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Higher Nationals

Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC



Programme title BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing

Assessor Internal Verifier

Unit 6 Managing a Successful Computing Project
Internet Of things – Information system Project
Assignment title
K. Ishan Madushanka
Student’s name
List which assessment Pass Merit Distinction
criteria the Assessor has

Do the assessment criteria awarded

match those shown in the assignment Y/N

Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction grade

awarded justified by the assessor’s
comments on the student work?

Has the work been assessed Y/N

Is the feedback to the student:
Give details:

• Constructive?
• Linked to relevant assessment
criteria? Y/N

• Identifying opportunities for

improved performance?
• Agreeing actions? Y/N

Does the assessment decision need Y/N

Assessor signature Date

Internal Verifier signature Date

Programme Leader signature (if
Confirm action
Remedial action taken

Give details:

Assessor signature Dat

Verifier e
Programme Leader
signature (if
Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form

Student Name/ID K. Ishan Madushanka / 015528

Unit Title Unit 6 Managing a Successful Computing Project

1 Mr. Geeth Weerasinghe

Assignment Number Assessor
03/07/2021 Date Received
Submission Date
1st submission
Date Received
Re-submission Date
2nd submission
Assessor Feedback:
LO1. Assess risks to IT security
Pass, Merit & Distinction P1 P2 M1 D1

LO2. Describe IT security solutions.

Pass, Merit & Distinction P3 P4 M2 D1


LO3. Review mechanisms to control organisational IT security.

Pass, Merit & Distinction P5 P6 M3 M4 D2


LO4. Manage organisational security.

Pass, Merit & Distinction P7 P8 M5
D3 Descripts
Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external
moderation has taken place and grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.
Pearson Higher Nationals in
Unit 6: Managing a Successful Computing Project
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Student Declaration

I hereby, declare that learner know what plagiarism entails, namely to

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Student’s Signature: Date: 03/07/2021

(Provide E-mail ID) (Provide Submission Date)
Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number Ishan Madushanka / 015528
Unit Number and Title Unit 6 Managing a Successful Computing Project
Academic Year 2020/21
Unit Tutor 2018/2019
Assignment Title Internet Of things – Information system Project
Issue Date 21/03/2021
Submission Date 03/07/2021
IV Name & Date
Submission Format:
The submission should be in the form of an individual written report written in a concise, formal business
style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and
subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using Harvard
referencing system. Please provide in- text citation and an end list of references using Harvard referencing

Section 4.2 of the assignment required to do a 15 minutes presentation to illustrate the answers.
Word Processing Rules......................................................................................................................7
Important Points:...............................................................................................................................7
Student Declaration...........................................................................................................................8
Student’s Signature: Date: 03/07/2021.........................................................................................8
Task 01................................................................................................................................................14
Project management plan...............................................................................................................14
Project Life Cycle.............................................................................................................................15
Initiating Process.........................................................................................................................15
Planning Process..........................................................................................................................15
Executing Process........................................................................................................................15
Monitoring and Control prose......................................................................................................15
Closing prosses............................................................................................................................15
Setting time frame...........................................................................................................................17
Analyzing cost and budget...............................................................................................................18
Cost of Quality (COQ)......................................................................................................................19
Risk and resources...........................................................................................................................21
Risk Register....................................................................................................................................21
Probability/Impact Matrix...............................................................................................................22
Work breakdown structure.............................................................................................................23
GANTT chart....................................................................................................................................24
Resource Breakdown Structure.......................................................................................................25
Task 02................................................................................................................................................25
Sources of data in research..................................................................................................................25
Primary data....................................................................................................................................25
Secondary data................................................................................................................................25
Research Methodologies (scribbr, 2019).............................................................................................26
Quantitative research......................................................................................................................26
Qualitative research........................................................................................................................26
Methods used in quantitative methods...........................................................................................27
Online polls.................................................................................................................................27
Google forms (Surveys)...............................................................................................................27
Sampling Techniques..........................................................................................................................32
Probability Sampling Methods.........................................................................................................32
Non-Probability Sampling Methods.................................................................................................32
Degrees of Reliability.......................................................................................................................34
Types of Reliability.....................................................................................................................34
How to increase Reliability..........................................................................................................34
Degrees of validity...........................................................................................................................34
Types of Validity.........................................................................................................................34
How to increase Validity..............................................................................................................35
Evaluation of project management process..........................................................................................35
Accuracy and reliability of different research methods.......................................................................36
Task 03................................................................................................................................................36
Introduction to scenario.......................................................................................................................36
Findings and Analysis.........................................................................................................................36
Appropriate tools and techniques used in research..............................................................................36
Software tools..................................................................................................................................36
Electronic devices............................................................................................................................36
Communication and transportation................................................................................................37
Bar graphs and pie charts of Collected data.........................................................................................37
Respondents for survey used in Sri Lanka.......................................................................................37
Pie chart and analyse report for “Please select your age group” question..................................37
Pie chart and analyse report for “What is your gender?” question.............................................38
Pie chart and analyse report for “Do you know about IOT?” question........................................38
Pie chart and analyses report for “How often do you use IOT your day today life?” question....39
Pie chart and analyse report for “Is Smart Home system good or bad?” question......................39
Pie chart and analyse report for “Is your living home is a smart home or not?” question..........40
Pie chart and analyse report for “Do you like to share your smart home stored information with
others?” question........................................................................................................................40
Pie chart and analyse report for “Do you think IOT devises are supporting your day today life?”
Pie chart and analyse report for “Assume your home covered with CCTV Security system, do
you think it will be a smart home concept?” question................................................................41
Pie chart and analyse report for “These days usually smart homes are attacked by hackers and
the vulnerability; did you know about that before?” question....................................................42
Pie chart and analyse report for “What do you think about the smart home materials, devisers
price?” question..........................................................................................................................42
Pie chart and analyses report for “How do you think about the smart home implementation in
Sri Lanka?” question....................................................................................................................43
Answers for “What are the advantages of Smart Home concepts?” question................................44
Answers for “What are the disadvantages of Smart Home concepts?” question............................45
Answers for “What are the prepossessions for the above disadvantages?” question.....................46
Respondent 1..................................................................................................................................46
Respondent 2..................................................................................................................................46
 Limited time.............................................................................................................................46
 Salutation in country...............................................................................................................47
Action plan.......................................................................................................................................47
Evaluation of tools and techniques......................................................................................................49
Task 04................................................................................................................................................49
What is reflection?..............................................................................................................................49
Gibbs’ model....................................................................................................................................49
Action Plan...................................................................................................................................50
Experiential Learning Model............................................................................................................50
Schön Model....................................................................................................................................51
My achievement from the project........................................................................................................52
Things to change..............................................................................................................................53
Reflection of the project objectives and own learning and performance..............................................53
Evaluation of project management process to meet stated objective...................................................54
Evaluation of how the project supports sustainability of the organization...........................................54

Figure 1 Project Life Cycle....................................................................................................................15
Figure 2 GANTT chart...........................................................................................................................16
Figure 3 Cost of Quality (COQ).............................................................................................................18
Figure 4 Work breakdown structure....................................................................................................22
Figure 5 GANTT chart...........................................................................................................................23
Figure 6 Resource Breakdown Structure.............................................................................................24
Figure 7 Survey question (Sri Lanka)....................................................................................................30
Figure 8 Probability Sampling Methods...............................................................................................31
Figure 9 Non-Probability Sampling......................................................................................................32
Figure 10 Please select your age group...............................................................................................36
Figure 11 What is your gender?...........................................................................................................37
Figure 12 Do you know about IOT?.....................................................................................................37
Figure 13 How often do you use IOT your day today life?...................................................................38
Figure 14 Is Smart Home system good or bad?...................................................................................38
Figure 15 Is your living home is a smart home or not?........................................................................39
Figure 16 Do you like to share your smart home stored information with others?.............................39
Figure 17 Do you think IOT devises are supporting your day today life?.............................................40
Figure 18 Assume your home covered with CCTV Security system, do you think it will be a smart
home concept?....................................................................................................................................40
Figure 19 These days usually smart homes are attacked by hackers and the vulnerability; did you
know about that before?.....................................................................................................................41
Figure 20 What do you think about the smart home materials, devisers price?.................................41
Figure 21 How do you think about the smart home implementation in Sri Lanka?.............................42
Figure 22 What are the prepossessions for the above disadvantages?...............................................45
Figure 23 Experiential Learning Model................................................................................................50
Figure 24 questionnaire.......................................................................................................................54
Figure 25 Call provident.......................................................................................................................54

Table 1 reference.................................................................................................................................18
Table 2 cost and budget......................................................................................................................18
Table 3 cost and budget......................................................................................................................19
Table 4 IOT Project Scope Statement..................................................................................................20
Table 5 Tools learner used to communication.....................................................................................21
Table 6 Risk Table................................................................................................................................22
Table 7 Probability/Impact Matrix.......................................................................................................22
Table 8 My achievement from the project..........................................................................................53

Task 01.
The Internet of Things ( IOT ) is a new modeling technology that allows any object or
something to communicate with other things, services, or people through the Internet. The
smart home system is a good example for the IOT. Smart home systems achieved great
popularity in the last decades as they increase the comfort and quality of life. Most smart
home systems are controlled by smartphones and microcontrollers. In this research, I expect
to explore the benefits of IOT for the Smart Home sector in Sri Lanka and challenges by
using a survey with 44 Responders and I hope to gather data via Interviews & learner
responders were learners about IOT, Architecting and Programmers.

The main purpose of this research is to find out what society thinks about IOT. Look at the advantages
and disadvantages about grants IOT and society looks at what opinion to extensively about the
advantage’s disadvantages.

 To learn what IOT is.
 To find out the pros and cons of IOT.
 To explore the use of IOT in Sri Lanka.
 To look for possible situations with IOT usage.
 To find out how IOT affects personal life.

Project management plan

Managing a project isn't a simple task it requires precise planning and timing. a far better
project plan helps me to realize the objective of the project during a better way. The term
project management plan is defined because the process of how the management will
execute, monitor and control the project. In other word, a project management plan is formal
and established ways to manage a project. This document is important to define, integrate,
prepare and coordinate various planning activities. It also mainly defines how the project is
monitored, reviewed, executed, controlled and closed. a good project management plan
includes the subsequent elements: -
 Project Life Cycle
 Scope
 Time
 Cost
 Quality
 Communication
 Risk
 Resource

A Project management plan is the main tool that shows the path to accomplish the task of the
project. So, learner have to develop a Project management plan to accomplish learner project
successful. The phases of Project management plan for find advantages and disadvantages of
smart homing based on IOT on software consultancy is explained below.

Project Life Cycle

Figure 1 Project Life Cycle

Every project goes through the project life cycle, which is made up of five project
management stages: initiation, planning, execution, monitoring and control and closure.
Initiating Process
This is the starting phase where the project manager must prove that the project has value and
is feasible. This includes creating a business case that justifies the need for the project, and a
feasibility study to prove it can be executed within a reasonable time and cost.

Planning Process
In this part All activities should be organized for project to succeed.
Executing Process
The third project management phase is project execution, which is when the tasks and
milestones outlined in the plan are tackled to produce the deliverable to the client’s or
stakeholder’s satisfaction.

Monitoring and Control prose

The fourth project management phase, project monitoring and control, takes place
concurrently with the execution phase of the project. It involves monitoring the progress and
performance of the project to ensure it stays on schedule and within budget. Quality control
procedures are applied to guarantee quality assurance.
Closing prosses
The fifth project management phase is project closure, in which the final deliverables are
presented to the client or stakeholder. Once approved, resources are released, documentation
is completed and everything is signed off on. At this point the project manager and team can
conduct a post-mortem to evaluate the lessons learned from the project.
Setting time frame
IOT itself is vast topic and conducting research about it would take lot of time but learner assigned to conduct a small-scale research, learner
should be precise about time and utilize it properly. There are lots of task to be done but the main aim is to know in detail about elements of IOT.
learner should have proper planning about the research so that learner won’t take lot of time doing something which worth less. Most of the
offices remains close on Saturday and it also takes time to analyses the research so skipping Saturday and Sunday learner would be working 5
days in week and which would give me 64 working days so that learner could complete learner research. Several days would be covered by
Saturdays and Sundays so 90 overall days would be learner timeline so, learner could complete learner task before learner deadline and could
face the consequences which could arise in future. The figure 1 below shows timeline for learner research.

Figure 2 GANTT chart

As part of research, learner would be spending 90 days. Within that time, learner have to
meet the respective people to gain the data as required which would consume most time than
other task. All the companies that learner have chosen are quite far which might affect learner
timeframe. The table below shows the list of books, web sites and articles which learner
would be reading to gather information.

Sources Author Type URL

IOT Trends Feedspot Web site AI Trends - The Best Source for IOT News and Events
on Feedspot - Rss Feed
Future of Marvin Web site
IOT Minsky
IOT Martha E. Web site
Magazine Pollack 0
Education Ann Book
and Kovalchick id=Le8DLxcXHaUC&lpg=PR5&ots=ThIhwZTiG2&dq=
Technology: , Kara ai%20technology&lr&pg=PP1#v=onepage&q&f=false
IOT Dawson
Streamlinin Lakshmisri PDF
g Cloud Surya abstract_id=3785667
with IOT
The Road Reid G. Book
Ahead for Smith 8
t: An IOT
Table 1 reference

Analyzing cost and budget

Time counts quite money but if learner will invest time properly money follows your path
everywhere. Similarly managing cost and time plays vital role in project management.
Traveling, eating, stationary, phone calls and other stuffs requires money and while achieving
the project. The table below shows the expenses and total cost while conducting this research.
Expense’s title Amounts in (RS.)
Traveling expenses 3000
Lunch expenses 6800
Printing and stationary 4000
Telephone and other expenses 1000
Total 14,800
Table 2 cost and budget

Budget of the project varies according the project type. As, I’m getting to do small scale
research so it requires less amount of budget. learner even have to estimate the budget before
starting the project in order that the value feasibility might be maintained. consistent with
learner calculation Rs.14,800 would be suitable as learner might be conducting the project for
about 90 days. The budget may exceed due to the travel & telephone bills as learner even
have made many contingencies plan for meeting the respective person like company owners
to debate about the issues and stakeholder like staff of the corporate in order that learner
could get the specified output. But with Covid 19 pandemic learner move to online platforms
and it cut off learner Traveling expenses, Printing and stationery and Lunch expenses cost. After
those cut offs, learner budget gets like this.

Expense’s title Amounts in (RS.)

Telephone and other expenses 1000
Total 1000
Table 3 cost and budget

This situation is more helpful for learner budget but it has high effect for project accuracy.

Cost of Quality (COQ)

Quality cost is a method of calculating the cost that a company incurs to ensure that a product
meets quality standards and the cost of manufacturing a product that does not meet the
quality standards. Quality Impact Conclusion: Whether disposal and reprocessing costs
associated with quality degradation or inspection and maintenance costs associated with
quality improvement are taken into account. Quality costing allows manufacturers to analyze
and improve quality operations.

Figure 3 Cost of Quality (COQ)

Scope means the actions that is required to be done to attain the objectives in the project.
Project scope is the part of project planning that involves determining and documenting a list
of specific project goals, deliverables, features, functions, tasks, deadlines, and ultimately
costs. In this case, scope defines meeting the IOT related persons, researching and reading
papers, designing the questionnaire, managing the cost and many more but the main scope of
this project are as follows: -
 What are IOT elements?
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of IOT?

IOT Project Scope Statement
Project Name IOT Research
Project Project Manager
Date of P. A Last Revision date
In scope: The main purpose of this project is to explore the pros and
cons of IOT. Data is collected for this through interviews and surveys.
The information is verified by comparing it with data obtained from the
Out of the scope: This project does not use data on AI and other non-
Internet enabled devices. Also, this project only covers about IOT of
smart homing.

I will post the final results of this project online at the end. learner goal is
Project to show society the true nature of IOT, its pros and cons, how to use it
Deliverables correctly, how to use it for smart homing and the pros and cons of using

This project will benefit many people. It is especially useful for

companies related smart homing, people living in smart home and
students who learning about smart homing and IOT. With the Covid19
pandemic, IOT has become equally beneficial to all sectors and there has
been a huge demand for IOT.
The main obstacle in this project was the Covid19 pandemic. The biggest
disadvantage of not being able to go to companies for interviews. Despite
Constraints the shift to Internet platforms, the low internet speeds in Sri Lanka and
the high cost of internet packages were a major obstacle for this project.

Assumptions My assumption is that IOT is a moderately secure but unsuitable place to

deal with very sensitive data. Using IOT for homes can do day today
works so easily. But one wrong move can ruin the whole thing. With the
right tools and the right software, this situation can be avoided.

Table 4 IOT Project Scope Statement

Communication is that the most essential a part of a project. IOT Specialist has got to maintain the
regular communication with the related parties of the project and set a technique to speak with the
responders of the corporate. those that are associated with the project and may affect the
accomplishment of the project and will be taken in consideration. As there must be good channel to
finish the project. Communication between responders, IOT specialist and owners of company has got
to be effective. The communication could also be face to face or in digital ways like e- mail, phone or
chatting. Here, data communication is important because it helps to supply information faster than
other methods. learner even have used every means of communication while doing project but learner
found data communication more preferable because it doesn’t take much times as formal
communication. Below learner listed tools learner used to communication:
Name of tool Frequency Method Audience
Survey Every day Google Forms Responders
Interview Days before assigned WhatsApp Responders for
Table 5 Tools learner used to communication

Risk and resources

Any business project has some risks and resources. The risks of the project are limitation of enough
time, money, volunteers, and important situations of the national politics. and therefore, the resources
of the project are skilled manpower, experience of the IOT Specialist, enough investment and
therefore the positive attitudes of the management of the corporate. So, as an IOT Specialist for a
number one software consultancy, learner can assure that the project is going to be accomplished
within the time because the project has enough resources than the risks at hand.

Risk Register

Risk Table
Risk Risk Type Probability Impact if Severity Owner Risk mitigating
No of the risk the risk action
occurring occurs
01 Project Purchasing products
Lack Of Compliance
Manager from veterans who
on The Part of IOT Low High Medium
Manufacturers have been in the field
for a long time.
02 Lack Of User Project Training newcomers
Knowledge & Medium High High Manager or recruiting trained
Awareness employees.
03 IOT Security Project Software downgrade
Problems in Device Medium Medium Medium Manager until fixed the bug.
Update Management
04 Project IOT devices should
Manager be made tamper-
proof. Devices
Lack Of Physical should be monitored
Low High Low
to detect time offline
and inspected after
dropping offline
05 Project Use the advance
Botnet Attacks Medium High High
Manager Fire-Wall
06 Industrial Espionage Project Encrypt all sensitive
Medium Medium Medium
& Eavesdropping Manager data
07 Project Use Strong
High jacking Your Manager passwords and
IOT Devices
Medium High High
device tracking
08 Data Integrity Risks Project Encrypt and use
of IOT Security in Medium High High Manager trusted brands
CCTV system
09 Project Purchasing products
Manager from veterans who
Rogue IOT Devices Medium Medium Medium
have been in the field
for a long time.
10 Crypto mining With Project Use advance Virus-
IOT Bots
High Low Low
Manager guard
Table 6 Risk Table

Probability/Impact Matrix
Table 7 Probability/Impact Matrix

High Risk 10

Risk 03
Risk 02
Risk 05
Medium Risk 06
Risk 07
Risk 09
Risk 08

Risk 01
Risk 04

Low Medium High

Work breakdown structure
A project management plan has four stages of task. learner have taken an initiative to breakdown the whole work. According to the project plan, the four
stages of work will be accomplished within the time specified. If the assigned tasks can be accomplished within the time, then the project will be a successful
one for the company. So, the project tasks breakdown has been given in the following: -

Figure 4 Work breakdown structure

The above given picture shows the work breakdown structure of learner project. It is small scale research where learner have spitted all the task
into smaller parts.

GANTT chart
A Gantt chart is a project management tool assisting in the planning and scheduling of projects of all sizes, although they are particularly useful
for simplifying complex projects. Project management timelines and tasks are converted into a horizontal bar chart, showing start and end dates,
as well as dependencies, scheduling and deadlines, including how much of the task is completed per stage and who is the task owner. This is
useful to keep tasks on track when there is a large team and multiple stakeholders when the scope changes.

Figure 5 GANTT chart

The above picture shows the Gantt chart for the project which helped me to manage and plan
the project and using. learner have estimated 90 days for the whole project where learner
have taken 07 days to initialize the project, 08 days to read papers, 08 days for analyzing the
effectiveness of meeting and manage. After the completion of this task, learner processing
data’s and preparing the final report. Doing so learner project would be accomplished easily.

Resource Breakdown Structure

Resource Breakdown Structure or RBS is an integral part of any effective project
management in general and resource management in particular. Managing any project means
organizing project resources and project components, such as the project team members, to
ensure that they are strategically productive throughout the lifecycle of the project.

Figure 6 Resource Breakdown Structure

Task 02.
Sources of data in research
Primary data
Primary data is the first data set that learner collect from different sources.
Those data sets are original and more reliable.

Secondary data
Secondary data refers to second-hand information.
It is not originally collected and rather obtained from already published or unpublished

Research Methodologies[ CITATION scr19 \l 1033 ]

The objective of the project is to seek out smart homing based on IOT. So, as an IOT Specialist for a
number one software consultancy, learner will be able to determine the possible and therefore the best
method of research to seek out and analyses advantages and disadvantages IOT. As a neighborhood of
the project, learner even have decided to use the quantitative and qualitative method of research.

Quantitative research
Quantitative research is employed to quantify the matter by way of generating numerical data
or data which will be transformed into usable statistics. Quantitative data collection methods
are far more structured than qualitative data collection methods. Quantitative research uses
measurables data to formulate facts and uncover patterns in research. Quantitative data
collection methods included various sorts of surveys- online surveys, paper surveys, mobile
surveys, and face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews, online polls and others. There are
many options to settle on between the instrument to conduct the research program like
questionnaire, interview, observations, etc. learner even have limited time to conduct the
research program in order that learner even have used questionnaire as a search instrument
which was handy and less-time consuming and every one the respondent co-operates with the
questionnaire because it's easy to fill as all the questions are objective. Quantitative research,
in marketing, may be a stimulating and highly educational technique to collect information
from existing and potential customers using sampling methods and sending out online
surveys, online polls, questionnaires etc., the results of which may be analyzed using
statistical methods.

Qualitative research
Qualitative research is defined as a market research method that focuses on obtaining data
through open-ended and conversational communication. This method is not only about
“what” people think but also “why” they think so. The qualitative research method allows for
in-depth and further probing and questioning of respondents based on their responses, where
the researcher also tries to understand their motivation and feelings. It is used to gain an
understanding of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. It provides insights into the
problem or helps to develops ideas or hypotheses for potential quantitative research.
Qualitative research is also used to uncover trends in thought and opinions, and dive deeper
into the problem. Qualitative data collection methods vary using unstructured or semi-
structured techniques. Some common methods include focus groups, individuals’ interviews,
and participation or observation. Some of the ways to do qualitative research are given below.

One of the researches methods learners have used is observation. Visiting the places and
taking the information helped me to observe the about the companies. In this people are more
focused on the project and make notes about every small term that is related to the project.
learner have observed all the changes in the state of the IOT.

Interview made it is easier to get into the depth of the IOT elements. It is completely
conversational methods so it was easier to get the information about IOT elements. Its great
advantage is learner can get more information about their experience in less time. Some point
learner was about to ask the interview with the company manager are:
 What is the condition of Smart homes?
 What are the outcomes of Smart homes?
 What are the advantages and disadvantages of Smart homing?
But because of Covid 19 pandemic, learner could not visit companies. But learner try to
connect with them using online platforms.
Methods used in quantitative methods
Online polls
For this project learner have made Online polls through social media and emails. learner have
collected the data from questionnaire done from mails and made polls.

Google forms (Surveys)

For the survey learner have visited many companies and arrange seminars with the number of
people who are facing problems along with company member and raise a question in public.
By arising the same question with different people in different place. By analyzing the
common data, learner have made further move in learner project. The collected data are
logical and they can be shown in a statistical way.
Survey question (Sri Lanka)
Figure 7 Survey question (Sri Lanka)

Google Form Link

A Questionnaire is a structured form, either written or printed, consists of a formalized set of
questions designed to collect information on some subject or subjects from one or more
respondents. It is a data collection technique that a number of questions are raised through
huge number of people and the solution is made on the base of those result. During the
project learner have used the questionnaire as a research instrument because it represents both
qualitative as well as quantitative method and for the primary research. learner willing to ask
5 to 10 minutes for all representatives to fill the questionnaire as the questionnaire was short
and sweet. Many thought it will waste their time but it took just 5 minutes to fill it and they
felt easy as learner have made questions with structured format in a sequence order.
Advantage of using questionnaire
 It was feasible to do research because of the economic condition.
 Analyzing the research was comparatively easy.
 Less time consuming.
 It is reliable and valid method of research.
 It can be analyzed scientifically and objectively than other methods of data collection.
I have made some sample question that are used to collect the information. In this sample
questionnaire learner have point out some question that can be asked to an individual, to the
company member and publicly and provide a review.

Sampling Techniques
Sampling method can divide two main parts as Probability Sampling Methods and Non-
Probability Sampling Methods.

Probability Sampling Methods

Thera are four main probability sampling methods. Those are,
 Simple random sampling: It is a
random selection made according to the
job done by a particular community,

 Systematic sampling: In this method,

individuals are selected using the x / nth

 Stratified sampling: In this method the

same samples are taken from each layer.

 Clustered sampling: In this method the

sample is divided into clusters and
clusters are selected for random testing
from those clusters. Figure 8 Probability Sampling Methods

Non-Probability Sampling Methods

Non-Probability Sampling Methods also have four main parts,
 Convenience sampling: This is the easiest method of sample selection. Samples are
selected at the discretion of the participant.

 Quota sampling: In this system, samples are taken equally to represent all age groups
in the population.

 Judgement (or Purposive) Sampling: Also known as selective, or subjective,

sampling, this technique relies on the judgement of the researcher when choosing who
to ask to participate.

 Snowball sampling: This method is commonly used in social sciences when

investigating hard-to-reach groups. Existing subjects are asked to nominate further
subjects known to them, so the sample increases in size like a rolling snowball.

Figure 9 Non-Probability Sampling

For this project I used Simple random sampling as the sampling Techniques. Also, learner
list down Pros and Cons:
 Strong external validity: Allows researchers to generalize results from the sample to
the entire population being studied.

 Relative speed and efficiency compared to the census: A simple random sample
allows researchers to learn about an entire population much faster and more
efficiently than collecting data from every member of the population.
 Expensive: Contacting a large, randomly selected group of people requires lots of

 Time consuming: Although this method is faster than conducting a census, gathering
data from a large, random sample is often slow when compared to other methods.

 Not always possible: Researchers may wish to study a group for which there is no
organized list (sampling frame) to randomly sample from.

Degrees of Reliability
Types of Reliability

 Test-retest reliability is a measure of reliability obtained by administering the same

test twice over a period of time to a group of individuals. The scores from Time 1 and
Time 2 can then be correlated in order to evaluate the test for stability over time.

 Parallel form’s reliability is a measure of reliability obtained by administering

different versions of an assessment tool to the same group of individuals. The scores
from the two versions can then be correlated in order to evaluate the consistency of
results across alternate versions.

 Inter-rater reliability is a measure of reliability used to assess the degree to which

different judges or raters agree in their assessment decisions. Inter-rater reliability is
useful because human observers will not necessarily interpret answers the same way;
raters may disagree as to how well certain responses or material demonstrate
knowledge of the construct or skill being assessed.

 Internal consistency reliability is a measure of reliability used to evaluate the degree

to which different test items that probe the same construct produce similar results.

How to increase Reliability

 Do same research in different time zone and resalt must be same.
 Check same type of researches using internet
 Invite other researcher to research and angelize same topic.
 Conduct another survey for another group of responders to verify answers.
 Using more than one sampling techniques for research.

Degrees of validity
Types of Validity

 Face Validity ascertains that the measure appears to be assessing the intended
construct under study. The stakeholders can easily assess face validity. Although this
is not a very “scientific” type of validity, it may be an essential component in enlisting
motivation of stakeholders. If the stakeholders do not believe the measure is an
accurate assessment of the ability, they may become disengaged with the task.

 Construct Validity is used to ensure that the measure is actually measure what it is
intended to measure and no other variables. Using a panel of “experts” familiar with
the construct is a way in which this type of validity can be assessed. The experts can
examine the items and decide what that specific item is intended to measure. Students
can be involved in this process to obtain their feedback.

 Criterion-Related Validity is used to predict future or current performance - it

correlates test results with another criterion of interest.

 Formative Validity when applied to outcomes assessment it is used to assess how

well a measure is able to provide information to help improve the program under

 Sampling Validity ensures that the measure covers the broad range of areas within
the concept under study. Not everything can be covered, so items need to be sampled
from all of the domains. This may need to be completed using a panel of “experts” to
ensure that the content area is adequately sampled. Additionally, a panel can help
limit “expert” bias.

How to increase Validity

 Include references to project.
 Create understandable plans and scratchers and also include into project.
 Use appendices and incudes screenshots and images.

Evaluation of project management process

Small scale research which learner have completed and while conducting the research learner
have used questionnaire as a research tool to get data and the project was related about Smart
Home based IOT. learner have read all 10 different books, pdf and web sites. Also
interviewed some IT managers of companies individually. All the record is kept in learner
logbook and learner have used the project management process to conduct the small-scale
 Improvement can be done in the research project and in the result.
 Resources of the project can be priorities and can be efficiently used.
 It sets the scope, schedule and budget accurately.
 Project management helps in managing all the resource, cost, and budget.
 Productivity and quality of work can be improved.

 Time consuming in context of visiting the offices and preparing the questionnaire
along with the analyzing and finalizing the project.
 Complexity because of the many stages.
 Risk was occurred although it was pre planned.

Limitation can be seen the major factor such as time, cost and place. In some context, while
conducting the research main problem learner was faced is covid 19 pandemic. Government
announced to stay at home than learner had to cancel all the interviews learner was arranged.
Any project has some limitation which comes automatically in the spot and can’t be

Accuracy and reliability of different research methods

Performing research is not an easy task it takes time, patience, and lots of effort as well. After
the research is complete the output obtained must be reliable so that it would help in future as
well. To have a reliable research the data taken also should be reliable. learner have used both
qualitative method and quantitative method as well which makes this research reliable and
accurate for the future reference.

Task 03.
Introduction to scenario
Learner had to visit different companies and collected data but because covid 19 learner used
online platform. Now the processing and analyzing of data is left. Collecting the information
was not an easy task it required lots of patience and effort. In this task of mine learner going
to analyses the data so that the advantages and disadvantage of smart homing based on IOT.

Findings and Analysis

In this project, data was collected from different types of company and all the data were
collected using the questionnaire, interviews and surveys. The data are now analyzed using
the different tool and the result is shown as the bar graphs and pie charts which helps to
illustrate the numbers explored.

Appropriate tools and techniques used in research

Small scale research is less costly but provides great benefits to learner. The data collection
process and analysis process require different tools and techniques. learner have used
different tools to collect and analysis data and the list of tools are as follows:

Software tools
Completing the research without software tools was difficult and quite impossible because in
this digital age all the information is not possible to store on papers. There were recording
made and moreover, Microsoft’s office package helped a lot among which MS Word and MS
Visio were mostly used.
MS Visio: Managing the time schedule is so hard doing in the paper but learner did in the
Gantt chart using the project tool provided by the Microsoft office. Gantt chart helped me to
schedule learner time table and manage whole project.
Google Form: Google Forms is a survey administration software included as part of the free,
web-based Google Docs Editors suite offered by Google. The service also includes Google
Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Google Drawings, Google Sites, and Google Keep.
Google Forms is only available as a web application. The app allows users to create and edit
surveys online while collaborating with other users in real-time. The collected information
can be automatically entered into a spreadsheet. learner used Google Form for collect data to
learner research project.

Electronic devices
Software wouldn’t be available if the hardware didn’t exist so all the electronic devices like
mobile, telephone, laptop etc. helped me a lot to collect the information and store them
properly for the analysis.

Communication and transportation

I plan to visit different companies. But because of Covid19 learner moved to online

Bar graphs and pie charts of Collected data

There are lots of data collected and analyzed while completing the research. learner have
asked different peoples and analyzed on different basis of IOT so that learner could be sure
about smart homing based on IOT. learner used Google form as a survey to find opinions of
different people. learner displayed resalt below,

Respondents for survey used in Sri Lanka.

Pie chart and analyse report for “Please select your age group” question.

Figure 10 Please select your age group

This pie chart is generated by using Google Form answers. Question is Please select your
age group. The respondents are of different ages. Most of the respondents were between the
ages of 19 and 25. The lowest number of respondents was between 13 and 18 years old.
People over the age of 60 have not answered. The respondents were between the ages of 26
and 35 and between 36 and 45 years are equal.
Pie chart and analyse report for “What is your gender?” question.

Figure 11 What is your gender?

The answer seems to be the same for both men and women. Out of 43 answers, 41.1% were
given by female and 58.1% by male.

Pie chart and analyse report for “Do you know about IOT?” question.

Figure 12 Do you know about IOT?

Blue color is representing answer “YES” for question. Red color representing “Quite a bit”
and orange color representation answer “NO”.
51.2% out of 43 responders say they know IOT well. 30.2% say they know very little about
IOT. 18.6 percent say they know nothing about IOT. This shows that the people of Sri Lanka
are generally aware of IOT.
Pie chart and analyses report for “How often do you use IOT your day today life?” question.

Figure 13 How often do you use IOT your day today life?

Apparently, nowadays majority of people are using IOT devices for their day-to-day life.
That means most of them are interested to move with new technologies. At the same time,
some people don’t interest in IOT devices yet. Blue color is representing answer “Very” for
question. Red color representing “Quite a bit” and orange color representation answer “Not at
53.5% out of 43 responders say they usually use IOT for day today works. 30.2% say they
Use IOT, but not usually. 18.6 percent say they didn’t use IOT at all. This also verified that
the people of Sri Lanka are generally aware of IOT.
Pie chart and analyse report for “Is Smart Home system good or bad?” question.

Figure 14 Is Smart Home system good or bad?

As shown above pie chart, more people are seen Smart Home as a good concept. It can be
seen people are eager to move the Smart Home concept than a normal home. But very few
people have seen negatively it. Blue color is representing answer “Very good” for question.
Red color representing “Good” and orange color representation answer “Not bad”. Green
color representing answer “Bad”.
37.2% out of 43 responders say Smart Home based on IOT is very good. 39.5% say Smart
Home based on IOT is Good. 14% percent say Smart Home based on IOT is Not bad. 9.3
percent say Smart Home based on IOT is Bad.
Pie chart and analyse report for “Is your living home is a smart home or not?” question.

Figure 15 Is your living home is a smart home or not?

It can be seen clearly, very few of them are living in a smart home up to now in Sri Lanka.
Even though people eager to adopt new technologies, they couldn’t live in a Smart Home.
But some of them have already lived in a Smart home. Blue color is representing answer
“Yes” for question. Red color representing “Quite a bit” and orange color representation
answer “Maybe”. Green color representing answer “No”.
18.6% out of 43 responders say they are live in smart home. 25.6% say they are live in smart
home quite a bit. 25.6% percent say maybe they are live in smart home. 30.2 percent say they
are not live-in smart home.
Pie chart and analyse report for “Do you like to share your smart home stored information
with others?” question.

Figure 16 Do you like to share your smart home stored information with others?

Many smart devices collect data when they're not in use and some collect data points you
may not even think about, like your wireless network information, for example and send them
back to the manufacturers, ostensibly to make the gadgets and your home smarter. Blue color
is representing answer “Yes” for question. Red color representing “Quite a bit” and orange
color representation answer “No”.
23.3% out of 43 responders say they are ready to share personal information with others.
18.6% say they are they are ready to share personal information, but not all of them. 58.1
percent say they are Not ready to shear personal information with others.

Pie chart and analyse report for “Do you think IOT devises are supporting your day today
life?” question.

Figure 17 Do you think IOT devises are supporting your day today life?

The Internet of Things is still in its infancy as a phenomenon. Despite this, its rate of
expansion, adaptability, ingenuity and scope is startling. Companies are developing more and
more ways for us to connect. Within the next five years, sensors will likely have permeated
every aspect of our lives, from our refrigerators to our shoes. The world's IT infrastructure
will be supporting a trillion devices, big and small. Blue color is representing answer “Yes”
for question. Red color representing “Quite a bit” and orange color representation answer
“Maybe”. Green color representing answer “No”.
62.8% out of 43 responders say IOT is very helpful for day today works. 20.9% say IOT is
helping quite a bit. 4.7% percent say IOT didn’t helpful at all. 11.6 percent say some times
IOT is helpful.

Pie chart and analyse report for “Assume your home covered with CCTV Security system, do
you think it will be a smart home concept?” question.

Figure 18 Assume your home covered with CCTV Security system, do you think it will be a smart home concept?

Blue color is representing answer “Yes” for question. Red color representing “Quite a bit”
and orange color representation answer “No”. Green color representing answer “Maybe”.
53.5% out of 43 responders say Yes for this question. 20.9% say quite a bit for this
question.7% percent say No for this question. 18.6 percent say maybe for this question.

Pie chart and analyse report for “These days usually smart homes are attacked by hackers and
the vulnerability; did you know about that before?” question.

Figure 19 These days usually smart homes are attacked by hackers and the vulnerability; did you know about that before?

Blue color is representing answer “Yes” for question. Red color representing “Quite a bit”
and orange color representation answer “No”.
62.8% out of 43 responders say they know well about vulnerabilities and attacks can happen.
11.6% say they are known little bit about vulnerabilities and attacks can happen. 25.6 percent
say they didn’t know about vulnerabilities and attacks can happen.
Pie chart and analyse report for “What do you think about the smart home materials, devisers
price?” question.

Figure 20 What do you think about the smart home materials, devisers price?

Blue color is representing answer “Very high” for question. Red color representing “High”
and orange color representation answer “Low”. Green color representing answer “Very low”.
37.2% out of 43 responders say IOT devisers are selling very high prices. 51.2% say IOT
devisers are selling high prices.7% percent say IOT devisers are selling low prices.2 percent
say IOT devisers are selling very low prices.
Pie chart and analyses report for “How do you think about the smart home implementation in
Sri Lanka?” question.

Figure 21 How do you think about the smart home implementation in Sri Lanka?

Blue color is representing answer “Very Good” for question. Red color representing “Good”
and orange color representation answer “Not Bad”. Green color representing answer “Bad”.
7% out of 43 responders say smart home concept is very stable for Sri Lanka. 25.6% say
smart home concept is stable for Sri Lanka.41.9% percent say smart home concept is stable
for Sri Lanka, have lot of risk.25.6 percent say smart home concept is not stable for Sri
Answers for “What are the advantages of Smart Home concepts?”
There were 21 answers to this question. The summary of these answers is as follows. smart
home based IOT makes it easy and fast to complete your daily tasks. Also, the accuracy of
the work performed by these devices is very high. Security, data computing speed is very
high as some IOT devices use AI.

Answers for “What are the disadvantages of Smart Home concepts?”

There were 21 answers to this question. The summary of these answers is as follows. There
are currently no international standards for tagging and monitoring device compatibility, as
devices from different manufacturers are connected to each other via IOT. IOT is a diverse
and complex network. Software or hardware failures or failures can have serious
consequences. Power outages can also cause a lot of inconvenience. IOT involves many
devices and technologies that are monitored by many companies. Most of the context-related
data is transmitted by smart sensors, which increases the risk of privacy data being lost. With
the advent of technology, IOT has been used to automate day-to-day activities, reduce human
intervention, and reduce human resource requirements. This causes social unemployment
problems. Technology controls life. Our lives are becoming more and more controlled and
technology-dependent. The younger generation is crazy about technology for every little
thing. With the IOT, this dependency extends from generation to generation and into the
user's daily habits.

Answers for “What are the prepossessions for the above disadvantages?”
Figure 22 What are the prepossessions for the above disadvantages?

Respondent 1
I have asked to the engineer Sunil Lasntha, one of the retyre data science specialists in Qatar
government gas company. He said that if there was a bug in the IOT device, it could be
dangerous. Many people today use this device and he said that a hacker can easily achieve his
goals. Also, he said if learner use proper protection system like Virus guard, Firewalls, Mac
filtering learner can mitigate risks.

Respondent 2
As a researcher when learner asked for respondent 3 about learner research, where he
explained the lack of budget in companies to implement IOT. According to him if
government are also including IOT for government offices It will be a great relief to the
people of Sri Lanka.

 Limited time
Time is the most valuable things whenever or whatever learner are doing. Limited time
brings more work and more stress and problem which leads to the limited outcomes and
result. If learner have enough time, then learner can get better and fruitful result. So, time
should be enough. In learner project due to the limited time frame the result learner have
produced is somehow less or not fruitful. If learner have enough time, learner can make
more research and provide more meaningful result. So, learner recommend to make the
time frame big for the project so that the member working on the project can get enough
time on the project and make research to provide the exact outcomes or solution of the
problems in the project.

 Salutation in country
As long as Sri Lanka has measures in place for physical/social distancing; all forms of
data gathering for research and projects that involve physical/social interaction such as
focus groups and face-to-face interviews, should not proceed. Then learner had to move
to online platforms.

To conclude, reading the different books, pdf, research reports during the research program, doing all
the work by own like making questionnaire, data collection, analysis, logbook maintaining gave me
an interesting part of the life and learns many more things. The research was about Smart homing
based on IOT. Going through the assignment learner made learner projects aims and objectives where
learner have used tools like Gantt chart to manage learner time schedule and project tool to further
work breakdown. learner have used Google Forms as an analysis tool and analyzed the data to make
bar graph to depict the analysis of the data gained from the research. Furthermore, learner have set the
milestone of the project and used project management tool and evaluated the research methodologies
like questionnaire including the advantage of the tool and provided recommendation. In the same
way, learner have discussed about the knowledge that learner gained from the project

In previous part learner have seen that a small-scale research has been conducted. To do so learner
also seen that a questionnaire had been developed and survey was conducted. After conducting the
survey, the response had been collected and analyzed. The research was all about advantages and
disadvantages of IOT. After analyzing the data, learner say that people really don’t have actual idea
about IOT. For example, learner add question “Did you feel safe with all these IOT devices?” to
survey. Most of answers are say yes, it is very safe. But they really don’t know threats of IOT. So,
learner add some recommendations below using action plan:
Action plan
 Understand the Advantages of Connecting to the Internet
Don’t connect your smart device to the internet just because it has the capability. First
you should check what features are available in your device without connecting it to the
internet. You might discover that your smart device has good features which are available
without internet connection. In that scenario, it is better to use the device offline. This is a
good way of protecting your security without having to spend anything.

 Use Secondary Network

Most of the time, your WIFI router is capable of creating multiple networks which helps
you to create restricted access for your family and your guests. You should also think of
creating an extra network just for your internet of things devices. This will help you to
curb unauthorized access to your sensitive data when you are accessing your connection
through your smart devices. Having a separate connection to act like a buffer will help to
ensure that no outside entity is allowed to access your shared files and other kinds of
encrypted data.

 Keep Changing your Passwords

It is important that you keep changing your passwords on your PC’s, individual accounts
and mobile devices. You must be knowing this. What you should also remember is that it
is equally important to change the passwords you use on your internet of things devices.
You should be diligent with these passwords and ensure that each device has a unique
password. You can use a password manager to remember your passwords or even use the
traditional method of pen and paper. Remember that every password must be changed
twice every year.

 Don’t Enable Universal Plug & Play Features

Nearly all smart devices have a feature, called as UPnP. With this feature, different
devices can find one another and connect to each other. This feature makes the devices
more convenient because you don’t need to configure each of these devices separately.
What you need to be aware, however is that UPnP protocols make use of local networks
for connecting and are thus vulnerable to outside access. In case there is an attack, outside
entities might be able to gain access to multiple devices simultaneously. Hence, it is a
good practice to turn off the UPnP feature on every device.

 Update your every Device

You should enable automatic updates, if it is available and, in its absence, check regularly
for firmware updates. This is necessary as this is the way new security patches are
installed on your devices. As hackers and other intruders are consistently coming up with
new ways to hack IOT devices, technology manufacturers are involved in the constant
effort to counteract such threats with security measures. Thus, making sure that all your
devices are updated will help to strengthen the security in your house as a whole.

 Reduce your use of Cloud Technology

As you might know, most IOT providers provide free cloud storage with their devices.
The reason for this is that it is considered as emerging technology. However, there are
some potential drawbacks with this technology. The first one is that you need an active
connection if you want to access the data that you store in the cloud; that information
cannot be accessed without a connection. Secondly, outsiders might be able to hack into
your connection as you are accessing your account. So, before you start using the cloud,
make sure that you are familiar with the ways to secure your data and thoroughly
understand the privacy measures.

 Be Careful of Where you Take your Wearables

Wearable devices use WIFI connectivity to collect and store personal data, so that it can
later provide you with accurate analytics. Hence, when you take your wearable device to
a public place, as it connects with the public WIFI, your data becomes instantly accessible
to whoever is connecting to the same network. So, it is a safe bet to avoid taking you
wearables which has a shared network. In case you do take it, ensure that you disable the
device when you are not using it.

 Avoid using Devices that are Risky

There are some IOT devices that needs to be constantly connected to the internet to
operate effectively. There are also some that does not bring as much efficiency to your
life as you had thought of. It is, therefore a good practice to evaluate the usefulness of
your devices from time to time. If you feel that they don’t add anything to your life or if
they seem risky, better discard them. Additionally, if there is a single device that can
replace several others, invest in that device. This is because the smaller number of devices
that you use, the less is the risk factor.

Evaluation of tools and techniques

After the successful completion of the project, learner have drawn the possible outcome of
the project by collecting the data and then analyzing them. learner have used project
management plan to conduct the research project. while conducting the project there are lots
of advantages and limitation. learner have read many books, pdfs and web sites. Also
interviewed some IT managers of deferent companies which was time consuming and
collected filled questionnaire from all the companies. Although this was the small-scale
research it took me 90 days including Saturdays and Sundays to complete everything by
The research was done to find out the advantages and disadvantages smart home system
based on IOT. All the task was performed according to the scheduled and the project was
completed successfully. Some of the plan need to be upgraded in the near future so that
researcher can get benefits are as follows:
 Use of online survey could make data collection easier and result could be analyzed
 If can visiting the company is the best.
 Research should be done in group so that project could be done in short period of

Task 04.
What is reflection?
Reflection is a mental process. It is contemplation or a long consideration. Thoughts or
opinions that come to you while you are reflecting are called reflections. Unlike a reflection
in a mirror, it is an interpretation of what is going on between learning and thinking.
Gibbs’ model
‘It is not sufficient simply to have an experience in order to learn. Without reflecting upon this
experience, it may quickly be forgotten, or its learning potential lost. It is from the feelings and
thoughts emerging from this reflection that generalisations or concepts can be generated and it is
generalisations that allow new situations to be tackled effectively.’ (Gibbs 1988)
Using this 6-step model should help to identify your strengths, areas for development and actions
you can take to enhance your professional skills. Steps 1 - 3 relate to what happened during the
experience and steps 4 - 6 focus on how you could improve on the experience and outcome in the

 This should be a brief description of the experience or event to set the scene and give context.

 Consider what you were thinking and how you felt before the experience.
 How did you feel during the experience?
 How did you feel after the experience?
 This is another short descriptive step, rather than being analytical.

 Evaluation looks objectively at both positive and negative aspects of the experience.
 Describe key elements that went particularly well.
 Was there anything that did not go well or did not work?
 If appropriate, you can include what others did or did not do well.

 Analysis attempts to explain why the experience was positive or negative and should form the
largest section of your reflection. Take into account points made in the previous steps and
identify any factors which helped you e.g., previous experiences, carrying out research or
consulting with others. Consider your role in the experience and how you contributed to the
success of this experience?

 If things did not go to plan, why do you think this was e.g., lack of preparation or external
factors beyond your control?

 It can be useful to consider other people who were involved in the experience. Did they have
similar views or reactions to you? If not, why do you think that was the case?

 Focus on what you have learned.
 Are there any skills you developed as a result of the experience? If so, how would you apply
them in
 future experiences or situations?
 Are there areas of knowledge or particular skills you now need to develop?
 Is there anything you would do differently in the future? Try to give specific examples.

Action Plan
 What specific actions can you now take to build on your knowledge or skills?
 You could include any training that would benefit you (formal or otherwise), as well as
identifying sources of information or support.

Experiential Learning Model

David Kolb’s work on the experiential learning cycle is among the foremost influential
approaches to learning. The experiential learning cycle is a four-step learning process that's
applied multiple times in every interaction and experience: Experience, Reflect, Think, Act.

Figure 23 Experiential Learning Model

When using the Experiencing style, you are engaged, connected, warm and intuitive. You
excel in teamwork and establish trusting relationships with others. You are comfortable with
emotional expression.
When using the Reflecting style, you are patient, careful and reserved, allowing others to take
centre stage. You listen with an open mind and gather information from a variety of sources.
You are able to view issues from many perspectives and identify underlying problems and

When using the Thinking style, you are sceptical, structured, linear and controlled. You use
quantitative tools to analyse problems and frame arguments with logic. You know how to
communicate ideas effectively and make independent judgments.

When using the Acting style, you are on time, assertive, achievement oriented and
courageous. You commit to goals and objectives and find ways to accomplish them under a
deadline. You are able to implement plans with limited resources.

Schön Model
Reflective practicum: “A practicum is a setting created for the task of learning a practice” D.
Schon (1983). This links to learners learning by doing, with the tutor’s assistance. The
practicum is ‘reflective’ in two reasons: “it’s intention of helping learners becoming
proficient in a type of reflection-in-action, and when it functions properly, it entails a tutor –
learner dialogue of teacher taking the form of reciprocal reflection-in-action.” (Argyris and
Schon 1978)

Tacit knowledge: Arises from Michael Polanyi’s work where he describes the ability of
picking out a familiar face in a crowd, without any thought, or a systematic features analysis.
We cannot tell how this is done; hence the knowledge is ‘unspoken’ or ‘tacit’

Knowing-in-action: Is also Schon’s idea which stems from the tacit knowledge concept. It is
a type of knowledge that can be revealed in the manner we perform our duties and tackle
problems. “The knowing is in the action. It is shown by the skilful execution of the
performance – we are notably not able to make it verbally explicit.” This tacit knowledge is
obtained from investigations and also from the practitioner’s own reflections and experience.)

Reflection-in-action: Occurs whilst a problem is being addressed, in what Schon termed the
‘action-present’. It is reflection during the ‘doing’ stage (that is, reflecting on the incident
while it can still benefit the learning). This is carried out during practice rather than reflecting
on how you would do things differently in the future. This is seen as an efficient method of
reflection as it allows you to react and change an event at the time it happens. It also allows
you to deal with surprising incidents that may happen in a learning environment. It allows
you to be responsible and resourceful, drawing on your own knowledge and allowing you to
apply it to new experiences.
Reflection-on-action: Is reflection after the event. It involves reflecting on how practice can
be developed after it has happened. Schön recognises the importance of reflecting back ‘in
order to discover how our knowing-in-action may have contributed to an unexpected
outcome’ (Schön, 1983). Reflection-on-action should encourage ideas on what you need to
change for the future.

Operative attention: Relates to the readiness to use new information. This concept is partly
obtained from Wittgenstein’s contention that the meaning of an operation can only be learned
through its performance. It prepares the student for feedback on that activity and builds

The ladder of reflection: Schön speaks of a vertical dimension of analysis that can happen in
the dialogue between learner and teacher. To move up a rung on the ladder involves
reflecting on an activity. To move down a rung is to move from reflection to experimentation.
This ladder has more than two rungs – it is also possible to reflect on the process of
reflection. The importance of this concept is in its potential for helping out with ‘stuck’
situations in learning. Being able to move to another level may assist coach and learner to
achieve together what Schön refers to as ‘convergence of meaning’.

My achievement from the project

Terms that learner have achieved Evidence
Flexible Lerner always shift learner priorities under the
situation demand. Working on the project learner
have divide the task and do the fast- required things
first. So, that those things help to improve the work
performance and provide the output better.
Hardworking Lerner generally don’t stop on the time of learner
work and don’t let other also to stop during the work.
Due to this attitude behavior, learner is able to
complete the project on time.
Advancement in working field From the handling of the project, learner have
advance myself in the working field. learner have
developed the good leadership and help the team to
get the result better and more convenient.
Capability to work in the Before, project learner like to work in individual but
numerous of people after that working in the number of people help me to
find the better result, more on the fun to work with
people bring different energy level in the project.
Table 8 My achievement from the project

Things to change
Learner have to change those things in the future project. Making corporate connections gives
the opportunity to connect and learn from who are working in similar field. This would help
to develop further knowledge about the technological and also focus on using innovative
approaches that helps to make the report more effective. Also, for more knowledge learner
have to participate in the live program and clear up learner doubts. Further, learner have to
read more books and make researches to handle the project in easier way. learner have
understood that a strong relation should made complete the project so that universal relation
should could be made for the business purpose later.
While completing research and completing project, learner have learned many things like
handling the emotion, working with the other people is far better than the individual working
and many more. learner have researched for the project, to implement IOT elements in
existing system. learner have been through lots of developmental phases while completing
the research where learner contacted different person for data, travelled different places and
analyzed the data and many more which increased lots of learner skills as well.

Reflection of the project objectives and own learning and

During the whole project, learner was gaining some new things daily like managing the time,
meeting the new people and gaining knowledge from them, time management is the key
factor for the project because if learner had missed the time, then learner would have failed
the project. learner have angelized some different pdf, websites, books and interview IT
Managers, IOT specialists and learn somehow of the real world. Textbooks are not enough
for the students that learner have learn during the project because leaning just text book can
be memorized and can’t be useful and research made me to do things myself which learner
have leaned on the spot and got to know how the real-world works. Many IT managers of the
different company shared me their experiences and how the company works and advantages
and disadvantages of smart homing based on IOT. This is the ear of changing the technology
and learner should to be up-to-date in daily life. The knowledge of such experience sharing
helps a lot in learner future when learner have to face the real problems and tackle them
Leaner had lots of challenges and difficulties to manage time for it. But learner did it well and
learner confidence has gone high because of interacting with such cool persons and learner
also learned so much from them. Now learner can say that only memorizing the text book is
not enough in this century and this is time to do something that can be helpful and benefit for

Evaluation of project management process to meet stated

Researches become successful when it gets properly aligned with the pre-set objectives. This
project has been effectively aligned with its goals. The primary concern of the project is
advantages and disadvantages of smart homing based on IOT. The outcome from this project
shows the increase demand of IOT because of the digital transformation. I’ve collected
precious knowledge and experiences during this project and it will allow me to manage a
project successfully in future. learner have effectively set research methodologies and
interpreted and analyzed the gathered data through survey. This research also improved
learner resource management capability.
One of the main objectives of this project is find advantages and disadvantages of smart
homes based on IOT. Learner is identified lot of security issues and solutions for them.
Stilling sensitive data using hacking and botnet attacks is one of the main problems. But
using correct tool and security systems IOT elements are eases the daily life and reduces the
heavy work load and gives more security.
Evaluation of how the project supports sustainability of the
After completing the project, learner discovered a number of very important factors that
affect the sustainability of the Smart homing based on IoT concept. The smart homing
concept is already being implemented in many countries around the world. Those citizens
will benefit a lot from it. Today, Sri Lanka is also adapting to the concept of smart homing to
some extent. Adapting to IoT is a great investment for developing countries like ours. The
concept of smart home not only facilitates the day-to-day activities of the people but also
contributes to security.
In addition to some home monitoring systems, a health monitoring system is also included.
This will alert the relevant security forces immediately if a resident suddenly encounters an
illness, accident or trouble. Data obtained by all sensors such as Face Recognizing, Touch ID,
Voice controlling etc. are computed by Artificial-Intelligent and provide very accurate data.
These devices are considered to provide a strong protection against the threat of theft. Finally,
learner hope this research will be of great help to Sri Lankan housing companies, IOT
software developers, IOT device makers and consumers, and IOT learners.


Figure 24 questionnaire Figure 25 Call provident

Answers, N., 2020. Nursing Answers. [Online]
Available at:

MachineMetrics, 2020. MachineMetrics. [Online]

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Nature, S., 2021. Springer Nature. [Online]

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scribbr, 2019. scribbr. [Online]

Available at:

TechTarget, 2021. TechTarget. [Online]

Available at:

TechTarget, 2021. TechTarget. [Online]

Available at:
Grading Rubric
Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback

LO1 Establish project aims, objectives and

timeframes based on the chosen theme

P1 Devise project aims and objectives for a chosen scenario.

P2 Produce a project management plan that covers aspects of cost,

scope, time, quality, communication, risk and resources.
P3 Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt Chart to
provide timeframes and stages for completion.
M1 Produce a comprehensive project management plan, milestone
schedule and project schedule for monitoring and completing the
aims and objectives of the project.
LO2 Conduct small-scale research, information gathering and data
collection to generate knowledge to support the project

P4 Carry out small-scale research by applying qualitative and

quantitative research methods appropriate for meeting project
aims and objectives.
M2 Evaluate the accuracy and reliability of different research
methods applied.
D1 Critically evaluate the project management process
and appropriate research methodologies applied.
LO3 Present the project and communicate appropriate
recommendations based on meaningful conclusions drawn from
the evidence findings and/or analysis

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