Human Resource Management End Term Examination 2021-22

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Name Aastha Sharma Section A

Roll Number PGPGC202100001 Subject Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management

End Term Examination 2021-22

1. From the case, what will you deduct as Vedanta’s corporate strategy? What do you think (and
why) are their key people management (HRM policies and practices) challenges arising in
the context of the strategy? (50 Marks)

Based on Chapman’s Framework developed in 2005, Vedanta’s corporate strategy is dependent on the
External and Internal Environment

External factors of the need of the sustainability in the current scenario with the need of the country
and the organization for different resources formed the basis of corporate strategy. It also included the
need of diversity due to women empowerment and the lack of various undeveloped regions to
flourish. Various internal factors that influence the environment of the organization like culture,
structure, policies and employee skills also influenced the framework of corporate strategy for
Vedanta. Vedanta’s vision of development of future leaders, integrity, respect and innovation as
included in its corporate strategies.
Name Aastha Sharma Section A
Roll Number PGPGC202100001 Subject Human Resource Management

The corporate strategy of Vedanta then defined its human resource strategy which included
recruitment and selection, performance appraisal, compensation and rewards along with talent
management. All the policies were aligned with the corporate strategy of Vedanta.

The recruitment and selection was done from the campus as well as through lateral hiring. In the
campus round various aptitudes and psychometric tests were done to check the interest and strength
of the employees, the test scores was used for the final selection and not screening. The interview
process included various managers from different backgrounds. Background check was organized to
check the character and past working record of various employees. The selection and recruitment
process made sure that the employees are aligned with the key deliverables of the present with vision
for the future. Lateral hiring also tool place for the various positions that required niche skills like
various factories. Even the shop floor employees were expected to be first class graduates. Vedanta
also focused on social media hiring through LinkedIn in order to have a global reach. After selection
the employees were given their anchors who were their mentors, Vedanta believed in development
through cross-functional and peer learning. After 6 month, there was meeting with the management to
see the goals achieved by the employees.

The performance management system was technologically enabled and linked to the different
functions of human resources. There was central database integrated in PMS which worked on
analytical and reporting capabilities. The PMS management and programming was outsourced.
Vedanta worked on The SMART goal setting theory to deploy goals to the employees. There was 360-
degree feedback win 4 levels of subordinates, managers and self assessment. The performance
appraisal has quarterly reviews which started with self assessment and then one to one meeting with
the manager for the review

Compensation system of the Vedanta was aligned to it major goal of sustainability and Growth.
Anything that harmed the environment led to deduction in salary and compensation. The talent with
the organization was developed and retained through various talent management frameworks like
ACT_UP( Annual Competency tracking and upgradation) which let to talent development. Leadership
performance scorecard was developed and V-reach was initiated which was regarding the Graduate
development program and it created a central repository of rank up to Top 500 talent retaining in the
organization. V-commit was the anchoring program of the organization. The major program was Vice
Chairman’s internal Growth workshop which started with identifying and prioritizing key agenda
Name Aastha Sharma Section A
Roll Number PGPGC202100001 Subject Human Resource Management

items for workshop and analyzing critical issues, It was the led to talent shortlisting, finalizing panel
and leader which were CXO’s, Pre workshop alignment with the Vice chairman, growth workshop
where everyone was assigned tasks and those who won were promoted to a position 2-3 higher than
what there were in. The final step was the transition

The alignment of the HR practices along with corporate strategy let to the financial gains of the
company worth RS 9000 Cr and non-financial gains of employee satisfaction and happiness.

The problems were:

• Management of the people since they were growing

• Training when the aim was to grow and not to develop

2. Assess the team’s vision for HR within the company. How are the people's practices
(especially the talent management ones) aligned with the vision?

As a group Vedanta believes that the “human capital” is there strongest asset and it worked on
identifying the internal talent and elevating and enhancing their skills to leadership roles in order to
prepare them for the future growth and prosperity of the company in alignment to the coorpporate
strategy that Vedanta follows of growth through sustainability and diversity.

Vedanta followed a multi-dimensional approach of leadership to address the short-term, long-term

and medium-term plans. It worked on the 360-degree feedback system various talent management and
retaining initiatives.

Talent Management Framework:

It resulted in building a talent management organization while enhancing the critical roles and ensure
risk mitigation. Experts were allotted to handle the future business leaders and develop them.


An accelerated competency tracking and upgradation process of Vedanta was conducted to identify
the fast trackers or high potential employees of Vedanta. It was outsourced by a company which
Name Aastha Sharma Section A
Roll Number PGPGC202100001 Subject Human Resource Management

identified the high potential employees and declared them the Star of the business. It was a day-long
assessment and included various tasks, case studies, interviews, etc. It aligned with the company’s
vision to enhance the talent within the organization and retain them in so in order to reduce
the costs.

Leadership Performance Scorecard

It was a digital driven program that highlighted vedanta’s performance-driven culture where the
employees were motivated to contribute to the best of their potential. It helped in providing a
quarterly scorecard that ensure that empoyees are aware of the areas they need to work upon.


It was Graduate development program for fresh graduated for identifying the Top 500 leader out of
the graduate populationa d train them to be the CXO of the future. It involved desktop shortlisting,
pen picture round and then finally talent mapping for significantly higher role and recognition across
the group.

It played a critical role in filling up th vacant position and defining the internal talent.


V-Connect was the flagship anchoring and connect program of Vedanta which ensures that each
employee has mentor since Vedanta believed in cross function and peer leaning. It helped mentors ad
mentees to connect, engage and idea, it helped the new employees to settle within the organization.

Vice Chairman Internal Growth Workshop.

It was the main programme of Vedanta for talent management of the people where the top
performers were given a fast track promotion to a position higher than 2-3 times. The employees were
mentored by the CXO’s of the company and were given a task which was area defined. They had to
explain their current roles and responsibilities, work on innovation while being guided by the top
management. The panel evaluated the employees on 4 key parameters of functional knowledge,
knwlede of global practices , digital or technological mindset and presentation skills. The winner was
promoted and the entire company was informed about it. The HR made sure of the smooth transition
of the winner to the current role.
Name Aastha Sharma Section A
Roll Number PGPGC202100001 Subject Human Resource Management

All the above talent management programmed were aligned with the organization’s vision of

1. Integrity: Employees were given a chance to engage with the stakeholders and there was complete
2. Respect: The employees had respect for the system and even after the loose a particular
programme they were happy as mentioned in the case because they trusted the system
3. Entrepreneurship: Innovation was checked and acknowledged by various competitions and
programs and respective awards were granted.
4. Care: The HR practices made employees care for the organization and the attrition rate was
5. Trust: The employees trusted the system of organization discipline
6. Excellence with the organization was rewarded and appropriate rewards were given which resulted
in employee’s satsisfaction.

The Vedanta group made sure that the visison of the group is aligned wit the HR practices and is

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