Level Special 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th: Base Attack Bonus Saving Throws Spells Per Day Fort Ref Will

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Table: The Ice Acolyte

Hit Die: d6
Base Saving Throws Spells per Day
Level Attack Special
Bonus Fort Ref Will 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Snowcasting, Cold
Spell Specialization,
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 Icy Cantrip, Cold
3 1 — — — —
Frosty Blast, Icy
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Cantrip, Ice 3 1 — — — —
Frozen Magic, Icy
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Cantrip, Ice Cubes
3 2 — — — —
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Icewalker, Polar Chill 3 2 0 — — —
Deep Freeze,
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Wintersmith
3 2 1 — — —
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Ice Armor(+2) 3 2 1 — — —
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Cold Focus 3 3 2 — — —
Greater Cold
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Endurance, Winter's 3 3 2 0 — —
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Glacial Construction 3 3 2 1 — —
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Ice Armor(+3) 3 3 2 1 — —
11th +5 +3 +3 +7 Rime Mirage 3 3 3 2 — —
12th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 Greater Cold Focus 3 3 3 2 0 —
13th +6/+1 +4 +4 +8 Piercing Cold 3 3 3 2 1 —
14th +7/+2 +4 +4 +9 Ice Armor(+4) 3 3 3 2 1 —
Blend with the
15th +7/+2 +5 +5 +9 Blizzard 3 3 3 3 2 —
16th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 3 3 3 3 2 0
17th +8/+3 +5 +5 +10 Influence Cold Fronts 3 3 3 3 2 1
18th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Ice Armor(+5) 3 3 3 3 2 1
19th +9/+4 +6 +6 +11 Blizzard Portal 3 3 3 3 3 2
20th +10/+5 +6 +6 +12 One With Cold 3 3 3 3 3 2
Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (all skills taken
individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis).
Weapon Proficiencies: The Ice Acolyte is proficient with all Simple Weapons, and a choice of Martial
and Exotic weapon. The Ice Acolyte is not proficient with armor or shields, and incurs a Spell Failure
chance like a Wizard when in armor.

Spells: The Ice Acolyte learns spells at a rate similar to a Sorcerer, and may cast any spell they know
spontaneously. Spells known are drawn from the Wizard+Sorcerer spell list.
Snowcasting: If you add a handful of snow or ice as an additional material component to a
spell when you cast it, the spell gains the cold descriptor. If you add a handful of snow or
ice as an additional material component to a spell when you cast it and that spell already
has the cold descriptor, you increase the effective level of the spell being cast by +1.
Adding this additional material component requires you to spend a move action
immediately before the spell is cast to gather fresh snow or ice from the surrounding
environment. This snow or ice can be magically created by a conjuration spell, but no other
ice manifested by a spell will do. You may take no other action between gathering the snow
or ice and casting the spell.

Cold Spell Specialization: In cold areas (temperature at or below 10C), you gain a +1 bonus
per die to any dice rolled to determine damage caused by cold spells you cast. For
example, if an 11th-level wizard with this feat casts a cone of cold in a cold area, the spell
does 11d6+11 points of damage. In areas of extreme cold (below-10C), the damage bonus
increases to +2 per die.
Cold Endurance: You can exist comfortably in conditions between -10c and 10C without
having to make Fortitude saves for harsh environment due to cold. You also gain a +2 bonus
on saving throws against cold effects. Cold Endurance doesn't provide any level of
resistance to cold damage.
Icy Cantrip: At levels 1, 2, and 3, the Ice Acolyte chooses a level-0 Spell(if it doesn't have the Cold
descriptor, the spell is changed to gain it). These chosen spells may be casted every 1d4+1 rounds as a
Spell-like ability.

Ice Armor: Over time, the Ice Acolyte has learned to protect themselves by coating their body in a
protective layer of ice. The Ice Acolyte may use a standard action to create this layer of ice, granting an
armor bonus to AC that increases as the Ice Acolyte levels. Unlike regular armor, the Ice Acolyte is
proficient with this armor and it does not incur spell failure. If the ambient temperature is above 15C,
or the Ice Acolyte is dealt Fire Damage, the ice slowly melts away, reducing in AC bonus until it
reaches zero, at which it melts completely and cannot be recreated for at least another minute.
Frosty Blast: The Ice Acolyte as learned a knowledge that allows them to reproduce Frost Magic
consistently. The Ice Acolyte has a reserve of energy for casting “Frosty Blast” in which they may
expend any charges on reserve to cast a number of instances of Ray of Frost. A single charge
regenerates at the beginning of each round, and a total equal to the Ice Acolyte level may be stored.
This counts as an ability rather than a spell, and thus does not benefit from the Ice Acolyte's cold spell

Frozen Magic: In cold areas (temperature at or below 10C), spells with the cold descriptor cast by you
manifest at caster level +1. In areas of extreme cold (below -10C), cold spells cast by you manifest at
caster level +2. In areas of hazardous cold (below -20C), cold spells cast by you manifest at caster level

Ice Cubes: The Ice Acolyte, as a standard action, may instantly create a number of rapidly melting Ice
Blocks, which are a cubic meter in size, and last for up to 4 rounds under normal conditions before
breaking apart(they do not melt under freezing conditions). The Ice Acolyte may conjure a number of
blocks equal to their current Ice Acolyte level.

Icewalker: You can move on ice-covered surfaces at your full speed without making balance checks or
Reflex saves to avoid falling. You gain the following supernatural ability.
Icewalking (Su): As a swift action, you can cover the square you are in and each adjacent
square with ice. For the next 3 rounds, any square you move into is also covered in ice. At the
end of the 3 rounds, all the ice created by this ability melts into nothingness.
Unlike normal ice, this ice requires any creature that begins its turn on it to make a Reflex
save DC 10 + 1/2 your character level + your Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma modifier,
whichever is best, or else fall prone. The base DC to balance on the ice is 10 + your character
level + your Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma modifier, whichever is best. The Reflex save is
only for beginning a turn on icy ground. Otherwise, the balance skill is used.

Polar Chill: Once per day, you can make the ground icy in a 20-foot-radius spread around you.
Each square in that area becomes covered with ice, so it takes two squares of movement to
enter each square, and the DC of Balance and Tumble checks there increases by 5. A DC
10 Balance check is required to run or charge across the ice.
The ice remains for 1 minute or until exposed to fire.

Deep Freeze: Whenever you deal cold damage, you deal an extra point of cold damage per
die. If you kill a creature with a spell or attack which deal cold damage, you may freeze them
where they stand. The 'statue' can be shattered by dealing at least 10 damage to hit, or kept
in a cool environment for preservation. The statue will 'melt' over time, revealing the body of
the slain creature.

Wintersmith: As long as you have a cold spell of 2nd level or higher available to cast, you can call forth
a weapon made of ice as a move action. The weapon may be any weapon you are proficient with. The
weapon deal half of its damage as a normal weapon of its type, and half of its damage as cold damage.
The weapon last for as long as it is wielded, and up to 3 round thereafter, after which it melt into
The weapon comes with a +1 enhancement bonus for each spell level above 2nd your
highest cold spell available is, and you may trade any +1 bonus beyond the first into special
weapon abilities of the same value (such as a +1 for keen). These enhancements are chosen
ahead of time with a 10 minute meditation. If your highest available cold spell drops, then the
weapon similarly degrades, although you decide which enhancements are lost.
Cold Focus: Add +1 to the DC for all saving throws against spells you cast with the cold
descriptor. This bonus stacks with similar bonuses, such as those granted by Spell Focus and
Greater Spell Focus.

Greater Cold Endurance: You gain the benefits of the Greater Cold Endurance feat(ignoring
the usual pre-requisite), gaining Cold Resistance 5.
Winter's Blast: As long as you have a cold spell of 2nd level or higher available to cast, you
can create a 15-foot cone-shaped burst of cold. This cone deals 1d4 points of cold damage
per level of the highest-level cold spell you have available to cast. A successful Reflex save
halves the damage. As a secondary benefit, you gain a +1 competence bonus to your caster
level when casting cold spells.

Glacial Construction: The Ice Acolyte gains access to the Creation domain, and gain
exclusive spell-slots as if they were a cleric of equal level. However, all material made with
these spells is made of snow and ice instead of their usual materials.

Greater Cold Focus: Add +1 to the DC for all saving throws against spells with the cold
descriptor. This bonus stacks with similar bonuses, such as those from Cold Focus, Spell
Focus, and Greater Spell Focus.

Rime Mirage: When the Ice Acolyte is in snowy weather or an area of Extreme Cold(-10C or
lower) , they may perform the Silent Image or Ghost Sound spells at-will as a spell-like ability.

Blend with the Blizzard: When the Ice Acolyte is in snowy weather or an area of Extreme
Cold(-10C or lower) , they may perform the Invisibility and Obscuring Mist spells at-will as a
spell-like ability.

Piercing Cold: The Ice Acolyte gains Piercing Cold as a bonus metamagic feat. In addition to
the normal benefits of the feat, the frost mage bypasses all resistances and immunities to
cold granted by spells and spell-like effects of magic items (for example, a ring of minor
energy resistance [cold]).

Influence Cold Fronts: Twice per day, the Ice Acolyte may perform a simple rite(as a full-round
action) to invoke a chain of spells, causing the effects of Cold Snap, Greater Cold Snap, and
Mighty Cold Snap to be cast simultaneously in an area within the Ice Acolyte's line of sight,
ignoring the usual material components. The areas of these spells may or may not overlap,
but must at least border each other.

Blizzard Portal: When the Ice Acolyte is in snowy weather or an area of Extreme Cold(-10C or
lower) , they may perform the Teleport or Dimension Door spells at-will as a spell-like ability.
One with Cold: The Ice Acolyte's body has become perfectly adapted to cold energy. He
gains the cold subtype, granting him immunity to cold. His oneness with cold, however,
makes him more susceptible to flame. Just like any other creature with the cold subtype,
he gains vulnerability to fire, which means he takes half again as much (+50%) damage as
normal from fire, regardless of whether or not a saving throw is allowed, or if the save is a
success or a failure.

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