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COURSE: Idioma nativo o lengua extranjera II – 01T

Name: Ridley Saenz Espinoza

Code: 1523110087

1. - Introduction of the reading:

The book is about Larry Bakewell

2. - Pages read during this week (put the date)

Pages 4 to 16: 13/11/2017

3. - Summary of the reading

Larry Bakewell was a cook. He found a job as a chef in a hotel. But he did not
like the job and did not stay there for long. Then, Larry found a job in a
restaurant. He stayed in that job for six months because he did not like to work
in the city. Larry found other jobs. But he did not stay in any of these jobs for
long. On weekends, Larry was not looking for work. Every weekend I went to
the mountains. Larry loved climbing mountains. Larry wanted to live in the
mountains, but there were no jobs there. Larry Bakewell was twenty-six years
old. Larry lived in a small apartment with Jack. It was Monday morning and
Larry had to find a job. I must find a job soon, he thought sadly. While walking
towards his house. Larry looked quickly through the electronic pages of the
newspaper. There were many job advertisements, but Larry did not like any. He
stopped thinking about the jobs and started thinking about climbing mountains.
Suddenly he stopped. He started reading the newspaper more carefully. There
was an ad on the last page of the newspaper. It was an advertisement for a job.
A very unusual job this seems interesting! Larry told himself. In advertising he
said: Are you an experienced cook? Are you between 25 and 30 years old? Are
you strong and healthy? Have you climbed mountains? I'm doing an expedition
to the mountains of northern Afghanistan and we need someone to cook us. It is
a scientific expedition in search of the Torulk, a strange creature that lives in the
mountains of Afghanistan. Expedition has seen the Toruk we will find it.
Request as soon as possible: Professor Max Lugner, Museum of Natural
Sciences, London. Larry opened the apartment door. Jack, "he shouted," look
at this announcement! They both read the ad together. Then Jack began to
laugh and said: "But this is nonsense, nobody has seen this creature like
Torulk". Later, Larry told me to go to the library to find out more about Toruk
and Professor Lugner. After that, Larry decided to apply for the job. A few days
later, Larry traveled to London. He was going to an interview with Professor
Lugner. When he arrived there were three other people waiting, after that, when
Larry went with Professor Lugner. The Professor pointed to the creature beside
him and said: "It is the Torulk", it was made of wood. He asked Larry about his
other jobs and about mountaineering. Larry answered the professor's questions.
But he looked all the time at the wooden Torulk. He looked at the cruel claws.
Dreams come true after the interview.
4. - New vocabulary learned (6 words-expressives)

I humbly say that I could understand almost every word

 Replied
 Crowded
 Climbed
 pointed
 climbing
 Long

5. - Examples of grammatical structure found in the reading (10)

 Jack finished his breakfast

 Larry could not sleep very well
 The Professor did not speak for a few moments
 The professor was a small man
 He looked at all the other books
 Larry forgot about the mountains
 Larry had to look for a job
 Larry lived in a small flat with Jack
 He stayed in that job for six months
 Larry was a cook

6. - Character(s) (main and secondary)

Main characters are:

 Professor Lugner
 Larry

Secondary character is:

 Jack

7. - Message(s) or reflexion(s) of the literary work

For me the message is that we have to pursue our dreams as Larry is doing

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