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Ecological Complexity 32 (2017) 99–110

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Original Research Article

Effect of global warming on sea level rise: A modeling study

J.B. Shuklaa , Maitri Vermab,* , A.K. Misrab
International Internet University for Research in Science & Technology, India
Department of Mathematics, Institute of Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, India


Article history:
Received 28 April 2017 Global mean sea level has been rising in response to global warming since the past few decades and is
Received in revised form 24 October 2017 anticipated to potentially affect the coastal population. The main driver of global warming is the
Accepted 26 October 2017 enhanced concentration of the heat-trapping gas carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. In this paper, we
Available online 6 November 2017 propose a nonlinear mathematical model to study the effect of an increase in the anthropogenic carbon
dioxide emissions on sea level rise and its effect on the human population. The long-term behavior of the
Keywords: proposed system is analyzed using stability theory of differential equations. The model analysis shows
Mathematical model that an increase in the anthropogenic emission rate of carbon dioxide leads to increase in the equilibrium
Atmospheric carbon dioxide
levels of surface temperature and sea water level. Further, it is found that the increase in anthropogenic
Global warming
emission rate of carbon dioxide and melting rate of ice sheets lead to decrease in the equilibrium level of
Sea level rise
Stability human population as a result of crowding caused by the decrease in the total inhabitable land area due to
sea level rise. Numerical simulations are carried out to illustrate the effect of key parameters on the
dynamics of the system.
© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction comparison to pre-industrial level (Lindsey, 2014). The rise in

global mean temperature leads to melting of glaciers and ice caps,
Global warming is affecting all of us in many ways. Sea level rise resulting in sea level rise. It is found that the global mean sea level
is one of the direst impacts of global warming which is affecting has risen approximately 0.19 m between 1900 and 2010 with a rate
the coastal population of many countries. Global warming is a of nearly 1.7 millimeter per year (Church et al., 2013). The rate of
result of the increase in radiative forcing of climate system due to sea level rise is expected to increase in future with the further
the enhanced anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases, increase in atmospheric temperature. The fifth assessment report
primarily carbon dioxide (CO2). Human activities, between 1750 of IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) projects that
and 2011, have caused nearly 40% increase in the atmospheric the global mean sea level may rise by 0.52–0.98 m by the end of
concentration of carbon dioxide. This upsurge in carbon dioxide 21st century. The NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric
concentration has caused a radiative forcing of 1.82 watts per Administration) projection of sea level rise is up to 2 m by 2100.
square meter, which is nearly 64% of the total radiative forcing of all The ice sheets across the world hold sufficient water to raise the
the well-mixed greenhouse gases (Stocker et al., 2013). The sea level by several meters. Antarctica and Greenland ice sheets are
positive radiative forcing created by carbon dioxide and other the two largest ice sheets containing nearly 99% of the freshwater
greenhouse gases has increased the Earth's energy budget, leading ice on the Earth. It is estimated that if the Greenland ice sheet melts
to increase in the global surface temperature. The global mean completely, sea level may rise about 6 m, while the melting of
surface temperature has risen by nearly 0.84  C since pre-industrial Antarctic ice sheet may cause a sea level rise of about 60 m. It is
times and is expected to rise in future with the increase in estimated that Antarctica ice sheet alone can contribute more than
atmospheric concentration of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. A a meter of sea level rise by the year 2100 and more than 15 m by the
doubling of carbon dioxide concentration is estimated to bring year 2500 (DeConto and Pollard, 2016).
nearly 1.5–4.5  C rise in global mean surface temperature in Sea level rise has potentially harmful consequences, such as
coastal flooding, erosion, saltwater contamination of fresh water
supplies, increase in salinity of agricultural soil, hurricane storm
surge, etc. Nearly 625 million people residing in low-elevation
* Corresponding author.
coastal zones are at risk of exposure to these hazards of sea level
E-mail addresses: (J.B. Shukla),
(M. Verma), (A.K. Misra). rise (Neumann et al., 2015). Hazards of sea level rise may force a
1476-945X/© 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
100 J.B. Shukla et al. / Ecological Complexity 32 (2017) 99–110

portion of the coastal population to migrate from coastal zones to related activities. The carbon dioxide is uptaken by the natural
inland zones, affecting the coastal population dynamics. Sea level sinks, such as forests, oceans, fossil fuels, carbonated rocks, etc.
rise affects not only the dynamics of regional population, but also Prior to the industrial revolution, the atmospheric concentration of
the global population by affecting the net carrying capacity of CO2 had been relatively stable as the natural source and sinks of
human population due to the reduction in inhabitable land area. carbon dioxide were relatively balanced and the anthropogenic
The elevated sea level has already begun to wipe out many coastal emissions were insignificant relative to natural variability (IPCC,
areas. For instance, nearly half of Bhola Island in Bangladesh has 2007). Let C0 be the equilibrium concentration of carbon dioxide in
become permanently flooded due to sea level rise, leaving 500,000 the absence of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions (or pre-
climate refugees (Penna and Rivers, 2013). As most of the global industrial equilibrium concentration of carbon dioxide). Since the
population is residing in coastal zones and many of the world's industrial revolution, anthropogenic emission of carbon dioxide
major cities, such as New York, Los Angeles, California, Sydney, etc., has increased linearly with the increase in human population
are located in low-lying coastal zones, the future sea level rise is (Newell and Marcus, 1987; Onozaki, 2009), so the emission rate of
likely to potentially influence the population dynamics. carbon dioxide from anthropogenic sources is taken to be
From the above, it is pointed out that the global warming proportional to human population ‘lN’. The emission of CO2 from
caused by an increase in anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions the natural sources is assumed to be a constant Q0. The uptake rate
may affect the sea water level, which in turn may affect the human of carbon dioxide by the natural sinks is assumed to be
population levels. To address the problem of sea level rise, it is proportional to the atmospheric concentration of CO2, i.e., ‘l0C’
crucial to comprehend the role of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (Nikol'skii, 2010). Let T0 be the average surface temperature in the
emissions and the associated temperature rise behind the sea level absence of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions (or the pre-
rise. For this purpose, mathematical modeling is an effective tool. industrial average surface temperature). An increase in the
The effect of climate change on sea level rise is usually evaluated by concentration of carbon dioxide leads to an increase in the
using the process-based numerical models (Gregory et al., 2006; atmospheric temperature. It is observed that the increase in global
Meehl et al., 2007) and semi-empirical models (Gornitz et al., 1982; average temperature has linear correlation with the increase in CO2
Rahmstorf, 2007; Vermeer and Rahmstorf, 2009; Grinsted et al., concentration (IPCC, 2014). Hence, it is assumed that the
2010). These models are either numerical or statistical models and temperature increases at a rate proportional to the increase in
use quantitative methods to assess the response of sea level to the the concentration of CO2 due to human activities.
temperature change and rely completely on data. Apart from these We have assumed that the ice sheets gain mass at a constant
numerical and semi-empirical models, dynamical models that rate q. The increase in temperature causes melting of ice sheets,
utilize qualitative methods may also be used to gain an in-depth leading to sea level rise. In the study by Rahmstorf (2007), the rate
understanding of the effect of temperature change on sea level rise. of sea level rise is taken to be proportional to the increase in
In recent years, various differential equation models have been temperature. However, the rate of sea level rise also depends on
proposed to address the dynamics of greenhouse gases and the melting of ice sheets (Meehl et al., 2007). Hence, we assume
pollutants in the atmosphere (Tennakone, 1990; Naresh and that the ice sheets melt at a rate bIc(T  T0), where b is the melting
Sundar, 2007; Naresh et al., 2007; Caetano et al., 2011; Sundar, rate coefficient of ice sheets. The melting of ice sheets causes an
2013; Misra and Verma, 2013, 2014; Misra et al., 2015; Shukla et al., increase in the water level at a rate gbIc(T  T0), where g is a
2015; Verma and Misra, 2016). In these studies, qualitative analysis proportionality constant which represents the conversion of ice
of the proposed models is carried out to assess the long-term effect sheets into sea level rise. The surging sea level causes coastal
of various crucial factors on the dynamics of greenhouse gases and erosion and inundation, leading to an increase in the submerged
pollutants. In the present study, we formulate a nonlinear area. In some studies, it is found that the long-term shoreline
mathematical model comprising a set of differential equations retreat rate is proportional to sea level rise (Leatherman et al.,
to study the effect of the enhanced concentration of carbon dioxide 2000; Zhang et al., 2004). In view of this, it is assumed that the
and the associated temperature rise on the sea level rise, and the submerged area increases at a rate proportional to the increase in
effect of sea level rise on the human population. The qualitative sea water level, i.e., f(W  W0), where f is the growth rate
analysis of the proposed model is performed to assess the long- coefficient of the submerged area and W0 is the sea water level
term behavior of the system using stability theory of differential when the temperature is T0. As the submerged area increases, the
equation. land inhabitable to human population decreases and this
negatively affects the growth of human population, via decreasing
2. Model formulation the carrying capacity of the human population, at a rate r0N2(L
 L0), where r0 is the declination rate coefficient of human
Human activities increase the concentration of carbon dioxide population due to increase in the submerged area.
gas in the atmosphere. An increase in the concentration of carbon Under the above considerations, the dynamics of the problem is
dioxide gas causes an increase in the global mean temperature and governed by the following system of differential equations:
it causes melting of glaciers and ice caps, leading to sea level rise.
As the sea level rises, the land area submerged in water increases. ¼ q  a0 Ic  bIc ðT  T 0 Þ;
Due to the decrease in the inhabitable land area, carrying capacity dW
of human population declines. To model this scenario, we consider ¼ gbIc ðT  T 0 Þ  g 0 ðW  W 0 Þ;
six dynamical variables, namely, the human population ‘N(t)’, the dL
¼ fðW  W 0 Þ  f0 ðL  L0 Þ;
atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide ‘C(t)’, the average dt   ð1Þ
surface temperature ‘T(t)’, the mass of ice sheets ‘Ic(t)’, the mean dN N
¼ rN 1   r0 N2 ðL  L0 Þ;
sea level ‘W(t)’ and the land area submerged in sea ‘L(t)’. It is dt K
assumed that the carbon dioxide enters in the atmosphere due to ¼ Q 0 þ lN  l0 C;
natural processes as well as due to human activities. The natural dt
source of carbon dioxide includes volcanoes, decomposition, fire, ¼ uðC  C0 Þ  u0 ðT  T 0 Þ;
ocean release, respiration, etc. The anthropogenic CO2 emission
consists mainly of the post-industrial CO2 emissions from fossil where C0 = Q0/l0, Ic(0) > 0, W(0)  W0, L(0)  L0, N(0)  0, C(0)  C0
fuel burning, industrial processes, deforestation and other human and T(0)  T0.
J.B. Shukla et al. / Ecological Complexity 32 (2017) 99–110 101

Table 1
Description of model parameters and their unit.

Parameter Description Units

q Rate of formation of ice sheets teraton per year
a0 Natural depletion rate coefficient of ice sheets per year
b Melting rate coefficient of ice sheets per  C per year

T0 Average surface temperature in the absence of anthropogenic CO2 emissions C
g Conversion factor of sheet melt into sea level rise meter per teraton
g0 Natural depletion rate coefficient of sea level per year
W0 Mean sea level when the average surface temperature is T0 meter
f Growth rate coefficient of the submerged area due to sea level rise Mm2 per meter per year
f0 Declination rate coefficient of the submerged area per year
L0 Submerged land area when sea level is W0 Mm2
r Intrinsic growth rate of human population per year
K Carrying capacity of human population million persons
r0 Declination rate of carrying capacity of human population due to submerging of land area in sea per Mm2 per million persons per year
Q0 Natural emission rate of carbon dioxide ppm per year
l Anthropogenic emission rate coefficient of CO2 ppm per million persons per year
l0 Depletion rate coefficient of carbon dioxide per year
C0 Equilibrium concentration of carbon dioxide in the absence of anthropogenic CO2 emissions ppm
u Growth rate coefficient of the average surface temperature 
C per ppm per year
u0 Depletion rate coefficient of the average surface temperature per year

The description of parameters of model system (1) and their (i) E q ; W ; L ; 0; Q 0 ; T ,
0 a0 0 0 l0 0
unit are given in Table 1. In Table 1, Mm2 stands for square mega- (ii) E*(I *, W*, L*, N*, C*, T*).
meter and ppm stands for parts per million.
The dynamics of the coastal population is assumed to be
The existence of equilibrium E0 is obvious. The components of
governed by the following equation
interior equilibrium E* can be obtained by solving the following set
dNc of algebraic equations:
¼ sN  s0 Nc  s1 Nc ðL  L0 Þ ð2Þ
q  a0 Ic  bIc ðT  T 0 Þ ¼ 0; ð3Þ
where 0  Nc(0)  N(0). In the above equation, the constants s and
s0 are the growth rate and natural death rate coefficients of the
coastal population. The constant s1 is the migration rate coefficient gbIc ðT  T 0 Þ  g 0 ðW  W 0 Þ ¼ 0; ð4Þ
of the coastal population due to sea level rise. Further, it is assumed
that the coastal population increases at a rate proportional to the
total population. Once the dynamics of the system (1) is fðW  W 0 Þ  f0 ðL  L0 Þ ¼ 0; ð5Þ
determined, dynamics of the coastal population can be obtained
using Eq. (2). We assume that s  s0, so that the coastal population
cannot exceed the total population.  
r 1  r0 NðL  L0 Þ ¼ 0; ð6Þ
Lemma 1. The set K
G ¼ ðIc ; W; L; N; C; TÞ 2 R6þ : 0  Ic  ; W 0  W  W m ; L0  L  Lm ; 0  N  K; C 0  C  Cm ; T 0  T  T m ;

where W m ¼ W 0 þ gbqðT m T 0 Þ
g a0 , Lm ¼ L0 þ ff ðW m  W 0 Þ, C m ¼ C 0 þ llK0
0 0

and T m ¼ T 0 þ uullK , is positively invariant and for all Q 0 þ lN  l0 C ¼ 0; ð7Þ

0 0

ðIc ð0Þ; Wð0Þ; Lð0Þ; Nð0Þ; Cð0Þ; Tð0ÞÞ 2 R6þ satisfying

the initial condi-
tions of the model system (1), (Ic(t), W(t), L(t), N(t), C(t), T(t)) ! G as
t ! +1. The set G is called region of attraction for the model system uðC  C 0 Þ  u0 ðT  T 0 Þ ¼ 0: ð8Þ
(1). From (7), we have
For the proof of the above lemma see Appendix A.
Q0 lN lN
C¼ þ ¼ C0 þ : ð9Þ
3. Model analysis l0 l0 l0
From (8) and (9), we have
A qualitative analysis of the nonlinear system (1) is carried out
using the stability theory of differential equations. The stability ulN
T ¼ T0 þ : ð10Þ
theory addresses the stability properties of the solutions of a u0 l0
dynamical system. In the following, we examine the stability of the
From (3) and (10), we have
stationary solutions (i.e., the equilibrium points) of the model
system (1). q
Ic ¼ : ð11Þ
a0 þ ubul
0 l0
3.1. Equilibria
From (4), (10) and (11), we have
The model system (1) exhibits the following two non-negative gbqulN
equilibrium points: W ¼ W0 þ ð12Þ
g 0 fu0 l0 a0 þ bulNg:
102 J.B. Shukla et al. / Ecological Complexity 32 (2017) 99–110

 dI  dN
Using Eq. (12) in (5), we have Remark 2. It is found that ddTl0 < 0, dlc0 > 0, dW
dl 0
< 0, dl0c > 0 and
> 0. This shows that the equilibrium levels of surface
fgbqulN dl 0
L ¼ L0 þ ð13Þ
f0 g 0 fu0 l0 a0 þ bulNg: temperature and sea water level decrease and the equilibrium
levels of ice sheet mass, coastal population and total human
Using Eq. (13) in (6), we get the following quadratic equation in N: population increase as the depletion rate coefficient of carbon
    dioxide increases.
bul r r0 fg q 2 ra0 rbul
FðNÞ ¼ þ N þ  N  ra0 ¼ 0: ð14Þ
u0 l0 K f0 g 0 K u0 l0   dN
Remark 3. It is found that dL
< 0, dN
< 0 and dbc < 0, showing
From (14), we find that F(0) < 0 and F(K) > 0. Thus, there exists a that the equilibrium level of land area submerged in water
unique positive root of Eq. (14), say N*, in the interval (0, K), which increases whereas the equilibrium levels of total human
is given as population and coastal population decline with an increase in
r ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
 the melting rate coefficient of ice sheets.
raK0 þ rubul
0 l0
þ ra0
K þ rubul
0 l0
þ 4rau00 bul r0 fg q
l0 f g

0 0
N ¼ : ð15Þ
u 0 l0
K þ rf0 fg
q 3.2. Stability of equilibria
0 0

Using the above value of N* in Eqs. (9), (10), (11), (12) and (13), we The local stability of the equilibrium E0 is determined by
get the positive values of C*, T*, Ic , W* and L*, respectively. observing the sign of eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix J0 of the
The equilibrium level of coastal population is given by model system (1) evaluated at the equilibrium E0. The eigenvalues
of J0 are found to be a0, g 0, f0, r, l0 and u0. Since one of the
Nc ¼ : ð16Þ eigenvalues of J0 is r, which is positive, the equilibrium E0 has
s0 þ s1 ðL  L0 Þ locally unstable manifold in N-direction. Thus, the system will
never approach to the equilibrium E0.
 dI   dN
We determine the local as well as global stability behavior of
Remark 1. It is found that dT
> 0, dlc < 0, dW
> 0, dL
> 0, dlc < 0 the equilibrium E* by using the Lyapunov's stability theory. The
and dl < 0. Thus, the model predicts that the equilibrium levels results obtained from stability analysis of E* are stated in the form
of surface temperature, sea water level and land area submerged of following theorems.
in water increase, while the equilibrium levels of ice sheet mass,
Theorem 1. The equilibrium E* is locally asymptotically stable
coastal population and total human population decrease as the
provided that the following inequality is satisfied:
anthropogenic emission rate coefficient of carbon dioxide
( )  2
increases. b2 N2 Ic 2ðT   T 0 Þ2 3  2 1 rl0 u0 f0 g 0
max ; I 2N < : ð17Þ
a20 4c 36 Kr0 lfgub

Fig. 1. Comparison between model fit and actual data of atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, human population, average surface temperature and mean sea level.
J.B. Shukla et al. / Ecological Complexity 32 (2017) 99–110 103

For the proof of the above theorem see Appendix B. year, g = 20 m per teraton, g 0 = 0.008 per year, f = 0.03 Mm2 per
meter per year, f0 = 0.01 per year, L0 = 2 Mm2, u = 0.003  C per ppm
Theorem 2. The equilibrium E* is globally asymptotically stable in
per year, u0 = 0.3 per year, r0 = 0.8  107 per Mm2 per million
G provided that the following inequality is satisfied:
persons per year and l0 = 0.02 per year. The actual data and the
( ) !2
b2 q2 ðT   T 0 Þ2 3 2 1 r a 0 l0 u 0 f 0 g 0 model projections are illustrated in Fig. 1. In the absence of annual
max ; q < : ð18Þ time series data of the land area submerged in water and mass of
a20 4 36 K 2 r0 lfgub
ice sheets, the above parameter values provide a very rough
estimate. However, we try to be as realistic as possible while
For the proof of the above theorem see Appendix C.
selecting the parameter values. The parameter values used in
simulation for the model system (1) and (2) are listed as
4. Numerical simulation
q ¼ 2:35  103 ; a0 ¼ 0:78  104 ; b ¼ 105 ; g 0 ¼ 0:008; g ¼ 20; f ¼ 0:03;
To check the feasibility of analysis and to depict the effect of key f0 ¼ 0:01; W 0 ¼ 6:8; r ¼ 0:032; K ¼ 10; 000; L0 ¼ 2; r0 ¼ 0:8  107 ;
parameters on the dynamics of the system (1), we have conducted l0 ¼ 0:04; C0 ¼ 280; Q 0 ¼ 5:6; l ¼ 0:000576; u ¼ 0:003; u0 ¼ 0:3; T 0 ¼ 13:5;
s ¼ 0:03; s0 ¼ 0:04; s1 ¼ 0:04:
numerical simulation using MATLAB 7.5.0. The snow accumulation
rates for the Antarctica and Greenland ice sheets are 1850 gigatons
per year and 500 gigatons per year, respectively (Steffen et al., For the above set of parameter values, the interior equilibrium of
2008). Thus, the rate of formation of ice sheets q is taken to be system (1) is obtained as E*(22.6078, 8.2665, 6.3994, 9009.1269,
2.35  103 teratons (or million gigatons) per year. We have taken 539.4628, 16.0946). The eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix for the
r = 0.032 per year and l = 0.000576 ppm per million persons per model system (1) calculated at the equilibrium E* are 0.300000,
year from Verma and Misra (2016). The carrying capacity of human 0.030918, 0.0079799 + 0.003883i, 0.0079799  0.003883i,
population K is taken to be 10,000 million which is according to the 0.000102, and 0.023124. All the eigenvalues are either negative
United Nations Population Division's medium-variant scenario or having negative real part, showing that the equilibrium E* is
(UNPD, 2001). The atmospheric life-time of carbon dioxide is 30– locally asymptotically stable. The global stability condition (18) is
95 years (Jacobson, 2005), thus the value of l0 lies in the range also satisfied for the set of parameter values (19), showing that the
0.0105–0.0333 per year. We take C0 = 280 ppm, the pre-industrial equilibrium E* is globally asymptotically stable in G.
CO2 concentration (IPCC, 2001). To decide the value of other In Fig. 2, we have plotted the solution trajectories in Ic  W  L
parameters of the model system (1), we use the annual time series and N  C  T spaces for different initial starts inside the region of
data of world population, carbon dioxide concentration, global attraction G. From this figure, it can be observed that all the
average temperature and mean sea level. The annual data of solution trajectories starting inside the region of attraction finally
atmospheric carbon dioxide for the period 1961–2011 is taken approach to ðIc ; W  ; L Þ and (N*, C*, T*), respectively. This shows the
from NOAA-ESRL data set (NOAA, 2016), while that of world global stability of E* in the region of attraction G in Ic  W  L and
population for the period 1961–2011 is obtained from UNPD N  C  T spaces. Fig. 3 is plotted to show the effect of an increase in
(2012). We have taken the annual data of the global average surface the anthropogenic emission rate coefficient of carbon dioxide (i.e.
temperature for the period of 1961–2013 from NOAA (2017b). The l) on the equilibrium levels of average surface temperature, mean
annual time series data of the mean sea level observed at a sea level, land area submerged in water and human population.
particular station Reykjavik, Iceland between the years 1961–2011 From this figure, it can be observed that an increase in the
is taken from NOAA (2017a). We assume the value of W0 = 6.8 m anthropogenic emission rate coefficient of carbon dioxide leads to
which is 0.26 m below the 2001 level. The pre-industrial increase in the equilibrium levels of temperature, sea water and
temperature is taken to be T0 = 13.5  C. We calibrate the model the land area submerged in water, while the equilibrium level of
system for different values of a0, b, g , g 0, f, f0, L0, u, u 0, r0 and l0, the human population decreases due to increase in the
and find the best fit for a0 = 0.78  104 per year, b = 105 per  C per

Fig. 2. The global stability of E* inside the region of attraction G in Ic  W  L and N  C  T spaces.
104 J.B. Shukla et al. / Ecological Complexity 32 (2017) 99–110

Fig. 3. Variation of surface temperature, sea level, land area submerged in sea water and human population with respect to time for different values of the anthropogenic
emission rate of carbon dioxide (l).

anthropogenic emission rate coefficient of carbon dioxide. This dioxide increases, which leads to increase in the temperature.
happens because as the anthropogenic emission rate of carbon The increase in temperature causes melting of ice sheets leading to
dioxide increases, the concentration of atmospheric carbon an increase in sea level and consequently the land area submerged

Fig. 4. Variation of surface temperature and sea level with respect to time for different values of the intrinsic growth of human population (r).
J.B. Shukla et al. / Ecological Complexity 32 (2017) 99–110 105

Fig. 5. Variation of surface temperature and sea level with respect to time for different values of the melting rate coefficient of ice sheets (b).

Fig. 6. Variation of coastal population with respect to time for different values of anthropogenic emission rate coefficient of carbon dioxide (l), melting rate coefficient of ice-
sheets (b), growth rate coefficient of submerged area due to sea level rise (f) and migration rate coefficient of the coastal population (s1).
106 J.B. Shukla et al. / Ecological Complexity 32 (2017) 99–110

Fig. 7. Effect of change in the anthropogenic emission rate coefficient of carbon dioxide (l) and depletion rate coefficient of carbon dioxide (l0) on the equilibrium levels of
surface temperature and sea water level.

Fig. 8. Semi-relative sensitivity solutions for the state variables with respect to the parameters l (the anthropogenic emission rate coefficient of carbon dioxide), b (the
melting rate coefficient of ice-sheets), l0 (the depletion rate coefficient of carbon dioxide) and f (the growth rate coefficient of submerged land area due to sea level rise).
J.B. Shukla et al. / Ecological Complexity 32 (2017) 99–110 107

in water increases. The effect of an increase in the intrinsic growth using Lyapunov's direct method. The model analysis suggests that
rate of human population on the atmospheric temperature and sea an increase in the anthropogenic emission rate of carbon dioxide
level is shown in Fig. 4. From this figure, we can observe that as the leads to an increase in the equilibrium level of temperature and
growth rate of human population increases, the equilibrium levels consequently the increase in the equilibrium sea level and the land
of surface temperature and sea water increase. area submerged in water. The equilibrium levels of ice sheet mass
Fig. 5 shows that as the melting rate coefficient of ice-sheets (i.e. and human population are found to decline due to an increase in
b) increases, the equilibrium level of land area submerged in water the anthropogenic emission rate of carbon dioxide. This suggests
increases while that of human population decreases. Fig. 6 is that declination in the anthropogenic carbon dioxide emission rate
plotted to show the effect of changes in parameters l, b, f and s1 may slow down the melting of glacier and ice caps and the sea level
on the equilibrium level of coastal population. This figure shows rise across the globe. An increase in the intrinsic growth rate of
that the coastal population settles to a lower level as the values of human population is also found to increase the equilibrium surface
parameters l, b, f and s1 increase. The sea level rise may be temperature and the equilibrium sea level. It has been found that
controlled by cutting down the carbon dioxide emissions as well as an increase in the depletion rate of atmospheric carbon dioxide
by increasing the depletion rate of carbon dioxide. To show the leads to increase in the equilibrium mass of ice sheets and decrease
effects of changes in the anthropogenic emission rate and in the equilibrium sea level. This suggests that apart from cutting
depletion rate of carbon dioxide on the equilibrium levels of down the anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions, increasing the
atmospheric temperature and sea water, we have plotted Fig. 7. sinks of carbon dioxide via plantation, carbon capture and storage
This figure shows that the atmospheric temperature and sea water technologies, etc., may also aid in slowing down the sea level rise.
level approach low values for low emission rates and high The increase in melting rate coefficient of ice sheets is found to
depletion rates of carbon dioxide, while for high emission rates increase the submerged land area (decrease the inhabitable land
and low depletion rates of carbon dioxide, the temperature and sea area) leading to decrease in human population due to crowding.
water levels approach higher values. The effect of changes in the key parameters on the coastal
To assess that how sensitive the model solutions are to change population is also investigated. Sensitivity analysis is carried out to
in some of the key parameters l, b, l0 and f, a basic differential show the influence of changes in some of the key parameters over
sensitivity analysis of the equations in the model system (1) is the dynamics of the system. Overall, the present work provides a
performed with respect to these parameters following Bortz and simple framework to assess the effect of temperature rise due to
Nelson (2004). The sensitivity function of a state variable X with anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions on the sea level rise and
respect to a parameter w is given by X w ðt; wÞ ¼ @Xðt;wÞ
@w . We have
the effect of sea level rise on the human population.
calculated the semi-relative sensitivity solutions (i.e., w X w ðt; wÞ);
those represent the change in state of the system on doubling of a Acknowledgements
parameter value. These solutions are plotted in Fig. 8. From this
Authors are thankful to the handling editor and the anonymous
figure we can see that the doubling of parameter b has significant
reviewers for their useful suggestions, which improved the quality
influence over the mass of ice sheets Ic(t), sea level W(t), land area
of the paper. The second author is thankful to National Board of
submerged in water L(t) and human population N(t), while the
Higher Mathematics, Department of Atomic Energy, Government
change in parameters l and l0 significantly influence all the
of India for providing financial support in form of the post-doctoral
variables. The change in parameter f has large influence over L(t)
fellowship (No: 2/40(7)/2015/R & D-II/4951).
and N(t), while its influence over other variables is negligible. From
the second plot of Fig. 8, we can see that doubling of parameter b
Appendix A. Proof of Lemma 1
causes an increase of 0.7014 m in the sea level while the doubling
of the parameter l leads to a rise of 0.5359 m in the sea level over a
We prove the lemma 1 following Freedman and So (1985). First
period of 100 years. The doubling of parameter l0 causes a
of all, we show that the set G is positively invariant, i.e. for all (Ic(0),
decrease of 0.3808 m in the sea level over a period of 100 years.
W(0), L(0), N(0), C(0), T(0)) 2 G, (Ic(t), W(t), L(t), N(t), C(t), T(0)) 2 G
From the fourth plot of Fig. 8, we can see that the doubling of
for all t  0.
parameter f causes a decrease of 174.8 million in the human
From the fourth equation of the model system (1), we have
population over a period of 100 years.
dN N
 rN 1  :
5. Conclusion dt K

Comparing the above differential inequality with differential

The enhanced concentration of carbon dioxide gas in the
atmosphere due to human activities has contributed to the
increase in global temperature and consequently to the sea level dN N
¼ rN 1  ;
rise. Sea level rise, in turn, has adversely affected the human dt K
population. In this paper, we have proposed a nonlinear
mathematical model to study the response of sea level to the and using a standard comparison theorem (Hale, 1969), we get N
temperature rise caused by the anthropogenic carbon dioxide (t)  K for all t  0.
emissions and its effect on the human population. In the modeling From the fifth equation of the model system (1), we get
process, six dynamical variables are considered, namely, the dC
human population, the atmospheric concentration of carbon  Q 0 þ lK  l0 C:
dioxide, the average surface temperature, the mass of ice sheets,
This implies that
the mean sea level and the land area submerged in water. A
qualitative analysis of the proposed model is carried out. It is found Q 0 þ lK Q 0 þ lK
C ðtÞ    C ð0Þ el0 t
that the model system has two non-negative equilibria; a l0 l0
boundary equilibrium and an interior equilibrium. The boundary Q 0 þ lK
 ¼ Cm ; 8 t  0:
equilibrium is always unstable. The conditions for the local and l0
global stability of the interior equilibrium have been derived by
108 J.B. Shukla et al. / Ecological Complexity 32 (2017) 99–110

Now, from the sixth equation of the model system (1), we get Proceeding same as above, from the first three equations of the
model system (1), we get
 uðC m  C 0 Þ þ u0 T 0  u0 T: q
dt lim supIc ðtÞ ¼ ;
t!þ1 a0
This implies that gbqðT m  T 0 Þ
  lim supWðtÞ ¼ W0 þ
¼ Wm;
ulK ulK t!þ1 g 0 a0
TðtÞ  T 0 þ  T0 þ  Tð0Þ eu0 t fðW m  W 0 Þ
u 0 l0 u 0 l0 and lim supLðtÞ ¼ L0 þ :
ulK t!þ1 f0
 T0 þ ¼ T m ; 8 t  0:
u 0 l0
Proceeding same as above, from the first three equations of the Appendix B. Proof of Theorem 1
model system (1), it can be found that
In the following, we obtain the characterization of the local
q gbqðT m  T 0 Þ stability of the interior equilibrium E* using the Lyapunov's direct
Ic ðtÞ  ; WðtÞ  W 0 þ ¼ W m and LðtÞ
a0 g 0 a0 method (La Salle and Lefschetz, 1961). We first linearize the model
fðW m  W 0 Þ system (1) about E* by using the following transformations:
 L0 þ ; 8 t  0:
f0 Ic ¼ Ic þ ic , W ¼ W  þ w, L = L* + l, N = N* + n, C = C* + c and T = T* + p,
Now we will show that for all satisfying the initial conditions of the where ic, w, l, N, c and p are small perturbations about E*.
model system (1)ðIc ð0Þ; Wð0Þ; Lð0Þ; Nð0Þ; Cð0Þ; Tð0ÞÞ 2 R6þ , (Ic(t), W Now, we consider the following positive definite function:
(t), L(t), N(t), C(t), T(t)) ! G as t ! +1. 1 2 1 1 2 1 n2 1 1
From the fourth equation of the model system (1), we have V¼ i þ m1 w2 þ m2 l þ m3  þ m4 c2 þ m5 p2 ; ðB:1Þ
2 c 2 2 2 N 2 2
dN N where m1, m2, m3, m4 and m5 are positive constants to be chosen
 rN 1  :
dt K suitably. Differentiating V with respect to t along the solutions of
the linearized system of (1), we get
Noting the solution of
¼ a0 ic  bðT   T 0 Þic  m1 g 0 w2  m2 f0 l 
2 2 2 m3 r 2
n  m3 r0 ðL  L0 Þn2
dN N dt K
¼ rN 1  ; Nð0Þ  0;
dt K m4 l0 c2  m5 u 0 p2  bIc pic þ m1 gbðT   T 0 Þic w þ m1 gbIc pw

and using a standard comparison theorem (Hale, 1969), we have þm2 flw  m3 r0 N nl þ m4 lnc þ m5 upc:
NðtÞ    :
1þ K
 1 ert dV/dt will be negative definite provided the following conditions
Let e > 0 be given. Then there exists a t1 > 0 such that
3b Ic 2
< m5 ; ðB:3Þ
NðtÞ  K þ e; 8 t  t1 : 2a0 u0
lim supNðtÞ  K: 2a0 g 0
t!þ1 m1 < ; ðB:4Þ
3g 2 b ðT   T 0 Þ2

From the fifth equation of the model system (1), we get

 Q þ lðK þ eÞ  l0 C; 8 t  t1 :
9g 2 b Ic 2
m1 < m5 ; ðB:5Þ
As before, there exist t2  t1 such that 4u 0 g 0

Q 0 þ lðK þ eÞ
CðtÞ  þ e ¼ Ce ; 8 t  t2 :
l0 2f0 g 0
m2 < m1 ; ðB:6Þ
Q 0 þ lK
lim supCðtÞ  ¼ Cm :
t!þ1 l0 r f0
m3 < m2 ; ðB:7Þ
Similarly, from the last equation of the model system (1), we find Kr20 N2
that there exist t3  t2 such that

uðC e  C 0 Þ
TðtÞ  T 0 þ þ e ¼ Te; 8 t  t3 : rl0
u0 m4 < m3 ; ðB:8Þ
K l2

uðCm  C 0 Þ
lim supTðtÞ  T 0 þ ¼ Tm: 2 u 0 l0
t!þ1 u0 m5 < m4 : ðB:9Þ
J.B. Shukla et al. / Ecological Complexity 32 (2017) 99–110 109

We choose We choose
a0 g 0 f0 g 0 m1 rf0 m2 a0 g 0 f0 g 0 k1 rf k2 rl0 k3
m1 ¼ ; m2 ¼ ; m3 ¼ ; and m4 k1 ¼ ; k2 ¼ ; k3 ¼ 0 3 ; and k4 ¼ :
2g 2 b ðT   T 0 Þ2 2f 2Kr20 N2 2g 2 b ðT   T 0 Þ2 2f 2K l2
2 2 2 2
2r20 K
r l0 m 3
¼ : For this selection of k1, k2, k3 and k4, the inequalities (C.4), (C.6),
2K l2
(C.7) and (C.8) are satisfied. Now, from the rest of inequalities, we
For this selection of m1, m2, m3 and m4, the inequalities (B.4), (B.6), can select k5 > 0 provided the condition (18) holds.
(B.7) and (B.8) are satisfied. Now from the rest of inequalities, we
can select m5 > 0 provided the condition (17) holds. References

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