3 Family and Friends: Boy Little

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Life Beginner Wordlist  Unit 3

3 Family and friends

Page 33 little  /ˈlɪt(ə)l/ Adjective
something or someone that is little is not very big or
boy  /bɔɪ/ Noun not very old
a boy is a young male person. A boy becomes a man
when he grows up a little girl (very young) | he lives in a little house in
Chester | my little brother (he’s younger than me) | a
two boys are playing in the garden | he’s a nice boy little piece of cake
| he’s a boy in my class | the boys are making a lot of
noise married  /ˈmærid/ Adjective
if you are married, you have a husband or wife
daughter  /ˈdɔːtə/ Noun
someone’s daughter is their female (girl) child get married

Clare’s my cousin – aunt Stella’s daughter | my he’s married and has three children | Are you
daughter is at university now | we have two sons and married? | he’s 35 and he’s still not married | we’re
a daughter | our daughter still lives at home with us | getting married next May
his daughter is six months old Verb: marry
Will you marry me?
family  /ˈfæm(ə)li/ Noun
your family are your mother, father, brothers, sisters, parent  /ˈpeərənt/ Noun
etc. your parents are your father and mother
I have a big family | our family home is in Milan | my parents are both teachers | Luca’s parents are
there are five of us in our family, my parents, my from Italy | he’s 30 but he still lives with his parents
two sisters, and me | an extended family (including (in the same house) | come and meet my parents
grandparents, aunts or uncles, cousins, etc.)
player  /ˈpleɪə/ Noun
father  /ˈfɑːðə/ Noun a player is someone who plays a sport
your father is the man who is your parent she’s the best player in the team | a good football
his father is English | my father is 65 | her father is a player | a tennis player | there are eleven players in a
photographer | his father works in a factory football team

girl  /ɡɜːl/ Noun Verb: play

a girl is a young female person. A girl becomes a Do you play tennis? | I really like playing basketball
woman when she grows up
sport  /spɔːt/ Noun
two girls are playing in the garden | she’s a nice girl sport is games like football or basketball or tennis
| she’s a girl in my class | the girls are making a lot of
Do you like doing sport? | I hate sport | he’s watching
sport on TV | sport is great fun
mother  /ˈmʌðə/ Noun
surname  /ˈsɜːˌneɪm/ Noun
your mother is the woman who is your parent
your surname is the name that everyone in your
his mother is English | my mother is 48 | her mother is family has
a photographer | his mother works in a factory
What’s your surname? | Elton John’s real surname is
son  /sʌn/ Noun Dwight | Jones is a very common surname in Wales |
someone’s son is their male (boy) child some women change their surname when they get
Andrew’s my cousin – aunt Stella’s son | my son is at married
university now | we have two sons and a daughter | tennis  /ˈtenɪs/ Noun uncount
our son still lives at home with us | his son is six years tennis is a game in which you hit a ball over a net.
old Tennis can be played by one person against another
(called singles) or by two people against two other
Pages 34–35 people (called doubles)
famous  /ˈfeɪməs/ Adjective my favourite tennis player is Roger Federer | I play
if lots of people know about someone, that person is tennis every weekend | a game of tennis | Do you
famous like tennis? | Is there a tennis court (a place to play
tennis) in the park? | a tennis racket (the thing you
a famous football player | it’s a very famous painting use to hit the ball) | a tennis ball
by Leonardo da Vinci | Is Lady Gaga more famous than
Adele? | the Ritz is a famous hotel in Paris | I want to be

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Life Beginner Wordlist  Unit 3

wife  /waɪf/ Noun August  /ˈɔːɡəst/ Noun

your wife is the woman you are married to August is the eighth month of the year
he’s got a wife and three children | his wife is a August is very hot in Spain | her birthday is in August
doctor | Where is your wife? | his wife is a famous | Tuesday the 14th of August | there are 31 days in
singer August

big  /bɪɡ/ Adjective

Pages 36–37 something that is big is very large or important
best friend  /best ˈfrend/ Noun New Year is a big celebration in China | she’s having
your best friend is the friend you know and like the a big birthday party | starting a new school is a big
most out of all your friends day for me
my best friend lives in the same street as me | Who’s
celebration  /ˌseləˈbreɪʃ(ə)n/ Noun
your best friend? | my best friend lives in Australia
a celebration is an activity you do to show that a day
or event or occasion is special
classmate  /ˈklɑːsˌmeɪt/ Noun a birthday celebration | a big celebration for the
a classmate is someone who is in the same class as opening of the new school | there are celebrations
you at school across the city
I like most of my classmates | some of my classmates
children  /ˈtʃɪldrən/ Noun plural
aren’t very friendly | she’s very popular with her
children is the plural of child. A child is a young
classmates | one of my classmates is having a party
person is not an adult yet
children are playing in the park | there are 30 children
eye  /aɪ/ Noun in my class at school | the children are making a lot of
your eyes are the two round things on your face that noise
you see with
Christmas Day  /ˈkrɪsməs ˌdeɪ/ Noun
she has brown hair and blue eyes | I’ve got
Christmas Day is the 25th of December, when people
something in my eye | open your eyes | close your
celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a public
eyes, I’ve got a surprise for you
holiday in a lot of countries.
hair  /heə/ Noun uncount I hope it snows on Christmas Day | we always spend
your hair is all the stuff that grows out of the top Christmas Day with my grandparents | Christmas Day
and sides of your head is a Thursday this year
I need to wash my hair | she has brown hair | he has
December  /dɪˈsembə/ Noun
short hair | her hair is long and straight
December is the twelfth month of the year
old  /əʊld/ Adjective Christmas Day is the 25th of December | his birthday
someone who is old is not young is in December | it gets very cold in December | there
an old man |she’s only 30, so he’s not very old | my are 31 days in December
grandmother is really old
February  /ˈfebruəri/ Noun
short  /ʃɔːt/ Adjective February is the second month of the year
someone who is short is not very tall her birthday is in February | February is a short
both my parents are short | a short man with dark month, with only 28 days | we’re planning to go on
hair | everyone in his family is short holiday in February | Friday the 23rd of February

tall  /tɔːl/ Adjective film  /fɪlm/ Noun

if someone is tall, it is a long way from their feet to a film is a story that is told using moving pictures.
their head You can watch films on television, in a cinema, or
over the internet
my father is very tall | a tall woman with fair hair |
both his parents are tall What time does the film start? | I like watching films
on TV | my favourite film is Mad Max | it’s a really
young  /jʌŋ/ Adjective boring film | we’re making a film about the history
someone who is young is not old of our school
a young child | a friendly young man | my young
fun  /fʌn/ Adjective
if something is fun, you enjoy it a lot
Seoul is a fun city | she’s such a fun person to be with
Pages 38–39 | Christmas Day is always fun
April  /ˈeɪprəl/ Noun Noun: fun
April is the fourth month of the year have fun | great fun
Easter is in April this year | my birthday is in April | swimming in the sea is great fun | I hope you have
Monday the 20th of April | there are 30 days in April fun at the party

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Life Beginner Wordlist  Unit 3

Halloween  /ˌhæləʊˈiːn/ Noun October  /ɒkˈtəʊbə/ Noun

Halloween is the 31st of October. On Halloween, October is the tenth month of the year
children wear special costumes and go to people’s my birthday is in October | there are 31 days in
houses and ask for sweets October | Thursday the 19th of October | it often
a Halloween costume | Halloween is at the end of rains in October
race  /reɪs/ Noun
January  /ˈdʒænjuəri/ Noun a race is a sports event in which you try to go a
January is the first month of the year certain distance faster than everyone else in the
it sometimes snows in January | my birthday is in competition
January | there are 31 days in January | New Year’s the London Marathon is a race over 26 miles | Let’s
Day is the first of January have a race! | a 100 metres race | the race starts at 10
July  /dʒʊˈlaɪ/ Noun
July is the seventh month of the year September  /sepˈtembə/ Noun
we go on holiday in July | Monday the 5th of July | September is the ninth month of the year
there are 31 days in July | her birthday is in July school starts in September | Wednesday the 24th
of September | there are 30 days in September | my
June  /dʒuːn/ Noun birthday is in September
June is the sixth month of the year
school finishes at the end of June | Tuesday the 16th Valentine’s Day  /ˈvæləntaɪnz ˌdeɪ/ Noun
of June | there are 30 days in June | my dad’s birthday Valentine’s Day is the 14th of February, when people
is in June send a card to their boyfriend or girlfriend
we’re going to a restaurant this evening because
March  /mɑːtʃ/ Noun it is Valentine’s Day | I got a card from my wife on
March is the third month of the year Valentine’s Day
it is still cold in March | Wednesday the 6th of March
| her birthday is in the middle of March | there are 31 women  /ˈwɪmɪn/ Noun plural
days in March women is the plural of woman
two women are waiting for the bus | three of my
May  /meɪ/ Noun teachers are women | a magazine for women
May is the fifth month of the year
May the first is a public holiday (a day when all the world  /wɜːld/ Noun
businesses in a country are closed for a holiday) | the world is the whole of the place where we live
there are 31 days in May | his birthday is in May | runners come here from all over the world | there are
Saturday the 17th of May 6 billion people in the world | Russia is the biggest
country in the world
men  /men/ Noun plural
men is the plural of man
two men are sitting in a car | both the men are
Pages 40–41
wearing hats | two of my teachers are men actually  /ˈæktʃuəli/ Adverb
you use actually to say that you are being exact in
month  /mʌnθ/ Noun what you say
a month is one of the 12 parts of a year. Months
actually, I’m 21 | she’s a very good teacher, actually |
have 30 or 31 days, apart from February, which has
he’s actually very friendly
January is a cold month | the month of May | I’m birthday  /ˈbɜːθdeɪ/ Noun
going on holiday next month | I have my hair cut your birthday is the day you were born. You usually do
once a month something special every year on the same day
my birthday is in February | a birthday party | a birthday
New Year’s Day  /ˌnjuː jɪəz ˈdeɪ/ Noun
present | a birthday surprise | When is your birthday? |
New Year’s Day is the first of January, the first day of
my birthday is on a Saturday this year | Happy birthday!
the year
(what you say to someone on their birthday)
New Year’s Day is a public holiday (a day when all
the businesses in a country are closed for a holiday) card  /kɑːd/ Noun
| there’s a parade in New York on New Year’s Day | a card is a piece of stiff paper, often with a picture
come and visit us on New Year’s Day on one side, that you write a message on and send
to someone
November  /nəʊˈvembə/ Noun
a birthday card
November is the eleventh month of the year
she has a lot of birthday cards from her school
Thanksgiving is the last Thursday in November |
friends | I’ll send you a card from Australia | she
Monday the 12th of November | my birthday is in
needs to buy a card for her sister’s wedding
November | there are 30 days in November
anniversary (one, two, three, etc years after a

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Life Beginner Wordlist  Unit 3

congratulations  /kənˌɡrætʃʊˈleɪʃ(ə)nz/ Exclamation present  /ˈprez(ə)nt/ Noun

you say “Congratulations” to someone to tell them a present is something you give to someone, for
you are pleased about a happy event in their life example when it is their birthday or at Christmas
congratulations on your new baby | You’ve got a a birthday/Christmas present | give someone a
new job! Congratulations | congratulations on your present
birthday I need to buy my dad a birthday present | it is a
very generous present | a leaving present (a present
dress  /dres/ Noun
given to someone when they leave their job) | a lot
a dress is a piece of clothing for women or girls
of Christmas presents | Are you going to open your
which has a top and a skirt joined together
she’s wearing a blue dress | an expensive dress | a
wedding dress (that someone wears to get married wedding  /ˈwedɪŋ/ Noun
in) a wedding is an event at which two people get
house  /haʊs/ Noun
a wedding reception | a wedding ceremony | a
a house is a building which a person or family lives in
wedding anniversary
we live in a big house | they’re building two new
a wedding reception (a party for all the guests
houses at the end of the road | my house is near
after the ceremony) | the wedding ceremony starts
my school | a family house | come to my house after
at three o’clock | a wedding anniversary (an exact
school | their house is over 100 years old | the party is
number of years since a wedding) | a church wedding
at Jennifer’s house
(that happens in a church) | it’s her wedding day
kind  /kaɪnd/ Adjective tomorrow | a wedding ring (a ring that people give
someone who is kind is generous and helpful to each other during the wedding ceremony)
other people
you’re welcome  /jɔː ˈwelkəm/ Phrase
be kind of someone “You’re welcome” is a polite reply to someone who
she’s always very kind and helpful | he is one of the has said “Thank you” to you
kindest people I know | thank you, that’s very kind of “Thank you for the flowers.” – “You’re welcome.”
you | Flowers! How kind!

lovely  /ˈlʌvli/ Adjective Pages 42–43

something or someone that is lovely is very nice
dress up  /dres ˈʌp/ Phrasal verb
what a lovely baby | this is a lovely house | she’s a if you dress up, you put on special clothes for
lovely person | we’re having a lovely time on holiday a special occasion, or to look like someone or
something else
new baby  /njuː ˈbeɪbi/ Adjective
a new baby is a very young baby, just a few days old dress up as someone | dress up for something
congratulations on your new baby | they have a he’s dressing up as Spiderman for the party | it’s an
daughter who is three as well as a new baby expensive restaurant so I need to dress up | we dress
up for Christmas Day
new year  /ˌnjuː ˈjɪə/ Noun
the new year is the early part of January excellent  /ˈeksələnt/ Adjective
something that is excellent is very good
Happy New Year! | I’m starting a new job in the new
year the film is excellent | an excellent meal | your work
this term is excellent
party  /ˈpɑːti/ Noun
a party is an event where people enjoy themselves reunion  /riːˈjuːniən/ Noun
by doing things like drinking, eating, dancing, and a reunion is a meeting of people who were at school
talking to each other together
the party is on Saturday | a birthday party | an Are you coming to the reunion on Saturday? | we
invitation to a party | Are you coming to the party on have a reunion every year

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