Cronograma Step 1

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Semana  Material Step 1 

Semana 1 Sesión Inicial
Videos de fisiología cardiovascular:
Section IV: cardiac muscle mechanics 
Section V: peripheral circulation
Semana 2
chapter 1: general aspects on the cardiovascular system
chapter 2: regulation of blood flow and pressure
section VI: cardiac and valvular heart disease
Videos de fisiología renal:
Section VIII: renal physiology
Chapter 1: renal structure and glomerular filtration
Semana 3
Chapter 2: solute transport: reabsorption and secretion
Chapter 3: Clinical estimation of GFR and patterns of clearance
Chapter 4: regional transport 
Videos de patología cardiovascular y renal
Semana 4 Chapter 12: vascular pathology
Chapter 13: cardiac pathology
Chapter 15: Renal pathology
Clinical pharmacology: section III: cardiac and renal pharmacology:
Chapter 1: diuretics
Chapter 2: antihypertensive 
Semana 5 Chapter 3: drugs for heart failure
Chapter 4: antiarrhythmics
Chapter 5: anti-anginal drugs
Chapter 6: antihyperlipidemic
Semana 6 Sesión de discusión de preguntas del sistema cardiovascular y renal 
Chapter 16: Gastrointestinal pathology
Semana 7 Chapter 17: Pancreatic pathology
Chapter 18: Gallbladder and biliary tract pathology
Chapter 19: Liver pathology
Pathology - Hematology
Chapter 5: circulatory pathology
Semana 8 Chapter 11: Red blood cell pathology: anemias
Chapter 21: Hematopoietic pathology - white blood cell disorders and lymphoid and
myeloid neoplasms
Semana 9 Test diagnostico de 40 preguntas - Se reconocen 10 horas de navegación
Sesión de discusión de tópicos de sistema gastrointestinal y hematología.
Physiology: section VII: Respiration
Chapter 1: lung mechanics
Semana 10
Chapter 2: alveolar gas-exchange
Chapter 3: transport of oxygen and CO2 and the regulation of ventilation
Chapter 4: causes and evaluation of hypoxia 
Pathology: Respiratory
Semana 11
Chapter 14: respiratory pathology
Pathology: Rheumatology
Semana 12 Chapter 7: Immunopathology
Chapter 27: Joint pathology
Pathology: Rheumatology
Semana 13
Chapter 28: skeletal muscle and peripheral nerve pathology 
Sesión de discusión de tópicos de sistema respiratorio y osteoarticular. 
Anatomy - Section III: Neuroscience
Chapter 1: Nervous system organization and development 
Semana 14 Chapter 2: histology of the CNS
Chapter 3: ventricular system
Chapter 4: the spinal cord
Chapter 5: the brain stem
Anatomy - Section III: Neuroscience
Chapter 6: the cerebellum
Chapter 7: basal ganglia
Semana 15 Chapter 8: visual pathways
Chapter 9: diencephalon
Chapter 10: cerebral cortex
Chapter 6: limbic system
Semana 16
Chapter 20: CNS pathology
Behavioral sciences and social sciences: 
Chapter 3: substance related disorders
Chapter 4: human sexuality
Chapter 5: learning and behavior modification 
Chapter 6: defense mechanisms
Chapter 7: psychological health and testing
Semana 17
Chapter 8: Human development
Chapter 9: sleep and sleep disorders
Chapter 10: physician-patient relationship
Chapter 11: DSM-5 manual
Chapter 12 : organic disorders
Chapter 13: psychopharmacology
Sesión de discusión de tópicos de neurología y psiquiatría. Se hace retroalimentación
de la electiva y recomendaciones para futuros semestres. 
Section II: Autonomic pharmacology
Semana 18 Chapter 1: The ANS
Chapter 2: cholinergic pharmacology
Chapter 3: Adrenergic pharmacology
Chapter 4: Autonomic drugs: glaucoma treatment and ANS practice problems 
Section IV: CNS pharmacology
Section V: antimicrobial agents 
Semana 19
Section VI: drugs used for inflammatory and related disorders
Test diagnostico de 40 preguntas - Se reconocen 10 horas de navegación

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