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Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 10: 89-95, 2008

Risk factors of root resorption after orthodontic

Kristina Lopatiene, Aiste Dumbravaite


External apical root resorption is an iatrogenic consequence of orthodontic treatment, although

it may also occur in the absence of orthodontic treatment. Root resorption causes root shortening
and breaks the integrity of teeth arch and this is very important for successful orthodontic treatment.
Orthodontics is probably the only dental specialty that actually uses the inflammatory process as a
means of solving functional and aesthetic problems. They should know the risk factors of root
resorption and do everything to reduce the occurrence of root resorption.
The aim of our review is to find, classify and estimate factors, that can initiate and induce root
resorption during orthodontic treatment. The articles from 2002 to 2007 in English related to the topic
were identified. Twenty four articles were selected for data collection.
The severity and degree of root resorption associated with orthodontic treatment are multifac-
torial, involving host and environmental factors. The review shows that root resorption is signifi-
cantly correlated with treatment duration, fixed appliance treatment, tooth structure, individual sus-
ceptibility, type of orthodontic tooth movement.

Key words: root resorption, external resorption, apical root resorption, orthodontic treatment.


Orthodontically induced inflammatory root re- cause clinically significant root resorption however
sorption is one of complications induced by orthodontic microscopic changes appear on the teeth roots, which
treatment however sometimes it is diagnosed to pa- are difficult to detect in radiological images. Root
tients that haven’t undergone orthodontic treatment. resorption induces root shortening and weakening of
This root resorption differs from other kinds of re- teeth arch and this is very important for successful
sorption [1, 2]. This is a sterile, local inflammatory orthodontic treatment [4]. Root resorption is consid-
process, which is complicated and has all character- ered as clinically important when 1-2 mm (1/4) of the
istic inflammatory symptoms [3]. Trauma, infectious root length is lost [5] (Fig. 1).
inflammation of periapical tissues and periodontal dis- Severe root resorption during orthodontic treat-
eases – these are some of etiological factors that may ment (more than ¼ of the root length, >5 mm) occurs
induce root resorption or root shortening [1]. Usually very rarely, just in 1-5 % of patients [6]. Analysis and
asymptomatic course is characteristic to root resorp- assessment of factors inducing root resorption would
tion process until destruction of solid dental structure simplify timely diagnosis of root resorption and would
thus early detection is possible just during radiologi- help avoiding complications impacted by it. Knowing
cal examination [3]. Root apex as well as lateral sur- risk factors for root resorption would help the orth-
faces of the root can resorbe however just apical root odontist to assess a patient upon planning orthodontic
resorption can be shown by means of radiological ex- treatment and to choose the best method for treat-
amination. Usually orthodontic treatment doesn’t ment.


Orthodontic Clinic, Kaunas University Of Medicine, Kaunas ,
Kristina Lopatiene* – D.D.S., assist.
Aiste Dumbravaite* – D.D.S. There are three degrees of severity of root re-
sorption distinguished:
Address correspondence to: Dr. Aiste Dumbravaite, 6 Luksos- 1. Cementum or surface resorption, occurring to-
Daumanto str, LT-3009, Kaunas, Lithuania.
E-mail address: gether with remodelling, when only outer cementum

Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2008, Vol. 10, No.3 89
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tum may contribute to the cementoclasts/osteoclasts

resorbing areas of the root [5]. When hyaline zone
forms, tooth movement will stop. Upon regeneration
of periodontal ligament, hyaline zone is removed by
mononucleus cells similar to macrophages and by
multinucleus gigantic cells and a tooth starts to move
again. During removal of hyaline zone an outer tooth
root surface consisting of the layer of cementoblasts
may be damaged, exposing the underlying highly dense
mineralized cementum. It is possible that a force oc-
curring during orthodontic treatment may directly
damage outer root surface. Tooth root surface under
the hyaline zone resorbes just after a few days, when
a repair process is already happening in the periph-
Fig. 1. The degree of root resorption ery. On the grounds of the literature data it can be
A A. Irregular root contour C
B. Apical root resorption is less than 2mm stated that the resorption process is completed after
C. Apical root resorption is from 2mm to 1/3 of the removal of the hyaline zone, and/or when orthodon-
initial root length tic force decreases [2, 5].
D. Apical root resorption is more that 1/3 of the initial
root length
layer is resorbed, which regenerates or remodels later.
This process is similar to trabecular bone remodel- There are a lot of factors that can initiate and
ling [2]. induce root resorption during orthodontic treatment.
2. Dentin resorption with repair (deep resorp- All these factors can be distributed to biological, me-
tion), when cementum and outer dentin layer are re- chanical and combined biological and mechanical fac-
sorbed; resorption is irreversible because only cemen- tors and other circumstances.
tum regenerates. Tooth root form after this resorp-
tion and remodelling may stay the same or altered I. Biological factors
[2]. Individual susceptibility is a main factor deter-
3. Surrounding apical root resorption, when hard mining root resorption, which can manifest in both
apical root tissues fully resorbe and root shortening is milk-teeth and permanent teeth [7]. Historically,
observed. Root apical tissues under cementum are there has been appreciable variability among orth-
lost, root tissues do not regenerate. Repair of outer odontic patients in susceptibility to root resorption,
surface occurs in the cementum layer. Later sharp which may be due to a systemic or innate predispo-
tooth edges may be gradually leveled [2]. sition to occurrence of resorption. It is supposed that
in case of increased susceptibility to root resorp-
MECHANISM OF ROOT RESORPTION tion, severe root resorption may occur without any
evident reason [3].
Mechanism of root resorption is not completely Genetics. Predisposition to root resorption may
explored. According to Brudvik and Rygh, inflamma- be autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, or he-
tory root resorption induced by orthodontic treatment reditary determined by a few genes. It is supposed
is a part of process of elimination of hyaline zone [2]. that, genetic predisposition is very important to oc-
It is considered that occurrence of root resorption currence of root resorption [7]. Genetic factors ac-
can be induced by the strong force through orthodon- count for at least 50 % of the variation in root re-
tic treatment and hyalinisation of periodontal ligaments sorption [3].
induced by increased activity of cementoclasts and Systemic factors. Owman-Moll and Kurol have
osteoclasts [4]. During tooth movement, areas of com- established that allergic patients are in the group of
pression (where osteoclasts are in action inducing increased risk for root resorption [1]. On the grounds
bone resorption) and areas of tension (where osteo- of researches it was established that lack of estro-
blasts are active inducing bone deposition) are formed. gens may induce quick orthodontic tooth movement,
Thus a tooth moves towards the side of bone resorp- and calcitonin inhibits activity of odontoclasts [3]. Con-
tion. An imbalance between bone resorption and ditions like astma also appear to indicate a greater
deposition, losing protective characteristics of cemen- risk for a large amount of apical root resorption [8].

90 Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2008, Vol. 10, No. 3
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Fig. 2. Erupting canine teeth may induce root resorption of Fig. 3. Root forms
the lateral incisors and first premolars 1 – pipette-shaped root;
2 – blunt root;
3 – dilacerated root;
4 – short root.
Nutrition. Becks has shown that root resorption
occurred in the animals lacking calcium and vitamin
D in their foods [7]. of root resorption. Third molars are the most com-
Chronological age. Periodontal membrane be- monly impacted teeth, which may cause root resorp-
comes narrower and less vascularized, aplastic, al- tion of the second molar through the cutting of the
veolar bone becomes denser, less vascularized and third molar, which lacks the place in the tooth arch
aplastic, and cementum becomes wider with age. [11]. Maxillary canine are the second most commonly
Through these changes adults show higher suscepti- impacted teeth; they can induce root resorption of
bility to root resorption [7]. When a patient is older the incisors and first premolars [12] (Fig. 2). It is
than 11 years, risk for root resorption increases [4, recommended annual palpation of the canine regions,
9]. dental radiographs before 10 years of age and early
Dental age. Rosenberg has stated that teeth with extraction of deciduous canines [13].
incomplete root formation undergo less root resorp- Tooth structure. Root resorption most often oc-
tion than those with completely formed roots. It is curs in the apical part of the root, because forces are
stated that incompletely formed roots reach their nor- concentrated at the root apex because orthodontic
mal root length [7]. Naphtali Brezniak et al. have tooth movement is never entirely translatory and the
stated that if tooth root are not-completely formed in fulcrum is usually occlusal to the apical part of the
the beginning of orthodontic treatment, they are fur- root; periodontal ligaments are situated in different
ther developing during treatment, however remain directions in the apical part of the tooth root; the api-
shorter [1]. Linge and Linge have established that cal third of the root is covered with cellular cemen-
ortodontically treated teeth lose averagely 0,5 mm of tum, whereas the coronary third is covered by non-
the root length [7]. cellular cementum. Active cellular cementum depends
Sex. No significant relationship between sex and on blood circulation; thus periapical cementum is more
root resorption was found by performed studies [7]. friable and easily injured in the case of trauma [3].
Ethnic group. Root resorption more rarely oc- Levander and Malmgren divide root forms to (Fig.
curs in Asians than in white, Caucasian or Hispanic 3): normal, short, blunt, dilacerated and pipette- shaped
patients [10, 3]. [6].
Root resorption prior to orthodontic treatment. Most authors have shown that roots with abnor-
Root resorption that existed prior to orthodontic treat- mal shape have a higher susceptibility to root resorp-
ment increases risk for root resorption during orth- tion. According to the data of Sameshima and
odontic treatment [7]. Sinclaire, normal and blunt tooth roots are resorbing
Habits, such as bruxism, nail biting, tongue thrust the least [6]. Pipette-shaped roots are the most sus-
associated with open bite and increased tongue pres- ceptible root form to root resorption [7]. Short roots
sure are related to increased root resorption [7, 3]. have a greater risk for root resorption than average
Anomalies of position and the number of teeth. length roots [4]. It was found that small roots resorbe
Supposedly, hypodontia increases risk of root resorp- almost twice more than other root forms [6]. There
tion [1]. Impacted teeth may also induce occurrence are controversial data about initial length of the tooth

Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2008, Vol. 10, No.3 91
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root and the amount of tooth root resorption. There is No one orthodontic malocclusion is immune to root
an opinion that longer roots are more likely to be re- resorption [1]. Upon studying tooth root resorption
sorbed than shorter ones because longer roots are occurring during treatment of Angle II class orthodon-
displaced farther for equal torque [9]. Tooth with tic malocclusion, it was established severe (³2 mm)
longer roots need stronger forces to be moved and maxillary incisor root resorption in 12,4% of children
that the actual displacement of the root apex is greater [17]. According to the research data of Kaley and
during tipping or torquing movements [3, 14]. It was Phillips, the patients with Angle III class orthodontic
established that a normal root form of central inci- malocclusion experience increased root resorption [9].
sors and wide roots are preventive factors of these Relationship between the change in overjet and
teeth roots, decreasing risk of root resorption [15]. severity of root resorption was observed. The greater
Slightly increased root resorption is characteristic for the overjet during the orthodontic treatment, the
the tooth with narrower roots [14]. greater the root resorption for maxillary anterior teeth,
Dental trauma may cause root resorption to the because greater tooth movement is necessary in or-
teeth without orthodontic treatment. Orthodontically der to decrease overjet [9,10]. Malocclusion in verti-
moved traumatized teeth with previous root resorp- cal plane do not influence occurrence of increased
tion are more sensitive to further loss of root material root resorption. Increased overbite may correlate with
[7]. The teeth can be treated orthodontically three more root resorption of maxillary lateral incisors [10].
months after the tooth transplantation or replantation. It was established that the deeper is overbite, the
According to the research data, a completely assimi- greater is root resorption of a maxillary permanent
lated transplanted tooth reacts to orthodontic force first molar distal root and maxillary incisor [3].
as a normal tooth [1]. Specific tooth vulnerability to root resorption.
For endodontically treated teeth increased and Some teeth are more susceptible to root resorption,
more often root resorption is characteristic during the other – less. According to the research data teeth of
orthodontic treatment. The hypothesis was raised that the maxillary teeth are more sensitive to root resorp-
endodontically treated teeth are more resistant to root tion than the mandibular teeth [4, 7, 10] and anterior
resorption because of increased hardness and den- teeth are more susceptible to root resorption relative
sity of dentin [7, 6]. Qualitative endodontic treatment to posterior teeth [18]. Maxillary incisors are the teeth
of teeth is very important. When the root canal filling most affected by root resorption, because the degree
reaches the root apex, resorption doesn’t start how- of root resorption is correlated with the distance of
ever in case of a shorter filling a part without the the apex of an incisor moves and the length of time
filling resorbe [6]. of the orthodontic treatment [19]. Other researches
Alveolar bone density on root resorption is as- have shown that root resorption is more common in
sessed controversially. A part of the studies has es- mandibular incisors [7]. The most resorbed tooth in
tablished that the denser is alveolar bone, the more the lower arch is the canine; they are followed by
root resorption occur during the orthodontic treatment. lateral and central incisors [10]. Root resorption of
According to Reitan, strong continuous force affect- molars and premolars is very low (less than 1mm) [7,
ing alveolar bone of less density causes the same root 10, 20]. The most resorbed teeth are the maxillary
resorption as a mild continuous force affecting al- lateral, maxillary central, lower incisors, maxillary
veolar bone of higher density. It is more difficult to canine, distal root of the first molar, lower second
resorb with orthodontic pressure than bundle bone. premolar and maxillary second premolar [7, 10, 15,
Wainwright has stated that bone density determines 16, 20].
tooth movement rate but has no relation to the extent
of the root resorption [7]. Cementum is harder than II. Mechanical factors
alveolar bone and more mineralized, more fibres of Orthodontic appliances. Comparing root re-
periodontal ligaments are inserted into cementum than sorption resulting from removable and fixed appli-
in alveolar bone, thus osteoclasts have less possibility ances, it was established that root resorption more
to injure the cementum layer and induce root resorp- often is induced by treating it with fixed appliances.
tion [16]. Stuteville has stated that forces caused by remov-
Correlation between malocclusion and tooth root able appliances are more harmful to the roots [7].
resorption was assessed. According to the data of Ilana Brin has studied influence of treatment meth-
studies performed by VanderAhe there is no relation ods of class Angle II orthodontic malocclusion on
between root resorption and malocclusion. Naphtali teeth roots. The results showed that root resorption
Brezniak et al. have stated that dental and skeletal was diagnosed more rarely in children who have
malocclusion induce occurrence of root resorption. undergone 2-phase orthodontic treatment first of all

92 Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2008, Vol. 10, No. 3
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with functional removable appliance and later with around the root apex foramen is characteristic for
fixed appliance, than in children, who have under- extruded teeth [24].
gone orthodontic treatment with fixed orthodontic Teeth rotation causes only minor injures of peri-
appliances only [17]. While assessing the influence odontal tissues especially in single-root teeth. Resorp-
of metal and aesthetic brackets on root resorption, tion areas during the tooth rotation appear in the me-
it was diagnosed more often in patients treated with dial root third. Horizontal section of the root shows
aesthetic brackets. This is because treatment with how prominent root zones might generate pressure
aesthetic brackets lasts longer [6]. Application of areas when single-root tooth rotation is performing.
an additional upper utility arch for intrusion of max- The resorbed areas are consistently located at the
illary incisors induces root resorption of maxillary boundaries between the buccal and distal surfaces
central incisors more often than by treating with as well as lingual and mezial root surfaces [25].
straight arch [21]. Intermaxillary elastics: greater Orthodontic force leads to micro trauma of pe-
root resorption is found on the side of tooth arch riodontal ligaments and activation of inflammation re-
where elastics were used. Use of Class III elastics lated cells [3]. According to some researches there
increases root resorption of first mandibular molars was no root resorption difference detected while us-
distal root [7]. Some researches have established ing low and high forces (50 g and 200 g) [1]. How-
that use of intermaxillary Class II elastics and type ever Harry and Sims have established that distribu-
of orthodontic arch does not have any influence on tion of resorbed lacunae is directly related to the force
occurrence of root resorption [22]. magnitude, resorbed lacunae develops more quickly
Influence of tooth extraction on root resorp- in case of higher forces [7]. According to Schwartz,
tion is valued controversially. McFadden and forces increasing 20-26 g/cm2, cause periodontal is-
VonderAhe failed to find any differences between chemia, which may lead to root resorption [7]. When
root resorption in patients treated with or without orthodontic force decreases to less than 20-26 g/cm2,
extraction [7]. Higher root resorption rates (0,43 tooth root resorption stops [23]. Optimal force for
mm) were established in patients with several ex- orthodontic tooth movement but not causing root re-
tracted teeth than in those, who haven’t undergone sorption should be 7-26 g/cm2 on root surface area
tooth extraction (0,31 mm) [4]. Root resorption de- [26]. It was established that intermittent force causes
velops more often after extraction of four first root resorption more rarely than the continuous force
premolars if compared to the patients with non-ex- because the intermittent force protects from forma-
tracted teeth or with extracted of just maxillary first tion of hyalinized areas or it allows reorganization of
premolars [7]. hyalinized periodontal ligaments and restoration of
Type of orthodontic tooth movement. Any orth- blood circulation at the time, when forces are not ac-
odontic tooth movement may induce root resorption. tive. Continuous force leaves no time to repair of
Most often root resorption was established after orth- damaged blood vessels and other periodontal tissues
odontic intrusion (anchoring of a tooth into an alveo- and this may lead to higher level of root resorption
lar bone). According to Reitan, the force that distrib- [23].
utes along the root during bodily movement is less
than the one, which concentrates at the root apex III. Combined biological and mechanical
resulting from tipping. Bodily movement induces less factors
risk for root resorption than tooth tipping [7]. Other Duration of orthodontic treatment is consid-
researchers state that tooth tipping induces less root ered an important factor that may cause root resorp-
resorption than bodily movement. Root resorption tion [26]. Many studies show that severity of root
occurs in cervical and apical part of the root during resorption is related to duration of orthodontic treat-
tipping movement. Middle part of the root is resorb- ment. Levander and Malmgren have investigated that
ing during bodily tooth movement; this happens be- root resorption after 6 to 9 months of orthodontic treat-
cause of the shape of periodontal space, which is the ment was detected in 34% of teeth, meanwhile in the
thinnest3 in the middle part of the root [23]. Compar- end of orthodontic treatment that lasted 19 months,
ing root resorption after application of the same mag- root resorption increased up to 56% [7, 27]. Goldin
nitude continuous intrusion and extrusion forces it was has stated that the amount of root resorption during
established that teeth intrusion causes four times more orthodontic treatment is 0,9 mm per year [7]. Results
root resorption than extrusion. Deep and extensive of other studies have shown that root resorption may
resorption areas, situated near the root apex fora- begin in the early stage of orthodontic treatment; it is
men can be observed in the apical part of the intruded especially characteristic to teeth with long, narrow
tooth root. Superficial and limited resorption cavities and deviated roots [15].

Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2008, Vol. 10, No.3 93
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It was established that duration of treatment with vacuolization and, in rare cases, pulp necrosis, how-
fixed orthodontic appliances was found to contribute ever it doesn’t relate to root resorption [7].
to the degree of root resorption. Patients whose orth- Alveolar bone loss and tooth stability. Marginal bone
odontic treatment with fixed appliances lasts longer, loss is more harmful than the equivalent amount of root
experience significantly more grade 2 root resorp- length loss because of root resorption. Results indicate
tion. Average treatment length for patients without that 4 mm of root resorption translate into 20% total
root resorption is 1.5 years and for the patients with attachment loss and 3 mm apical root loss equals only 1
severe root resorption – 2.3 years [20]. Several con- mm crestal bone loss [29]. Bone loss leads to decreased
temporary studies have found no relation between stability of a tooth because major part of periodontal
the length of orthodontic treatment and root resorp- fibres is the crestal area if compared to the surface of
tion [28]. root apex. About 0,2-0,5 mm of alveolar bone height is
Root resorption detected radiologically dur- lost during orthodontic treatment [7].
ing orthodontic treatment. Minor root resorption or
an irregular root contour detected 6-9 months from CONCLUSIONS
the beginning of orthodontic treatment show that there
is a high risk to further root resorption. If root re- 1. Microscopic root resorption is characteristic
sorption fails to occur after 6-9 months of orthodon- to all permanent teeth during orthodontic treatment.
tic treatment then no severe root resorption will be in It is clinically insignificant and radiologically invisible,
the end of the treatment [7]. orthodontic teeth movement couldn’t occur without
Root resorption after removal of appliances. this resorption.
Root resorption associated with orthodontic treatment 2. Individual susceptibility is the main risk factor
will stop after completion of active orthodontic treat- for root resorption in orthodontic patients during orth-
ment. Active root resorption lasts approximately about odontic treatment; in case of such susceptibility root
a week after removal of orthodontic appliance after- resorption can start already in the early stage of orth-
wards cementum repair lasts 5-6 weeks after removal odontic treatment.
of orthodontic appliance. Root resorption after re- 3. It is possible to avoid severe root resorption
moval of orthodontic appliances is mostly related to by doing control x-ray images to all orthodontic pa-
such causes as occlusal trauma, active retainers or tients after 6-9 months of orthodontic treatment. Mi-
others [7]. nor root resorption or an irregular tooth root contour
detected during this period show that there is a high
IV Other circumstances risk for further root resorption.
Tooth vitality. Tooth vitality and colour doesn’t 4. Optimal force for orthodontic tooth movement
change even at extensive root resorption. Orthodon- but not causing root resorption should be 7-26 g/cm2
tic movement may cause pulp blood flow disturbances, on root surface area.

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Received: 25 07 2008
Accepted for publishing: 26 09 2008

Stomatologija, Baltic Dental and Maxillofacial Journal, 2008, Vol. 10, No.3 95

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