HE Ditorial AGE: Reimagining The Herd

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THE EDITORIAL PAGE I meant what I said and I said what I

meant. An elephant’s faithful one-hundred
per cent! — DR SEUSS

Reimagining the herd

Key Covid challenge is to institute transparent
mechanisms at points where science meets policy

TEST AND PROTEST Kaushik Das Gupta

For BJP, name-calling may be a tried, tested way to trash
IN MARCH WHEN the WHO declared the pathwaysinthehumanbody—co-optingen- well-being, especially the most vulnerable.
Punjab farmers’ protest. But it is unwise and fraught with risk

COVID-19 a pandemic, the consensus in the zymes of the host’s cells for example. India, for instance, produces 60 per cent of
scientificcommunitywasthat humanity isin Knowledge of the spike protein — the corona the world’s vaccines and is home to the
SFARMERSPROTESTINGtheCentre’snewfarmlawsgatheredatDelhi’s for a long haul. There was no antidote to the or crown that gives the coronavirus its name largestmanufacturer,thePune-basedSerum
doorstep,demandingthatthegovernmentlistentotheirconcerns,shrill contagionandthemostoptimisticprediction andisitslifeforce—hasinformedunderstand- Institute. Yet, the country also has the largest
sections of the BJP have rashly reached for an older playbook. Instead of was a vaccine by the middle of 2021. A shield ing of the ways in which the immune system number of unvaccinated children in the
beginning a dialogue with the farmers to address their anxieties, many against COVID-19 is still in the works but we behaves when a person contracts the novel world. NSO data shows that less than 60 per
in the ruling party in Haryana and at the Centre have sought to suggest are close to taking the first steps towards re- coronavirus.Approachestargetingthisrogue centchildrenreceivetheentirebasketof vac-
solving the lethal conundrum much earlier protein,whetherthroughgeneticmaterialas cines.Securing 1.3 billion people willrequire
that the agitating farmers, overwhelmingly from Punjab, are being instigated or misled,
than anticipated — the first vials of a vaccine in the case of the vaccines developed by a massive public policy effort at bolstering
that they are mere puppets and pawns in a larger conspiracy sponsored by the Congress — arelikelytorolloutinthenexttwomonthsand Moderna and Pfizer or through a viral vector the country’s public health infrastructure,
or infiltrated by those whom Haryana Chief Minister ML Khattar has called “unwanted el- ifallgoeswelltherewillbemorethanonepre- from chimpanzees as in the Oxford- roping in the private sector without imper-
Contemporary medical
ements” and others have not hesitated from describing as “Maoists” and “Khalistanis”. ventive against the contagion. In a year when AstraZeneca vaccine, have benefitted from illing equity and obviating black markets as
Name-callingorotheringisaneasybutunbecomingstrategyforarulingpartywhenfaced nothingseemedtobegoingright,theworkin history shows that earlier trysts with coronaviruses. well as checking the diversion of resources
withpopulardissent,atanytimeandinanycontext.Itisespeciallyunwise,however,when laboratoriesinseveralpartsoftheworldisone achievements in laboratories The caveat, based on historical evidence, from regular immunisation programmes.
the BJP wields it in this moment, against the protesting farmers from Punjab. This is the of the few comforting developments. often have a long and that vaccines take years to develop should The key challenge will be to institute
For most of us, the yearning for a vaccine thus be measured against humankind’s transparentmechanismsatpointswheresci-
state, after all, of a hard-won peace and stability, after a decade lost to turbulence and ter- tortured path to people’s
is a relatively new experience. The epic fight nearly 20-year-long endeavour to neuter ence and research meet public policy.
rorism. In Punjab, all players and stakeholders must know, any attempt to play with the againstthedreadedsmallpoxispartof reced- well-being, especially the coronaviruses.Butit’saseriouscaveat,never- Inoculation drives have a history of making
“Khalistani” label and spectre is fraught with peril. ing memory. Immunisation programmes most vulnerable. India, for theless. We can say for certain that the fron- communities edgy. Rumours run rife and
The BJP needs to tread especially carefully also because it lost a crucial interlocutor af- have,of course,becomefarmorerobustsince instance, produces 60 per trunnercandidatesareaptattrainingtheim- vaccine hesitancy has been the Achilles heel
ter the breakup of its long alliance with the Shiromani Akali Dal recently. The partnership the 1950s when Jonas Salk’s discoveries gave mune system to recognise the spike protein for almost every immunisation programme
humanity the upper hand against the crip-
cent of the world’s vaccines of the novel coronavirus and produce anti- in history — a Lancet paper of May 2019 re-
with the SAD was a way for the BJP to gain a foothold and expand in a state dominated by and is home to the largest
pling polio virus. But the stakes in a vaccine bodiestotargetit.Butaretheyenoughtopre- ported“delayinacceptance orrefusalof vac-
the Congress and the regional party —but it also served a larger political purpose. After the
against COVID-19 are unprecedented. manufacturer, the Pune- venttransmission?Oristheirefficacylimited cinesdespiteavailability of vaccination serv-
insurgency of the 1980s, the coming together of the “Hindutva” and “panthic” parties be- Economies have gradually opened up after to preventing individual recipients from icesinmorethan90percentcountries inthe
based Serum Institute. Yet,
camesymbolicof theforgingandrevivalof asyncreticculture,aPunjabiyatlargerthanthe lockdowns during the early months of the fallingsick?Oncurrentevidence,wecanonly world”.Incaseof theCOVID-19vaccine,with
sum of the two state’s two main communities. If the SAD was still with the BJP, if the Modi pandemic, festivals have been celebrated, al-
the country also has the answer the latter query in the affirmative. A much in the realm of the unknown, any
ministry still had a SAD representative — it withdrew its minister and walked out of the al- beitinasubduedmanner,andpollshavebeen largest number of conclusive answer to the first question will opacityon safety issues willcome in the way
liance over the same farm laws that are at the heart of the current discontent — the Centre conductedinseveralcountries.Butit’sthevac- unvaccinated children in the require periodic swab tests on the partici- of building public confidence in the work in
cinethatpromisestosetusfree,givebackthe world. NSO data shows that pants of the final trials — and tests, as our ex- laboratories.
quintessentialhumanfreedomofassociation, perience of the pandemic has shown, are a The sheer scale of the anti-COVID vacci-
Punjab, the path to a dialogue arguably softened and eased by the social coalition brought and,mostimportantly,relievetheanxietyand less than 60 per cent children fraught issue. nation makes it unprecedented in human
together by the political pact. worry that has become the leitmotif of life in receive the entire basket of All this means that the novel coronavirus history. Securing localities, districts, states,
Today,evenastheBJPconfrontsangryfarmersfromPunjabbereftofacrucialPunjabally, large parts of the planet. vaccines. Securing 1.3 billion could be at large months after the first jab is even entire countries or regions will not be
pressure may be building on the SAD to assume a more hardline stance in the current cri- That’swhatmakestheresearchinlabora- people will require a massive administered. The initial months of the vac- enough against a virus that multiplies at a
sis.Ithaslongdefineditself asapartyof thepanthandof thepeasantry.Now,itmustnego- tories, virtually at breakneck speed, so signif- cinationdrive—perhapseventhefirstyear— dizzying speed. The herd to be inoculated
icant. It has evidently helped that the epi- public policy effort at couldbeakintoanextendedinoculationtrial. against the contagion has dimensions not
tiate, all over again, a separate space and identity. For both the BJP and its erstwhile ally,
demics caused by pathogens of the bolstering the country’s Theemergingdataislikelytonecessitatefine- scaled in human history. That makes the
coronavirus family in the past 20 years, SARS public health infrastructure, tuning the initial products and as several ex- medical, economic and public policy dilem-
ing sober and getting it right — for farmers, for Punjab, and for the country. andMERS,havepushedscientiststostudythe pertshavepointed,askingscientistsworking mas inextricable from the ethical aspects of
roping in the private sector
varied interactions between the human im- on different anti-COVID vaccines in different vaccine distribution. Too often in recent his-
without imperilling equity

mune system and contagions. These out- parts of the world to join forces — or create a tory, inoculation drives have left the margin-
breaks petered out before vaccines could be and obviating black bouquet of complementing preventives. alised in the lurch. The novel coronavirus
developed.Buttheresearchhasstoodhuman- markets as well as checking In more ways than one, this could be the forces us to do things differently, it demands
ityingoodsteadinthebattleagainstitslatest make-or-breakperiodinthefightagainstthe a different conception of herd from science
the diversion of resources
First case under new UP anti-conversion law offers clinching bête noire. pandemic. Contemporary medical history and public policy.
We know that unlike other flu viruses, from regular immunisation shows that achievements in laboratories of-
argument for why it is an assault on individual freedom programmes.

coronaviruses make use of various biological ten have a long and tortured path to people’s kaushik.dasgupta@expressindia.com
HE FIRSTCASE filed under the regressive new anti-conversion law in Uttar
Pradesh illustrates precisely why this is a piece of legislation that enables
misuse and harassment, and how it endangers inter-personal relation-

ships in a society already hostile to individual autonomy and desire. The
facts are these: A year ago, two adults who met in school fell in love and
eloped. They were brought back to their families, and a case of kidnapping filed by the
woman’s parents against the man, a Muslim, which led to his arrest. In court, however,
the woman rebutted the prosecution’s case that she had been abducted against her will.
Nevertheless, she was married off by her family to another person. Enter the “love jihad” It points finger at an education system that turns a blind eye to inequality
law. A day after the UP Governor cleared the ordinance, the woman’s family filed a case
against the 24-year-old Muslim man, accusing him of trying to force her to convert and
marry him.
Disha Nawani
This is new gloss on an old, depressing story that plays out far too often in Indian so-
EVER SINCE THE young student, Aishwarya education that we get. There is no awkward- particular kind of music/film, the list is long
ciety — that of families using all means at their disposal to browbeat young people, espe- ReddyfromLadyShriRamCollege,diedbysui- ness, guilt or repentance on part of either the and encompasses every part of their being.
ciallywomen,if theyexercisechoiceinloveandmarriage.Inmanysuchinstances,thelaw cide, the media, political activists and civil so- policymakers for the stratified education sys- COVID-19, however, unleashed multiple
is a weapon that often reinforces the power asymmetry involved and quells the chal- cietyingeneral,besidesexpressingshock,grief tem devised by them or us as consumers, for tensionsforallstudentsbutturnedtheworld
lenge from such unions to family fiat and archaic notions of honour. In Karnataka, an- and concern, have been busy identifying the gleefully lapping it up. upside down for those already struggling to
other state that is considering a version of this law against freedom, this paper has re- culprits responsible for her untimely death. While most students find it difficult to survive. Aishwarya would have also had her
Aishwarya’s story apparently has a “simple” come out of their vicious cycles of disadvan- share of troubles but the change in environ-
ported that Section 366 of the Indian Penal Code (dealing with kidnapping, abducting
narrative — an ambitious, bright girl from a tage, a few resilient ones manage to enter ment from college to home must have made
and coercing a woman into marriage) is being used to stop several inter-faith and inter- poorfamilytookherlifeduetoherinabilityto those elite institutions, to which there is lim- mattersworse—thebiggestof whichwasno
caste unions. Studies have shown how the law against rape has been used to criminalise buy gadgets required by her to continue her ited access. However, the challenges faced by access to those very gadgets which would al-
consensual relationships. online education. thesestudentsoutweightheinitialthrillofbe- lowhertocontinuehereducation,something
Given the structural inequalities of caste, gender and class that hobble Indian life, Four factors are being held primarily re- ingadmittedtosuchinstitutions.Onceadmit- shewassopassionateabout.Shewouldhave
the implementation of a law is often held hostage to entrenched power equations on sponsible for creating the circumstances that ted, the college treats them alike. Everything also experienced the painful everyday strug-
pushedhertochoosedeathoverlife.Theyare that the students go through — syllabus, cur- gle of her parents, the inability, desperation
the ground. But the UP government’s law is doubly dangerous because discrimination
havoccausedbythe“digitaldivide”inaccess- ricularresources,pedagogicprocesses,assess- and frustration of her father to buy her a lap-
is explicitly written into its provisions. In the hands of a conservative society and an ing online education, the Department of ment practices — is uniform/same for every- top and the guilt of pushing him to mortgage
overstepping police, it enables an unconstitutional assault on the rights of young men Science&Technology’s(DST)tardinessingiv- one,irrespectiveof the divergentspaces they their house and forcing her younger sister to
and women. In a climate of ceaseless communal polarisation, it is being used as a dog- ingherthewell-deservedscholarshipontime, comefrom.Childrenwithdifferentcaste,class, drop out of school.
whistle against the Muslim community. By allowing the state to certify what conver- and lack of knowledge on part of the college religionandethnicity,withunequaleconomic, Doallthesefactorsmakeherdeathherper-
sion is kosher or not, this law will pit Hindus and Muslims against each other in a zero- administration about its students’ socio-eco- socialandculturalcapital,arealltreatedalike. sonal problem, requiring counselling due to
nomic backgrounds because of which all stu- It is important to recognise Herein lie the seeds of inequality, because poverty, anxiety, depression and inability to
sum game in which the only winner is the overweening and unconstitutional power
of the vigilante state.
dents,exceptthefreshers,wereaskedtoleave the huge pressures on what seems to be equal and neutral is in ef- cope, etc? Or is it the responsibility of the col-
thehostelpremises.Thefourthfactorpointed students, even in regular fect unequal and biased. This does not mean legewhichadmittedherbutmadenoattempt
outbysomeisthegirl’sinabilitytoproactively thataheterogeneousmixof studentsaccess- toreachouttoherortheDSTwhichdidnotre-
circumstances — the


reachouttothoseinpositionsof authorityfor ing a good institution is a bad idea. However, lease her scholarship on time? Or is it the re-
help. Who is blaming whom and why is not pressure to do well that is not enough and it is the responsibility sponsibility of every single person who be-
important, but one must understand that a academically, to dress or talk of the institutions to make such spaces more lieves that more islands of excellence should
hastyidentificationof“factorsresponsible”will democratic and egalitarian, and adopt more becreated;celebratesexclusivespacesforthe
in a certain way, to appreciate
The ‘world’s loneliest elephant’ has moved from Pakistan to leadtoevenmorehastily“arrivedat”solutions, proactive measures to reach out to their stu- meritoriousfew;turnsablindeyetostruggles
which may, at best, be “quick-fix” and unable a particular kind of music or dents, especially those belonging to margin- ofothers,consideringthemtheirdestiny;and
Cambodia. His journey has particular resonance in Covid times film. COVID-19 unleashed

toaddressthedeepermalaiseplaguingoured- alised backgrounds. whoseesstatesupportasactsofcharitydoled
ucation system. multiple tensions for all It is important to recognise that the pres- out to the less fortunate ones?
ONGBEFORECOVID-19,Kaavanwasinlockdown.Thesoleexpatriateof his Attheoutset,weneedtoacknowledgethat sures faced by such students, even in regular
kind in Pakistan, since his partner Saheli died in 2012, he was overweight, ours is an unequal society and our socio-eco-
students but turned the circumstances are huge — the pressure to do The writer is professor and dean,
depressed and suffering from a series of ailments. Now, thanks to local ac- nomic and cultural locations determine the world upside down for those well academically, pressure to conform and School of Education, Tata Institute of Social
tivists, a celebrity champion and a lot of planning, he has moved to greener school that we go to and the nature/quality of already struggling to survive. look/dress/talk in a certain way, appreciate a Sciences, Mumbai
pastures, where there is hope of recovery aswell as company. The 36-year-
old pachyderm has been transported from the Islamabad zoo to an elephant sanctuary
in Cambodia.
Authorities at the zoo had initially denied that Kaavan was being mistreated. His ail-
ments and listlessness, they argued, were a result of loneliness. But after a long campaign
supported by music legend Cher, a Pakistan court ordered that animals from the zoo be CM to take “stern action” against police offi-
relocated. Having been transported via jumbo jet to Cambodia, his ordeal is set to be- PM ON PRICES BHAGALPUR BLINDINGS cials concerned.
PRIME MINISTER INDIRA Gandhi warned of THE BIHAR GOVERNMENT has acted at last.
come the subject of a documentary — one which will, hopefully, also record a happy end-
ing to the story of the “world’s loneliest elephant”.
a further rise in the prices of petrol and other It has suspended 15 police officials and insti- PM BREAKS DOWN
petroleum products because of the contin- tuted 14 cases in the scandalous blinding PM Indira Gandhi broke down at the district
Elephants are, like homo sapiens, social animals with the ability to feel grief, loss, love uing war between Iran and Iraq. If the Gulf tragedy involving undertrials lodged in the development conference in Amethi while
and anger. Kaavan's life in Pakistan (where he was adored by the public) was never easy. War, already three months old, did not end, Bhagalpur central jail. Chief Minister speaking about her son, the late Sanjay
But with the death of Saheli, he became, as so many people have become over the last petroleum prices would go up beyond the Jagannath Mishra said this action followed Gandhi. At one stage, her voice choked and
year, lonely, listless and trapped indoors without anyone to share the misery with. control, the PM told her party workers at a “prime facie” evidence of “negligence of hereyesfilledwithtears.Hersobsseemedun-
Solitary confinement is widely acknowledged to be the most cruel of punishments, a tor- meeting in Rae Bareli. Later, talking to news- duty” against12 sub-inspectors, two inspec- controllable, but she composed herself.
men, Mrs Gandhi also ruled out the possibil- tors and one deputy superintendent of po- “Sanjayhadhisbaptismthroughfirethelikes
ture for higher mammals hardwired by evolution and socialisation into developing a
ity of any changes in the leadership of Uttar lice. He said all these police officials, already ofwhichIhadseenduringthefreedomstrug-
relational idea of the self — the “I” is formed only in how it is reflected in others. The Pradesh. She said: “There is no question of a sent out of Bhagalpur district, would be fac- gle. And this was his battle against the con-
next challenge for Kaavan is to make friends, and maybe even find love again. Unlike for change in the leadership of the state. Why ing departmental proceedings. Mishra’s an- certed attack by the entire opposition aided
humans, there is no smartphone app for him to swipe left and right while being en- shouldtherebeachangeatallwhenthestate nouncement comes in the wake of the state- by western forces,” she said. “It is the duty of
gaged in an illusory consumerism of friendship and desire. Maybe, for Kaavan in his is moving ahead under the leadership of mentmadebytheUnionHomeMinisterZail everybody to translate into reality the deeds
new home, that is just as well. Vishwanath Pratap Singh?” Singh in the Lok Sabha that he had asked the and dreams of Sanjay,” she told the people.

New Delhi



“The effects of reneging on Britain’s commitment to spend 0,7 per cent of its
GDP on aid on some of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people will
be devastating.” — THE GUARDIAN

A killing & the new Middle East The triumph and

Whether they want to or not, India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
must deal with the changed geopolitical realities in West Asia
trial in Bihar
State elections silence dire predictions of
‘democracy backsliding’, frame challenge
of jobs and growth
careful dissection. The display of open, un-
see in Nitish Kumar’s serial change of part-
RAJA MANDALA ners, the coexistence of dynastic politics,
and thinly disguised tactical coalitions
by C Raja Mohan based on caste arithmetic that underpin
electoral politics in the state are anathema
for true-blue liberal democrats.
THEBRAZENMURDER of a top Iranian nu- The gap between normative categories
clear scientist outside Tehran last week un- Subrata Mitra of liberal democracy and cognition of the
derlinesafamiliarpoliticaltruthintheMiddle opportunitiesthattheelectoralprocessgen-
East — it is not that important if you are right eratesneedstobefactoredintothetheoryof
orwrong;whatreallymattersiswhetheryou ELECTIONS ARE ABOUT winning or losing. democracytransitionanditsconsolidation.
are weak or strong. The assassination of There are few drawn matches in this game. At the ground level, campaign cash is an in-
Mohsen Fakhrizadeh highlights the Islamic But, over and above the actual outcome, centive for participation in the electoral
RepublicofIran’sgrowingstrategicvulnerabil- electionsarealsopartofamuchlargergame, process. It is seen as an opportunity for en-
ities.Italsopointstoacontinuingregionalre- known to students of constitutionalism as titlement,empowermentandenfranchise-
alignmentagainstTehranmarkedbythenor- the “game on the rules of the game”. When ment — the three core ideas of democracy.
malisation of ties between some key Arab seen through this particular lens, what les- Oneneedstounderstandthatthefineflow-
states and Israel. sonsdowegetfromtherecentlyconcluded ers of liberalism blossom from within the
ThisgeopoliticalturbulenceintheMiddle C R Sasikumar assembly elections in Bihar? bosom of dark calculations of interest. To
East has major consequences for the subcon- connection with Tel Aviv. But the growing Kashmirquestionatinternationalforums.For Thefirstandforemostmessagewegetis frame it the other way around would be to
tinent, which has intimate religious, eco- weight of Islamist ideology, decades of fan- Pakistan, this seemed a useful counter to the oneofaresoundingwinforelectoraldemoc- think of democracy in the mode of a top-
nomic, and strategic ties with the region. ning theories about a Yehudi-Hindu conspir- Gulf Arabs, who were ramping up strategic racy in India. The judicious decision of the down, civilising mission.
Whether they want to or not, India, Pakistan acy, and relentless propaganda equating ties with India and appeared unwilling to Election Commission to hold the elections The second point that emerges from a
and Bangladesh must deal with three broad Palestine with Kashmir seemed to hold make a big deal of Delhi’s constitutional despitethepandemicandelaborateprecau- close reading of the campaign poses a co-
trends that define the new Middle East. Pakistan back. changes in Kashmir. tions with regard to polling and staggered nundrum. The promise of “10 lakh jobs”
One is Iran’s growing isolation in the re- However,thecontexthasdramaticallyal- Earlier this year, a peeved Pakistan chal- countinginordertofacilitatesocialdistanc- which gave the Mahagathbandhan its fire-
gion. The Trump administration (and the tered with the normalisation of ties between lenged Saudi Arabia by threatening to break inghavedrawnappropriateresonancefrom power, was made with no indication of
Republicans), Israel and the Gulf Arabs have the Gulf Arabs and Israel. Pakistan’s Prime the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and the electorate, which reciprocated with a where these jobs were going to come from.
asharedinterestinpreventingJoeBiden,the Minister Imran Khan has talked of pressure, set up a more radical forum in partnership high turnout of over 55 per cent, barely one Of course, one could always create jobs by
next US President who takes charge on apparentlyfromSaudiArabiaandtheUAE,on with Turkey and Malaysia. Saudi Arabia and per cent below the previous assembly elec- gettingpeopletodigholesandthenfillthem
January 20, from renewing nuclear diplo- recognising Israel. Pakistan also knows the UAE,longthebenefactorsof Pakistan,didnot tions of 2015. The smooth and seamless in and create a semblance of employment.
macywithIranandendingTehran’sisolation. value of having a sensible relationship with take kindly to the threat. They demanded a courseoftheelection,thespiritedbutorderly Buttheyaddverylittletooverallproductiv-
The assassination of Fakhrizadeh is about Israel and its useful spinoffs in Washington, returnof theloanstheyhadgiventoPakistan campaign, the suspense of the last scene, ity, generate a culture of dependency and
achievingthatpoliticalobjective.If Iranretal- whereIslamabadismakingadesperatepitch to tide over its economic crisis. whichkepttheaudiencerivetedtillthecur- create a false sense of security.
iates vigorously, it will invite an all-out con- tolimitAmerica’scurrentpoliticaltilttowards More recently, there have been reports of tains came down, turned this election into How does one combine the electoral
frontation with Israel and the US and kill the India.Rawalpindiisprobablynolongerdebat- Abu Dhabi deliberately blocking Pakistani an eloquent testimony of the resilience of pressure to create jobs and the hard logic of
prospects for a productiveengagementwith ingtheideologicalargumentsonIsraelbutthe labour exports to the UAE. There are also re- India’s electoral democracy. The contrast sustainableeconomicgrowth?Thisisgoing
the Biden administration. Holding back will mechanics of making that decision, manag- portsthattheUAEmightsendbackPakistani withthepresidentialelectionsoftheUnited tobetheacidtestforthe“twin-engine”,Modi
exposeIran’sweaknessandsharpeninternal ing the potential domestic backlash, and get- workers—anestimated1.2millionPakistanis States must give a feel of schadenfreude to in Delhi and Nitish in Patna. The post-elec-
divisions between pragmatists who want to ting the best possible benefits from it. workintheEmirates—aspartofthedownsiz- theIndianvoter,whosedemocraticcreden- tion Union government scheme PIL —
engage the US and the hardliners who are If Pakistan recognises Israel, Bangladesh ing of the foreign labour force in the country tials have always been treated with a touch Production Linked Incentive Scheme — de-
itching for a confrontation. would not want to be left behind. Economic amid the current economic downturn. If of condescension by Western experts of serves careful consideration because it at-
Worse still, the frequent attacks on high- and technological collaboration with Israel Pakistan continues its tilt towards Turkey, democracy transition and consolidation. temptstobalancedomesticproductivityand
profile Iranian targets raise questions about will give Bangladesh’s economy and foreign SaudiArabia,whichhostsmorethantwomil- Thesecondpointtonoteisthesuccessof employmentcreationthroughmanufacture
thehostilepenetrationof itssociety.Arethere policy a big boost. Like Pakistan, Bangladesh, lionPakistanworkers,couldsurelyfollowthe the electoral process in putting forces that andinfrastructurebuilding,withglobalvalue
enough domestic opponents of the regime too, could use a new Jewish connection to UAE example. Put simply, UAE and Saudi matter on the ground — such as the radical chains. But, for states like Bihar and Odisha
that are now willing to collaborate with for- cope with the mounting criticism in Arabia have the option to put massive costs Left,socialists,andthereligiousright—into —ranked,respectively,29and26ontheease
eign security agencies, including Israel’s Washington of the country’s political free- on the Pakistani economy that can’t be theelectoralfray,and,subsequently,intothe ofdoingbusiness—thisposesanevenbigger
Mossad? The exposure of Iran’s internal po- domsandhumanrightsunderPrimeMinister plugged by Turkey or Malaysia. legislature. The electrifying convergence of hurdle. Ironically, both in job creation
litical weakness is compounded by the mas- Sheikh Hasina. Narratives about the Middle East have theoppositiongrandcoalitionanditsstrate- through the setting up of manufacturing
siveeconomicpainimposedbytheTrumpad- For Israel, having Bangladesh and been central to the evolution of the subcon- gic, coordinated manoeuvre showed the units or cashing in on the infrastructure
ministration’s “maximum pressure Pakistan, two of the world’s largest Islamic tinent’s religious and nationalist politics deeppenetrationofelectoralculture.Equally building bonanza, backward states face the
campaign”inthelastfewyears.Iranhasmuch nations, recognise it would be a great ideo- over the last century. But the old markers significantwastheinductionoftheAllIndia same difficulty with regard to the whole of
goodwillinSouthAsia,butIndiaanditsneigh- logical and political bonus. Some in Delhi that defined South Asian discourse on the Majlis-e-IttehadulMuslimeen(AIMIM)into India,asIndiadoeswithregardtoChinaand,
bours have no desire to get sucked into might rue the loss of a presumed special po- Middle East are beginning to fade. The con- the legislature of Bihar which opens up now,theRCEP.Inopencompetition,themore
Tehran’s conflicts with the Arabs or the US. sition in Israel. But an India that proclaims ventional political assumptions of the South roomforfutureexpansionintotheeastand advanced players get the upper hand.
The second regional trend is the rapid thevirtuesof engagingallsidesintheMiddle Asian elites about the Middle East barely the north of India. Liberal democrats need However, closing competition by fending
transformation of Arab relations with Israel. Eastcan’tgrudgethesameprivilegeforIsrael correspond to the region’s changing reality. notpanicattheexpansionof apartywhose competition off stymies creativity and gen-
Thefearof IranhasbeendrivingGulf Arabsto in South Asia.
For Israel, having Bangladesh Although India has made some impor- leader is often derided for his communal eratesinefficiency.Assuch,backwardstates
embraceIsrael.Inthelastfewmonths,Bahrain The third trend shaping the new Middle and Pakistan, two of the tantadjustmentstoitsengagementwiththe views.Afterall,politicsisnotonlyaboutroti, like Bihar face a hard choice. They will need
and the United Arab Emirates have nor- East is the deepening rivalry between Saudi world’s largest Islamic Middle East in recent years, Delhi can’t take kapda aur makan; it is also about kursi, izzat to look beyond harvesting the low-hanging
malised ties with Israel. Reports of a secret Arabia and Turkey for the leadership of the nations, recognise it would its eyes off the rapid changes in the region. andcollectiveidentity,notignoring,also,the fruit through schemes like the MGNREGA
meeting between the Saudi Crown Prince Muslimworld.WhileSaudiArabia,Egypt,and Pakistan and Bangladesh can’t afford to take loaves and fishes of power. A national plat- andhavetocomeupwithradicallynewideas
Mohammed bin Salman and Israeli Prime the UAE want to return the Middle East to- be a great ideological and the Middle East for granted and view the re- form that can represent Muslim interests such as systematic organisation of man-
MinisterBenjaminNetanyahulatelastmonth wardspoliticalandreligiousmoderation,the political bonus. Some in gion solely through the religious prism. For and compete for power within the frame- power export. They will need to wean their
havebeendeniedbyRiyadh.Thathasnotput once secular Turkey under Recep Tayyip Delhi might rue the loss of a now,thequestioniswhethertheSouthAsian workof parliamentarypolitics,wouldbean people away from welfare dependency and
an end to speculation of an impending nor- Erdogan has become the new champion of presumed special position in states can manage the fallout from the effective countervailing force to Hindutva. lead them on the path of hard, structural
malisation of ties between Israel and Saudi politicalIslam.Turkey’snewreligiouszealpro- geopolitical churn in the Middle East and Thisprocessofrealignmentisatworktoday, change. Bihar’s, just like the rest of India’s,
Arabia — the ideological core of the Islamic vides a good ideological cover for Erdogan’s Israel. But an India that seizethenewopportunitiesthatarepresent- from “Kashmir to Kanyakumari”. In addi- moment of “blood, sweat and tears” is now.
and Arab world. ambitionstoexpanditsgeopoliticalinfluence proclaims the virtues of ing themselves. tion, the fact that these “anti-system” par-
Where does that leave the subcontinent, in the Middle East. engaging all sides in the ties have become part of parliamentary The writer is emeritus professor of political
which has nearly 40 per cent of the Turkey’scontestationwithSaudiArabiais The writer is director, Institute of South Asian processshouldsilencethedirepredictionsof science, Heidelberg University, Germany. He
Middle East can’t grudge the
world’s Muslims? already having an impact on India and Studies, National University of Singapore and “democracy backsliding” in India. is the author, with Harihar Bhattacharyya, of
Pakistani pragmatists long wanted to es- Pakistan. Erdogan’s Turkey is now hostile to same privilege for Israel in contributing editor on international affairs for Therearetwodissonantissuesthatalso Politics and Governance in Indian States:
tablish ties with Israel and neutralise Delhi’s IndiaandhasjoinedPakistanintakingupthe South Asia. The Indian Express emerged from this election which need Bihar, West Bengal and Tripura


Nothing fair in this war on love WHAT AN IDEA
The long and deceitful history of the ‘love jihad’ bogey
This refers to the article, ‘Who’s afraid of IDEAS
Vivekananda?’ (IE, November 30). The
links between Vivekananda and the al-
Mohan Rao leged lack of work ethics amongst a sec- ONLY IN THE EXPRESS
tion of JNU’s staff. A statue of the monk
THE CREATION OF demographic anxieties is dence of “love jihad” and no organisation rate representation from both Muslims and sinceshecouldnotbearchildren,aswellasan hasbecometheruseforlevellingunsub- ● USER INTEREST FIRST:
central to the Sangh Parivar’s politics. It finds named Romeo Jihad that was executingthis. lower-castes. Whipping up anxiety about allurement for virile Muslim men, a danger stantiated allegations against faculty VISWANATH PINGALI AND
reflection in a proposal by a number of BJP- The Karnataka police clarified that 404 girls Muslimswasonewaytoweldtogetherhugely within the sacred heart of the Hindu house- members for their refusal to use online D DANIEL SOKOL
ruledstates — MadhyaPradesh,Haryanaand weremissingduringtheperiodandthatthey diverse,andoftenantagonistic,castesintoone hold, waiting to be profaned. Fitting neatly teachingmethods.It’sanotherissuethat
Karnataka — to make a law against so-called had been able to trace 332 of them. The ma- community, and erase structural divisions in into this gendered anxiety was the commu- these methods themselves have been ● DIGITALINDIA’S
“love jihad”. The UP government has passed jority were Hindu girls who had eloped to castesociety.Indeed,ashistorianPKDattahas nalisationof theissueof “abduction”of Hindu open to serious questioning. REGULATORYPARADOX:
an ordinance that provides for a jail term of marryHindumen,allof thembreakingcaste noted in Carving Blocs: Communal Ideology in women. Indeed, this, too, was prominent in Priti Pande, Chandigarh
uptofiveyearsfor“forcedconversions”inor- barrierstotheirmarriages.Yet,themediaand EarlyTwentiethCenturyBengal(1999),“it(the the profusion of rumours before the Gujarat
der to marry. “Love jihad” is an idea that
crudely but effectively argues that Muslim
varioussectionsof theSanghParivar,includ-
book, A Dying Race) had a more direct reso-
carnage in 2002.
It is not just anxieties about inter-faith
BOWLING CONCERNS www.indianexpress.com
men are waging jihad in India through love paign against this “grand Muslim conspir- occupied with numbers… the possibility of marriage that propels these ideas. More sig- THISREFERSTOthereport,‘Phenomdoes
marriages. The young men apparently wag- acy”. This is seen as one more manner in lowcastesdeclassifyingthemselvesasHindus nificant is the need to control women’s sex- an encore’ (IE, November 30). With the
ing war through love — through the capture which“they”,Muslims,seektooutbreed“us”, was a motivating anxiety”. Deeply riddled ualities, lest they threaten patriarchy and omissionofopenerRohitSharmaforthe
of innocentHinduwomen—arealsoreferred Hindus,inourowncountry—ademographic withinaccuracies,wild,baselesspredictionsof casteendogamybyexercisingchoiceintheir Australiatour,itwaslikelythattheIndian gioninpubliclife aresomeofthenotions
to as “love Romeos”. Given credence by the argumentthathasevidentpoliticaldividends. the future, the book nevertheless provided marriages. Choice marriages in India com- team will not be of the same calibre. Yet, that need a new political vocabulary for
courts and police in some states, “love jihad” More recently, we had the infamous “demographiccommon-sensefunctioningas prise,sadly,lessthanfourpercentof allmar- itsperformancehasbeenstartling.India’s any real change to happen.
isseenasastrategybyMuslimfundamental- Hadiya case, where parents of a 24-year-old a trope for extinction”. It reinforced the fun- riages.Butthatisenoughtotriggeranxieties. bowling is a matter of grave concern. H N Bhagwat, Chiplun
iststolureHinduandChristiangirlsintotheir homeopathy student in Kerala, with support damental belief that India is defined “cultur- WhatisutterlyunacceptabletoHindutvaide- JaspritBumrahhasnotfoundhisrhythm
ing demographic war.
from the police and the courts, attempted
to prevent her marriage, despite her argu-
ally” as a Hindu nation, just as Muslim com-
munalists would later go on to believe in the
ologues is that young women might want to
throw off shackles of caste patriarchy. That
and Yuzvendra Chahal also seems to be
out of form.
Ten years ago, the Hindu Janajagruti ments that she had converted to Islam of her purityof anIslamicPakistan.Thecommunal- the anti-CAA protests brought out young Tushar Anand, Patna THISREFERSTOtheeditorial,‘Talktothe
Samiti in Dakshina Kannada district of own free will and wanted to marry the man ists of both religions, Hindu and Muslim, by women in hundreds of thousands on to the farmers’ (IE, November 28). It does not
Karnataka claimed that 30,000 young
of her choice.
This discourse of demographic anxiety —
to the colonial definition of Indian society as
streets was not lost on them. As Kavita
Krishnan has argued in her recent book
NEED TO CHANGE takeonethingintoconsideration:What
if the government doesn’t care a hoot
the state. The Kerala High Court ordered an of whichthe“lovejihad”propagandaisapart comprisedoftwohomogenouscommunities, Fearless Freedom, young women want to be This refers to the article, ‘New script in about “farmers” or “consumers”? It is
inquiry in 2010, while the Karnataka High — has a long and deceitful history. As early as Hindus and Muslims, eternally at war with free from violence, free to study, to reclaim Pakistan’(IE,Nov30).Theshadowof the known to side with middlemen since
Court, in the same year, stated that a case in- 1909, U N Mukherji wrote Hindus: A Dying each other. This is so blatantly false as to be publicspaces,freetomarrywhomtheywant, army over Pakistan’s politics is so huge 1953. It introduced contract farming in
volving a 23-year-old woman who had con- Race,whichwentontoinfluencemanytracts laughable, but it had its takers. or not marry at all. This is the stuff of night- thattobreaknewground,apoliticalparty 1990s to let MNCs control farm inputs.
verted to Islam to marry a Muslim man had and publications by the Hindu Mahasabha, Therewasyetanotherflamestokingthese mare for the Sangh Parivar, as it is to all the will have to script a narrative that is fun- BiharabolishedAPMCsin2005.Nowthe
“national ramifications”. Indeed, the the parent organisation of the RSS. The book fears among Hindus resentful of social re- khap panchayats of India. damentally at variance with accepted BJP’soneagendaistoletcronycapitalists
Karnataka HC went egregiously further, or- went into many reprints. It had a special ap- form. Emblematic here was the tragic figure norms.Anti-Indiasentiments,feudalism, control farm output as well.
dering the woman be “restored” to her par- pealtoHinducommunalistsof thetime,who of the Hindu widow. Forbidden remarriage The writer is former professor at the Centre of inequality, too much importance to reli- Varun Dhir, Ahmedabad
ents while the police investigated the case. were anxious to create a monolithic Hindu among the upper castes, she was at once re- Social Medicine and Community Health,
On its part, the Kerala police found no evi- community in the face of demands for sepa- sponsible for the dying of the “Hindu race”, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi

New Delhi

If there are questions of current or contemporary relevance that you would like
explained, please write to explained@indianexpress.com



Kashmir, India and the OIC
New Delhi has hit back at the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation for references to Kashmir. Pakistan is an
446,952 important voice in the OIC, but India has strong bilateral relationships with most other member countries
special chief guest at the 68th Republic Day
450,000 SHUBHAJITROY celebrations in 2017, the first time India had
NEWDELHI,NOVEMBER30 laid out the Republic Day red carpet for a
leader who was neither a head of state nor a
ON SUNDAY, India hit out at the Organisation head of government. The Crown Prince had
LAST 10 DAYS ofIslamicCooperation(OIC)formakingfactu- earlier visited India in February 2016, follow-
Nov 20 Nov 29 ally incorrect and unwarranted references to ing a visit by Prime Minister Narendra Modi
400,000 Jammu and Kashmir. The 47th session of the to the UAE in August 2015.
OICCouncilofForeignMinistersonNovember DaysbeforetheOICinvitationtoSwarajin
Note: The Nov 29 figure in this graph is based on the government update on Nov 30 27-29atNiamey,Niger,hadmadeareference 2019, Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin
to India over its policies on J&K. SalmanhadvisitedIndia.Theinvitemayhave
Inastatement,IndiaadvisedtheOICtore- been an important outcome of the MBS visit,
INDIA TOTAL CASES WORLD TOTAL CASES frain from making such references in future apart from being an indication of India’s im-
9,431,691 62,924,259 andsaiditisregrettablethatthegroupingcon- proved ties with both Saudi and the UAE.
tinues to allow itself to be used by a certain BeforeSwaraj’svisittoAbuDhabi,areport
Source:MinistryofHealth&Family Source:JohnsHopkinsUniversity, country “which has an abominable record on bytheofficialEmiratesNewsAgencyhadde-
Welfare,updatedat11pmonNov30 updatedat11pmonNov 30 religioustolerance,radicalismandpersecution scribed India as a “friendly country” of “great
ofminorities”.ThiswasareferencetoPakistan. global political stature”. The External Affairs
WhatistheOIC? Then External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj as Guest of Honour at the OIC desire of the enlightened leadership of the

Why influenza makes The OIC — formerly Organisation of the

Islamic Conference — is the world’s second
largest inter-governmental organisation after
Foreign Ministers’ meeting in Abu Dhabi in 2019. Express Archive UAE to go beyond our rapidly growing close
bilateral ties and forge a true multifaceted
partnership at the multilateral and interna-

people vulnerable to the UN, with a membership of 57 states. The

tect the interests of the Muslim world in the
following the Pulwama attack. Pakistan had
opposed the invitation to Swaraj, and its
ing the unwavering support for the Kashmiri
people in their just cause”, and “expressing
deep concern at atrocious human rights vio-
tional level” and a “milestone in our compre-
hensive strategic partnership with the UAE”.
The OIC includes two of India’s close

bacterial infection spiritofpromotinginternationalpeaceandhar-

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi
boycotted the plenary after the UAE turned
down his demand to rescind the invitation.
lations being committed by the Indian occu-
pation forces since 1947”.
At the 2018 meeting in Dhaka, however,
neighbours, Bangladesh and Maldives.
admit they do not want to complicate their
itycountries. Russia,Thailand,andacoupleof “Jammu and Kashmir” figured in only one of bilateral ties with India on Kashmir, but play
othersmallcountrieshaveObserverstatus. WhatistheOIC’sstandonKashmir? 39resolutionsadopted,thattoo,alongwith12 along with OIC.
It has been generally supportive of otherstatesorregionsworldwide.Pakistanac-
WhatisIndia’srelationshipwithOICasan Pakistan’s stand on Kashmir, and has issued cused Bangladesh of circulating the text very What is the significance of India’s latest
organisation? statementscriticisingtheallegedIndian“atroc- late.EventheresolutioninAbuDhabi,adopted statement?
Atthe45thsessionoftheForeignMinisters’ ities”inthestate/UnionTerritory.Thesestate- thedayafterSwarajspoke,condemned“atroc- India now sees the duality of the OIC un-
Summit in 2018, Bangladesh, the host, sug- ments over the last three decades became an itiesandhumanrightsviolations”inKashmir. tenable, since many of these countries have
gestedthatIndia,wheremorethan10%of the annual ritual, of little significance to India. good bilateral ties and convey to India to ig-
world’sMuslimslive,shouldbegivenObserver Lastyear,afterIndiarevokedArticle370in HowhasIndiabeenrespondingtosuch noreOICstatements—butsignoffonthejoint
status, but Pakistan opposed the proposal. Kashmir,PakistanlobbiedwiththeOICfortheir criticism? statements which are largely drafted by
In 1969, India was dis-invited from the condemnationof themove.ToPakistan’ssur- IndiahasconsistentlyunderlinedthatJ&K Pakistan.
Conference of Islamic Countries in Rabat, prise, Saudi Arabia and the UAE — both top is an “integral part of India and is a matter New Delhi’s statement on Sunday target-
Morocco at Pakistan's behest. Then leadersamongtheMuslimcountries—issued strictly internal to India”. The strength with ing the OIC grouping as being led by Pakistan
Agriculture Minister Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed nuanced statements, and were not as harshly which India has made this assertion has var- hastobereadinthatcontext.SouthBlockfeels
was dis-invited upon arrival in Morocco af- criticalof NewDelhiasIslamabadhadhoped. ied slightly at times, but never the core mes- itisimportanttochallengethedouble-speak,
A box of flu shots at Bristol. The deaths of most influenza patients ter Pakistan President Yahya Khan lobbied Overthelastoneyear,Islamabadhastried sage.Ithasmaintainedits“consistentandwell since Pakistan’s campaign and currency on
arecaused by bacterial infections rather than the flu virus. AP against Indian participation. to rouse sentiments among the Islamic coun- known”standthattheOIChadnolocusstandi, theKashmirissuehashardlyanytakersinthe
In2019,Indiamadeitsmaidenappearance tries,butonlyahandfulofthem—Turkeyand Thistime,Indiawentastepaheadandsaid international community.
at the OIC Foreign Ministers’ meeting, as a Malaysia — publicly criticised India. the grouping continues to allow itself to be Indiaalsowantstochallengethisissuebe-
INFLUENZA IS caused by a virus, but that different nutrients and antioxi- “guest of honour”. External Affairs Minister In2019Meccasummitaswell,theOICcrit- usedbyacertaincountry“whichhasanabom- cause of the possibility that the Joe Biden ad-
the most common cause of death in dants,suchasvitaminC,leakfromthe Sushma Swaraj addressed the Inaugural icisedtheallegedIndian“atrocities”inthestate. inable record on religious tolerance, radical- ministration in the US — which may have a
influenza patients is secondary pneu- blood. This creates an environment in Plenary in Abu Dhabi on March 1 2019, after In 2018, the OIC General Secretariat had ism and persecution of minorities”. strong view on human rights in Kashmir —
moniacaused by bacteria, rather than the lungs that favours growth of the having been invited by Sheikh Abdullah bin “expressedstrongcondemnationofthekilling may issue statements that may complicate
the influenza virus itself. While this is bacteria. The bacteria adapt to the in- Zayed Al Nahyan, UAE Foreign Minister. The of innocent Kashmiris by Indian forces in WhatisIndia’srelationshipwithOIC India’s image at the global stage.
well known, what is largely unknown flammatory environment by increas- Ministry of External Affairs said then that the Indian-occupiedKashmir”,describedthe“di- membercountries? With New Delhi preparing to take over a
is why influenza infections lead to an ing the production of an enzyme invitation was a “welcome recognition of the rectshootingatdemonstrators”asa“terrorist Individually,Indiahasgoodrelationswith non-permanent member’s seat at the UN
increasedriskof bacterialpneumonia. called HtrA. The presence of HtrA presence of 185 million Muslims in India and act”, and “called upon the international com- almostallmembernations.TieswiththeUAE SecurityCouncil,itwantstouseitsdiplomatic
Now, researchers at Sweden’s weakens the immune system and oftheircontributiontoitspluralisticethos,and munity to play its role in order to reach a just and Saudi Arabia, especially, have looked up clout and goodwill to bury this issue at the
Karolinska Institutet have described promotes bacterial growth in the in- of India’s contribution to the Islamic world”. andlastingsolutiontotheconflictinKashmir”. significantly in recent years. globalbodyinthenexttwoyears—andbring
findings leading to so-called “super- fluenza-infected airways. This first-time invitation was seen as a The 2017 session of the OIC Foreign The Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh up the Pakistan-sponsored cross-border ter-
infections”. The study is published in In a statement, principal investi- diplomatic victory for New Delhi, especially Ministershadadoptedaresolution“reaffirm- MohammedbinZayedAlNahyan,wasavery rorism high on agenda.
the journal PNAS. It can gator Birgitta Henriques

A Hyderabad temple, and the city’s name

also contribute to re- Normark, microbiologist
search on Covid-19, the at Karolinska Institutet,
scientists suggest. said: “The ability of
The researchers cite pneumococcus to grow
the example of the inthelowerairwaysdur-
Spanishflu,whichwasan inganinfluenzainfection Secunderabad MP G Kishan Reddy claimed the run-up to the elections to the Greater isationsassociatethenamewithBhagyanagar.
influenza pandemic that PAPER seems to depend on the SREENIVASJANYALA that the temple predates Charminar, whose Hyderabad Municipal Corporation, and the BJPleaderssayHyderabadwasearlierknown
swept across the world in
1918–20. Unlike many CLIP nutrient-rich environ-
ment with its higher lev-
HYDERABAD,NOVEMBER30 construction was started in 1591.
Sources in the Archaeological Survey of
connection being made with the name
as Bhagyanagar but it was changed to
Hyderabad by Muhammed Quli Qutub Shah.
other pandemics, the els of antioxidants that ON SATURDAY, Union Home Minister Amit India said the temple encroaches on the pro- On November 18, on the directions of the
Spanishfludisproportion- NEW RESEARCH occurs during a viral in- ShahvisitedtheBhagyalakshmitemplewhile tective perimeter of Charminar. Officials say State Election Commission (SEC), the Hasthetemplebeenthesubjectof
ately hit young healthy fection, as well as on the on a trip to Hyderabad to campaign for the a small guard pillar erected to protect the Telangana government stopped distribution controversybefore?
adults. And one important reason for bacteria’s ability to adapt to the envi- city’smunicipalelections. AndUttarPradesh monumentfromvehicleswasfoundpainted of flood relief as the model code of conduct It has witnessed violence in the past:
this was “superinfections” caused by ronmentand protect itself from being Chief MinisterYogiAdityanath,campaigning in saffron sometime in the 1960s and some waseffect.TherulingTRSallegedthattheBJP’s ■InNovember1979,afteranarmedgroup
bacteria, in particular pneumococci. eradicated by the immune system. inHyderabad,madeapitchforrenamingthe people started performing aarti there. When Telanganachief,BandiSanjayKumar,hadwrit- seized the Grand Mosque in Mecca, the MIM
Pneumococcal infections are the cityasBhagyanagar,whichBJPleadersclaim a state road transport bus hit the guard pillar ten to the SEC complaining against the distri- calledforabandhintheOldCityofHyderabad.
most common cause of community- Possible treatments used to be its name earlier. “Some people damaging it, a small structure made of bam- bution of relief. Sanjay denied this and chal- AsDiwaliwasapproaching,manyHindushop-
acquired pneumonia and a leading Theresearcherssuggesttheresults wereaskingmeifHyderabadcanberenamed boo was built overnight and the idol of the lengedTRSleaderstovisittheBhagyalakshmi keepers requested the MIM to allow them to
globalcauseof death.Apriorinfluenza could be used to find new therapies as Bhagyanagar. I said — why not?” he said. goddess was placed. temple and take an oath of truth. On keeptheirshopsopen.Thisresultedinclashes
virus infection is often followed by a for double infections between the in- ShahisthelatestinalineofBJPleaderswho “After that incident, the shrine started ex- November20,Sanjayhimselfvisitedthetem- and the Bhagyalakshmi temple was attacked
pneumococcal infection. In the new fluenza virus and pneumococcal bac- have visited the Bhagyalakshmi temple over panding by a foot or two during every festival ple and said under oath that he had not writ- and desecrated.
study, researchers looked at mecha- teria. “A possible strategy can there- the last several days. Some BJP leaders claim untiltheHighCourtdirectedpolicetostopany ten a complaint to the SEC. ■ In September 1983, banners put up on
nismsbehind thisincreasedsuscepti- fore be use of protease inhibitors to thetemplederivesitsnamefromBhagyanagar. expansionin2013,”saidMohammedShabbir Since then, several BJP leaders have vis- thetempleontheGaneshfestivalcausedten-
bility:influenzainduceschangesinthe prevent pneumococcal growth in the Ali, Leader of Opposition in the Telangana ited the temple, including Amit Shah on sions as it was reported that the temple had
lower airways that affect the growth lungs,” lead author Vicky Sender said WhatistheBhagyalakshmitemple? Legislative Council. Saturday. Shah said his visit was to seek expanded, and the temple as well the Allwyn
of pneumococci in the lungs. inthestatement.Theresearchersnote It is a small temple dedicated to Goddess AlargenumberofHindutradersandbusi- blessings,anddeniedthatitwas symbolicor mosque were attacked.
thatitisstillnotknownif Covid-19pa- Lakshmi, adjacent to the southeast minar of nessmen who have shops in Charminar area a statement. ■InNovember2012,clashesbrokeoutaf-
The mechanism tients are also sensitive to such sec- Charminar.Madeofbamboopolesandtarpau- visit the temple daily. During festivals, espe- ter reports that the temple management was
The researchers used an animal ondary bacterial infections. lins, it has a tin roof, and the southeast minar cially Diwali, the temple attracts long queues. WhatisitcalledBhagyalakshmitemple? expanding it by replacing the bamboo struc-
model for their studies. They found Source: Karolinska Institute forms its back wall. There is no definitive ver- Devoteesassociatethenamewiththeirbe- ture with a sheets. The then Andhra Pradesh
siononhowandwhenexactlyitcameup,but Whyisitinthenewsnow? liefthatprayinginthetemplebringsgoodluck HighCourthaltedanyconstructionactivityof
it has been there since at least the 1960s. It is because of the visits by BJP leaders in andfortune.Ontheotherhand,Hinduorgan- the temple.

The journey of an Annapurna idol, from Varanasi to Canada and back

How it reached Canada of kheer in one hand and a spoon in the ceremony having taken place on tion before handing it back to trustees at
DIVYA A other. These are items associated with the November 19. “As a university, we have a the temple.
NEW DELHI, NOVEMBER 30 Annapurna, also spelt Annapoorna, is goddess of food, who is also the deity of responsibility to right historical wrongs
the goddess of food. The 18th-century idol, the city of Varanasi. and help overcome the damaging legacy Other objects returned
IN THE November 29 episode of Mann Ki carved in the Benares style, is part of the Mehra’s research showed that of colonialism wherever possible,” said A few weeks ago, Union Culture
Baat, Prime Minister Narendra Modi an- University of Regina, Canada’s collection MacKenzie had noticed the statue during University of Regina’s Vice-Chancellor Minister Prahlad Patel handed over 13th-
nounced that an ancient idol of the god- at the MacKenzie Art Gallery. Last year, a trip to India in 1913. A stranger had over- Thomas Chase. “Repatriating this statue century bronze idols of Lord Rama,
dess Annapurna, stolen from India about when Winnipeg-based artist Divya Mehra heard McKenzie’s desire to have the statue, does not atone for the wrong that was Lakshmana and goddess Sita, which were
a century ago, is being brought back from was invited to stage an exhibition at the and stole it for him from a temple on stone done a century ago, but it is an appropri- repatriated from the UK recently, to the
Canada. gallery, she began to research the collec- steps on the riverbank in Varanasi. ate and important act today.” Tamil Nadu government. During the han-
“Every Indian would feel proud to tion, which was built around a bequest dover, Patel put the onus on the respec-
know that an ancient idol of Maa from lawyer Norman MacKenzie in 1936. The process of return After it reaches India tive state governments to keep antiquities
Annapurna is being brought back from One sculpture thought to represent Lord Mehra spoke to John Hampton, interim The idol is expected to land in Delhi in in safe custody so that such situations of
Canada to India. This idol was stolen from Vishnu struck her as female; it was holding CEO at the MacKenzie Art Gallery, and re- the middle of December, as per sources in theft and legal battles don’t arise in the fu-
a temple of Varanasi [Modi’s Lok Sabha a bowl of rice. Looking into records, she quested that the statue be repatriated. The the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), ture.
constituency] and smuggled out of the found that the same sculpture had been Gallery agreed. After reading about the who are the official custodians of all such Between 2014 and 2020, the govern-
country around 100 years ago somewhere stolen from an active temple in 1913 and discovery of the stolen statue, the Indian repatriated artefacts. A thorough verifica- ment has been able to retrieve 40 antiq-
around 1913,” Modi said. “Mata acquired by MacKenzie. High Commission in Ottawa and the tion and documentation will be carried uities from various countries; between
Annapurna has a very special bond with Siddhartha V Shah, Curator of Indian Department of Canadian Heritage reached out, after which a decision will be taken 1976 and 2014, as per ASI records, 13 an-
Kashi [Varanasi]. And the return of the idol and South Asian Art at Peabody Essex out and offered to assist with the repatri- about its final custody. The PM has said tique pieces had been repatriated to India.
is very pleasant for all of us. Like the statue Museum, US, was called upon to identify The Annapurna idol at the MacKenzie ation. the statue will be back in Kashi; the ASI Patel had said the return of another 75-80
of Mata Annapurna, much of our heritage the statue. He confirmed it was indeed of Art Gallery. University of Regina The statue will begin its journey home has tasked with ascertaining the security stolen antique pieces is in the pipeline, but
has been a victim of international gangs.” the goddess Annapurna. She holds a bowl next month, with its virtual repatriation arrangements at the idol’s original loca- the legal process takes a long time.

New Delhi
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need to work more closely to
RQ SULQFLSOH WKH IDFW WKDW 3XQMDE·V &RQJUHVV &KLHI incentivise private participa-
mortar hospitals and universi-
look for a lucrative return on
a calamitous year, my year-
end musings have been piv-
around the key
Removing the regulatory
restrictions on “not-for-profit”
institutions in education will
question —What led to a surge in create a facilitative environ-
WKH&HQWUDOODZV%XWDWOHDVW6LQJKKDVJLYHQWKH&RQJUHVVDWDONLQJSRLQWDWDWLPHZKHQ Modi’s popularity while the oppo- ment for private participation by
ers of US and UK? Why did his brands, build optimal capacities
LQLWVRZQODZWRSLFNXSDOO6WDWHSURGXFHDW0LQLPXP6XSSRUW3ULFH 063 UHJDUGOHVV persona prevail despite the pan- and bring in technology while
the response specific to our reali- UNDP estimates that the
UHJXODWHGV\VWHPZKLOHFRH[LVWLQJZRXOGEHZHDNHQHGE\DSDUDOOHOPDUNHWDQG6LQJK ty rather than promising the moon total financial requirement for
ILUVWDPHQGPHQWVD\VWKDWWKHVDOHRIZKHDWDQGSDGG\ ZKLFKDUHWKH6WDWH·VFDVKFURSV equip the nation against any such against the current budgeted
unforeseen crisis in the future. outlay of $76 billion annually for
mit, Prime Minister Narendra remain a subjective question as at international fora by demand- trade as America regains its plan to turn 1.2 million schools
0DUNHW&RPPLWWHH $30& PDQGLVZKLFKWKH&HQWUDOODZKDVDEROLVKHG7KLVLWVD\VZLOO Modi called for a new global index developed countries had greater ing the reform of archaic mul- leadership as the primary engine into “smart classrooms” is
EHXVHGWRFUHDWHDGLVWUHVVIXQGIRUVPDOODQGPDUJLQDOIDUPHUVKHQFHLVSRSXOLVW7KH based on “respecting nature in the flexibility for welfarist mea- tilateral institutions. of growth, instead of China, implemented by connecting
WKLUG%LOODWWDFNVWKHFHQWUDO$FWWKDWJLYHVXQOLPLWHGSRZHURIVWRFNLQJHVVHQWLDOFRPPRGL spirit of trusteeship of Mother sures to cushion vulnerable sec- As we enter the last month which augurs well for global 60,000 villages within three
Earth.” His collaborative response tions of society. In contrast, of a calamitous year, one is com- recovery. years with high-speed optic
WLHVWRWUDGHUVDQGUHDVVLJQVWKDWULJKWWRLWVHOIDUJXLQJWKDWSURGXFWLRQVXSSO\DQGGLVWUL in sync with multi-lateral institu- injecting four stimulus packages pelled to assess just what was it India is now uniquely posi- fibre. The Ministry of
EXWLRQRIJRRGVPDNHIRUD6WDWHVXEMHFW3XQMDELVDOVRSODQQLQJWRWZHDNWKHGHILQLWLRQ tions to prioritise ESG-centric worth 10 per cent of the GDP about Modi that he not only tioned for a faster climb-back Electronics and IT is contem-
RID´WUDGHDUHDµZKHUHIDUPHUVWUDGHUVDQGHOHFWURQLFWUDGLQJWUDQVDFWLRQSODWIRUPVDUH concerns (based on the tri-pillar of to fire up the economy was the retained but exponentially after a contraction of -7.5 per plating a public-private business
environment, sustainability and extent to which the widened his electoral base as cent, with the grounds being model for this visionary project,
JLYHQIUHHGRPWRGHDOLQIDUPHUV·SURGXFHZLWKRXWDQ\UHVWULFWLRQVWRFRYHULWVOLPLWV,WLV governance) commits to a much- Government could stretch its seen in the recently-concluded laid to expand economic activ- which will lower the cost of edu-
LPSRVVLEOHIRUWKH&HQWUHRUIRRGPDMRUVWRDJUHHWRVXFKFODXVHVEXW6LQJKKDVVFRUHG needed collective responsibility of limits, with the fiscal deficit dou- Bihar elections, despite a severe- ity. Optimism for an economic cation per child through e-
RYHUWKHPLJKWRIWKHUXOLQJ%-3RUDQ\VDQHDUJXPHQWE\FUXVDGLQJZLWK]HDODQGV\P all nations in managing the plan- bling to 7.7 per cent of the GDP. ly pandemic-ravaged econo- rebound is based on the struc- learning.
et’s resources. Were India’s containment my? Because 2020 was a year tural reforms undertaken in In order to evolve as a
EROLVP5DMDVWKDQ&KLHI0LQLVWHU$VKRN*HKORWDQG%DJKHOWRRKDYHSXVKHGDPHQGPHQW By the same yardstick, the measures and public messaging that savagely punished elected 2020, the lowered rate of corpo- knowledge-based economy and
%LOOVEXWZLWKQRWDVPDQ\SXQLVKLQJFODXVHV%XWWKHWKUHHKDYHFHUWDLQO\EXLOWPRPHQ Prime Minister’s post-pandemic of the COVID crisis the best? leaders for acts of omissions in rate taxation, a stable currency transit towards optimal digitisa-
WXPRQDQLVVXHWKDWPDWWHUVDFURVVKHDUWODQG,QGLDDQGKDYHVXVWDLQHGDQGPRELOLVHGD management of his own country Certainly not, when compared administering inadequate relief backed by strong foreign tion, the Modi Government
has paved the way for a new and to Vietnam, Taiwan, Canada, and rehabilitation, while out- reserves, vibrant FDI flows of has made great strides to push
PRYHPHQWDURXQGLWVWURQJHQRXJKWRJLYHWKH&RQJUHVVLWVILUVWFRJHQWWRRODVDQ2SSRVLWLRQ distinct style of governing democ- Germany or New Zealand. rightly rejecting Trump for £35.73 billion and the Finance brand India into the top 50
,QIDFWVWUDWHJ\RUQRWWKHWKUHH&RQJUHVV&KLHI0LQLVWHUVDUHQRWMXVWKROGLQJRQWR racies on a similar “trusteeship par- Was Modi’s early lockdown remaining in denial of a human- Minister’s nudge to increase countries club in the Global
WKHLUWXUIVEXWDUHDUWLFXODWLQJSRVLWLRQVRQQDWLRQDOLVVXHV%DJKHODQG*HKORWKDYHEHHQ adigm.” When benchmarked proactive or premature? Initially, itarian crisis of unprecedented CAPEX spending by public Innovation Index for the first
against global counterparts, Modi’s the response to relief and reha- scale. sector enterprises to drive eco- time. Our higher education
ZDUQLQJDJDLQVWWKHEUXWDOFRPPXQDOLVDWLRQRISHUVRQDOIUHHGRPVLPSOLFLWLQWKHSURSRVHG crises-management places him in bilitation was ad-hoc and knee- The answer lies in Modi’s nomic growth. Sustained buoy- institutions have improved their
´ORYHMLKDGµODZVE\%-3UXOHG6WDWHV6LQJKKDVUHIXVHGWKH&HQWUDO%XUHDXRI,QYHVWLJDWLRQ the league of the tallest global lead- jerk. But then the Government minutiae precision on last-mile ancy will, of course, depend on global rankings and in the
&%, HQWU\ZLWKRXWKLVSHUPLVVLRQ8QOHVVWKHUHLVDVWUDWHJ\WRGHIOHFWDWWHQWLRQIURPWKH ers for coming across as a trustee- swung into streamlining micro-management of 269 key the budgetary proposals and the Employability Rankings 2020
head of the nation, who from the Centre-State coordination for projects, down to the district efficacy of the vaccine in con- Index, India has scaled up to the
FHQWUDOOHDGHUVKLSWKH&RQJUHVVFKLHIWDLQVDUHGRLQJSUHWW\ZHOODVWKHYRLFHRIWKH2SSRVLWLRQ beginning, remained visible, DBTs and food grains reaching level percolation. As India trolling future surges. 15th position globally. However,
RQWKHLURZQ7KHSUREOHPLVSHRSOHVWLOOZDQWWRKHDUWKHFHQWUDOOHDGHUVKLSDQGH[SHFWLW accountable, admonishing, nudg- 800 million people. approaches the delivery stage of Going beyond crisis man- we need to scale up to skill/re-
WRVWHHUWKHGLVFRXUVH%XWHYHUVLQFHWKH+DWKUDVUDSHPXUGHUFDVHZKHQWKH*DQGKLVFLRQV ing and persuasive. At the same During disaster manage- the vaccine, Modi’s forward- agement, the Government skill 40 crore people by 2022 in
YLVLWHGWKHYLFWLP·VIDPLO\DPLGKLJKGUDPDWKH\KDYHEHHQVLOHQW,QIDFWWKDWZDVDELWRI time, he was empathetically “shep- ment, it is impossible to forecast planning is becoming more needs to scale up human order to match up to the pace
herding his people, instead of the duration or depths of force job-stepped by visiting vaccine resource capital and find newer of virtualisation which is a key
DKLWDQGUXQJLYHQWKHLUEHOOLJHUHQFHDVZHDUH\HWWRKHDUIURPWKHPRQDIROORZXSWRWKH resorting to punitive measures majeure damages as no leader hubs to fine-tune distribution avenues for raising capital enabler for economic recovery
FDVH&RQWUDVWWKDWWRWKH&KLHI0LQLVWHUVZKRKDYHVWD\HGZLWKWKHLUUHVSHFWLYHFDXVHV that would have regressed econom- can possibly see the end of the mechanisms, down to assessing resources. as these measures remain a
$OVR6LQJK*HKORWDQG%DJKHOKDYHGHIHQGHGWKHOHDGHUVKLSWRRWKDQGQDLOVSHDNLQJRXW ic recovery.” tunnel clearly when adversities the availability of cold storage Second, if we aspire to work-in-progress.
Democracies, noticeably for strike. While the US and the chains and ancillary equipment make India a “Plus One” invest- I conclude this analysis by
DJDLQVWWKH&RQJUHVV·GLVVHQWHUVVD\LQJLWZDVPRUHLPSRUWDQWWRFRDOHVFHDJDLQVWWKH the last five years, have mutated UK’s health infrastructure is like syringes. ment destination, gaps must be paraphrasing an opinion from
%-3RQJUDYHULVVXHVWKDQILJKWDPRQJWKHPVHOYHVRUODPSRRQWKHOHDGHUVKLS$QGWKDW their strains, deviating from the ranked among the best by the India ready for economic plugged for delays in contract The New York Times, which
´HOHFWRUDOGHIHDWVZHUHQRWWKH\DUGVWLFNIRUOHDGHUVKLSFKDQJHµ4XHVWLRQLVZLOOWKH&RQJUHVV original concept of fair, inclusive Global Health Security Index, take-off? In January 2021, the enforcement. India takes 1,440 lauded Modi’s initiatives by
and participative governance to India’s “mortality rate per mil- levers of global growth are days to implement contracts stating that he fared “better than
OHDGHUVKLSUHZDUGWKLVOR\DOW\DQGEULQJLWVFKLHIWDLQVIRUZDUGRUXVHWKHPIRUILUHILJKWLQJ" morphing into illiberal and total- lion” remained among the low- expected to rebalance more against 150 days in Singapore. many peers because he acted
7KHIDFWWKDW6LQJKDQG%DJKHODUHPRUHSRSXODUWKDQ5DKXO*DQGKLLQWKHLUKRPH6WDWHV itarian regimes. Viewed in this con- est. favourably towards a partial We need to hasten dispute res- decisively, pre-emptively and
VKRZVWKDWWKH&RQJUHVVGRHVKDYHOHDGHUVRIPHULWZKRFROOHFWLYHO\KDYHLWLQWKHPWR text, a “trusteeship model of Modi’s popularity: Modi return to globalisation, which is olution and follow Vietnam’s relatively early...Modi’s success,
democracy” is in sharp contrast to 2.0 in 2020 is a distinctly a distinct reversal from the example of allocating large land analysts say, may be more
UHYLYHWKHSDUW\DQGNHHSLWUHOHYDQW7KH&HQWUDOOHDGHUVKLSKDVQRFKRLFHEXWWRGHYROYH the ascent of authoritarian leaders, changed persona, in image, in economic insularity of the parcels on lease/rent/ mort- durable. He’s widely seen as a
SRZHUDQGEXLOGDVHPEODQFHRIUHSUHVHQWDWLRQDOGHPRFUDF\LQLWVRUJDQLVDWLRQDOVWUXFWXUH even in the most advanced democ- demeanour, in electoral rhetoric, Trump era. With President- gage. mobiliser, not a despot...”
,QIDFWWKH&RQJUHVVKDVKLVWRULFDOO\KDGVWURQJUHJLRQDOOHDGHUV,IRQO\LWZHUHWRQXUWXUH racies. in elevating the national agen- elect Joe Biden taking charge Third, the pandemic forces (The author is a columnist
Was the Modi-led da above narrow political, ide- next month, economic recovery a relook at our woefully inade- and Chairperson for the National
WKHLUVWUHQJWKVWKDQPDNLQJWKHLUFRQWLQXLW\FRQGLWLRQDORQGRLQJWKHELGGLQJRILWVILUVWIDP Government’s response to the cri- ological or populist gains, and is expected to accelerate with the quate investment in healthcare, Committee on Financial
LO\WKHSDUW\·VRUJDQLVDWLRQDOPDWUL[ZRXOGQ·WKDYHEHHQO\LQJLQVKUHGVDFURVV6WDWHV1RU sis financially adequate? This will in taking the moral high ground liberalisation of international education and labour-skilling, Inclusion at the Niti Aayog)
cWTQPRZb^Uf^\T]³b 6dad=P]PZYX QPaaXTabc^UPa\TabX] ^U_TPRTbTRdaXchcaPST
DERXWPHGLFDOWULDOV" d]_PXS[PQ^da P[fPhbQTfXcWdb cWTXa^f]R^d]cah TR^]^\hRd[cdaT

¯<T[X]SP6PcTb ¯BPRWX]CT]Sd[ZPa ¯EXeTZ1P]bP[ ¯EXZPbBfPad_
the consultative nature of democ-
E\$QJOR6ZHGLVKSKDUPDFHXWLFDOILUP$VWUD=HQHFDDQG Sir — The never-ending, well 2Ui_^TdXU[YdSXU^S_e^dUb racy. Cracking down on them
with force is no solution.

8QLYHUVLW\RI2[IRUGZKHUH6,,LVDSDUWQHU)RURQHZH until January 20 to be precise, ]X^]fWXRWXbPbcP_[TZXcRWT]XcT\P\^]V^cW Given the recent decisions on
denial of the presidential election TabU^aP]PeTaPVT8]SXP]XbP]TbbT]cXP[X]VaT Shaheen Bagh and other cases,
VWLOOGRQRWNQRZZKHWKHUWKHLQGLYLGXDOZDVJLYHQWKH outcome is getting more extreme SXT]cU^a\P]hRdXbX]TbP]SaTRX_Tb5a^\b_XRh pertaining to protests against
QHZYDFFLQHRUDSODFHERZKLFKLVZK\KLVDOOHJDWLRQV each day. However, US President RdaaXTbc^cP]VhaT[XbWTbXcXbX\_^bbXQ[Tc^X\PVX]T the Citizenship (Amendment)
UDLVHGE\KLVODZ\HUVDUHVOLJKWO\VXVSHFW7KHLQVWDQW Donald Trump’s lawsuits have R^^ZX]VP]hcWX]VfXcW^dcXc1dcXcP[b^WPbWXVW\TS Act, this brutal silencing of protest
FRXQWHUVXLWE\6,,PDNHVRQHVXVSHFWZKHWKHUWKLVZDV been failing with his pleas get- XRX]P[eP[dT was all but expected.
ting rejected in US courts. 8UU^[ZaT\TSXTbPaTc^QTQT[XTeTS^]X^]bR^d[S The discontent of farmers in
VXFFHVVLQFRXUWDVYROXQWHHUVWRFOLQLFDOWULDOVIRUDQ\PHGLFDWLRQVKRXOGEHIXOO\DZDUH interview — “This is total fraud ]dcaXcX^]P[ QT]TUXcb ^]X^]b bcX\d[PcT Va^fcW ^U over the years due to the Central
Bureau of Investigation) and TaX]VQ[^^S[X_XSbP]SPaTcWdbTUUTRcXeTX]\P]PVX]V policies. These have debilitated
FRXOGDOVRPHDQGHDWK Department of Justice, I don’t RW^[TbcTa^[[TeT[bCWTbd[UXSTX]^]X^]aTSdRTbcd\^a the rural economy. Farmers have
7KHH[WUHPHO\UXVKHGUHVHDUFKDQGGHYHORSPHQWIRUYDFFLQHVWRFRXQWHUWKH&29,' know, maybe they’re involved” Va^fcWP]SXbQTX]VTg_[^aTSPbP_^bbXQ[TX]VaTSX experienced a growing mismatch
YLUXVZKLFKKDVGHYDVWDWHGWKHJOREDOHFRQRP\DQGGULYHQPLOOLRQVDFURVVWKHZRUOG — shows that doubts will always T]cX]cWTRdaTU^aRP]RTa XcfXcWfPa\fPcTa>]TRP]P[b^\Xg^]X^]YdXRTfXcW between their production efforts
remain around the verdict. CWTU[Pe^]^XSbX]^]X^]WT[_X]aTSdRX]VQPSRW^ [T\^]YdXRTP]S\PbbPVTcWTbRP[_fXcWXcCWXb_aT and income under the current
WDLQDGYHUVHHIIHFWVDQGHYHQDGHDWKRUWZRPLJKWRFFXU7KRVHZKRYROXQWHHUIRUVXFK beyond reproach as their basic CWTbTcaPSXcX^]P[_aPRcXcX^]TabbPhaTSdRTcWTaXbZ^U 8]cWTbTcX\Tb^UX\\d]XchQ^^bcTabfT\dbc Climate change and its out-
WULDOVVKRXOGEHPDGHIXOO\DZDUHRIWKHULVNVDQGWKH\XVXDOO\DUH,QFDVHWKLVLVJHQXLQH purpose is to protect the US and WTPacPccPRZP]Sbca^ZT>]X^]P[b^bcX\d[PcTbWPXa cP_X]c^^da_[P]cfTP[cWP]SWTaXcPVTP]SSTeT[^_P comes have already worsened the
its way of life. They serve the Va^fcWQTRPdbT^UcWTWdVTR^]cT]c^Ubd[_WdaX]Xc W^[XbcXRfT[[QTX]Va^dcX]TX]^daSPX[h[XeTb<dRW^U farmers’ condition. The new
starring Efrem Zimbalist, Jr, ^]cWTbRP[_*[TPeTXcU^aPa^d]S#$\X]dcTb*cWT]fPbW <d\QPX ers is thus right in feeling agitat-
DUHKLJKO\ULVN\DQGWKRVHZKRYROXQWHHURIWHQIURPSRRUHUIDPLOLHVDUHGXPSHGDQGOHIW the good guys are still serving certified Trump’s Democratic as the winner but made it clear use stadiums to imprison protest- keep farmers under control but
ZLWKRXWFRPSHQVDWLRQRUUHFRXUVHLIWKLQJVJRZURQJ7KHUHPD\EHPRUHWKDQZKDWPHHWV their country by working for the rival Joe Biden as the winner in he was not prepared to “concede” ers (farmers). It is a small mercy it cannot deny the discontent that
FBI and not against it. Shame on the State which has 20 electoral the election. that the Delhi Government is growing among 60 per cent of
WKHH\HLQWKLVSDUWLFXODUFDVH%XWWKDWVKRXOGQRWWDNHDZD\IURPWKHWUHPHQGRXVULVNV you, President Trump! college votes. Dennis Fitzgerald refused to grant the police the the country’s voting population.
DQGWURXEOHVWKDWPDQ\FOLQLFDOWULDOYROXQWHHUVSXWWKHPVHOYHVWKURXJK7KLVDOVRKLJK A court in Pennsylvania has Trump told reporters on Melbourne, Australia permission to do so. These farm- They could turn the tide.
OLJKWVWKDWFRPSDQLHVLQYROYHGLQFOLQLFDOWULDOVZKHWKHUWKH\DUHODUJHJOREDOSKDUPDFHX dismissed a lawsuit filed by Thursday that it would be “hard” ers have simply been protesting Bhagwan Thadani
Trump’s team, observing that to concede to Biden, a against a law that they don’t find Mumbai
WLFDOILUPVRUVPDOOUHVHDUFKILUPVLQ,QGLDVKRXOGEHPRUHRSHQDQGWUDQVSDUHQWDERXW “voters, not lawyers choose the Democrat. He said he would 6Qb]Ubcµg_Uc favourable. They have as much
ZKDWWKHYROXQWHHUVVXIIHU6,,ZRXOGGRZHOOWRWHOOXVWKHHQWLUHVWRU\OHVWWKLVEHFRPHV President.” The judgement came leave the White House if the Sir —In a democracy, it beats rea- right to make themselves heard BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^)
DFDVHZKHUHWKHDQWLYDFFLQHPRYHPHQWFDQJHWDIRRWLQWKHGRRULQ,QGLD four days after Pennsylvania Electoral College declares Biden son that its police force wants to and be invited to negotiations in [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\
=4F34;78kCD4B30H k3424<14A !!

1`_\QbYcY^W @?9>D2>D=C4A@?9>D

]e^YSY`Q\`_\\ C74H0DBCA0;8070E4>DC?;0H43DB
°8=380=2A82:4C20?C08= °5>A<4A8=380?024A
E8A0C:>7;8 0B78B7=47A0

ince 2014, the Narendra Modi Government
S has weeded out close to 44 million bogus
ration cards by using the Information
Technology (IT) infrastructure viz. digitisation,
seeding of Aadhaar on ration cards, electronic
<RJL$GLW\DQDWK7KRXJKKHGLGQRWFDPSDLJQHYHQ3ULPH0LQLVWHU point of sale machines at retail shops and so on.
1DUHQGUD0RGLYLVLWHG+\GHUDEDGWRUHYLHZWKHSURJUHVVRIWKH&29,' However, this addresses only a small aspect of the
 YDFFLQHFOLQLFDOUHVHDUFKRQ1RYHPEHU)LUVWRIDOOWKH%-3 problem and that, too, is unlikely to be rooted out
ZKLFKVXUSULVHGHYHU\RQHE\ZLQQLQJIRXU/RN6DEKDVHDWVRXWRI completely with the use of technology alone.
LQ7HODQJDQDLQJRWWKHPRPHQWXPDQGFRQWLQXHGZLWK Besides, large-scale diversion and black market-
DQRWKHUVXUSULVHYLFWRU\LQWKH'XEEDNDE\SROOVHDUO\LQ1RYHPEHU ing of grain, inclusion of the privileged among
beneficiaries, a ballooning subsidy bill and so on
$IWHUWKHUHFHQWVWXQQLQJSHUIRUPDQFHLQWKH%LKDU$VVHPEO\HOHF will persist so long as the extant system of rout-
WLRQVWKHSDUW\·VPRUDOHLVKLJK6HFRQGLIWKH%-3ZLQVWKH*+0& ing food subsidy through State agencies contin-
WKHU6RXWK$VRIQRZWKHSDUW\LVZHDNWKHUHDVLWKDVRQO\RQH sidised price. Instead, it should limit its role to
6WDWH*RYHUQPHQW .DUQDWDND LQLWVNLWW\7KLUGWKH%-3ZDQWVWR crediting subsidy directly to the accounts of ben-
FXWWKH$,0,0WRVL]H7KH$VDGXGGLQ2ZDLVLOHG$,0,0KDVDOZD\V eficiaries. When foodgrains at C1/2/3 per kg are
EHHQVWURQJLQWKH+\GHUDEDGUHJLRQ2ZDLVLKDVH[SDQGHGKLVSDUW\ not available, these maladies will be automatical-
Under the National Food Security Act C74
(NFSA), the Union Government arranges for sup-
LQ:HVW%HQJDOLQQH[W\HDU·V$VVHPEO\HOHFWLRQVWRR+RZHYHUWKLV ply of wheat, rice and coarse cereals to the ben- 20=CA0=B54A
ZLOOFXWLQWRWKH0XVOLPYRWHEDQNDQGLWZLOOEHKHOSIXOIRUWKH%-3 eficiaries at C2/3/1 per kg, which is a fraction of C!'?4A<>=C7
WRVSOLWWKH0XVOLPYRWHV(YHQWKRXJKWKH756KDVDOZD\VFRQ the cost of procurement, handling and distribu- BD1B83H0CC74
WHVWHGDJDLQVWWKH$,0,0LQHYHU\HOHFWLRQWKHIRUPHUKDVHQMR\HG tion (eg. 1/15th in case of wheat). Every person A0C4>5C!'?4A
LVVXHEDVHG VXSSRUW IURP WKH ODWWHU 7KH WZR SDUWLHV WDFWLFDOO\ whose name is mentioned on the ration card is :65>A :6
DQQRXQFHGWKDWWKHUHZRXOGEHQRWLHXSLQWKHPXQLFLSDOSROOVLQ eligible to receive five kg of rice or wheat per C>C74 is entirely the liability of the Union General (CAG) of India. Meanwhile, eficiary’s account to enable him/her to
RUGHUWRSURWHFWWKHLUWXUIV month. In addition, during April-June, to miti- 14=458280AH³B Government and will need to be ser- the most deserving (poorest of the poor) buy 10 kg from the market by paying
7KH%-3WKH756DQGWKH$,0,0KDYHDOOEHHQJHQHURXVLQVSHQG gate the impact of COVID-19, the PM Garib 022>D=CC> viced from the latter’s tax collections in continue to be deprived of their full C300 (including C20 from his/her pock-
LQJPRQH\DQGKDYHPRUHWKDQDGHTXDWHPXVFOHSRZHUDQGPDQ Kalyan Yojna added a “free” five kg of rice or the future. The core feature of this requirement. This is because supplies et). This will strike at the very root of
wheat per person per month to all 815 million 4=01;478<74A scheme, or supply of wheat or rice at a under the NFSA at five kg per person diversion, pilferage, black marketing.
individual beneficiaries under the NFSA. Besides price almost close to zero, may be a per month barely cover 50 per cent of When, foodgrains at C1/2/3 per kg are
VSUHDGLWVZLQJVIXUWKHULQWKH6RXWK7KH$,0,0KDVDOZD\VZRQ one kg of free pulses per month was provided to 5A><C74 boon for the beneficiaries but ends up the requirement of a person, which is just not available, the very thought of
LQWKH+\GHUDEDGUHJLRQDQGLVSURWHFWLQJLWVWXUI$VIRUWKHUXOLQJ every family. These additional provisions were <0A:4C1H being a bane for the economy. The avail- 10 kg per month, as estimated by the making a quick buck will be nipped in
756LWLVDILJKWIRULWVSUHVWLJH7KHSDUW\ZKLFKKDVEHHQRQD extended for a further five months till November. ?0H8=6C" ability of wheat at C2 per kg through the National Sample Survey Organisation the bud. As for the FCI et al, while they
ZLQQLQJVSUHHVLQFHWKH6WDWHZDVELIXUFDWHGLQPDGHDFOHYHU The supplies are made by the Food 8=2;D38=6C! Public Distribution System (PDS) under (NSSO). Having to buy the balance five will still be involved in purchase, han-
DQGVXUSULVHPRYHE\DGYDQFLQJWKHFLYLFSROOE\WZRPRQWKV7KH Corporation of India (FCI) and other State agen- 5A><78B74A the NFSA, when the market price is a kg at a very high price, say C30 per kg dling and distribution, they will oper-
756KDGZRQVHDWVLQWKHSUHYLRXVFLYLFHOHFWLRQVZKLOHWKH$,0,0 cies on behalf of the Central Government, which ?>2:4CC78B minimum C30 per kg, is a huge allure- in case of wheat, they are worse off. ate like any other business entity and be
ZRQVHDWVWKH%-3WKUHHDQGWKH&RQJUHVVWZR reimburses to the former the excess of the cost F8;;BCA8:40C ment to all those involved in its imple- Weeding out of 44 million bogus compelled to operate efficiently and
7KH%-3LVDWWDFNLQJWKH756IRULWVSROLWLFVRIDSSHDVHPHQW of purchase, handling and distribution over the C74E4AH mentation. No wonder, there is large- beneficiaries in itself may appear to be keep costs low.
3OXVWKHUHFHQWIORRGUHOLHIPHDVXUHVKDYHEHHQLQDGHTXDWH7KH price charged from the beneficiaries i.e. C2/3/1 scale diversion of foodgrain from rake a big accomplishment. But seen in the With private entities, too, allowed
per kg on additional supplies (during the eight A>>C>5 unloading points and godowns of the broader perspective, this addresses only to directly buy from farmers, stock farm
months of the current year, this is zero). This reim- FCI. Trucks disappear on way to the a small aspect of the problem and that, produce sans any limit (courtesy, the
bursement or food subsidy is paid from the retail sale points. Then there are mil- too, is unlikely to be rooted out com- three farm laws recently enacted by the
ORJJHG$ERXWPXQLFLSDOZDUGVZHUHDIIHFWHGGXHWRLW7KH%-3 Central Budget. In recent years, food subsidy has 1;02: lions of non-existent or fake beneficia- pletely with use of technology alone. Centre), there will be plenty of products
FOHYHUO\ZDQWVWRFDVKLQRQWKLV,QWHUHVWLQJO\ZKLOHWKH*+0&SROO increased to frightening levels. During 2019-20, <0A:4C8=6 ries. Besides, other problems will persist so available in the market ensuring fair
LVQRUPDOO\IRXJKWRQFLYLFSUREOHPVOLNHZDWHUVHZHUDJHVDQLWD it was C2,19,000 crore. For 2020-21, prior to F74= There is a clamour for becoming long as the system of routing food sub- amount of competition and enabling
WLRQURDGVDQGRWKHUDPHQLWLHVWKHFDPSDLJQVKRZHGDSRODULVLQJ COVID-19, the likely spend was estimated to be 5>>36A08=B0C beneficiaries under the scheme even as sidy through State agencies continues. low price to consumers.
WUHQG ,W ZDV FHQWUHG DURXQG SRODULVLQJ FRPPHQWV RQ 3DNLVWDQ C2,53,000 crore. Including the impact of free food C !"?4A:6 there are numerous instances of people In early 2015, a committee under Dr We will have a scenario whereby the
0RKDPPDG$OL-LQQDKDOOHJDWLRQVLQYROYLQJ5RKLQJ\DUHIXJHHVDQG during April-November or about C1,50,000 0A49DBC=>C selling their subsidised quota of food- Shanta Kumar, a senior BJP leader, had market price of wheat could come down
D+LQGX0XVOLPQDUUDWLYHQRWFLYLFLVVXHV crore, this will scale up to C4,03,000 crore. In case 0E08;01;4C74 grain, say wheat bought at C2 per kg, to recognised the need to deal with non- to say C25 per kg or even less (from the
7KLVOHGWRWKH'LUHFWRU*HQHUDORI3ROLFH0DKHQGHU5HGG\WR the free food scheme is extended further, the dubious traders at C12 per kg or more. deserving beneficiaries and restricting existing minimum of C30 per kg) giv-
spend will be much higher. E4AHC7>D67C Clearly, there are millions availing sub- subsidised food only to the very poor. ing relief to everyone. Ditto for other
FRPPXQDOWURXEOH:HDUHH[DPLQLQJWKHVSHHFKHVFDUHIXOO\$FWLRQ The ballooning food subsidy is putting a huge sidised food despite being above the It recommended a cut in the number of products. It will have a deflationary
stress on the Union Budget. Faced with a short- @D82:1D2:F8;; poverty line. The official word on the those eligible for subsidised food from impact down the line as all of the
ZLOOEHWDNHQDVSHUODZDJDLQVWWKRVHWU\LQJWRFUHDWHGLVWXUEDQFHVµ fall in tax collection in recent years and the over- 14=8??43 number of poor in India is no more than 67 per cent to 40 per cent and restrict- processed food will cost less. There will
KHFDXWLRQHG+\GHUDEDGKDVRQHRIWKHODUJHVW0XVOLPSRSXODWLRQV arching need to contain fiscal deficit, the Centre 8=C741D3 25-30 per cent; yet the beneficiaries ing the benefit of C1/2/3 per kg only to be huge saving in subsidy, which will be
IRUDFLW\LQ,QGLDDERXWSHUFHQWRIWKHSHRSOHLQWKHFLW\DUH has been making short payments to the FCI, forc- under NFSA are nearly over 66 per cent. the poorest of poor people under the restricted only to the poor or about 300
0XVOLPZKLOHSHUFHQWDUH+LQGX$OOWKHSDUWLHVKDYHEHHQJHQ ing the latter to borrow heavily to sustain its oper- Further, since the handling and dis- Antyodaya Anna Yojana, while increas- million (down from existing 800 mil-
HURXVLQSURPLVLQJVRSVWRWKHHOHFWRUDWHLIWKH\ZLQ7KH%-3WKH ations. The situation is so pathetic that since 2016- tribution cost, besides the Minimum ing the supply to seven kg per person. lion) even as the Government need not
756DQGWKH&RQJUHVVKDYHSURPLVHGIUHHGULQNLQJZDWHUVXSSO\ 17, the FCI has been drawing funds from the Support Price (MSP) paid to farmers, Others should pay 50 per cent of the have to pay for any flab such as inflat-
WRWKHFLW\ZKLOHWKH%-3KDVSURPLVHGDIUHHYDFFLQHWRWDFNOHWKH National Small Savings Fund (NSSF). As on is reimbursed to the FCI and other State MSP paid to farmers. ed cost, inefficiencies, subsidy to bogus
1RYHO&RURQDYLUXVDQGUHQDPLQJRI+\GHUDEDGDV%KDJ\D1DJDU March 31, the cumulative borrowings from the agencies on “actual” as food subsidy, Even as that report is lying in cold beneficiaries and so on. This will rein
7KH&KLHI0LQLVWHURI7HODQJDQD.DOYDNXQWOD&KDQGUDVKHNKDU NSSF were to the tune of C3,30,000 crore. inefficiency and inflated cost claims storage, its prescription is nowhere in fiscal deficit and trim borrowings,
5DRLVWKUHDWHQLQJWRPRELOLVHDQRQ%-32SSRVLWLRQIURQWLQFOXG The allocation for the current year being (including bogus) are inevitable. The near addressing the flaws in the exist- thereby preventing an unsustainable
C1,26,000 crore (C1,16,000 crore provided in the “loaders” getting away with monthly ing system. The way forward is to stop burden on the future generation of tax-
LQJWKH7ULQDPRRO&RQJUHVVWKH6DPDMZDGL3DUW\WKH1DWLRQDOLVW Budget, plus C10,000 crore in the first supplemen- salary in lakhs easily pass muster under routing subsidy through the State agen- payers.
&RQJUHVV3DUW\DQGVRRQLQDQDWWHPSWWRUHYLYHWKHDQWL%-3IURQW tary demands for grants) against the requirement a cost-based mechanism. Reports of dis- cies. In other words, the Government The outcome of this approach is
2SLQLRQSROOVKDYHFRPHXSZLWKYDULHGILQGLQJVJLYLQJWKHPD[ of C4,03,000 crore, the shortfall is C2,77,000 crore. appearance of food stocks in Punjab should not sell food at subsidised price; very promising; however, its adoption
LPXPVHDWVWRWKH756DWZKLOHDOPRVWDOORIWKHPVHHWKH%-3 If no further supplementary authorisation comes, causing a loss of over C20,000 crore to instead, it should limit its role to cred- will require political courage and a fun-
ZLQQLQJQHDUO\SHUFHQWRIWKHYRWHV7KHYRWHVRIWKH0/$V the FCI will have to borrow all of this from the the exchequer in 2016 are still fresh in iting subsidy directly to the beneficia- damental change in the mindset of our
DQG03VLQWKHUHJLRQZRXOGJRLQIDYRXURIWKH756+RZHYHULW NSSF, taking its borrowings to a gargantuan people’s memory. Such inefficiencies ry’s account. The Government can policymakers.
DOOGHSHQGVRQZKRP'DPH/XFNIDYRXUVLQWKHHQG C6,07,000 crore as of March 2021. Though stay- and irregularities have also been point- transfer C280 per month (subsidy at the (The writer is a New Delhi-based
7KHZULWHULVDVHQLRUMRXUQDOLVW ing on the FCI’s balance sheet, this mammoth debt ed out by the Comptroller and Auditor rate of C28 per kg for 10 kg) to the ben- policy analyst)

In furtherance of these con- the repayment of large loans taken by sometimes in a drastic and brutal Chikmagalur constituency. In ry and formed the Government. Goa. Rajiv Gandhi, then General
cepts, her Government implement- big firms. For the benefit of the peo- manner. Sometime later, Indira November 1978, the Janata Party The MGP wanted the merger of Goa Secretary of the Congress Party, met
ed the 20-point programme. Its basic ple, the number of bank branches was Gandhi herself felt that imposition of brought in a motion to expel Indira into Maharashtra on the grounds that me and promised that statehood
objective was to eradicate poverty and increased substantially, too. the Emergency had been a mistake. Gandhi from Parliament. My party, Goa identified culturally and in would be granted to Goa. True to his
to improve the quality of life of the In Goa, we had branches of the In Goa itself, Emergency proved the Congress (U), supported this many other ways with Maharashtra. word, statehood was granted to us in
poor and the weaker sections of soci- State Bank of India (SBI) and of a cou- to be beneficial. “Trains are running motion of the ruling party. However, The United Goans Party (UGP) as the next term of the Lok Sabha dur-
ety. It included removal of rural ple of other banks in the main towns on time” was then a national slogan I personally could not support it. I felt well as the Congress held that Goa ing the premiership of Rajiv Gandhi
poverty, health, education and hous- but not in the villages. During my and in Goa the Administration that I had won the Lok Sabha elec- should not merge with Maharashtra. himself.
ing for all, justice for Scheduled Caste tenure, in the process of implemen- became more efficient, black market- tion in the name of Indira. I met The MGP wanted the matter to be It was obtained due to the efforts
(SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) and tation of the 20-Point Programme, ing and hoarding stopped and food Yashwantrao Chavan, who was the decided by voting on the floor of the of then Chief Minister Pratapsingh
54E1B4? 50;48A> equality for women. branches of different banks were and other articles of general con- leader of the Congress (U) in Assembly. Rane, my colleague in the Lok Sabha
Indira Gandhi nationalised pri- opened in practically every village of sumption were easily available, which Parliament. Chavan permitted me to This was strongly opposed by the Shantaram Naik and other leaders of
ecently, we commemorated vate sector banks and turned them our State. Similar steps were taken in was not the case earlier. The support oppose the motion. During the UGP and the Congress. Thereafter, the Congress and the MGP’s Pankar.

R the birth anniversary of the late

Indira Gandhi, who has so far
remained the only woman Prime
into the most gigantic public sector
banking system in the world, which
gave people loans for self-employ-
all States across India.
Indira Gandhi was much criti-
cised for imposing the Emergency in
of the Goan people to the
Government of India during
Emergency benefitted the Congress
debate, while my party supported the
motion, I strongly opposed it. Indira
Gandhi was in the Lok Sabha during
during the premiership of Indira
Gandhi an opinion poll (referendum)
was held for Goa. This was the first
The MGP brought a resolution
demanding Statehood for Goa. While
replying to the debate, Shashikala
Minister of India. She was considered ment. I happened to be involved in 1975 which lasted for 21 months. To Party, which went on to win the Lok the debate and apparently she never and so far the only one ever held in Kakodkar, then Chief Minister said,
the most popular leader of the mass- the implementation of the 20-Point my mind, Emergency was thought to Sabha seat of South Goa. This was the forgot my support to her on that day. the country. It went against the “In the early years after Liberation, the
es of Independent India especially Programme when I was Union be necessary at that time in view of first-ever election victory of the In 1980, I was the only candidate in demand for the merger. Thereafter, MGP stood for merger with
among the weaker sections of soci- Minister of State for Finance. The the moves of the Opposition to Congress Party in Goa. Until then, the the whole country belonging to the the Congress and the UGP demand- Maharashtra and fought for it
ety. The Congress Party during Indira banks were instructed to provide destabilise the Government and the Congress had not won a single seat Congress (U) who was also support- ed statehood for Goa. through the opinion poll in a demo-
Gandhi’s tenure coined the slogan loans to the poor and weaker sections country. The Emergency was either in Parliament, in the Assembly ed by the Congress (I). My first speech in the Lok Sabha cratic way. The verdict of the poll
“Garibi hatao (eradicate poverty)” of society who wanted to open some imposed on the advice of Sanjay or even at the municipality level. After Liberation, there were two echoed that demand for statehood. went against the merger. The MGP
and she led the efforts for the amend- small business. As a result, millions Gandhi and Siddhartha Shankar In the general elections held in opposite points of view on the status However, Morarji Desai, then Prime accepted the people’s verdict because
ment to the Preamble of the across the country got those small Ray. Much of the criticism of the 1977, Indira Gandhi lost her Lok of Goa, Daman and Diu. In the first Minister, was not in favour of small it believes in the wisdom of the elec-
Constitution to include the words, loans for setting up their own ven- Emergency was on account of the Sabha seat from Rae Barelli but four Assembly elections, the States. In 1980, Indira Gandhi torate.”
“Socialist, Secular and Democratic tures. The rate of repayment of those Family Planning programme, which immediately thereafter in 1978 she Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party returned as Prime Minister and I (The writer is a former Union
Republic of India.” loans was as good, if not better, than was implemented in North India won a byelection from the (MGP) obtained a significant victo- moved a Bill seeking statehood for Minister)
THE SIKH TIMES EDITORIAL New Delhi, Tuesday, 1 December, 2020 6

Study sheds light on possible

factors leading to obesity
Transatlantic barrier stalls China’s march
China has been concerned at the visited Tokyo to mend fences over the
enthusiastic reaction of European Union recurrent dispute with Japan over the
(EU) countries such as Germany and Senkaku islands. Wang told Japanese PM
France at the election of US President- Yoshihide Suga that Xi wanted to build
elect Joe Biden. Germany’s Foreign good working relations with him and the
Minister Heiko Maas remarked recently Senkaku dispute should not come in its
that “transatlantic friendship is way.
indispensable if we are to deal with the The two sides agreed to resume business
major challenges of our time including travel and set up a hotline to manage their
China.” maritime dispute. Japan’s dispute with
China had drawn immense leverage from China is relatively minor and PM Suga is
the hard knocks given by President hedging to improve relations with China
Trump to the transatlantic unity, calling and other countries while maintaining
Research-based on 5,425 citizens’ responses to a NATO “brain-dead”, imposing tariffs on close ties with the US.
questionnaire survey has illuminated that obesity certain German and French exports to Chinese President Xi Jinping is
causes are linked to various factors in addition to the US, publicly rebuking the EU contemplating a visit to South Korea after
the individual’s current socio-economic countries to spend more on their the coronavirus situation stabilises. But
circumstances, including childhood experiences, collective defence and taking major South Korean President Moon Jae-in is
particularly those of abuse. decisions such as withdrawal from the already under considerable domestic
The study was carried out by Project Professor Iranian nuclear and Paris climate pressure for his China-friendly approach
TAMORI Yoshikazu (Division of Creative Health agreements without consulting them. amid escalating anti-China sentiment in the
Promotion) et al.’s research group at the Kobe Finding that the US was considerably country.
University Graduate School of Medicine.
Conventionally, there is a tendency to perceive
enfeebled, had no appetite for new military
conflicts and was in a withdrawal mode, China,
Finding that the US was enfeebled, had no appetite for new Chinese PM Li Keqiang held a video summit with the
leaders of ASEAN countries in the middle of
individuals who are overweight as lacking the
willpower to improve their lifestyle habits.
under President Xi Jinping, had started setting military conflicts and was in a withdrawal mode, China under November and urged them to “take a flexible
tougher terms of engagement with the US allies approach to speed up the negotiations for a code of
However, this research study has revealed that in and partners in Europe and Asia. Supported by President Xi Jinping had started setting tougher terms of conduct to demonstrate to the international
women, obesity in adulthood is linked not only to its Belt and Road and other economic initiatives, community that they and China have the wisdom to
factors such as social environment (for example, the EU was divided with the establishment of a engagement with American allies and partners in Europe and control the situation in the South China Sea” to
economic circumstances and education), but also
to childhood experiences, in particular abuse.
group of 17 plus 1 countries, led by Hungary and
others, which supported China’s interests.
Asia. With Biden’s election and his call for a united front of avoid external (read US) interference.
China’s attitude towards Australia has been more
This suggests that improving child welfare, such as
by increasing abuse prevention measures, will
With the election of Biden and his call for the the US and its allies to confront China, the tables have turned. obdurate, telling Canberra to cease any criticism of
establishment of a “united front of the USA, its China, be it for Covid-19, its human rights record
also help to prevent obesity in adults. allies and partners to confront China’s abusive and domestic interference. Similarly, China has
These research results are due to be published in the behaviours,” the tables have suddenly turned. been truculent in its posture towards India, arguing
scientific journal PLOS ONE. need to send a ‘friendly’ message to Washington.
China finds a different EU with more tenacious leaders that the latter has drifted towards the US in its rivalry with
Obesity is increasing worldwide against a What is galling to China is that the EU countries are now
and considerable hardening in their terms of cooperation that country, an accusation India has denied. China is
background of lifestyle habits such as overeating asking her to respect the human rights of its minorities in
with China. putting immense pressure on both India and Australia to
and insufficient exercise. In Japan, approximately Xinjiang and Tibet, guarantee freedoms to Hong Kong
1 in 3 men and 1 in 5 women are overweight. EU leaders are now asking China for more market access, and release the Canadian nationals, Michael Kovrig and change course, but these countries have stoutly resisted
Obesity causes various disorders such as Type-2 elimination of subsidies to China’s state-owned Michael Spavor (arrested by China to seek the release of Beijing’s depredations.
diabetes, dyslipidemia, high blood pressure, heart enterprises (SOEs), fair terms of trade and putting Huawei top executive Meng Wanzhou) and Chinese The restoration of transatlantic unity has hurt the
disease, fatty liver, stroke and sleep apnea, thus restrictions on the SOEs for takeover of assets in the EU dissidents like Gui Minhai. When Xi Jinping told the EU considerable leverage that China had started enjoying in
shortening healthy life expectancy. markets, demands that the US had been making; they have leaders that China would not accept their lectures on pursuing a hawkish foreign policy. A Biden presidency
There is a strong relationship between obesity and told her that a comprehensive agreement on investment human rights and the EU should mind its own human would open new debates along new parameters among the
lifestyle habits, however, it has been reported would hinge on China making stronger offers. China is rights record, EU leaders pushed him back saying that US allies and partners on how best to collectively deal
overseas that various aspects of individuals’ social hoping that the EU countries would not follow the US China’s human rights violations were ‘systemic’. with a rising and aggressive China. The Chinese are
backgrounds also have an effect. In Japan, this direction in starting a new ‘cold war’, economic hoping that their quick diplomatic moves with the US
Xi, who has cultivated a strongman’s image, has little
kind of survey study had yet to be carried out. In decoupling and exclusion of Huawei from their 5G allies and partners may help in restraining some of them,
leeway to compromise on market access, state subsidies or
addition, there are racial and cultural differences networks. and side completely with the US.
between Japan and overseas. Therefore, this study human rights issues. There were earlier plans to invite the
The new undercurrents are perceptible across several EU Chinese President to a meeting with the members of the As the US, its allies and partners in Europe and Asia begin to
aimed to understand the relationship between countries. Slovakia joined the other east European push back the unfair economic policies and abusive
obesity and social background based on the results European Council (EC) next year; these have been
countries in signing declarations with the US in October, dropped for now. Instead, the EC is inviting the US behaviour of China collectively, the terms of engagement
of a survey carried out in Japan. aimed at rolling back the Chinese influence in 5G telecom set by Beijing earlier, would, undoubtedly, undergo a
Revealing the relationship between obesity and the President to discuss the shared priorities.
infrastructure. The Netherlands has become reluctant to change. The Chinese leadership is making its best efforts
individual’s social background will make a large In Asia, too, the senior Chinese leaders are at work to deal
renew an export licence for the sale of critical microchip to ensure that they don’t lose too much in the new political
contribution towards measures to tackle and with new maelstroms stirred by the resumption of
technology to China. Even an indebted Italy is now trying alignment.
prevent obesity. transatlantic unity. Foreign Minister Wang Yi recently
to balance its economic relationship with China with the
Research results
In 2018, the Kobe City authorities distributed a
survey to 20,000 citizens aged between 20 and 64
about aspects such as their living conditions and
Find a meeting point on farm laws
health issues in order to gain an understanding of The farmer protests, primarily led stakeholders. And the second is
residents’ health. Based on the results of this
questionnaire, Professor Tamori investigated �Reach out by land-owning agriculturists of the fear of the mandi and
Punjab, have raised a range of minimum support price (MSP)
what sort of personal living conditions were
connected to obesity, which has been called ‘the
sensitively, questions — about India’s larger regime getting undermined.
cause of all kinds of diseases’. and find a political economy, relations Farmers will have to recognise that
between Centre and states and the reality of the laws will not
There were more obese male respondents (27.2%)
than female respondents (10.6%), which is the
mechanism to between states, the salience of change. They also need to
same as the national trend in Japan. When the
researchers investigated the social and personal
assure identity politics in Punjab,
especially given its troubled
understand that extremist
rhetoric and action — including
factors that were linked to obesity, they found that farmers that history of the 1980s, and the flirting with extreme identity-
there were differences in the following categories
between obese women and those with an average their incomes capacity of the Indian State to
allow dissent and be politically
issues when the demand is
largely economic — is wrong,
weight: employment status, household economic
circumstances, educational background,
will be accommodative. But at the root unacceptable, and undermines
extracurricular activities during middle protected, of it is the question of finding a
meeting point between what is a
their own cause. At the same
time, the government must
school/high school, economic circumstances at
age 15, and experiences of adversity during including reality and the apprehensions there is sound rationale for the the laws have generated recognise the depth of the
generated by that reality. sentiment of farmers, reach out
childhood. Furthermore, marital status, household
economic circumstances, educational
through an The reality is that Parliament has
move — agricultural markets apprehensions because of two
sensitively, and find a mechanism
needed to be liberalised, there is a reasons. The first was the rather
background, and experiences of adversity during amendment if passed laws which will change greater need for interface abrupt manner in which the to assure farmers that their
childhood were factors that could predict the onset the manner in which agricultural incomes will be protected,
of obesity. On the other hand, no statistical necessary produce is procured and traded.
between industry and farmers,
and this will potentially enhance
change was brought about — the
Centre should have invested including through an amendment
differences were found between the surveyed As this newspaper has argued, if necessary.
categories in men. farm incomes. At the same time, more in engaging with all

Prioritising healthcare counts, not grandstanding

Grind is the glory in healthcare policy-making. Glitz is not! they artfully bundle issues to their benefit. Though there
But one sees flashy and sizzling pronouncements more How do people become demanders of affordable and accessible healthcare? Community- is a tendency to move towards the median need even in an
often. The Covid-19 pandemic has been a wake-up call. based organisations, NGOs and the panchayat system should create a demand among electoral promise, it is surprising that something on
Worse still, the position and pathway taken in health is the people. Once it is created and figures in the election as an issue, politicians are which 80% of the voters depend has not been flagged as
not optimal because it is not critical to political the real issue. In the process, the political establishment
equilibrium. Inevitably, we find policies and actions bound to respond to this new development. Only then will priority funding, proper can change the distribution of benefits. It can support the
where rubber does not meet the road and health outcomes sequencing and recognition of issues involved take place. corporate hospital while starving off the public health
end up short. Now, it is beyond doubt that unless there is a institutions. It can go for an insurance scheme where
political will to reform, no palpable change will be conveniently sidestep their systemic challenges in forced to correct its course? private sector institutions get their custom and
possible. The interregnum is more dangerous where a consolidating the existing government hospitals and Letting go is an important aspect of health management consequently, public institutions, particularly primary
market without competitive equilibrium will operate continue to under-invest in money and manpower. There healthcare, suffer.
where science and judgement of the professional can
even though 80% of society does not get attended to, is a shortage of 20% doctors in PHCs and 33% specialists Emphasis can continue to be on increasing the number of
prevail. The pandemic showed disconnect between
lacks affordability or faces hardships to access the in CHCs. Even if the budget is enhanced significantly, it institutions without consolidating the existing ones
policies and scientific judgement. An association of
healthcare offered by the market (Niti Aayog statistics). may be wasted on unwise new-fangled ideas. despite a shortfall in trained manpower, giving full play
political actors should be at the board level of these
Resultantly, the government misses out the opportunity to smoke and mirrors.
Letting be requires putting your health institutions, instead of direct
on right investment.
attention where the nous of the matter intervention, which topples the How do people become demanders of affordable and
Bangladesh invested in healthcare. They pressed the right lies. When 80% of the people go to apple cart. To be fair, politicians here accessible healthcare? Community-based organisations,
button, remained substantially undistracted by the glitzy rural medical practitioners (RMPs), are clueless and they must be guided NGOs and the panchayat system should create a demand
best practices and the improvement in social indicators is the political economy doesn’t allow by the enlightened policy actors. among the people. Once it is created and figures in the
there to see. Better social indicators, among others, the BSc nursing graduates to become Instead, what we see is a widely election as an issue, politicians are bound to respond to
contributed to better economic outcome. But how do we a nursing practitioner who are more believed crony plan to corporatise this new development. Only then will priority funding,
actualise and trigger the need for change and reform. The amenable to work in rural areas. them with private capital. If it is true, proper sequencing and recognition of issues involved
reforms required are quite well-known. They are letting Instead, the emphasis is on creating it is driven by pure greed of the real take place. There will be recognition that there is no
go, letting be and doing right. The present resolute more doctors knowing full well that estate of public health institutions. escape from direct production and allocation at the
leadership gives a lot of hope. But can they do it right? they would be reluctant to go to the The ecosystem of public hospitals primary level and certain secondary and tertiary
The real leadership hinges on doing the right thing. Once villages to serve. Curiously, what we can change without giving them on a hospitals.
that is done, the right way of doing it will fall in place. see in a country with 50 crore poor and another 50 crore platter to the private sector which does not hold solutions But here, grind is the glory. To force the government to
Let's start in reverse. Having an insurance scheme for non-poor who can easily slide below the poverty line is to the health problem of most Indians. recognise the inescapability of the critical issues and the
secondary and tertiary care at the cost of primary naïve to repose faith in private and corporate healthcare For the right policies to be enforced and right emphasis in responsibility involved, the people and the NGOs will
healthcare is not the best way of going forward. It could with an insurance scheme. The result can range between terms of priority and budget to be given to the sector, have to package it as an electoral issue. This will compel
be a good support scheme for the corporate hospitals, but the sub-optimality to calamitous outcome. Nowhere was political will is a must. But in most countries, until the the political actors to respond to it as an electoral trade-
does not meet the healthcare needs. On the one hand, we the inevitable mismatch clearly discernible as during time the political establishment is threatened, health does off. Politicians cannot escape the onus by organising
see a willful deprioritisation of support to primary Covid-19, when revenue gouging and reluctance of not get the priority and importance it deserves. Be they glitzy schemes with questionable outcomes. Both sides
healthcare and other public hospitals. We also see an private players came to the fore. Underinvestment in the National Health Service (NHS) of the UK or will have to put their act together and it is not without
insidious collaboration with private hospitals by leaving primary healthcare and negligible investment in the elsewhere, until the time the ruling elite is pushed to the grind. Next time a pandemic happens, the country will
the space open to them, even though it is beyond the government’s hospitals exacerbate deep problems in the corner, it has not happened. not hopefully grapple with half truths and ‘ad hocism’
majority's affordability, and thereby access. They also health sector. Can the politico-bureaucratic structure be Politicians and political parties are vote maximisers and then.
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evelopment being his main plank,
Prime Minister Narendra Modi
inaugurated the six-lane, 73-km
Varanasi-Prayagraj National
Highway in his constituency to

improve connectivity in the entire eastern Ut- hile zeroing in on a mutual fund
tar Pradesh. The widened section of NH 19 as an investment opportunity,
has been built with an outlay of Rs. 2,447 crore various measures can come into
and is expected to reduce the travel time be- play. Some of the widely known
tween the two cities by about one hour. The measures assess the mutual
prime minister was in Kashi, believed to be fund performance based
Lord Shiva’s abode, for a mega development on risk assumed and returns
push and to review the progress of the Rs generated. A more comprehen-
600-crore Kashi Vishwanath Extension and sive way to analyze both the fac-
Beautification project. The infra projects are tors simultaneously is to look at
part of prime minister’s ambitious plan of the fund’s risk-adjusted returns.
developing Varanasi on the lines of Kyoto.
Although Ganga is not yet pollution-free, RETURN MEASURES
the famous ghats of Varanasi have become 1. Historical Performance: The
cleaner and more picturesque. The develop- most important yardstick that
ment, the PM said, will boost tourism to the lets an investor shortlist a
city. This is his first visit to the city during mutual fund is its historical
the pandemic. performance. While historical
In line with his initiative to make India returns do not guarantee future
aatmnirbhar (self-reliant), the prime minis- performance, the returns do
ter pitched for local products as he asked the indicate the fund’s appeal and n Create a well-diversified portfo- an adverse movement in the
crowd to complete his slogan “vocal for” by competence when compared lio of mutual funds by reducing mutual fund value.
adding “local” and told them that the prefer- with other funds within the the repetition of exposure to
ence for local products during Diwali should same category. sectors. SOME OF WIDELY FUND-SPECIFIC FACTORS
be made a daily affair. 2. Attribution Analysis: Attribu- n Review existing funds for any KNOWN MEASURES n Style Analysis and Drift: Style
The thrust of the prime minister’s address, tion analysis is a detailed pro- style drift toward that of the ASSESS THE MUTUAL analysis involves determin-
however, was the farmers’ agitation. Insist- cess of understanding whether benchmark. An actively-man- FUND PERFORMANCE ing the investment style of
ing that the farmers should have access to the the fund’s return adheres to aged is supposed to outper- the fund manager. Investment
bigger markets, he said “reforms have given the fund philosophy and is form the benchmark and not styles can be of varied types
agriculturists new options and legal protec- directly influenced by the fund mimic the performance of the
ASSUMED AND and depend upon the market
tion”. He asked if the farmers should not get manager’s strategy. Attribution benchmark. Therefore, if the RETURNS GENERATED. A capitalization and valuation of
freedom to sell his produce directly to those analysis is understanding the R2 measure is high, it means MORE COMPREHENSIVE the stocks. The most common
who give them better prices and facilities. source of returns, which can the returns of a fund are highly WAY TO ANALYZE BOTH forms of styles are growth
He attacked the Opposition for “cheating be one of the three: Alloca- correlated to that of the bench- THE FACTORS investing and value investing.
farmers” in the name of loan waivers and tion to sectors, Specific stock mark essentially reducing the SIMULTANEOUSLY IS TO Growth investing is focused
minimum support price and fertilisers. selection, and/or an interaction fund’s ability to create alpha. LOOK AT THE FUND’S on stocks to gain momentum
While reminding farmers that his govern- of the two. 3. Up and Down-market capture: RISK-ADJUSTED in the near-term owing to
ment kept its promise of giving them 1.5 Up-market and down-market RETURNS above-average growth in earn-
times more MSP as per the M.S. Swamina- RISK MEASURES captures are to mutual funds ings. On the other hand, value
than’s report, he said “The farmers are being 1. Standard Deviation: Standard what a beta is to stock. Market investing is focused on stocks
misled on these historic reforms by the peo- Deviation (SD) is a measure of captures measure the fund’s that are undervalued relative
ple who have misled them for decades. risk that measures the devia- sensitivity to index or bench- to their fundamentals and re-
The prime minister did not appear agreea- tion of returns from the mean mark movements. A higher additional unit of risk. Excess quired the fund manager to be
ble to the agitating farmers demand for repeal returns. SD of the mutual up-market ratio and a lower return is defined as the fund’s invested for a longer-term.
of the new agri-marketing legislation. He The most fund lets the investor under- down-market ratio makes a return over the risk-free rate of n Turnover Ratio: The turnover
charged the Opposition for creating apprehen- common forms stand the expected volatil- fund attractive. The higher the return. The unit of risk is the ratio is an indicator of how
sions in the minds of the people and instigat- of styles are ity in the fund’s returns. For ratio, the more the outper- standard deviation. The higher often a fund manager buys and
ing protests over “what has not happened, or growth example, if a fund has an SD formance of the fund. the Sharpe ratio, the greater replaces securities for a fund.
was never going to happen”. Farmers doubted investing and of 5 percent and an expected the fund performance. Turnover ratio is the number of
the government’s intentions because of the return of 15 percent, the actual RISK-ADJUSTED 2. Sortino Ratio: Sortino ratio is securities replaced expressed
lies being fed to them and assured the farming returns may vary between 10 similar to the Sharpe ratio in as a percentage of the total
community of clearing all their doubts. investing. percent and 20 percent. Risk-adjusted returns incorporate that the Sortino ratio also is number of stocks that the fund
But the farmers have refused to budge. The Growth 2. R-Squared (R2): R-squared is the theory of risk-return trade-off a relative measure and uses invests in. The turnover ratio is
All-India Kisan Sangharsh Co-ordination investing is a statistical measure of the per- in that a higher degree of risk excess return as one of its typically high for actively man-
Committee called the PM’s statement an “in- focused on centage of fund’s returns that demands higher returns. Risk- inputs. The key difference is aged funds and low for index
sult” to their hopes of their concerns being stocks to gain can be explained by the move- adjusted returns use a measure that the Sharpe ratio uses the funds.
addressed by the government. In farmers’ momentum in ments in the fund’s bench- of volatility to specify the risk total volatility as a measure of n Total Expense Ratio: TER
view the legislation is about “freedom to the mark. R-squared determines undertaken. Popular risk-adjusted risk whereas the Sortino ratio includes management fees,
corporate, opportunities to the corporate and
the near-term the similarity between the fund return metrics are: uses downside deviation as administrative fees, brokerage
income for the corporate”. Farmers reiter- owing to above- and the fund’s benchmark. 1. Sharpe Ratio: Sharpe Ra- a measure of risk. A higher costs, and legal costs. The
ated that no political party was behind their average growth R-squared can be used by tio measures the excess return Sortino ratio is favorable and expense ratio reduces the net
agitation as they braved the winter chill. in earnings. investors to: generated by the fund for every signifies a lower probability of return available to an investor.

What Ails Corporate Governance in India? Top


ost businesses India’s banking sector. In and has other benefits. In- effect incentivized to take Jagat Prakash Nadda
perish not be- general, private sector dia is short of capital and advantage of minority @JPNadda
cause of strong banks have practiced bet- needs to earn investors’ shareholders. Today, on the auspicious
competition or ter governance than state- trust. Without an infusion Second is the slow and occasion of Prakash Parv,
adverse macro- owned ones. Consequently, of capital, the Indian econ- selective enforcement by sought blessings by praying at
economic conditions but their financial and operat- omy will fail to thrive. the Securities and Ex- Shri Bangla Sahib Gurudwara
because of cracks within. ing metrics also tell a story There are multiple is- change Board of India and prayed for the happiness
One such failing is weak of profitable growth with sues that plague corporate (SEBI), the country’s mar- and prosperity of all.
corporate governance. For less asset quality issues governance in India. First ket regulator. Cases against
publicly listed companies, than their public sector is the lack of accountabili- the management’s mis-
this often translates to con- peers. No wonder that pri- ty among controlling share- steps take years to resolve. Prakash Javadekar
trolling shareholders or vate sector banks trade at a holders. For example, pro- SEBI generally hands out @PrakashJavdekar
“promoters” pursuing poli- higher valuation than pub- moters get away with ap- warnings or mild punish- Do not misunderstand the
cies and practices in their lic sector ones. pointing their friends, ex- ments. This could be be- Farm Law. Punjab farmers
own interests at the expense Higher valuation puts majority of credit growth talent management, widen- employees and business- cause SEBI does not have sold more paddy in the market
of minority shareholders. It these banks into a virtuous in India is led by private ing their economic moat. school classmates as inde- enough resources to deal on #MSP than last year. MSP
is also alive and market is alive
turns out that companies growth cycle. They are able sector banks. In fact, state- pendent directors with no with a large number of
and government procurement
with such promoters are at to raise capital cheaply owned banks are strug- MULTIPLE ISSUES one raising an eyebrow. cases, or it could be a lack is also happening.
greater risk of crises and with less dilution. This re- gling and the government India boasts of the oldest Often, statutory auditors of authority or compe-
near-death moments in bad inforces their already high is forced to merge them to stock exchange in Asia, are given only one-year ex- tence. In certain cases, pro-
economic cycles. Those return ratios, which in ensure their survival. The which is also the region’s tensions to pressurize them moters are extremely pow-
companies with better gov-
ernance, where promoters
turn continue to support a
higher valuation. This self-
success of well-run private
banks demonstrates how
largest. However, corporate
governance in India still
to “comply” with manage-
ment demands. Compliant
erful and politically con-
nected. Given that regula-
act responsibly in the inter- perpetuating cycle has led good governance can lower lags behind many other auditors tend to persist for tors are political appoin- SPEAK
ests of shareholders, tend to to long-term compounding a company’s cost of capital. places like Singapore or too long, developing far-too- tees, it is far from easy for
do better during adversity. of shareholder returns. That is not all. The result- Taiwan. India must under- cozy relationships with the them to ignore pressure “In whom there is no
In fact, savvy investors now State-owned peers have ing higher valuation also stand that good corporate very people they are sup- from politicians, remain sympathy for living beings:
treat good corporate govern- fared much worse. gives such companies im- governance is the founda- posed to keep an eye on. impartial, punish the pow- know him as an outcast.”
ance as an intangible asset. Despite a large number mense pricing power in tion of a lasting business. It With no strong checks and erful and deliver justice.
This can be best seen in of state-owned banks, the corporate transactions and builds investor confidence balances, promoters are in FAIROBSERVER.COM

 Vol 2  Issue No. 175  RNI NO. RAJENG/2019/77764. Printed and published by Anita Hada Sangwan on behalf of First Express Publishers. Printed at Bhaskar Printing Press, D.B. Corp Limited, Shivdaspura, Tonk Road, Jaipur.

Published at 304, 3rd Floor, City Mall, Bhagwan Das Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur-302001, Rajasthan. Phone 0141-4920504. Editor-In-Chief: Jagdeesh Chandra. Editor: Anita Hada Sangwan responsible for selection of news under the PRB Act
pg 5


Mend ties in region, Subhani

try to counter China

e are glad of the flurry of in-person, “non-virtual” diplomacy effected by
India in recent weeks in order to pay greater attention to neighbour-
hood contours that have been allowed to languish of late for want of
foresight, although it is time to ponder how this will be rated on the ade-
quacy scale.
India’s immediate neighbourhood is “Saarc Plus” if we take into account
Myanmar to the east, China to the north, and Iran and the Gulf Arab states to the
west. Of these, the prickly or difficult ties have traditionally been with Pakistan
and China, which too need engagement of another kind. Regrettably, however, for
some time we have lost sight of the value of ties within Saarc, Afghanistan being
the exception, and the neighbourhood too if Iran and the Gulf are excluded.
The relationship with Beijing has now grown tense, with China having militari-
ly encroached into our territory in Ladakh this summer, with India responding to
save face by amassing forces inside our own borders
Regrettably for to face the People’s Liberation Army. Our northern
Will our farmers force
neighbour’s repeated attempts to encircle us on the
some time we have Bhutan and Sikkim side has added gravity to the
lost sight of the way we think about China.
value of ties within China’s military incursion into Indian territory BRAZEN DISPLAY
Saarc, Afghanistan adds many layers of complexity to an already com-
being the excep- plicated dynamic, whose key characteristic was per-
It is despicable that an

arrogant govt to yield?

sistent Chinese efforts over a fairly long period to cut
tion, and the neigh- us off from our South Asian neighbours, one by one, acutely debt-ridden Goa
bourhood too if Iran by lavishing vast sums of money on these countries government has decided
and the Gulf are in the form of investments and infrastructural
excluded. installations, besides buildup of defence facilities. to merrily squander a
It’s no exaggeration to say that Beijing has got pretty whopping `100 crore to
far in that game, and it is to this reality that the There is enough to positive spin turns out be
celebrate 60 years of
Narendra Modi government has finally woken up. a bluff, and the farmers
discuss there, and have seen through this.
Parsa Venkateshwar Goa’s liberation.
Thus, we had the foreign secretary heading to Bangladesh in August. A few
weeks later, in early October, he was in Myanmar along with the Army Chief. In the government The Prime Minister and
may have a point or Ironically, what Goa is
October-November there has been a cluster of visits. The external affairs minister
headed to Bahrain, the UAE and Seychelles in the Indian Ocean. The Army Chief Rao Jr two, but it does not
the government have
been forced on to the witnessing today is
and the RAW chief showed up in Kathmandu, followed up by the foreign secretary. backfoot. They will have
Relations with Nepal have dipped with Kathmandu eating into Indian territory,
matter if the people to take greater pains to
another liberation move-
redrawing boundary maps and getting this endorsed by its legislature. There is affected by them explain the hidden bene- ment by way of a peo-
considerable lost political ground to cover even as India is going about promising remain suspicious fits to the farmers that ple’s uprising against ill-

development aid for infrastructure, connectivity and education. The national he march of the cious and hostile, and the and hostile, and the would flow from the new
conceived projects that
security adviser was in Colombo for the fourth meeting of the India, Sri Lanka, Punjab farmers government do not have government do not laws, or they will have to
Maldives trilateral maritime security conference, which had been dormant for to New Delhi, any convincing argu-
have any convinc-
promise to address the are sought to be bull-
some time. accompanied by ments. concerns of the farmers
On the whole, however, there is a sense that these are bit moves to compensate their counter- What is at issue is the ing arguments. and incorporate them dozed against their wish-
for lost time in which the Chinese have made deft manoeuvres. Even as our foreign parts from Uttar Pradesh, Modi government’s con- into the laws through nec- es. With the Mhadei
secretary left Kathmandu, the Chinese defence minister landed there for follow-up Rajasthan and other parts viction that it can do no constituency of the Akali essary amendments. waters issue haunting us
action. Our eastern Himalayan neighbours are extremely valuable in dealing with of northern India, despite wrong, and that the farm- Dal, and it is alleged that More than anything
the Chinese. In the Narendra Modi government’s six years, foreign policy has all the attempts by the ers in this case should the Agriculture Produce else, Mr Modi and his col- apart from other frauds, it
mainly meant being worshipful of the US to the extent of showing partisanship BJP-ruled Haryana gov- grasp the good being done Marketing Committees leagues need to learn, is inappropriate for the
with President Donald Trump in domestic US politics. This is not just amateurish ernment, and the refusal for them. The attitude is (APMC), or the mandi quickly, that they are not
but also harmful. The neglect of neighbours, breaching the first principles of diplo- of the leaders of the farm- not that of a democratical- committees in the state, infallible, that they mean government to even have
macy, has been another feature of our recent policy. It is time to rethink priorities ers’ unions to abide by the ly elected government, are controlled by the first to do the right thing but thought of this celebra-
and have a few good, grand ideas in a rapidly changing environment. conditions laid down by but that of a paternalist family of the party, yet go wrong, and that tion and at a time when
Union home minister state which believes that Prakash Singh Badal and even without any evil
Amit Shah to move to a people should accept the his son Sukhbir Singh intention they may do the pandemic is raging.
A long way still to go specified protest site
before talks with the gov-
ernment could begin, and
government’s decisions
in good faith and not raise
impertinent questions.
The BJP under Mr Modi
has been on the warpath
things that harm people
more than benefiting
them. Their desire to
Aires Rodrigues
Ribander, Goa
more basically rejecting The Modi government of weakening its allies in change the country
ndia’s economy, according to a set of numbers released by the government last the home ministry’s has been getting its way the National Democratic overnight based on a par-
week, has shrunk by 7.5 per cent in the quarter that ended on September 30. intervention and insist- in the last six-and-a-half- Alliance — the Shiv Sena liamentary majority
The contraction in the size of the economy for the second successive quarter ing that the talks will be years, but now it has in Maharashtra, the Akali reveals political immatu- THIS REFERS TO THE editorial
has technically got the Indian economy into recession for the first time in its his- held with the agriculture come up against the farm- Dal in Punjab, and Janata rity. Farm reforms may “Farmers have its ear...” (November
tory. A decline in economic growth for two consecutive quarters indicates a reces- ministry, is a clear rebuff ers’ formidable barri- Dal (United) in Bihar. The be necessary but for them 30). The Centre is blowing hot and
sion, or economic stagnation. The silver lining, however, was that the degree of to the self-righteous and cades. The Haryana and Shiv Sena and Akali Dal to be successful it is not cold on the farmers’ strike. By all
contraction in the economy has reduced in the July-September quarter, compared arrogant Narendra Modi Delhi police, with the lat- have sensed the danger enough to pass new laws. accounts it is now in a Catch-22 situ-
to the April-June quarter. government one-and-a- ter falling under the and they are hitting back, There is need to connect ation. If it rolls back the new laws, it
While economic activity picked up pace in the second quarter of financial year half years into its second Union home ministry, though the JD(U) is not in with the people and win will set a wrong precedent and derail
2020-21, there is no consensus about the durability of this economic growth. term. The farmers are not have tried to barricade a position to do so now. their trust and consent, or its ambition to introduce reforms in
Industrial activity witnessed in the July-September quarter could be to address willing to buy the spin of the farmers’ march but Prime Minister Modi at least of a majority of various other sectors. How the gov-
pent-up demand during the festive season. While people have slowly started Prime Minister Narendra there was no stopping the seems to have miscalcu- them. The BJP has come ernment proves its mettle by ending
resuming their normal activities, business transactions in the touch-heavy sec- Modi and his Cabinet and farmers. The Union gov- lated the horse sense of to believe in the mantra of the impasse remains to be seen. Not
tors have still not reached their pre-Covid levels — a key prerequisite for India’s party colleagues that the ernment had to get off its the farmers. The hard- “Modi hai toh mumkin to mention the overlooked fact that
economic growth re-entering the positive territory. three farm reform laws high horse, and Mr Shah nosed men and women of hai”. It is not. Even Mr the big farmers of Punjab and
According to data released by the ministry of statistics, key indicators such as rushed through the two was forced to plead with the soil are not going to be Modi must persuade and Haryana are in fact a most pampered
cargo handled at seaports and airports, production of cement, sale of commercial Houses of Parliament dur- the farmers that the gov- overwhelmed by the PM’s convince the people. He lot, who enjoy subsidies, free elec-
vehicles, and exports continued to underperform and remain in a two-digit con- ing the Monsoon Session ernment was ready to talk rhetoric and sweet talk. cannot simply have his tricity, etc. They comprise the
traction. The inter-city movement of people — as shown by data of airports and in September through a to them and that they His “one nation, one farm own way. Mr Modi and adhatiyas, who clearly stand to lose.
the railways — has not reached normal levels yet. Unless such a big component of voice vote was to should move to the market” idea does not fool the BJP might chomp at Deepak Singhal
the GDP does not resume its activity, the real economic growth will not be seen. strengthen the position of Nirankari Grounds at them. the reins of democratic Noida
The government, which was expected to step in to restore demand normality in farmers. Burari on the outskirts of They know their prob- controls exerted by the
the economy, has in fact reduced its revenue expenditure. The government's final
consumption expenditure, according to the ministry of statistics, has come down
The issue is no longer
about the merits and
the national capital. It
appears that Mr Shah has
lem is different from that
of their counterparts in
people. But they must
learn to hold back and WILL HE, WON’T HE?
by over `1 lakh crore at `3.62 lakh crores in the second quarter of fiscal 2020-21 demerits of the laws shak- no option but to yield fur- other parts of the country, reconsider all issues. ACTOR RAJINIKANTH CONTIN-
compared `4.65 lakh crores in the second quarter of fiscal 2019-20. In a scenario, ing off the shackles of the ther ground. and they know the prob- There is an urgent need to UES TO maintain suspense over his
where the government tries to escape its responsibility by blaming an act of God, local mandis and appar- There is of course the lems they face on the change the style of gover- political entry in Tamil Nadu. On
one could only hope that God gives Indians strength to beat the coronavirus and ently freeing the farmers fact that this is also a ground more than any nance from that of the Monday he asked his Rajini Makkal
help them resuscitate the ailing economy. to sell where they choose, political tussle between government which pre- presidential to the parlia- Mandram (RMM) functionaries to
of giving a backdoor the BJP and its erstwhile tends that it knows best. mentary. Had the govern- continue their efforts to strengthen
entry to corporates into ally in Punjab, the The issue of minimum ment sent the bills for the mandram while he would
engaging farmers to grow Shiromani Akali Dal. The support price is only one review by a joint select announce his final decision on taking
what they need for their farmers form the core part of the problem. By committee, as the Akalis the political plunge soon. Only a
commercial purposes and freeing the mandis or and the Opposition par- while ago, it seemed that he had given
lifting the “essential com- grain markets, the Centre ties had so vociferously up on these plans after keeping his
THE ASIAN AGE modities” tag from food- By freeing the is not enabling the farm- urged, there would have supporters on tenterhooks for several
T. VENKATRAM REDDY grains and other com- mandis, the Centre ers to sell their produce been time and scope years. A true leader does not betray
modities, enabling corpo- where they want to enough to respond to the the hopes of his people.
Editor in Chief
is not enabling the because 90 per cent of concerns of the farmers
Printer & Publisher: K. SUDHAKAR rate groups to store the Sankar Paul
THE ASIAN AGE office is located at:
produce. farmers to sell their them are small and mar- and to incorporate the Chakdaha, West Bengal
New Delhi: Jawaharlal Nehru National Youth Centre, 219 Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg, New Delhi-110002. Phone:
(011) 23211124. There is enough to dis- produce where ginal farmers owning not necessary changes before
Published and Printed on behalf of and for cuss there, and the gov- they want to more than two acres of they became law. `500 for the best letter of the
◗ Deccan Chronicle Holdings Limited, Jawaharlal Nehru National Youth Centre, 219 Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg, ernment may have a point because 90 per land, but it is enabling the
New Delhi 110 002 at BFL Infotech Ltd., C-9, Sector-III, Noida -201301.
or two, but it does not corporates to enter the The writer is a
week goes to R. Narayanan
◗ London: Quickmarsh Ltd, 8th Floor, Block 2, Elizabeth House, 39 York Road, London, SE1 7NQ.
matter if the people affect- cent of them are mandis. Delhi-based commentator (Nov. 23). Email:
RNI Registration number: 57290/94
ed by them remain suspi- marginal farmers The Prime Minister’s and analyst asianage.letters@gmail.com

ndia’s economy had contracted ested in “deep thinking and the protesters are anti-national and minister of India, has said that the presidential election and a
for another three months, we research”. In the economic survey, separatists. The standard line that implementation of his pet project, Democrat will become America’s
were told late last week. he used Wikipedia as a source. is used for anyone — academics, the Citizenship Amendment Act, new President in two months’ time.
Meaning that, as a nation, we pro- News about the third quarter is not minorities, farmers, dissident has been postponed for now. He The Democratic Party has been
duced less in goods and services good. Bank credit is lower in the industrialists — who points out says this is because of Covid-19 and very vocal about its concern that
than we did in the same period last current period than it was in the that what the government is doing he will only implement the CAA India is heading in the wrong direc-
year. Meaning also that Indian fam- one when the economy contracted. is wrong. It is like children and after the pandemic ends. Why tion under Mr Modi and is damag-
Aakar Patel ilies in the numbers of lakhs and
perhaps crores got pulled into
The core sectors (steel, cement,
electricity, coal, oil, refining and
name-calling. That is the level of
maturity in our national debate.
Covid-19 should affect India’s giv-
ing citizenship to those non-
ing itself by indulging in overt
majoritarianism and harassing and
poverty. India’s economy has con- fertilisers) shrunk in October. If On the Ladakh front, China has Muslims who came to India illegal- bullying its own minorities. We
tracted for six months since Prime you do not know this, it might be refused to go back from the spaces ly before December 2014 is not will see what the effect of India's
Minister Narendra Modi called for because the Prime Minister and the they have occupied on our border known. No other law has been outreach to the Democrats is soon
the harshest lockdown in the finance minister have not tweeted and the Indian Army has to spend paused because of it. But after an enough.
world. This has brought the nation about it. If they ignore something, the winter in spaces that have not aggressive campaign against those Meanwhile, there has been no let-

Looking at the into what economists call a reces-

sion, whose definition is two
straight quarters of de-growth.
We know we are in a recession
then it doesn’t exist. The data is all
from the corporate sector. We have
no idea what is happening to the
unorganised and small sectors
been prepared for such an eventu-
ality. Our jawans were issued
sleeping bags that have been previ-
ously found to be “unfit for use in
he called “termites”, Amit Shah is
now hesitant to take India down the
road of religious discrimination. It
might help to understand why by
up in the conduct of the ruling
party. In Uttar Pradesh, Madhya
Pradesh and elsewhere, laws have
been passed that will jail Muslim

future in fear as because of the media.

The Prime Minister has not tweet-
ed out the numbers his government
has put out. The finance minister
where most Indians are employed.
The weak and the poor cannot
“work from home”. They must toil
every day to eat. We do know that
glacier and super higher altitude
areas”. But they must make do
because the political establishment
has decided it does not want to deal
looking at what our ambassador in
the United States is up to.
He has spent the last two weeks
sweet talking those American lead-
men for 10 years if they marry
Hindu women. In Hyderabad, the
BJP has said in the campaign for
the local elections that a vote for

economy goes has not done so either. The Niti

Aayog’s head says he was “pleas-
antly surprised” that the numbers
were not worse that had been
the lockdown, like the earlier
demonetisation, like GST, has
taken work away from the small
and the poor and given it to the cor-
with the problem. The Prime
Minister tweeted that he had an
“excellent discussion with my
friend Boris Johnson”, the British
ers who had previously condemned
India’s actions on the CAA, the
National Register of Citizens and
on Kashmir.
Muslims is a vote against India.
Ten years ago, this would have pro-
duced outrage, but today it is nor-
mal and is accepted because it has

into ‘de-growth’ expected. The chief economic

adviser professes “cautious opti-
mism” about the data. He had pre-
viously predicted growth in the two
porate sector. The stock market is
at a historic high for this reason.
Elsewhere, the capital of our
nation is facing farmers’ protests.
Prime Minister, about climate
change and other matters. He has
not found the time to have a discus-
sion with his friend Xi Jinping
He has been tweeting out the
details of the meetings without say-
ing why India was now engaging
with those who did not like the
become normalised. This is what is
going on in our country today. It is
hard to see any of it without a sense
of dread and fear for what is hap-
quarter from April to September. It They want the government to take about his Army going back from actions of the Narendra Modi gov- pening and what may lie ahead.
turned out that instead of growth back the laws that will gut procure- our borders. Again, if you don’t ernment. The reason of course is
we had a contraction of 23.9 per ment and affect their livelihood. talk about the problem, it doesn't that Mr Modi’s friend Donald The writer is a columnist and a
cent. He describes himself as inter- The government’s agents have said exist. His right hand man, the home Trump has been defeated in the senior journalist
Editorial 4
Readers Messenger
(English Weekly)
Lucknow, Tuesday, 01December , 2020

A DBT for manufacturers A new civil war in Ethiopia

the Leftist Derg junta. Sadly, Derg continued both reputation and severe criticism from the the Southern Ethiopian People’s Democratic
in power in Ethiopia till 1991, when it was Ethiopians in its entire period in power and Movement. From the very beginning of his
Jagdish K.Maurya finally ousted by the armed rebels. And even after. Many say that during its time, tenure, his role was ambivalent as he could
incidentally, the TPLF was an integral part of child mortality rate fell, and the famine was hardly keep the powerful alliance partners
The Central Government has a coalition of resistance forces that finally prevented. But others argue that the under his control.
approved production-linked moved out the junta from the power corridors Tigrayan-led EPRDF was no other than an And most importantly, since he did not
incentives (PLI) for manufacturers in of Ethiopia. Then TPLF leader Meles Zenawi absolute authoritarian regime that ruled the belong to the powerful Tigray community, it
13 sectors. It essentially means that was absolutely difficult for him to exercise
if an eligible manufacturer produces administrative control over them. Over the
and sells/exports eligible goods years, the Tigray ethnic group has massively
worth Rs 100 crore, the Government BETWEEN THE LINES
Over the years, the Tigray ethnic group has massively expanded its sway over the army, secret
will give him Rs 5 crore (assuming
five per cent incentive) as a reward/incentive because Hari shankar expanded its sway over the army, secret services and services and the bureaucracy. These
circumstances offered an opportune moment
such sale/export of locally manufactured goods will the bureaucracy. These circumstances offered an for Abiy to get elected as the leader of the
create local jobs. Ethiopia, located in the Horn of Africa, is EPRDF. For years, the Ormos have been
The PLI will be available for sale/export for the next popularly known as the “Mecca of Coffee”. opportune moment for Abiy to get elected as the marginalised by the EPRDF, led by the
five years in addition to the existing incentives. Now
this is one of the concerns that remains for investors
Today it has seen one of the bloodiest
conflicts in its northern region of Tigray
leader of the EPRDF. For years, the Ormos have Tigray community and its powerful leaders in
Addis Ababa. From the very beginning, he
and would need to be addressed to make the scheme wherein the federal forces are fighting with been marginalised by the EPRDF, led by the Tigray spoke the language of unity and promised
a success. As the PLI benefit has been assured only the local Tigray regional forces. The fierce his countrymen peace, development and
for five years, the investor has to assess the financial fight that broke out in early November is community and its powerful leaders in Addis Ababa. progress. And this earned him praise even
viability of the project beyond the PLI period. Once a
manufacturing unit has been set up with a lot of fixed
simply a war between Addis Ababa, the
central capital city, and the regional capital
From the very beginning, he spoke the language of from his arch rivals in the Opposition political
parties. After assuming power, he released
investment, recovery may be difficult. So the five-year town of Mekele. It’s a show of strength of unity and promised his countrymen peace, develop- thousands of prisoners, unblocked a large
period has to be utilised to make life easy for all Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali against number of media channels and privatised
businesses and job creators. In other words, the “ease combative Tigray People’s Liberation Front ment and progress. And this earned him praise even many Government owned enterprises. He
(TPLF) based in the restive region. Further, it reached out to Eritrea, Ethiopia’s old rival on
of doing business” has to improve substantially. The
Government expects that it may be called upon to pay is straight fight between the majority Oromo
from his arch rivals in the Opposition political parties. the northern border, and made peace with
about Rs 2 lakh crore, which means a total sale/export community (around 34.6 per cent) After assuming power, he released thousands of pris- that country. And as a result, he was
of about Rs 40 lakh crore (assuming five per cent PLI represented by the PM Abiy and the minority awarded the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize which
rate) during the next five years. This PLI will increase Tigryans, barely 6 per cent of the total oners, unblocked a large number of media channels had brought home a chance of reclaiming
local manufacturing of eligible goods by an output population of the country. Initially, the war in Ethiopia’s position in the African continent
equal to about 20 per cent of the current GDP. Thus, the Northern Province was planned for a and privatised many Government owned enterprises. once again. However, gradually his reform
the second concern is changing growth dynamics and limited scale, directly to target the TPLF, a
militia cum political party, but now more than
He reached out to Eritrea, Ethiopia’s old rival on the package has altered the long-drawn power
relations of the country. And in the last two
the global demand scenario, especially in the post-
pandemic world. To get free cash of Rs 2 lakh crore two weeks of military campaign has hinted a northern border, and made peace with that country. years, the Tigrayans have registered their
from the Government, specified goods worth about Rs severe fight, showing no signs of talk, displeasure with Addis Ababa. They say that
40 lakh crore would need to be produced in India and withdrawal and negotiation between the two they are being targeted for the wrongs
a matching demand would be needed in a world where warring groups. The current crisis in Ethiopia became the interim President later and also country with an iron hand. committed in the past and the current
the cut-throat competition is going to deepen. The third has its roots in the recent past of the country. holds the historic record of being the first Unfortunately, the other coalition partners Government is fast trying to marginalise the
concern is about how much of the PLI benefit would The TPLF was established in February 1975, elected Prime Minister of the country in 1995. had hardly any voice in regard to making community and its leadership. Last year, Abiy
boost the investor’s actual post-tax income. In October, more than 45 years ago in the Tigray What it demonstrates is the consolidation of critical policy decisions and deciding future dissolved the EPRDF, and formed the
the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology Province. A year before i.e. 1974 witnessed power by the minority Tigryans over the course of actions. A new era has begun with Prosperity Party, but the TPLF refused to join
(MEITY) approved PLI benefits (four per cent to six per a tumultuous political situation in the country majority of the public institutions of Ethiopia. the coming of Abiy to power in 2018 who is the new coalition. Thus, formally, the
cent) to 16 companies. The PLI is available for as Emperor Haile Selassie was overthrown And the rest is a new history for this the first Oromo leader to come to occupy the dominance of the TPLF has come to an end
incremental sales of goods manufactured in India five by the military. emerging African nation. The Tigryans ruled seat of the head of the Ethiopian and it was made possible by the shrewd
years subsequent to the base year (FY 2019-20). Now, Afterwards, a new military junta, popularly the country for almost three decades from Government. He was a former military leadership of Prime Minister Abiy. What has
whether the incentive of four per cent to six per cent of known as “The Derg”, came into power in the 1991 to 2018 by becoming an alliance intelligence officer of the Government. In finally triggered the current crisis in Tigray is
invoiced price for five years would be enough country. The subsequent years brought partner of the ruling coalition known as the fact, years of protest that started after the no other than the regional election that took
compensation to offset the cost disadvantage in India home a devastating conflict, leading to the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary departure of Tigray’s powerful leader and place in the province in September. Actually,
remains to be seen. One plus point in favour of the new killing of thousands of young man and Democratic Front (EPRDF). This coalition former PM Meles in 2012, forced his because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Abiy
manufacturing units is 15 per cent corporation tax that woman across the country. However, the was the brainchild of the veteran Meles to successor Hailemariam Desalegn to finally Government postponed the much
was announced last year. For them, manufacturers of Tigrayan region had to largely bear the brunt bring together like-minded groups to capture resign after six years of misrule and anarchy anticipated general election on August 21
highly branded products like Apple iPhones, the PLI of the so-called “Red Terror”, unleashed by power in Addis Ababa. The EPRDF earned across the country. He was the chairman of across the country.
scheme and reduced corporate tax are major

incentives. Since such manufacturers face little
competition for their products, they can set prices of
their products on their own. The PLI benefit may or may
not be fully passed on to the retail buyers in this
particular case.
Most other manufacturers may face stiff price Sky-rocketing decibel levels penal code in respect of crimes like restrictions – on the use of crackers.
competition and may not be able to fully pocket the PLI heaped miseries on the old, infirm murder, robbery, serious fraud, One can then show oneself as a
benefit to offset their cost disadvantage. Their People engaged in and the ill. Animals, particularly printing of counterfeit currency and daring rebel as well. There are
discerning, hard-bargaining buyers will demand price orgies of bursting dogs, suffered terribly, with some so on. People engaged in orgies of doubtless, other means of self-
discounts on the basis of the PLI benefit. The going almost crazy with fear. bursting crackers cannot be assertion in the form of producing
percentage of PLI benefit may vary across crackers cannot be Billowing smoke from cracker unaware of the consequences of works of art like painting and
beneficiaries and depending on the competition, the unaware of the bursts severely spiked the already what they are doing. These have photographs, making films, staging
post-tax actual benefit could vary from investor to high air-pollution levels that had been dinned into their plays, writing, dancing, singing,
investor. The PLI scheme, therefore, needs consequences of what been playing havoc. Unforgivably, consciousness for at least two making sculptures and designing
supplementation by sustained investor facilitation and they are doing. These all this happened despite decades now. Is it that they enjoy and building celebrated works of
improvement in ease of doing business. Incentives like restrictions and bans, exhortations bursting crackers so much that architecture. Engaging in these
income tax and Central excise exemptions, VAT/GST have been dinned into against unrestrained cracker they cannot help doing it heedless requires training, skill, effort and, of
reimbursements, interest and insurance subsidies, By s.p.singh their consciousness for at bursts by civil society elements, of the consequences? If this be course, talent, and the expending of
subsidies on plant/machinery and so on are typically environmentalists and a growing true, what can be the explanation? a huge amount of time, which would
provided for industries set up in industrially-backward least two decades now. Is army of school children pleading To answer the first question, one leave one with little opportunity for
areas like North-eastern states. At present, the total India is in the grip of a raging it that they enjoy bursting that their future be not jeopardised. needs to look at some of the going though all the stages of
manufacturing output of all items (whether PLI eligible COVID-19 pandemic, which is In fact, over the past several years deeper processes at work. Every activity associated with explosion of
or not) in a year is about 16 per cent of the GDP. The surging forward relentlessly. New
crackers so much that now, there has been a growing action by an individual is crackers. One may be asked: How
services sector has a 55 to 60 per cent contribution in cases and deaths are reported they cannot help doing it movement calling for a progressive fundamentally a result of instinct or does one know that people who
GDP and has been a major employer so far. The PLI every day in alarming numbers. reduction in the explosion of an exercise of will. One instinctively explode crackers are not engaged
will be available to all new manufacturing units and also Things are made worse by severe
heedless of the crackers and a ban on the more jumps out of the way of a truck that in creative activity? Some of them
to existing manufacturing units for their extra air pollution levels in many places consequences? If this be deafening and polluting kinds of suddenly comes across a bend and may. This writer, however, is not
production, additional over baseline output. For — particularly Delhi. Besides these, without, of course, any threatens to run one over. It is the aware of any survey, which shows
example, existing mobiles and electronics
true, what can be the
enhancing people’s vulnerability to significant effect. Why is it that a result of the instinct for survival at how many or what percentage of
manufacturers are entitled to PLI benefit for whatever the Corona virus — these are explanation? To answer large section of Indians is work. The bursting of a cracker is an cracker enthusiasts are engaged in
they produce over and above the 2019-20 level causing permanent damage to the the first question, one relentlessly trying to reduce what is act of will, the final one of a series creative pursuits. The nature of
production in the next five years. The manufacturing health of children and the old. One meant to be a splendid festival of that involves the decision to buy it, activity required in any form of
units will have to apply, register and go through a would have thought that all this and needs to look at some of lights into a prolonged orgy of the act of buying it, followed by acts creative venture and the setting off
vetting process and enter into proper agreement with the crisis stalking the economy the deeper processes at horrid, ear drum-splitting noise? of storing it, taking it out and igniting of crackers respectively are,
the Government so as to ensure that only eligible would invoke a sombre mood that They cannot be unaware of the it. The self wills the action which, in moreover, totally different and this
manufacturers get the incentive for actual local would be reflected in the work. Every action by an consequences of what they are turn, underlines its existence. One writer knows of no novelist, poet,
manufacturing. On April 1, a PLI scheme promising Rs observance of Deepavali, one of individual is doing and the impact this will have can act because one exists. A playwright, painter, film-maker or
40,951 crore incentive (four to six per cent of the most beautiful events in the on their children and much-referenced statement by the stalwart photographer who
production value) was notified for manufacturers of country, which is celebrated by a fundamentally a result of grandchildren, not only in terms of French philosopher, Rene explodes crackers. The argument
mobile phones and other electronic components. large section of Indians of the instinct or an exercise of health but of character. Their Descartes, runs, “Cogito ergo sum” can be that people explode
Medical devices and bulk drugs (active pharmaceutical diaspora as well, and prompts progenies, and those of the latter, or “I think, therefore I am.” One can crackers because they enjoy doing
ingredients) were added to PLI eligibility in July and on warm gestures by friendly will. will come to feel that what matters see a subconscious extension of it and that those engaged in
November 11, 10 more manufacturing sub-sectors countries. Witness the lighting up hoped that people would abjure is doing what they want to and not the same thought process behind pursuits that are essential to the
were added. Thus, Rs 1,97,291 crore of cash incentive of the Times Square in New York crackers, whose use had been their society’s well-being and the statement implied in each functioning of a society but are not
has been promised in the next five years to City on the occasion. One had banned or severely restricted in future, and that rules and laws can cracker burst, “I explode crackers, regarded as creative —
manufacturers of automobiles and auto components expected that the emphasis in many parts of the country. Nothing be broken with impunity. The therefore, I exist.” In fact, there is businessmen, administrators,
(Rs 57,042 crore); mobile manufacturing and specified India would be on observing like this happened. There was not consequences can be serious in more. One sometimes gets hurt — managers, clerks, lawyers, doctors,
electronics/technology products (Rs 45,951 crore); Deepavali as a festival of lights, only no decline in their use but they terms of maintaining social even badly — while setting off a engineers and so forth, for
advance chemistry cell batteries (Rs 18,100 crore); dispelling the gloom that has continued to be burst on Deepavali harmony and law and order if this cracker. This therefore, can also be example — have as much right to
pharmaceuticals and drugs (Rs 21, 940 crore); medical enveloped the country this year, day, which was November 14, and leads to a generally cavalier projected as a testimony to one’s enjoy themselves as writers,
devices (Rs 3,420 crore); telecom and networking creating an interlude of cheer in the in some cases, even a week later, attitude towards obeying laws, courage. It can be doubly so if the painters, film-makers,
products (Rs 12,195 crore). midst of grief and despair. One had albeit in diminishing frequency. including those embodied in the act is in defiance of a ban – or photographers and so on.

Caught in between
Walton family’s Walmart. He even battles constantly go to arbitration in
wrote a book, It Happened In India, to nations like Singapore and the United
celebrate his success. His Big Bazaar Kingdom, it is also bad news for Biyani.
store sales on national holidays Yes, he has a massive ready-made
attracted thousands of people and network of retail stores across the
there were kilometre-long lines outside country which Amazon or Reliance
outlets in order to get a bargain. But would love to get their hands on. More
Biyani, like many others in different importantly, both multi-billion dollar
industries, never saw the internet companies would not want the other to
coming and it hit his business like a get their hands on it. While both
freight train. The irony of a group Amazon and Reliance have issued
named “Future” not realising the future statements with all the right words, it
of retail will likely become a case-study appears that this matter will not be
in some business schools one day. resolved anytime soon. This is horrible
By Srikant Mishra
Biyani was forced to first drive a deal news for Biyani and his retail empire,
with Amazon and then later deal with which was already bleeding but was
Reliance Retail as well. Amazon dealt a body blow by the Coronavirus-
Kishore Biyani was Indian retail’s
subsequently claimed that the Future inspired lockdown and the closure of
poster child 15 years ago, featured on
Group could not sell its retail assets to malls. Amazon and Reliance don’t just
the covers of top business magazines
Reliance and went to emergency have the pockets to ride out the crisis,
and being a regular on the front pages
arbitration in Singapore which gave it they also know that if they can’t get
of financial dailies. We were told that he
relief. While this should bring up their hands on the asset, they can
was building a retail empire through estate being a lot cheaper than ever before. What happens next only the courts will decide.
questions of why Indian corporate always create another one with real
Future Group that would rival that of the
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: “Nothing is more
admirable than the fortitude with which millionaires
tolerate the disadvantages of their wealth.”
― Rex Stout, The Red Box

Why 'Thalaiva' is cynosure of young eyes in TN

SINCE 1928


Economic revival needs Long Shot

a demand-boost
With youths accounting for more than 50 per cent of Tamil
SHEKHAR IYER Nadu voters, it is Rajinikanth’s every word and move that has
caught attention now and then, even though he has

T hough there is no dearth of sceptics questioning

the veracity of the latest GDP numbers, it is unde-
postponed his plans several times since he announced he
would fight the 2021 elections way back in December 2017

niable that the economy has turned for the better in the t is easy to dismiss the neerselvam (OPS), have
second quarter of the pandemic year 2020-21. If in the craze among sections of forced an uneasy arrange-
has drawn much traction. play by relying on modern
first quarter it contracted by a whopping 23.9 per cent, young voters of Tamil ment between factions since
His announcement later technology for his cam-
Nadu to look up to superstar Jayalalithaa’s untimely de-
in the second, it shrank by 7.5 percent. Nominal GDP that he would take a deci- paign without undertaking
Rajinikanth to make his for- mise and her aide Sasikala
loss in the second quarter data which was released last sion soon came against the strenuous tours to project
ay into the state elections Natarajan's incarceration
week was Rs 1.98 lakh crore as against Rs 11.1 crore in backdrop of doctors advis- his brand of “spiritual pol-
next year, as a result of their following her conviction in a
the first full- lockdown quarter. The expectation is, ing him against entering itics.”
obsession with cinema since disproportionate assets case
from here on, the economy can only regain further mo- politics in view of his Rajinikanth’s famous lines
the days of M G Ramachan- being upheld by the
mentum. Manufacturing and real estate sectors, which health condition and the of December 2017 still echo
dran (MGR) and later, J Jay- Supreme Court. ing, social reformist Peri- from charting an independ-
revived in the second quarter from near-zero in the pre- prevailing pandemic situa- among the young fans who
alalithaa, who dominated Her jail term is due to end yar’s ideas and Left-driven ent course for TN BJP. They
tion. The 69-year-old super- recall his words. He had
vious quarter, will pick up appreciably in the second the scene till their demise. early next year, ahead of the agenda, has so far not exact- unilaterally announced the
star of Tamil cinema was said, “I will enter politics
half of the current financial year. The manufacturing But it is also because of TN polls due in April-May. ly set the state on fire— in “continuation” of an “old”
apparently told by his offi- and launch a party to serve
sector grew 0.6 per cent in the second quarter, after their disenchantment with She is the aunt of T T V Dhi- providing an alternative op- alliance between the BJP
cials that he would have a the people of Tamil Nadu, as
contracting 39.3 per cent in the previous quarter. It may the existing Dravidian par- nakaran, who runs a band of tion to the voters. and the AIADMK, days after
good chance of winning if the (political) system in
be partially due to the pent-up demand suppressed by ties, given their track record hard-core Sasikala loyalists With youths accounting for both parties appeared to be
he started his political jour- Tamil Nadu has been ru-
the lockdown and also in expectation of the higher de- in misgovernance and cor- under the banner of the more than 50 per cent of at loggerheads at the state-
ney as soon as possible. ined.”
mand in the festival season. The services sector, a ma- ruption. Amma Makkal Munnetra Tamil Nadu voters, it is Ra- level.
Significantly, only a month Of course, this depends
The vacuum in the state’s Kazhagam (AMMK). jinikanth’s every word and It is no secret that the sur-
jor driver of the economy, too cut down losses from the ago, Rajinikanth had stated on Rajinikanth’s ability to
political scenario after the Even as EPS may be seen move that has caught atten- vival of the AIADMK
first quarter. The encouraging factor is the buoyancy of that he had been advised recreate the magic of 1996.
exit of stalwarts, including as making up for the lost tion now and then, even regime has been largely con-
the agriculture sector. It did well in the first quarter, as against entering politics by At that time, his punchline
M Karunanidhi, has also time to shore up on his gov- though he has postponed his tingent on the Centre’s
also in the second. The fact that the contraction in the doctors as he had undergone was that “even God cannot
meant that a younger lot of ernance record by massive plans several times since he friendly view towards it.
second quarter was lower than the 9.8 per cent forecast a kidney transplant in 2016 save Tamil Nadu" if the
voters is not left with much doses of largesse to different announced he would fight It is also no secret that the
by the RBI is significant. The worst may be over but the and due to the coronavirus AIADMK comes back to
choice when dynastic poli- sections of voters, the DMK the 2021 elections way back BJP has been wooing Ra-
continuing uncertainty over the coronavirus pandem- pandemic. This disclosure of power. His clarion call re-
tics, corruption, and differ- has been trying to woo in December 2017. So much jinikanth assiduously for
ic is still a matter of concern. The recent surge in Del- his health status indicated sulted in Jayalalitha’s hu-
ent shades of political ob- young voters by projecting so, Rajinikanth’s Hamletian some months to take the
he was willing to miss the miliating defeat. The DMK-
hi, Gujarat and elsewhere in the country needs to be scurantism have thrived in Stalin’s actor-cum-producer dilemma had an exasperated plunge to prevent the DMK
bus again though he had set Tamil Maanila Congress
watched carefully, lest it disrupts a return to normal- the name of Tamil pride. son Udayanidhi as the heir- BJP finally seeing merit in from sweeping the assembly
up the Rajini Makkal Man- alliance swept to power,
cy. Surprisingly, during the first half of the financial It is an accepted fact that apparent. shaking hands with a divid- polls, especially after its al-
dram as a 'launch vehicle' to thanks to him.
year, government spending, instead of picking up, ac- many young voters are not The entry of actor Kamal ed AIADMK, rather than liance performed outstand-
float his political party This time, his political
tually contracted. Despite multiple pandemic-related enthused by the existing lot Haasan and his political for- wait for the superstar to pro- ingly in the Lok Sabha elec-
ahead of the 2021 elections. friends, particularly the
relief packages, and sector-specific incentives to trade of players including mation Makkal Nidhi Ma- vide the fulcrum for creation tions, winning 38 of the 39
But, as his deliberations BJP, would want Ra-
and industry, the impact on demand was rather negli- Karunanidhi’s son and DMK iam (MNM) did evoke a lot of of a third front to provide an seats from Tamil Nadu.
at Chennai’s Raghavendra jinikanth to make the foray,
chief M K Stalin, possibly interest before the 2019 Lok alternative to the Dravidian It is this context that Ra-
gible. Hopefully, as normalcy returns, economic re- Kalyana Mandapam if not to win the elections,
the most fancied to win the Sabha elections. parties. jinikanth’s exercise of ask-
vival will gather steam. The government has also en- showed on November 30, then to at least prevent the
next polls. In the parliamentary elec- When Union Home Minis- ing his outfit Rajini Makkal
visaged a huge public works programme, entailing Rajnikanth knows that he DMK and its allies from
The anti-incumbency fac- tions, the MNM’s debut did ter Amit Shah went to Chen- Mandram and its district
massive investments in infrastructure projects. But the won’t get another window sweeping the elections.
tors working against the rul- see the fledgling party pick nai on November 21 to meet secretaries and office-bear-
problem with the economic direction of the country is again to launch his party. The writer is a former Senior
ing AIADMK dispensation, up 3.75-3.80 per cent votes. BJP cadres to discuss their ers if they were ready to
that the government continues to send conflicting sig- He can still play the role Associate Editor of Hindustan
which is led by Chief Minis- But the MNM’s political campaign strategies for the "start a political party in
nals. On the one hand, it undertakes labour and land re- that his political friends as Times and Political Editor of Dec-
ter Edappadi K Palaniswami thought process, which is a elections, EPS and OPS said January" at a meeting in
forms to make fresh investment attractive for domestic well as his fans want him to can Herald, New Delhi
(EPS) and his deputy O Pan- mixture of anti-BJP postur- to have pre-empted Shah Chennai on November 30
and foreign companies. On the other hand, it sends neg-
ative signals to foreign investors, by refusing to shed
the distressing baggage of the past. For instance, its re-
fusal to abide by the Singapore arbitration award in the
Vodafone case only serves to warn future investors Entering BJP. Give him an inch and he will take an ell .
against doing business in the country. Or take the not-
Winter of discontent
Sandeep Choudhury@Sandeep71121431
so-secret attempts to create regulatory and other road- He must stop this big messiah nonsense of announcing his entry every year and backing off. If he is genuinely interested in public service he wouldn't create such
blocks for foreign-owned digital retail market plat- hungama about his stupid entry. Let your work speak. This is not a movie where people vote just for his grand entry. With winter approaching, it
forms in order to grant an unfair advantage to a big in- Bruce Wayne@BruceWa67656471 appears from Punjab to
dustrial group which is now keen to make a huge Afghanistan to Iran, conflicts
Why they want Rajini to be positive in this Covid times
splash in e-commerce. Without a stable, predictable and are surfacing again, threatening
the peace of nations. The killing
transparent environment, foreign investment will
Rajnikanth is shrewd enough to understand that politics needs money, and right now nobody is there to back him. He announced RMM, expecting @BJP4India's of an Iranian nuclear scientist,
shirk from coming to India. Domestic business must support to cut DMK votes, but unfortunately that did not happened therefore he is getting jittery. bomb blasts killing many in
learn to compete with foreign competition on fair and S P Rajeev@SPRajeev Kabul and the ongoing
equal terms, and not exploit proximity to governments farmers' protests with jibes of
Sir, your decision is our decision, as the Great Tenalirama once opined in the Court of Krishnadevaraya of the Vijayanagara empire!
to gain unfair advantage. Khalistan in our country, China
meddling at our border, Brexit

Farmers should see reason

I think this whole drama which Rajnikant is subjecting his fans and followers is not right and that too in COVID times. conflicts in UK, are all nothing
Merwin Rodrigues@merwinricks but symptoms of community
unrest and 'war mania', which

W hether they are justified in protesting what are

essentially pro-farm sector reforms, the need for
an early end to the siege of the national capital cannot
The progressive unlocking, coinciding with the festive season and pent-up demand, helped the economy deliver a positive surprise
seizes nations, communities
and leaders across the globe,
periodically. I appeal to the

Cautious optimism is the mantra

be exaggerated. For the fifth day straight, farmers have United Nations and groups like
sought to block all entry points to Delhi from Haryana SAARC, to pay due attention to
and UP, even if the bulk of the protesters are from the these apparent local conflicts,
Congress-ruled Punjab. Though leading farm experts and deal with them in
have unanimously welcomed the three reform laws, cooperative spirit. I appeal to

several industries and services that continue to all national leaders too, to
suspicion and distrust among a section of the farmers
bleed profusely through multiple deep cuts. refrain from such 'meddling'.
fuels the disruptive stir. It now threatens to bring life However, despite the debilitating effect on the We pray for sanity everywhere.
in the capital to a standstill by blocking supplies of es- economy, the Q2 GDP numbers hold hope with V Balasubramanian
sential items from the neighbouring states. The offer A L I CHOUGULE some sectors reporting smart recovery. The no-
of talks by Union Home Minister Amit Shah was table takeaway is manufacturing, which grew 0.6 Feeling blue
turned down on Sunday on the ground that it was con- per cent; this implies that the output from manu- Ref.: 'Now playing: Retro flops'

tingent on the farmers assembling at a designated he highly anticipated GDP prints for the facturing industries is greater over the previous (November 30). With the
place and lifting the roadblocks put up by them. On second quarter, after a dismal first quarter three months and is on par with production in the omission of opener Rohit Sharma
Monday, Shah is reported to have invited them for performance due to the Covid-induced lock- comparable quarter last year when the economy on the Australia tour, it was a
talks without any conditions. Hopefully, farmers will down, were announced on November 27. As ex- was in a better shape. All other sectors – mining, given that the Indian team would
try and find a modus vivendi to suspend the stir after pected, the economy recovered quite significant- trade, hotels, transport, communication, broad- suffer but who expected such
their meeting with the Home Minister. The longer they ly in the second quarter from the severe contrac- casting and retail – have shrunk at a slower pace, startling results. India's bowling
continue to protest against the long-overdue reforms, tion in the April to June quarter. With 7.5 per cent which is a sign of recovery, implying greater eco- has become a matter of grave
the more likely will they forfeit the sympathy of the contraction in Q2 of FY-21, the growth rate is bet- nomic activity across sectors, compared to the concern, since Australia set up a
people. At one level, the big farmers in Punjab are the ter than most estimates. The recovery in the slide, previous quarter. So when the official view is that gigantic score consecutively in
aided by progressive unlocking coinciding with green shoots are visible, holding out hopes of a both the one-day internationals.
most-pampered, getting 24x7 free power, hugely sub-
the festive season and pent-up demand, helped Although GDP growth is expected to better recovery in coming quarters, there is a India's trump card Jasprit Bumrah
sidised fertilisers, higher-than-market price for their
produce through obligatory procurement by the state
the economy deliver a positive surprise. Notwith- improve in the remaining two quarters need to be little circumspect because while the was not in rhythm and Yuzvendra
standing the confirmation that India is in techni- headline numbers are better than most estimates, Chahal,who has an outstanding
agencies and, above all, no tax on farm income. They cal recession, the sharper than expected narrow- of the current fiscal, analysts expect the the economy remains in bad shape. The only ma- record in the Australian soil also
should cut their losses and in good faith, commit to ing in the pace of GDP contraction was primari- economy to face downward pressure jor positive is that the Q2 contraction has been of seems to be out of form. The
modernise farm production, instead of burdening tax- ly driven by agriculture, manufacturing, elec- a smaller magnitude, but the economy has en- Aussies must be looking for a
payers with a recurring bill for multiple subsidies. tricity and utilities. Agriculture, in fact, is the
from the still worrisome spread of the tered technical recession because of negative clean sweep after wrapping up
bright spot for the second straight quarter, amid pandemic in some states and the re- growth in two consecutive quarters. the ODI series. Therefore, the
FPJ ARCHIVES NOVEMBER 22, 1962 a grim GDP performance. imposition of restrictions in certain The need to be cautious also arises from the men in blue ought to play with
India’s Q2 GDP numbers were anticipated to fact that the Q2 numbers are being compared an absolute determination at
have a significant sequential rebound, even as regions. Consumption demand and with the second quarter of 2019, which was Canberra to salvage their pride.
they were expected to remain in the negative. The investment are needed to push the also the year of the slowdown that began in Tushar Anand
first quarter contraction by a whopping 23.9 per 2018. Before Covid-19 hit the country, our econ-
cent was unexpectedly higher than the consensus economy on a sustained growth path. omy was on a downward spiral; the pandemic No time to celebrate
estimates, which was primarily because of the Since both continue to be tepid, any dealt it a brutal blow. Therefore, the road to a It is despicable that an acutely
stringent nationwide lockdown between April full recovery is pretty long. Two successive debt-ridden Goa Government,
and June. Notably in the first quarter, agriculture meaningful recovery in the December quarters of contraction and the third quarter which is borrowing hundreds
was the only sector that registered 3.4 per cent quarter looks doubtful. also likely to be in the negative territory im- of crores of rupees every
growth, while other segments recorded massive plies that India is heading for a full-year fall in month, has decided to merrily
contraction – construction (-50.3 per cent), manu- GDP growth, for the first time since 1979. Going squander a whopping Rs 100
facturing (-39.3 per cent), mining (-23.3 per cent) tain regions. Consumption demand and invest- forward, the hope of sustaining the current re- crore to celebrate 60 years of
and services, trade and transport shrinking at 47 ment are needed to push the economy on a sus- covery for the economy to come back on track Goa’s liberation. With the
per cent each. With the high frequency indicators tained growth path. Since both continue to be next year will depend critically on the spread crucial Mhadei issue haunting
– auto sales, real estate, manufacturing PMI and tepid, any meaningful recovery in the December of the pandemic, as the winter months war- us and so many other
railways freight earnings – having shown grad- quarter looks doubtful. In fact, now that the festi- rant caution. extremely serious tribulations
ual signs of pick-up, pointing towards overall eco- val season is over, demand is expected to slow The 23.9 per cent fall in GDP in the first quarter confronting the state, it is
nomic recovery, the second quarter growth ex- down considerably. was one of the worst among major economies of the very inappropriate for the
pectations, therefore, were significantly better As of November 30, three days after the Nation- world. The 7.5 per cent reduction is better than the government to have even
than that in the first quarter because of the al Statistical Office released the Q2 GDP data, global average of minus 12.4 per cent for 49 coun- thought of such celebrations
phased unlocking of the country. there were 9.31 million reported Covid-19 positive tries. In the first quarter, the average of these 49 and that too, while the
Analysts’ estimation of the second quarter slip- cases in India, accounting for about 15 per cent of countries was minus 5.6 per cent, while India con- pandemic is raging. Goa
page was in the range of 8 to 13 per cent. The RBI the world’s 61 million cases. With an average of tracted by almost 24 per cent. But there are many needs to be freed from
expected a contraction of 8.6 per cent. In the July around 40,000 cases reported daily in recent days, countries that have recorded better growth, or less corruption, nepotism and see
to September quarter of last year, the GDP the pandemic is still a cause of concern, while the contraction, than India: US, Germany, Italy, Japan, good governance. There has

Over 900 POWs in Chinese "black hole" growth was 4.4 per cent. In expectations of a sig-
nificant sequential pullback in the Q2 GDP, rating
progress on the vaccine front is the only hope to
contain its spread. There is still time before the
Singapore, Sweden and Hong Kong, while Taiwan,
China and Vietnam recorded positive growth. This
to be total transparency and
accountability in the
The FPJ News Service GANGTOK, Nov. 21: Chinese have lodged 927 agencies and global brokerages have revised vaccine will be available to the public. Therefore, means, as the data suggests, the contraction in In- functioning of the
Indian prisoners in dark, dingy camps in Urumchi in Sinkiang and Lhasa their FY-21 GDP forecasts for India to around mi- the economy will continue to be disrupted by the dia’s economic growth during July-September quar- government. Our state has to
in Tibet, according to reports reaching here. About 200 Indian soldiers nus 7 per cent from the over minus 8 per cent ear- pandemic because of restrictions on travel and ter has been sharper than most other major be unchained from the
captured in Ladakh region have been placed in Urumchi camp and about lier. Although GDP growth is expected to improve tourism, which will affect airlines, hospitality economies, though the decline in the case of Spain menace of being a gambling,
700 of them have been lodged in Lhasa prisoners' camps. in the remaining two quarters of the current fis- and service sectors. The degree of disruption and (-8.7) and Britain (-9.6) has been slightly higher than drug and rostitution den and
These reports were confirmed by Radio Peking which said "royal cal, with the improved pace of pick-up in eco- its prolonged impact on businesses will continue India’s. Given the uncertainty, one can be cautious- a safe hub for crime. Only
treatment" was being meted out to POWs by the Chinese military nomic activity in most sectors, analysts expect to haunt the economy, which is far from reaching ly optimistic on Indian economy, but there are sev- then could we have reason to
authorities. The broadcast said Indian soldiers had written to their the economy to face downward pressure from the pre-pandemic levels. The GDP prints for two con- eral areas of concern as well. proudly celebrate a truly
relatives in India about the "cordiality and hospitality" extended to still worrisome spread of the pandemic in some secutive quarters of the current fiscal reflect the The author is an independent liberated Goa.
them by the Chinese. states and the re-imposition of restrictions in cer- exceedingly high impact of the pandemic across senior journalist Aires Rodrigues

Letters to the editor should be sent to: The Free Press Journal, Free Press House, Free Press Journal Marg, 215 Nariman Point, Mumbai. 400021; Fax: 22874688, e-mail: mail@fpj.co.in; Type letter, leave space, write your views and name. Letters may be edited for clarity and space.
millenniumpost| NEW DELHI| TUESDAY, 1 DECEMBER, 2020 mp editorial 7

Policing in the
On the bright side
Stories of hope from across the tribal areas of how communities survived due
digital age to the Forest Rights Act even as attempts have been made to dilute it

he novel coronavirus diverse ecosystems.

disease (COVID-19) For example, Adivasi
number of factors in recent times have pushed to pandemic has had Kondh communities in Naya-
the forefront, the public debate over racial profiling SHWETA TRIPATHI a drastic impact on garh, Odisha, were able to sur-
and systemic racism in policing across the world. forest communities, causing vive on a diverse range of forest
The killing of George Floyd and the furore that losses of livelihoods and shel- foods during the lockdown as
followed was a large contributor to this push. Joe Biden and ter, food insecurity, physical they had been regenerating
Kamala Harris have promised to eliminate rampant systematic hardships, health-concerns their natural forests for over
racism from American policing. While racial profiling itself and economic suffering. four decades.
is not old or specific to the US, there is a troubling dimension But it is heartening to Women also played a key
to the whole situation that affects the long term existence of witness hundreds of stories role in managing the crisis in
systemic racism in policing practices. of empowered communi- areas where the village assem-
As technology has advanced, facial recognition technol- ties under India’s Scheduled blies were empowered. In the
ogy and predictive algorithms have increasingly become a Tribes and Other Traditional Dindori block of Madhya
much-coveted tool for policing worldwide. In the US in par- Forest Dwellers (Recognition Pradesh, women organised
ticular, police departments are increasingly adopting digital of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, a system of food distribution
technology in the hopes that they can make law enforcement also known as Forest Rights and water collection that made
both accurate and efficient. A noble initiative to be certain Act (FRA) coping with the cri- sure that physical distance was
and on the face of it, a well reasoned one. After all, the cliche sis with remarkable resilience. maintained in tribal villages.
is that data never lies. Understanding the dras- Since the legal recognition
Not so, however. Predictably, there are many problems. The There are tic impact of the pandemic on of their CFRs in Dhule, Maha-
biggest of which is that this new band of predictive policing forest communities and their rashtra, communities have
is based on machine learning. Ample evidence and examples case studies spirited efforts to tackle it is been practising self-sufficient
over the years have shown that, depending on the input, these documented from vital in these times of chaos, agriculture as a way of long-
machine learning models can imbibe the biases in the data it is climate concerns and socio- term cluster development.
presented. The problem has only gotten worse. Data received various parts of economic distress. This long-term practice helped
from a flawed first generation of predictive tools was used as
the basis for further generations of such tools. Because they are
the country where Glaring loopholes
The COVID-19 pandemic
Collection, use and sale of minor forest produce by forest dwellers got severely affected due to the pandemic them to save food grains and
vegetables that helped them
based on pre-recorded sets of data, the machine mimics older empowered exposed many lacunae in the Community Forest Resources reported. FRA and PESA (Provisions of during the pandemic.
biases in data collection. The problem is particularly acute in village assemblies implementation of welfare (CFR). Dilution of laws the Panchayats (Extension to The Gotti Koya tribals in
the US. Consider figures provided by the US Department of schemes and services. Follow- It was only after demands Amid such hardships faced Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996, the Mulugu district of Telan-
Justice itself that showed that you were twice as likely to be under FRA ing the announcement of the from people’s organisations by tribal communities, the have helped to facilitate sup- gana made face masks of teak
arrested if you are black rather than white. A black person initiated a holistic first phase of lockdown, there and civil society groups that dilution of laws and policies port for forest communities at leaves. Tribals in Chhattisgarh’s
is also five times more likely to be pulled over by the police was an exodus of nearly 40 mil- over 16,000 new names were under the theme of ‘Self-Reli- various levels by overcoming Bastar district made face masks
without cause. Now, consider the result of feeding data that is COVID-19 lion internal migrants from the registered for employment and ant India’ to boost the econ- constraints and crisis situations of palm leaves. Tribals of Viz-
based on this bias into a machine learning programme that governance plan cities to rural areas. got work on an average of 25 omy has increased resentment during times of wide-scale ianagaram district in Andhra
then comes up with an algorithm for predictive policing. The These included tribals and days across a number of states. among them. distress. Pradesh made masks of herbal
data bias has clear potential for aggravating the situation. well before local other forest-dwelling com- The collection, use and There has already been a There are case studies doc- leaves. They covered their faces
Another aspect of this is the likelihood that such software administration. munities who got stuck in the sale of minor forest produce diversion of around 0.39 mil- umented from various parts of due to non-availability of pro-
can also misidentify you as it is trained to work better with a cities without any support sys- (MFP) by forest dwellers also lion hectares (ha) of forest land the country where empowered tective masks in the tribal
particular set of features. In 2018, an MIT study of three com- There are also tem, shelter, food or water. got severely affected due to the between 2008 and 2019. Recent village assemblies under FRA areas.
mercially available gender recognitions systems showed that examples of how The absence of healthcare pandemic. An estimated 100 announcements regarding initiated a holistic COVID-19 The strong resilience of
they had error rates of up to 34 per cent for women of colour, facilities in tribal areas, with million forest dwellers depend the dilution of Environment governance plan well before communities in these tough
nearly 49 times the error rate for white men who were pre-
secure tenure a prevalence of diseases and on MFP for food, shelter, med- Impact Assessment and lib- local administration. times exemplifies their own-
dictably the target group that the software had trained with. and empowered health concerns such as mal- icines and cash income. eralisation of entry norms for There are also examples of ership and a deep sense of
As such, last week the UN also expressed deep concern village assemblies nutrition, malaria, leprosy, etc, The season for collect- private entities in the coal sec- how secure tenure and empow- belonging to the forests. Tribals
over the growing use of big data in policing and the potential severely limited the capaci- ing non-timber forest pro- tor has increased tribal anger. ered village assemblies helped have been the prime conser-
for disproportionate negative effects on minorities. Their con- helped reduce ties to deal with any major duce this year coincided with FRA has the potential to reduce distress migration dur- vationists of forests and have
cerns are largely based on the example of how such systems distress migration COVID-19 outbreak, posing the lockdown. This adversely secure the forest rights of at ing the pandemic. managed the biodiversity of
increased discrimination when used in profiling systems used a serious threat to the tribal impacted those whose liveli- least 200 million tribals and For instance, a study done forests since ages.
by many private companies for their hiring process. during the population. hoods depend on MFP. other traditional forest dwell- by the Community Forest Deep forests are a complex
Of course, the problem does not end with policing and job pandemic The poor access of tribal After demands from peo- ers over 40 million ha (50 per Rights - Learning and Advo- ecosystem encapsulating the
hiring. Big data and predictive algorithms are becoming more and forest dwellers to the pub- ple’s organisations, the Gov- cent of India’s forest land) cov- cacy or CFR-LA recorded sto- grand narratives of resources,
widespread by the moment. Already everything from loan lic distribution system was ernment of India’s Minimum ering 1,77,000 villages. ries from Central India. nature, biodiversity and lives.
applications to targeted social media apps are based on these reported from all states. There Support Price (MSP) scheme It has been a decade and a Around 50-gram sabhas in Breaking this ecosystem would
predictive algorithms. In regards to policing itself, it is alarm- were also various reports of for procurement of selected half since the law was passed. the Gondia district of Maha- only intensify the disposses-
ing to note that the Black Lives Matter movement in America starvation from the tribal areas MFPs was further revised However, only 13 per cent of rashtra organised a federation sion, alienation of the com-
has not actually slowed the use of biased predictive algorithms since they remain excluded and procured a value of Rs the 40 million ha has been that guaranteed competitive munities, thereby adversely
in policing in America, it has stimulated its growth. As discus- from most of the benefits of 152 crore MSP during the demarcated under the FRA by prices and bonus for the com- impacting the forests.
sions over defunding and further regulating the police force the socio-economic scheme. pandemic. the environment ministry. munities for their product Whether the government
take centre stage, so does the need for police departments to The lockdown measures The survival of the partic- This laxity in duly record- collection. It earned Rs 2.5 learns from these stories of
plug in the gaps with measures like predictive policing. have badly affected wage ularly vulnerable tribal groups ing existing forest rights and crore by selling Tendupatta, resilience and works towards
All is not lost, however. Unlike human bias, machine bias employment for tribal com- living in remote and scattered the resultant tenurial insecu- an MFP while taking precau- effective implementation of the
can be course-corrected by teaching algorithms to identify and munities. FRA title holders geographical locations in India rity is likely to increase vul- tions against the spread of FRA remains to be seen. The
then tackle bias in the data it is presented. Several organisa- are entitled to an additional was another issue. Incidents of nerability and more adversely COVID-19. communities however would
tions across the world are already working to identify biases 50 days of work under employ- the forest department illegally impact livelihoods and food There are also striking continue with their spirit of
in existing algorithms. Furthermore, there are larger regula- ment guarantee schemes with demolishing houses, beating security of forest dwellers dur- examples of how local knowl- survival, securing their habi-
tory efforts by governments as well such as the General Data which they can take up activi- up women and children and ing the pandemic and after. edge and long-term conserva- tats and existence within the
Protection Regulation in the EU which, among other things, ties such as land development filing cases against them under Stories of hope tion efforts led by local people ecosystem.  DTE
prevents any organisation from using data that promotes spe- and enhanced productivity of several strict provisions were Rights recognised under can create healthier and more Views expressed are personal
cific biases to make automated decisions.

Backed into a corner

This is a matter of interest to India as well. In the last
decade, Indian police forces have steadily expanded their use
of predictive policing systems to identify criminal hotspots.
Delhi and Uttar Pradesh are some of the Indian states that
have made use of such systems. While there has been very little
research done over how predictive policing works in India, it
would be optimistic to the point of foolishness to expect that
similar problems of bias will not creep into India’s systems.
Ultimately, there is no denying that predictive policing has The panicked response of the Pakistani administration in the face of recent foreign
the potential to be a significant tool in keeping society safe but
the premature use of such technology without ironing out the policy setbacks indicates that 73-year-old nation may have lost its way

kinks can have dire consequences.
akistan was dealt Pervez Musharraf during one to pay a considerable price for
a very humiliating of his US visits, had met the not having heeded to an inde-
EVERLASTING Dear blow by the 57 mem- members of the Jewish lobby pendent foreign policy keep-

MEMORIES Editor SHANTANU MUKHARJI bers all-powerful

Saudi backed Organisation of
there and was of the firm opin-
ion that Pakistan needed to be
ing it’s “dignity and sovereign
credentials” intact.
Islamic Cooperation (OIC), friendly with Israel. Now, reli- Judging by the fresh hap-
We the people of Kannur, Kerala cherish the day Maradona which outrightly rejected a able sources feel that even a penings in Pakistan, a visit to
came to our city eight years ago. Maradona came, Maradona Pakistan plea to include Kash- section of the Pakistani mili- the ISI headquarters by Prime
saw, and Maradona conquered the hearts of the people of mir in the OIC agenda at its tary wants to be getting close Minister Imran Khan on
Kannur. The God of football came to Kannur on October 23, Foreign Ministers meeting to Israel to use the Jewish lobby November 29 is seen as signif-
held on November 27-29 at to use it against India to focus icant. He was comprehensively
2012, and it was a private visit sponsored by an international
Niger’s capital Niamey. on Kashmir. However, such briefed by the ISI chief, Lieu-
jewellery company. The whole city was in a frenzy and I Bluntly dismissing Paki- plans look utterly utopian with tenant General Faiz Hamid
remember the roads and the premises around the hotel in stani requests to drum up no chances whatsoever to woo and among those present at
which Maradona stayed was jam-packed with soccer fans Kashmir issue, Secretary- Israel. That said, it’s not pre- the briefing included Planning
who came from far and near. The city of Kannur which has General of the OIC, Dr Yousef dictable as yet if more pressure Minister, Asad Umar, For-
a rich legacy of producing some of the best footballers for Al Othaimeen disclosed in is mounted on Pakistan to cosy eign Minister, Shah Mehm-
the state and the nation was all decked with huge posters, Riyadh on November 27 that up to Israel so as to end the iso- ood Qureshi and chiefs of the
banners and hoardings to welcome the legend. Maradona Kashmir is not on the list of lation being faced by Pakistan three arms of the military.
came in a helicopter. Thousands of fans thronged patiently in Prime Minister discussions and instead, Islam- Turkey will likely impede Pakistani attempts to mend fences with Israel today in the global fraternity. The briefing, though details
front of the hotel for hours together to have a glimpse of the Imran Khan very ophobia, defamation of reli- Turkey, as is widely known, of which are kept under the
greatest of soccer players. As soon as they saw him waving gion, Palestinians, funding of to communalise the issue, out- ters of Islamophobia and need is trying to use Pakistan to wraps, was on national, inter-
from the balcony of the hotel room the whole populace went recently admitted Rohingya Muslims and their side the formal agenda, didn’t for a global dialogue did get a parrot Ankara led policies, national and regional issues.
in euphoria - whistling, clapping, shouting, dancing and some being under case in the International Court elicit any response from the mention. is thought to be a stumbling Here, ‘regional’ is fundamen-
even crying, for that type of a vibe did he create in them. Later of Justice would be debated Muslim countries. Commu- In another Pakistan related block to Pakistani thinking of tal as in all likelihood, matters
at the Jawahar stadium where the organisers conducted a
severe pressure at the forum. OIC also plans nalist, because he tried to cau- development, the country is mending fences with Israel. discussed were how to target
special function Maradona mesmerised the biggest crowd the from some yet to outline the formatting and tion ‘rise’ of Hindutva in India. under immense external pres- Most likely, because of this and Kashmir in a more aggres-
city ever saw with his football stunts, dance and songs! When execution of “implementation Frustrated by the tepid reac- sure to mend ties with Israel. its own parochial and theo- sive way as the most recent
footballs were shot into the gallery by the legend the spectators
unnamed quarters of OIC 2025”. tion, Qureshi made a feeble This looks very visible in the logical considerations, Paki- ISI machinations in abetting
made a mad rush to possess the balls ending up in ‘rugby’ that Pakistan The rejection of the attempt to seek support for light of the Saudi Arabia, stan has very recently rejected terror in the state of Kashmir
repeated Pakistani attempts to exercising political and eco- Bahrain and the UAE com- any move to recognise Israel met with decisive failures with
matches in the gallery! Maradona even cut a huge cake made should warm up include Kashmir is a major set- nomic influence to rein in ing incredibly close to Israel. though most of the Arab coun- huge casualties inflicted by the
especially for him in the replica of a stadium and football but
the legend, witnesses say, made it sure that he didn’t slice the
to Israel in view back to Pakistan foreign policy so-called atrocities in Kash- More notably, the November tries are going for a thaw. The Indian security forces to the
and perhaps a glaring diplo- mir. Qureshi, frustrated in 23 meeting between Israeli explanation put forward by Jaish sponsored terror mis-
football because for him it was his life and soul! Maradona of the changing matic victory for the Indian the absence of any anti-India PM Benjamin Netanyahu and Pakistan is the same old record sions. The meeting possibly
left Kannur with golden memories the people will cherish ground political diplomacy. It must have been support, came down heavily Mohammad bin Salman of of extending support to the also discussed increasing ISI
forever. The hotel room, room number 309, in which the possible due to robust, mature on France by appealing to the Saudi Arabia with the Israeli Palestinians on their inalien- operations in Afghanistan to
Soccer God stayed has been turned into a ‘shrine’ where all the equations and aggressive pursuits on audience for observing one day Intelligence (Mossad) Chief able right to self-determina- counter any Indian move to
things he used during his stay has been kept intact. The hotel part of the Indian mandarins in the year as ‘International in tow has led to fresh think- tion which Pakistan claims to further befriend Afghanistan.
management also allows only Maradona fans to stay in that and policymakers to foil Paki- Day to combat Islamophobia’. ing among a section of the be in line with its stated official These panic measures with the
extra-special room! His memories linger on in the hearts of stani bids to raise Kashmir in However, amid conflicting Pakistani polity to revisit its position. With the new Biden involvement of the deep state
soccer fans here and the everlasting energy left by the legend is an international forum such reports, Pakistan claimed to policy towards Israel. Prime led US Government in the off- are indicative of the 73-year-
felt even now in the stadium and the place where he stayed. as the OIC which is predomi- have raised the Kashmir issue Minister Imran Khan very ing, the Jewish lobby is likely old country, founded on the
nantly Islamic. at the CFM (Council of For- recently admitted being under to strengthen ties with Israel basis of religion, seems to be
....M PRADYU, KANNUR via email Meanwhile, Pakistani For- eign Ministers) meeting. On its severe pressure from some yet and Pakistan needs to watch surely losing its way. That’s at
eign Minister Shah Mehmood part, India describing Kashmir unnamed quarters that Paki- out for that as Turkey too will least the experts are assessing.
millenniumpost.in Qureshi while addressing the as the inalienable part of India stan should warm up to Israel be on US radar for its pan- The writer is a security
OIC‘s 47th audience at Niger has described allegations of in view of the changing ground Islamic activities misleading analyst who was the
Log on to write letters to the editor or send them to on November 28, urged the human rights abuses in Kash- political equations. the Muslim world as seen by former National Security
letter2editor.mp@gmail.com. You can also send your comments to The Editor, OIC to prevail upon India for mir as factually incorrect. In In this context, it may be Erdogan’s actions and rhetoric Adviser to the Prime
Millennium Post, Pratap Bhawan, 5 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110 002 alleged provocation against the essence, Kashmir issue didn’t worthwhile to point out that in in France and other European Minister of Mauritius. Views
Muslims. His futile attempted get any publicity though mat- 2005, then Pakistani President countries. Pakistan may have expressed are personal
DECEMBER 01, 2020


E STA B L I S H E D I N 1 9 24
What the Indian
The perils of markets don’t tell you
UP’s approach In contrast to the fate of
millions of poor people,
was functioning normally. It defies companies, their shareholders and
conventional wisdom that when busi- people employed in the financial mar-
nesses are shut, and sales are falter- kets sector. Worse, such increase in
ing, that the market value of compa- market wealth did not help to create
UP should step back from a law that could stock markets have nies should increase so sharply. new jobs in these companies. Instead,

deepen the Hindu-Muslim divide boomed with little The market value of most of these some reduced their workforce while
companies has risen irrationally many reduced the wages of their
tangible benefit because of exuberant stock market employees. There was no tangible
activity with utter disregard to the benefit to the economy or society

he Uttar Pradesh (UP) Police has lodged the

ndia is in an economic recession state of the underlying economy or from this excessive speculative stock
first case under the just-promulgated UP for the first time in its independ- the performance of the companies. market activity except enriching a
Prohibition of Unlawful Conversion of ent history. Since April, large Foreign investors flush with money select few and widening the economic
swathes of the nation were com- from central banks in their home and social inequality.
Religion Ordinance against a person in pletely shut for three months countries have poured their excess Excesses of financialisation and
Bareilly — a Muslim man, accused of seeking to and only partially open there cash into India’s stock markets. A few financial markets are a real threat to
coerce and convert a Hindu woman in order to after. A recession and a pall of gloom thousand investors gamble in the social stability and harmony, not just Excesses of financialisation and financial markets are a real threat to
over the economy were inevitable. stock markets on a daily basis which in India but in many other countries social stability and harmony, not just in India but elsewhere too REUTERS
marry her. News reports present a complicated The only surprise would have been if pushes up the value of such as the United States
picture, with the woman’s father alleging the India’s economy had not suffered a companies. and United Kingdom. In income above a certain high thresh- The government’s economic
accused had threatened the family for opposing deleterious impact. But, for a tiny Just when millions of the garb of market effi- old. None of these measures worked response to the Covid-19 crisis has
sliver of India’s elite, it is not gloom rural Indians were toiling ciency and price discov- and in the decade since the crisis, the only further aggravated this social
conversion; the woman’s brother claiming that the but boom times. in the sun for ₹200 ery, financial markets financial sector has only turned even disparity through a bountiful mone-
entire episode took place a year ago, the matter In the seven-month period between rupees, these investors have turned into a den for more reckless and shallow. Obama is tary stimulus for the financial sector
had been settled, his sister was now married to April and October, when businesses spent $250bn every day to Praveen gambling and a channel candidly remorseful that he was una- and negligible fiscal aid for ordinary
were shut and jobs were lost, 274 mil- speculate on the prices of Chakravarty for easy wealth for a select ble to tame the beast of financialisa- people.
someone else, and the police took the initiative of lion rural Indians earned their liveli- shares, currency, deriva- few. But their risks are tion. It may not be an exaggeration to It is time to acknowledge that
lodging the case; others suggesting that the hoods primarily by labouring an tives and other exotic borne by all and protected impute that such extreme financiali- India’s stock markets have no mean-
relationship was consensual; and the family of the entire day to earn a paltry ₹200 under financial instruments in by governments using sation of the economy disrupted the ing for the larger economy. Gloating
the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural India’s stock markets. Levels of specu- taxes and savings of ordinary citi- social order and fostered the subse- over stock market ebullience as an
accused arguing that this was a false case. Employment Guarantee Scheme lative trading (measured as delivery zens. The social costs of excessive quent extreme Left and extreme Right indicator of economic performance is
If the multiple versions of this story present a (MGNREGS). Hundred million more percentage) in the stock markets financialisation of economies now political movements championed by like treating ticket sales of the Indian
somewhat complex picture, it is because the truth people asked for work under reached an all-time high, with 50% far exceed their perceived trickle Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump Derby as an indicator of the larger
MGNREGS this year vis-à-vis last more buying and selling this year down economic benefits. respectively. economy.
about relationships between young people in a year, reflecting the economic impact compared to the same period last year In his recent memoirs, former US India’s post Covid-19 economy is Covid-19, apart from damaging the
patriarchal set-up in general, and about interfaith of the lockdown. when there was no economic shut- President Barack Obama describes his like the fire god Agni — two faced with health of millions of Indians, may also
relationships in a set-up where religious In exactly this sombre period, the down. experiences in dealing with the one beneficent and the other malig- further rupture India’s economic and
top 50 companies in India’s stock These 50 companies employ nearly extravagances of the financial sector nant. Malignant for a vast majority of social equity.
prejudices are deep in particular, has many layers. market increased their value by $200 two million workers. A vast majority during the 2008 global financial crisis. Indian families that is experiencing
Young people, even when they are in consensual billion combined. This is seven times of these workers did not gain a single He famously shamed the financial job losses and declining incomes. Praveen Chakravarty is a former
relationships, often keep it under wraps for fear of more than the increase in the value of rupee from the new wealth added to sector professionals by calling them Beneficent for a minuscule few that banker and a senior
these same 50 companies in the same their companies. Nearly all the gains “fat cat bankers” and attempted to have seen their wealth soar, driven by office-bearer of the Congress
parental recrimination; families try to end such period last year, when the economy accrued only to the owners of these impose a 90% tax on their financial irrational financial markets. The views expressed are personal
relationships, when it goes against their beliefs
and they fear social sanction. In the backdrop of a
political climate where a certain type of
relationship — between Muslim men and Hindu
women — is stigmatised and now made legally
From India’s wars, five { M VENKAIAH NAIDU } VICE-PRESIDENT

lessons for the present
difficult, the ability to exercise autonomy and be
truthful about it is even more difficult.
As this newspaper has consistently argued, the
India condemns terrorism
UP legislation as well as the proposed legislations aving spent eight years researching ness to stand up as a responsible international
in all its manifestation.
in other states — based on the flawed theory of
“love jihad” — stems from patriarchy and bigotry.
Unless there is criminality and conversion due to
inducement, coercion, allurement or fraud —
H and writing in a focused manner on player.
war and conflict in independent The third lesson is a corollary of the first
India, it is time to distil five big les- and a consequence of both moral and devel-
sons for a diverse constituency of stakehold- opmental dilemmas in the Indian strategic
ers in India’s national security matrix. These DNA. In its quest to emerge as a responsible
We are particularly
concerned about states
that leverage terrorism
which is covered by other laws — matters of the range from the policymaker and the practi- and restrained power that strives to uphold
as an instrument of

tioner to the academic and the common citi- the ideals of its pioneering leaders, India has
heart are best left to individuals. Instead, what has
happened is first, an attempt to politically deepen
zen. As India matures as a democracy and its often been surprised by assertive and rela-
aspirations to emerge as a leading power tively clear-headed adversaries, both at the
their state policy.
the distrust about interfaith relationships, and gains momentum, all these stakeholders must state and non-state levels. While moral dilem-
understand the conduct of war and the utility mas have often delayed military responses,
second, an attempt to address this through laws. of force as an instrument of statecraft. developmental dilemmas have resulted in the
Irrespective of the truth of the case in Bareilly, the The first lesson is that contrary to the creation of suboptimal military capabilities.

Where India and

state is making a mistake. It should avoid largely peaceful trajectory of growth envis- A fourth lesson of realpolitik and umbilical
aged by the drafters of the Constitution, India linkages between politics, policy and war in
interfering in the personal realm, and its current has been a “reluctantly warring democracy” contemporary India emerges from the propo-
social outlook could increase the possibility of the to protect its sovereignty and internal fabric. sitions laid out by Kautilya, the ancient Indian
law being implemented in a discriminatory
manner. UP should review the law which could
deepen existing fractures.
It has fought four major wars and one high- strategist and Clausewitz, the Prussian mili-
intensity but limited conflict with its principal tary thinker of the early 19th century. While
adversaries, Pakistan and China. It has the former suggested “hard” and seemingly
quelled four insurgencies (Mizoram, Tripura, “amoral” decisions in pursuit of power for the
China differ in the
Punjab and Assam), in which the
latter two also displayed shades of
terrorism. It continues to search
for a solution to the longest insur-
common good, the latter advo-
cated close coordination between
political entities, policymakers and
practitioners of war as the only
Indian Ocean region
Donald Trump’s last gency in the post-World War-II era way to ensure the successful con- he national security adviser-level tri- isena, Sri Lanka had committed to its par-

push in West Asia

(the Naga insurgency) that has
merged with another violent
expression of ethnic angst in Man-
ipur. Left-wing extremism has
shown signs of fatigue, but secu-
duct of war as an instrument of
These have been clearly vali-
dated in India’s experience over
the last 74 years. The orchestration
T lateral between India, Sri Lanka and ticipation in the Belt and Road Initiative. It
Maldives was held in Colombo last was then that China became the largest
week, after a gap of six years, under- investor in Sri Lanka and one of its projects,
lining the renewed urgency for cooperation the deep-sea Hambantota Port, was leased
in the region, particularly in the wake of to it for 99 years due to staggering debt.
rity forces continue to search for of the 1971 War and the occupation China’s ambitious geopolitical tactics. Similarly, in Maldives, President Abdullah
resident Donald Trump has given up on foreign

conflict termination before the phase of con- of the Saltoro Ridge that overlooks the Sia- In the wake of the trilateral, it is impor- Yameen’s tenure in office (2013-2018) was
policy except in West Asia. His administration is flict resolution offers some light at the end of chen Glacier were examples of hard-nosed tant to examine ways to deepen co-opera- regarded as a time of a pro-China tilt for the
presumed to have had a role in the assassination what has been an intense struggle of ideas. In decisions that went against the grain of con- tion between India and its Indian Ocean Maldives. And it was then that large invest-
what has been a mother of all struggles, the ventional Indian statecraft. Similarly, Prime neighbours. One way to do this is strength- ments in infrastructure were made.
of Iran’s top nuclear scientist last week. His son-in- Indian State continues to grapple with a wax- Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s decision not to ening India’s policy of development cooper- Since most of the Chinese investment has
law has flown to the Persian Gulf for one last ing and waning proxy war in Jammu and allow Indian forces to cross the Line of Con- ation and economic diplomacy in the region been in infrastructure projects, which have
diplomatic roundabout. Mr Trump’s team is tying up Kashmir (J&K) that has shown chameleon- trol during the Kargil conflict was another vis-à-vis China’s engagement track. long gestation periods, and the
like shades of insurgency, terrorism and example of political clarity that led to the India’s development cooperation majority of the development assist-
the loose ends of what it sees as its great foreign policy hybrid war. occupation of a high ground by India that has been a consolidated effort over ance is in the form of non-conces-
moment — getting a slew of Gulf Arab nations to The second lesson is that India has not demonstrated that it could balance the appli- several decades, across four key sional loans, Sri Lanka and Mal-
recognise Israel and concretise an anti-Iran coalition. been averse to the application and demon- cation of force with restraint. verticals. One, housing and reha- dives find themselves in a debt
stration of force outside its geographical The fifth and last lesson, based on recent bilitation projects and high impact trap. The Maldives, for instance,
West Asia’s deepest geopolitical fault-line no boundaries in response to a call for help from events in the security domain, highlight community development projects has run up a debt of $1.3 billion to
longer runs between Israelis and Arabs but between neighbours and the global community. The India’s attempts to shape new policies, strate- have involved grassroots develop- China, which is more than a quar-
Indian Peacekeeping Force (IPKF) interven- gies and structures to meet contemporary ment and large-scale local partici- Tat ter of the GDP of Maldives. The
Shia Persians and Sunni Arabs. It was the Gulf
tion in Sri Lanka; the foiling of the 1988 coup national security challenges. There is clearly pation. unsustainable levels of debt have
monarchies which applauded Mr Trump ending the in Maldives; the sustained contribution to a reduced threshold to absorb “first blows” Two, education-based tourism made the new governments in both
Iran nuclear agreement, initiated the Israel outreach United Nations peacekeeping and peace and an articulated aspiration to migrate from programmes and skill-building initiatives countries wary of foreign participation in
and are now working to ensure all this will be fait enforcement operations, many of which have diffidence and excessive restraint to a more such as the Indian Technical and Economic large-scale infrastructure projects.
led to violent armed confrontations and assertive and proactive response mechanism. Cooperation (ITEC) and the Technology However, India can look to increase its
accompli for President-elect Joe Biden. Mr Biden’s resulted in casualties; and the resolute action India’s recent cross-border strikes on its east- Adoption Project were fully sponsored by engagement in a threefold manner. First,
foreign policy supports the Arab-Israeli in Doklam, are all examples of India’s willing- ern and western frontiers, its response at the government of India, in coordination New Delhi can play a much bigger role
rapprochement. But it may be frosty towards Saudi Doklam and the firm, albeit delayed, reaction with over 68 premier institutions. Three, through climate diplomacy with Maldives
to transgressions by the People’s Liberation infrastructure projects have followed the and Sri Lanka, since it has taken the lead in
Arabia and includes plans to resurrect the Iran Army in eastern Ladakh have demonstrated Security and Growth for All in the Region promoting two initiatives globally: The
nuclear agreement. The last won’t be easy. Iran has this clearly. What emerges is that for any sig- (SAGAR) policy and aimed to deepen eco- International Solar Alliance and Coalition
12 times more low-enriched uranium than the nificant shift in strategy to be effective, there nomic and security cooperation with its for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI).
needs to be a strong bridge that connects poli- maritime neighbours. Some key Indian pro- Second, India could take a leaf out of
original agreement allowed while Washington has tics, policy, strategy, doctrine, structures and jects in Sri Lanka are the Kankesanthurai China’s “sharp power” diplomacy and util-
zero diplomatic credibility. capability, much like the Strategy Bridge sug- harbour in Northern Sri Lanka and the ise its information broadcasting capacity to
The stakes are high. The Arab Street has no love gested by the renowned English scholar, Colin Indo-Japanese East Container Terminal showcase its own global initiatives. This
Gray. Clearly, it is this bridge that needs signif- (ECT) at Colombo Port. Similarly, for Mal- would help soften its “big brother” image in
for Israel. Iran’s informal empire remains intact but icant bolstering at every level. dives, India is assisting with the Greater the region.
broke. Outsiders must tread this minefield carefully. Recent initiatives indicate that this process Male Connectivity Project. And, finally, And finally, a key grouping that can play
India has even more reason to avoid a regional role has commenced in right earnest with a top- India is also committed to improving a bigger role in strengthening cooperation
down approach; there will be hits and misses energy infrastructure and helping cope with with Sri Lanka and Maldives vis-à-vis China
and continue to maintain a set of bilateral along the way as India seeks a “new normal” the climate crisis in the region, aided by its is the Quad. Key individual actors — namely
relationships. Pakistan is struggling. The United in its national security and warfighting dis- expertise in solar energy. Japan, India and United States (US) — are
Arab Emirates banned visas for Pakistan and others course. Lessons from the past will always India’s investments have thus been present in both the countries as independ-
offer instructive guidance. focused on human capital development and ent donor nations and can do much more
who opposed normalisation of ties with Israel. As deployed largely in employment-intensive through coordinated actions, to promote
West Asian politics becomes ever more cut-throat, Arjun Subramaniam is a retired Air Vice Marshal sectors. This is in contrast to Beijing’s soft power and economic diplomacy.
Islamabad may have to choose between ideological from the Indian Air Force and the author of India’s efforts. China had developed particularly
There will be hits and misses as India Wars: A Military History 1947-1971 & Full Spec- close ties with past regimes in Sri Lanka Urmi Tat is a research associate,
sanctity and economic stability. Either way will be to seeks a new normal in its national trum: India’s Wars 1972-2020 and Maldives. During the earlier presidency Centre for Air Power Studies
New Delhi’s advantage. security and warfighting discourse HT The views expressed are personal of Mahinda Rajapaksa and Maithripala Sir- The views expressed are personal

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Incorporating and directly descended

from THE FRIEND OF INDIA - Founded 1818
Songs of Protest A MEMBER

Today, country after country in Latin America has been out on the streets against growing ASIAN VOICES
Waving a club poverty, frustration with non-performing models of governance, unrest on campus and Suu Kyi’s capabilities

environmental depredations. Many protesters are using their bodies as a political act
n 2015, the World Health Organisation’s Strategic
Advisory Group of Experts on Immunisation cha-
tested amid
racterised vaccine hesitancy as a “delay in ac-
ceptance or refusal of vaccination despite availabil-
numerous issues

ity of vaccination services”. Four years later, but fforts to weaken the military’s
before the coronavirus epidemic swept the world, involvement in politics are
WHO identified vaccine hesitancy as one of the top essential if Myanmar is to pro-
ten global health threats. But in 2020, with Covid-19 mote democratisation and achieve
having emerged as a global scourge and with accel- domestic stability. Aung San Suu Kyi’s
erated vaccine development programmes having ability to take action is being called
into question. In the Myanmar general
brought the world within nodding distance of an election, the ruling National League
antidote to the virus, concerns about the efficacy of for Democracy (NLD), led by State
vaccines are bound to dominate public discourse Counsellor Suu Kyi, the de facto leader
in the weeks and months ahead. This discourse was of the government, won more than 80
energised at the weekend with allegations that a 40- per cent of the seats up for grabs,
year-old participant from Chennai in a third phase maintaining its sole majority. Suu Kyi’s
clinical trial of one of the vaccine front-runners suf- popularity has been demonstrated,
fered a virtual neurological breakdown and impair- but the future will be difficult. The
ment of cognitive functions 10 days after adminis- NLD won a landslide in the previous
election in 2015, marking a shift from
tration. In the crosshairs of the legal action initiated
the military-centred political rule that
by the man’s family is the AstraZeneca vaccine can- lasted more than half a century. How-
didate manufactured by the Pune-based Serum ever, the Constitution that was estab-
Institute of India. The family has sought compensa- lished under the military regime allo-
tion of Rs 5 crore, but beyond the money involved,

another significant legal frame- political technologies” like block- democracy has opened up spaces cates one-fourth of the seats to mili-
the complaint has cast a fearful shadow over the atin America enjoys a work that some countries in Latin ing roads, burning tires, picket- and the internet has provided tary personnel, and the military still
vaccine’s side-effects. While the Drugs Controller of unique place in the world. America have institutionalized to ing etc. various platforms which are not has a certain amount of influence.
India has announced an investigation into the com- It is a world where politics deepen democracy. It is the right In recent years Rio’s carnival easy to crush. The ruling party’s victory over the
plaint, the response of Serum Institute of India must and prose are one and the of the indigenous and ethnic has become a site for resistance Culture has now become a main opposition party, which devel-
raise some eyebrows. The manufacturer has dis- same. While politics intersects groups to be consulted on mat- and rebellion. This year, “long live tool in the hands of protesters. oped from the military regime, may
with literature, society and econ- ters affecting their culture and resistance” was the theme of Sao People dance in the streets to the reflect public wariness regarding a
missed the charges as “malicious and misconceived” omy, Latin American writers are heritage. Paulo’s carnival. Earlier, it used to rhythms of cumbia and salsa return to military-led politics. There
and threatened to seek damages of more than Rs keeping alive the tradition of the Today, country after country be a carnival of the oppressed. music and march along to has been little progress on revising the
100 crore from the afflicted person, a business con- uncertain border between reali- has been out on the streets agai- Now it is overly political. Art is sounds of trumpets, trombones Constitution and ending the civil war
sultant. While claiming sympathy with the com- ty and imagination. Perhaps nst growing poverty, frustration now stoking the protest moveme- and horns. The indigenous and between the military and ethnic
plainant’s medical condition, it has said there is Percy B Shelley had Latin Ameri- with non-performing models of nts in Latin America. Demonstra- oppressed communities find minorities, issues that Suu Kyi includ-
“absolutely no correlation” with the vaccine. It said, ca in mind when he wrote, “poets governance, unrest on campus tors from Mexico to Argentina are healing in such cultural practices. ed in her campaign pledges. Under
“The claim is malicious because the volunteer was are the unacknowledged legisla- and environmental depredations. relying on traditional art forms, Today these have been weapo- these circumstances, she cannot avoid
specifically informed by the medical team that the tors of the world.” Many protesters are using their dances, and music to hold their nised. Victor Jara’s 1971 song being criticised for a poor track record.
complications he suffered were independent of the Latin American writers like bodies as a political act. At a time leaders accountable. The mes- “Derecho a la paz” (Right to
vaccine trial he underwent.” This is in contrast to Pablo Neruda and Gabriel Garcia when governments are taking sage is loud and clear. If elected peace) has become a resistance
Marquez had great influence on away the rights that nations gave leaders have made a mockery of anthem for students and work-
AstraZeneca’s response to a report of a woman vol- world writings. Latin America, as to their citizens, the protesters politics, the masses too know ing-class protestors across the Ethnic minority parties dissatisfied
unteer in the United Kingdom reporting neurologi- Marquez saw it, was born in a co- are claiming streets as belonging how to mock them in public. region. with the government split with the
cal distress in September, and another volunteer lonial mind thousands of miles to people, not just for cars. Music, dance and other for- The youth unrest is a ticking ruling party and won seats indepen-
reporting a neurological problem in July. On both across the Atlantic. And yet, it did For instance, in ms of art even at time bomb. Massive cuts in the dently. This should be interpreted
earlier occasions, clinical trials were halted. Later, it sustain a vision of its own, a dis- New York one needs this time of pan- education budgets, steep fee hike as disappointment over the excessive
was claimed that one volunteer suffered from mul- tinct memory, a different history permission from local demic have kept and unprecedented unemploy- consideration for the military. If Suu
tiple sclerosis, and the other had a spinal inflam- enshrined in oral cultures, sto- authorities if more the heat on polit- ment have led to the fear of the Kyi fails to achieve results in the
matory disorder called transverse myelitis. But in ries, legends and collective myth. than 20 people gather ical leadership young generation being locked future, her power to unify is certain to
the Indian case, the vaccine manufacturer has strai- Latin American writers in a park. In many across the regi- out of the economy. The millen- decline. The economy has also failed
rejected Western aesthetics of “art other cities in the US on. nials and Generation Z played a to grow. Problems including delays in
ghtaway chosen to go on the offensive, threatening
for art’s sake”; art for them is for the street march is free In Brazil, su- key role in forcing two presidents infrastructure development and the
the complainant with a countersuit and hefty dam- life’s sake. Literature is not just a only if it involves pporters of for- out in Peru within a week recent- corrupt nature of bureaucrats and oth-
ages. This seems both unfortunate and insensitive. mere string of words; it gives the fewer than 100 people mer president ly. Earlier the Chilean youth ers have hampered investment from
For there is no dispute on two critical facts. One, writers a view of the world. and if they occupy a Luiz Inacio Lula played no less important a role abroad. The administration bears a
the man did participate in the AstraZeneca vaccine Mario Vargas Llosa cam- single lane. In London da Silva have for- in forcing the government to heavy responsibility for failing to solve
trial. And two, he did a few days later apparently paigned for presidency in Peru, political protests now ASH NARAIN med Free Lula dump the Pinochet-era constitu- problems that have long been pointed
suffer considerable neurological damage. Whether Gabriel Garcia Marquez remain- are lumped with loot- ROY Samba groups tion. out. Suu Kyi, who led the pro-democ-
or not the two events are related is for an investiga- ed deeply involved in Colombian ers as threats to public The writer is Director,
around the cou- Earlier, it was believed that racy movement under military rule,
tion to determine, and that cannot be preempted politics and Carlos Fuentes order. The Indian gov- Institute of Social Sciences, ntry. Anti-Bol- extremist forces on the left and faced oppression through such means
actively campaigned for democ- ernment has a taken a sonaro groups the right were more politically as house arrest. Despite this, criticism
by waving a club at a person in obvious distress. On
ratic change in Mexico. Pablo leaf from the US and too have prolifer- committed and hence they par- of the government has become the tar-
the contrary, the vaccine manufacturer must join Neruda was nominated for the the UK in restricting protests at ated. Hundreds of indigenous ticipated in protests. Now almost get of crackdowns, even under the cur-
the investigation and allay fears that people have. Chilean presidency in 1970 but India Gate, Jantar Mantar and the women recently occupied the every section of the people seems rent administration. It betrays the
Certainly, the report from Chennai has caused huge he gave his support to Salvador historic Ramleela Maidan.. Ministry of Health, demanding to be willing to take to the streets. expectations of the international com-
consternation and will likely add to the vaccine hes- Allende who won. Some intellec- Various organisations, indi- the restoration of basic health In 2000. President Jamil Mahuad munity that supports Suu Kyi. Suu Kyi
itancy many already feel. tuals and writers indeed became genous and peasant groups in and human services to their of Ecuador was forced to resign also has shown no presence regarding
presidents. Latin America have created big communities. Wearing their tra- after a week of demonstrations the issue of the persecuted Islamic
Dons indeed Latin America’s romance
with football is no less spectacu-
movements which have captured ditional outfits, women sang and
the imagination of the world. The danced inside the building to
by the indigenous people. Argen-
tinian president Fernando de la
minority Rohingya, about 700,000 of
whom have become refugees and fled

I t has become something of a fashion to mock lar. Football not just charms, it indigenous people in many highlight their struggle. Rua fled office besieged by riots to neighbouring Bangladesh. The US
political correctness in recent times. That’s pat- seduces. When the World Cup is countries are, today, well-organ- The indigenous and margin- in 2001. A very powerful protest and European countries are increas-
on, in most Latin American hom- ised at the grassroots, regional alized groups in Latin America that opposed the tax system by ingly criticising Myanmar, calling the
ently unfair, given what is termed politically corr-
es organized religion and orga- and national levels. They advo- seem to have perfected the art of President Sanchez de Lozada of situation a grave humanitarian crisis.
ect terminology is usually a manifestation of the pu- nized football can be seen vying cate for indigenous rights, access collective action. The region is Bolivia forced his ouster in 2003 In Myanmar, where 90 per cent of the
shback against tropes around gender, class, ethnic- for supremacy. When the going is to land, autonomy, basic services, witnessing the ‘festivals of pro- after only 14 months in power. people are Buddhists, feelings of dis-
ity, race, faith and caste which aid the demolition of not in their favour, many invoke environmental protection and test’ or ‘politics of crowd’ like Writers and intellectuals crimination against the Rohingya are
stereotypes. To that extent, it has been an important the divine power ~ the religious political representation. nowhere else. The indigenous wield immense political influ- so strong that the issue did not surface
aspect of sensitising society to the harm inflicted ones their gods and football Street protests played an people revel in feasting, costum- ence in Latin America. Their writ- as a point of contention in the elec-
upon those who have been typecast and calling out fanatics their heroes and stars for important role during the demo- ing and dancing, which is long ings are a source of respectability tion. However, the problem must not
the privilege of those responsible for it. For example, deliverance. Small wonder there- cratization process of the 1990s. part of communal celebration of for the governments in power be allowed to be left unaddressed. Suu
popularising the use in public discourse of human- fore that the French paper L’ Now these protests are for demo- their culture. and provide, in equal measure, Kyi must accelerate such measures as
kind in place of mankind or s/he instead of the mas- Equipe should frontpage Diego cratic consolidation and making Earlier, particularly during legitimacy to an array of revolts granting nationality to the Rohingya
Maradona’s demise, “God is politics accountable. These the military regimes, protesters and movements. Peruvian novel- that will lead to the return of refugees.
culine singular, Afro-Caribbean as opposed to Col- dead”. protests are also a way of assert- met with brutal force of the ist Mario Vargas once wondered Stability in Myanmar is extremely
oured, developing countries and not Third World… In recent decades, Latin ing people power which has now police and the military. Artists why “being basically creators and important for Japan, which advocates
the list is long and spreads across geographies. But it America has become a hotbed of acquired greater intensity. People and writers weren’t spared either. artists”, Latin American writers a “free and open Indo-Pacific.” A large
is important that individuals from all strata of soci- political innovations. Ecuador are increasingly frustrated with When Salvador Allende was killed have ended up being “politicians, number of Japanese companies are
ety feel included, non-stigmatised and can identify and Bolivia have given Nature the the institutionalized road - vot- in a military coup in 1973, the agitators, reformers, social publi- also operating in Myanmar.
with the narrative. With this caveat in place, it has to “right to exist, persist, maintain ing, forming political parties, bar- notorious Pinochet regime took cists and moralists.” Maybe,
be said there is something called overdoing it. Worse and regenerate its vital cycles, gaining in parliament, funding aim at ‘nueva cancion’ (new because “literature is fire”, as he IN MEMORIAM
still when it is not just over-enthusiasm but a con- structures, functions and its political parties and think tanks. music) by banning this kind of said way back in 1967 while
certed attempt by an intellectual cartel which speaks processes in evolution”. Consulta They have now shifted towards music and exiling many musi- receiving the Romano Gallegos NATHANIEL JOHN — You will
previa (prior consultation) is what has been called “alternative cians of that genre. Today, Prize. remain in our hearts forever.
almost exclusively to and within its echo chamber to
snuff out all diversity of thought and expression.
This academic mafia with followers in politics,
media, cinema and literature has set itself up as the LETTERS TO THE EDITOR editor@thestatesman.com
final arbiter of what is deemed acceptable and can
easily be recognised by the air of smug self-affirma- such advances were not repaid. view of ushering in a Uniform Civil
tion which surrounds it. Most, if not all, who prefer
to think for themselves have caved to this new
Political role in NPAs MUST ACT Although the total amount of such
advances was proportionately
Code, they also invert the princi-
ple of ‘minimum government,
dogma, if only to save themselves from accusations SIR, The farmers' agitation small, it eroded the culture of maximum governance’ enunciat-
of being insensitive, exclusionary and worse. Not SIR, Non-performing Assets (NPA) has been going on for the repayment of bank loans. ed by PM Narendra Modi by giving
are the single largest problem past two months or so, but Yours, etc., Sanjit Ghatak, Naren- the state a veto on personal mat-
so, Cambridge University dons. They have opposed being faced by banks in India. The the situation has taken a drapur, 30 November. ters. If these laws are pushed
the University’s latest bout of illiberal political cor- concept of categorization of assets grim turn with thousands of through, New Delhi must prepare
rectness reflected in a series of updates to free spe- as NPA began with the implemen- farmers and union activists DIVISIVE LAWS for likely unflattering portrayals in
ech rules proposed by the authorities last week, arg- tation of the Narasimham Com- on the march to Delhi. In a SIR, After Madhya Pradesh govern- international media comparing
uing that the changes are authoritarian. “The Uni- mittee Recommendations in democracy, such a situation ment’s announcement that it India to South Africa under
versity has no right to demand that we be respectful 1992. Prior to that most banks is unhealthy. We, as common would table a bill to prosecute ‘love apartheid. Among other things it
towards all beliefs and practices. On the contrary, were booking interest income on citizens, can just sit with our jihad’, Uttar Pradesh has now would be a blow to Indian diplo-
we have a duty to satirise and to mock them,” the all loan accounts, without assess- fingers crossed. I hope that passed the UP Prohibition of macy, which championed the anti-
Campaign for Cambridge Freedoms, a group of aca- ing whether the interest or princi- the Union Government will Unlawful Religious Conversion apartheid movement.
pal amount due for repayment find a pragmatic political ordinance making forced religious At a time when the country is
demics who oppose the changes, asserts. In partic- had been paid or not. It was fool- solution as the farmers are conversions – whose meaning will facing multiple challenges from
ular, the rule proposed by the Council of the 800- ishness. Once the recommenda- very significant stakeholders include conversion for marriage – the Covid-19 pandemic and eco-
year-old institution requiring academics to be tions were made operative, sur- in the national economy. punishable by a tough jail term nomic recession to the twin securi-
“respectful” of the diverse identities of others ~ how- vival of three nationalized banks Yours,.etc., Chandan Kumar and fine. ty threats posed by China and Pak-
ever misogynistic, bigoted or vile ~ is problematic. with headquarters in Kolkata Nath, The UP ordinance mandates istan, the people of this nation
Tolerance of others’ identities as long as their mani- and of Indian Bank was threat- Guwahati, 30 November. that those willingly wanting to need to be united. Divisive and
festations are in conformity with the law of the land ened. convert for marriage need to polarising ‘love jihad’ laws under-
is not an issue. Critics say the proposed changes, Bank balance sheets are scru- inform the district magistrate two mine such unity and aid our
no doubt meant well, could be used to undermine tinized by the chartered accounts sions being subjected to subse- banks by politicians to make months in advance. The law will adversaries.
at specified periods. The article quent scrutiny." The cited indus- advances to dishonest borrowers. cause great difficulty for interfaith The BJP central leadership
academics’ freedom of speech rather than protect it
'The NPA Conundrum (November tries suffer from want of demand Glaring instances are those of Vijay couples. should tell its state governments to
given the vague nature of their wording. Sacking 30) by Amarjit Chopra and of their products on account of Mallya, Nirav Mody and others. Not only does it undermine reverse course. A better path would
those who, say, mock individuals and/or ideas they Sabyasachee Dash contains expert Covid-19. They are simply not in a The writers’ belief that lend- personal liberty and free will, it be to simplify the provisions of the
disagree with would be perfectly kosher if the pro- analysis of the NPA problem The position to absorb bank credit. ing to the priority sector is a reason also incentivises hooligans, who Special Marriage Act that allows
posals get through. While the academics’ protest cause of the problems being faced While discussing "principal for accumulation of NPA is not may take advantage of the advance interfaith couples to marry with-
has forced the University to put its proposals to vote, by industries specified in the arti- factors for accumulating bad correct. In most cases, priority sec- notice to intimidate couples. out converting.
one suspects the Orwellian nightmare could well be cle is not lack of credit from the loans" the writers have omitted to tor advances were made in the past These draconian laws not Yours, etc., Vandana,
unfolding much closer home for the West. banks "for fear of business deci- mention the pressure exerted on under political pressure. Bulk of only contradict BJP’s long stated Chandigarh, 26 November.
The world vs China?
moved closer to the US and becoming 100 YEARS AGO
an active member of the QUAD, it
avoided taking any action which was
detrimental to China. It strictly
adhered to its One-China policy,
HARSHA KAKAR avoided criticising China on internal A valedictory address to the American
matters and refused to give major Society of Naturalists by Professor E.M.

he India-China standoff is con- diplomatic space to the Dalai Lama East, of Harvard, contains some inter-
tinuing through the winter. despite China not adhering to the esting forecasts and speculations about
Despite eight rounds of talks, One-India policy. It overlooked the results of the increasing pressure of
no end appears on the horizon. China-Pakistan proximity and con- the world’s population in the near
The dispute remains on the sequence struction of the CPEC through disput- future. For, in spite of everything, the
and methodology of disengagement. ed Gilgit Baltistan. India even ignored population of the globe is increasing.
While China insists on India disengaging its growing trade deficit in the belief Professor East estimates the world’s
and pulling back from the Kailash that trade coupling would maintain population at present at about 1,700
Heights, south of Pangong Tso, India sanctity of the LAC. millions, increasing at the rate of 14 to
demands a Chinese pull back from north India refused to join the BRI and 16 millions every year. Most of the
of Pangong Tso and also desires to RCEP as these would be detrimental increase is in the white races. China’s
include Depsang in the discussions. The to the country. However, it never population of 300 millions is practically
Chinese defence spokesperson stated objected to others joining. India stationary, not so much on account of
last week that India should meet China enhanced ties with China to ensure the periodical famines and floods but
halfway to safeguard ‘peace and stability sanctity of borders. The Chinese because the soil is incapable of carry-
with sincerity’ in the border regions. intrusion in Ladakh stabbed India in ing an increased number of persons.
Simultaneously, China faces the back, compelling it to counter the Domestic animals have almost disap-
global criticism for hiding details of aggression by employing every peared and infanticide is practiced.
the pandemic, enabling travel from avenue. India blocking Chinese Although the birth-rate in most civilised
Wuhan to all parts of the globe lead- investments, its mobile apps and lands is steadily decreasing, preventive
ing to its global spread while block- restricting imports, alongside an medicine by lowering the death-rate has
ing internal movement from affected unofficial national call to boycott Chi- maintained an increase in population. If
areas, thus slowing domestic cases. Its nese products have reduced trade the rate of increase in the population of
claim that the virus existed in parts of deficit and opened doors for decou- the United States is maintained the
the globe before emerging in China is pling, especially in the case of IT and inhabitants within the lifetime of the
ignored. Chinese offensive actions in smaller products. grandchildren of persons still living will
the South China Sea against Taiwan An article in The Financial Times number more than a billion. America
and the crackdown in Hong Kong are of 27 November, covered the impact has to face a special problem in the fact
being criticized. of India banning Chinese Apps, that the birth-rate of the foreign popu-
Global challenges have led to specifically on companies based in lation now coming largely from eastern
European nations to join the US in Hangzhou. It covered examples of and southern Europe is much greater
enhancing naval presence in the companies such as Club Factory, than the birth-rate of the Anglo-Saxon
Indo-Pacific. Chinese attempts to win Alibaba, Tencent and TikTok, and stock, so much so that within a century
over Europe have been rebuffed. detailed their financial losses com- that stock will form only a small frac-
European nations have turned down pelling them to lay off employees. It is tion of the whole. Probably the United
Chinese demands to permit Huawei evident that many more companies States will severely restrict immigration.
to enter their markets. Europe, on the would have been impacted. Money
other hand, is enhancing trade ties Control, in an article of 30 June quotes NEWS ITEMS
with Indo-Pacific countries, bypass- Global Times as stating that Indo-
ing China.
The RCEP may have been signed
China trade has dropped by 50 per
cent since the standoff. SERIOUS FIRE IN
but that has not ended the creation
of coalitions against China. The that China is slowing down invest- the pandemic and its offensive diplo- eign minister visited Europe earlier
China, by its offensive actions,
has awoken a sleeping and friendly PESHAWAR
QUAD may currently be a grouping of ments in BRI projects. Even the CPEC, matic and military actions. this year, he was questioned on Xin- India, compelling it to take measures, Delhi, Nov 30
likeminded democratic nations; how- which is its pilot project, is behind Nations are crossing Chinese red jiang and Hong Kong. Chinese in addition to military, to hit back. It A serious fire causing damage to the
ever, Japan and Australia are dis- schedule. Nations which had agreed lines at will. Earlier, diplomatic and attempts to warn the global commu- has pushed India into joining global extent of over two-and-a-half lakhs of
cussing a bilateral defence pact to Chinese projects are now backing military visits to Taiwan were avoided, nity on its red lines is being ignored. groupings against it, while defending rupees and razing to the ground nearly
against China. China pushing Asean out. Myanmar, Thailand and Maldives but no longer. The recent visit by two The world is uniting to demand the itself vigorously in Ladakh. Simulta- seventy houses occurred in Peshawar
nations to agree on a code of conduct are examples. US secretaries and a Rear Admiral to admission of Taiwan into the WHO, neously, with visits by the Foreign on Friday. It originated in the house of a
on the South China Sea based on Chi- Companies are moving manufac- the island as also the visit by the despite Chinese objections. Minister, foreign secretary and NSA to sick man named Amir Chand in Ram-
nese perceptions is unlikely to suc- turing out of China. Apple has moved Czech speaker are indicators. Lobsang China is facing a united globe, Seychelles, Nepal and Sri Lanka, India pura Mohalla, and presumably, either
ceed. its manufacturing to Vietnam while Sangay, President of the Central challenging its actions and question- is pushing back against Chinese influ- the lamp which was burning near him
China’s Belt Road Initiative is not Samsung is moving to India. Other Tibetan Administration, was invited ing its behaviour. It needs allies, apart ence in South Asia. overturned, or a spark escaped from his
progressing as per plans. Most coun- companies are exploring Asean and to the White House to meet the newly from Pakistan and North Korea, which China should know that India is hukka. The room caught fire at 9 o’clock
tries where China has invested are South Asian nations. The world is appointed U.S. Special Coordinator it currently lacks. Russia is amongst no pushover, and the decision on and Amir Chand was burnt to death. His
unable to repay loans due to econom- uniting to move supply chains away for Tibetan Issues, Robert Destro. This the few nations which avoids criticiz- whether it needs India as an ally, two relatives also received very serious
ic impact on account of the pandem- from China, despite the RCEP. Many was the first visit by a Tibetan leader ing China as long as China does not enemy or competitor is in its hands. injuries which may prove fatal. There
ic. Chinese economy, despite all nations, including India, are closely to the White House in six decades. comment on Russian actions. China India is comfortable with either was some delay in informing the fire
claims, is facing problems of unpaid monitoring Chinese investments and Simultaneously, China is facing is almost alone. choice. brigade which arrived at 11 P.M. Several
loans. Currently Chinese total debt is blocking them in key sectors. All this criticism for Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong India was always careful in its The writer is a retired Major-General of the houses were demolished to prevent the
350 per cent of its GDP. Reports state is in response to Chinese handling of Kong. When Wang Yi, the Chinese for- relations with China. Despite having Indian Army. fire spreading. The local Seva Samiti also
rendered great aid, but it was not till

Welcome reset in India-Nepal ties

nine o’clock in the morning that the fire
secretary will help India’s develop- was completely under control.
ment partnership assistance to Nepal.

ATUL K THAKUR it had to be under the supervision of a

It is expected that with the ongoing
and potential infrastructure projects,
British resident sent to look after the connectivity between the two coun- SAID

hile diplomacy can’t be protectorate. Nepal succeeded in not tries will see promising times ahead.
sentimental, essentially it letting the British resident be a ‘con- Timing is particularly crucial for Allahabad, Nov 30
should be courteous. Harsh trolling agent’ of the British East India cooperation in coping with the exis- There appears to have been industrial
Vardhan Shringla, India’s Company that ruled its immediate tential challenges with Covid-19. As trouble again at Port Said, but for the
foreign secretary, was in Kathmandu, neighbour India. the first vaccine is about to be moment things are quiet there. The
and it is indeed heart-warming how In 2020, it is still worthwhile to launched in India, Nepal can stay cause has ostensibly been an economic
India’s top diplomatic envoy can speak look back and know well about the assured of all assistance from the one, says the Pioneer correspondent.
fluent Nepali and understands the choices exercised by Nepal, and the southern neighbour. Workers of certain firms handling the
norms that safeguard India-Nepal rela- glorious journey of overcoming the Also, it is high time that econom- shipping passing through the Suez
tions. Shringla’s visit to Nepal followed challenges. With hindsight, a saner act ic cooperation was given its due to Canal have struck for higher wages, but
two recent high-level visits from India would be self-introspection rather than ensure a post-pandemic economic there is every reason to believe that dis-
- by Indian Army Chief General Manoj blaming the neighbours. The neigh- rebound. The bilateral engagement content has been fomented by Bolshe-
Mukund Naravane earlier this month bours are not the ‘boulders’, Nepal is has to be proactive. Long-pending vik agents, and, in view of an abortive
and Samant Goel, chief of India’s exter- not a ‘yam’. In fact, it should not be a matters related to treaties and terri- attempt made to bring out the Canal
nal intelligence agency Research and conduit for ‘bridge diplomacy’. As a tories should get an official mecha- Company’s employees, who having
Analysis Wing (R&AW) in the third country with immense possibilities and nism so they can be tabled and sorted recently received substantial increases
week of October. aspirations, Nepal should think of a out with a trust-based approach. Such in pay had no cause to complain, it
Without linking the visits to a free-spirited move in its foreign affairs. matters should not stop Nepal’s top would look as if a serious attempt was
common cause, the rapprochement It should give ‘realism’ well-deserved leadership from engaging with India being made to paralyse shipping
from both sides should be welcomed. traction. However, this should not be and resuming flight operations with through the Suez Canal. Troops have
During the last three high-profile vis- confused as a new system bound to the required pandemic-related cau- now been drafted into the Port Said
its from India, Prime Minister KP Oli overlook the conventional wisdom that tion. The policies should have area, and the authorities appear to have
made himself available to meet the helps in knowing friends and adver- humane consideration. The unprece- the situation well in hand.
visiting officials, giving the required istry has once again proposed resum- has a long history of sovereignty and saries in difficult times. dented crisis merits a brave counter-
impetus to the partnership. What
does it suggest? India is keeping busi-
ing flight services to India more than
one and a half months after its first
independent status. Even noncon-
formists will not forget that the
As a matter of fact, Nepal can do
without seeing India and China in
response. In testing times like this,
there is a need to work together to
ness as usual and working on the pro-
jects undertaken before the China-
proposal was rejected outright by the
government amid soured relations
Gorkha Kingdom appealed to the
British Empire for protection from a
comparison. This will be particularly
helpful in avoiding any impending
save lives and livelihoods. Nepal
should reciprocate, and this will posi-
originated coronavirus flattened the with the southern neighbour over a Chinese attack through Tibet. The first consequences, especially avoiding the tively support millions of people St Andrew’s Church was crowded yester-
world, and the boundary issue sud- boundary dispute. To keep an inde- British mission came to Nepal in 1793 risk of turning into a ‘geostrategic across the border. day evening with a large and distin-
denly found extra prominence. It pendent and balanced worldview, the followed by the next one in 1802. hotspot’ in South Asia. Nepal, a mod- Without prefixing, the Indian guished company on the occasion of the
would be too naive to say anything most important virtue to be relied on The collaboration didn’t last long, ern republic, should strengthen its envoy termed Nepal a ‘friend’ of India. St Andrew’s day service and the unveiling
else of a significant nature has taken is a ‘sense of proportion’. however, and the Anglo-Nepal War or democracy and democratise its insti- In essence, a friend for all seasons. He of a memorial by his Excellency the Gov-
place in the partnership. Apparently, a Prithvi Narayan Shah called Gorkha War (1814-16) was fought tutions. It should underline a devel- said that not in the Queen’s language, ernor. The service was conducted by the
choice makes a big difference either Nepal a ‘yam between two boulders’ between the Gorkha Kingdom and opment strategy that has an inclusive but in chaste Nepali. He has reset the Rev. A.M. Neilson, who preached a ser-
way. referring to India and China. For the British East India Company. A nature. To bring it into action, a par- tone for benign diplomacy. This is the mon explaining the life and character of
The Oli government had com- British India, Nepal was a buffer zone British victory and the 1816 Sugauli ticipatory model should be followed. need of the hour and should be taken St. Andrew. At the conclusion of the ser-
pletely misunderstood a very crucial between China and India. In the pre- Treaty ended the war. With the treaty, For managing its affairs in the world seriously. In equal measure, decision- vice his Excellency the Governor
stage in history and abstained from sent time and context, by not align- Nepal renounced its territorial claims with new vigour and progressive makers of both countries should work unveiled the memorial which has been
pursuing ‘enlightened self-interest’ ing domestic policies with interna- on the Tarai, and parted with its con- thinking, Nepal has to bring the home on it and clear the fog. We all should placed on the wall behind the pulpit.
when China did everything possible tional affairs, Nepal has a better quests west of the Kali River that in order. Realising it will be a true rise to the occasion. This memorial is placed here to the Glory
to alter the boundaries of its neigh- chance to practise a serious non- reached up to the Sutlej River. Nepal diplomatic nicety. of God and in honour of nursing sisters,
bours. Reportedly, the Tourism Min- alignment policy. Remarkably, Nepal could retain its independence, though The visit of the Indian foreign The Kathmandu Post/ANN. naval and military officers, and men
belonging to the Church of Scotland and
CROSSWORD other Presbyterian churches, who died
NO 28151
in Bombay in the service of the Empire.

ACROSS effect (9)

27 Here in Ireland, couple's without
7 Suddenly moved back from
playground that's greasy (8)
YESTERDAY'S SOLUTION 1 Piece of furniture having
unpleasant smell? Fine when in
church (8)
love (largely what love is, they
say) (6)
8 They keep records of unbelievable
husband leaving Maidenhead (8) CEREMONY
28 Split vote in Parliament (8) 11 Time together to become less
5 Hot priest shows wit (6) Nagpur, Nov 30
29 Required: E, N and D, sorted in intense, they say (4)
9 Normal People full of sex appeal?
That's cheesy! (8)
various quantities (6) 15 Deranged Etonian securing On Saturday evening a pleasant func-
30 I listened to fado performance, end university grant without bombast? tion took place on the Bishop Cotton
10 Case of Marianne disrupting class,
of July, in the sun (3,2,3) Sweet! (9)
abandoning school – some spirit! (6)
17 Playwright's woman managed to School play-ground, Nagpur, when the
12 In relation to ‘heat': time woman's DOWN steal papers (8) friends of the Rev. Edward R. Day
getting male partner (9)
13 Flower girl found at Platform 25 (5)
1 Somewhere off the beaten track, 18 Friendly guy supporting Jamie after assembled to bid him farewell and
young person starts to visit Roman dropping clothes (8) Good-speed. Mr. Day has been in Nag-
14 Connell regularly meets Peggy, at
city (6) 20 Musical performance on island (4)
last alone (4)
2 Writer of ordinary book's nothing 21 Taking part in attempt to create pur for three and a half years, and has
16 Porter perhaps keeps on offering taken a very keen interest in all matters
to Lorraine (6) threesome (7)
student accommodation? (7)
19 Meat: food rejected in German
3 The best thing that goes with 22 Louis XIV discovered Germany's generally and in the Bishop Cotton
strawberries (5) cruel (6) School particularly, where, in addition
city (7)
4 Johnson's occasionally in blue 23 Footballer, one given welcome by
21 It's nonsense to be quiet (4)
during visit (7) coach Hodgson (6) to his arduous duties connected with
24 Correct answer will reveal body the parish, he has often taken the class-
6 People wasting money stop eating 26 County should look into golden
parts (5)
25 26 unhappy about smooth melodic
chips? On the contrary (9) opportunities for starters (5) es for two or three hours daily during
the absence of the teachers. He is now
NOTE: Figures in parentheses denote the number of letters in the words required. (By arrangement with The Independent, London) proceeding to England under the
instructions of his medical adviser.


Experts might be right on bank

licensing even if their logic isn’t
Their objections may seem muddled but India’s economy is too fragile right now to risk instability

promoting banks. But the experts con- licensing, public policy cannot be a
tradicted themselves. They proposed morality play.
lame safeguards when confronted with The timing of the proposal, however,
the prospect of a non-banking finance is an issue. India’s economy is still frag-
company (NBFC) promoted by a corpo- ile. Potential incremental instability,
rate entity applying for a bank licence. even if deemed remote, seems unavoid-
They did not suggest that a corporate able over the next two to three years.
promoter must fully divest its stake Proposals to strengthen bank supervi-
before it could apply for such a licence. sion are theoretically elegant but practi-
V. ANANTHA NAGESWARAN That would have been consistent. Fur- cally impossible for now. Internal resist-
is a member of the Economic Advisory ther, it’s puzzling that a foreign share- ance will likely make RBI hiring quali-
Council to the Prime Minister. holding cap of 74% in banks went fied supervisors at market salaries a non-
unquestioned. starter. Further, constructing a scheme

The value that island

If the concern is diversion of deposi- for rewarding loss prevention presents a
tors’ funds to connected entities, then ‘wicked problem’. If deposit insurance
corporate promoters can do it even now premiums are set higher for new pro-

iming is everything. Whether one through the NBFCs that they promote. moters for a few years, it would not be a
is executing a cover drive on the NBFCs are refinanced by banks, which level playing field, and there could be

resorts can generate cricket field or making an invest-

ment decision. Or, if one is releasing an
internal working group (IWG) report on
corporate groups being eligible to apply
are funded by depositors. Deposits are
thus in play in any case. If anything, it
may be more difficult to ‘rob’ individual
depositors than faceless taxpayers.
adverse selection as well.
India’s public sector banks (PSBs)
have lent vigorously in the past. Total
non-food bank credit rose from ₹6.8
for bank licences. The IWG of the As Shankkar Aiyar noted in a recent trillion in 2002-03 to ₹51.6 trillion by
Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had done column, corporates have promoted 2012-13. Credit growth is anaemic now
Our Prime Minister has reportedly proposed the creation of holiday spots off the mainland’s good work, but its report was released NBFCs, mutual funds and insurance due to weak demand. If the appetite for
before news of the failure of Lakshmi companies. What is the incremental loans improves, banks will step up and
coast. Given the requisite state backing, this could yield attractive commercial opportunities Vilas Bank had faded from memory. damage, especially since RBI has capital can be mobilized from the public
Coincidentally, within days of the recently decreed that large borrowings by diluting the government’s stake.
report being placed in the public must be from capital markets and not Underlying conditions (e.g., procure-
domain, came news that General from banks? The IWG notes that RBI ment and distribution of electricity) that

ll these decades, India has been rapidly. Once the coronavirus scare is over, Motors Company had decided to apply has the flexibility to impose additional generate bad loans should be fixed first.
less than successful in making both those industries are likely to stage a robust for an industrial bank charter in the US. rules to assess an applicant’s “fit and PSB employees can be brought on a
This is distinct from a bank charter. proper” status. The criteria appear level regulatory field with their private
good economic use of a coastline recovery. The time to plan ahead is now. An Loosely put, it can be thought of as an robust, and in future, should cover qual- sector counterparts. That would
that traces a length of over island getaway within a couple of hours’ flying “augmented NBFC” licence. There is itative inputs gleaned from surveys of improve risk appetite for lending, and
7,500km, let alone the many time from an Indian metropolis could prove to no bar on such licencees accepting stakeholders like employees, suppliers banks might be permitted to offer mar-
islands that dot the waters be a big draw. If its allure matches that of other deposits from the public. and even family members. In 2013, no ket salaries for key functions. Easing the
around the country’s landmass. We do not beach resorts around the world, it could earn When RBI allowed large corporate corporate applicant for a bank licence department of financial services’ choke-
groups to apply for bank licences in met the ‘fit and proper’ test. hold might see PSBs step up their game
seem to consider ourselves much of a seafaring foreign exchange off globetrotters as well. The 2013, there was no major backlash. But, In general, while raising objections to in both lending and capital raising. Sep-
nation, which may explain why offshore choice of locations would be a big determinant in the last two years, several institu- any new proposal, two things must be arately, the central bank can proceed
opportunities are rarely top-of-the-mind. of success. The Andaman and Nicobar archi- tions—financial and non-financial— considered. One is the worst case sce- with augmenting its supervisory skills
This indifference may be about to end. Prime pelago in the Bay of Bengal may suggest itself, have failed. Concerns have arisen over nario and the other is the cost of persist- and resources at its own pace.
Minister Narendra Modi has reportedly asked but earlier plans to develop these fell by the the security of bank deposits. Further, ing with the status quo. Amol Agrawal Once the economy has regained its
the resolution process proposed for has correctly pointed out in an article in footing and achieved a certain heft (say,
officials at the Union ministry of ports, ship- wayside on considerations of national defence winding up banks sowed doubts in the Hindustan Times that “out of the six a gross domestic product of ₹300 tril-
ping and waterways to identify Indian islands and natural habitat conservation. Also, many of depositors’ minds about the safety of failed/merged/troubled banks, four lion), then corporate houses promoting
that could be developed as new tourist destina- these isles are inhabited by tribals who may not their deposits. Also, RBI’s supervision were run by professionals, one by a banks may not be a systemic risk, as
tions or as urban centres in their own right. As take kindly to their lives being gatecrashed by capabilities appear inadequate. financial institution and one by a corpo- currently feared. Even though the
reported, this idea was proposed as part of a outsiders. A better bet might be a candidate in Of all the experts who the IWG con- rate. Clearly, professionals have not objections of experts are muddled, their
sulted, only one did not find anything fared on expected lines.” Whether it is caution is worth heeding. For now.
discussion on a maritime plan for the next the Arabian Sea that can boast of a beautiful wrong with the idea of corporate groups demonetization, tax collection or bank These are the author’s personal views.
decade, which suggests a timeline that Modi shoreline and afford a variety of watersports. In
might have had in mind for such ventures to his Independence Day speech this year, Modi
start attracting holidayers and settlers. We said Lakshadweep would get fibre-optic con-
have more than 1,300 islands in all, most of nectivity within 1,000 days. If this happens,
them uninhabited, and there must surely be at and an airport is built that is more than just an
least a few that could serve the purpose with- airstrip with a check-in and security apparatus,
out resistance from locals. Given the trends of people may come to see it as a place to live, not www.livemint.com New Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh*, Pune* Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Infosys bets
Vol.4 No.285 `3.00 32 PAGES

domestic demand, what may be ideal in this just visit. The internet, after all, has allowed a on sensor technologies >7
TELECOM: Government, CBI open to
apex court oversight in 2G probe >3
REALTY: Emaar MGF looks to sell
Price controls almost
context is the creation of a Maldives-like holi- large number of professionals to “work from
properties ahead of IPO >7

invariably produce black

FOREIGN AFFAIRS: Leaked papers spark
alarm over the fate of diplomacy >6

SENSEX 19,521.25 Æ 116.15 NIFTY 5,862.70 Æ 32.70 DOLLAR `45.88 æ `0.05 EURO `59.63 æ `0.57 GOLD `20,540 Æ `215 OIL $86.60 æ $0.12

day resort, complete with white-sand beaches, anywhere”, as it were. Again, local consent Kishore Biyani EARLY CHRISTMAS QUICK EDIT

turquoise waters and well-appointed tourism would be critical to success.

clubs family
holdings into
one company
8.9% surprise revives
dream of 9% growth
More heat,
less light
U nion finance
minister Pranab
Mukherjee wants to
promote inclusive
markets, where prices are
not only higher than the
························· development and ensure
sound public finances.

R etailer Kishore Biyani has There are doubts if

services, but with the capacity to serve a wider Whether an Indian island can emerge as
consolidated his family in- While the finance these contradictory goals
vestments in group companies
into a single holding firm, Fu-
minister and the can be attained. In any
developing country,
ture Corporate Resources Ltd, economic adviser attaining a balance
in a move expected to help remain bullish, analysts 9.3 Gross domestic product
Interest rates: Whether RBI
between spending and
him create a more transparent fiscal prudence is hard.
ownership structure and facili- strike a note of caution Year-on-year growth (in %)
will raise interest rates further will
It is more so in India
depend on sustainability of the
tate succession planning. It current growth momentum, as “inclusive growth”

legally permitted prices,

could also help him raise mon- B Y A SIT R ANJAN M ISHRA 8.9 global economic scenario and is a code word for

range of vacation budgets. If the government India’s own Singapore, though, seems doubt-
ey to fund an aggressive ex- asit.m@livemint.com inflationary situation in the redistribution, something
pansion plan, by offering lend- ························· country. that is expensive and
ers shares in the new holding NEW DELHI DK JOSHI
defies the logic of

firm as collateral, even though ill India return to the Principal economist, Crisil
sound public finances.
his flagship retailing company 9%-plus economic For example, the
has higher debt levels than its growth rate it wit- Inflation: Robust farm sector
growth will have positive impact
minister has set himself
peers. nessed in the boom years be- on inflation going forward. a target of reducing
The new holding company tween 2005-06 and 2007-08? 5.8 Wholesale inflation may come the fiscal deficit by
now owns a 39.13% stake in The country’s chief economic 1.5 percentage points by

were to play facilitator-in-chief, which would ful. A would-be entrepot would not just need
down to 6% by March end.
Pantaloon Retail (India) Ltd, adviser thinks so and the fi- Q1 Q4 Q1 Q4 Q1 Q4 Q1 Q2
SAMIRAN CHAKRABORTY March 2015. It is difficult

but also higher than they

India’s largest retailer by sales. nance minister is bullish, FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 Head of India research, to see how this goal can
This stake was earlier held though not enough to predict a Standard Chartered Bank be met when there are
by several investment firms. 9% number, but analysts say Sectoral performance (in %)
ever rising demands on
The consolidation process achieving that target this fiscal Jul-Sep FY10 11.3 Rupee: The latest data signifies government money from
began in December 2009, with year will be difficult given the Apr-Jun FY11
10.5 9.8 domestic economy is doing well. populist programmes.
Future Corporate Resource’s slowing in factory output and 8.4 8.9 9.3 This may attract more portfolio
Jul-Sep FY11 Attaining the two
purchase of the 23.6% stake in the fade-out of the base effect. investment and may lead to
appreciation of the rupee.
goals is almost close
Pantaloon Retail held by PFH The government’s hopes seem 2.5

be vital for clearances, anchor developers to be located at a high-traffic intersection of

4.4 to tilting at windmills.
Entertainment Ltd. The hold- Our leaders ought not to
Chief economist, HDFC Bank
ing company later increased TURN TO PAGE 2® publicize such dreams
its stake in the listed retailer by when they know that
ALSO SEE Growth on the back Manufacturing drove Trade, communications

would be in a free market,

purchasing shares held by these have little
three smaller investment com- of lower base, growth. Slowdown key drivers. Financial
>OurView: GDP pictures sturdy
normal monsoon. likely. services recovering.
credibility to them.
growth >P30 Source: CSO, Mint research
panies—Erudite Trading Pvt.
Ltd, Varnish Trading Pvt. Ltd
and Manz Retail Pvt. Ltd.

could plausibly be found through auctions. global shipping lanes, it may have to offer
“The (Biyani) family plans to
raise its stake by 3%, to 47% MORE ADVICE
from the present 44%, by con-
verting its preferential shares
into equity shares in the next
one year,” said Anand B., Fu-
Air India hires yet
ture Group’s finance director.
another consultant
since the legal risks must
The Biyanis had earlier invest-
ed `100 crore to convert a part

According to the Madrid-based United access to a vast hinterland market. Offshore

of their holding of preferential
shares into equity shares, to B Y P .R . S ANJAI & ues to oversee the integration
raise their stake in Pantaloon M ANISH B ASU process, the carrier has either
Retail to 44%. ························· engaged or been in talks with
“Consolidation of family MUMBAI/KOLKATA consultants such as McKinsey,
holdings into one company
gives the promoters lots of op-
tions and flexibility to divide
A ir India, seemingly ever
willing to take advice
where it can get it, has appoint-
NM Rothschild and Sons Ltd
and Booz.
For operational restructur-
the ownership of the compa- ed yet another consultant. The ing, Air India hired three other

Nations World Tourism Organization, more ports do have their place on maritime maps, also be compensated.
nies without disturbing the move comes as the airline foreign firms—US-based avia-
management of these compa- struggles to cope with losses tion consultant Simat Helliesen
nies,” said a Mumbai-based and accumulated debt in the and Eichner Inc., Flug-
lawyer, who requested ano- midst of a government bailout. werkzeuge Aviation Software
nymity because his firm does Besides this, some recent se- GmbH of Austria and Texas-
business with the Future nior appointments have come based technology company Sa-
under a cloud and the shifting bre Holding Corp.—to help re-
TURN TO PAGE 2® of domestic services to Delhi’s draw its flight network and
new Terminal 3 in November save on fuel costs.

than 26 millions Indians holidayed abroad in but this business could be even harder to swing
was marked by chaos. For financial restructuring,
The latest adviser to have Air India appointed SBI Capital
been hired is Deloitte Consult- Markets Ltd (SBICaps), an arm
ing India Pvt. Ltd, which beat of State Bank of India.
five other contenders—KPMG, Air India is keeping the hir-
McKinsey and Co., Booz and ing of Deloitte under wraps,
Co. Inc., Bain and Co. and the said an aviation analyst who
Boston Consulting Group. It declined to be named, because
will advise the airline on macro it’s taken on so many of them

2018, spending more than $21 billion. Before our way, unless we see a sharp rise in our trade
issues and review the turn- in the past two years and re-
around programme. jected most of their plans.
Under the contract, Deloitte Roopen Roy, Deloitte’s man-

will present a report within two aging director in India, de-
months, suggesting ways of re- clined comment.
viving Air India. A senior Air India executive,
Since the government requesting anonymity, said
merged Air India and Indian Deloitte will be conducting a
Airlines in 2006, the merged “high-level review” of the cur-

the covid pandemic brought travel and tourism intensity. But then again, new holiday resorts
entity has engaged a clutch of rent turnaround process.
Mint is also available for R5.50 with consultants.
Hindustan Times under a combo offer While Accenture Plc contin- TURN TO PAGE 3®

to its knees, those figures were projected to rise should be enough to boost commerce.


Price controls must be resisted even in times of inflation

Meanwhile, at home it would lead to under- And the price reduction? A whopping 95%. cater to rush-hour spikes in demand cannot below. But what they are asking for is insur-
AJIT RANADE hand cash deals and other malpractices. The lesson to learn is that this price reduc- be more than 50% of the base fare. Even the ance, just in case free market prices collapse.
Hospitals would find ways to charge through tion was effected without imposing any arbi- cancellation fee has been capped. School An MSP works as a safety net because it is
other means, like operation-theatre rentals trary price ceiling. The power of large-scale fees is another political favourite. The Guj- backed by government procurement, much
and overheads. Foreign companies like procurement, combined with competitive arat government passed a law in 2017 cap- like the Chinese policy on stents, or India’s
Abbott, Medtronic and Boston Scientific bidding, ensured it. This works better than ping fees charged by private schools. Sur- on LEDs. But the government always tends

n February 2017, the National Pharma- asked for an exemption for high-end stents, price caps, assuming that the government prisingly, this interference was upheld even to betray a control-orientation. At a time
ceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) failing which they would withdraw these has the resources to deploy by the high court. This past when India’s mandi system (and hence crop
reduced the top price of base-metal and products from the Indian market. This was for their purchase, storage month, Gujarat cut fees of pricing) was being deregulated through new
drug-eluting stents by a whopping 85%. The like a threat. The government responded by and eventual recovery of Arbitrary price private schools by 25%, cit- farm laws, it banned onion exports. It also
price caps would make a basic stent available resorting to an emergency clause requiring costs from patients. In ing covid and the closure of tinkered several times with the prices of len-
at ₹7,260 instead of ₹45,000. Stents are medical suppliers to sell at specified prices India, something similar caps tend to schools. An instinct for tils and pulses through import tariffs. It
mesh tubes made of metal and inserted in or less. Such actions don’t exactly inspire was tried to scale up usage price controls is also mani- won’t let the international price of crude oil
blood vessels to improve blood flow. With investor confidence. The operation of of light emitting diode
distort market fest in the Centre’s new pass through to retail pumps.
India’s high prevalence of heart disease, this inserting a stent is often a life-saving proce- (LED) bulbs. Here too, state mechanisms education policy. It An era of higher inflation is coming. Some
is an economist and a senior treatment has become widespread and relia- dure, and not being able to afford it becomes procurement played a big reaches into the domain of of it might be because of excessive liquidity,
fellow at The Takshashila
Institution, an independent
ble. Since they relate to critical healthcare,
the government thought it fit to impose a
an emotive issue. So governments and politi-
cians trumpet their victory over high prices
role in slashing prices.
The urge to tame infla-
and also yield unaided, fully self-financed
educational institutions,
or inadequate investment in new production
capacity, or higher import tariffs erected as
centre for research and price ceiling to make them affordable. But through ceiling diktats. But such actions tion through price controls unpleasant which were hitherto protective barriers for domestic industry. As
education in public policy. was this the best way to curb stent-price don’t work. Shortages, black markets and is omnipresent in all gov- untouched, and recom- prices of commodities start to rise, be it steel,
inflation? A prominent doctor and former malpractices are an inevitable fallout. Is ernments. India’s NPPA side-effects mends price controls. The coal, cement, proteins or healthcare, not
medical director of Mumbai’s city govern- there any other way to achieve cost reduc- has been busy capping much-publicized Udaan everything can be fixed through price ceil-
ment wrote that while the intent to control tion? Just last week, the Chinese govern- drug prices since 1995. The scheme, providing air con- ings or large-scale state procurement. Any
their prices was laudable, the way it was ment announced a centralized government number of drugs under price control has nections to smaller towns and cities, man- measure that suppresses price signals, or fid-
done was misdirected. Today it was cardiac procurement scheme covering 10 varieties gone up from 74 in 1995 to 860 in 2019, as dated a price ceiling of ₹2,500 per seat per dles with the “thermometer” that shows the
stents, he added, tomorrow it could be of stents. The bidding was won by eight per a research report by Amir Ullah hour. Airlines are expected to make up losses market’s “temperature”, is bound to lead to
orthopaedic implants and oncology drugs. companies, including two American, the Khan.The latest victims of price control are by bidding for viability gap funding. unpleasant side effects like black markets.
He predicted that those who could afford very same Medtronic and Boston Scientific, ride-hailing apps. The ministry of transport The farmers’ agitation is motivated by a Most often, it’s better to let the price mecha-
better quality stents would go to Singapore, and six other Chinese companies. The pur- and highways has mandated that “surge” desire to get a minimum support price (MSP) nism work, and use direct transfers to pro-
Bangkok or even Colombo for implants. chase order was 1.07 million units per year. pricing used by the likes of Ola and Uber to for their crop. This too is price fixing, from vide the vulnerable with safety nets.

Digital advertising is already in A Senate gridlock can’t thwart

America’s clean energy thrust
the throes of a third revolution Green fuels will gain popularity regardless of what politicians do

Sophisticated new bidding systems enable the real-time purchase of slots on the internet for advertisers to maximize impact


is a former chairman of the Sierra Club and
the coauthor, with Michael R. Bloomberg, of
Climate of Hope.
is founder of Siana Capital, a venture fund
management company focused on deep
science and tech in India

n naming former secretary of state John
Kerry to become America’s global cli-
mate czar, President-elect Joe Biden is

he first revolution in digital advertising wasting no time making emissions reduc- Politicians must ensure that American
occurred when Google began to place tion a top White House priority. Political families welcome the shift BLOOMBERG
advertisements along with its standard observers are already gaming how much
web search results. Search Engine Biden will be able to accomplish on climate electrifying cars, trucks and buildings.
Optimization was all the rage a few protection. Will Mitch McConnell lead a Climate-industrial innovators represent
years ago, which meant that companies Republican Senate to tie up legislation? If most of the US economy and half of the
were willing to spend money to ensure that a Goo- the two Georgia Democratic candidates country’s emissions. As Biden reverses the
gle search for certain keywords would throw up prevail in their runoff elections, can a White House course on climate, American
their website within the first few hits. Simply put, Chuck Schumer-led Senate bridge divi- society will outpace whatever he and Con-
these companies wanted to be on the first page of sions among Republican oil minions, pro- gress can do. Even so, the US no longer
what Google served its users. The company was gressive climate hawks and moderate “all leads the world on climate policy. Europe
smart enough to add video to the mix, and now of the above” straddlers? took post position with its green stimulus.
YouTube, with all its advertisements, operates as Either way, the conventional wisdom And the covid-19 pandemic has extin-
the second-largest search engine on the internet. runs, President Biden will have a hard time guished any long-term future for fossil
This revolution was so significant that it caught delivering on his pledge to decarbonize the fuels. Within five weeks of Europe’s action,
the attention of Europe’s vigilant regulators. The power and road-transportation sectors. China, Japan and Korea all committed to
European Union filed a suit against Google—spe- My bet is that Beltway political gridlock zero carbon economies before 2060.
cifically its “Search Engine Results Pages” and its won’t be such a big problem—just as As the global transition to clean energy
advertising businesses. In 2017, the European Donald Trump’s presidency wasn’t as big accelerates, the supply chains and invest-
Commission levied a record €2.42 billion fine on an obstacle to progress as it once appeared. ment dollars on which the US economy
Google for having “abused its market dominance Just after this month’s election, a friend depends will shift further from fossil fuels.
as a search engine by giving an illegal advantage to sent me a blog post I wrote four years ago in Take transportation. As the world’s big
another Google product, its comparison-shopping the wake of the Trump triumph, noting vehicle manufacturers stop investing in
service.” Google’s case in its defence has always how accurate my predictions on climate internal combustion engines, even coun-
been that it has reached this level of market domi- had proved to be. But even back then there tries that haven’t made ambitious climate
nance simply by building a better product than was reason to assume that Trump’s desper- pledges (Saudi Arabia, Russia) will none-
others, and not by acting unfairly. viewing patterns. This was achieved by placing a spending, typically by getting the right advertise- ate efforts to preserve the coal industry theless buy electric vehicles, because they
The second revolution came along with Face- small device on the TV sets of people in an audi- ments to pop up for the right shoppers at the right would be undone by the economic reality will be better and cheaper. American man-
book, which with its own social media approach ence sample, and collecting data from it to under- time. Its stock has jumped almost 220% this year. of the fuel’s collapsing profitability. And it ufacturers, required by California’s zero-
created the largest advertising platform that the stand which TV shows people watched, and how Early in November, the company announced a was possible to hope that congressional emission coalition to produce a low-carbon
world had yet seen. Its purchase of WhatsApp, often. Television Rating Points (TRPs) are an out- huge positive surprise in its revenue and earnings battles between climate deniers and pro- fleet for half the country, will put pressure
Instagram and other such players meant that it put of this process. for the preceding quarter. gressive advocates of emissions reduction on Congress to support a national transi-
knew a lot about each one of us on its platforms, But TRPs will play less of a role in the future, as On the earnings call at the time, CEO Green said: would be overshadowed by the clean-en- tion to electric cars and trucks. And as
from who our associates were to what our areas of TV viewing moves online. And TV advertising will “While our growth is very encouraging, we are still ergy momentum of American cities, states research and development dollars flood
political, commercial, filial and artistic interests become less of a hit-or-miss affair. Programmatic operating at a time of great uncertainty for many and businesses—along with international into electric vehicles (EVs), and dry up for
might be. And users, in droves, gave Facebook advertising placement—targeted ads that are auto- industries... Advertising is an engine of economic government mandates to lower emissions. internal combustion engines, EV perform-
more information on their own likes and dislikes matically placed online to appear on various net- growth and our customers know that their cam- Even then, wind and solar power were ance advantages will improve even as pri-
by putting up pictures of food, “checking in” upon connected devices, including TV sets—is the third paigns can fuel growth and drive market share undercutting coal and gas generation. ces continue to fall.
arriving at restaurants, theatres or other places of wave. This entails automating the buying and sell- gains for their brands. And because of that, during Today electric batteries have become This is not to say that Biden’s ambition
interest, and generally trying to best their online ing of advertisement slot inventory in real time times of uncertainty, they become much more cheap enough to leave gasoline and diesel- doesn’t matter. It does—not so much for
“friends”. This gave the behemoth an untram- through an automated bidding system. It enables deliberate.” powered vehicles in the dust. And an how many American drivers get behind the
melled view of our personal lives, advertising grew advertisers or ad agencies to purchase advertise- As companies seek to rebuild their businesses emerging competition between hydrogen wheel of a zero-emission car, but for where
significantly more finely targeted, and “echo ment impressions on publisher sites or apps after the pandemic, the typical measurement tech- and electricity is preparing to decarbonize that car gets made. Biden and Congress
chambers” came up that played information back within milliseconds through a sophisticated tech- niques that have been used by marketers are going heavy industry. may not determine the pace of the clean-
to us that we were likely to approve of. nological ecosystem. So far, this has been used to come under microscopic scrutiny by chief finan- Just this week, it was announced that the transportation revolution, but they can
There is now a third revolution at hand. The mainly on mobile phones. cial officers. And that means that advertisers have aptly named Samson Solar Energy Cen- help determine its leadership.
world of broadcast television is going away, as our In the US, there are a few companies which are to focus on advertising opportunities that are ter—at 1,300 megawatts, the biggest in the One more thing that policymakers do
viewing screens become more and more internet- leading the way on programmatic advertising via measurable to the extent that returns generated US—would be built in Texas, of all states. control and must confront is how Ameri-
connected for regular programming as well as for connected TVs. The largest of these is The Trade for their business can be tracked and proven. This is the result not of a government man- can families and communities fare in the
premium video feeds from channels such as Net- Desk. The $41 billion California-based company, Green says his company is working to overhaul date, but of power purchase agreements transition. How do we ensure that the
flix, Amazon Video, Apple TV, YouTube TV and founded by chief executive officer (CEO) Jeff its systems with an improved user interface, and among four Fortune 500 corporations and surge of new jobs in clean energy recreates
others. This is already apparent, at least in coun- Green, is a demand-side advertising platform that expects to bring ad buying and planning tools three moderate-size Texas municipalities, a middle class economy, with well paying,
tries like the US (and soon in India as well, one can lets advertising agencies and other buyers place together in one space. It will also feature easier all wanting the 20 years of guaranteed career-building, family-supporting jobs?
safely predict, with the current boom in internet digital advertisements using algorithms and highly integration and management of data, with updates cheap power that Samson promises. Here Trump’s voters and Biden’s voters
connectivity across the nation). enriched data. This segment is growing far faster to its machine-learning and artificial intelligence And this happened during Trump’s have a lot in common. And advocates of cli-
Broadcast TV advertising was always a bit of a than the overall advertising market, but for now it engines for advertising campaigns. Others in the presidency. It’s hard to imagine a Republi- mate mitigation share their concerns,
hit-or-miss affair, and advertisers relied on data is still just a fraction of the latter’s size. field, no doubt, would be rushing to improve too. can Senate deprived of the White House because if the clean energy revolution
companies such as AC Nielsen and others that The Trade Desk operates a cloud-based technol- Bye bye, television TRPs. Hello, internet pro- turning back the clean-energy tide that’s doesn’t benefit average families, it won’t
would track samples of viewers to understand ogy platform that lets advertisers optimize their ad grammatic advertising. transforming the US power sector, and live up to its promise. © BLOOMBERG


The unclear admissibility of Adani’s revised DHFL bid

arose over whether the confidentiality of the submitted by Ultratech for Binani Cement, entire portfolio, DHFL’s liabilities being licited and submitted after the deadline, it
MAMTA TIWARI latter’s bid had been compromised. Almost the NCLAT held that the “The ‘I&B Code’ is around ₹86, 000 crore. The attention of the also seems in violation of a stipulation that
all the other bidders contended that Adani’s for reorganisation and insolvency resolution lenders that cried foul was drawn to Clause “bidders could submit revised bids only for
revised bid could not be considered, and the of corporate persons... for maximisation of 39.1 of the Bid Documents, which reportedly the portion of business they themselves had
threat of legal action stalling the resolution value of assets of such persons” and “to... bal- vests them with the power “to extend the previously bid for and not for any other por-
process loomed large. ance [the] interests of all stakeholders”. It resolution plan submission date with the tion of the business.” Adani had earlier bid

he DHFL saga appears to have drawn It may be recalled that the submission of also stated, “It is possible to balance [the] objective of unlocking maximum value for only two books/businesses, but its
the attention of India’s entire business revised bids has in the past helped unlock interests of all stakehold- while balancing interests of revised bid is for DHFL’s entire portfolio.
world—both figuratively and literally. better value. For instance, in the case of ers if the resolution maxi- all stakeholders”. Also, notably, the Ultratech bid was
Out of four bidders for its assets, two are for- Essar Steel, ArcelorMittal had bid ₹29,000 mises the value of assets of Revised bids in The obvious next step upheld not just because it was higher, but
eign entities, namely the US-based Oaktree crore in the first round of bidding in Febru- the ‘Corporate Debtor’”, was to call all bidders to also because it was found to balance the
Capital Management and Hong Kong-based ary 2018, but later, in December 2019, a con- and finally that Section the past have submit fresh bids for interests of stakeholders better than a bid
SC Lowy, and two are Indian—the Adani and sortium of ArcelorMittal and Japan’s Nippon 25(2)(h) of the Insolvency DHFL, given that SC Lowy from Dalmia Bharat, which was deemed
Piramal groups. Steel and Sumitomo Metal Corp Ltd raised and Bankruptcy Code has
helped unlock threatened to walk out. At unfair to some lenders within the same class.

is counsel, Fox Mandal & Co

DHFL has already chalked up many firsts
to justify such high interest. It is the first
that bid to ₹42,000 crore. This helped the
steelmaker’s lenders recover 92% of their
to be read in conjunction
with Regulation 36B of the
value but our the time of writing this,
fresh bids have been called
The key here is also whether the Resolu-
tion Professional has indeed, with the
non-banking financial company (NBFC) to
be subject to a corporate insolvency resolu-
total claims of ₹49,000 crore.
In DHFL’s case, the Adani Group has
Insolvency and Bank-
ruptcy Board of India
courts may have from the four bidders, with
a deadline of 10 December
approval of DHFL’s Committee of Creditors,
extended the timeline for the submission of
tion process under the Insolvency and Bank- countered objections by arguing that its new (Insolvency Resolution to decide how 2020. There was no escape resolution plans, or if one of the bidders has
ruptcy Code, 2016, or the Insolvency Code. bid offered superior value for the NBFC’s Process for Corporate per- from this. unilaterally put in a revised bid that could
With Oaktree looking a potential winner, assets. It seems to be referring in this context sons) Regulations, 2016. late is too late Currently, it appears that turn victory into a fait accompli. From what
there was the usual excitement and discus- to principles laid down by the National Com- Regulation. Regulation no other rules apply so long we know, Adani’s unilateral revised bid was
sion around India attracting foreign invest- pany Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) in 36(B)(6) thereof, in turn, is as the bids of existing bid- not made in response to “an extension of the
ment even in a distressed entity, till one of the matter of Binani Industries Limited vs all-encompassing and lays down that the ders are in compliance with the basic deadline by the Resolution Professional”
the domestic bidders pulled off a surprise Bank of Baroda (Company Appeal (AT) (Insol- “resolution professional may, with the requirements of the Insolvency and Bank- and would thus appear to be in violation of
with a revised bid. The submission of a vency) No. 82 of 2018), which were upheld by approval of the committee, extend the time- ruptcy Code of 2016. However, the Adani bid the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code. Given
revised unsolicited bid after the deadline by the Supreme Court in Rajputana Properties line for submission of resolution plans.” seems riddled with procedural irregularities such contentious issues, I have little doubt
the Adani group led other bidders to cry foul. Pvt. Limited vs Ultratech Cement Ltd. & Ors The Adani bid reportedly offers ₹33,000 if we compare the case with Ultratech’s bid that this matter will reach the NCLAT, and
As Adani’s revised bid was slightly higher (Civil Appeal No. 109988 of 2018. While over- crore, which is slightly more than the for Binani, in which objections were over- finally the Supreme Court—which would
than that of Oaktree, the usual questions ruling objections raised over a revised bid ₹31,000 crore offered by Oaktree for the ruled. Not only was Adani’s revised bid unso- have to consider how late is too late.

A society that fears love

THE TRIBUNE established in 1881
Politics of ‘love jihad’ is byproduct of a patriarchal ideology of religious nationalism
control over women’s sexuality and life
choices. As a result, it is against love. A
totalitarian mind cannot love freely and

Time for fruitful talks unconditionally. It fears what the ecsta-

sy of love can do to humans. Love tends
to defy all constructed boundaries. This
Onus on Centre to break the deadlock at the earliest power of love with its unpredictability

and free flow is something that a con-
ITH the farmers’ agitation having reached its doorstep, the Cen- AVIJIT PATHAK
servative culture cannot tolerate.
tre is yet to extend a formal invitation for talks with the protesters SOCIOLOGIST And it is in this context that we can
over the contentious farm laws. The Union government can’t understand the politics of a vocabu-

escape blame for letting the situation come to such a pass. Some leaders of ROM Madhya Pradesh to lary like ‘love jihad’. A cross-reli-
the ruling party have been quick to vilify the protesting farmers, calling them Uttar Pradesh—a series of gious marriage is suspected because
Khalistan supporters, Congress puppets and anti-national elements. The legal provisions to stop and it reveals a possibility that we are
unleashing of paramilitary forces on the peaceful marchers — pitting the punish what is being project- more than our ascriptive religious
jawan against the kisan — amounted to blatant use of brute force. The Cen- ed as ‘love jihad’ indicates the level of identities; and this is what totalitari-
tre has been reiterating that the laws are in the interests of farmers, but the decadence we, as a society, have anism cannot bear. Hence, the very
latter remain unconvinced, fearing the abolition of the time-tested mandi passed through. In a way, when patri- idea is condemned and scandalised.
system and the MSP regime. The yawning chasm between the two sides was archy and religious bigotry begin to NOT WAR: Love is the defiance of fascism. It is sad that we are not yet ready for it. It is seen as a conspiracy—a strategic
visible on Sunday. Even as the farmers rejected an appeal by Home Minister shape our consciousness, we fear what attempt by a Muslim to marry a Hin-
love is all about: its unrestricted flow, du, and eventually convert her into
Amit Shah to shift to the designated protest ground at Burari, PM Modi, in
its healing power to overcome all bor-
Despite the glitz of modernity or neoliberal consumerism, Islam. It cannot imagine that a
his Mann ki Baat, claimed that the newly enacted legislations had already
started benefiting peasants financially and bestowing new rights on them.
ders and boundaries, or its music of religious orthodoxy and patriarchal thinking continue to woman can be a free subject with her
the fusion of horizons. As we suspect autonomy and choice. Hence, a cross-
Agriculture was the only sector that managed to register growth in the magical power of love, we allow characterise our collective consciousness. religious marriage, for the fanatic, is
the April-June quarter, which bore the brunt of a stringent lockdown. the state to intervene in the realm of nothing but a sort of ‘jihad’. See how
During the July-September quarter, too, the sector grew by 3.4 per cent, our sacred and intimate space—one’s everything is turned into its opposite
even as the recession-hit economy shrunk by 7.5 per cent. Such love relations, or one’s choice of reli- of their agency; it is assumed that they that have happened. First, the ghettoi- in the age of totalitarianism. All those
resilience during a pandemic should have dissuaded the government gion. Possibly, a society that fears the are like ‘dolls’; and ‘successful’ sation of the mind has become sharp- who raise critical voices against some
from tinkering with a system which, though imperfect, was largely run- ecstasy of love is potentially authori- men—MBA graduates, doctors, engi- er. We are growing up with all sorts of policies of the government are bound
ning like clockwork. Instead, it insisted on introducing sweeping tarian. It becomes culturally regres- neers, NRIs and IAS officers with conditioning: a ‘nationalist’ Hindu vs to be ‘anti-national’; young idealist
reforms without developing consensus among the stakeholders. sive. Is it the emerging politico-cultur- appropriate caste and religion—would a ‘suspicious’ Muslim; a ‘pure’ Brah- students who question the politics
The farm leaders have been scuttling attempts by Opposition parties al landscape that characterises Indian rescue and preserve them. min vs a ‘polluted’ Dalit; or men as beneath the NRC/CAA are nothing
to derive political mileage from their agitation. Now, they should seize the society? There seems to be no escape Is it, therefore, surprising that we ‘protectors’ vs women as silent ‘fol- but ‘urban Naxals’. In other words,
from this question. live amid dowry death, ‘honour lowers’. The prevalent cultural politics, our true patriotism has to be always
opportunity to negotiate with the Centre. We have had enough of verbal
Before we reflect on ‘love jihad’, let killing’ and caste/patriarchal vio- media industry and even educational demonstrated through certain prac-
assurances about the MSP. It ought to be incorporated in the law as a
us acknowledge what happens in the lence? However, seldom does one see practice stimulate this conditioned tices—say, dancing with the cacopho-
farmer’s inalienable right. It’s a given that both sides would have to make name of arranged marriages. It would the political class or the ruling regime mind. It is closed; it erects all sorts of ny of ‘Jai Shri Ram’, seeing all Mus-
some concessions so that a middle ground is found. The deadlock must not be an exaggeration to say that a critiquing this sort of regressive and walls of separation; and it fears the pos- lims in the Kashmir valley as
be resolved amicably at the earliest. A prolonged crisis would not only complex calculation and measure- obnoxious practice. What a journey we sibility of the breakdown of barriers. potential terrorists, and spreading
impair the agriculture sector but also impede India’s economic recovery. ment of a set of ‘qualities’— have undertaken! In his Discovery of Second, with the ghettoisation of the Islamophobia all around. The politics
family/caste background, economic India, Nehru felt the need for over- mind, surveillance is normalised and of ‘love jihad’ that we are seeing in
status of the bridegroom, or the physi- coming the ‘dead weight of the past’. even sanctified. What we eat and drink, recent times is an inevitable byprod-
cal beauty of the bride—is a distinctive And with the passage of time, Gandhi or people we mix with: everything has uct of a patriarchal ideology of reli-

Covid curfew’s impact feature of this sort of marital negotia-

tion. It is by no means about love; it is
pure mathematics. We see the logic of
pleaded passionately for inter-caste
marriages. It seems we have forgotten
this quest for a new India—open, dem-
to be closely monitored by the self-pro-
claimed protectors of ‘culture’. We
keep constructing our ‘enemies’.
gious nationalism.
No fundamentalist ideology (Hindu
or Islam) is comfortable with uncon-
Not just economy, lockdown affected people’s health too commodification and caste/religion ocratic and liberal. Instead, we are The result is the arrival of totalitarian- ditional love. Fundamentalism is
fixation in matrimonial columns; and becoming increasingly patriarchal and ism, which as a mode of thinking and against our true religiosity which is

HE adverse effects of the Covid-19 restrictions on health are appar- diverse forms of dowry (often regard- culturally regressive. The irony is that living, is inherently patriarchal and not what the clergy and the priest-
ent from the report of the PGIMS, Rohtak, which says that the pro- ed as ‘gift’) reveal that while we despite the outer glitz of modernity or repressive. It creates an identity based craft regard as religion. Love—yes,
longed lockdown resulted in poor blood sugar control among understand the strategy of instrumen- neoliberal consumerism, religious on a fixed essence of nation or religion; love as a creative life energy, or love as
patients suffering from Type-1 form of diabetes, a chronic condition tal reasoning, we are uncomfortable orthodoxy and casteist/patriarchal it abhors the unpredictability of free an eternal fountain—is our true reli-
which usually appears during adolescence. Diet and exercise, essential with the ecstasy of unconditional love. thinking continue to characterise our existence; it wants a standardised/con- giosity. Love is revolutionary. Love is
for glycemic control, were affected because of confinement at home and Moreover, these normal or socially collective consciousness. trolled mind. It is anti-women; it the defiance of fascism. It is sad that
reduced physical activity. The outbreak also made it difficult to seek med- sanctified marriages often rob women In this process, there are two things assumes that men must have absolute we are not yet ready for it.
ical attention for patients suffering from other diseases because medi-
cines were in short supply due to the thrust on containing the virus.

My husband’s first wife

Diabetes is essentially a lifestyle disease that requires modifications in
routine to keep its debilitating effects under check. Wasim Akram, the Pak-
istani cricketer who suffered from Type-1 diabetes, battled it successfully
by adapting to its requirements, for getting afflicted with an illness early
in life can put a career in jeopardy. The PGIMS report also puts the focus Mina Surjit Singh cornflakes, milk, stuffed omelette, ened, now that he had competition. his tribe! He waited patiently for
on how the priority accorded to Covid-19 has affected healthcare, with oth- toast, butter, marmalade and fruit He hovered around me like the janaab’s reaction. Seeing none com-

er illnesses not receiving proper follow-up, OPDs in hospitals remaining HINGARA Singh was a burly, which I proudly laid out on my new proverbial ‘badi bahu’, looking disap- ing forth, our warrior carried on relent-
closed, surgeries being postponed, dispensaries and clinical laboratories well-fed, well-meaning consta- linen, much to the consternation of my provingly at the entire day’s menu lessly and put in his next demand
that provided cost-effective intermediary consultations shutting down and ble attached with my husband husband’s first wife (read SS), who and seeming quite troubled at the dis- while he could. ‘And we must get a
the healthcare staff, tasked to tackle coronavirus cases, facing problems at when he was posted as SP Jalandhar had been giving him an apple and possession of his territorial suprema- Murrah buffalo, janaab, which gives at
many places because of staff shortage and non-payment of salaries. in 1966. He ruled the roost like a pri- black coffee for the first meal of the cy. But undaunted by the challenge, least 10 litres of milk every day, now
The lockdown has also seen fallouts not linked to the pandemic. Liv- mo uomo in all domestic matters, day. With censure writ large on his face he kept pushing his luck till one day I that bibiji is here!’ I baulked. Howev-
ing constantly in closed spaces has tended to affect inter-personal relations. right from buying groceries to plan- he boomed, ‘Nah-nah bibiji, Saab lost it and screamed, ‘Shing…ga…ra er, giving short shrift to his sugges-
For students, being confined to home and without much activity and scope ning menus and keeping an eagle-eye bahaddar eh kuj nai khande (sir does Singh! Can I discover for myself what tions, my husband quietly stated,
on the other domestic staff. Since his not eat all this)!’ Now it was my turn to my husband likes and what he does- ‘Shingara Singh, I can either afford
for recreation, being glued to TV, mobile phones and computer screens
‘ Saab bahaddar’ was more than get shocked. Bibiji (mother), when I n’t?’ He cringed but was unfazed and bibiji or your mujj (buffalo)!’
because of the break from schools and colleges, meant severe stress,
busy all day with official matters, was just a nubile young creature of 20! planned out another strategy now. Sufficiently chastised, SS was
besides other health problems. As the battle against the virus continues, good old Shingara Singh made sure However, I was soon to learn that bibi- That evening, when Saab came back quick to take the cue and fearing for
tackling the pandemic should not be allowed to result in more health night- he was spared the bother of house- ji was the accepted form of salutation from work, SS approached him gin- his own honesty now, he dove into
mares. Covid-19 deserves attention, but the neglect of other medical con- hold management and would dish for police officers’ wives those days. gerly and declared he needed more the kitchen and fished out a huge
ditions for a long period can result in a healthcare breakdown. The econom- out a fairly edible repast which was So from the day I entered my mari- staff since the household work had roll of well-preserved grocery bills as
ic slowdown resulted in distress and a similar situation from the health consumed without any undue fuss. tal home as a bride eagerly looking increased now that bibiji had come. proof that he had not been accepting
point of view is best avoided by ensuring physical well-being. And then the spouse happened! Day forward to setting up home and deftly Besides, janaab’s junior officers had anything gratis. ‘Janaab,’ he stated
one in my conjugal home began with displaying my culinary skills, SS’ more staff and his reputation was triumphantly, ‘main saray bill
laying a scrumptious breakfast of tranquil Shangri-la was grossly threat- being seriously jeopardised amongst saambh ke rakhay ne! ’

❝ ❞
thought for the day letters to the editor
Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart PM’s assurance not enough year’s numbers by nearly 20%. This farmers these days, the slogan of unfettered, especially if it con-
whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. — Plato Apropos of ‘New agri laws have should allay the fears of immediate the BJP government that their cerns inter-faith matters. The
given farmers new opportunities: MSP rollback to some extent. A income would double by 2022 is writer’s disdain for the UP CM is
PM’, Modi in Mann ki Baat was phased, orderly transition through proving to be the biggest lie of the so obvious that he ends his article
expected to remove all the confu- farm reforms and income support, year. Only 15 months are left for the with a strong note. This does not
on this day...100 years ago sion but the outcome was unsatis- offers a win-win situation for the due date to arrive. The only way to behove a ‘veteran journalist’.
factory. Beating around the bush farmers and traders. The govern- double the income is if the govern- WG CDR CL SEHGAL (RETD), JALANDHAR
when the annadata’s life is at ment must handhold farmers ment doubles the MSP of rice,
stake is uncalled for. The indiffer- through this big shift, which can wheat, maize and sugarcane. This Humorous sithnis
ence towards the farmers’ con- prove as momentous and fruitful as much rise is next to impossible. The humorous write-up ‘Wedding
cerns prove that we have failed as the Green Revolution. RN MALIK, GURUGRAM limericks that broke the ice’
lahore,wednesday, december 1, 1920
a so-called democratic country. LAL SINGH, AMRITSAR prompts me to quote sithni from
The question of keeping the MSP UP law not anti-Muslim Baba Nanak’s wedding with Mata
Official Non-Co-operation. intact remains unresolved. Deci- Agitating farmers Refer to ‘Of an unsuitable girl Sulakhni on the occasion of Gur-
WE have in our leading article dealt at some length with Col. Wedgwood’s phering the issue might save us The recent march of farmers to and other inanities taking firm purb celebrations. Two such, in part
observations on the non-co-operation movement, and have seen that he is from chaos in the prevalent bed- Delhi highlights their grievances hold’; the UP law is to prevent are ‘Assan ta suniya ehde naag bhi
strongly opposed to certain aspects of it, and especially to the methods on lam of the pandemic. against the farm laws. There is so forcible inter-faith marriages and yaar ne, karde ne shawan enhu
which it is being conducted in some quarters. But Col. Wedgwood would not AGAM GARG, BY MAIL much going on during the pan- conversion from one faith to the phan khilar ve, yadoogaran ton
be the fair-minded and practical politician that he is if his condemnation demic that this crisis will surely other. Referring to it as ‘love ghat nahi, yadoogaran ton ghat
were one-sided, if he did not recognise, as he himself says, that “it would be Reach out to farmers add to the country’s problems. jihad law’ is mischievous. The nahi be larhya, saanu na yaado kar
unfair as well as futile to expect Indian patriots to stop building up this Refer to ‘Adamant farmers break While the Centre says that the premise that it is meant to target dayee’ (we learnt that serpents are
mountain of hatred and bitterness unless the British Government stopped barricades in Hry’; it is important to Opposition is misleading the Muslims is misplaced. Nikita, a his friends who give him shade
building from their side too.” In the very opening passage of the interview, remove misconceptions regarding farmers, the Opposition blames Hindu woman, was killed by a after spreading fangs and he is not
he points out that the non-co-operation movement was first started not by MSP, which is the primary task the Centre. There should be a Muslim man who wanted to less than magicians. Being not less
Indians but by the O’Dwyer school and bureaucratic extremists, and that before various governments and the conclusion on which farmers forcibly marry her and convert than magicians, oh, the groom, do
the best way of stopping non-co-operation on our side is for the Government Centre. Outreach at the highest lev- must agree to avoid the worsen- her to Islam. The law is to prevent not cast your spell upon us); and
to definitely discard the principles and methods, for which Sir Michael el could be a game changer, but ing of the situation. There should such sad incidents. Do not label it ‘ Chaj da janjhi tenu labha na
O’Dwyer and the bureaucratic extremists stand, not only in theory but in before that, it is also needed that be education regarding the laws as anti-Muslim. It will equally larya, laike Mardana ayan
practice. Col. Wedgwood says: “I have seen nothing worse”, he says, “than tempers are cooled following clashes that are being misinterpreted and apply if a Hindu forces a Muslim bhukhan da marya, ajj raza ehnu
the way in which the Punjab Government has quite recently destroyed the between the police and farmers. The concerns related to the MSP must to marry him and convert to Hin- layen’ (Oh groom, you did not get a
Government of India Act so far as that province is concerned. They have so Centre’s reforms package may be a be addressed. duism. The writer quotes a HC suitable companion and got
gerrymandered the franchise and the constituencies that they themselves sincere attempt to improve private PALAK BATHLA, KAITHAL ruling that says that two grown- hunger-afflicted Mardana; get him
boast that the nationalist can only elect 7 out of the 70 supposedly elected participation in the farm trade, but up individuals, irrespective of fed fully today). Alas! With the
members. Want of trust, want of co-operation is visible in every line of this this has to be well explained to the BJP’s big lie caste, creed or religion are free to changed wedding scenario, the old
arrangement. The non-release of 86 martial law prisoners shows that though farmers. Ironically, paddy procure- Refer to ‘Farmers’ march’; and choose a partner as they wish. hearty humour has vanished.
His Majesty the King Emperor is willing to co-operate and start a fresh page ment in Punjab has topped last considering the plight of the The courts can err. No freedom is GURMIT SINGH SAINI, MOHALI
of history, the Punjab Government knows better than His Majesty and
wants to change neither its manner nor its methods.” Letters to the Editor, typed in double space, should not exceed the 200-word limit. These should be cogently written and can be sent by e-mail to: Letters@tribunemail.com

Patel’s demise marks end of the Sonia era

Although it seems inconceivable And it will be impossible to find anoth-
that the death of a non-Gandhi would
prove to be a seminal event in a
Although it seems er Ahmed Patel to do the job for her.
The stage then is set for the rise of
dynasty-driven party’s history, Patel inconceivable that the death the ‘Rahul Congress’. Time will tell
was not just any Congress veteran. He whether he steps up to lead it himself
occupied a unique space. In the years of a non-Gandhi would or whether he appoints a proxy presi-
he functioned as Sonia Gandhi’s
political aide and chief troubleshooter,
prove to be a seminal event dent through whom he can run the
party. Whatever decision he takes, the
he became virtually synonymous with in a dynasty-driven party’s clock has already started ticking for
her. He was Sonia Gandhi’s face and him to prove his mettle, now that there
voice inside the party and outside. history, Ahmed Patel was not are no obstacles to hold him back.

R just any Congress veteran.

AHUL Gandhi has no fig leaf In many ways, Patel represented the There are three immediate challenges
left to hide behind after the quintessential ‘Sonia Congress’. Like for Rahul. One is to keep the party
demise of Sonia Gandhi’s her, he believed in status quo and in He occupied a unique space. together. Members of Sonia’s team are
trusted lieutenant Ahmed consensus, strove to make peace feeling orphaned without Patel and
Patel. For years, he and his coterie between warring factions and chose In the years he functioned as could end up scattering in different
blamed the old guard represented by
Patel for obstructing his efforts to
caution over rapid-fire responses.
When the Congress surprised itself
Sonia Gandhi’s political aide directions. While some have no electoral
heft, others do. For instance, Bhupinder
craft a new Congress to replace the and everyone by winning the 2004 Gen- and chief troubleshooter, Singh Hooda. He was on the verge of
rusty, creaky, decaying organisation eral Election, Patel became the pillar of quitting before the 2019 General Elec-
led by his mother. its first successful experiment with he became virtually tion. It was Patel who persuaded him to
Whether they were right or wrong is
a matter of debate. But it provided
running a coalition government at the
Centre. Later, when the party lost pow-
synonymous with her. stay back and worked out a compromise
whereby he was given a free hand to fight
Rahul with a convenient excuse to er and Sonia began making noises the election in Haryana. Hooda is one of
duck responsibility, disappear without about retirement, she turned to him for the few Congress leaders left with a mass
notice, take holidays in the middle of help to pave the way for a smooth tran- GO-TO MAN: Ahmed Patel was Sonia’s voice base of his own and unless Rahul’s team
an election, defy the party line with sition. He then became the bridge within the party and outside. reaches out to him, he could well go his
inconvenient tweets and generally between the generations, doing his best own way. Captain Amarinder Singh in
cultivate the air of a reluctant prince. to fulfil his boss’ desire to balance the Punjab is another one. He is smarting
The time for all that is over now. old with the new, experience with youth had little to contribute in the election gress’, someone who spoke on behalf first time in many years, another Con- and restless and increasingly taking
With Patel gone, Rahul can’t justify and, above all, keep the party united. arena. But no one understood the Con- of the matriarch and functioned as an gress split seemed to loom as the old autonomous decisions.
his non-performance for much longer. It is no secret that Patel and Rahul had gress system better than him. Patel interlocutor with the old guard. guard called for a ‘collective leader- The second challenge for Rahul is to
His moment of reckoning may well a tense and uncomfortable relationship. alone knew how to work the levers that In his last days, he had set himself ship’ amid hints of a lack of confi- revamp the organisation and make the
have come, finally. Patel’s first loyalty was to Sonia and turned the Grand Old Party’s wheels. the task of healing the internal rift in dence in Rahul’s stewardship. Congress fighting fit to take on the
There is widespread acknowledge- Rahul knew that. Like any other legatee If Rahul needed a navigator to find his the party which exploded in full public There is little doubt that Patel’s BJP’s formidable election machine. So
ment in the Congress that Patel’s waiting to take over the family firm, he way through the complex maze that is view at a stormy Working Committee demise is a body blow to the G-23 (as far, Rahul has met with little success, but
demise marks the end of the Sonia era. wanted his own team of loyalists, not the Congress, Patel was his best guide. meeting in late August. A letter writ- the dissident group came to be then he always had the old guard to
He has brought down the curtain in some hand-me-downs from his mother. Ultimately, Rahul agreed to appoint ten by 23 leaders exposed the simmer- known). Many admit that without him blame. Now, there’s no defence.
death with a finality that Sonia has Yet, despite efforts to marginalise him party treasurer, but Patel was nev- ing tensions between veterans of the as an interface, their communication And the third is to start winning
failed to achieve in her lifetime, despite Patel, Rahul was soon made to appre- er really absorbed into the Gandhi ‘Sonia Congress’ and attendants of link with Rahul and his coterie has elections. His biggest test is coming
numerous attempts to retire and pass ciate his utility and importance. Patel scion’s team. He continued to be seen the ‘Rahul Congress’ eagerly waiting snapped. Sonia has neither the capac- up in 2022 when UP goes to the polls.
on the leadership baton to Rahul. was no mass leader and, consequently, as a representative of the ‘Sonia Con- in the wings to take charge. For the ity nor the health to play peacemaker. Is Rahul up to the task?

VN Datta (1926–2020)

A historian who delved deep into India’s past

ROFESSOR VN Datta, histo- those who made an effort to absolve ously. When having recently
rian, newspaper columnist individuals of the consequences of entered the profession, I told him
and an extremely kind per- the history that they had created. about my interest in Gandhi,
son, would be sorely missed. Datta was firmly of the view that nei- Maulana Mohamed Ali and pan-
Born in Amritsar in a very well-off ther history nor its consequences Islamism, he warned: never use
business family, Datta was educated would have happened the way they autobiographies and memoirs as
at the Government College (Lahore), did had key individual participants key sources. Any historian who
Lucknow University and the Univer- taken care, risen beyond their nar- wrote history on the basis of such
sity of Cambridge. Datta spent his row self-interests, and shown some nonsense was likely to make serious
HISTORIAN working life at Kurukshetra Univer- wisdom while making choices. Such errors. It pleased me no end when,
sity before settling down in Delhi. a view of history always put him at many years later, he would tell me
Datta’s writings opened Professor Datta was in the tradition
of those great scholars who were also
loggerheads with some of the leading
historians of those times. The public
that I had heeded his warning. That
was the sort of kindness that Pro-
up new vistas for great teachers. He trained an entire spats between him and Professor fessor Datta reserved for those who
generation of students, each of whom Bipan Chandra were memorable. On were young and inexperienced.
understanding history. He made a seminal contribution to histo- more than one occasion, the heated As a PhD examiner, he would rip
was in the tradition of those ry as a subject and to the history of
Punjab particularly.
exchanges between them would end
in exasperation on the part of each.
into any thesis that came up for his
scrutiny. Then just when the poor
great scholars who were Datta’s writings opened up new In one of the last such exchanges, as PhD candidate thought that the the-
vistas for understanding history. He Professor Salil Misra recalls, each of sis might have to be rewritten entire-
also great teachers. He examined the entire evidence of the them accused the other: “25 saal se ly, he would turn kind and point out
trained an entire Hunter Commission that was set up
to look into the Jallianwala Bagh
kehta aa raha hun, par tum abhi bhi
nahin sudhare.” It is anyone’s guess
why many parts of the thesis were
indeed quite unique and just for that
generation of students, massacre. Datta (who wrote The Tri- which of the two friends was sup- he would recommend the candidate
bune, 130 Years: A Witness to Histo- posed to reform himself. for the award of a PhD.
each of whom made a ry), in an interview with another emi-
CHRONICLER OF A CARNAGE: VN Datta, the author of Jallianwala Bagh (1969), saw
This was the time when the histori- In the politics-riven world of aca-
the 1919 massacre as the outcome of a well-planned conspiracy.
seminal contribution to nent historian, Nonica Datta,
recalled his searches and his discov-
ans of India were getting bogged
down in filling up the micro-details of
demia, Datta had the unique dis-
tinction of not being partisan. In
history as a subject and to ery that the massacre at Jallianwala after that, Datta would say, Indians which gave too much value to inex- a picture about India’s history that fact, many professors of history to
Bagh was no error of judgement or a resolved ever more firmly to get rid orable forces of history that were they had put together in the troublous whom I talked for putting together
the history of Punjab chance event. In this interview, of British rule. An Indian named supposedly driving the country years of Indira Gandhi’s first regime. this obituary remembered him for
particularly. He examined which was published by The Tribune
on April 14, 2019, Datta made it clear
Hans Raj, who had collaborated with
the British in ensuring the gather-
towards Partition.
In 1996, Professor Datta presided
Datta insisted that this focus on
micro-history was detracting histori-
having risen above petty depart-
mental intrigue and insisted that
the entire evidence of the that the massacre at Jallianwala ing, had his house at Amritsar burnt over the Indian History Congress ans from understanding the broader the most deserving candidate be
Bagh was the result of a well-planned down, Datta reported. session at Madras University. The sweep of Indian history. selected, politics, friendships and
Hunter Commission that conspiracy in which the British Datta was unremitting in blaming theme that he chose for his presiden- Datta was quite dismissive of his- enmities be damned. Those he
was set up to look into the allowed — in fact urged — a huge
gathering to assemble and then
Congress leaders for the manner in
which they conducted their politics
tial address was one very close to his
heart. Here and later, he talked at
torians who took memoirs and auto-
biographies too seriously. These
selected, who shall remain
unnamed for the moment, went on
Jallianwala Bagh massacre. Brigadier General Dyer moved for- after coming to power in 1937. Sim- great length about the role of specif- were “third-grade evidence”, he to make important contributions to
ward to teach Indians what he ilarly, Datta would be quite dismis- ic individuals in engineering Parti- would say, “usually peppered with our understanding of India’s past,
thought was going to be a lesson of a sive of any reconstruction of the tion, either through action or inac- tittle-tattle”, likely to mislead any away from the establishment ver-
lifetime. A lesson it indeed was for history of the partition of India tion. Datta had no patience with historian who took them too seri- sion of Indian history.

quick crossword su do ku calendar forecast

1 A country’s money (8)
5 Beat with whip (4) 6 4 5 ■ Vikrami Samvat 2077 SUNRISE: WEDNESDAY 07:08 HRS
9 Acknowledge (5) ■ Shaka Samvat 1942
10 Humorous (7)
11 Live within one’s 9 2 ■ Marghshirsh Shaka

■ Marghshirsh Parvishte
Sunny Partly Cloudy Cloudy
income (4,4,4)
13 Obtain by threats (6) ■ Hijari 1442 Chandigarh 25 09
14 Rowdy confusion (6)
17 Deeply ingrained
8 2 3 1 ■ Krishna Paksha Tithi 1, up to 3.00 pm New Delhi 27 07
■ Siddha Yoga up to 11.08 am Amritsar 24 07
habit (6,6)
20 Brilliant display (7)
21 Habitual residence (5)
3 9 5 ■ Rohini Nakshatra up to 8:31 am

■ Moon enters Gemini sign 9:37 pm

Bathinda 25 07
Jalandhar 25 06
22 Advantage (4)
Ludhiana 25 08
23 Forming a whole (8)
Bhiwani 24 09
DOWN 2 4 5 7 9 8 3 1 6 Hisar 26 08
1 Persuade by flattery (4)
2 Unchecked in growth (7)
3 Venture capitalist (12)
7 2 6 6 8 9 5 3 1 7 4 2 Sirsa 26 09
Dharamsala 19 08
4 Crevice (6) 3 1 7 2 6 4 9 8 5
Manali 14 02
6 Sotto voce comment (5)
7 Latest possible 2 8 6 9 1 2 6 4 7 9 8 5 3 Shimla 19 09
moment (4,4) 4 5 3 1 8 2 6 9 7 Srinagar 13 -02
8 Prove truth of (12)
12 Practicable (8) 7 8 9 7 8 6 5 3 4 2 1
Jammu 25 09
15 Place of shelter for Kargil 03 --06
YESTERDAY ’ S SOLUTION ships (7) 7 3 1 9 4 5 2 6 8
5 6 8
Leh 04 --05
Across: 1 Ostracism, 8 Avoid, 9 Booming, 10 Mussel, 11 Render, 12 Offshoot, 15 16 Fruitlessly (2,4)
Unsettle, 18 Deadly, 20 Sermon, 21 Masonry, 22 Value, 23 Look after. 18 Resonant metallic 5 6 4 8 2 7 1 3 9 Dehradun 25 10
Down: 2 Scope, 3 Remedy, 4 Confront, 5 Maquis, 6 Monsoon, 7 Adulatory, 11 Repulsive, sound (5) 1 Mussoorie 19 09
8 9 2 3 6 5 7 4
13 Feedback, 14 As a rule, 16 Trowel, 17 Far-off, 19 Large. 19 Cut down (4) V.HARD TEMPERATURE IN OC

4 THINK BusinessLine


tuesday, december 1, 2020

The many elements of China challenge
India must look to countering China on many fronts especially if it wants to achieve self-reliance
Problem of plenty
phyu  port  in  Myanmar,  only  to  be
Recent macro data has brought in a gusher of kept at a distance on this project, by
the astuteness of Aung San Suu Kyi
foreign flows, but liquidity is also at play and  the  Myanmar  military.  Myan­
mar’s  leaders  have  further  hedged

oreign  investors  seem  to  be  taking  a their bets, by agreeing to India de­
veloping the nearby Port of Sittwe,
rather more sanguine view of India’s eco­
as  a  maritime  link  to  the  Kolkata
nomic  prospects  than  domestic  institu­ port  for  India’s  landlocked  North­
tions  and  the  commentariat.  At  least East States.

that’s the inference one draws from unabated in­ hina has emerged India’s The  same  strategy  has  been  fol­
flows from foreign portfolio investors and direct largest  and  fastest  grow­ lowed  by  China  in  its  “aid”  to
ing  trading  partner  dur­ Pakistan,  for  developing  the  stra­
investors  in  the  post­Covid  period.  Government ing  the  past  decade.  In­ tegic Port of Gwadar, located to the
data show that Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in dia’s  exports  to  China  in  the  last east of Karachi. Gwadar is being de­
July­September  2020,  at  $28  billion,  was  double financial year, 2019­20, were barely veloped  as  a  huge  naval  base  that
the same period last year. If one considers the last $16.6 billion, while its imports were can  accommodate  Chinese  war­
$65.26  billion.  India,  thus,  faced  a ships and submarines. China’s stra­
six months to smooth out flows and looks at only 300  per  cent  trade  deficit  with tegic aim is to increasingly control
incremental equity investments, FDI into India at China during the last financial year. the sealanes between the Straits of
$30 billion has still seen a 15 per cent increase. Net Moreover, in strategic terms, the de­ Hormuz in the West, and the Straits
investments by Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) pendence  on  imports  from  China of Malacca, on India’s East Coast. 
has  been  rising  in  key  industries The Gwadar Port east of Karachi is being developed into a Naval base REUTERS
in Indian equities, after faltering a bit in Septem­
like  pharmaceuticals,  telecom  and The CPEC factor
ber,  have  turned  into  a  gusher  with  inflows  of power.  It  would  be  very  unwise  to The  entire  $60­billion  China­ electronic equipment, with an ever­ business  and  industrial  develop­ Moreover, given the close collab­
₹1.56­lakh  crore  this  fiscal,  including  record  in become excessively dependent on a Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), increasing dependence on imports ment.  oration  between  Pakistan  and
November  .  While  strong  in­ China,  which  is  becoming  increas­ is designed to provide China facilit­ from  China.  The  US  State  Depart­ China,  we  should  be  prepared  for
Scan & Share flows are definitely desirable at ingly  aggressive  on  its  territorial ies for access to the Arabian Sea, and ment notes that China and Taiwan The 5G threat closer  cooperation  between  them
claims.  across  the  shores  of  Persian  Gulf. control 70 per cent of global integ­ The  US  State  Department  report on  Jammu  and  Kashmir.  Given  its
a time when India’s capex cycle China is, moreover, sparing no ef­ The CPEC also provides China access rated­circuit  fabrication,  which  is pointedly notes: “Since Huawei and own  experience  and  continuing
needs  a  fresh  start,  their  sus­ fort to undermine India’s relations to, and presence in, Gilgit­Baltistan. vital  to  the  digital  economy,  apart ZTE  are  subject  to  China’s  various Russian  distrust  of  China,  Putin’s
tainability cannot be taken for with neighbours across the Indian This  strategy  of  “build  and from  advanced  weapons  systems, national security laws that compel Russia is hardly going to place any
granted.  Ocean.  A  new  report  published  by takeover”  of  ports  and  mines  has aerospace,  artificial  intelligence them to ‘support, assist and cooper­ trust in Xi Jinping’s China.
the US State Department, titled The been adopted by China also across and other essential industries.  ate  with  the  state  intelligence The  US  State  Department  report
At a macro level, three factors Elements of the China Challenge, the East Coast of Africa. China’s stra­ India  has  an  official  presence  in work’,  countries  that  use  them  as clearly  spells  out  concerns  which
could  be  behind  the  optimism  despite  the  eco­ spells  out  the  road  ahead  that tegic aim is to invest in infrastruc­ Taiwan,  normally  headed  by  a 5G vendors face growing threats to the  US  and  many  of  its  partners
nomy  entering  a  technical  recession.  One,  after China has planned for extending its ture,  make  East  African  countries senior/retired  diplomat.  But  South their  network  integrity,  data  pri­ have  about  China’s  policies.  Given
the 23.9 per cent contraction in Q1, high­frequency dominance of the global order financially  dependent,  and  then Block  gets  shivers  when  deciding vacy,  economic  stability,  and  na­ the  statements  by  President­elect
China’s takeover of the Hamban­ utilise the East and Central African measures for promoting exchanges tional security. This is a fact that our Joe Biden himself and members of
indicators have shown a faster­than­expected nor­
tota  Port  was  swiftly  ex­ region’s  vast  mineral  re­ of  official,  industrial  and  business security agencies have been acutely his team like Anthony Blinken, who
malisation  since  September,  prompting  GDP  up­ ecuted  when  Sri  Lanka sources.  delegations with Taiwan. India has conscious of and must increasingly has  been  nominated  Secretary  of
Scan & Share
grades. Two, listed companies and late stage start­ found  that  hardly  any The  same  US  State  De­ failed to take advantage of the eco­ become  an  important  element  in State,  the  new  US  administration
ups  —  two  key  recipients  of  FPI  and  FDI  flows  — shipping vessels were call­ partment  report  men­ nomic  opportunities  Taiwan  can economic policies. will be hard­headed in dealing with
have weathered Covid relatively well. Listed com­ ing on the port. Unable to tioned  above  spells  out provide, primarily because of ill­ad­ These  are  factors  that  cannot  be China. 
repay  its  debts  to  China details  of  the  policy vised  policies  of  being  too  con­ ignored  any  longer  by  India.  We It  will,  however,  make  common
panies managed a 31 per cent rebound in their net for  the  construction  of China  is  adopting  to cerned about implications of its ac­ have  only  ourselves  to  blame  if cause  with  China  on  climate
profits in Q2 helped by cost savings, interest rate the port, Sri Lanka had to dominate  global  devel­ tions on the relations with China. China  believes  that  it  can  regard change.  There  will  be  significant
cuts and a shift to the formal sector. Tech start­ups hand it over to China. The opments by using its sur­ Prime  Minister  Narendra  Modi and treat India as a “soft state”, in­ changes  from  the  Trump  adminis­
have  been  key  beneficiaries  of  the  digitalisation port was built as an integral part of plus  economic  capabilities  and has  expressed  his  commitment  to capable of challenging China’s ter­ tration policies on a series of issues,
China’s “economic aid” to Sri Lanka. technological  advances.  The building  a  “self­reliant”  India.  The ritorial  ambitions.  In  the  present ranging  from  dealing  with
and consumer migration to online transactions. China tried out the same strategy in primary focus of China has been in more realistic way to achieve self­re­ context  and  given  China’s  domin­ European allies, Russia, Iran and on
Three,  recent  reforms  on  FDI,  production  linked Maldives. It was foiled by economic communications  and  infrastruc­ liance  is  to  collaborate  with  com­ ant  say  in  Pakistani  policies,  we climate  change.  Relations  with  In­
incentives and the steep corporate tax cuts have and diplomatic efforts by India and ture,  where  it  does  not  use  local panies from with Taipei in Taiwan, should not be surprised if Pakistan dia  will  be  accorded  importance,
also aided flows. These,  however, do not fully ex­ the  US,  after  the  preceding  China­ manpower available, but brings in and  not  just  Shanghai  in  China. stirs  up  tensions  along  the  Line  of because  of  the  Quad  partnership,
backed government, was voted out its own manpower to retain control Business  and  economic  decisions Control in Jammu and Kashmir and though  there  could  be  some  rum­
plain the story; there’s also the liquidity tailwinds
of power in Maldives.  of  economies  of  resource­rich should be based purely on objective even in locations along the interna­ blings on developments in Jammu
powering record flows. The resumption of money­ Beijing  has  been  trying  hard  to countries. considerations,  with  a  focus  on  at­ tional border, which are easy to in­ and  Kashmir  from  sections  of  the
printing by central banks keen to shield their eco­ take control of the strategic Kyauk­ India  assembles  virtually  all  its taining  increasing  self­reliance  in filtrate.  Democratic Party.
nomies from Covid has played no small role in the
gush of  global  liquidity  that  has  inflated  public

Capital reaping the whirlwind

and  private  market  valuations.  Should  central
banks stop or even pause in their efforts, the tide
could recede as quickly as it rushed in. The Indian
market  is  poised  at  a  historically  high  valuation
(the Nifty PE is at 31 times) and will be particularly
at  risk.  FDI  flows  into  India  remain  heavily  de­ If farmers are protesting so steadfastly against the new farm laws, perhaps the Centre must listen to them
pendent on individual deals sewn up by the lead­
RASHEEDA BHAGAT And, then, bang in the middle of Gandhi  is  a  core  committee port, empathy and access to know­
ing lights of India Inc and remain unpredictable.  the pandemic, when critical issues member  of  the  India  Against  Cor­ ledge  in  best  farming  practices,

The  liquidity  gusher  has  created  an  unusual f  marching  from  one  contro­ such  as  shoring  up  of  health­care ruption movement and a national seeds and saplings, water conserva­
problem  of  plenty  for  the  Reserve  Bank  of  India versy  to  another  is  the  recipe systems, unprecedented economic executive  member  of  the  Aam tion  and  augmentation,  all  of
(RBI),  which  has  been  mopping  up  dollars  in  its to  win  elections  and  stay  in distress  from  loss  of  jobs,  and  the Aadmi  Party,  which  he  quit  on which Gandhi and his NGO, Global­
power, then the BJP­led NDA is GDP registering a massive contrac­ moral  grounds  after  it  came  to Parli,  organised  for  the  distressed
bid to prevent sharp Rupee appreciation. But with doing a good job of it. tion,  came  the  controversial  farm power.  His  views  are:  “Any  Indian farmers of that village. They can do
the market interventions contributing to excess­ First  it  was  the  ruckus  over  the laws. village  is  like  a  multiple  organ without the fear of big corporates
ive liquidity with banks, forcing down market in­ Citizenship  Amendment  Act  and Just look at the result: a massive thing… if you work on the liver, the getting into farm produce, tramp­
terest rates and fuelling inflation risks, RBI must threatening and taunting of Indian farmers’ agitation that has reached heart fails, if you work on the heart, ling all over the small farmers with
Muslims,  not  only  illegal  immig­ Delhi’s  borders.  This  despite  the the  lung  will  fail.  The  life  of  the their  power  and  might,  and  argu­
perhaps  consider  letting  the  Rupee  find  its  own rants,  with  “kagaz to dikhana Haryana  government using  water farmer in such villages is unpredict­ ably  taking  over  or  controlling
level. Plentiful flows also offer a rare opportunity padenga” (you’ll have to show your cannons on the men who put food able.  Farmers  face  problems  and their land and livelihood. 
for  Indian  regulators  to  more  closely  scrutinise papers).  An  ill­thought­out  move on the plates of over 1.3 billion Indi­ challenges  we  town  people  can’t The  ongoing  confrontation  of
the quality of money rushing in, by tightening the that put the entire country in tur­ ans.  And  the  courageous  farmer even imagine… from the weather, the huge collective of farmers, who
moil with protests and communal who  switched  off  the  water  is too much or no rain, insects attack­ have rejected Home Minister Amit
screws on Participatory Notes and round­tripping
poisoning.  The  brave  women  of charged with attempt to murder!  ing their crops, problems with the Shah’s conditional  offer  for  talks,
through brass­plate entities.  Shaheen  Bagh,  who  protested  for Agricultural  experts  have  ana­ Growing anger PTI soil, etc. If I was a farmer, I’d have does  not  augur  well.  Not  only  the
long  nights  braving  Delhi’s  harsh lysed these laws threadbare and are got 10 heart attacks till now.” government  and  the  laws  of  the
winter,  became  the  face  of  this concerned  that  allowing  big  com­ through  Parliament,  argue  that He went to the drought stricken land,  but  the  entire  Indian  popu­
controversy. panies  unfettered  access  to  what this would protect the farmer from area  of  Parli  in  Marathwada,  fam­ lace, owe it to our farmers to ensure
OTHER VOICES Then,  we  had  the  sudden  lock­
down of March 24, leaving tens of
our farmers grow can be disastrous
for the future of a good section of
potential  loss  if  the  crop  fails.  But
the  reality  on  the  ground  is
ous for farmer suicides, and system­
atically  organised  group  farming
they don’t have to live with a sword
over their heads. The last thing dis­
thousands  of  migrant  workers our  already  distressed  farming different. through  planting  of  robust,  high­ tress­hit  farmers need  is  tricky  le­
stranded. Heartbreaking images of community. The worst affected will yielding fruit trees and other crops gislation that promises them relief
thousands making the long and ar­ be the small and marginal farmers, Multiplying farm income in such a way that farmer’s incomes and  prosperity,  but  could  be  a
duous journey back home on foot, bound to be tempted by the money The  uncertainty,  trauma  and  pain have jumped from ₹10,000–15,000 masked recipe for disaster and ma­
Cutting development spending without food and water, with many offered  in  advance  by  corporates with which the Indian farmer lives from  1­3  acres  to  ₹2­4  lakh,  and nipulation. 
What’s another broken promise? Boris Johnson’s government States  closing  their  borders  and and big agri players, for their pro­ is  best  described  by  Mayank some  times  even  ₹6  lakh,  from  a Indian  farmers  are  astute
has doubtless lost count of all those left strewn in its wake. So denying  them  passage,  will  con­ duce. Those who support the three Gandhi, a social activist, in a recent bumper crop. enough to reject these laws and the
the news that Britain is abandoning its pledge to spend 0.7% of tinue to haunt us. farm  laws,  which  were  pushed webinar on community farming.  Farmers  need  this  kind  of  sup­ government must listen to them. 
GDP on aid, enshrined in law by David Cameron and
reaffirmed in the Conservative manifesto only a year ago, is
not as surprising as it should be. The dismantling of the
Department for International Development, now folded into
the Foreign Office, demonstrated where things were heading LET TERS TO THE EDITOR Send your letters by email to bleditor@thehindu.co.in or by post to ‘Letters to the Editor’, The Hindu Business Line, Kasturi Buildings, 859-860, Anna Salai, Chennai 600002.
despite denials that funding would suffer.  LONDON, NOVEMBER 29
Farmers’ fury farmer­friendly  laws  in  consulta­ jor  factors  that  helped  the  eco­ capital  to  create  investment  will ‘Plugging GST leakages’, there are a
The new farm laws are anti­farmer, tion with the farmers to fulfil the nomy.  rise. plethora  of  areas  where  leakages
notwithstanding  Prime  Minister Prime Minister’s promise of doub­ While private consumption has The  growth  in  credit  disburse­ and seepages exist which requires
Heal US divide with smooth transition Narendra  Modi’s  spirited  defence ling farm incomes. improved,  the  spending  of  the ments by the banking sector is vi­ a holistic approach with coordina­
of  them.  It  is  a  fallacy  to  say  that G David Milton Union Government has fallen sig­ tal to reduce the level of non­per­ tion  between  various  agencies.
John Adams, the first American president to lose a re­election, Maruthancode (TN)
these  laws  in  their  present  form nificantly.  It  is  time  the  Centre forming  loans  and  to  drastically There has to be a concerted effort
made a quiet departure in 1801. He got on an early morning
stagecoach to avoid having to attend the inauguration of his will  benefit  farmers.  The  benefits loosened its purse strings and an­ improve the returns to sustain the in  achieving  almost  zero­level  of
successor Thomas Jefferson. Mr Donald Trump, the 10th United listed by Modi in his speech don’t Sustain this momentum nounced  further  fiscal  stimulus financial health of the banks. The prevention  of  malpractices  that
States president to be denied a second term, could do likewise really  stand  up  to  scrutiny.  Farm­ That  the  Indian  economy  had measures to revive demand. ease in the flow of cash through in­ flourish. 
and slip out of office without conceding his loss. No legal storm ers seem to be determined to pro­ fared better in the second quarter M Jeyaram creased consumption and produc­ Fake invoices to claim ITC input
will ensue. On Dec 14, the Electoral College will formally cast tect their interests from being sub­ of the current financial year with Sholavandan (TN) tion needs to become robust to en­ credit  is  a  silent  mischief  maker.
votes affirming Democratic candidate Joe Biden's win and clear ordinated  to  those  of  big the  pace  of  contraction  easing  to able the consumers of bank credit Fake e­way bills is yet another area
the way for his inauguration on Jan 20.  SINGAPORE, NOVEMBER 30 commercial entities. 7.5 percent compared to an unpre­ With  reference  to  the  news  re­ to  service  the  borrowing.  A  rate­ of concern.
There  is  no  guarantee  that  cor­ cedented decline of 23.9 percent in port  ‘MPC  likely  to  keep  rates cut sans a cut in the deposit rates To redress the malady, the regis­
porates  won’t  exploit  the  vulner­ the  first  quarter  is  heartening steady’ (November 30), the monet­ even though makes a negative im­ tration  process  must  be
able farmers. The government has news.  However,  one  should  not ary  policy  rates  and  the  stance  of pact  on  the  bank's  returns  in­ strengthened  and  due  diligence
a social  responsibility  to  ensure rush  to  the  conclusion  that  the the committee matter a lot to pro­ stantly,  yet  an  aggressive  reduc­ parameters spelt out which can go
Celebrations must be tempered with caution that the farmers get a fair price for worst  is  over  and  the  economy  is pel  economic  activities.  With  the tion in non­performing loans and a long way to arrest such malprac­
The long weekend is upon us. From Tuesday, citizens and their produce.  now  firmly  on  the  path  to  sus­ rise  in  productive  activities  and a continuous rise in low­cost busi­ tices.  Even  personnel  engaged  in
residents of the UAE will enjoy a five­day break as the country The entry of big private players tained  recovery.  Steady  improve­ corrections in the supply chain of ness  will  strengthen  the  sound­ registration work like CAs and Tax
celebrates its 49th National Day. It provides an ideal opportunity into  the  agricultural  market  will ment  in  economic  activities  with goods  and  services,  inflation  will ness of the banks.  Auditors can lend a helping hand.
for family gatherings and get together of friends. A day out will eventually  lead  to  the  closure  of the easing of restrictions, ramping decelerate.  VSK Pillai The  GST  software  also  needs  to
also figure prominently in the plans of many families. No doubt, the  government­regulated up  of  production  to  satiate  the Given the ample liquidity in the Changanacherry (Kerala) play  a  pivotal  role  in  attacking
it’s a time to rejoice, but people should temper the celebrations mandis. The government must see pent­up and festival season­led de­ banking system, a cut in the repo problems and in their prevention. 
with caution. The coronavirus continues to rampage the world, reason and repeal the anti­farmer mand  and  good  performance  of rate followed by instant transmis­ GST leakages Ashok Jayaram
and that is reason enough to desist from lowering the guard laws. If need be, it can frame new the agriculture sector are the ma­ sion  of  the  rates,  the  demand  for With  reference  to  the  Editorial, Bengaluru
even during such days of gaiety.  DUBAI, NOVEMBER 30

CM .. ......... ...BM-BME


The alarming rise in education costs in New India

An official survey shows that education spending has gone up sharply in India, forming a huge financial burden on households
legislation  clearly  required
that  the  costs  of  elementary
schooling would be borne by
the state. Yet, as Chart 1 indic­
ates,  only  a  minority  of  stu­
dents  receive  free  education,
and  less  than  a  quarter  in
CP CHANDRASEKHAR JAYATI GHOSH urban  areas.  And  there  are
also  other  costs  associated
MACROSCAN with schooling — such as text­
books,  uniforms,  transport  —

ne  of  the  few  as­ costs  for  families  that  can  be which  also  add  to  the  finan­
pects of the Indian very high. cial  burden  on  households.
development  pro­ Table  1  provides  an  indica­ And  in  this  respect,  very  few
ject  that  is  sup­ tion of just how much is actu­ students  received  any
posed  to  have  seen  some  re­ ally  being  spent  by  house­ assistance.
cent  success  is  education. holds  on  education  at
Enrolment  has  increased  sig­ different levels. Several points Sharp rise
nificantly  in  school  and of  interest  emerge  from  this. Further, it turns out that even
higher  education,  and  the First,  pre­primary  education for  government  institutions, The rising education expenses will have a telling impact on social development
gender gap in enrolment has is  clearly  quite  expensive. costs  rise  sharply  with  the
reduced up to secondary edu­ Thereafter, the sharp increase level  of  education  on  offer. almost as high as post­gradu­ Force  Survey  conducted  over their  children.  The  survey
cation  (after  which  it  still  re­ in  costs  comes  up  at  the  sec­ The difference in spending on ate.  Essentially  this  means the same period 2017­18. (Bear shows  that  only  a  small  pro­
mains high).  ondary  level,  when  spending government  institutions that  not  just  the  poor  but in mind that women workers’ portion  of  households  at­
However, the Report of the nearly doubles in rural areas. compared  to  private  ones even middle classes are effect­ incomes  are  considerably tempted it and less than half
NSSO’s  75th  Round  survey  of Tertiary  education  is  really (both  aided  and  unaided)  is ively  squeezed  out  of  educa­ lower.)  of one per cent of casual work­
“Household  Social  Consump­ quite  expensive,  with  even very  large  until  secondary tion  beyond  secondary ers rural households had any­
tion  of  Education  in  India” rural  areas  indicating  high education as expenses are low schooling.  And  of  course Pinching the poor one  studying  for  a  graduate
conducted  from  July  2017  to levels of spending on this. for government schools until gender  gaps  grow  after  this The  numbers  are  stark.  In degree.  For  rural  casual  la­
June 2018 provides some very Why are households having that point. But thereafter, the points as well, as families are urban  areas,  nearly  40  per bour  households,  average  ex­
disturbing results. Essentially, to  shell  out  so  much  when  a gap  narrows,  and  by  the more  reluctant  to  pay  so cent  of  a  casual  labourer’s penses per student increased
this  expansion  in  education significant  amount  of  enrol­ graduate  and  post­graduate much for educating girls. wage  (assuming  20  days  of from ₹335 per month per stu­
has involved increasingly bur­ ment is still in public institu­ levels there is not much differ­ To  gauge  just  how  much work per month, which could dent for secondary school, to
dening  households  for  the tions  which  should  be  much ence  between  them  and these  expenses  amount  to, be an overestimate) would be ₹576 for higher secondary, to
payment, creating a situation more accessible to all?  private government­aided in­ Table 2 present a simple calcu­ required for the education of more  than  ₹12,220  for  diplo­
in  which  education  beyond The Right to Education Act, stitutions.  lation of the average monthly two children. The proportions mas, certificate and graduate
the  secondary  level  is  essen­ 2009,  specified  that  school It is striking that for private spending  on  education  for are lower for rural wage work­ courses.
tially  unaffordable  for  most education up to the age of 14 unaided  institutions,  ex­ two  students,  relative  to  the ers,  mainly  because  they  are It  is  worth  noting  that  the education.  Figure  3  indicates needs of students, despite the
working  people,  and  even years would be free and com­ penses  are  very  high  for incomes  of  male  workers  re­ effectively  excluded  from actual fees form only a part of that the fees charged by an in­ relatively high costs.
school  education  involves pulsory, and the spirit of that higher  secondary  schooling, vealed by the Periodic Labour seeking  higher  education  for the total expenses involved in stitution  (including  not  just This  suggests  that  the  re­
the tuition fees, but the exam­ cent expansion in enrolment
ination  fees,  “development” has come at a substantial cost
fees and other charges levied to  families,  especially  among
by institutions) accounted for the  less  well­off,  who  may
only 43 per cent of total edu­ have  had  to  sell  their  few  as­
cation expenses in rural areas sets or take on debt simply to
and  57  per  cent  in  urban educate  their  children.  These
areas. Books and other mater­ aspirations  for  betterment
ial  account  for  a  substantial through  education  are  in­
chunk of the money spent, es­ creasingly risky given the ter­
pecially  in  rural  areas,  and rible state of the job market. 
transport costs are significant Unequal  access  and  high
everywhere.  Interestingly, personal  costs  involved  in
private  tuition  costs  remain educating more of the young
significant,  suggesting  that may well boomerang on soci­
the quality of the institution­ ety; both employment condi­
ally  provided  learning  is  not tions  and  educational  access
good enough to meet the felt need urgent policy action.

Can a minimum All you want to know about... TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY
corporate levy Current  account  convertibility
refers  to  the  freedom  to  convert
work by relaxing end­user restric­
tions.  Inward  FDI  is  allowed  in
the tide turns.
The  report  further  points  that
December 1, 2000

avoid tax fights? your  rupees  into  other  interna­

tionally  accepted  currencies  and
most  sectors,  and  outbound  FDI
by Indian incorporated entities is
most  currency  crises  arise  out  of
prolonged  overvaluation  in  ex­
Philips IMV revises open offer to 49 pc
Royal Philips Electronics NV Netherlands today revised the
vice versa without any restrictions allowed as a multiple of their net change rates leading to unsustain­ size of its open offer to the shareholders of Philips India

F rench  Finance  Minister

Bruno  Le  Maire  wants  US
President­elect Joe Biden’s help
whenever you make payments.
Similarly,  capital  account  con­
vertibility  means  the  freedom  to

Why is it important?
able  current  account  deficits.  An
excessive  appreciation  of  the  ex­
change  rate  causes  exporting  in­
Ltd. its 51 per cent subsidiary, announcing its desire to
acquire the remaining 49 per cent equity capital of the
company. On October 10, the company had made an open
on corporate tax reform. Unfor­ SATYA SONTANAM conduct  investment  transactions Developing are usually cautious in dustries to become unviable, and offer to acquire 1,04,72,671 fully paid­up equity shares,
tunately,  he  is  going  about  it without any constraints. Typically, opening up their capital account. imports  to  become  much  more representing 23 percent of the total paid­up equity capital
the wrong way. SLATE it would mean no restrictions on This  is  because  inflows  and  out­ competitive,  causing  the  current of the company, at a price of Rs 105 per share. The last day
Le Maire hopes Biden will un­ the amount of rupees you can con­ flows of the foreign and domestic account deficit to worsen. Thus, it for revising the offer is December 1.
freeze global negotiations that vert  into  foreign  currency  to  en­ capital, which are prone to volatil­ suggests transparent fiscal consol­ East is where the sun sets
have been stalled since June.  The  RBI  Governor  recently  said able you, an Indian resident, to ac­ ity,  can  lead  to  excessive  appreci­ idation is necessary to reduce the Which is India's fiscally roost mismanaged State? Ten out of
France,  Britain,  Spain  and that  India  will  continue  to  ap­ quire any foreign asset. Similarly, ation/depreciation  of  their  cur­ chances of a currency crisis.  10 people would say Bihar'. Wrong! Uttar Pradesh, then? Or
Italy  would  like  digital  giants proach capital account convertib­ there  should  be  no  restraints  on rency  and  impact  the  monetary Orissa? The right answer, which would surprise even those
such  as  Amazon.com  and ility  as  a  process  rather  than  an your  NRI  cousin  bringing  in  any and financial stability. Why should I care? reasonably well­acquainted with the intricacies of the
Google’s  parent  Alphabet  to event.  He  also  pointed  out  that amount  of  dollars  or  dirhams  to India’s prudence in opening up If  you  are  an  investor  looking  to Indian economy, is West Bengal. A State that since the '80s
pay  tax  partly  on  the  basis  of capital  account  transactions  in acquire an asset in India.  its  capital  account  was  lauded park  money  overseas  or  an  NRI has emerged as an agricultural powerhouse of sorts, being
where  sales  are  made,  rather the rupee are already convertible India has come a long way in lib­ after  the  currency  crisis  in  East wanting to invest in Indian assets, the country's largest producer of rice, vegetables and, of
than where profit is declared.  to a great extent. erating the capital account trans­ Asian  countries  in  1997  exposed full  convertibility  on  capital  ac­ course, good old jute.
The  current  regime  allows actions  in  the  last  three  decades the problems arising from the po­ count may give you a greater op­ I-T waiver on amounts up to Rs 5 lakh under VSS
technology  companies  to  shift What is it? and  currently  has  partial  capital tent combination of high current portunity to diversify investments The carrot of income­tax exemption is now being offered
profit generated in, say, France, The balance of payments account, account convertibility. account  imbalances,  dependence and  reduce  geographical  risk. by the Government to attract employees in sick and
to  lower­tax  countries  like  Ire­ which  a  statement  of  all  transac­ Some  of  the  recent  moves  in­ on  short­term  capital  flows  and Note  that  cross­border  invest­ unviable public sector undertakings (PSU) to accept
land and Luxembourg. tions  made  between  a  country clude increasing the foreign port­ the  whimsical  nature  of  these ments  are  allowed  even  now  un­ Voluntary Separation Schemes (VSS). The Finance Ministry
The new approach will be as and the outside world, consists of folio  investment  limits  in  the  In­ flows.  The  SS  Tarapore  commit­ der  RBI’s  Liberalised  Remittance has now decided to provide income tax exemption on
hard  for  Biden  to  accept  as  it two  accounts  —  current  and  cap­ dian  debt  markets,  introducing tee’s  report  on  fuller  capital  ac­ Scheme  but  within  the  overall compensations up to Rs 5 lakh received under the VSS to
was  for  his  predecessors. ital account. While the current ac­ the Fully Accessible Route (FAR) — count  convertibility  released  in limit of $250000.  make the exit path smoother for thousands of employees
Barack  Obama’s  administra­ count  deals  mainly  with  import through which non­residents can 2006  argued  that  even  countries in sick PSUs. The exemption would place them at par with
tion, for example, helped kill an and export of goods and services, invest in specified government se­ that  had  apparently  comfortable The bottomline employees who opt for the Voluntary Retirement Scheme
earlier effort to update corpor­ the capital account is made up of curities  without  any  restrictions fiscal  positions  have  experienced It’s an alluring idea in theory but (VRS). The Government had also received similar requests
ate­tax rules for the digital age.  cross­border movement of capital and  the  easing  of  the  external currency crises and rapid deterior­ we’re not ready to put it into prac­ from banks for tax breaks where VRS schemes have been
The  problem  is  that  France by way of investments and loans.  commercial  borrowing  frame­ ation of the exchange rate, when tise yet. successful.
and  others  are  reaching  for
money  that  could  ultimately
find  its  way  back  to  America’s
coffers, for example when tech
companies  move  cash  stashed
in Ireland to US shores.  easy bl two-way crossword 1755 not so easy
It won’t help that France and
Britain  introduced  emergency ACROSS DOWN ACROSS DOWN
digital  taxes,  mostly  hitting 01. Track prepared for skiing (5)  01. They accept money of those 01. One could step out and go 01. Mr Peter asking for them to
American  companies,  in  case 04. Greek district of pastoral leaving cars (7,6)  down it on skis (5)  take the motorists' money
the OECD­led talks fail.
pleasure (7)  02. Kind of whale, rorqual (3)  04. Where the simple rural (7,6) 
There’s  a  simpler  option.
08. Additional assistance of 03. Putting forth of strength (6)  life made a cad air his 02. A whale is to turn up around
Rather than focussing on tech,
troops (13)  04. Sudden and unexpected (6)  differences (7)  end of June (3) 
governments  could  introduce
10. Lassos (5)  05. Dairy product (6)  08. Strengthening may 03. Work put in to the attempt (6) 
a global  minimum  corporate
11. Percussion instrument (4)  06. As though a vision (9)  compel people to enter 04. Sudden burp can be disguised
tax rate. 
This would suit everyone ex­ 12. Have a desire (4)  07. Of the science of the inert form (13)  at getting around it (6) 
cept  tax  havens.  America 16. Apart, with detachment (5)  heavenly bodies (13)  10. Lines known by such as are 05. One may be skittled by
already  has  a  similar  measure 17. Full of information (13)  09. Regular, ecclesiastical (9)  experienced (5)  Roquefort (6) 
in the so­called GILTI provision 19. Substance that dissolves 13. Clumsy, tactless (6)  11. A medal for leaving 06. As if a vision could make fifty
of its tax law.  another (7)  14. Refusal to participate (3­3)  without one (4)  ride out (9) 
Le Maire, for example, could 20. One resisting authority (5)  15. A romantic intrigue (6)  12. This bone father to the 07. About the science of the stars
then  take  the  difference 18. Confer knighthood on (3) thought, if merry! (4)  pastor has his clay to form
between  the  agreed  threshold 16. Stand­offish way a fruit (13) 
and what French companies ac­ pudding is sent back (5)  09. It's the orthodox way to flip
tually pay on profit declared in 17. With all­round knowledge coin in Panama (9) 
low­tax countries.  of dope, I can cycle about 13. To be so tactless is left to the
SOLUTION: BL Two-way Crossword 1754
It would end the incentive to (13)  French (6) 
shift profit. ACROSS 1. Morse 4. Grommet 8. Dissemble 9. Dot 10. Legatee 12. Plea 19. Can pay all one owes for 14. Refusal to participate with
An  OECD  analysis  suggests 14. Monitor 17. Styx 18. Eternal 20. End 21. Light bulb 23. Neglect 24. glue, say (7)  policeman on strike (3­3) 
introducing  a  minimum  tax Rathe CLUES DOWN 1. Middle­Eastern 2. Resign 3. Election 4. Gab 5. 20. Be up in arms or be in a bit 15. The business of an illicit love
rate  would  raise  up  to  $70  bil­ Open 6. Muddle 7. Tetrasyllable 11. Exile 13. Forester 15. Pye­dog 16. of a relapse (5)  entanglement (6) 
lion  outside  of  the  United Insult 19. Blue 22. Gut 18. Make a knight add the
States,  with  high­income  na­ soundtrack (3)
tions like France doing particu­
larly well.  REUTERS

CM .. ....... .....BM-BME




The perils of deregulated imperfect agrimarkets

The Farm Acts were legislative misadventures, while much more is needed to address the genuine fears of farmers
with the average area served at 775 development  fee.  The  Punjab dia’s agricultural markets once ob­
km2. The National Commission on Mandi Board uses these revenues served,  “deregulated  imperfect

Closer to punishment Agriculture  (NCA)  had  recom­

mended that every Indian farmer
to construct rural roads, run med­
ical  and  veterinary  dispensaries,
markets  may  become  more,  not
less, imperfect than regulated im­
should be able to reach a mandi in supply  drinking  water,  improve perfect markets”.
More details emerge about Tahawwur one hour by a cart. . Thus, the av­ sanitation, expand rural electrifi­
Rana’s role in the 26/11 attacks R. Ramakumar erage area served by a mandi was cation and provide relief to farm­ Steps to be taken
to be reduced to 80 km2. For this, ers  during  calamities.  Such  rural Discussions  between  the  govern­

ore than 12 years since the dastardly attacks
the  number  of  mandis was  to  in­ investments will also be adversely ment  and  the  farmers  can  be
across prominent locations in Mumbai, its key

he eruption of massive farm­ crease to at least 41,000. But there affected if mandis are weakened.  structured  using  a  broad  frame­
conspirators have continued to evade justice ers’  protests  across  India were  only  6,630  mandis  in  2019 work based on two focus points. 

in India. While nine of the attackers were shot dead by against  the  Farm  Acts  has with an average area served of 463 The fate of MSPs First, India needs an increase in
the  police  between  November  26­29,  2008,  one  of shocked those in the seat of power km2. Using another set of criteria, take  over  the  role  of  mandis and Without doubt, MSPs would conti­ the density of mandis, expansion
them, Ajmal Kasab, was apprehended and sentenced to in Delhi. According to the govern­ a government  committee  in  2017 the village trader, they incur con­ nue to survive on paper as the go­ of investment in mandi infrastruc­
death  after  a  trial  that  revealed  the  conspiracy  and ment,  many  private  markets  will had  recommended  that  India siderable costs in opening collec­ vernment will have to procure to ture and a spread of the MSP sys­
planning by LeT operatives among others responsible be established, middlemen would should have at least 10,130 mandis. tion centres and for salaries, grad­ maintain a minimum buffer stock. tem  to  more  regions  and  crops.
disappear, farmers would be free So, by all counts, India needs not ing,  storage  and  transport.  The However,  many  policy  signals This should happen hand­in­hand
for the attacks. One among the foreign collaborators is
to sell to any buyer and farmgate less but more mandis. more  the  number  of  small  and point to a strategic design to wea­ with a universalisation of the Pu­
Tahawwur Rana, who conspired with former FBI agent prices would rise. But the protest­ The second reason is that most marginal  farmers  are,  the  higher ken the MSPs.  blic Distribution System as an af­
David Headley to assist the LeT in the planning and exe­ ing  farmers  do  not  accept  these small and marginal farmers, given will these costs be. Corporate re­ First, input and labour costs are fordable  source  of  food  for  the
cution. Rana, a Pakistani­Canadian citizen, was found claims. They believe that farmgate their small marketable surplus, do tail chains face additional costs in rising sharply in agriculture. This poor.
guilty by a U.S. court in 2011 of providing material sup­ prices would fall with the intensifi­ not find it economical to bear the urban sales and storage, as well as necessitates a regular upward revi­ Second, we need not just more
port to the LeT and planning an attack on the offices of cation of a corporate presence in transport  costs  to  take  their  har­ the  risk  of  perishability.  This  is sion  of  MSPs  to  keep  pace  with mandis,  but  also  better  mandis.
the Danish newspaper,  Jyllands-Posten, and was later agricultural markets. They also be­ vests to mandis. Thus, they end up why many retail chains prefer pur­ costs of living. However, MSPs are APMCs  need  internal  reform  to
lieve  that  the  government,  ulti­ selling  their  harvest  to  a  village chasing  bulk  quantities  of  fruits rising at a far slower rate over the ease the entry of new players, re­
sentenced to 14 years in prison. Unlike Headley, who es­
mately, wants to phase out the Mi­ trader  even  if  at  a  lower  price. and vegetables from mandis rather past  five  to  six years  than  in  the duce  trader  collusion  and  link
caped  extradition  after  entering  into  a  plea  bargain nimum  Support  Price  (MSP) Even  if  private  markets  replace than directly from farmers. past. Second, the government has them  up  with  national  e­trading
with the U.S. prosecutors and was sentenced to 35 years system.  mandis, small and marginal farm­ not yet agreed to fix MSPs at 50% platforms. The introduction of un­
in prison, Rana was acquitted in the U.S. of charges of Let us look at the major claims ers will continue to sell to traders Transaction costs above  the  C2  cost  of  production. ified national licences for traders
involvement in the 2008 terror attacks. An Illinois court and their merits. Due to space con­ in  the  village  itself.  The  situation Even  if  private  markets  emerge, As  a  result,  farmers  continue  to and a single point levy of market
commuted his jail sentence that was scheduled to end straints, the focus here will only be will  change  only  if  economies  of the  size  of  transaction  costs  are suffer a price loss of ₹200 to ₹500 fees  are  also  steps  in  the  right
in  September  2021,  after  he  tested  positive  for  CO­ on  the  Farmers’  Produce  Trade scale  rise  substantially  at  the likely to offset any decline in man- per quintal in many crops. Third, direction.
VID­19; this has opened the window for his extradition and  Commerce  (Promotion  and farm­level. di taxes. As a result, there is no as­ the  Commission  for  Agricultural However, if we go by the Union
Facilitation) Act, 2020 (FPTC Act). Second,  de jure too,  the  free­ surance  that  farmers  would  re­ Costs and Prices (CACP) has been Finance  Minister’s  statement  in
to India. Rana, according to Headley, had helped him to
dom to sell outside mandis already ceive  a  higher  price  in  private recommending to the government November  2019,  the  government
open an immigration firm in Mumbai, which was used More mandis needed exists in many States. Already, 18 markets.  In  the  existing  private that  open­ended  procurement  of thinks that the APMC system has
by Headley to survey targets chosen by the LeT. An ex­ An important assumption behind States have allowed the establish­ markets too, there is no evidence food grains should end. These pol­ “served  its  purpose”  and  the
tradition memorandum filed by U.S. prosecutors in a the FPTC Act is that  mandis con­ ment  of  private  markets  outside of farmers receiving higher prices icy  stances  have  set  alarm  bells States  should  “reject”  and  “dis­
California district court has reaffirmed Rana’s role and trolled  by  Agricultural  Produce the APMC; 19 States have allowed than in the mandis. In fact, if tran­ ringing among farmers. mantle” mandis. Such statements
provides more detail into the conspiracy and the know­ Marketing Committees (APMC) are the direct purchase of agricultural saction costs exceed mandi taxes, In Punjab, Haryana and western betray  the  real  intent  of  the  go­
ledge shared with him by Headley about the attacks. monopsonies in rural areas. This produce  from  farmers;  and  13 the costs would be transferred to Uttar Pradesh, most crop sales are vernment,  which  has  not  missed
assumption itself is specious. First, States have allowed the establish­ the farmers as a lower price. This, at the MSP through procurement the  attention  of  the  protesting
This should provide the U.S. court enough reason for
official  data  show  that  even  for ment of farmer’s markets outside then,  would  imply  a  stronger centres including the mandis. The farmers. Further, the branding of
Rana’s extradition to India to face punishment. paddy  and  wheat,  respectively, the APMC. Despite such legislative squeeze  on  the  farmer  than  at farmers  in  these  regions  legiti­ protesters  as  “anti­national”  and
The trial of Ajmal Kasab exposed the collusion of the only 29% and 44% of the harvest is changes, no significant private in­ present mately  feel  that  they  have  been “Khalistanis”  has  only  helped  to
Pakistan deep state with terrorist organisations. Argua­ sold  in  a  mandi,  while  49%  and vestment has flowed in to establish Many commentaries treat taxes dealt a double whammy. If mandis further alienate the farmers from
bly, this has helped in a dramatic reduction in  terror 36% is sold to either a local private private  markets  in  these  States. in mandis as wasteful. This asser­ weaken and private markets with the  government.  The  govern­
targeting civilians in India. Groups such as the LeT and trader or an input dealer. In other Private  markets  have  emerged  in tion is not fully true. First, much of no commitment to MSPs expand, ment’s  legislative  adventurism
JeM have changed their modus operandi to target secur­ words, de facto, a large proportion some pockets for some crops, but the mandi taxes are reinvested by they fear a gradual erosion of their with the Farm Bills was misplaced
of  Indian  harvest  is  not  directly these  are  by  no  means APMCs to improve market infras­ entitlement  to  a  remunerative to begin with. . But it is never too
ity  forces  since  then.  The  scrutiny  over  Pakistan  has
sold in a mandi.  widespread. tructure.  A  fall  in  mandi taxes price. If mandis weaken and priv­ late to rethink. Unconditional talks
been accentuated by the FATF’s decision to retain Pa­ Farmers  are  forced  to  sell  out­ The reason for poor private in­ would reduce the surplus available ate markets do not sufficiently re­ with farmers would be an appro­
kistan  on  its  greylist.  Yet,  Pakistan  has  done  little  to side  the  mandis for  two  reasons. vestment  in  markets  is  the  pre­ with APMCs for such investment.  place them, they fear that the void priate starting point.
bring the culprits of the 26/11 attacks to book — a case in The  first  is  that  there  are  not sence of high transaction costs in Second, in States such as  Pun­ would  be  filled  by  unscrupulous
point being LeT chief Hafiz Saeed who has been sen­ enough  mandis.  In  1976,  there produce  collection  and  aggrega­ jab,  the  government  charges  a and  unregulated  traders.  As  Bar­ R. Ramakumar is a Professor at the Tata
tenced to prison for terror financing but has eluded jus­ were 4,145 large markets in India, tion.  When  private  players  try  to market committee fee and a rural bara Harriss­White, a scholar of In­ Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai
tice  for  his  role  in  the  2008  attacks  by  never  being
charged  despite  being  identified  by  Ajmal  Kasab  and
Headley as a mentor with knowledge of the attacks. Ra­
na’s extradition would go a long way in bringing justice
A misguided policy that cuts deep into patient safety
to  the  nearly  160  victims  of  the  Mumbai  attacks  and
shed further light on cross­border terror.
It is impossible for Ayurveda to incorporate surgical techniques while ignoring the other domains of modern medicine
in  medicine  can  safely  perform consists  of  a  basic  degree  during man knowledge is a universal re­
surgery. It is an aphorism in mod­ which  the  fundamentals  of  the source, ever growing. The way for­

Winter worries ern medicine that a surgeon needs

to know not only how to perform
functioning  of  humans  in  health
and  disease,  and  techniques  to
ward is to incorporate traditional
medical  systems  into  modern

Targeted containment of COVID-19 can work, surgery,  but  when.  Importantly, diagnose  illnesses  are taught.  In­ medicine. 
the surgeon needs to know when creased knowledge in various do­
but there is no room for complacency George Thomas not  to  perform  surgery,  a  skill mains  is  obtained  through  post­ Could deepen inequity
commonly  called  clinical  judge­ graduate  training.  All  these  do­ The  quality  of  medical  care  re­

ew Home Ministry guidelines to check further
ment.  These  skills  are  difficult  to mains  work  together  in  order  to ceived  in  India  is  highly  depen­
spread of COVID­19 during the winter months

he  basic  requirement  of teach and difficult to master.  ensure safe surgery. It is impossi­ dent on personal resources. Surgi­
starting  with  December  reflect  the  govern­ medical practice is the safety Errors in surgery can be devas­ ble  for  Ayurveda  to  incorporate cal facilities manned by graduates
ment’s concern that the gradually reviving economic of  the  patient.  Surgery  is  a tating. Data from the United States surgical techniques while ignoring of Ayurveda will be patronised on­
activity should remain unaffected by ongoing contain­ branch of medicine in which poor suggests that up to 4,000 surgical the framework of the psychologist all  the  other  domains  of  modern ly  by  the  very  poor  who  do  not
ment measures. The Centre has mandated that States training  can  have  dramatic  and errors  occur  each  year  despite Rasmussen’s Skill, Rule and Know­ medicine and still perform surgery have the resources to access mod­
declare  containment  zones  online,  identifying  them disastrous  results.  This  is  the well­considered  controls  on  who ledge­based  Error  model.  Some safely and effectively.  ern medical care. This will further
with micro targeting to minimise the impact. It has also strongest argument against the ill­ can perform surgery. Efforts to re­ complex tasks are a set of repeti­ What  is  scientific  knowledge? entrench  the  existing  grossly  un­
advised  move  of  the  government duce  this  rate  focus  on  better tive  steps  where  the  person  ac­ How  is  it  to  be  transmitted?  Is equal  access  to  health  care.  An
prohibited any lockdowns at State and city levels with­
of India to allow graduates in Ayur­ training.  Besides  professional quires proficiency merely by prac­ there any sound basis for different epidemic  of  catastrophic  compli­
out prior consultation with the Ministry. Such advice veda to practise surgery. codes,  legal  mechanisms  have tice, for example, using a complex scientific  systems  in  the  modern cations, disproportionately affect­
might appear redundant, coming as it does after a long been  developed  to  ensure  safe machine without knowing how it world? More specifically, can there ing  the  poor  can  be  expected  if
unlock phase that permitted the relaxation of restric­ Apprenticeship is key medical practice.  works.  This  is  not  applicable  in be fundamentally different expla­ surgical  procedures  are  per­
tions  on  almost  all  public  activities,  barring  regular Surgery in the present era is an in­ In India, the Consumer Protec­ surgery where novel situations are nations of how the human body is formed by the poorly trained.
flights and trains, and the onus having shifted to the citi­ terdisciplinary endeavour. A well­ tion Act serves as an incentive to often  encountered and  a  good structured  and  functions?  These There  is  a  shortage  of  trained
zen to avoid getting infected. Several States with a per­ trained  anaesthesiologist  keeps modern  medical  practitioners  to knowledge  base  is  essential  to are  all  important  questions  and medical personnel in rural areas.
the patient free of pain. Other spe­ provide  high  quality  health  care. solve  problems  which  may  not have  implications  for  policy  in The only way to address this is to
ceived decline in new infections have opened up even
cialist  doctors  address  any  other Even this legal mechanism is not have  been  previously health  care.  Important  decisions greatly increase the number of go­
more; in Tamil Nadu, for instance, final year in­person illnesses  that  the  patient  has  be­ accessible  to  the  poor.  It  is  quite encountered. with  potential  to  seriously  harm vernment  medical  colleges.  This
college classes and medical courses except for fresh en­ fore  surgery  can  be  safely  per­ clear  that  there  is  no  shortcut  to thousands of people should not be will take a few years, but it is a safe
trants are set to reopen on December 7. This is a time to formed. The well­trained surgeon safe surgical outcomes. One simp­ What constitutes safe surgery casually  made  without  clear and effective policy. Safety of pa­
reiterate proven safety norms, considering that India must  have  a  good  knowledge  of ly cannot get away from it — safe Modern medicine is an integrated answers. tients should not become a victim
has about 4.48 lakh active cases out of a total of 94.31 the structure of the human body surgery requires years of training. whole  in  which  specialties  have Safe  and  effective  health  care of  misguided  policies  based  on
lakh cases recorded thus far, and where almost three­ in health and disease. This is one The  idea  of  competence  with­ developed  from  the  understand­ should not become a casualty of a poor  understanding  of  what  safe
fourths  of  new  infections  are  concentrated  in  eight branch of medicine where know­ out comprehension should not be­ ing that the knowledge base is so misguided  desire  to  protect  indi­ surgery requires.
ledge  can  only  be  acquired guile us into believing that surgery vast that a single human can only genous systems. Traditional know­
States and Union Territories including Delhi. Encourag­
through apprenticeship — that is, is a suitable subject for its applica­ ever hope to master a few of the ledge in India has become the vic­ Dr. George Thomas, an orthopaedic
ing results from vaccine trials and the likelihood of ear­ the learner needs to be guided by tion. Anecdotes of people not edu­ domains required in order to pro­ tim  of  self­serving  apparatchiks surgeon practising in Chennai, is the
ly emergency use authorisation have weakened volun­ an expert. It takes many years and cated,  but  able  to  perform  com­ vide the best possible outcomes to who have fossilised it, preventing former editor of the ‘Indian Journal of
tary  caution,  and  citizens  are  yielding  to  pandemic much exposure before a graduate plex tasks should be understood in patients. Modern medical training its development and growth. Hu­ Medical Ethics’
fatigue. Health authorities must reinforce the message
that low­cost interventions such as masks, good ventila­ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters emailed to letters@thehindu.co.in must carry the full postal address and the full name or the name with initials.
tion and distancing norms cannot be abandoned. 
Evidence from the lockdown in India shows that the Protesting farmers ■ The hallmark of the traps of the corporate of farmers. Structural resonance in the mainstream
To read more letters
online, scan the QR code
reproductive  number  for  COVID­19,  representing  the The farmers’ protests present regime at the Centre economy. It is better the bottlenecks such as media. Second, when
number of fresh infections caused by an individual, was against the Farm Acts is the arbitrary way of taking rulers learn, as Jawaharlal removing the hurdles in reforms are not undertaken on the side of caution and get
indeed reduced by the severe curbs, although the out­ continue to simmer yet the decisions and formulating Nehru says in his Glimpses of institutional credit system frequently, people get used things right. Human safety
come varied by location. At the end of April, as the lock­ government seems to be laws, whether it is concerned World History, that “there is and enhancing infrastructure to the old ways. Poverty of comes first.
down rigour eased, India had over 30,000 cases and nonchalant to their with the economy a limit to human and logistical support in reform in agriculture could Sudharsan Rajagopalan,

1,153 deaths in all. But seven months later, there were demands. The high­ (demonetisation), the endurance”. rural areas are essential for be the reason for the Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.

handedness in dealing with environment (the EIA draft Sukumaran C.V., the effective implementation relevance and longevity of

39,806 infections and 433 deaths in a single day, No­ Palakkad, Kerala
their protests speaks notification) or farmers (the of the agrarian reform laws.  the MSP regime. The India tour
vember 29, underscoring the continuing challenge. The volumes of the ordinances that have been Nayakara Veeresha, Lalit Kumar Bhardwaj, It has been miserable to
prime task before health administrators is to convince government’s response and made into law). The ruling ■ It is not just the guaranteed Bengaluru Vadodara, Gujarat watch our experienced
the  average  citizen  that  there  is  much  to  be  gained follows a familiar thread as dispensation does not feel it MSP but the weak regulation Indian cricketers biting the
through inexpensive lifestyle modification. A study of seen during necessary to discuss such of alternative market ■ The agitation has Vaccine trials dust in Australia. India has
131 countries published in The Lancet estimated the be­ demonetisation, vital matters with the people mechanisms created by the highlighted two issues: the A report on the allegation by displayed one of its worst
nefits of restricting group gatherings to 10 people, and introduction of the GST whom these decisions affect. newly enacted agrarian laws protest seems to be centred a ‘Covishield’ vaccine performances ever in one­
regime, inept handling of We are the largest that is the serious cause of around farmers of certain volunteer, of serious side­ dayers against Australia; it
how reducing physical attendance at workplaces could
the health pandemic, the democracy in the world, but concern. Placing farmers in a States, reflecting the uneven effects, needs scientific seems as if the team lacked
bring  down the  reproductive  number  by  38%  in  one poor handling of the the rulers who are complex web of bureaucratic lines in the farming rebuttal with data rather grit, determination and
month.  Universal  masking,  with  95%  compliance,  is migrant labour crisis or the democratically elected have and legal mechanisms to community. The reticence of than a dismissal and threat of confidence. Our batsmen,
projected to reduce deaths dramatically, in another Un­ rushing through of created the perception of settle disputes is going to farmers from the rest of counter­suing. The side­ many of whom dazzled
iversity of Washington study. Evidently, the entire eco­ important pieces of behaving autocratically. enhance farmer distress India could be due to their effects have not been studied during the IPL, fizzled out
nomy  stands  to  benefit  from  such  painless  interven­ legislation such as the Instead of saving farmers, on especially for the marginal, tacit acquiescence of the new completely yet, partially due Down Under before the
tions,  while  sparing  doctors  and  frontline  health labour Bills. It appears that whose toil the nation runs, small and medium farmers. Acts or that they are too to the breakneck speed at Australian avalanche. Our
the country is being led to a from the usurping hands of The intentions behind the inequipped to devote time which the vaccine is being cricketers should note that
workers  of  deadly  risk.  The  Central  government  has
future where the free market which is Acts seem to be good; and the resources in such brought to the market. The there are scores of
rightly prioritised targeted containment, but it should authoritarianism only controlled by the corporate however a robust demonstrations. Even after development has brought youngsters in India A and B
standardise testing protocols across States, and not di­ would prevail and citizens giants, every ruling implementation mechanism decades following into focus the volunteer teams, just waiting for a
lute the message of safe behaviour by labouring over will have no voice. dispensation seems to be with the necessary checks Independence, it is recruitment strategy and chance to show their mettle.
the point of recoveries and low per­million fatalities. V. Padmanabhan, wanting to push them and balances will go a long unfortunate that the voice of screening procedures. I M. Pradyu,
Bengaluru further and further into the way in addressing the issues a tribal farmer does not find strongly feel, it is wise to err Thalikavu, Kannur, Kerala




Is a person’s address public information? Recalibrating India-Nepal ties

The relationship has never been free of controversy as both
Only information bearing a nexus to public activity should be available to the public
countries have not changed their perspectives of each other
Court did not think twice about dis­
closing  his  address  in  its  own  judg­ lopment projects, it can win Nepali hearts.
ment that is published on the Inter­ But despite  pouring billions of rupees into
net for all to access. Nepal over decades, it has still not been able
to  do  so.  Therefore,  it  needs  to  reflect  on
RTI v. Privacy what it is not doing right. Two issues are im­
Shailesh Gandhi Thus, the correct question to ask in portant to understand here. First, all aid to
& Prashant Reddy T. such cases is, which law or principle Sujeev Shakya Nepal from countries other than India and
of  law  prevents  the  state  from  dis­ China  go  through  the  Plans  of  the  Govern­
closing  such  information  about  the ment of Nepal. Indian aid is seen in Nepal as
Recently, in a case involving activist addresses of citizens? When  Foreign  Secretary  Harsh  Vardhan a favour bestowed on a constituency it wants
Saket  Gokhale,  the  Bombay  High The RTI Act clearly lays down that Shringla  arrived  in  Kathmandu  on  Novem­ to garner support from rather than a contri­
Court ordered the Ministry of Infor­ all  information  held  by  the  govern­ ber 26 and spoke in fluent Nepali to the me­ bution to Nepal’s planned development. Se­
mation and Broadcasting to remove ment  must  be  shared  with  citizens dia, there was some hope that the visit would cond, India competes with China in provid­
Mr. Gokhale’s contact details from its unless it is exempted under Section 8 go beyond the traditional exchange of plea­ ing  aid  outside  government  budgets.  And
website. His address was revealed to or 9 of the Act. The exemption relat­ santries. When he departed, the hope was China picks up projects of visibility and stra­
the general public when the Right to ing to privacy is given under Section that his visit would be the beginning of a con­ tegic location. Chinese involvement in Nepal

Information application filed by him 8 (1)( j) which exempts “information tinued dialogue between the two countries has  increased  since  the  April  2015  earth­
was displayed on the Ministry’s web­ which  relates  to  personal  informa­ that have had a  strained relationship since quake and Nepal is surely an area of strategic
site. According to Mr. Gokhale, once tion the disclosure of which has no the imposition of a five­month­long blockade influence in China’s Belt and Road Initiative. 
his phone number and address were relationship to any public activity or in 2015 in Nepal just as the country was reco­
displayed, he began receiving threats ment.  These  would  display  the Court in the case of Avishek Goenka interest,  or  which  would  cause  un­ vering from a devastating earthquake.  People­to­people ties
on the phone. A mob gathered out­ names and addresses of the complai­ v.  Asish  Kumar  Roy (2013).  In  the warranted invasion of the privacy of In the past five years, the only glimmer of The Foreign Secretary raised the issue of pe­
side  his  house  chanting  slogans nants  and  the  accused.  Ironically, Goenka case, an RTI activist wanted the individual unless the Central Pu­ hope  to  work  on  the  relationship  was  the ople­to­people exchanges between the coun­
against him because of his  activism even  the  courts,  including  in  Mr. to provide a P.O. Box number as his blic Information Officer or the State constitution of an Eminent Persons Group. tries,  a  welcome  development.  In  the  past
against  the  ruling  party.  What  hap­ Gokhale’s case, disclose the address­ address while filing a RTI application Public Information Officer or the ap­ The Group was disbanded after submitting two  decades,  two  significant  changes  have
pened to Mr. Gokhale is unaccepta­ es of litigants in their judgments as a in order to not disclose his residen­ pellate authority, as the case may be, its report, the outcome of which is still not happened in this area. First, Indian workers
ble and the state must take all possi­ regular  practice.  Many  of  the  new tial address and thereby protect him­ is satisfied that the larger public in­ known. Nepal thought that the Eminent Per­ in  Nepal  constitute  a  big  part  of  the  work­
ble  steps  to  prosecute  those  who transparency  initiatives  such  as  the self from possible reprisals. Howev­ terest justifies the disclosure of such sons Group would be the foundation for re­ force and send about $3 billion to India every
threatened him and his family. Jan  Soochna  Portal  in  Rajasthan er, the public authority insisted that information: Provided that the infor­ working  the  relationship  between  the  two year. In terms of remittances to India, Nepal
The larger question here is wheth­ make available the details of all be­ he  disclose  his  residential  address. mation, which cannot be denied to countries, but for India, as a former diplo­ ranks  eighth.  So,  the  Government  of  India
er  a  person’s  address  is  public  or neficiaries of all welfare schemes ad­ The Calcutta High Court ruled in fa­ the Parliament or a State Legislature mat put it, it was just one of the hundreds of needs to keep in mind that many households
private  information.  The  answer  to ministered by the State government. vour of the RTI applicant because the shall not be denied to any person.” initiatives  or  administrative  mechanisms. in India are being run with remittances from
this will have significant implications The rationale for such disclosures RTI Act does not require information While this provision protects the The  Foreign  Secretary  did  not  touch  upon Nepal. Second, Nepalis have migrated in the
for transparency in governance and is quite simple. As has been demon­ seekers  to  disclose  personal  details privacy of citizens, it requires disclo­ the issue of the Eminent Persons Group in past 20 years to more than a hundred coun­
the fight against corruption in India. strated repeatedly by grassroots acti­ except those which may be required sure of information bearing a nexus his latest address. His speech was not diffe­ tries; India is not the only country that Nepa­
vists working on the Mahatma Gand­ for contacting him. At the same time, to public activity. Generally, most of rent from speeches made in the past, and the lis rely on for jobs or education. This is a new
Addresses in public records hi  National  Rural  Employment the  Calcutta  High  Court,  confound­ the information in public records ar­ joint statement from both the governments Nepal comprising young people with global
The instinctive reaction of most peo­ Guarantee  Scheme  and  the  Public ingly,  also  permitted  authorities  to ises  from  a  public  activity.  Applica­ was a usual nicety.  aspirations. Nearly three­fourths of the pop­
ple is to consider their address priv­ Distribution Scheme, access to infor­ disallow P.O. boxes and insist on per­ tions  for  a  government  job,  ration ulation of Nepal is under 35 years of age. In­
ate  information  and  this  is  entirely mation  about  beneficiaries,  includ­ sonal details in cases where the Pu­ card, caste certificates are some ex­ Unchanging perspectives dia needs to engage beyond its current con­
understandable.  However,  it  is  also ing addresses, is critical to weeding blic Information Officers faced “diffi­ amples  of  public  activity.  However, The Nepal­India relationship has never been stituency, the minuscule proportion of the
important to note that the address of out  ‘ghost  beneficiaries’  created  by culty”.  This  was  followed  with  the there  may  be  some  personal  infor­ free  of  controversy  as  the  perspectives  of population  who  are  above  65.  Meanwhile,
people’s residence or office has nev­ officials looking to pilfer funds or ra­ caveat that in all such cases, personal mation  which  may  be  with  public both sides are yet to change. Many in Nepal Nepal needs to plan how it engages with the
er been considered private under In­ tions. In all of these cases, the disclo­ details should be hidden by the go­ authorities  which  is  not  a  conse­ continue to equate being anti­India with be­ youth in mainland India for whom Nepal is
dian  law.  Back  in  the  day,  govern­ sure  of  addresses  of  citizens  in  the vernment from public disclosure in quence of a public activity, e.g. med­ ing nationalistic. Politicians and political par­ just like Bangladesh or Myanmar, areas they
ment telecom service providers used public domain plays a crucial role in order  to  prevent  harassment  of  the ical  records,  or  transactions  with  a ties  whip  up  such  sentiment  and  compete study about in geography in school but know
to  supply  telephone  directories  to boosting public confidence in gover­ RTI activist. This part of the Calcutta public  sector  bank.  Similarly,  a  pu­ with  each  other  on  who  can  be  more  ex­ little about.
everyone containing the names, tele­ nance systems and ensuring efficien­ High Court’s order formed the basis blic authority may come into posses­ treme, especially before an election. Prime There  are  some  fundamentals  that  we
phone numbers and addresses of ev­ cy while also combating corruption of the Bombay High Court’s order in sion  of  some  information  during  a Minister K.P. Oli won the 2017 election partly simply  cannot  forget:  geography  will  not
ery subscriber in the city. Similarly, in its various forms. Mr. Gokhale’s case. raid or seizure which may have no re­ because  he  projected  himself  as  someone change, the border will remain open as mil­
electoral  voter  lists  include  the  ad­ Both the Calcutta High Court and lationship  to  any  public  activity. who stood up to India during the blockade. lions of livelihoods on both sides depend on
dresses of all voters in each and ev­ Privacy and information the  Bombay  High  Court  followed  a These would be exempt. Everything He  again  whipped  up  nationalistic  senti­ it, and China is going to be a big global player
ery ward. These lists are now availa­ Questions such as privacy, which in­ consequential line of reasoning i.e., else should be published in the pu­ ments when he got the Nepal map amended with varied interests in the neighbourhood.
ble online in a digital format on the volve  fundamental  rights,  must  be the  information  in  question  should blic domain. to add new territory. This was a good way to Therefore, the India­Nepal relationship has
website of the Election Commission. dealt with not just on the basis of the be treated as private because its dis­ In  the  meanwhile,  RTI  activists deflect attention from the poor management to be recalibrated. The hope is that the Nepa­
Land  records,  containing  details  of consequences that may follow from closure  may  lead  to  threats  against looking to protect themselves should of  the  COVID­19  pandemic  by  his  govern­ li­speaking Foreign Secretary who has Sikki­
ownership,  are  open  for  public  in­ the disclosure of their addresses but the RTI applicant. With all due res­ be urged to use P.O. boxes as a means ment. His government’s excuse was that af­ mese ancestry will be able to rethink the dy­
spection across the country and play also  first  principles  of  the  law  and pect to the honourable High Courts, to  preserve  the  anonymity  of  their ter India released its new map in November namics of the relationship as he reflects on
a crucial part in ensuring confidence this  is  where  the  judgment  of  the this is the wrong approach and will addresses. 2019, Nepal wanted to discuss the map with his visit to Nepal. 
in the volatile land markets in India. Bombay High Court is on thin ice. lead to inconsistent outcomes as vis­ India but the latter did not provide any time
Similarly, all FIRs in cognisable cases In its order in Mr. Gokhale’s case, ible in Mr. Gokhale’s case, where the Shailesh Gandhi was a former Central for a discussion.  Sujeev Shakya is the author of ‘Unleashing the Vajra:
must be displayed on the website, ac­ the Bombay High Court relies heavily government  was  upbraided  for  dis­ Information Commissioner and Prashant India continues to think that by providing Nepal’s Journey Between India and China’ and
cording  to  a  Supreme  Court  judg­ on a brief order of the Calcutta High closing  his  address  while  the  High Reddy T. is a lawyer largesse to Nepal in the form of aid and deve­ ‘Unleashing Nepal’

Moving forward in base areas


There are many advantages in deploying additional FROM THE ARCHIVES

security forces in Chhattisgarh to tackle the Maoists FIFTY YEARS AGO DECEMBER 1, 1970

R.K. Vij security forces would improve the in­ Fire in Guruvayur temple

telligence network.
The Union government is in the pro­ Second, establishment of new se­ A disastrous fire broke out in the famous Sri
cess of deploying five more battalions curity  camps  always  brings  imme­ Krishna temple here [Guruvayur] in the ear­
of  the  Central  Reserve  Police  Force diate benefits for the nearby villages. ly hours of this morning [November 30] re­
(CRPF)  to  Chhattisgarh to  scale  up New  borewells  are  dug  and  health ducing three sides of the Chitrambalam sur­
anti­Maoist  operations,  particularly services  are  also  extended  by  the rounding  the  sanctum  sanctorum  to
in the south Bastar region.  medical staff of security camps. Once cinders.  The  sanctum  sanctorum  and  the
More than 45 Central Armed Pol­ these  services  are  initiated  by  the presiding deity were not affected by the fire
ice  Force  battalions  are  already  de­ forces,  the  district  administration which was stated to have started at about 1­
ployed in Chhattisgarh, where 14 dis­ scales them up by providing the re­ 20  a.m.  The  fire,  it  was  stated,  originated
tricts  are  Maoist  affected.  Of  them, quired  funds.  The  dislocated  fair near  the  Vinayaka  shrine  on  the  western
eight  are  severely  affected.  Most  of price  shops  (PDS)  are  restored  to side of the Chitrambalam and soon spread to
the 22 State armed battalions are also their original locations and villagers the  “mystery  room”.  (This  room  is  never
deployed in these districts. In addi­ are not required to walk long distanc­ opened). It engulfed the whole of the west­
tion, the CRPF’s specially trained ‘Co­ es  to  fetch  their  rations.  All  other ern  Chitrambalam  and  destroyed  it  com­
bra’ units and the State’s Special Task schemes of the governments are also pletely. The fire spread to the southern and
Force  and  District  Reserve  Guards implemented  better  through  these northern enclosures and destroyed most of
are also engaged in operations in the newly  established  security  camps­ them. The copper plate roofing of the Chi­
deployment  is  in  line  with  the  ‘Na­ Third, once the security environ­ on the roofing was all twisted out of shape.
tional Policy and Action Plan’ of the ment  improves,  more  roads  can  be
DATA POINT Three­fourths of the Chitrambalam were re­
Central government on Left Wing Ex­ laid and mobile towers and electrici­ duced to a shambles. The Chief Priest of the
tremism, its impact may have wider ty poles installed for better transpor­ temple removed the idol of Sri Krishna from
implications on the ground. tation, communication and electrici­ the sanctum sanctorum fearing that the fire
Despite  the  present  deployment, ty supply. Financial inclusion can be might also engulf it. He kept the idol under
Bastar still has a security vacuum in improved  and  the  MNREGA  works safe custody in his residence adjoining the
many  pockets,  particularly  in  the started to give impetus to economic temple until the fire was brought under con­
south  Bastar  and  Abujhmad  areas. activities.  More  schools,  primary trol. 
These pockets, called base areas by health  centres  and  anganwadis  can
the  Maoists,  not  only  provide  them be opened up to provide basic amen­
occasion  to  wage  ‘mobile  war’ ities to the villagers.  A HUNDRED YEARS AGO DECEMBER 1, 1920
against the security forces, but also Fourth,  democratic  institutions
enable their military formations, in­ like panchayats may get revived and University lectures
cluding the People’s Liberation Guer­ political  activities  could  increase
rilla  Army  battalion,  to  move  about with the improved security scenario. Professor Mackenale concluded his series of
freely. Though their movement is reg­ This may further lead to better grie­ lectures on “Social Philosophy” on Monday
ularly checked by the security forces, vance redressal in the existing inac­ evening. The subject of the evening was “so­
the Maoists still enjoy sufficient con­ cessible areas. cial ideals.” There were three sets of ideals,
trol over the tribal populace.  began the Professor, the aristocratic and the
Being alert on tactics democratic,  the  socialistic  and  the  indivi­
Benefits of more forces  However, the security forces need to dualistic, the national and the international.
The newly inducted battalions could be more alert to thwart any untoward The items of each of these sets were com­
have  multiple  advantages  for  the incident while moving in base areas. monly supposed to be antagonistic. The fact
State. First, as more area will now be They  need  to  be  more  watchful  of was not so. A harmony underlay the seem­
dominated by the security forces, the their tactics knowing well that IEDs ingly  opposites.  In  aristocracy,  the  rulers
Maoists’ movement will be restricted and iron spikes have been laid all ov­ had need to be statesmen with practical wis­
to  a  comparatively  smaller  area.  In er by the Maoists. The collateral dam­ dom, knowledge of men, men who had the
case  of  any  attack  on  the  security age must be reduced to its minimal. confidence of the people. That meant some
forces, the Maoists will not be able to The  Maoists  usually  oppose  esta­ sort of selection by people. The democratic
retreat unchallenged. Consequently, blishment of new security camps and ‘fraternity’ was the basis of citizenship and
the intensity of war will be reduced use  villagers  as  their  cover.  A  lot  of equality and liberty had ultimately to be in­
and the ‘mobile war’ will come down violence  has  been  witnessed  in  the terpreted in terms of fitness and opportuni­
to its basics, i.e., the ‘guerrilla war’. past at the behest of the Maoists. The­ ty which subserved the aristocratic ideal. He
Similarly, the Maoists’ battalion, be­ refore, the villagers must to be taken had already dealt with the socialistic and in­
ing  large  in  size,  will  become  more into confidence and told that the new dividualistic  ideal  in  his  previous  lectures;
vulnerable  and  in  all  likelihood, security camps will act for their wel­ and as regards the national and internation­
would be cut back over time due to fare as centres of development. al ideals, the trend was towards the interna­
continuous pressure from the securi­ tional. But the international ideal itself con­
ty  forces.  Also,  additional  deploy­ R.K. Vij is a senior IPS officer in Chhattisgarh. tained an element of nationalism in that it
ment and frequent movement of the Views are personal allowed local self­government and so forth. 

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