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The Beacon Monday, April 4, 2011 opinion 3

Is extraterrestrial life Biblical?

A PBA student the presence of extraterrestri-
als conflicted with Scriptural
gions identified as deities,
thus making the claim
Thus, by extension, one can reason
that gods in other cultures, or aliens
makes an attempt to truths and detracted from
the value of a personal re-
that aliens and gods
are one and the
as they are now referred to, are in fact
answer the difficult lationship with God. same. Of course, an issue like this necessi-

question, “Can
Personally, I opine Chariots utilized tates dialogue with individuals that are
differently. an array of evi- more learned in the subject. I turned to
Christians believe in My involvement with
the idea of extrater-
dence to support
this claim such as
Thomas Chesnes, associate professor
of biology and Victor Copan, associate
aliens?” restrials in a religious
context dates back to my
hieroglyphics that
depict so-called
professor of ministry, for answers.
Despite their vastly different fields
senior year of high school gods riding in of study, they both pointed me to the
By Nick Murray when a classmate lent me chariots of fire that same source: the Vatican Observatory.
Staff Writer the book Chariots of the more closely re- Copan also pointed me to an article
Gods. semble rockets with found on Catholic.net titled Alien Life
Aliens are everywhere, in a manner The book listed different jet propulsion. The Out There, which featured the insights
of speaking. Science fiction films are phenomena for which the gods in pagan cultures of Jesuit Father Jose Gabriel Funes,
rife with depictions of extraterrestri- book’s author claimed aliens are generally regarded who has been head of the Vatican Ob-
als, both malicious and benevolent, were responsible. The book as demons, or fallen servatory since 2006.
some bent on planetary genocide and also revealed that extra- angels by Chris- The most interesting aspect of the
some who wish to enlighten the hu- terrestrials were fig- tianity. entire piece is that not only does it de-
man race. ures that an- cry outright denial of the existence of
Some say they exist while others re- cient alien life, but it also puts forth the idea
fuse to even admit the possibility. The cul- that an extraterrestrial might well
topic only becomes more controversial tures be considered a brother in Christ as
at a faith-based institution like Palm and they would “also belong to creation.”
Beach Atlantic University where con- re- Father Funes asked how one can “ex-
victions and doctrines invariably color li- clude that life has developed else-
one’s perceptions. where” when one considers the vast
Students who were asked about the amount of planets and galaxies that
possible existence of aliens, within the float about the universe.
framework of Christianity, were often Father Funes also said that en-
at a loss for words. tertaining the possibility of extra-
Campus Pastor Bernie Cueto con- terrestrials “doesn’t contradict our
fessed that he didn’t have any imme- faith because we cannot put limits
diate thoughts on the subject. The ma- on the creative freedom of God.”
jority of individuals who were asked However, as is usually the case,
similarly confessed to not having nothing is for certain.
“thought too much about it” or thought
that “it didn’t really matter.” Many also We at the Beacon would like
said that they simply “didn’t know too to hear any thoughts read-
much about it,” highlighting the lack ers have on the subject such
of consideration for the issue. as personal convictions on the
A select few were situated at the op- matter or objections that you
posite end of the spectrum, having have to the ideas put forth in
considered the notion with a certain the article.
amount of depth. The personal beliefs Find us on Facebook at www.
that were shared ranged from mere facebook.com/PBABeaconNews-
acknowledgements of the possibility CHARLOTTE RAKESTRAW / GRAPHIC ARTS EDITOR paper.com.
of extraterrestrial life to the view that

Coke or Pepsi? PBA students take poll

By Samone Davis & Nick Murray position, bumping Pepsi-Cola to third Dr. Wes Jamison, associate profes- very different, but they seem to copy
Staff Writers place for most popular soft drink in sor of communication, said that he one another in the way they adver-
the country. drinks Pepsi every morning instead of tise their beverages, with Pepsi doing
Coca-Cola beverages might just be According to an article by CBS News coffee, but at the end of a hard day he most of the imitating.
more popular than we think, especial- online, Coca Cola sold almost 927 mil- rewards himself with a cold bottle of Student reporter Nick Murray took
ly on Palm Beach Atlantic University’s lion cases of Diet Coke in 2010, de- Coca Cola, which he prefers. an oral poll asking PBA students if
campus. Some of you may be thinking feating Pepsi Cola which sold 892 mil- “I drink [Pepsi] every day; I can they would prefer to drink Coke or
“who cares about soda,” right? Coke lion cases. say that I’m addicted to caffeine,” Pepsi. Out of 62 students polled, 19
and Pepsi lovers sure do. Since PBA is a Pepsi-Cola spon- Jamison said. “I only drink Pepsi be- preferred Pepsi and 43 preferred
Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola have sored institution, it may be assumed cause I have no choice and there is no Coke.
been rivals for quite some time, with that most students prefer Pepsi over Coke around campus, but if I did have “I prefer to drink coke because it
Coca-Cola as the most popular bever- Coke. However, when asked which a choice, I would choose Coke rather just tastes so much better [than Pep-
age in the country, followed by Pepsi- they preferred, most chose Coke and than Pepsi.” si],” said student Belle Herrera.
Cola in the No. 2 spot. Diet Coke rather than Pepsi and Diet Jamison also said that he believes For a video about Coke vs. Pepsi,
Recently there has been a transition Pepsi, including the PBA faculty. that Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola taste visit www.readmybeacon.com.
with Diet Coke taking the number two

Spring 2011 Hours:

Day Day Night

Monday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Closed
Tuesday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Call 803-2867 or email cwe@pba.edu with
questions. CWE is located in the Lassiter Friday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Closed
Rotunda of the Warren Library, lower CWE Workshop this week:
level, Room 007. Appointments are
highly encouraged and can be made T, W, 11:00 Library
electronically at Writing an effective conclusion Apr. 5, 6, 7 TR a.m. Hanley 115
https://my.pba.edu/ICS/Departments/Cen Library
ter_for_Writing_Excellence/. Apr. 6 W 3:00 p.m. Hanley 115

Note the revision in CWE hours to better meet your needs. Final morning appointments will begin at 12:30 p.m. and final afternoon appointments will begin at 5:30 p.m.

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