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Annotated Bibliography

Kenzie Tarbet

Practical Nursing Diploma, Okanagan College

Leah White

October 4, 2021

Annotated Bibliography

Article 1

Nelson, K., (2017). Addressing diversity in every day nursing. Nursing Praxis in New

Zealand,33(1), 5–6.

Nelson’s (2017) article begins by describing the separation amongst today’s society specifically

relating to ethnic, religion and gender diversity. The article then goes on to talk about

Aotearoa is one of the most diverse populations in the world and how inclusive they are

to everyone whether it be their religion, ethnicity, or sexuality. Nelson’s (2017) article

then goes over the importance of epidemiological skills, and transcultural theory. This

article finishes off by stating how nurses need to be advocates for the changes that need

to be made in the service arrangements and policy (Nelson, 2017). Some examples that

were stated where, moving away from binary coding, and having the equipment to care

for people of all shapes and sizes (Rew, Thurman, & Mcdonald, 2017; Nelson, 2017). By

making these changes the health care industry will be able to better care for the diverse

population. It is always the nurse’s job to provide holistic care, it is hard to do so if there

are not the proper resources in place to care for people of all different backgrounds.

Kanchana, M.N., & Sangamesh, N., (2016). Transcultural nursing: Importance in nursing

practice. International Journal of Nursing Education, 8(1), 135-138.

The beginning of (Kanchana & Sangamesh, 2016) article it states that caring is one of the

attitudes necessary for a nurse to proved patients with transcultural and culturally

competent care. The article then goes on to talk about how to develop cultural

awareness and the proper way to perform a cultural assessment. Kanchana &

Sangamesh (2016) then state the six factors that are necessary to providing

transcultural care and the play ethics have in the daily situations. The focus of the

article is to educate on giving transcultural care. “The ever-growing number of

patients with various cultural backgrounds creates a major challenge for nurses to

provide individualized and holistic care based on each patient’s cultural needs

(Kanchana & Sangamesh, 2016). By educating nurses on cultural differences such

as values and believes they will be able to better care for their patients. This is

significantly important right now with the always growing number of patients

with cultural backgrounds. As the world around us changes nurses are always

going to have to learn and adapt their methods to better care for their patients.

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