How To Create Well-Developed Ideas In Your Ielts Writing?: 1. Lưu ý về giới từ chỉ phương hướng

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Lưu ý về giới từ chỉ phương hướng:

=> Dù ng To the West of A, there is a B để so sá nh vị trí củ a A và B, B nằ m tá ch
biệt, k trong diện tích củ a A.
=> Dù ng On the West side of A/ In the West of A, there is a B để miêu tả vị trí củ a
B nằ m trong khu vự c A – là 1 phầ n củ a khu vự c A.
The provided diagram depicts the life cycle of a salmon fish , divided into
different stages, from its egg stage till it becomes an adults.
Overall, a salmon fish goes through six main phases to fully grow from their
hatching period and spends its life in three distinct locations – river, estuary and
Adult salmon fishes lay eggs in rivers and incubate their eggs there. Thus, the life
cycle of a salmon fish starts from the incubation stage in a river. After emerging
from eggs, the infant salmon spend their next stage in freshwater and this phase
is called emergence. Then, they are reared in freshwater to grow further. After
few days, these fishes swim to river estuaries where their rearing continues. At
this stage, their size becomes larger.
Afterward, the matured fishes migrate to the ocean and become adults. Finally,
grown up salmons move to spawning areas of rivers to lay eggs and the life cycle
of the next generation starts over.


Paragraph Structure
In order to be easy to understand a paragraph should have only one main idea. A
common mistake by IELTS students in Task 2 is thinking that if they include lots
of ideas they will get higher marks. In fact, the opposite is true. You get higher
marks for developing your ideas with explanations and examples. You don’t get
any extra marks for just listing lots of ideas.
Let’s look at an example question:
Today people are traveling more than before. Why is this the case?
Supporting Paragraph A
I think more people are traveling because people are earning more money these
days and they can afford to travel. Additionally, flights are much cheaper than they
were in the past. Moreover, people have very stressful lives these days and need to
go on holiday. Furthermore, children expect to be taken on holiday when they are
off school during the summer. Finally, it is good for the family to spend time with
one another.
The person who wrote the above paragraph thinks that the way to get a high
score is to list as many ideas as possible and show the examiner how much they
know about the topic. This is actually one of the worst things you can do because
Task 2 is not a test of your knowledge, it is a test of your academic writing ability.
The paragraph above is simply a list, not a coherent, cohesive paragraph that
takes ideas and fully develops them.
Supporting Paragraph B
In the past, air tickets were only for the rich and famous because most salaries
could not cover the price of a flight to a foreign country. This meant that the
majority simply stayed at home or took their holidays domestically; however, this
has all changed with the creation of budget airlines. Low-cost carriers, such as
Ryanair in Europe or Tiger Air in Asia, have meant that anyone can save up and
travel to a new country, with prices starting as low as $1.
The paragraph has only one main idea- that air travel is cheap. The author of this
paragraph has stated their main point in the first sentence, then explained what
this means and how it relates to the question and then used a specific example to
illustrate their point. This is exactly what the examiners are looking for and you
should try to use the following structure to help you write your supporting
Distance-learning can provide numerous perks to students and teachers.
2. IDEA INTRO 1 (state your main point)
3. Explanation (What does your main point mean? Why have you included
it? How does it answer the question?)
4. Example (A specific example that illustrates your main point)
5. REPEAT STEP 2,3,4.
Sample paragraph:
Benefits of cycling
Riding a bike can provide a myriad of advantages (OVERALL IDEA for the
whole paragraph). First of all, it is an environmentally-friendly mean of
transportation. (idea intro 1) The movements of bicycles are made possible
by the users’ physical force, which means that no toxic gas can be emitted into
the air. (explanation 1) For instance, the wide use of bikes in the
Netherlands have been reported to decrease the amount of carbon dioxide by
15%. (example) Secondly, cycling is a wonderful way to improve physical
health. (idea intro 2) Various research findings have proved that this way of
exercising can help people strengthen their muscles and enhance blood
circulation. (explanation 2)
The following can be used to give examples:
 For example,
 For instance,
 This is illustrated by….
 …such as….
 ….namely….
Cycling can help people prevent some dangerous diseases such as diabetes
and obesity.
You will notice that this is not a very long list. I have intentionally made it short
for two reasons. You are only going to have time to include 2 or 3 examples in
Task 2 and you have enough new vocabulary to learn already without trying to
learn ten different ways to say ‘For example,’.
Below are some examples to show you how they are used in a sentence:
For example, thousands of Palestinians and Israelis have joined the same
online groups that show support for peace and solidarity, something that
would have been impossible 25 years ago.
For instance, most men and women who pay for an annual gym membership
fail to go entirely after just one month.
This is illustrated by the fact that in the United States you must complete four
years of higher education before you can study law.
Many sports brands, such as Adidas and Nike, pay professional athletes
million of dollars to endorse their products.
There are now a few low cost airlines in the UK, namely Ryanair and Easyjet,
that offer very affordable flights.
How to Think of Examples
One of the biggest complaints from students is ‘But teacher, I can never think of
an example!’. There is a very quick solution to this problem- make them up, or in
other words, create them. The examiners will never check your examples for
authenticity. They do not care if your example is real or not, just that you know
how to write one.
You should obviously never do this in school or university, only the IELTS exam.
It is always better to write about a real example from your own life
experience, but if you can’t think of one use one of the examples below:
1. The University Study
Universities do research all the time and you can use this to invent a study that
supports your main point. Let’s say your main point is that using iPads and
iPhones increases literacy among young children. You could say:
For example, a recent study by Queen’s University found that regularly using
smart phones or tablets increased literacy rates by 28%.
2. A Government Opinion Poll
Governments often ask their citizens their opinion on various issues and you can
use this to support your main points. Let’s say you get a question on whether it is
better to educate children in mixed or single-sex schools. You could say:
For instance, a recent poll by the UK Government found that 68% of people
who attended single sex schools would have preferred to have gone to a
mixed school.
3. A Newspaper Report
It is also very easy to use newspaper stories to support your view. Say your
question asked you to discuss whether you think violent video games are to
blame for rising levels of youth crime.
The New York Times reported in March 2015 that violent crimes committed
by under 15 year olds, such as assault, murder and rape, were linked to
playing violent video games.
Avoiding Generalisations
Below we will look at a question asking why women should receive equal pay.
Our main point is that women achieve higher grades than men at university.
Let’s look at three examples:
1. For example, women achieve more than men at university. 
This is a very general statement and does not really support our main point and
because it is so general, it sounds like we are just repeating the main point again.
2. For instance, most women on my university course did better than men.
This is a little better because the author has been a little more specific about
which university and which course, but there are no details so it is still a little
3. For example, at Queen’s University in 2009 32% of female law graduates
achieved First Class Honours, while only 8% of males achieved the same.
You can make your example more specific by adding:
 dates
 place/business/university names
 names of people
 statistics

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