password
Open Run Enter the file to execute or open.
Operator Many Query operator to use when selecting or filtering records.
Or Many After clicking Next to add more conditions to the filter or
selection criteria, MP2 defaults Or as the condition
separator. This signifies that only one condition must be
Pager No. Sites Pager number of the contact at the site, purchasing center,
Purchasing Centers or warehouse.

PagerLink Role Sites Unique code identifying the PagerLink role, which defines
a set of PagerLink options to be used by sites.
Parent Table Orphans Name of the table that is parent to the table containing the
orphan record(s).


Field Form/Dialog Box Definition
Password Users For Users and Change Password, enter the user’s password
Change Password for accessing MP2. Special characters mask the password
as you type it. If you make a mistake, press the backspace
Server Setup key to erase, and then retype the password.
Database Information For Server Setup, enter the user’s password for accessing
Custom Installation the server.
Log On For Database Information and Custom Installation, enter
the password to the MP2 database being created.
Configuration For Workstation Configuration, enter the password to the
MP2 database.
Path Multimedia File For Multimedia File Search Paths, enter the path of a file
Search Paths to attach a task, equipment, vendor, inventory, work order,
Custom Installation or purchase order record. MP2 searches all paths in this
form for the file.
For Custom Installation, enter the path of the tablespace
PO Status Purchasing Setup Choose one of these options.
All Received—MP2 automatically changes the Status in
the purchase order to All Received after you receive all
ordered items. You must then manually change the Status
to Completed before closing the purchase order.
Completed—MP2 automatically changes the Status in the
purchase order to Completed after you receive all items.
You may then close the purchase order.
Postal Code Many Postal or ZIP code of the site, purchasing center, or
Primary Sites Warehouse that stores most of the inventory for the site.
Print Many Select to print the report, graph or label.
Print Multimedia Requisition Setup Select to print multimedia files when printing quotations.
Files from
Print Multimedia Requisition Setup Select to print multimedia files when printing requisitions.
Files from
Print Multimedia Work Order Setup Select to print multimedia files when printing work orders
Files from Work in either the short or long form.
Print Receiver Purchasing Setup Select to print receivers each time you receive items from
purchase orders.
Product ID User Information Enter the 16-digit code on the MP2 CD.
Projection Work Order Setup Number of days into the future for MP2 to project when
Duration refreshing the work schedule.


Field Form/Dialog Box Definition
Purchasing Many Unique code identifying the site that manages purchasing-
Center related issues for the company. For example, Acme
Manufacturing’s corporate headquarters is in Atlanta, but
its purchasing center is in Chicago.
Purge Start Date Purge Audit Trail Displays the date of the first audit trail record.
Purge Through Purge Audit Trail Enter the date through which to remove records.
Read First Row Import Select if the import file is an ASCII file and the first row is
As Field Names field names (or column headings).
Read-only Object Property Select to enable the selected security role to only view, but
not edit, the selected field or table.
Record Item Purchasing Setup Select to record changes to the status of line items on
Status Changes purchase orders.
Record PO Purchasing Setup Select to record changes to approved purchase orders.
Reinsert Orphans Select to create a new master record for an orphaned
Orphaned record(s).
Records into
Master Table
Reload Custom Database Setup Select if you are installing MP2 over an existing database.
Server Code Options
Repository Setup Type Select to create a repository of the Setup files so that each
user can automatically upgrade MP2 when you install a
new version on the server.
Request Approval Role Assignments Select from these requisition approval levels.
Level Level 1—Users can approve requisitions up to the Level 1
Level 2—Users can approve requisitions up to the Level 2
Level 3—Users can approve requisitions up to the Level 3
Level 4—Users can approve all requisitions.
Requested By Requisition Setup Individual requesting items/services.
Requisition Inventory Setup Select to allow MP2 to create requisitions that exceed the
Exceeds Max. specified limit.
Requisition Requisition Setup Select one of these options.
Grouping One for each vendor—MP2 generates a separate
requisition for each vendor.
One for all vendors—MP2 places items on one
requisition for all vendors.
Use default requisition—MP2 places all items on the
default requisition when generating.
Requisition Requisition Setup Text to appear on requisitions.


Field Form/Dialog Box Definition
Retrieve cost Inventory Setup Select the warehouse from which to retrieve cost
from information when calculating costs during inter-warehouse
transfers. For example, if you choose Source Warehouse
and the item you are transferring is $3.49 at the source
warehouse, but $3.99 at the destination warehouse, MP2
posts the item cost as $3.49 for the IT transaction.
Role Name Roles Unique code identifying the security role. For example,
Role Assignments MAINT for a Maintenance role or MGMT for a
Management role.
Quick Role
Purchasing Centers
Design Security
Role Type Role Assignments Site—Security assigned is site-related.
Sites Purchasing Center—Security assigned is purchasing
Purchasing Centers center-related.
Warehouses Warehouse—Security assigned is warehouse-related.
Role Type ID Role Assignments Code identifying the site, purchasing center, or warehouse.
Save as type Save As Type or format of the file. For example, .DIF, .XLS,
Export .MDB, etc.

Save in Save As Select the directory in which to save the file.

Security Table Designer Select Site, Warehouse, or Purchasing Center to apply
the base for security restriction, or select None to apply
unrestricted access to the menu option.
Security Based Menus Select Site, Warehouse, or Purchasing Center to apply
On the base for security restriction, or select None to apply
unrestricted access to the menu option.
Security Design Security Select a menu, pop-up menu, or form from the Security
Design Tree to assign security restrictions for the selected
Security Key Select Products Select to install the security key.
Select a Database Data Surgery List of all MP2 tables on which you may perform data
Table surgery. Select a table, and then click OK.
Separate Stock Purchasing Setup When generating purchase orders, MP2 separates stock
Items from Non- items from non-stock items.
stock Items
Server Setup Type Select to install MP2 on the server.


Field Form/Dialog Box Definition
Server Name Server Setup Enter the name of the server on which to install the MP2
Session ID Active Users When a user logs into MP2, the machine connects to the
database server, and the server opens a session for this
connection. Session ID is the ID for this session.
Ship Rate (%) Purchasing Setup Rate for MP2 to use when calculating shipping charges.
Show All Users Select to view all inventory items via the Inventory form.
Inventory Items If unselected, MP2 only displays the items that are located
in the warehouse(s) in which the user has access.
Show RFO Codes Work Order Setup Select to display the reason for outage (RFO) code at the
at Work Order work order level (e.g., on the List View and Record View
Level pages of the Work Orders form).
Single Source Many Select to indicate that the inventory item has been
approved to be ordered from a specific vendor (no other
bids considered).
Single User Quick Role Select to assign one user in the selected security role to all
Assignments sites, purchasing centers, and/or warehouses.
Site Many Physical locations for the company. For example, Acme
Manufacturing has sites located in Atlanta, Chicago, and
Size Field Designer Number of characters allowed for the field. MP2 enables
this field only if the field type is Alphanumeric. The
maximum field size is 255.
Sort By Many Select the field by which to sort records, select an existing
sort order, or select (New) to create a new sort order.
Sort Name Sort After specifying the sort criteria, enter a name for the sort,
and then click Save.
Starting Date Financial Periods First day on which the financial period is open.
State Many State or province where the site, purchasing center, or
warehouse is located. Enter two-character postal
State Code State/Province Codes Code for the state, province, etc. Use postal codes when
State Name State/Province Codes Full name of the state, province, etc.
Table Export For Export, select the table from which to export data.
Report Designer For Report Designer, select a table to add to the report.
Object Selector For Object Selector, select the table to add, and then drag
it to the new form.
Table Name Table Designer Unique code identifying the table.
Table Title Table Designer Name MP2 displays for the table.


Field Form/Dialog Box Definition
Telephone No. Sites For Sites, Purchasing Centers, or Warehouses, Telephone
Purchasing Centers number of the contact at the site, purchasing center, or
For Requisition Setup, Telephone number of the individual
Requisition Setup requesting items/services.
Then By Many Select the secondary and tertiary fields by which to sort
the records.
Title Report Designer Name of the report.
Total (MB) Custom Installation Desired size of the tablespace.
Transfer Access Role Assignments Defines level of inventory transfer between
In—Indicates you can transfer items to a warehouse.
Out—Indicates you can transfer items from a
In/Out—Indicates you can transfer items to and
from a warehouse.
None—Indicates you cannot transfer items to or
from a warehouse.
Type Field Designer Type of field.
Update Existing Import Select to update existing records with the new imported
Records data. For example, you may change the Qty on Hand for
several items already existing in MP2.
Upgrade Setup Type Select to install additional add-ons or to increase the
number of seats.
Use Automatic Purchasing Setup Select to automatically number each receipt.
Receiver No.
Use triangular for Euro Setup When selected, MP2 will perform a triangular conversion
opt-out Euro- if Enable Euro is selected and if one or both currencies
based are opt-out Euro-based.
User ID Many Unique code identifying the user.
User Name Database Information For Database Information and Custom Installation, enter
Custom Installation the name of the owner of the MP2 database being created.
Log On For Workstation Configuration, enter the name of the
Workstation owner of the MP2 database.
Validate Against Field Designer Select to require the field value to be in the lookup table.
Lookup Field
Validate Stock Inventory Setup Select to validate stock locations when inserting new
Location locations on the Stock sub-page of the Inventory form. If
unselected, MP2 automatically adds new locations without
first displaying a message.
Value Many Value by which to filter.


Field Form/Dialog Box Definition
View All Projects Users Indicates whether the user can view all projects or only
projects in the sites to which the user has rights.
Warehouse Warehouses Unique code identifying the warehouse in which you store
Weighted Inventory Setup Select to add the cost of the inventory to the cost of
Averaging purchases and divide by the total number of units in those
two groups, determining an average unit cost. MP2 assigns
the average cost to each unit, but you may still record and
track actual purchase prices.
What is your Euro Setup Currency exchange rate from Euro to your base currency.
Euro to base
conversion rate?
When P.O. Status Purchasing Role Select Read Only, Non-Cost, or Unrestricted to give
is ‘Open’ Setup this user group read, non-cost, or write access to purchase
orders with an Open status.
When P.O. Status Purchasing Role Select Read Only, Non-Cost, or Unrestricted to give
is ‘Ready’ Setup this user group read, non-cost, or write access to purchase
orders with a Ready status.

When P.O. Status Purchasing Role Select Read Only, Non-Cost, or Unrestricted to give
is ‘Receiving’, Setup this user group read either non-cost or write access to
‘All Received’, or purchase orders with a status of Receiving, All Received,
‘Completed’ or Complete.
Workstation Setup Type Select to install MP2 on a workstation.
Write-off Warehouses Account code for the line item when you write it off. For
example, if you count inventory and find a line item that
should be in inventory is not, charge it to the write-off
Year Credit Cards Number identifying the year of expiration.



Table Name Description

ACCT Account codes
ADDRESS Address for shipment and confirmation
ASSET Asset numbers, locations, and quantities
ASSETLOC Asset locations
ASSETNUM Asset numbers, types, and descriptions
ASSETYPE Asset types
ATTEND Employee attendance codes
BUDVAL Budget values
COMCODE Barcode comments
CONVHDET Site to warehouse conversion history
CONVHIST Conversion history
COSTCTR Cost center codes
CRAFTS Craft codes
CRAFTWO Craft work
DAILYSC Daily labor hours
DEPT Department codes
EMP Employee information
EMPAVAIL Employees available for work
EMPHRS Employee work hours
EMPWAGE Employee wage rates
EPAUSAGE Activity on equipment requiring special handling
EQDRWG Equipment multimedia files

Table Name Description
EQTYPE Equipment types
EQUIP Equipment information
EQXREF Equipment components
EXCHRATE Exchange rates
EXPENSE Expense classes
FACILITY Facility information
FACSCHED Site scheduling exceptions
FNPERIOD Financial periods
GLCODE General ledger account codes
GLMAP General ledger mapping - master
GLMAPFUNC General ledger mapping - detail
GLTRANS General ledger segments
INSTR Task instructions
INVCOMM Inventory comments
INVCOST Inventory costs
INVSUB Substitute parts
INVTYPE Inventory types
INVVEND Suppliers by inventory item
INVY Inventory information
INVYDRWG Inventory multimedia files
ISSREC Inventory transaction history
LEDGER General ledger codes
LOCATION Location codes
MANUFACT Manufacturer information
METER Equipment meter readings
MTRHIST Meter reading history
NEXTPO Next purchase order number
NEXTQUOT Next quotation number
NEXTRECR Receiver setup information
NEXTREQ Next requisition number
NPSDT Nameplate structural definition
OFFSETACCT Offset account index
PAYTERM Payment terms
POADRS Purchase order addresses
PODRAW Purchase order multimedia files
POGENOP Purchase order generation options
POHDREV Purchase order header revisions


Table Name Description
POHEADER Purchase order header information
POITEMTAX Purchase order item tax
POLEVEL Requisition approval levels
PORECEIV Purchase order receiving records
PORECVOP Purchase order receiving options
PORETURN Purchase order returns
POTAXREV Purchase order tax revisions
POTYPE Purchase order type
PRODSCHE Production scheduling
PROJECT Projects
PROJHEADER Project header information
PROJTYPE Project types
PURCENTER Purchasing centers
PURREQ Requisition line items
PURRQREV Purchase requisition revisions
QUOTHDR Quotation header information
QUOTITEM Quotation detail information
QUOTVEND Quotation vendors
REASON Transaction reasons
REQGENOP Requisition generation options
REQHDG Requisition heading
REQMT Task parts
REQSTION Requisition information
RFO Reason for outage codes
RRCODE Return reason codes
SAVESITE Saved sites
SCHEDWO Scheduled work orders
SERVCODE Service codes
SERVCONT Service contract information
SITE Site information
SPARES Spare parts lists
SPCODE Spare parts codes
SPMDESC Statistical predictive maintenance descriptions
SPMVALS Statistical predictive maintenance values
STATES State and province codes
STOCK Inventory stock levels and locations


Table Name Description
SUBSECT Sub-section
TASK Task information
TASKDRAW Task multimedia files
TASKEQ Task equipment scheduling
TASKPROJ Task projections
TAXCODE Tax codes
TAXNAME Tax names
TAXRATE Tax rates
TBLID Audit trail relationships
TENANT Tenant information
TIME Employee exceptions
TIMEKEEP Timekeeping
TRAINING Employee training
TRANSACT Barcode transactions
TSKCRAFT Task crafts
TSKINSTR Instruction codes
TSKMETER Task meter scheduling
TSKSHDOW Task shadowing
TSRINFO Work request default information
TSRSERV Requested services
UOMUOP Units of measure and purchase
VENDCOMM Vendor comments
VENDDRAW Vendor multimedia files
VENDOR Vendor information
VENDORSITEINFO Vendor/site information
VENDPO Vendor purchase contracts
VERCOMP Version comparison
VERHIST Version history
WAREHOUSE Warehouses
WAREHOUSEINFO Warehouse information
WAREHOUSESITE Warehouse-site relationship
WO Work order information
WOC Work order comments
WOCRAFT Work order crafts
WODRAW Work order multimedia files
WOE Work order employee labor
WOEQLIST Work order equipment list


Table Name Description
WOMETER Work order meter readings
WOP Work order parts
WOREQ On-site requests information
WOREQC On-site requests comments
WOREQLIS On-site requests equipment list
WORKWEEK Site work week
WOSINFO Work order default information
WOTYPE Work order types
WOV Work order contractor labor



Refer to these table definitions when importing equipment and inventory data into MP2
or when creating interfaces to MP2. Refer to “Importing Equipment and Inventory Data”
in Chapter 5: Utilities for information on mapping data to import, and refer to Chapter 7:
Facilities Management Interface for information on interfaces.
This chapter provides definitions for these MP2 tables.
ƒ Employees (EMP)
ƒ Employee Wage Rates (EMPWAGE)
ƒ Equipment (EQUIP)
ƒ Inventory (INVY)
ƒ Inventory Costs (INVCOST)
ƒ Inventory Stock Levels and Locations (STOCK)
ƒ Meter Readings (METER)
ƒ Projects (PROJECT)
ƒ Statistical Predictive Maintenance Descriptions (SPMDESC)
ƒ Statistical Predictive Maintenance Values (SPMVALS)
ƒ Tasks (TASK)
ƒ Task Equipment Scheduling (TASKEQ)
ƒ Vendors (VENDOR)
ƒ Warehouses (WAREHOUSE)
ƒ Work Orders (WO)
ƒ Work Order Equipment List (WOEQLIST)

Asterisks (*) designate key fields. Refer to “Key Fields” in Chapter 2: Data Entry

Employees (EMP)
Field Name Field ID Type Size Restrictions
Employee Code* EmpCode character 11
Last Name LastName character 15
First Name FirstName character 15
Social Security No. SocSecNum character 16
Address 1 Addr1 character 25
Address 2 Addr2 character 25
City City character 20
State State character 12
Postal Code Zip character 10
Telephone No. Phone character 30
Craft Craft character 6 Foreign Key: CRAFTS
Class Class character 6
Shift Shift character 2
Accumulated Sick AccumSickHrs float
Accumulated Vacation AccumVacHrs float
Hire Date HireDate date/time
Raise Date RaiseDate date/time
Notes Notes text
Seniority Seniority character 6
Skill Level SkillLevel character 6
Crew Crew character 6
Address 3 Addr3 character 25
Email Email character 50
Site SiteID character 15 Foreign Key: SITE
Department Department character 10 Foreign Key: DEPT
Cost Center CostCenter character 15 Foreign Key: COSTCTR
UpdateStamp date/time
UpdateUser character 30
Pager No. PagerNum character 50
ConvNum number
DSRowID number
Pager Email PagerMail character 50
Supervisor Supervisor character 11 Foreign Key: EMP


Employee Wage Rates (EMPWAGE)
Field Name Field ID Type Size Restrictions
Employee Code* EmpCode character 11
First Name FirstName character 15
Last Name LastName character 15
Wage Code* WageCode character 7
Primary Wage PrimaryWage character 1 Y or N
Rate Rate float
Description Description character 30
UpdateStamp date/time
UpdateUser character 30
ConvNum number

Equipment (EQUIP)
Field Name Field ID Type Size Restrictions
Equipment No.* EqNum character 30
Equipment Type EqType character 8 Foreign Key: EQTYPE
Description Description character 50
In Service InService character 1 Y or N
Location Location character 30 Foreign Key: LOCATION
Sub-location 1 SubLocation1 character 30 Foreign Key: LOCATION
Sub-location 2 SubLocation2 character 30 Foreign Key: LOCATION
Sub-location 3 SubLocation3 character 30 Foreign Key: LOCATION
Department Dept character 10 Foreign Key: DEPT
Serial No. SerialNum character 30
Model No. ModelNum character 30
Manufacturer Manufacturer character 12 Foreign Key: MANUFACT
Vendor ID VendorID character 15 Foreign Key: VENDOR
Spare-parts Code SpareCode character 10 Foreign Key: SPCODE
General Ledger No. GenLedger character 20 Foreign Key: LEDGER
Cost Center CostCenter character 15 Foreign Key: COSTCTR
Asset No. AssetNum character 15 Foreign Key: ASSET
Purchase Date PurchDate date/time
Startup Date StartupDate date/time
Warranty Expiration WarrantyDate date/time
Life (mos.) Life number
Original Cost OriginalCost float
Replacement Cost ReplacementCost float
Employee Labor Cost InHouseLaborCost float
Vendor Labor Cost VendorCost float
Material Cost MatlCost float
Service Code ServiceCode character 10 Foreign Key: SERVCONT


Field Name Field ID Type Size Restrictions
Safety Notes SafetyNote text
Operating Status OperatingStatus character 10
Person Responsible PersonResponsible character 11
Priority Priority float
Notify when creating EpaTitled character 1 Y or N
work orders
User-defined Field 1 UD1 character 20
User-defined Field 2 UD2 character 20
User-defined Field 3 UD3 character 20
User-defined Field 4 UD4 character 20
User-defined Field 5 UD5 character 20
User-defined Field 6 UD6 character 20
User-defined Field 7 UD7 character 20
User-defined Field 8 UD8 character 20
User-defined Field 9 UD9 character 20
User-defined Field 10 UD10 character 20
UpdateStamp date/time
UpdateUser character 30
Site SiteID character 15 Foreign Key: SITE
Vendor Branch VendorBranchID character 12 Foreign Key: VENDOR
ConvNum number

Inventory (INVY)
Field Name Field ID Type Size Restrictions
Item No.* ItemNum character 25
Description Description character 50
Inventory Type Type character 6
Unit of Measure UOM character 8 Foreign Key: UOMUOP
Balance AcctCode character 15 Foreign Key: ACCT
Manufacturer OEMMfg character 12 Foreign Key: MANUFACT
Notes Notes text
Volume Volume float
Date Added DateAdded date/time
Class Class character 6
Weight Weight float
Cost Center CostCenter character 15 Foreign Key: COSTCTR
Model Model character 24
Date Last Edited LastEditDate date/time
User-defined Field 1 UD1 character 20
User-defined Field 2 UD2 character 20
User-defined Field 3 UD3 character 20
User-defined Field 4 UD4 character 20


Field Name Field ID Type Size Restrictions
User-defined Field 5 UD5 character 20
User-defined Field 6 UD6 character 20
User-defined Field 7 UD7 character 20
User-defined Field 8 UD8 character 20
User-defined Field 9 UD9 character 20
User-defined Field 10 UD10 character 20
Unit of Weight UOW character 5
Expense ExpenseAcctCode character 15 Foreign Key: ACCT
Write-off WriteOffAcctCode character 15 Foreign Key: ACCT
UpdateStamp date/time
UpdateUser character 30
ConvNum number
DSRowID number

Inventory Costs (INVCOST)

Field Name Field ID Type Size Restrictions
Item No.* ItemNum character 25 Foreign Key: INVY
Date* DateIn date/time
Time* TimeIn date/time
Average Unit Cost UnitCost float
Qty AvailableQty float
BaseCost float
Warehouse* WarehouseID character 15 Foreign Key: WAREHOUSE
UpdateStamp date/time
UpdateUser character 30
ConvNum number

Inventory Stock Levels and Locations (STOCK)

Field Name Field ID Type Size Restrictions
Item No.* ItemNum character 25 Foreign Key: INVY
Warehouse* WarehouseID character 15 Foreign Key: WAREHOUSE
Stock Location* Location character 15
Qty on Hand QtyOnHand float
UpdateStamp date/time
UpdateUser character 30
New Qty NewQty float
ErrorID number
ConvNum number


Meter Readings (METER)
Field Name Field ID Type Size Restrictions
Equipment No.* EqNum character 30 Foreign Key: EQUIP
Meter Name* MeterNum character 6
Signal Tag SignalTag character 15
Description Description character 30
Unit of Measure UOM character 8 Foreign Key: UOMUOP
Avg. Meter Units/Day AvgMtrUnitsPer float
Runtime/Cycles RuntimeCycles character 1 Y or N
Replace/Add ReplaceAdd character 1 Y or N
Rollover Count RolloverCount number
Rollover Point RolloverPoint float
Current Meter Reading CurMtr float
Date EqDate date/time
Time EqTime date/time
UpdateStamp date/time
UpdateUser character 30
ConvNum number

Projects (PROJECT)
Field Name Field ID Type Size Restrictions
Project ID* ProjectID character 16
Project Task* ProjectTask character 20
Description Description character 50
Starting Date StartDate date/time
Ending Date EndDate date/time
Type ProjectType character 16
UpdateStamp date/time
UpdateUser character 30
ConvNum number 38
DSRowID number
Site SiteID character 15
Task Name TaskName character 30
Active ActiveFlag character 1
Billable ChargeableFlag character 1
ParentTaskID number 38

Statistical Predictive Maintenance Descriptions (SPMDESC)

Field Name Field ID Type Size Restrictions
Equipment No.* EqNum character 30 Foreign Key: EQUIP
Measurement* Measurement character 15
Description MeasurementDesc character 40


Field Name Field ID Type Size Restrictions
Units Units character 5
Use Manufacturer’s UseMfgsSpecs character 1 Y or N
Min. Value MfgsMinValue float
Max. Value MfgsMaxValue float
Use Daily Average UseDailyAvg character 1 Y or N
Use Control Dates UseControlGroups character 1 Y or N
Starting Date ControlStartDate date/time
Ending Date ControlEndDate date/time
Mean ControlMean float
Std. Deviation ControlStdDev float
Use 1 Std. Deviation Use1StdDev character 1 Y or N
Use 2 Std. Deviations Use2StdDev character 1 Y or N
Use 3 Std. Deviations Use3StdDev character 1 Y or N
Consecutive Points ConsecutivePoints number
Repair WO No. WONumFlag character 10 Foreign Key: WO
Repair Date DateRepaired date/time
Repair Time TimeRepaired date/time
Site SiteID character 15 Foreign Key: SITE
UpdateStamp date/time
UpdateUser character 30
ConvNum number

Statistical Predictive Maintenance Values (SPMVALS)

Field Name Field ID Type Size Restrictions
Equipment No.* EqNum character 30 Foreign Key: EQUIP
Measurement* Measurement character 15
Date* SPMDate date/time
Time* SPMTime date/time
Numeric Reading SPMValue float
WO No. WONum character 10 Foreign Key: WO
Mean ControlMean float
Std. Deviation ControlStdDev float
Text Reading Attribute character 30
Site EquipSiteID character 15
Work Order Site WOSiteID character 15
UpdateStamp date/time
UpdateUser character 30
ConvNum number


Tasks (TASK)
Field Name Field ID Type Size Restrictions
Task No.* TaskNum character 20
Description Description character 72
WO Type WOType character 9 Foreign Key: WOTYPE
Priority Priority float
In-Service Task InServTask character 1 Y or N
Expense Class ExpenseClass character 8 Foreign Key: EXPENSE
Multitask Multitask character 1 Y or N
Assigned To AssignedTo character 11 Foreign Key: EMP
First Name FirstName character 15
Last Name LastName character 15
Site* SiteID character 15 Foreign Key: SITE
UpdateStamp date/time
UpdateUser character 30
ConvNum number

Task Equipment Scheduling (TASKEQ)

Field Name Field ID Type Size Restrictions
Task No.* TaskNum character 20
Equipment No.* EqNum character 30 Foreign Key: EQUIP
Location* Location character 30
Sub-location 1* Sublocation1 character 30
Sub-location 2* Sublocation2 character 30
Sub-location 3* Sublocation3 character 30
Tenant Tenant character 30 Foreign Key: TENANT
Description Description character 50
Next Due Date NextDueDate date/time
Date Last Performed LastPerfDate date/time
Schedule Type SchedType character 1 D-Duplicate
Task Duration TaskDuration float >= 0
No. of Times TimesCompleted number >= 0
Down Time DownTime float >= 0
Must Be Down MustBeDown character 1 Y or N
Perform Every DateUnit character 15 SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI,
SAT, D, W, M, Y
Perform Every NumOfDate number
Site* SiteID character 15 Foreign Key: SITE
UpdateStamp date/time

UpdateUser character 30


Field Name Field ID Type Size Restrictions
ConvNum number

Vendors (VENDOR)
Field Name Field ID Type Size Restrictions
Vendor ID* VendorID character 12
Name Name character 30
Address 1 Addr1 character 35
Address 2 Addr2 character 35
City City character 20
State State character 12
Postal Code Zip character 10
Country Country character 15
Representative Rep character 25
Telephone No. Phone character 30
Extension Ext character 4
Fax No. Telefax character 50
Payment Terms Terms character 20
Freight Terms FreightTerms character 8
Ship Via ShipVia character 10
Shipping Terms Fob character 20
Minimum Order Minorderamt float 49
Vendor Branch* VendorBranchID character 12
Vendor Type VendorType character 20
Tax Code TaxCode character 20
Tax Type TaxType character 10
Notes Notes text
Date Last Received LastRecvDate date/time
Freight Carrier Shipper character 20
Federal Tax ID No. FedID character 15
Class Class character 6
Customer ID CustomerID character 12
Preferred Order PrefOrderMethod character 5
Total Open TotalOpen float 49
Total Received TotalReceived float 49
Address 3 Addr3 character 35
Currency MP2Currency character 15
Email Email character 50
User-defined Field 1 UD1 character 20
User-defined Field 2 UD2 character 20
User-defined Field 3 UD3 character 20
Field Name Field ID Type Size Restrictions
User-defined Field 4 UD4 character 20
User-defined Field 5 UD5 character 20
User-defined Field 6 UD6 character 20
User-defined Field 7 UD7 character 20
User-defined Field 8 UD8 character 20
User-defined Field 9 UD9 character 20
User-defined Field 10 UD10 character 20
UpdateStamp date/time
UpdateUser character 30
Pager No. PagerNum character 50
ConvNum number 38
DSRowID number

Warehouses (WAREHOUSE)
Field Name Field ID Type Size Restrictions
Warehouse* WarehouseID character 15
Description Description character 50
Address 1 Addr1 character 35
Address 2 Addr2 character 35
Address 3 Addr3 character 35
City City character 20
State State character 12
Postal Code Zip character 10
Country Country character 15
Contact Contact character 25
Telephone No. Phone character 30
Fax No. Telefax character 50
Extension Ext character 4
Email Email character 50
Costing Method CostMethod character 4 FIFO, LIFO, Weighted Averaging
Allow Negative QOH AllowNegQOH character 1 Y or N
Manager Manager character 11
Requisition Exceeds ReqOverMax character 1 Y or N
Primary Site PrimarySite character 15
UpdateStamp date/time
UpdateUser character 30
Pager No. PagerNum character 50
ConvNum number 38
Expense ExpenseAcctCode character 15 Foreign Key: ACCT
Write-off WriteOffAcctCode character 15 Foreign Key: ACCT


Field Name Field ID Type Size Restrictions
Balance AcctCode character 15 Foreign Key: ACCT
DSRowID number
Cost Center CostCenter character 15 Foreign Key: COSTCTR

Work Orders (WO)

Field Name Field ID Type Size Restrictions
WO No.* WONum character 10
Close Date* CloseDate date/time
Select for Printing PrintIt character 1 Y or N
Task No. TaskNum character 20 Foreign Key: TASK
Response Time (Days) ResponseDays number
Response Time (Hours) ResponseHrs number
Actual Duration (days) ActualDuration float >= 1
Description TaskDesc character 72
WO Type WOType character 9 Foreign Key: WOTYPE
Scheduled Start Date SchedStartDate date/time
Scheduled Finish Date SchedFinishDate date/time
Assigned To AssignedTo character 11 Foreign Key: EMP
First Name FirstName character 15
Last Name LastName character 15
Priority Priority float >= 1
Work Priority WorkPriority float >= 1
Status Status character 1 M-Completed
Delay Description DelayDesc character 72
Expense Class ExpenseClass character 8 Foreign Key: EXPENSE
Request Time RequestTime date/time
Request Date RequestDate date/time
Extension Ext character 6
Telephone No. Phone character 30
Originator Originator character 25
Completion Date CompletionDate date/time
Completion Time CompletionTime date/time
Perform by Warranty PerfByWarranty character 1 Y or N
Assigned By AssignedBy character 11 Foreign Key: EMP
Pick List PickList character 1 Y or N
Est. Duration (days) EstDuration float >= 0
Response Time ResponseMins number
Tenant Tenant character 30 Foreign Key: TENANT
Field Name Field ID Type Size Restrictions
Estimated Cost EstCost float >= 0
Billable Billable character 1 Y or N
Labor Tax Rate (%) LaborTaxRate float
Material Tax Rate (%) MaterialTaxRate float
Labor Markup (%) LaborMarkup float
Material Markup (%) MaterialMarkup float
Scheduled Start Time SchedStartTime date/time
Fax No. FaxNum character 30
Restored character 1
UpdateStamp date/time
UpdateUser character 30
Project ID ProjectID character 16 Foreign Key: PROJECT
Project Task ProjectTask character 20 Foreign Key: PROJECT
Site* SiteID character 15 Foreign Key: SITE
Email Email character 50
Pager No. PagerNum character 50
ConvNum number
Reason for Outage RFOCode character 8
User-defined Field 1 UD1 character 20
User-defined Field 2 UD2 character 20
User-defined Field 3 UD3 character 20
User-defined Field 4 UD4 character 20
User-defined Field 5 UD5 character 20
User-defined Field 6 UD6 character 20
User-defined Field 7 UD7 character 20
User-defined Field 8 UD8 character 20
User-defined Field 9 UD9 character 20
User-defined Field 10 UD10 character 20

Work Order Equipment List (WOEQLIST)

Field Name Field ID Type Size Restrictions
WO No.* WONum character 10
Close Date* CloseDate date/time
Equipment No.* EqNum character 30 Foreign Key: EQUIP
Location* Location character 30
Sub-location 1* Sublocation1 character 30
Sub-location 2* Sublocation2 character 30
Sub-location 3* Sublocation3 character 30
Serial No. SerialNum character 30
Department Department character 10 Foreign Key: DEPT
Cost Center CostCenter character 15 Foreign Key: COSTSTR
General Ledger No. GenLedgerNum character 20 Foreign Key: LEDGER
Field Name Field ID Type Size Restrictions
Down Time DownTime float >= 0
Must Be Down MustBeDown character 1 Y or N
Estimated Down Time EstDownTime float >= 0
Under Warranty UnderWarranty character 1 Y or N
Priority Priority float >= 1
User-defined Field 1 UD1 character 20
User-defined Field 2 UD2 character 20
User-defined Field 3 UD3 character 20
User-defined Field 4 UD4 character 20
User-defined Field 5 UD5 character 20
User-defined Field 6 UD6 character 20
User-defined Field 7 UD7 character 20
User-defined Field 8 UD8 character 20
User-defined Field 9 UD9 character 20
User-defined Field 10 UD10 character 20
Equipment Description EqDesc character 50
Reason for Outage RFOCode character 8
Solution Solution character 8
UpdateStamp date/time
UpdateUser character 30
Site* SiteID character 15 Foreign Key: SITE
ConvNum number
SeqNum number
RFF Code RFFCode character 8



This appendix includes basic SQL utilities. The SQL Server Books Online includes
detailed procedures. Refer to “Accessing SQL Server Books Online” in Chapter 5:

ƒ Backing Up and Restoring SQL Databases
ƒ Optimizing SQL Data

Backing Up and Restoring SQL Databases
To safeguard the database against damage or loss, back up the database often. Routine
backups are much more cost efficient than re-entering lost data. Schedule to back up
the database when it is most convenient. The SQL Server Books Online includes
detailed procedures. Refer to “Accessing SQL Server Books Online” in Chapter 5:

Backing Up SQL Databases

Follow these steps when backing up SQL databases.
1 Choose Start | Programs | Microsoft SQL Server | Enterprise Manager from
the Windows NT task bar. SQL Enterprise Manager displays the SQL Server
Enterprise Manager form and the Console Root\Microsoft SQL Servers form.
2 Click next to Microsoft SQL Servers. SQL Enterprise Manager expands the list
of server groups.
3 Click next to SQL Server Group. SQL Enterprise Manager expands the list of
4 Select the server name. SQL Enterprise Manager displays the server components.


5 Click on the toolbar. SQL Enterprise Manager displays the Select Wizard
dialog box.
6 Click next to Management. SQL Enterprise Manager expands the list of
management wizards.
7 Select Backup Wizard, and then click OK. SQL Enterprise Manager displays the
Create Database Backup Wizard dialog box.
8 Follow the steps in the wizard to back up a database.
Tip: Infor recommends backing up the database to a removable media (tape drive,
removable cartridge, etc.) device.
Important: You cannot retrieve dumps sent to the NULL (DISKDUMP) device.
The DISKDUMP device is a special device. Backing up to DISKDUMP sends the data
to the NULL device, which dumps data without saving it. Use the DISKDUMP device
name as a bit bucket in conjunction with database or transaction log backups.
You cannot back up to diskette dump devices when using SQL Enterprise Manager.
For information on backing up to diskette dump devices, see the Microsoft SQL Server
Transact-SQL Reference in SQL Server Books Online.

Restoring SQL Databases

Important: Ensure the database is not in use before restoring a database.
Follow these steps when restoring SQL databases.
1 Choose Start | Programs | Microsoft SQL Server | Enterprise Manager from
the Windows NT task bar. SQL Enterprise Manager displays the SQL Server
Enterprise Manager form and the Console Root\Microsoft SQL Servers form.
2 Click next to Microsoft SQL Servers. SQL Enterprise Manager expands the list
of server groups.
3 Click next to SQL Server Group. SQL Enterprise Manager expands the list of
4 Click next to the server name. SQL Enterprise Manager expands the list of
server components.
5 Click next to the Databases folder. SQL Enterprise Manager expands the list of


6 Right-click a database. SQL Enterprise Manager displays a menu.
7 Choose All Tasks, and then choose Restore Database. SQL Enterprise Manager
displays the Restore database dialog box.

8 Restore as database—Select the database to restore.

9 First backup to restore—Select the backup set to restore. SQL Enterprise
Manager displays the database backup to restore in the Restore list.
10 Click the Options tab. SQL Enterprise Manager displays the Options page.


11 Select the appropriate options.
12 Click OK. SQL Enterprise Manager restores the database from the selected backup
and then displays a confirmation.

Optimizing SQL Data

Optimize data with the Database Maintenance Plan Wizard’s Data Optimization dialog
box to improve and to maintain SQL Server performance.
Follow these steps when optimizing SQL data.
1 Choose Start | Programs | Microsoft SQL Server | Enterprise Manager from
the Windows NT task bar. SQL Enterprise Manager displays the SQL Server
Enterprise Manager form and the Console Root\Microsoft SQL Servers form.
2 Click next to Microsoft SQL Servers. SQL Enterprise Manager expands the list
of server groups.
3 Click next to SQL Server Group. SQL Enterprise Manager expands the list of
4 Select the server name. SQL Enterprise Manager displays the server components.


5 Click on the toolbar. SQL Enterprise Manager displays the Select Wizard
dialog box.
6 Click next to Management. SQL Enterprise Manager expands the list of
management wizards.
7 Select Database Maintenance Plan Wizard, and then click OK. SQL Enterprise
Manager displays the Database Maintenance Plan Wizard dialog box.
8 Follow the steps in the wizard to optimize a database.



audit trails, 86
A printing, 87
Access. See Microsoft Access purging records, 88
Active Users dialog box, 89 setting up, 86
adding Automatic Client Update Setup form, 58
new database connection to an existing automatic upgrades
workstation installation, 25 creating a repository, 12
add-ons AVI file type, 75
installing, 28
confirm-to, 69 B
invoice, 69 backup data, 182
ship-to, 69 base currency settings, Euro currency conversion,
API, 135 77
facilities management interface, 135 BMP file type, 75
application programming interfaces. See API
requisitions C
bypassing the approval process, 68 captions, changing, 132
levels, 65 Change Password dialog box, 46
archive history Change Server Password dialog box, 84
inventory transactions, 95 check for orphans, 108
purchase order, 97 client, path for automatic update, 58
work order, 101 confirm-to address, 69
Archive Inventory Transactions dialog box, 95 converting data, 82
Archive Purchase Order History form, 97 Copy Role dialog box, 54
Archive Purchase Order Revisions form, 99 copy, security restrictions, 53
Archive Work Order History form, 101 costing methods
comma delimited file LIFO, 61
exporting data, 91 weighted averaging, 61
importing equipment and inventory data, 92 costs, inventory costing methods, 61
tab delimited file creating
exporting data, 91 repository for automatic upgrades, 12
importing equipment and inventory data, 92 credit cards, 76
Audio for Windows, 75 Credit Cards form, 76
Audit Trail print dialog box, 88 CSV
exporting to, 91
importing from, 92
currency settings, Euro currency conversion, 77

customize Euro currency conversion
field labels, 55 base currency settings, 77
menu option titles, 54 exchange rates, 79
wizard, 77
Euro Setup dialog box
D Currency Conversion Settings page, 78
data Exchange Rates page, 79
collection, planning, 33 Excel. See Microsoft Excel
entry exchange rates, Euro currency conversion, 79
methods, 39 executing
planning, 33 manual workstation installations, 20
exporting, 90 unattended workstation installations, 19
importing equipment and inventory, 92 export data, 90
surgery, 109 Export dialog box, 91
temporary, removing, 110
Data Interchange Format. See DIF
Data Surgery dialog box, 109 F
Data Surgery form, 110 facilities management interface. See FMI
data, converting, 82 facility setup, 58
database Facility Setup dialog box, 58
backup, 182 FAX file type, 75
optimizing, 185 Field Designer dialog box, 116
restore, 183 fields
database connection customizing labels, 55
adding a new, 25 definitions, 147
Dbase forms, 124
exporting data, 91 identification
importing equipment and inventory data, 92 custom, 35
DBF descriptions, 37
exporting to, 91 employees, 35
importing from, 92 equipment, 36
delete guidelines, 35
audit trail records, 88 inventory, 36
temporary data and views, 110 optional, 38
delete menu options, 120 types, 37
descriptions vendors, 36
identification methods, 37 key, 34
synchronizing equipment and inventory naming conventions, 114
descriptions, 94 security, 49
DIF, exporting to, 91 hidden, 49
DOC file type, 75 normal, 49
drawings. See multimedia files normal access, 49
read-only, 49
tab sheets, 129
E tables, 117
editable fields, 49, 50 FIFO, 61
employee identification methods, 35 file types
EPS file type, 75 AVI, 75
equipment BMP, 75
identification methods, 36 CSV
importing data, 92 exporting to, 91
synchronizing descriptions, 94 importing from, 92
equipment functions, 137 DBF
error codes, FMI, 144 exporting to, 91
importing from, 92
DIF, exporting to, 91

DOC, 75 forms
EPS, 75 fields, 124
FAX, 75 labels, 123
HLP, 75 resetting, 133
HTM, 75 security, 50
HTML, 75 normal, 50
IMG, 75 normal access, 50
JPG, 75 read-only, 50
MDB, exporting to, 92 tab sheets, 125
PCX, 75 tables, 121
PNG, 75 Free, 142
RTF, 75 functions
TIF, 75 equipment, 137
TXT, 75 inventory, 139
exporting to, 91 invoking, 137
importing from, 92 locations, 137
WAV, 75 sample, 145
WK1 statistical predictive maintenance, 141
exporting to, 92 user login, 137
importing from, 92 work orders, 140
WK3 work requests, 140
exporting to, 92 recordset, 142
importing from, 92 types, 136
exporting to, 92
importing from, 92 G
WKQ, exporting to, 92 generate
WMF, 75 purchase orders, options, 72
WPG, 75 requisitions, options, 66
WRK generating
exporting to, 92 configuration file for unattended workstation
importing from, 92 installations, 15
XLS GetFieldValue, 143
exporting to, 91 graphics. See multimedia files
importing from, 92 guidelines for data entry, 35
financial periods, 59
Financial Periods form, 59
First, 142 H
First In First Out. See FIFO help, attaching files, 75
FMI hide
functions fields, 49
equipment, 137 menu options, 51
inventory, 139 history
locations, 137 archiving
statistical predictive maintenance, 141 inventory transactions, 95
work orders, 140 purchase order, 97
work requests, 140 work order, 101
invoking functions, 137 restoring
Level parameter, 136 inventory transactions, 96
record structure, 136 purchase order, 98
sample code, 145 work order, 102
security, 136 HLP file type, 75
server registration, 136 HTM file type, 75
user login functions, 137 HTML, 75
HTML file type, 75

identification methods JPG file type, 75
custom, 35
equipment group, 38
industry standard, 38 K
item reference, 38 key fields, 34
manufacturers, 38 changing, 34
optional, 38 characters, 34
type reference, 38 guidelines, 35
images. See multimedia files naming, 34
IMG file type, 75
equipment data, 92 L
inventory data, 92 labels, adding to forms, 123
mapping data, 93 Last, 142
Import dialog box, 93 Last In First Out. See LIFO
increasing level parameter, FMI, 136
number of MP2 seats, 28 LIFO, 61
install local server. See FMI
MP2, 1 location functions, 137
installation Lotus 1-2-3
MP2, 1 exporting data, 92
requirements, 2 importing equipment and inventory data, 92
executing manual workstation, 20
executing unattended workstation, 19 M
generating a configuration file for unattended maintenance security roles, 56
workstation, 15 management security roles, 56
installing markup rates, 61
add-ons, 28 MDB, exporting to, 92
MP2, 5 menu options
MP2 on the server, 5 creating, 119
SQL Server 2005 Express, 2 customizing titles, 54
interfaces. See API deleting, 120
inventory security, 51
archiving history, 95 hidden, 51
FIFO, 61 normal, 51
identification methods, 36 viewing properties, 120
importing data, 92 Menus dialog box, 119, 120
LIFO, 61 Microsoft Access, 92
quantities on hand, negative, 61 Microsoft Excel
restoring history, 96 exporting data, 91
security roles, 56 importing equipment and inventory data, 92
synchronizing descriptions, 94 Microsoft Word, 75
weighted averaging, 61 Move, 142
inventory functions, 139 MP2
Inventory Setup form, 60 form and table designer, 113
invoice initial setup, 57
addresses, 69 installation, 1
markup rates, 61 security, 41
tax rates, 61 uninstalling, 31
Invoice Setup form, 62 utilities, 81
items. See inventory MP2 seats
status changes, 69 increasing the number of, 28
MP2 server
installation, 5

multimedia file search paths, 75 grouping, 72
Multimedia File Search Paths dialog box, 76 items
multimedia files auditing status changes, 69
quotations, 63 receiving options, 70
requisitions, 63 restoring history, 98
work orders, 74 revisions, 69
scheduled jobs, 103
setting up, 68
N purchasing
Next, 142 sample security, 56
Number of Records dialog box, 90 security, 51
numbering methods purchasing centers
purchase orders, 68 creating, 42
quotations, 63 user login, 90
requisitions, 63 Purchasing Centers form, 42
work orders, 74 Purchasing Role Setup dialog box, 52
Purchasing Setup dialog box
Addresses page, 70
O Generation Options page, 72
Object Property dialog box Purchasing Center page
field label customization, 55 enforcing automatic numbering, 69
field security, 49 next purchase order number, 69
form security, 50 recording PO revisions and item status
menu option security, 51 changes, 69
menu title customization, 54 Purge Audit Trail dialog box, 89
Object Selector dialog box, 121 purge audit trail records, 88
optimize SQL data, 185
orphan check, 108
Orphans dialog box, 108 Q
quantities on hand, negative, 61
Quattro, exporting data, 92
P Quick Role Assignments dialog box, 48
parts. See inventory quotations
passwords automatic numbering
server, 84 enforcing, 62
users entering, 63
changing, 46 multimedia files, 63
entering, 46 setting up, 62
automatic update, 58
multimedia files, 75 R
PCX file type, 75 read-only fields, 49
PNG file type, 75 read-write fields, 49, 50
Prev, 142 receiving options, 70
projection, work orders, 74 record structure, FMI, 136
properties, recordset, 143 records
Property Editor dialog box, 124 numbers, 90
province codes, 74 recordset
purchase orders example, 137
archiving history, 97 functions, 142
automatic numbering properties, 143
enforcing, 69 Report Designer dialog box, 121
entering, 68 reports
generation options security roles, 45
defaults, 72 reports, designing, 120
separate stock items from non-stock items, 72

installation, 2 S
Requisition Setup dialog box scheduled jobs
Approval Levels page, 66 creating, 103
Generation Options page search paths for multimedia files, 75
entering options, 67 security, 41, 136
Numbering/Headings page fields, 49
next requisition and quotation numbers, 64 forms, 50
requisition heading, 64 read-only, 50
Single Source Letter page, 65 menu options, 51
Sites page, 63 hidden, 51
requisitions normal, 51
approving passwords, 46
bypassing the approval process, 68 purchasing, 51
levels, 65 roles
automatic numbering copying restrictions, 53
enforcing, 62 creating, 44
entering, 63 examples, 55
default, 66 printing, 45
generation options, 66 restricting, 49
approval for all items, 66 setting up, 44
approval for stock items only, 66 user accounts, 45
automatic purchase order generation, 66 server password, 84
mix non-stock items with stock items, 66 server registration
no automatic approval, 66 FMI, 136
one for all vendors, 66 Setup Audit Trail form, 87
one for each vendor, 66 ship-to address, 69
separate non-stock items from stock items, 66 single source letters, 65
grouping, 66 sites
heading, 64 creating, 43
multimedia files, 63 user login, 90
scheduled jobs, 103 Sites form, 44
setting up, 62 SPM functions
single source letters, 65 FMI, 141
reserved words, 114 spreadsheet, exporting data, 90
restore data, 183 SQL reserved words, 114
restore history SQL Server
inventory transactions, 96 books online, 110
purchase order, 98 installation requirements, 2
work order, 102 SQL Server 2005 Express
Restore Inventory Transactions dialog box, 96 installing, 2
Restore Purchase Order History form, 98 SQL Server Books Online dialog box
Restore Purchase Order Revisions form, 100 accessing SQL Server Books Online, 111
Restore Work Order History form, 102 SQL utilities
return codes, FMI, 144 backing up, 182
revisions, purchase orders, 69 optimizing data, 185
Rich Text, 75 restoring, 183
Role Assignments form, 47 state codes, 74
roles State/Province Codes form, 74
copying restrictions, 53 statistical predictive maintenance. See SPM
creating, 44 surgery, data, 109
printing, 45 symphony
Roles form, 45 exporting data, 92
RTF file type, 75 importing equipment and inventory data, 92
system information, 84
System Information dialog box, 85

sites logged into, 90
T warehouses logged into, 90
tab sheets user login functions
fields, 129 FMI, 137
forms, 125 Users form, 46, 86
tables, 129 utilities, 81
table definitions active users, 89
project, 172 audit trails, 86
vendor, 175 checking for orphans, 108
Table Designer dialog box, 116 data conversion, 82
table names, 161 data surgery, 109
tables number of records, 90
creating, 115 removing temporary views, 110
definitions, 167 scheduled jobs, 103
employee, 168 synchronizing descriptions, 94
equipment, 169 system information, 84
inventory, 170
inventory costs, 171
inventory stock levels and locations, 171 V
meter readings, 172 vendor identification methods, 36
statistical predictive maintenance, 172 Video for Windows, 75
task, 174
task equipment scheduling, 174
wage rates, employees, 169 W
warehouses, 176 warehouses
work order equipment list, 178 creating, 43
work orders, 177 user login, 90
fields, 117 Warehouses form, 43
forms, 121 WAV file type, 75
naming conventions, 114 weighted averaging, 61
tab sheets, 129 wizard, Euro currency conversion, 77
tax rates, 61 WK1
temporary data, removing, 110 exporting to, 92
text, attaching files, 75 importing from, 92
TGA file type, 75 WK3
TIF file type, 75 exporting to, 92
TXT importing from, 92
exporting to, 91 WK4
importing from, 92 exporting to, 92
TXT file type, 75 importing from, 92
WKQ, exporting to, 92
WMF file type, 75
U Word. See Microsoft Word
unattended workstation installations words, reserved, 114
generating a configuration file, 15 work order functions
uninstalling FMI, 140
MP2, 31 Work Order Setup dialog box, 73
update, automatic, 58 work orders
user accounts archiving history, 101
active, 89 numbering
audit, 86 enforcing automatic numbering, 74
creating, 45 entering next work order number, 74
passwords projection, number of days to project, 74
changing, 46 restoring history, 102
entering, 46 scheduled jobs, 103
purchasing centers logged into, 90 setting up, 73

work request functions, 140
workstation installation
adding a new database connection to an existing,
workstation installations
executing manual, 20
executing unattended, 19
workstation, path for automatic update, 58
WPG file type, 75
exporting to, 92
importing from, 92

exporting to, 91
importing from, 92


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