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LESSON TITLE: Compare and contrast how one issue or news is
presented through the different types of media .


Media refers to the groups that communicate information and news

to people. It involves methods or tools in which information can be
exchanged and communication can be facilitated.
At the end of this lesson you are expected toCompare and
contrast how one issue or news is presented through the different types
of media

Directions: Classify the following media sources according to their type.
Write your answer in the table below.
Print Broadcast New Media Media
Media Media Convergence
Brochure Movies Music Player Computers

Books Television Mobile Radio Programs

Newspaper Radio Social Media Internet

Magazines Advertising Smart Phones Web Browser

Poster Blogs Camera Social Media


*Brochures * Radio *Magazines* Mobile Phones *Social Media

*Computers *Books * Newspaper *Television *Social Media *Movies
*Smart Phones *Web Browser *Music Player *Camera *Tabloid*
Radio*Blogs*Advertising* Magazines* Poster
In the previous module, we learned about The Evolution of
Traditional Media to New Media which talks about the traditional media
connecting to the new era of media.

Activity 1. Arrange the scrambled letters to identify the correct

media types. Write your answer on the spaces provided.



The term news Media refers to

the groups that communicate
information and news to people. As
noted, the majority of the people
obtain information from the news
media. The increasing reliance on
this media has encouraged
. media outlets to respond to such
demands of the time by making the
news available through television
and the Internet. As this develops,
three main types of news media
emerged: print media, broadcast media, and the Internet.

Print Media
These print media include Newspapers, magazines, journals, newsletters,
and other printed material serve as the oldest media forms. . The influence
of print media is therefore significant. Regular readers of print media tend
to be more likely to be politically active. The print media is responsible for
more reporting than other news sources. Many news reports on television
are merely follow-up stories about news that first appeared in

The Newspaper Of Record

The New York Times is known as the newspaper of record due to
its history of excellence and influence. If a story is not in the Times, it is not
important. In 2003, however, the newspaper lost its popularity and
credibility when Times journalist Jayson Blair admitted he had fabricated
some of his stories. Hence, some readers have lost trust in the paper.
Broadcast Media
Broadcast Media are news reports broadcast via radio and television.
Television news is considered as vital in every country. Most people
largely rely in getting their news from television broadcasts than from any
other source.

Television News
News broadcasting is the medium of broadcasting of various news events
and other information via television, radio, or internet in the field of
broadcast journalism. The content is usually either produced locally in a
radio studio or television studio newsroom, or by a broadcast network. It
may also include additional material such as sports coverage, weather
forecasts, traffic reports, commentary, and other material the broadcaster
feels is relevant to their audience.

Radio News
Radio is the other type of broadcast media. Before the advent of television
in the 1950s, most Americans relied on radio broadcasts for their news.
Many people listened to radio news every day, especially during morning
and evening commutes.

Talk Radio
Since the 1980s, talk radio has emerged as a major force in broadcasting.
It has a radio format in which the hosts mix interviews with political
commentary. As a result, many talk radio shows are highly partisan. .

The Internet
Relying on online sources of news instead of traditional print and
broadcast media, the use Internet gains popularity among individuals. It
easily captures the needs of the times. Although Americans surf the sites
of more traditional media outlets, such as NBC and CNN, but later turn to
unique online news sources such as weblogs for easy access to
information. Websites can provide text, audio, and video information, all of
the ways traditional media are transmitted. The web also permits for a
more interactive approach by allowing people to personally tailor the
news they receive via personalized web portals, newsgroups, podcasts,
and RSS feeds.

Blogs have become very influential since the start of the twenty-first
century. Thousands of people viably respond to the message boards the
leading bloggers have written regarding their opinions on a variety of
issues. Worthy to note, many blogs are highly partisan and inaccurate,
however, a few have been instrumental in breaking big stories.

Film / Cinema
The term ‘Film’ is commonly applied to movies of an artistic or educational
nature. Hence, it is not expected to have broad, commercial appeal--for it
is just created by photographing actual scenes with a motion picture
camera; by photographing drawings or miniature models using traditional
animation techniques; by means of computer animation; or by a
combination of some or all of these techniques and other visual effects. It
is a series of images, which when displayed on screen, create an illusion
of moving images by the phi phenomenon.

Video Games / Digital Games

They refer to various interactive games played using a specialized
electronic gaming device or a computer or mobile device and a television
or other display screen, along with a means to control graphic images.

Activity 3. Identify the types of Media shown in the table below. Mark
check if it is Broadcast Media, Print Media, Film, New Media.
Types of Broadcast Print Fil Ne
Media Media Med m w
ia Med

1. Wish ko Lang" aired in /

Channel 7.

2. Star Wars /
Complete Series
Boxed Set
3. Promotional Poster /
uploaded in Facebook.

4. Media and Information /

Literacy textbook"?

5. Flashlight song in Spotify. /

6. 24-Oras news report /

uploaded in YouTube.
7. One Punch-Man /
Manga uploaded in
My Manga website"

8. Batman and Robin /

showing in theaters"

9. Sunstar Newspaper" /

10. 7 Years by Jose Marie /

Chan played on 90.7 Love

Activity 4. Answer briefly the following questions:

1. How do the different types media affect your life?

The media is extremely essential and has an impact on almost every part

of our life. It has a significant impact on our lives since media has the ability

to influence our views. This influence can be both positive and detrimental.

People are informed, educated, and entertained by it. It also influences

people's perceptions of the world and causes them to change their minds.

The media is extremely significant in organizing public opinion. The media

serves as a source of both knowledge and entertainment, and in the last ten

years or so, it has become increasingly difficult to determine which of these

functions the media is aiming to perform most efficiently. It enables me to

simply obtain information and use it for communication. As a stress reliever, it

also provides fun and entertainment. Although these medias had some

detrimental effects on their users, we can never dispute the ease and
assistance that these medias bring. In other words, medias make everything

more complete and simple.

2. As what you have learned in Media, what can you contribute to your:

Family Using media to communicate with my family members is one of


most effective methods of communication. We can also spend time together

by watching movies and television. Reading books and magazines will be

both beneficial and enjoyable. As a result, it is valuable if family members

engage meaningfully, and it appears that the sheer act of being physically

together and sharing an experience offers intrinsic worth to family bonds.

School The use of media in school contributes in obtaining more usable

knowledge, connecting with learning groups, and connecting with other

educational systems that make education more convenient. I can incorporate

media plugins that enable sharing and interaction over various networks.

Communication and collaboration, finding concrete information online,

parental involvement, improving literacy, communication, and reading skills,

and improving literacy, communication, and reading skills could all

significantly increase academic performance in school.

Community One of the most important powers the media possesses is the

ability to affect public opinion toward the community. This gives wonderful

opportunity for a group or organization to get more individuals thinking

favorably after hearing great news coverage of the group and what it is doing.

Raising community awareness of togetherness and peace in order to live a

better life in the midst of today's media presence.

Activity 5
Instructions: With the use of coloring materials, pentel pen, pencil, and short
bond paper, make a POSTER showing the effects of Media to your Life.


My Poster:



government/the media/section1/



tech- firms and-bayanihan-spirit-rescued
Galveston- ravaged by-bubonic-plague-15098899.php

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