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Static Timing Analysis

Instructional Guidelines for a Course Project

Synopsys University Courseware

Copyright © 2017 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved.
Developed by: Vazgen Melikyan

The course project includes:

 The table of variants and specification of course projects.
 An example of a project report.

Each student gets his/her course project from the table of variants.

According to the laboratory works, the student gets acquainted in advance with the requirements of
the course project and chooses the methods of its implementation. The results of the course project
are processed; reports are generated and presented to the lecturer. The student, who has passed the
course project, gets permission to take his/her test or examination.

Synopsys University Courseware

Copyright © 2017 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved.
Developed by: Vazgen Melikyan
Table of Variants and Specification

Circuit Min op. Max op. Wire

Frequency Jitter Skew
Variant condition condition load
(MHz) (ps) (ps)
1. ITC99/b12 80 50 250 tt1p05v25c ss0p95v25c 8000
2. ITC99/b15 75 100 300 tt1p05v125c ss0p95v125c 16000
3. ITC99/b17 70 150 350 tt1p05vn40c ss0p95vn40c 35000
4. ITC99/b19 95 200 400 ff1p16v25c tt1p05v25c 70000
5. ITC99/b20 90 250 250 ff1p16v125c tt1p05v125c 140000
6. ITC99/b12 120 50 300 ff1p16vn40c tt1p05vn40c 280000
7. ITC99/b15 150 100 350 tt1p05v125c ss0p95v25c 540000
8. ITC99/b17 200 150 400 tt1p05vn40c ss0p95vn40c 8000
9. ITC99/b19 180 200 250 tt1p05v25c ss0p95v125c 16000
10. ITC99/b20 160 250 300 ff1p16v25c ss0p95v25c 35000
11. ITC99/b12 250 50 350 ff1p16vn40c ss0p95v125c 70000
12. ITC99/b15 200 100 400 ff1p16v125c ss0p95vn40c 140000
13. ITC99/b17 180 150 250 ff1p16vn40c tt1p05v25c 280000
14. ITC99/b19 160 200 300 tt1p05v125c ss0p95v25c 540000
15. ITC99/b20 140 250 350 ff1p16v125c tt1p05vn40c 8000
16. ITC99/b12 100 50 400 tt1p05vn40c ss0p95vn40c 16000
17. ITC99/b15 95 100 250 ff1p16v25c tt1p05v125c 35000
18. ITC99/b17 90 150 300 tt1p05v25c ss0p95v125c 70000
19. ITC99/b19 85 200 350 ff1p16vn40c ss0p95vn40c 140000
20. ITC99/b20 80 250 400 tt1p05v125c tt1p05v125c 280000
21. ITC99/b12 190 50 250 ff1p16v125c ss0p95v125c 540000
22. ITC99/b15 185 100 300 tt1p05vn40c tt1p05v25c 8000
23. ITC99/b17 180 150 350 ff1p16v25c ss0p95v25c 16000
24. ITC99/b19 175 200 400 tt1p05v25c tt1p05vn40c 35000
25. ITC99/b20 170 250 200 ff1p16v125c ss0p95v125c 70000

ITC99 circuits can be found at:

All designs should be designed and analyzed using SAED 32/28nm technology.
Each student gets his/her individual course project from the table of variants. Using design skills,
obtained during the laboratory works, student first designs the given circuit using Design Compiler,
then calculates the parameters mentioned in the table with the necessary timing analysis.

Synopsys University Courseware

Copyright © 2017 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved.
Developed by: Vazgen Melikyan
Table of analysis results


Technology: Frequency
Corners Jitter
Wire Load Skew
Case analysis

Max frequency
Worst slack

Best slack
Case 1: ____ = 0 Case2: ______ = 1






Name ps ps MHz ps ps ps ps


First, students are to fill in the list, present circuits with their reports and Table 2 (Table of STA results)
with completed parameters.

The report should contain:
1. Studied circuits and the netlists
2. PrimeTime report files
3. Graphics obtained and histogram diagrams from PrimeTime
4. Calculated characteristics and parameters (Table)
5. Brief summary.

Synopsys University Courseware

Copyright © 2017 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved.
Developed by: Vazgen Melikyan

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