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"Mathematics isn't hard, it's a Language.


This video had me rethink of how I fundamentally see mathematics as. Mathematics was always
hard for me to comprehend. Before, I would often cry about how I was slow among my peers in solving
Math. When I am asked what’s my least favorite, I would always answer math and my reason was always
it’s because I am unable to understand it and that I’m bad at learning the concept of numbers itself.
However, after watching this video, it made me realize that I have never tried to learn Mathematics as a
language. And then, a path lighted up inside me. Math became something that I can try and learn. I was
able to learn Japanese just by watching Japanese movies and series from childhood till now. Same with
Mathematics, I have been hearing and learning Mathematics since kindergarten but then why was I not
able to learn of it properly? It’s all like what the video said, it’s because I treated Mathematics as something
incomprehensible and crypted beyond my capabilities. It’s like exactly how I treat foreign languages that
I am unfamiliar with. And then another thought came by to me, If I was able to learn and understand
English and Japanese language by taking in mind that they are human speeches then I could do the same
to Mathematics. I simply should change my whole perspective of this subject, instead of Mathematics is
an alien language, it should be Mathematics is another human language. And this made Mathematics a
challenge that can be learned by anyone. Now then, this made me curious of how Philippine is doing in
Math and it’s just as I expected, we have poor learning results observed among students in the Philippines,
with more than 80 percent of them falling below minimum levels of proficiency expected for
Mathematics.1 The video made me recall of how Mathematics been taught and treated in my previous
school. For one, this is my first-time learning the concept that mathematics is another human language.
Because it has always been taught as not more than just numbers needed to be solved. A concept needed
to be learned. Or maybe it’s just a self-preconception of how I thought it is being taught. Even so, I do
know a lot of my peers treat mathematics the same as I did. Now, it made me realize how it would’ve
been better to teach Mathematics as a language from early on. Students should approach Mathematics as
a language, and it would’ve changed things. It is not good that we such have low proficiency rate in
Mathematics. Another lesson, I got from this video is how mathematics is essential in our life. When
thinking of how I treated Mathematics before, I realize how for me, mathematics was just a subject in
school and never something I would need of outside from it. I was wrong. Mathematics isn’t only found
in textbooks. It is everything around us. Thinking about it, If English, Filipino, Japanese language is
learned so that we could understand and communicate with other people. Then, math is the language that
we need so we could understand nature. As Galileo said, “The laws of Nature are written in the language
of mathematics.” Mathematics is a pillar in our lives. Be it engineer, musician, carpenters, shop keepers
or doctors – everyone uses mathematics. You can also see how it is needed in art or science. Mathematics
is a methodical approach in solving problems and organizing our life. It also develops skills such as
creativity, power of thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving ability, and effective communicative
skills. Indeed, Mathematics is the language of the universe. Even bees use this methodical approach in
maintaining their lives. Mathematics has always been treated as something not everyone was destined to
be good at but that’s nothing more than a myth. Everyone is capable of math. What we need is to have
mathematics confidence that will surely heighten our mathematics proficiency. Mathematics is needed for
the future. It is the key for us to keep improving the world we live in. Truly, Mathematics is the most
beautiful language that we all need to learn and understand in all walks of life.

Ben de Vera, “80% of PH kids don’t know what they should know – World Bank,” Philippine Daily Inquirer. July 01, 2021, (October 14, 2021)

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