Fiba 03 Jun 2021

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- They’re both in The Americas, one is Peru, and the other is Mexico.

- Regarding Peru, unfortunately we have not seen the federation for the most part of last 5
years participating in any international FIBA activity.
- There were elections in 2016, and unfortunately after this elections there was no real
governing body in the federation ruling the basketball in the country fully.
- The Central Board appointed a Fact-Finding Group, our central board member Mr. Bedolla,
from Paraguay, as well as the lawyer from Buenos Aires, were asked to travel, they
traveled, they spend several days meeting all shareholders, stakeholders.
- They reported back to the Central Board and we stablished the FIBA Task Force back in
- However, although the Task Force, The Olympic Comite, and with the government
representatives, and federation representatives, did not manage to put in place the
process, simply because representatives of the federation and individuals mantained old
entries in the registry, and this entries, to make this as simple as possible, make it
impossible, until today, several years later, to hold the elections.
- Therefore, in 2018 the Central Board decided to suspend the FDPB, the federation, the
Federación Deportiva Peruana de Baloncesto.
- In our Congress in 2019, I’ll give you a report, we according to the rules, had to decide on
wether to renew, we renewed the suspension, and unfortunately, since then all efforts to
normalize the situation in the federation, specially before the PANAM games, which would
have been held in Peru, in Lima, failed, and the, after the extension of the suspension by
the Congress, there have been no less than 4 different working groups created by the
government which have failed, to date, to organize elections, and there has been no
international activity and no communication at the international level.
- However, there is basketball, this is a country that had a big tradition, specially in the first
decades of existance of FIBA, and the Central Board discussed at its last meeting in March
and decided to propose to the Congress that we need to move on, we need to unblock the
situation in that country, we need to dissafiliate this national member federation, in order
to allow the existing and quite active basketball stakeholders in the country to form a
federation, which we will invite them to do, and quickly come back to become members of
FIBA, so that we mantain our 213 number except for a few weeks, I hope, of our national
member federations.
- So the proposal from the Central Board is to expell FDPB, which is the federation that has
been having governance, serious governance problems, since 2016, hasn’t had elections
for almost 5 years now, and of course, if that is done, it would take a Mandate from you,
the Congress, in order to contact the Peruvian government, the Olympic Comite, and the
stakeholders of basketball in order to have, very quickly, the 10th South American
member of the Sub Zone, and the 43rd national member federation of the Americas back
into the FIBA family.
- So, Mr. President, I think now it would be the moment to see if we have some questions
and, with your permission, I will request, thank you very much, the members if there are
any questions on point 9, on the Statutes Amendments, that we will vote on block, as we
did in, in Beijing, and, or, on the issue of Peru regarding the dissafiliation.
- And a few words about Mexico I will tell you in a few minutes right after the vote.
- Do we have any questions?
- The floor is open.
- No.
- Ok.
- Thank you very much.
- Therefore, we can proceed with the, with the vote, this is an electronic vote.
- So with this words, I think I have a small card waiting for me here with the results.
- On the second topic: National Federation Matters
- Total Votes Cast: 139
- Votes taken into account to calculate the Simple Majority: 128
- Simple Majority: 65
- Yes: 126
- No: 2
- Abstained: 11
- Therefore, the proposal of the Central Board to, to dissafiliate the National Federation of
Peru, is approved, and of course we take uppon ourselves the mandate to bring very fast
Peru back to the family with a new federation.
- Thank you very much for your trust, for your confidence, and for the collaboration in this
voting process.

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