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2 news The Beacon Monday, April 18, 2011

Lord’s Place rallies community Sailfish take on new

rival, Beach Boys
from SleepOut, page 1 On Sunday, April 17, the leg-
endary band The Beach Boys,
in-patient treatment, she was re- with a candle lighting ceremony. known for feel good summer jams
ferred to The Lord’s Place. A cur- “As we’re together and hold up a like “Surfin USA,” played a match
rent resident of The Lord’s Place’s light,” Pamela McIver, SleepOut in the sand against the women’s
family campus, Swisher hopes to chair, said, “we’re all homeless at volleyball team of Palm Beach At-
one day become a substance abuse least for tonight.” lantic University. Later, the band’s
therapist. “I can now handle my For The Lord’s Place board chair concert at the Kravis Center fea-
son and not ignore and push him and co-founder, Jack Scarola, the tured PBA’s cheerleaders on
off,” she said. “I’ve learned to be a battle against homelessness does stage during the hit song, “Be True
good parent, a better mother with not end with a fund-raiser or one to Your School.”
a brighter future.” organization. The power to end
Beside testimonies of current
and former clients of The Lord’s
homelessness lies in the hands of
the community. Renowned scholar
Place, SleepOut 2011 included per-
formances by the Young Singers of
“The hallmark of the program
would not be handouts but hands
to speak at PBA
the Palm Beaches, an acoustic set up, neighbors helping neighbors,”
by New York based guitarist Billy he said. “We have the power to Students and faculty at Palm
Rogan, a screening of “The Blind- complete their transformation, to Beach Atlantic University will have
side” and a sleep-out on the green assure that no man, no woman, no the rare opportunity to hear interna-
of the amphitheater to illustrate child, no neighbor of ours in this tionally renowned communication
the experience of being without a community will have to involun- Bill McDermott, who was once an alcoholic and drug ethicist Dr. Clifford G. Christians
home. tarily suffer deprivation of their addict, is learning job skills at The Lord’s Place. on Wednesday, April 27. Christians
The night’s festivities concluded right to shelter.” Chris Hernandez / Features Editor will speak from 10 a.m. to 10:50 in
the Helen K. Persson Recital Hall
in Vera Lea Rinker Hall. He will also

Students speak up about Libya

address attendees at the commu-
nication banquet that evening.
Christians teaches philosophy
of communication at the University
By Kelsey Satalino cannot just be us at work here.” the government will be in dire need of of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Staff Writer Others, like senior Katie Shupe, are restructure.” and serves as editor of a scholarly
concerned with the constitutionality Shupe, on the other hand, wonders publication called THE ELLUL FO-
If you were quizzed right now on of Obama’s actions. how we are to decide when to get in- RUM. PBA professor Dr. Stepha-
current events, how much would you “Under the War Powers Resolution, volved. “There are equally horrifying nie Bennett called Christians “one
know? The students of Dr. Craig Han- the president of the United States has atrocities going on in many other plac- of the most brilliant and generous
son’s Humanities I class know the an- the authority to enter us into war, but es, including Saudi Arabia, Yemen, scholars in the country.”
swer to that question. Shortly after the only if there is an attack or an immedi- Jordan, the Ivory Coast,” Shupe said. “He was the ‘outside reader’ for
air strikes on Libya began, Hanson’s ate threat to the United States,” Shupe “We do not have the ability to single- my dissertation,” Bennett said. “Dr.
students were asked: “On what coun- said. “Libya did not attack us, and it handedly save the world, which is all Christians is truly a scholar and a
try has the U.S., led by NATO forces, poses no clear threat the United States. the more reason why humanitarian ef- gentleman. He helped me advance
been dropping bombs on this week?” It is tempting to try to justify Obama’s forts should be thought out thorough- my doctoral work as I pressed in
Only five out of 22 students knew actions by pointing to human suffer- ly and not just enacted at one man’s to understand the scholarship of
the answer. Even more shocking, only ing, but if he shows that he can usurp whim.” Jacques Ellul, a 20th century so-
half the class knew the name of the authority in this case, what’s to stop “While I feel we should be able to cial theorist and theologian from
vice president of the United States, him from acting on his own agenda come to the aid of people fighting for France.”
Joe Biden. democracy against powerful regimes Bennett is confident that hearing
So, what exactly is going on in Lib- aimed at pointing in opposite direc- Christians speak will be “one of the
ya? The conflict centers around dissat- “Wars cost money, and tions,” added Marc, “we must do so in highlights of the academic year.”
isfaction with the rule of Col. Muam- a way that will enable our economy to
mar al-Gaddafi, who has been Libya’s with two still going on in remain strong as it occurs. Wars cost
leader since he overthrew King Idris
in 1969. In early February of this year,
political protests broke out against
Iraq and Afghanistan, we
need to read carefully and
money, and with two still going on
in Iraq and Afghanistan, we need to
tread carefully and responsibly.”
PBA enjoys
Gaddafi’s government, quickly esca-
lating into an all-out rebellion. Gad-
dafi responded by attacking the rebel
As the weeks go by, the crisis in Libya
still goes on. NATO continues to send
missiles in areas full of pro-Gaddafi
army, claiming he was prepared to
“die a martyr” to put them down.
The United States’ involvement in
in other situations and gaining more
power than the founding fathers ever
forces, where threats to civilians are
greatest. These air strikes have also
resulted in the deaths of some rebels
Libya has led many to wonder, what meant any one American to have?” and Libyan civilians. On April 11, the from Diversity, page 1
is the United States’ role in foreign af- Freshman Shelby Baker agrees that rebels rejected a plan for a cease-fire
fairs? I asked some of the more politi- the U.S. should be involved in Libya. proposed by the African Union, be-
cally active students at PBA what they “I don’t think that there are any bar-
“We have taken a multilateral ap- cause it did not call for the complete riers between the majority and minor-
thought. proach by consulting with the UN, and removal of Gaddafi, his sons and his
Ricky Marc believes that “our role ity going on,” said Sam Yang, a Tai-
NATO has taken over the air strikes,” inner circle. wanese freshman. “Being a minority I
is changing from arrogant unilateral said Baker. “Obama has taken a stand Whatever you believe the United
warmonger to diplomat and partner fit right in and I think it’s great.”
against Gaddafi and has asked him to States’ role in Libya should be, Baker Ricky Marc, an African American
as well as world power. I feel that we step down, yet he has not committed said we need to be aware of what is
are headed in the right direction with student, said that since the school year
the military to this goal. I think it is es- going on. “I hope everyone on this began, he has noticed a lot more of the
Barack Obama at the helm, and the sential that we are cautious with the campus is aware of the struggles that
future is bright provided we continue minorities being enrolled, more blacks
aid we offer since we have a reputa- lie outside our borders and that we re- and Hispanics, and thinks it is a good
to make the right moves.” He does add tion of being the world police, taking member to keep these countries and
that this role should be shared with thing for the university.
an unequal portion of the Libyan bur- the people of these countries in our “I think it better serves the climate
other countries and that the United den may strap us with a commitment prayers,” Baker said.
Nations should play a major role. “It here and it is great that the school is
to give as much aid in the future when becoming more diverse,” Marc said.
“The growth in population of mi-

Information posted online is public, calls for caution

norities makes the university a better
school all around.”
Many of the black students are from
By Andrea Preciado “used to be called the information superhighway,” she said. Caribbean countries such as the Baha-
Staff Writer Author of “Communicating Love: Staying close in a 24/7 mas, Jamaica, Haiti, Cayman Islands
Media Saturated Society,” Bennett is well familiar with the and Trinidad, just to name a few.
As technology improves, so does the security for various concern of Internet security in this day and age. Although In addition to Hispanics and blacks,
online programs. Facebook has updated security settings information security is a huge issue, one of her critical con- the Asian population is growing more
multiple times, but despite improved security, information cerns with such technology in our lives is how we become rapidly as well. Students come to
has still leaked out on occasion. less personal in real life. America from countries such as Viet-
Whenever information is contributed to the Internet, it’s “We are very much eroding the fabric of our relation- nam, Taiwan, China, Philippines, Ko-
like putting that information on the walls of a city, “like bill- ships in the same way that the saltwater erodes the shore- rea, Japan and more.
boards,” said Dr. Stephanie Bennett, associate professor of lines,” Bennett said. “We are giving away the most signifi- “It is the duty of the university’s of-
communication and media studies at Palm Beach Atlantic cant and meaningful things in our lives, but not willingly.” fice of international and multicultural
University. Bennett fears that we are letting things fade and be given programs to tend to these types of stu-
“Anything that you put on the net, whether it’s on Face- away “piece by piece” as we redefine different terms, like dents, making them feel welcomed and
book or any other social network, or a blog, or a website of the term “friend” on Facebook, since it is not the same thing helping them to adjust to the environ-
any sort, you have to do it knowing it could be made public it meant 20 years ago. ment,” Chavez said.
at any time,” Bennett said. That public venue, the Internet,

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