Physical Education Grade 11

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How to check your heart rate

- place two fingers at your wrist between the bone and the tendon, when we already feel our
pulse, count the number of beats in 15 seconds. Multiply this number by four to calculate
your beats per minute (if 30 seconds multiply by 2).
The Proper Form for Each Exercise
Your goals must be S.M.A.R.T.:

 S - Specific
 M - Measurable
 A - Attainable/Achievable
 R - Relevant
 T - Timed/Time-bound

What does your body need?

- To function well on a daily basis, we all need the proper nutrition. It's not just food per se, it
also includes the right amount of water intake, and the good combination within our
digestive system. Some of the things we need from food are energy, protection, and those
for internal functioning.

Healthy Caloric Intake

- An ideal daily intake of calories varies depending on age, metabolism and levels of physical
activity, among other things.
- Generally, the recommended daily calorie intake is 2,000 calories a day for women and 2,500 for

What are calories?

Calories are a measure of how much energy food or drink contains. The amount of energy you
need will depend on:

- your age – for example, growing children and teenagers may need more energy
- your lifestyle – for example, how active you are
- your size – your height and weight can affect how quickly you use energy
 The term calorie is commonly used as shorthand for kilocalorie.
 To maintain a healthy weight, you need to balance the amount of calories you consume through
food and drink with the amount of calories you burn through physical activity.

Losing weight

To lose weight in a healthy way, you need to use more energy than you consume by eating a
healthy, balanced diet with fewer calories while increasing your physical activity.

Gaining weight

To gain weight, you need to eat more calories than your body uses each day.
Types of Food

Macronutrients – the nutrients our body needs in larger amount

Protein - foods are essential in building our tissues in our body. They also help in repairing
damaged body parts.

Carbohydrates - giving us immediate energy for the work we need to do daily. It also helps the
brain function well.

Fats - can give more energy and can assist in protecting our vital organs. saturated fat (the
unhealthy kind), others have unsaturated fat (the healthy kind).

Micronutrients - the nutrients your body needs in smaller amounts

Vitamins and Minerals - The known vitamins include A, C, D, E, and K, and the B vitamins:
thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxal (B6), cobalamin (B12),
biotin, and folate/folic acid.

How proper nutrition helps us function better

- For our organs to function properly, starting with our brain and down to our skin, we
should be taking in the appropriate kind and amount of nutrients that any human being
should have.
- By having a proper nutrition our body and brain will function well
Diseases connected to diet and nutrition
- Malnutrition - due to the lack of nourishment
- Obesity - due to excessive eating without exercise
- Cardiovascular diseases - due to too much unhealthy fat and oil
- Diabetes - high sugar intake
- Kidney diseases - high sodium and excessive protein
- Cancer - due to carcinogens
Super-Size Me (Documentary)
- After a month of consuming nothing except fast foods Mr. Morgan Spurlock’s body came
from having a fit body, he develops an excess body fat on his abdomen
- body fat increases from 11% to 18%
- Became a fatty liver
- cholesterol level became 230
- chance of having a coronary disease and heart failure was doubled
- felt depressed and exhausted all the time
- sex life became non-existent

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