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16/1/2018 Trigger Workflow when saving a Business Partner after changes done.

Trigger Workflow when saving a Business Partner after

changes done.
Hi WF Experts,

I need to trigger a workflow after doing changes in a Buisness Partner from transaction FPP2.
For example, if I change the name of a BP and click on save. Only then, the WF is triggered.
Then a workflow item needs to be sent to the requestor inbox.

Can anyone explain how to trigger the WF?

Thanks and regards,

Akki Kumar
May 27, 2009 at 11:04 AM

Helpful Answer by surjith kumar Saumya Govil

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7 replies

Helpful Answer

surjith kumar replied May 26, 2009 at 12:25 PM


Once you changed the Business Partner

1) Goto T.code SWEL and find the BO & triggering Event

2) Then goto T.Code SWO1 and give the BO, then using the where use list find any
std. workflow available. IF available, make you of it

3) If not Exist, then Go to T.Code SWDD and develop your Workflow using the BO &

See this
d640-2a10-d3b2-e4d9b90536a6] for build a workflow.


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16/1/2018 Trigger Workflow when saving a Business Partner after changes done.

Rob Dielemans replied May 26, 2009 at 12:48 PM


Business Partner is BO BUS1006, it has got a CHANGED event.

So all you need now is to check if an event is already triggered when changing a BP
(SWELS), or if you need to use a change document to trigger the event (SWED).

I think standard it should be active.

Kind regards, Rob Dielemans

Akki Kumar replied May 26, 2009 at 12:56 PM


Thanks for your response. Ok my scenario is as follows:

- User1 makes a change in the name of BP. Then WF triggered and workitem sent to
Inbox of User2. At this time the changes has not been saved yet.

-User2 will then open the Workitem and approve it. Only then the changes are

Can you please explain how it will be achieved?



Helpful Answer

Saumya Govil replied May 26, 2009 at 13:12 PM

Hi Tush,

I understand your requirement.

I have also faced a similar issue. In such a case you need to use Action Profiles. 2/4
16/1/2018 Trigger Workflow when saving a Business Partner after changes done.

Create an Action that would be associated to BO BUS1006. Trigger your action on

save press and select Action merging as Max. 1 Unprocessed Action for Each Action

Add your conditions in the start conditions and associate the workflow as the
processing type for the action. This would help you trigger the workflow only on save
of the BP.

You would find much information on SDN to start off with Actions.

Hope this helps!



Akki Kumar replied May 27, 2009 at 08:35 AM

Hi Saumya,

Thanks a lot for the response. Can you please explain how to link the configuration
done for Action profile with my Workflow?

Thanks and regards


Saumya Govil replied May 27, 2009 at 09:22 AM

Hi Tush,

You can refer the following wiki for details:

There is one step more to do apart from the ones listed in this wiki, that is to
associate the action profiel to the business transaction.

Please go through each step and let me know if you face any issues.

hope this helps!


Saumya 3/4
16/1/2018 Trigger Workflow when saving a Business Partner after changes done.

Akki Kumar replied May 27, 2009 at 11:04 AM

Hi Saumya,

Thanks. From Wiki, I need to look for the path for 'Contract account Receivable and
Payable unlike --> 'SAP Reference IMG -> Customer Relationship Management -
>Basic Functions -> Actions -> Actions in Transactions'.

Can you please guide from where I could get 'Actions in Transactions' apart from


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