M201 Tech CKLST r4

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Revision 5

MSRP Compliance Checklist (M-201)

Date: _________ Audited Company: _________________________________________________

Auditor Printed Name & Company:___________________________________________ Auditor Signature:________________________________
In general these questions should be answered during the audit of inspection and test plan and/or process control. If Revision 5 reflects the changes to M-201
Manufacturing to M-210 or M-211 use that checklist instead of this one. through 5/2014. Revised 05/014
Question # Question AUDIT REMARKS
Yes No
M-201 Casting Requirements
1.0 Chemical Properties and Tests (reference M-201 paragraph 6.1 -
1.1 Does the manufacturer maintain records of each ladle, that verify the
steel meets the required chemical composition?
Grade B and B+ Steel must contain no more than:
0.32% Carbon, 0.90% Manganese, 0.04% Phosphorus,
0.04% Sulfur, and 1.50% Silicon
Grade C D and E Steel must contain no more than:
0.32% Carbon, 1.85% Manganese, 0.04% Phosphorus,
0.04% Sulfur, and 1.50% Silicon
1.1.1 Does the manufacturer calculate the carbon equivalent (CE) for each
Grade of Steel (B, B+, CE = 0.72 max) (C, D and E = 0.88 max).
1.1.2 Are these records kept for at least 3 years?
1.2 Hardenability Requirements (reference M-201 paragraphs (6.2 -
1.2.1 For Grades D an d E does the manufacturer maintain records to verify
that Jominy hardenability tests are performed at least once per month
(this frequency is acceptable only if ten consecutive heats were
previously tested satisfactorily).
1.2.2 Hardenability requirements for Grades D and E - minimum hardness at
7/16" from the quenched end. Up to 25% carbon - minimum 30 Rockwell
C (Rc); 0.25 to 0.30% carbon - minimum 33 Rc and 0.31 to 0.32% carbon
- minimum 35 Rc.
1.2.5 For Grades D and E does the manufacturer maintain records to verify
that hardenability calculations are made to determine the Ideal Critical
Diameter (DI) for each heat of quenched and tempered steel in
accordance with ASTM A255, Appendix III, latest revision.

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Revision 5
MSRP Compliance Checklist (M-201)

Question # Question AUDIT REMARKS

Yes No
1.3 Chemical Analyses (reference M-201 paragraph 6.3 - 6.3.2).
1.3.1 Does the manufacturer maintain records to verify that samples are taken
during the initial 25% of the castings poured from each ladle to determine
the percentage of carbon, manganese, phosphorus, sulphur, silicon and
intentional alloying elements? Are these records kept for 3 years.

1.3.2 Does the manufacturer maintain records of each heat, that verify that the
end of heat steel continues to meet the maximum allowable percentage
of Manganese? (see manganese requirements listed in question 1.1)

1.3.3 Does the manufacturer collect chemical analysis drillings?

1.3.4 IF No - skip to 2.0 (it is not required that a company take drillings)
1.3.5 IF Yes - does the manufacturer ensure that drillings are taken not less
than 1/4 inch beneath the surface? (procedure/process should state)

2.0 Mechanical Properties and Tests (reference M-201 paragraphs 7.1 -

7.2.4). Test failures - see paragraphs 7.2.4 and 10.0 of M-201 and
paragraph 3.2 of M-211.
2.1.1 Does the manufacturer create tensile test specimen coupons in
accordance with ASTM - A370, Latest Revision? (procedure should
reference ASTM-A370 or include it.) Is the process used representative of normal process methods. (test
coupons should be made in the same batch or at a minimum the same
manner as the components they represent) Is each melt tested after heat treatment for mechanical properties?
(yield, tensile, elongation and reduction of area)

2.1.2 Are these records kept for at least 3 years?

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Revision 5
MSRP Compliance Checklist (M-201)

Question # Question AUDIT REMARKS

Yes No
2.2 Does the manufacturer conduct the tension test in accordance with
ASTM A370? (procedure should reference ASTM-A370 or include it.)

2.2.1 Use 1/2" round, 2" gage length Specimens Does the steel conform to the following minimum requirements?
Grade B Steel Tensile Strength 70 ksi, Yield Point 38 ksi, Elongation in
2" 24%, Reduction of Area 36%
Grade B+ Steel Tensile Strength 80 ksi, Yield Point 50 ksi, Elongation in
2" 24%, Reduction of Area 36%
Grade C Steel Tensile Strength 90 ksi, Yield Point 60 ksi, Elongation in
2" 22%, Reduction of Area 45%
Grade D Steel Tensile Strength 105 ksi, Yield Point 85 ksi, Elongation in
2" 17%, Reduction of Area 35%
Grade E Steel Tensile Strength 120 ksi, Yield Point 100 ksi, Elongation
in 2" 14%, Reduction of Area 30% Are specimens from each melt heat tested and results recorded? Are flawed specimens excluded and good specimens substituted?
2.2.2 Are these records kept for at least 3 years?
2.3 Does the manufacturer determine impact properties using the standard
charpy-V-notch test? (the auditor should look for a reference in the
procedure to "charpy-v-notch") (Reference 7.3.1 - 7.3.3 of M-201). Test
failures - see paragraph 3.2 of M-211.
If yes -
2.3.1 Are type A specimens prepared as illustrated in fig. 11 ASTM Standard
A370? (procedure should reference ASTM A370 fig. 11 or contain it.) Are specimens removed from coupons produced in accordance with

ASTM Std, A-370? (procedure should reference ASTM-A370 or include
it.) Are tests conducted at least on specimens from 1 heat per week per
grade of steel? Are specimens obtained from final 25% of heat? (Either the inspection
and test plan or procedure should indicate.)

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Revision 5
MSRP Compliance Checklist (M-201)

Question # Question AUDIT REMARKS

Yes No Do test records indicate that the coupons meet the following minimum
requirements at the following temperatures?
Grade B +20 deg. F 15 energy ft-lbs
Grade B+ +20 deg. F 15 energy ft-lbs
Grade C(NT) 0 deg. F 15 energy ft-lbs
Grade C(QT) -40 deg. F 20 energy ft-lbs
Grade D -40 deg. F 20 energy ft-lbs
Grade E -40 deg. F 20 energy ft-lbs
If no - manufacturer must use one of the following:
2.4 Does the manufacturer determine alternative impact properties using
the Dynamic Tear Test (ASTM E604) or the Nil Ductility test ASTM E-
208? (Procedure should reference ASTM E604 or contain it.)
Paragraphs 7.3.4 -
Or the NIL Ductility Transition Test (ASTM E208)? (Procedure should
reference ASTM E208 or contain it.)
2.4.1 If using an alternative test to the charpy, are the specimens removed
from coupons produced in accordance with ASTM Std. A370?
((Procedure should reference ASTM A370 or contain it.)
2.4.2 If using the alternative Dynamic Tear Test, does the contractor
determine the average energy absorbed from 3 specimens in the same
heat? Paragraph and
The average must be at least 50 ft. lbs. at +60 deg. F for Grade B steel

The average must be at least 50 ft. lbs. at +60 deg. F for Grade B+ steel

The average must be at least 50 ft. lbs. at +60 deg. F for Grade C(NT)
The average must be at least 50 ft. lbs. at -60 deg. F for Grade C(QT)
The average must be at least 50 ft. lbs. at -60 deg. F for Grade D steel

The average must be at least 50 ft. lbs. at -60 deg. F for Grade E steel

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Revision 5
MSRP Compliance Checklist (M-201)

Question # Question AUDIT REMARKS

Yes No
2.4.3 If using the alternative NIL Ductility Test, does the contractor test 2
specimens at the temperatures specified? Paragraph &

Both specimens must exhibit "no break" performance at +60 deg. F for
Grade B steel
Both specimens must exhibit "no break" performance at +60 deg. F for
Grade B+ steel
Both specimens must exhibit "no break" performance at +60 deg. F for
Grade C(NT) steel
Both specimens must exhibit "no break" performance at -60 deg. F for
Grade C(QT) steel
Both specimens must exhibit "no break" performance at -60 deg. F for
Grade D steel
Both specimens must exhibit "no break" performance at -60 deg. F for
Grade E steel
2.4.4 Are these records kept for at least 3 years?
2.5 Are Brinell Hardness tests conducted? Paragraphs 7.4.1 & 7.4.2.
2.5.1 Is hardness tested on a surface that has been ground to remove
decarburization? (reference ASTM A370) Are hardness tests performed on a furnace load basis of either one
casting or coupon? Do test results fall in the specified Brinell Hardness Range as
Grade A Steel 108-160
Grade B and B+ Steel 137-228
Grade C Steel 179-241
Grade D Steel 211-285
Grade E Steel 241-311
2.5.2 Are these records kept for at least 3 years?

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Revision 5
MSRP Compliance Checklist (M-201)

Question # Question AUDIT REMARKS

Yes No
2.5.3 Design Group Testing Are design group tests conducted per the component specification or
standard? M-201 paragraph 7.5.1. Are design group tests performed for commodities listed in M-1003
Appendix A that require M-201 technical approval and are without an
applicable specification? This testing is required at least once per year.
M-201 paragraph 7.5.2.
3.0 Heat Treatment (reference M-201 paragraphs 5.0 - 5.6).
Supplement to the requirements of M-1003 2.15.8-2.15.11:
3.1 Are casting cooled to a temperature below 1000 degrees F (538 degrees
C) prior to heat treating?
3.1.1 Are castings heat treated in accordance with M-201 paragraphs 5.0
through 5.4?
3.2 Does the manufacturer supply truck frames, bolsters, coupler bodies,
yokes, draft gear housings cushion units or draft sills? (if not skip to 3.6)

3.3 Does the manufacturer maintain written heat treatment procedures?

3.4 Does the manufacturer maintain documentation of furnace equipment
including time temperature record charts?
3.5 Does manufacturer maintain a log sheet for each load of castings heat
treated? M-201 paragraph 5.5.
3.5.1 Does the log contain as a minimum:
Type of product
Prescribed heat Treatment
Serial # or Heat # of castings on load
Identification of test coupon
Actual time of heat treatment
3.5.2 If not has an alternative procedure been approved by the AAR?
3.6 Are pyrometers or thermocouples calibrated every 3 months?
3.7 Are records of this heat treatment activity maintained for 3 years?
3.8 Are test lug inspection procedures and inspector qualifications
documented? Test lugs are to be evaluated by a qualified inspector
to verify that the casting has been subjected to heat treatment. M-
201 paragraph 5.6.

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Revision 5
MSRP Compliance Checklist (M-201)

Question # Question AUDIT REMARKS

Yes No
4.0 Finish

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Revision 5
MSRP Compliance Checklist (M-201)

Question # Question AUDIT REMARKS

Yes No
4.1 Are procedures in place to ensure castings are free from injurious
defects and thoroughly cleaned for inspection? M-201 paragraph
5.0 Welding and Thermal Dressing
5.1 Auditor should verify that welding meets the requirements of M-1003
paragraphs 2.15.8 - 2.15.11 (Special Processes) and process/procedures
reference AWS D 15.1
5.2 Does the manufacturer have specific procedures for weld repairs
and thermal dressing to castings. Are the requirements of M-201
paragraphs 13.0 through 13.6.3 incorporated in these procedures?

6.0 Are markings in accordance with M-201 paragraph 14.0?

7.0 If not covered by an individual specification are procedures in place
to ensure weights are maintained in accordance with the
purchaser's requirements and in accordance with M-201 paragraph
8.0 Documents Required
8.1 Are the following documents current and available for use?
AAR Specifications:
Other Specifications:
ASTM A 370
ASTM E 604 (may be required see 2.4 above)
ASTM E 208 (may be required see 2.4 above)
ASTM A255, Appendix III
AWS D 15.1
9.0 Gages Required
9.1 Does the manufacturer make available approved gages and are they
calibrated? (calibration records/procedures should meet M-1003
Paragraph 2.8 requirements). If gages are not specified in a technical
specification does the manufacturer ensure that dimensions conform to
drawing tolerances provided by the purchaser or to dimensions
predicated by patterns supplied by the purchaser?

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Revision 5
MSRP Compliance Checklist (M-201)

Question # Question AUDIT REMARKS

Yes No

Gage Number and Gage Description

See M-210 for side frames ands bolsters
See M-211 for Couplers, Yokes and Knuckles

Page 9 of 32

The manufacturer shall maintain

records for 3 years of all of the
weightsweights, mechanical, and
chemical test reports required by this
specification representing the
purchased castings. These records will
be made available to the purchaser
upon request.

Castings shall be cleaned sufficiently

to respond to heat treatment. Internal
cavities shall not be blocked by
molding material. They shall then be
treated according to the following
procedure appropriate to the
requirements of Paragraph 2.0.

After pouring, castings shall be

allowed to cool to a temperature below
1000°C (538°C) prior to heat treatment
at a rate that will not be injurious to the
5.1 Full Annealing

The Casting shall be heated to the

proper temperature above the
transformation range for the required
time to achieve complete austenization
and to refine the grain structure. The
casting shall then be allowed to cool
slowly in the furnace Unless otherwise
required by the purchaser, the
manufacturer has the option of
normalizing instead of full annealing,
where full annealing is specified.

5.2 Normalized Steel Castings

Normalized steel castings shall be
processed in the following order:

Heat to the proper uniform temperature

above the transformation range and
hold for the proper time to achieve
complete austenization and to refine
the grain structure.

Withdraw from the furnace and cool in

still air until temperature is below
700°F (371°C).

At the manufacturer’s option, Grades B

and B+ castings specified as
normalized may receive a subsequent
5.3 Normalized and Tempered Steel Castings

Normalized and tempered steel

castings shall be processed in the
following order:

Heat to the proper uniform temperature

above the transformation range and
hold for the proper time to achieve
complete austenization and to refine
the grain structure.

Withdraw from the furnace and cool in

still air until castings in their entirety
are at least 100°F below tempering
Temper by reheating to the proper
uniform temperature below the
transformation range, but not less than
600°F and hold for the required time.
Remove from the furnace and allow to
cool at any desired rate.
5.4 Quenched and Tempered Steel Castings

Quenched and tempered steel castings

shall be processed in the following

Heat to the proper uniform temperature

above the transformation range and
hold for the proper time to achieve
complete austenization and to refine
the grain structure.

Withdraw from the furnace and while

castings are above the transformation
range, subject to rapid cooling by
suitable liquid medium to a
temperature substantially below the
transformation range.

Temper by reheating to the proper

uniform temperature below the
transformation range, but not less than
800°F. Hold for the required time,
remove from the furnace, and allow to
cool at any desired rate. All castings
prone to cracking after quenching shall
be tempered as soon as necessary to
prevent cracking, but in no case shall
the time between quenching and
tempering exceed eight hours.

5.5 Heat Treatment Documentation

and record keeping requirements.
These documents are to be presented
and reviewed as part of the Foundry
Approval process and are intended to
ensure that products are properly heat
treated. Furnace temperatures for heat
treatment shall be controlled by
pyrometers having associated
recording equipment which produce
time-temperature record charts that are
identified by date and furnace number.
A log sheet for each load of castings
heat treated should show all
information pertinent to each heat treat
load including 1) type of product, 2)
the prescribed heat treatment, 3) the
serial numbers (if not available, the
heat numbers) of the castings on the
load, 4) the identification number of
the test coupon or coupons charged
with the load, and 5) actual time of
heat treatment. Alternate procedures
will be considered, provided a detailed
proposal is submitted in writing to the
AAR for approval. This submission
must ensure that the intent of this
specification is being complied with.
Pyrometers shall be calibrated every
three months. Records of time-
temperature charts, furnace log sheets,
and pyrometer calibrations will be
maintained for three years and
available to the purchaser upon
5.6 Test Lugs
For all castings, at least two and not
more than four test lugs shall be cast
on all castings 150 pounds and over
and on such castings less than 150
pounds as required by the purchaser.
The location of the test lugs shall be
such that when removed by the
inspector, they shall indicate if the
casting has been subjected to heat
treatment. If inspection of the test lug
indicates that the casting has not been
heat treated, the casting will be heat
treated. The standard test lug shall be
1 inch in height, 1 inch in width and l/2
inch or 5/8 inch thick where it joins the
6.1 Chemical Composition
The steel analysis shall meet the
Grades Grades C,
A,B&B+ D&E

Carbon, 0.32 0.32

Manganes 0.9 1.85
e, Max.
Phosphor 0.04 0.04
us, Max.
Sulfur, 0.04 0.04
Silicon, 1.5 1.5
Aluminu 0.03 0.03
m, Min.
Aluminu 0.1 0.1
m, Max.

6.1.1 Grades A, B and B+ Steel

For each reduction of 0.01 percent

carbon below the maximum specified,
an increase of 0.04 percent manganese
above the maximum specified will be
permitted to a maximum of 1.2


The content of elements other than

those designated in Paragraph 6.1 shall
be selected by the manufacturer to
obtain the physical properties
specified. Each manufacturer shall
establish requirements
forrequirements for tramp elements
that can have an adverse effect on
impact properties. The requirements
shall account for contribution of tramp
elements to the carbon equivalency
(CE) of the finished casting such that
the CE does not exceed that for the
specified elements given in Paragraph
6.1. Formulas, such as given below
and justified by the manufacturer, are
to be used for calculating carbon

CE = C +
(Mn +
Si)/6 +
(Cr + Mo
+ V)/5 +
(Ni +

6.2 lity
6.2.1 Grades D and E Steel

Composition of steel, except for

coupler locks, shall produce in the
standard jominy test the minimum
hardness at 7/16 inch from the
quenched end for the carbon
composition as follows, based on the
initial composition:
Percent Minimu
Carbon m
, Rc
up to .25 30
0.25 to 33
0.31 to 35

6.2.2 Frequency of Test

Following satisfactory jominy test

results for ten consecutive heats, the
manufacturer shall conduct one jominy
test at least once every month for
Grade D and E steel.
6.2.3 Hardenability Calculations

The Ideal Critical Diameter (DI) shall

be calculated for each heat of quenched
and tempered steel in accordance with
ASTM Designation A255, latest
revision, Appendix III. The calculated
DI value shall be shown as information
on the report of mechanical and
chemical tests as defined as Paragraph
6.3 Chemical Analyses
6.3.1 Ladle Analysis
An analysis of test samples taken
during the initial 25% of the castings
poured from each ladle must be made
by the manufacturer to determine the
percentage of carbon, manganese,
phosphorus, sulfur, silicon and of the
intentional alloying elements. The
result of this analysis shall be reported
to the purchaser or his representative
upon request and shall conform to the
requirements of Paragraph 6.1. If
drillings are used, they must be taken
at least l/4 inch beneath the surface of
the test ingot.
6.3.2 End of Heat Analysis

For each heat of steel, a sample

representing the last metal going into,
or taken after the pouring of, the last
acceptable casting, must be used by the
manufacturer to determine the
percentage of manganese. The results
of this analysis shall be reported to the
purchaser or his representative upon
request and shall conform to the
requirements of Paragraph 6.1. If
drillings are used, they must be taken
at least 1/4 inch beneath the surface of
the test ingot.

6.4 Check Analysis

An analysis may be made by the
purchaser from the broken tension test
specimen or from a casting of each
heat. The chemical composition thus
determined shall conform to the
requirements specified in Paragraph
6.1. Drillings for analysis shall be
taken not less than 1/4 inch beneath the
surface, and shall be taken in such a
manner as not to impair the usefulness
of a casting.


7.1 Tensile Test Specimen Coupons

At the manufacturer’s option, coupons

shall be either cast attached to the
casting or the gating system or
produced from keel blocks and
prepared in accordance with ASTM
Designation A370, latest revision.

The process used for the manufacture

of keel blocks shall be representative
of the manufacturer’s normal process
Each melt shall be tested for
mechanical properties after heat
treatment. The coupons from each melt
shall be heat treated with castings of
the same grade, in the same manner as
the castings they represent. Each heat
treat furnace load shall include at least
one test coupon of the same grade of
steel, and have it mechanical properties
determined and recorded. Batch
process heat treat furnace load is
defined as all the castings in the heat
treat furnace of the same grade of steel.
Continuous process heat treat furnace
load is defined as all the castings of the
same grade of steel which pass a given
location in the furnace during the
period of one heat treating cycle.
7.2 Tension Test

Test shall be conducted in accordance

with Standard Methods and Definitions
for Mechanical Testing of Steel
Products, ASTM Standard A370, latest
revision, using l/2 inch round (13 mm)
2 inch (50 mm) gage length specimens
as illustrated in that specification.
Specimens are to be removed from
coupons produced per Paragraph 7.1.1.

The steel used for the casting shall

conform to the following minimum

Grade A
Annealed or
Unannealed Normalized Gr. B Gr. B+ Gr. C Gr. D
Tensile strength 60 60 70 80 90 105
Yield Point, ks 30 30 38 50 60 85
Elongation in 22 26 24 24 22 17
Reduction of A 30 38 36 36 45 35


The manufacturer shall test specimens

from melt heats and record results,
excluding flawed specimens. One
specimen per heat for each grade of
steel shall be tested. If a test specimen
shows a defect during machining or
exhibits flaws before or after testing, it
shall be discarded and another
specimen substituted. Specimens to be
removed from coupons produced per
Paragraph 7.1.1.


If the percentage of elongation of any

tension specimen is less than that
specified, and any part of the fracture
is more than 3/4 inch from the center
of the gauge length as indicated by the
gauge marks on the specimen before
testing, a retest is allowed. Specimens
to be removed from coupons produced
per Paragraph 7.1.1.


At the time of purchase, specimens

may be cut from castings (excluding
flawed specimens) and must have at
least 80 percent of the tensile and yield
properties established in Paragraph

Results of testing must show

compliance with the requirements of
Paragraph 7.2.2 prior to shipment of
finished castings.
7.3 Impact Test
The steel impact properties may be
determined by testing standard Charpy-
V Notch Type “A” specimens prepared
as illustrated in Figure 11 in ASTM
Standard A370. Specimens to be
removed from coupons produced per
Paragraph 7.1.1. A test consists of
determining the average energy
absorbed from three impact specimens
from the same heat. The results shall
meet the following minimum
requirements at the stated temperature:
Cast Steel Temp. F Energy Ft.-Lbs.
Grades B 20 15
and B+
Grade C 0 15
Grade C -40 20
Grade D -40 20
Grade E -40 20

Impact tests shall be conducted in

accordance with the Standard Methods
and Definitions for Mechanical Testing
of Steel Products, ASTM Standard
A370, latest revision.

The manufacturer shall test specimens

from melt heats and record results,
including chemistry of that heat,
excluding flawed specimens.
Frequency of these tests shall be one
heattest per week per Grade of
steelweek per Grade of steel obtained
during the pouring of the last 25
percent of heat. Specimens to be
removed from coupons produced per
Paragraph 7.1.1.
As a manufacturer’s alternative, impact
properties may be determined by use of
the Dynamic Tear Test (ASTM E604)
or the Nil Ductility Transition Test
(ASTM E208). Specimens to be
removed from coupons per Paragraph

The Dynamic Tear Test shall consist of

determining the average energy
absorbed from three specimens from
the same heat which shall be a
minimum of 50 ft.-lbs. at the
temperature specified in the -table in

The Nil Ductility test shall consist of

testing two specimens at the
temperature specified in Table
Both specimens shall exhibit “no-
break” performance.
Dynamic Tear and Nil Ductility Test
Cast Steel Deg. F
Grades B 60
and B+
Grade C 60
Grade C -60
Grade D -60
Grade E -60

A check test may be made by the
purchaser from a casting at his
expense. Results of this testing shall
conform to the minimum values
specified in Paragraph 7.3.4.

7.4 Hardness

Cast steel components, except as

provided for in product specifications,
must be within a Brinell Hardness
range as follows:

Material BHN
Grade Range
Grade A 108-160
Grades B 137-228
and B+
Grade C 179-241
Grade D 211-285
Grade E 241-311

Testing to be done on a surface that has

been ground to remove decaburization
in accordance with ASTM A370. This
may be used as a process check as
needed to supplement other test results.
A hardness test is to be performed on
each truck side frame and bolster and
on one casting per furnace heat on all
other castings.
In case of small orders for castings
weighing over 180 lbs. where the size
of the order and the available pattern
and foundry equipment are such that
not more than five castings can be cast
in one heat, the physical properties, as
required in Paragraph 7.0, will be
determined from an extra or spare test
coupon cast with and attached to some
other casting of the same heat.

If the result of the physical test lot do

not conform to the requirements
specified, the manufacturer may re-
heat treat such lot not more than twice
and retests shall be as specified in
Paragraph 7.0

All castings shall conform to the

drawing tolerances furnished to the
purchaser. or to the dimensions
predicated by the pattern supplied by
the purchaser, if no drawing has been

The castings shall be free from

injurious defects, and shall be
thoroughly cleaned when offered for


12.1 Weld Repair of Defects
The entire defect must be removed
prior to weld repair. The area to be
welded must have the sides contoured
to provide for the application of a
sound weld. Maximum depth of
repaired area must allow at least l/8
inch sound metal remaining between
the bottom of the weld groove and the
opposite side of the casting wall in
areas where welding cannot be
accomplished from both sides of the
casting wall. Where a defect continues
through the casting wall and both sides
of the wall are accessible for welding,
the casting shall be welded from both
sides using a double “V” or a “U”
contour weld. Where defect continues
through the casting and is inaccessible
from both sides and unless prohibited
by specific component specification,
defect may be weld repaired by using a
copper backup plate provided the
surface is smooth and clean. Total
weld repairs shall be limited to no
more than 10% of the casting surface
area being repaired for defects not
continuing through the casting wall
and to no more than 5% of the casting
surface area being repaired for defects
continuing through the casting wall.
Individual weld repairs shall be limited
to one square inch of the casting
surface area.

Welders shall be qualified and use

procedures under the welder
qualification procedure contained in
AWS 15.1, latest revision, or
equivalent in the position welding is to
be performed.
Defects may be repaired by using a
metal-electrode arc welding process
which will result in sound weld deposit
having, in the heat treated condition,
minimum mechanical properties equal
to the requirements for the parent
metal. Welding may be performed in
either the non-heat treated or heat
treated condition. Post weld heat
treatment requirements are outlined in
the product specification for the
component involved.

Grade A, B, B+, C, D, or E castings

shall not be welded while the
temperature of the casting is below
40°F. Localized pre-heating to a
minimum of 40 deg F is acceptable.
The temperature shall not exceed 600
deg F to avoid the possibility of
12.5 For Welding Grade A Steel Castings

If shielded metal arc process is used,

the electrode shall be E6015, E6016,
E6018 or equivalent.
12.6 For Welding Grades B and B+ Steel Castings

If shielded metal arc process is used,

the electrode shall be a low hydrogen
coated type as follows: for Grade B -
AWS/ASTM Class E7015, E7016,
E7018, E8015, E8016, E8018 or
equivalent may be used; for Grade B+
- AWS/ASTM E8015, E8016, E8018
or equivalent may be used.
12.7 For Welding Grade C Steel Castings
If shielded metal arc process is used,
the electrode shall be a low hydrogen
coated type, AWS/ASTM Class
E9015, E9016, E9018 or equivalent. At
the option of the manufacturer, an
electrode of the AWS/ASTM Class
E10015, E10016, El0018 or equivalent
may be used for higher mechanical
properties after heat treatment.
12.8 For Welding Grade D Steel Castings

If shielded metal arc process is used,

the electrode shall be a low hydrogen
coated type AWS/ASTM E11015,
E11016, El1018 or equivalent.

12.9 For Welding Grade E Steel Castings

The welding materials used for the

repair of defects in Grade E steel
castings shall be AWS/ASTM Class
electrode E12015, E12016, E12018,
E13015, E13016, or El3018 or


When marking requirements are not

covered by individual product
specification, the manufacturer’s
identification mark, the pattern number
and grade and when specified, the
purchaser’s initials, shall be legibly
cast on all castings.

When not covered by individual
product specification, the normal
weight shall have been previously
agreed upon between the purchaser and
the manufacturer. Castings may vary
not more than 5 percent above or 3
percent below what has been
determined as the normal weight for
the castings.



The inspector representing the

purchaser shall have free entry, at all
times while the work on the contract of
the purchaser is being performed, to all
parts of the manufacturer’s works
which concern the manufacture of the
material ordered. The manufacturer
shall afford the inspector, free of
charge, all reasonable facilities and
necessary assistance to satisfy him that
the material is being furnished in
accordance with these specifications.
Tests shall be made prior to shipment
and inspection shall be made prior to
shipment at the place of manufacture
unless otherwise specified.
may make
tests to
e or
of the
in his own
. Such
tests shall
be made
at the
of the
15.3 Rejection

Material represented by samples which

fail to conform to the requirements of
these specifications, or individual
product specification, will be rejected.

Material which, subsequent to test and

inspection at the foundry or elsewhere
and its acceptance, shows injurious
defects, will be rejected and the
manufacturer shall be notified.
15.5 AAR Representation
In addition to the purchaser’s
representation, an AAR official
representative shall have free entry at
all times to all parts of the
manufacturer’s works which concern
the manufacture, test, and inspection of
materials for use in Interchange
Service. This access is for the purpose
of providing assurance that industry
standards are being maintained. The
manufacturer shall afford the AAR
representative all reasonable facilities
to assure that materials are being
furnished in accordance with these
Gr. E

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