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The Beacon Monday, April 4, 2011 features 5

By Kelsey Satalino tion of the Tony-Award win- has ever been performed in “really good with non-danc- you a little tune to carry in
Staff Writer ning musical, The Drowsy the new Fern Street theatre, ers.” your head…A little something
Chaperone. causing concern over the Despite the hurdles, the for when you’re feeling blue.’

T o provide a temporary
cure for his blues, a lonely
Broadway enthusiast with a
The show is directed by
associate professor of the-
atre Don Butler. Butler has
acoustics of the venue. The
stage itself is a different de-
sign from the last two perfor-
cast and crew clearly love the
show. “This cast has so fallen
in love with this show; they’re
That’s why we all do it.”
This love of the stage is
something that the cast and
passion for 1920’s musicals directed past PBA produc- mances held in that theatre. just having a ball,” said Butler. crew can relate to. “It’s able
plays an old record of his fa- tions Nunsense, South Pa- The show will be performed “When you can tell the cast is to present the love and joy
vorite musical. Suddenly, the cific, and Damn Yankees. on a thrust stage, with the au- loving the show and loving someone can have for theatre,
musical comes to life on stage. For Butler, this musical will dience surrounding the stage each other, it shows. It’s a very just the passion it evokes in
The Man guides the audience feature a great number of on three sides. close-knit group.” a person,” said Manor. “The
through the story of the wed- surprises. “Surprise is the In addition, this show will Besides being a fun show whole show is truly about this
ding of successful show girl, central strength of this play,” feature more dancing than with elaborate dance num- man’s love for theatre.”
Janet Van De Graaff, and her said Butler. “Everything we any other show the theatre bers, the heart of the show “Theatre gives you the op-
oil tycoon fiancé, Robert Mar- have done has been in service department has ever done. lies in the Man’s love for the portunity to understand an-
tin. There is trouble, however. of that word, every set detail, “We do have several really theatre. “Ultimately what it’s other person and portray
Feldzieg, who Janet works for, piece of lighting, the actor’s good dancers,” said Butler, about is a celebration of what them on stage to share their
wants to keep her from giving decisions.” but getting the dancing to we do. It’s a lonely little guy story,” said Daniel Schwab,
up her life on the stage and The cast and crew have had look flawless has been a huge who sits in his living room who plays Adolpho. “This
tries to sabotage her upcom- their fair share of challenges in task. and takes out records and storytelling capability is also
ing nuptials. What follows is a bringing the musical to PBA. However, the cast and crew plays them,” said Butler. “It’s something I love about the
hilarious musical comedy full “This has been a huge under- have been putting in a lot of his favorite show because he theatre.  There is really noth-
of mix-ups, mistaken identity, taking for PBA,” said stage time and effort into the pro- just loves the musical comedy ing like theatre to share a sto-
and general fun. manager Jen Manor. “We’re duction. Butler also praises form. He says in the show, ‘It ry for whatever purpose one
This is the premise of Palm attempting to do things we’ve the work of the show’s chore- does what a musical is sup- might have.  There is a magic
Beach Atlantic University’s never done before.” ographer and PBA alum, Liz posed to do; it takes you to within the theatre that cannot
theatre department’s adapta- This is the first musical that DeMarco, adding that she is another world. And it gives be found anywhere else!”

Charlotte Rakestraw / Graphics Editor

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