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Name : Dwi Harum Anastasya (A1B219032)

Yurike Ilmiyaturrofiyah (A1B219034)

Erlangga Saputra (A1B219039)

Yuliana Antonia (A1B219043)

Anggita Riski Debora Silitonga (A1B219055)

Class : R.002

Subject : Technology Enhanced Language Learning

Lesson Plan

School : Senior High School

Subject : English

Grade / Semester : VII / Odd

Title : Increase vocabulary through scrabble games

Topic : Get to know the game Scrabble

Time Allocation : 2x45 minutes

1. Core Competencies

● KI 1:
Respect and live up to the teachings of the religion they adhere to.

● KI 2:
Respect and live up to honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, care
(tolerance, mutual cooperation), polite, confident in interacting effectively
with the social and natural environment within the reach of their
association and existence.

● KI 3:
Understand knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on his
curiosity about science, technology, cultural arts related to visible
phenomena and events.
● KI 4:
Trying, processing, and presenting in the realm of the concrete (using,
parsing, arranging, modifying, and making) and the abstract realm
(writing, reading, counting, drawing, and composing) according to what is
learned in school and other sources. from a theoretical point of view.

2. Basic Competencies and Competency Achievement Indicators

Basic Competency Indicators

1. Get to know the tools used in the

1. Practicing the scrabble game. scrabble game.
2. Get to know the rules of the
scrabble game.
1. Enrich vocabulary through
2. Decipher English vocabulary. scrabble games.

3. Learning Objectives
1) Students are able to express and show the vocabulary they get when playing
2) Students acquire new vocabulary when playing scrabble.
3) Increase students' desire to learn because the learning atmosphere becomes more
4) Increase students' sense of competitiveness in learning.
4. Learning Materials
 Regular Learning Materials
1) Write down the vocabulary obtained through scrabble games correctly.
2) Pronounce the spelling and interpret the vocabulary obtained through the
scrabble game correctly (Red = Ar-i-di = red, etc.).
3) Use the vocabulary obtained from the game to form new sentences.
 Remedial Learning Materials
1) Students are asked to look for new vocabulary with objects in the house
 Enrichment Learning Materials
2) Students are given some vocabulary to learn and memorize

5. Learning Methods
The methods used are:
 Learning Vocabulary through scrabble
 Delivery of Information
 Exercise
6. Media, Tools, and Learning Materials
● English Dictionary
● Sites to play scrabble

7. Learning Resources
1) Video on how to play Scrabble
2) Dictionary en-us / tools
8. Learning Process

Steps Description of Time


Pre activity ● Students and teachers greet each 20 Minutes

● Reading prayers
● Checking student attendance by
doing absences
● Briefly discussing the last week's
learning material
● Delivering the competencies and
objectives of the lesson to be carried
out today
● Explains at a glance how students
will achieve competence and The
purpose of learning

While activity ● teacher asks what students know 60 Minutes

about games that can add to
vocabulary The
● teacher asks about the games the
student likes to add to the
vocabulary The
● teacher asks if the students know
about scrabble The
● teacher divides the class into groups
of 4 and chooses a group leader
● The teacher explains the games,
rules, and how to play scrabble to
the students The
● teacher asks students to play
scrabble The
● teacher gives exercises using the
words they get while playing

Closing Activity ● Gu ru provides feedback on the 10 minutes

exercises that students have done
● teacher and students repeat some of
the vocabulary they have learned
● teacher asks students to memorize
the vocabulary that has been learned
● teacher provides motivation to
students to always learn The
● teacher facilitates students to draw
conclusions The
● teacher tells the material to be
studied next The
● teacher completes learning process
and retreat

9. Assessment
 Assessment of Religious and Social Attitudes (KI 1 and KI 2)
1) Journal of Attitudes and Character Assessments
 Knowledge Assessment
1) Written and multiple choice tests
 Assessment of Skills
1) Practical makes sentences with the words obtained and displays them in
front of the class
10. Remedial and Enrichment Learning
1. Remedial
Students who have not reached the KKM are given activities in the form
o Search for new vocabulary with objects in the house.
o Make sentences from the vocabulary that has been obtained.

2. Enrichment
Students who score above the KKM are given activities in the form of:

o Students are given vocabulary that can be learned and memorized.

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