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1. How are IQ and EQ measured and tested?

Ans : Intelligence quotient, or IQ, is a number derived from

a standardized intelligence test. On the original IQ tests, scores were calculated by
dividing the individual's mental age by their chronological age and then multiplying
that number by 100.

2. EQ is centered on abilities such as:give at least 4


 Identifying emotions
 Evaluating how others feel
 Controlling one's own emotions
 Perceiving how others feel
 Using emotions to facilitate social communication
 Relating to others

3. What is SEL?
Ans : social and emotional learning

4. If emotional intelligence is so important, can it be taught or strengthened?

Ans: According to one meta-analysis that looked at the results of social and emotional
learning programs, the answer to that question is an unequivocal yes.

The study found that approximately 50% of kids enrolled in SEL programs had better
achievement scores and almost 40% showed improved grade-point-averages. These
programs were also linked to lower suspension rates, increased school attendance,
and reduced disciplinary problems.

Strategies for teaching emotional intelligence include character education, modeling

positive behaviors, encouraging people to think about how others are feeling, and
finding ways to be more empathetic toward others.

5. How Average IQ Scores Are Measured?

ANs : IQ, or intelligence quotient, is a measure of your ability to reason and solve
problems. It essentially reflects how well you did on a specific test as compared to
other people of your age group. While tests may vary, the average IQ on many tests
is 100, and 68 percent of scores lie somewhere between 85 and 115. 1

While IQ can be a predictor of things such as academic success, experts caution that
it is not necessarily a guarantee of life success. Sometimes people with very high IQs
do not fare so well in life, while those with average IQs may thrive.

The measurement of intelligence has long been a hot topic in psychology and
education—and a controversial one. Intelligence tests are one of the most popular
types of psychological tests in use today. Ever since the first IQ tests emerged,
attempts to classify IQ have followed.

In order to understand what an average IQ score is and what it means, it is essential

to first understand how IQ is measured. While different test publishers utilize different
scoring systems, for many modern IQ tests the average (or mean) score is set at
100 with a standard deviation of 15 so that scores conform to a normal distribution
6. How intellegence is measured?

Intelligence tests are designed to measure crystallized and fluid intelligence.

Crystallized intelligence involves your knowledge and skills you have acquired
throughout your life while fluid intelligence is your ability to reason, problem-solve
and make sense of abstract information.

Fluid intelligence is considered independent of learning and tends to decline in later

adulthood. Crystallized intelligence, on the other hand, is directly related to learning
and experience and tends to increase as people grow older.

IQ tests are administered by licensed psychologists. There are different kinds

of intelligence tests, but many involve a series of subtests that are designed to
measure mathematical abilities, language skills, memory, reasoning skills, and
information-processing speed.

7. Where is The first IQ test that attempt to classify school children based on intellectual
Ans : in France

8. drinking,drugging, or any kind of addiction or compulsive behavior;

recurring thought patterns of self-loathing, hopelessness, are some
example of ?

Ans : Low EQ Strategies

9. focusing on what you can control; using mindfulness and

relaxation skills; learning assertiveness and other effective
communication skills; using self-nurturing and rational self-talk; being
able to ask for help; listening to feedback from trusted others are
some example of ?
Ans : High EQ Skills

10. By definition low EQ means that a person uses ineffective or

unhealthy strategies for dealing with emotional pain. But why would
a smart person keep using these strategies if they don’t work?
Ans :  Because low EQ strategies, such as drinking, over-eating,
denial, avoidance, etc., often give some immediate relief from pain
but in the long run actually increase pain, resulting in, "Short term
gain, but long time pain!" For example, Jane discovers that
drinking alcohol gives immediate relief from her anxiety, but the use
of alcohol to manage chronic anxiety can eventually lead to addiction,
which just adds another problem to Jane's life..
11. When an ovum becomes fertilize it multiplies by division the
process called?
Ans :called mitosis

12. Each daughter call has within the potentialities of becoming a

complete individual – these individuals are called ?
Ans identical twins.

13. The mother may sometimes produce more than one ovum. If she
produces two and each of these is fertilized (by two different sperms,
of course) then genetically the twins are completely separate
individuals and can be expected to be no more similar than any set of
brothers and sisters - they are known as
Ans fraternal twins.

14. is true that experiences of adults can be passed on to his

progeny by heredity?
Ans : not true

15. two sets of factors which differentiate one organism from another
Ans: heredity and environment.

16. heredity also means?

Ans : family differences. Both of these effects of heredity should
result in positive but not perfect correlations between members of the
same families.

17. Have rich vocabularies marked by originality of thought and

expressions is one example of?
Ans : Positive Characteristics

18. The production of an ovum, or egg, with an extra chromosome is

called ?
Ans : trisomy

19. Children with ___________ have characteristic defects, including

moderate to severe mental deficiency.
Ans : down’s syndrome

20. an alternative name for Down syndrome.

Ans : Mongolism

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