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Velasco, Josiah M. M.I.L.

October 05, 2021 Grade

12 STEM – Curie Sir Allan C. Timbal

•module 2•

•what i know•
1. B. literacy 6. D. media
2. C. Media literacy 7. B. Technology literacy
3. A. information 8. A. Information media
4. B. Information literacy 9. B. Technology literacy
10. B. Technology literacy
5. C. Media literacy

•what's new: activity 1•

1. How would you be informed of anything now?
In this day and age, even before social media platforms or media forms are not
available, some of us communicate by having a face-to-face conversation with
somebody. Talking to and questioning other individuals in the neighborhood
can help you obtain information by interacting with people with various
knowledge or updates on current events.
2. What ways would you have to communicate with one another?
Effectively expressing communication amongst each other, particularly
without fighting.
3. How would you share information and communicate news and events?
In terms of receiving information, we may connect with people from various
cultures by going to different places; this allows us to learn about and keep up
with their current events by communicating with them. In terms of
information sharing, spreading the word to others may assist certain persons
in obtaining knowledge and various facts that will keep them up to date.
4. How would it affect the way you live?
Human civilization would return to prehistoric periods, wherein knowledge
would travel much more slowly. This would have a significant impact on
everyone as society struggles to adjust to something like a lack of rapid
5. . What would society lose in this situation?
Society would lose a variety of activities that are intended to be done quickly,
including running a business, because communication is the key to
interacting with clients or consumers. As a civilization lacks quick
communication, it will lose speed in communicating, resulting in poor
growth in human and technological advancement.
•what's more•

Online Activities Media Literacy Information Literacy Technology Literacy

Entertainment Traditional Content knowing how to

(newspaper, (appropriateness, use mass media
magazine, tv, recipient, platforms (T.V.,
radio) audience.) radio, others);
Digital (social Giving feedback Tools (Mobile,
media, games, (reactions, Computers, Others)
websites) comment,

Business As platform Content Accessing and

(text, email, (suitability, learning social
messenger, appropriateness, media
voice message, reliability, Using effective
video message, accuracy, tone, search and strategies
others audience and Using technological
impact) tools

Education sources Traditional Content Understanding

(books, (suitability, hyper linking and
television, appropriateness, digital space
radio) reliability, Gain competence
Digital (social accuracy, with software
media, audience, applications
websites, others comprehensible Using technological
and relevance) tools
•Activity 2•
A. How do Media Literacy, Information Literacy, and Technology Literacy differ
in terms of use?
Media literacy is the understanding of the media, how it works, how it is
presented, and the realization that it is not always objective or truthful. Much
of it may be inaccurate or biased. While, Information literacy is similar to
reading literacy except that it is your understanding or comprehension of the
information provided to you in any media, such as reading, television, audio,
and so on. On the other hand, Technology literacy refers to your
comprehension of technology, how effectively you utilize it, and how well
you can use it in your daily life or career, among other things. In my case, I
can generally figure out most gadgets without consulting a handbook. My
mother is a spreadsheet expert, while my father can do almost anything with a
PowerPoint presentation. These are our technical literacy skills, yet I can only
perform basic spreadsheet tasks and my mother still doesn't grasp how
Facebook and Snapchat operate. These are our technological shortcomings or
B. Are they similar in form? Elaborate.
It's not the same. They may resemble one other, but it is dependent on the
gadgets you use. You should utilize tools to modify media, just like you would
with technology. On news updates, there is a lot of media literacy. While
there are several educational sources of knowledge available, information
literacy is not one of them.
C. Are they similar in use? Elaborate.
They are not similar in terms of use. Media literacy refers to understanding
the mass media and broadcasting industries. Information literacy aids in the
discovery of required information, the comprehension of knowledge, and the
use of information for diverse goals. Technology literacy is the capacity or
understanding to investigate new technology and its applications in many

•what i have learned•

1. In your opinion, what makes an individual literate in media and information?
Those who are termed literate in media and information processes can
distinguish and recognize what is false information and what wasn't.
Individuals must also be able to absorb and comprehend the information given
to them, along with convey it to the others.
2. What activities/habits do you practice which illustrate media and information
literacy? Give at least three examples.
Posting and sharing pictures.
Writing blogs/Making posts.
Viewing and Making videos/movies.
3. In your own words define media literacy, information literacy, and
technology literacy.
The capacity of a person to comprehend the several messages that media
attempts to transmit is referred to as media literacy. This might be done
through print or digital media. Media literacy enables us to comprehend a
topic and contribute to it along the way. This enables us to provide critical
evaluations on a topic of interest. This is commonly observed in
newspapers, social media, and so forth.
The capacity to assess information in multiple variants is referred to as
information literacy. This might be useful in making decisions or
addressing problems. It also assists us in finding and organizing information
that we find publicly or privately.
Technology literacy relates to our capacity to communicate, access, and
manage information effectively via technology. It also assists us in
developing and acquiring the necessary skills to live a decent life.

•What I can do•

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M2W2 Print and new media, as seen in the picture below, maybe
sources of knowledge for us. In order for us to validate the
information. We must be information literate, or be able to assess and interpret
data. It is up to us to decide how we will distribute the information when we receive it.
There are several media outlets via which we may disseminate this information.
However, it is critical that we encouraged people to read that material by employing
the media that we did. There comes media literacy; in media literacy, we must be able
to access the media in order to effectively communicate information. If we choose to
share it via social media or websites. We must be digitally literate. We must be digitally
literate. It is critical in digital literacy to utilize digital technologies correctly and
successfully. In conclusion, information literacy assists us in validating information,
media literacy assists us in determining which sort of media will be utilized to
communicate the information, and digital literacy assists us in elevating the value of
information based on the platform we use to share the information.

•additional activities•

The capacity of a person to The capacity to assess

comprehend the several messages
In terms of objective, information in multiple
that media attempts to transmit is variants is referred to as
referred to as media literacy. This media literacy,
might be done through print or information literacy, information literacy.
digital media. Media literacy and technological This might be useful in
enables us to comprehend a topic
literacy are all making decisions or
and contribute to it along the way.
This enables us to provide critical identical. addressing problems. It also
evaluations on a topic of interest. assists us in finding and
This is commonly observed in organizing information
newspapers, social media, and so that we find publicly or

They all access,

They all have the interpret, utilize,
similar objective of analyze, and produce
developing people's media messages,
capacity. information, or
Technology literacy relates to
our capacity to communicate,
access, and manage
information effectively via
technology. It also assists us in
developing and acquiring the
necessary skills to live a decent
ion. It all comes down to media

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