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“Teks Drinking Tea in England dan Transitive verb”

Disusun guna memenuhi tugas
Mata Kuliah: Bahasa Inggris
Dosen Pengampu: Hj.ALFU NIKMAH,M.PD

Disusun Oleh:

Alfiyah Rohmaniyah (2011010080)

Anisatul Husnia (2011010093)


TAHUN 2021



       In studying English, there are many things to be known in advance. One of them is
part of the spoken word or in English is called Part of Speech. In English grammar,Parts
of Speech are classified into eight types of words are classified according to what he
showed the Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction and
Interjection. But in this paper will only discuss aboutadverb only, in accordance with a




A. Example Teks Drinking Tea in England

Drinking Tea in England

Tea is often called the national drink, and for good reason. Most people start their day
with "a cuppa," have tea breaks in the afternoon, and a cup after dinner. Join in by lifting
a cup, or try a cream tea with a scone or a fancier formal afternoon tea.

It's hard to imagine a time when tea wasn't part of English culture. But there was no tea
in Europe until the 1600s, when it was first brought by Portuguese and Dutch traders.
Charles II and his wife, Catherine of Braganza, were tea drinkers. When coffeehouses in
London began serving the drink in the mid-17th century, it was seen as an expensive
curiosity. By the early 18th century tea was sold in coffeehouses all over the country, and
consumed by all classes. The Duchess of Bedford is credited with popularizing formal
afternoon tea in the early 1800s. Dinner in those days was often not served until after 8
pm, so a light meal in late afternoon was welcome. The tradition faded when more
people began working in offices in the 20th century—though the love of tea remains.


England's most popular tea is English Breakfast tea, a full-bodied blend of black teas.
Second in line is Earl Grey: oil of bergamot orange creates an elegant perfume, but it's an
acquired taste. Assam is one of the major teas blended into English Breakfast, and it
tastes similar, if a bit more brisk. By contrast, Darjeeling is light and delicate; it's perfect
for afternoons.

B. Terjemahan

Minum Teh di Inggris

Teh sering disebut minuman nasional, dan untuk alasan yang baik. Kebanyakan orang
memulai hari mereka dengan "secangkir", minum teh di sore hari, dan secangkir setelah
makan malam. Bergabunglah dengan mengangkat cangkir, atau coba teh krim dengan
scone atau teh sore formal yang lebih mewah.

Sulit membayangkan saat teh bukan bagian dari budaya Inggris. Namun teh tidak ada di
Eropa sampai tahun 1600-an, saat pertama kali dibawa oleh pedagang Portugis dan
Belanda. Charles II dan istrinya, Catherine dari Braganza, adalah peminum teh. Ketika
kedai kopi di London mulai menyajikan minuman pada pertengahan abad ke-17, itu
dipandang sebagai rasa ingin tahu yang mahal. Pada awal abad ke-18 teh dijual di kedai
kopi di seluruh negeri, dan dikonsumsi oleh semua kelas. The Duchess of Bedford
dikreditkan dengan mempopulerkan teh sore formal di awal 1800-an. Makan malam pada
hari-hari itu sering tidak disajikan sampai setelah jam 8 malam, jadi makanan ringan di
sore hari dipersilakan. Tradisi memudar ketika lebih banyak orang mulai bekerja di
kantor pada abad ke-20—meskipun kecintaan terhadap teh tetap ada.

TEH yang mana?

Teh Inggris yang paling populer adalah teh Sarapan Inggris, campuran teh hitam
lengkap. Baris kedua adalah Earl Grey: minyak jeruk bergamot menciptakan parfum
yang elegan, tetapi itu adalah rasa yang didapat. Assam adalah salah satu teh utama yang
dicampur ke dalam Sarapan Inggris, dan rasanya mirip, jika sedikit lebih cepat.
Sebaliknya, Darjeeling ringan dan halus; itu sempurna untuk sore hari.


A. Pengertian Transitive Verb

Transitive verb adalah kata kerja yang diikuti direct object untuk menerima aksi
(contoh: hit, touch, buy) dari subject.

Transitive verbs adalah kata kerja atau verba yang membutuhkan objek (noun
atau pronoun) dalam suatu kalimat. Verba ini menerangkan subjek yang
melakukan sesuatu aktivitas terhadap objeknya secara langsung (direct object).

Contoh penggunaan transitive verbs:

- He bought a shirt.
- She brushes her hair every hour.
- Marina will lose the race.
- They watch the film.
- He is reading a magazine

B. Contoh Transitive Verb:

After practicing for an hour, the player can hit the tennis ball over the net —>
(What can the player hit over the net? The tennis ball.)

The student should return the book a week ago —> (Whom should the student
return a week ago? The book.)

C. Contoh Transitive Verb

Berikut beberapa contoh kalimat transitive verb.

Kata Kerja Contoh Contoh Kalimat

Transitive ask, bring, buy, My neighbour has painted his wall in

Verb clean, explain, broken white.
kick, learn, paint, (painted=transitive, his wall=direct
sell, want, write object)

She wanted a bag with low price but

high quality.

Kata Kerja Contoh Contoh Kalimat

The boy kicked the ball toward the


If you arrive late, I’ll go to the

bookstore without you.

Cheryl often sneezes while cleaning

the warehouse.

She looked annoyed when her

friends came to her house.

The man has run his business since

1988. (run=transitive,
Transitive & business=direct object)
Intransitive eat, run
Verb Adventurers must run through the
jungle before night.

D . T h e T r a n s i t i v e V e r b

Recognize a transitive verb when you see one.

A transitive verb has two characteristics. First, it is an action verb, expressing a

doable activity like kick, want, paint, write, eat, clean, etc. Second, it must
have a direct object, something or someone who receives the action of the

Here are some examples of transitive verbs:

Sylvia kicked Juan under the table.

Kicked = transitive verb; Juan = direct object.

Joshua wants a smile from Leodine, his beautiful but serious lab

Wants = transitive verb; smile = direct object.

Cornelius painted the canvas in Jackson Pollock fashion, dribbling

bright colors from a heavily soaked brush.

Painted = transitive verb; canvas = direct object.

Alicia wrote a love poem on a restaurant napkin.

Wrote = transitive verb; poem = direct object.

Antonio eats lima beans drenched in brown gravy.

Eats = transitive verb; lima beans = direct object.

Pinky the poodle cleans the dirty supper dishes with his tongue before
Grandma loads the "prewashed" items into dishwasher.

Cleans, loads = transitive verbs; dishes, items = direct objects.


      A transitive verb has two characteristics. First, it is an action verb,

expressing a doable activity like kick, want, paint, write, eat, clean, etc.
Second, it must have a direct object, something or someone who receives the
action of the verb.



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