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Prelim Exam 2021 - Principles of Teaching

Total points36/50

Directions: Choose the best answer from the set of options which you think corresponds to the question/statement
given and indicate your answers in letters only.

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Which act of Teacher Chensy is contrary to the principle of teaching? *


a. Asking questions to check for understanding

b. Giving a lecture

c. Checking for understanding of the lesson in the process of teaching

d. Giving a test to discipline the class

Mr. Santos lesson was on water conservation. He presented a graph that compared water
consumption of small and big families. Before he asked any of the questions, he asked someone
to stand up to give an answer. He called only on those who raised their hands. The questions he
asked were:a. What do you see in the graph?b. How can you compare the water consumption of
small and big families?c. Why do most of the big families consume more water than the smaller
families?d. Do all the small families consume less water than the big families? Explain your
answer.e. In your opinion, why does one small family consume more water than one big family?f.
What are ways of conserving water?g. Are the families presented well at water conservation?
Why or why not?h. What generalization can you draw about water consumption and size of
families? 1. Is there any convergent question from letter (a) to letter (h)? *


a. Yes, question letter (d)

b. Yes, question letter (f)

c. Yes, question letter (g)

d. None

To connect the lesson on water conservation to the life of the students, which question is most
appropriate? *


a .How can you help conserve water?

b .Based on your observations, in what ways for people contribute to water wastage?

c. What maybe the reason why even if Family B is not as big as Family C, it consumes much more than Family

d. Among the families, who contributes most to water conservation?

To encourage introspection, which teaching method is MOST appropriate? *


a. Cognitive

b. Reflective

c. Process

d. Cooperative learning

Teacher Jenny teaches a lesson in which students must recognize that ¼ is the same as 0.25.
They use this relationship to determine that 0.15 and 0.20 are slightly less than ¼. Which of the
following concepts is/are being taught? *


a. Numeration skills

b. Place value of decimals

c. Numeration skills for decimal and relationship between fractions and decimals

d. Relationship between fractions and decimals

As a classroom manager, how can you exhibit expert power on the first day of school? *


a. By citing to my students the importance of good grades

b. By making my students feel my authority over them

c. By making them feel a sense of belongingness and acceptance

d. By making my students feel I know what I am talking about

Can the inattentiveness of Teacher Chensy class be attributed to her use of the lecture method? *


a. Yes, if the lecture was not interactive

b. Yes, if teacher Chensy is an experienced teacher

c. No, if the students are intelligent

d. Cannot be determined

Were all the questions of Mr. Santos divergent? *


a. Yes

b. No except letter (d)

c. No

d. Yes except letter(a)

Which one is in support of greater interaction? *


a. Repeating the question

b. Not allowing a student to complete a response

c. Probing

d. Selecting the same student respondents

Which assumption underlies Teacher Korina’s classroom management practice? *


a. Classroom routines are boring and will work when imposed

b. Classroom routines leave more time for class instruction

c. Students need to be treated like adults to learn responsibility

d. Teacher’s personality is a critical factor in classroom discipline School Head Amelita wants her teachers to be
constructivist in their teaching orientation

If you have a problem with another teacher, the first step toward resolution should be for you to  *


a. Talk directly with the teacher involved

b. Ask your fellow teachers to intercede on your behalf

c. Ask your fellow teachers for their suggestions

d. Discuss with your Principal

To teach the democratic process to the pupils. Malipayon Elementary School decided that the
election of class officers shall be patterned after local elections. There are qualities set for
candidates, limited period for campaign, rules for posting campaign materials, etc. Which of the
following did the school use? *

a. Symposium

b. Simulation

c. Role Playing

d. Case Studies

Which is closest to the real human digestive system for study in the classroom? *


a. Model of the human digestive system

b. Drawing of the human digestive system on the board

c. The human digestive system projected on an OHP

d. Drawing of human digestive system on a page of a textbook

Which does School Head Amelita want her teachers to do? *


a. Require their students to come up with a construct of the lesson

b. Make their students derive meaning from what is presented

c. Let their students construct meaningful sentences based on the lesson

d. Give the meaning of what they present in class

The students of Teacher Fe scan an electronic encyclopedia, view a film on the subject, or look at
related topics at the touch of a button right there in the classroom. Which devices does teacher
Fe’s class have? *

a. Videotape lesson

b. Teaching machine

c. Video disc

d. CD

With the principles of learning in mind, which one can help teacher Chensy solve her student
disciplinary problem? *


a. Call on their first names

b. Do interactive teaching

c. Change seat plan of the class

d. Assign monitors in class

On the first day of school, Teacher Korina oriented her class on procedures to be observed in
passing papers, getting texbooks from and returning the same on the bookshelf leaving the room
for necessity and conducting group work. She arranged the chairs in such a way that students
can interact and can move around without unnecessarily distracting those seated. She involved
the class in the formulation of rules to ensure punctuality, order and cleanliness in the classroom.
On what belief is Teacher Korina’s management practice anchored? *


a. Classroom rules need to be imposed for order’s sake

b. The classroom environment affects learning

c. A teacher must lord her power over her students to be an effective classroom manager

d. A reactive classroom management style is effective


Which statement on “wait time” is correct? *


a. The higher the level of the question, the longer the wait time

b. Wait time turns off slow thinking students

c. For quality response, “what” and “why” questions require equal wait time

d. Wait time discourages the brighter group of students

Teacher Nema asked this question: “ What conclusion can you draw based on your observation?”
nobody raised a hand so she asked another question; “Based on what you observe, what can you
now say about the reaction of plants to light,” What did Teacher Nema do?


a. Redirecting

b. Probing

c. Repeating

d. Rephrasing

Which is/are effective methods/s in teaching students critical reading skills? *


a. Interpret editorials about a particular subject from three different newspapers

b. Read and interpret three different movie reviews

c. Distinguish fiction from non- fiction materials

d. Interpret editorials and read and interpret three different movie reviews

Teacher C an experienced teacher, does daily review of past lessons in order to __________  *


a. Provide her pupils with a sense of continuity

b. Introduce a new lesson

c. Determine who among her pupils are studying

d. Reflect on how she presented the previous lesson

After reading an essay, Teacher Em wants to help sharpen her students’ ability to interpret.
Which of these activities will be most appropriate? *


a. Drawing conclusions

b. Making inferences

c. Getting the main idea

d. Listing facts separately from opinion

Which method in dealing with class management problem is better than that of Teacher
Chensy? *


a. Low level force and private communication

b. Low level force and public communication

c. High level force and private communication

d. High level force and public communication

What principle is violated by overusing the chalkboards, as though it is the only education
technology available? *


a. Isolated use

b. Flexibility

c. Variety

d. Uniformity

Teacher Chensy has a hard time getting the attention of her class. When she checks for
understanding of the lesson after a usual forty –five minute lecture, she finds out that only one or
two can answer her question. This has become a pattern so one time when the class could not
answer, she gave a test. What does the inattentiveness of most of teacher Chensy students
confirm? *


a. The “ripple effect” of behavior

b. The lack of academic preparation of some teachers

c. The strange behaviors of today’s students

d. The stubbornness of student groups

Would it be easier to understand and retain the concepts of fractions if Mrs. Dela Cruz began the
lesson on fractions with the meaning of ½, 1/3, ¼ etc.? *


a. Yes, provided we proceed to the concrete

b. No, for better learning we proceed from the concrete to the abstract

c. It depends on the teaching skills of the teacher

d. Yes, provided we include a concrete application of the abstract

Teacher Shena discovered that her pupils are weak in comprehension. To further in which
particular skill(s) her pupils are weak, which test should Teacher Shena give? *


a. Standardized test

b. Aptitude test

c. Placement

d. Diagnostic

I want my students to have mastery learning of a basic topic. Which of the following can help?  *


a. Socratic method and drill

b. Socratic method

c. Drill

d. None of the above

Does the development of the lesson on fraction conform to the bottom – up arrangement of the
learning experiences in Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience? *


a. No

b. Cannot be determined

c. Yes
d. up to the second phase of the lesson only

Which one should her teachers then avoid? Students’ *


a. Reflection

b. Self – directed learning

c. Memorization of facts for testing

d. Inquiry

As a teacher you are a skeptic. Which among these will be your guiding principle? *


a. I must teach the child to the fullest

b. I must teach the child every knowledge, skill and value that he needs for a better future

c. I must teach the child that we can never have real knowledge of anything

d. I must teach the child so he is assured

Which question technique/s of Mr. Santos does not enhance interaction?I. Asking high level
questionsII. Calling only on those who raised their handsIII. Calling on someone before asking the
question *


a. II and III

b. I and II
c. III only

d. I and III

A master teacher is the resource speaker in an in-service training. He presented the situated
learning theory and encouraged his colleagues to apply the same in class. Which of the following
did he not encourage his colleagues to do? *


a. Apprenticeship

b. Decontextualized teaching

c. Learning as it normally occurs

d. Authentic problem solving

My right ends where the right of others begin. What does this mean? *


a. Rights are not absolute

b. Rights are alienable

c. Rights are inalienable

d. Rights are absolute

Which adjective appropriately describes Teacher Korina as a classroom manager? *


a. Proactive

b. Modern
c. Reactive

d. Traditional

A teacher does not agree with the selective retention policy of the school and she openly talks
against it in her classes. Is her behavior ethical? *


a. Yes , provided she got the permission from her superior to talk against the policy

b .No, it is her duty to faithfully carry it out even if she does not agree

c. No, in fact she is quite confused and passes on her confusion to others

d.Yes, she is entitled to her opinion just as everybody is

Which material will her teachers most likely use? *


a. Facts

b. Hypotheses

c. Time –tested principles

d. Laws

For which lesson objective will a teacher use the direct instruction method? *


a. Distinguish war from aggression

b. Appreciate Milton’s Paradise Lost

c. Use a microscope properly

d. Become aware of the pollutants in the environment

Was it sound classroom management practice for Teacher korina to have involved the students in
the formulation of class rules? *


a. No, it weakens the teacher’s authority over her students

b. Yes, it makes students feel a sense of ownership of the rules

c. Yes, it lessen a teacher’s work

d. No, it is a students’ act of usurpation of teacher’s power

On which assumption/s is/are the Principal”s action anchored? I. Students learn by personally
constructing meaning of what is taught II. Students construct and reconstruct meanings based on
experiences III.Students derive meaning from the meaning that teachers gives *


a. I only

b. I and III

c. I and II

d. II only

In the context of Bruner”s principle of knowledge representation, which is the enactive phase of
the lesson on fractions?


a. Presenting the pizza and cutting it into two and four

b. Using the model of fractions
c. Writing the fractions ½, ¼ and 1/3 on the board

d. Asking the meaning of ½, ¼ and 1/3

Teacher Korina involved her students in the formulation of class rules. Which describes her
classroom management style? *


a. Benevolent

b. Authoritarian

c. Democratic

d. Laissez-faire

Mrs. Dela Cruz developed a lesson on the concept of fraction this way. First, she presented one
pizza and then asked a pupil to cut into two. She called one part of the pizza ½ and the two parts
of 2/2. Then she wrote ½ and 2/2 on the board. She proceeded to ask another pupil to divide the
half parts of the cake into two again and the wrote ½, 2/4 and ¾. Then she used the model of
fractions(wooden circles) divided into 2,3 and 4 and show ½, 1/4, 1/3, 2/4. Then she went back to
the fractions she wrote on the board. She asked her pupils for the meaning of ½, 1/3, ¼, 2/4. Did
Mrs. Dela Cruz follow Bruner’s three stage development of knowledge? *


a. Yes

b. No

c. Only in the first stage

d. Cannot be determined because the lesson was not developed fully

Teacher Kim gives his students opportunities to be creative because of his conviction that much
learning results from the need to express creativity. On which theory is Teacher Kim’s conviction
anchored?____________ theory *

a. Behaviorist


c. Cognitive

d. Humanist

To nurture student’s creativity, which activity should the teacher avoid? *


a. Ask “what if” questions

b. Ask divergent thinking questions

c. Emphasize the need to give right answer

d. Be open to “out-of-this world” ideas

If my approach to my lesson is behaviorist, what features will dominate my lesson? I. Lecturing II.
Copying notes III.Reasoning IV.Demonstration *


a. III, IV

b. I, III, IV

c. I,II, III, IV

d. II, III, IV

Which material will her teachers most likely avoid? *


a. Unquestionable laws
b. Open – ended topics

c. Problems or cases

d. Controversial issues

Which part of the lesson is symbolic stage? *


a. Using the model of fractions

b. Dividing the pizza further into four

c. Dividing the pizza into two

d. Writing the fractions ½, ¼, 1/3, 2/4 on the board

I want to engage my students in small group discussions. Which topic lends itself to a lively
discussion? *


a. The exclusion of Pluto as a planet

b. The meaning of the law of supply and demand

c. The law of inertia

d. Rules on subject – verb agreement

History books used in the schools are replete with events portraying defeats and weaknesses of
the Filipino people. In the spirit of nationalism, how should you tackle them in the classroom? *


a. Present them as they are and tell the class to accept reality
b. Present the facts and use them as means to teach and inspire your class

c. Present the facts and express your feelings of regret

d. present the facts including those people responsible for the failures or for those who contributed

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