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IN TLE – 11 NCII Competency-Based


At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:
A. Classify the basic ingredients according to function,
B. Explain the significance of basic ingredients in baking,
C. Make a recipe applying only the basic ingredients.


A. Topic: Basic Ingredients Used in Baking
B. References: Bread and Pastry Production Exploratory Learning
Module (pages 8-15), Food and trade NCII Competency-Based
Learning Material
(Pages 13 -14)
C. Materials: Visual Aids, Chalkboard, Printed Pictures, Papers,
D. Values Integration: Cooperation, active participation and respect


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

 Daily Routine

1. Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning Ma’am.

2. Prayer
Please stand for an opening prayer.
Van, please lead the prayer. Glory be to the Father, and
to the Son, and to the Holy
Spirit, as it was in the
beginning, is now, and ever
shall be, world without end.

3. Securing the cleanliness and orderliness

Please pick up the pieces under your chair and kindly arrange
your chairs properly. (Students follow the

4. Checking of Attendance
Who are the absentees today? None, Ma’am.

Very good! Perfect attendance.

 Review
1. What is our previous lesson?
Yes, Kia?
Ma’am (confidently raise her

It’s all about basic tools and

equipment in baking.
Very Good! Khia,
Tools are a device or implement, especially one held in the hand,
used to carry out a particular function.
Equipment is a set of articles or physical resources serving to equip a
person or thing. Example of this is oven in baking.

2. What are the baking tools and equipment needed in baking? Ma’am (confidently raising
Yes, Jely? her hand)

Awesome! We have classifications of baking tools and equipment’s, The basic tools and
such as measuring cup and spoons sifter, rubber scraper, spatula, equipment needed in baking
oven, electric mixer, gas range, proofing cabinet. are: measuring cups (liquid
and dry) and spoons,
wooden spoon, rubber
3. How important are the tools and equipment in baking? spatula/scraper, pastry
Yes, Ken? brush, whisk, rolling pin,
oven, gas range, etc.
The incompatible and insufficient equipment can result in total
failure. Perfect baking demands baking skills, the right tools and a Ma’am (Ken raising his
precise recipe. hand)

4. What do you think is the role of baking tools and equipment to The right tools and
produce a well baked product? equipment are necessary to
Yes, Kelzy? achieve any target.

When you have the right kitchen tools you feel at ease and stay Ma’am (confidently raising
focus on preparing the meal. her hand)

5. Last questions, How can we take care of the tools and equipment A well-equipped cooking
in baking? environment is the cook’s
Yes, Allen? best friend either it be the
home or restaurant.
Very Good!
(Allen raising his hand)

There are 7 ways to clean

off dust, germs and food
from your baking tools
1. Clean you’re mixing
bowls and spatulas after
every use.
2. Dust off your stand
mixer/hand mixer.
3. Wash the baking tools
with water before use.
4. Keep the rolling pin
5. Scrub your baking stone.
6. Use a dishwasher.
7. Dry the baking tools


To begin our learning journey.

The student will be group into three; each group will be given a
picture of baked product. They have to create a list of basic
ingredients needed and explain how the listed ingredient will help to
bake the product. They have to accomplish the task in 5 minutes
and proceed to the presentation.
CAKE Cake flour – fine, soft and has
weakest protein content will
give a fluffy texture.
Oil – shorten
Baking powder – rise the
batter and chiffon
Egg – gives volume and
Juice – flavor and gives moist
to the chiffon
Sugar – sweeten and for
Group 2: HYBREAD FAM making an icing

Bread Flour – elastic dough
BREAD Milk – creamy taste
Sugar – sweeten and food of
yeast to rise the dough
Salt- strengthen the bread
Yeast – to rise the dough.

APF – structure of crust
PIE Baking Powder – rise the filling
Fats – tender crust and aroma
Water – combine the butter
and flour for crust
Egg – delicious taste of filling
and leaven it too.
Salt – enhances the taste of
To achieve a delicious baked product it is true that we have to
consider the appropriate ingredients in baking bread or pastries,
that’s why today our lesson is all about the “Basic Ingredients Used
In Baking” In which our objectives in discussing it are the following,
please read everybody.
A. Classify the
according to
B. Explain the
significance of
ingredients in
C. Make a recipe
applying only
the basic


Put Your Thinking Hat On! The class will be divided into six groups.
Each group will accomplish the task card using HOTS.
BLUE HAT- The group will classify the basic ingredients according to

WHITE HATS- Identify the 7 basic ingredients in baking.

RED HAT- You bought two same products from different shops, and
you noticed that something’s differ from each other. What will be
your reaction?

GREEN HAT- ‘Recipe Making (Experimental Baking)

Prepare/Create your own recipe and apply.

YELLOW HAT- Why baked products needs to use the basic

Yes, Ma’am
BLACK HAT- In baking, what problems may arise if some of the basic
ingredient is not available? (Learners do the activity)

Are you ready class?

Your time starts now.

Let us now, discover if you classified the ingredient correctly.

Let us begin with the first ingredient; this is called Flour (showing
the sample). It is known as primary ingredient in baking. Ma’am (confidently raising
her hand)
Why does it consider as a primary ingredients in baking, anyone?
Because it gives a structure
to the baked products.
Yes, Kim?

Very good, Kim!

The main function of flour is to give structure and it contributes

texture based on its classification. Ma’am (confidently raising
her hand)
Class, how would we classify types of flour? Who has an idea?
We can classify it through
its protein content and
Yes, Belle? texture.

Very good, Belle!

We have 3 types of flour; (showing samples) Bread flour which has

12-14% protein content, Cake flour which has 7-9% protein content
and All Purpose Flour which has 8-11% protein content. Yes/No Ma’am
Do you understand the function of flour?

Ma’am (confidently raising

2. Sugar, this is a sugar (showing sample ingredient) her hand
What do you think the function of sugar, other than a sweetener?
It may also contribute to
the color.
Yes, Aleah?
Like when we use brown
sugar, for example in leche
In what sense, would you mind to explain? flan, as syrup it will create a
dark brown color too.

Very good, Aleah!

Sugar gives color, tenderness texture and it acts as preservatives refined sugar
too. Like flour, we also have different types of sugar, what do you
call this one? (showing the sample)

Correct! It is a refined cane sugar also called table sugar. It is used

in mixing dough. brown sugar

How about this one? (Showing the sample)

Correct! Brown sugar is best use with baking soda so that it will help
a better leavening into baked products. powdered sugar

Lastly, this one what do you call this?

Powdered sugar or confectioner. It is commonly used in making an

icing like royal icing. Yes/No Ma’am

Do you understand the functions and types of sugar?

3. Leavening agents, These ingredients are example of leavening

agents, (showing the samples) “Yeast” is classified as biological
leavening agents while “Baking soda” and “Baking powder” is the
chemical leavening agents. (Arah raised her hand)

Who among of you had tried to use any of these leavening agents? The pancake batter that we
set aside rise even during
Ok, so what do you observed when do you use it? cooking it.

Okay class, like what Arah’s observation leavening responsible for

the production and incorporation of gas during baking thus, helps to
rise batter or any mixture in baking. Yes/No Ma’am

Do you understand the function of Leavening agent?

4. Egg, the most common egg used in baking is chicken egg, Ma’am (confidently raising
especially the organic. So who can give an idea of its major function her hand
in baking?
Based from what I see in
television commercial, egg
Yes, Kersey? makes the baked product
fluffy and it adds volume.

Very good, Kersey!

You are right; egg gives volume because it has an emulsifying Ma’am (confidently raising
quality. her hand
Do you know what is the word emulsifying?
It is the ability to combine
or blend the substances that
Yes, Banette? are difficult to blend like
fats and liquid.

Very good!
Egg also contributes fluffiness when the egg whites are beaten; air is
trapped in the foam bubbles and expands during baking.
Furthermore, it adds color, flavor and nutritional value. Yes/No Ma’am

Do you understand the function of egg?

Ma’am (confidently raising
5. Liquid, are important in hydrating protein, starch and leavening her hand
agent. How does it hydrate the product?
Like for example the cake
when it has an exact
Yes, Gina? amount of liquid it will has a
desirable moist.

Ma’am (confidently raising

Very good, Gina! her hand
What do you think the liquids that we are using in baked product?
Water, juice, and milk

Yes, Richelle?

Very good, Richelle! Yes/No Ma’am

Do you understand the functions of liquid, class?

6. This is called fat, it is used to tenderized and soften the structure. Ma’am (confidently raising
We have types of fats: butter, margarine, oil, and lard. his hand
What do you think the difference of the types of fats to each other?
Butter came from cow,
margarine came from
Yes, Jericho? plants, and oil came from
seed or vegetable while lard
came from the portion of

Yes/No Ma’am
Very good, Jericho!
Do you understand the function and types of fats?
Ma’am (confidently raising
her hand
7. This is salt, what do think the function of salt in baked product?
I think it is used to balance
the taste of ingredients in a
Yes Maricris? batter.

Very good!

It is used to balance the flavor and sweetness of other ingredients.

It also slows down yeast fermentation and strengthens gluten. None Ma’am

Do you have a question about our discussion? Yes Ma’am

Okay, so do you understand, isn’t it clear to you?

Very good, so let’s see if you really understand it.

Make your own recipe using basic ingredient in baking. Your work
will be graded using this rubric.

Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
1. The learners present their work in a creative
2. Each member of the group participates and
cooperates on the given task.
3. The content is being presented in organized
4. The learners accomplish their task in the
given amount.

(Learners apply the recipe


Again, what are the seven basic ingredients used in baking,
Yes, Aleah? Ma’am (confidently raising
her hand)

Flour, sugar, leavening

agents, egg, fat, and salt.

What are the 3 types of flour? What is the different kind of sugar?
Leavening agents? Liquid? Types of fats?
Cake flour, bread flour, all-
purpose flour. The refined,
brown and confectioner or
powdered sugar. Yeast,
baking soda and powder.
Amazing! This topic also expresses the importance of basic that we Butter, margarine, oil and
cannot deal with complex stuff without it, we cannot do big without lard. Lastly salt.
it, and we cannot bake a masterpiece without it.

DIRECTION: Classify the 7 Basic Ingredient’s in Baking according to function.

______1. It hydrates flour protein, starch and leavening agent.

______2. Responsible for the production of gases during baking process.
______3. Serves as emulsifier that blend or combines substances that are
To combine.
______4. Primary ingredients, it gives structure.
______5. Generally add sweetness, create tenderness and fineness of texture.

Research the following:
1. Procedures in measuring dry ingredients.
2. Procedures in measuring liquid ingredients.

Prepared by:


Teacher Applicant
Senior High School

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