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The Beacon Monday, April 18, 2011 features 5

Kaitie Chassé to that will help you de-stress… It makes the hard
Staff Writer times bearable.”
Now that his four years are over, Joe is getting
“I’m so excited to be done and make some big ready for the next step, the work world. Unlike most
boy pay,” says Joe Puccio, who is finishing up his of us who, after graduation, will apply for a few jobs,
last semester at PBA. As a member of ROTC here rent an OK apartment, and begin the grueling work
on campus, Joe will not be lingering around West of paying off loans, Joe will be doing something a
Palm much longer. little more out of the ordinary.
In his four years, Joe has studied marine biology Fun first and work later is his motto and Joe is
but he claims it wasn’t only the science program making plans to backpack Europe in early July.
that brought him to the sunshine state. “Obviously Soon after his return, he will be commissioned in
the weather was a huge plus,” Joe says, but he does the U.S. army and will leave for Fort Lee, Va. to
admit to greatly appreciating the Christian values start training. During his training, Joe will become
that PBA holds its students accountable to. a quartermaster in charge of aerial delivery for the
Joe has always been very involved on campus. army and he is very excited to start. “I get to learn
Despite having a full course load, ROTC commit- how to jump out of planes,” Joe says excitedly. “We
ments and a part-time job, Joe has made it a point have to be air borne qualified; I don’t know if I’ll
to stay connected to campus life. Even though it’s ever get to jump out of one after training, but at
been stressful, he says if he had the chance to go least I’ll get certified.”
back, he wouldn’t change a thing. After training, Joe will pack up once more and
Joe has also made sure to make time for his head to Italy where he will be stationed for a year,
friends, which he says has been his most rewarding perhaps longer.
investment. “I can’t wait to get out of the country,” he says.
“It’s so important to be social and to make friends Without a hint of concern on his face, or a quiver
because it defines your college experience,” says in his voice, it is obvious that Joe is ready for the
Joe. “It’s nice to have close friends that you can talk adventure that is living abroad.
Photo Courtesy of Joe Puccio

Jacki Stuckert need at the right moments and takes those rela-
Staff Writer tionships away when it’s necessary, but she finds
comfort knowing that God has never left her side.
Thinking back to her freshman year, when she “Only one thing has remained constant and that’s
was the only one of her siblings to be at Palm Beach my relationship with the Lord. One thing that the
Atlantic University, was weird for Kelly Stoltzfus. Lord continues to teach me is to rest in Him. No
That is the only year of her life that she’s been away one ever said life is going to be easy, but there is
from her whole family, but, for Kelly, God really one thing that I can promise to everyone in this
provided a community during this time of loneli- world: if you want Him, God will always be there
ness. Kelly was incredibly blessed by the relation- for you.” Through her last four years, she’s had the
ships she made with girls on her hall and students privilege of working in student success, being a fish
who were in classes with her throughout her four leader and an ILT assistant and intern.
years. Although making good friends and feeling Even when she faced her most difficult moments,
accepted was crucial for her first few weeks at PBA, whether it was with her personal walk with the
Kelly explains that she’s had her fair share of hard- Lord or in relationships, the Lord always brought
ships also. “The past four years have probably been her back to Himself.
the hardest of my life in so many different ways. “I’ve learned just how imperfect I am. I’ve
I’ve made friends and I’ve lost them; the people learned through the mistakes that I’ve made and
that made the greatest impact on me my first cou- the challenges that I’ve faced,” she says. “I think it’s
ple weeks are the people that I’m not friends with important for us all to remember we are not alone,
Kelly has found it amazing over her past few
and Christ’s power covers our weaknesses.”
years here at PBA how God supplies the people you
Tai Cornell / Staff Photographer

Meghan Gilmore ful and godly parents and to have such an amazing
Staff Writer family,” Francesca says.
“I grew up the son of a pastor and so was constantly
You’ll have a ring by spring. This is an ongoing joke exposed to Christianity,” Luke says. “However, while
at Palm Beach Atlantic University due to the high my parents are pastors, they are not the stereotypi-
number of couples getting engaged in college and cally stringent parents one might expect. I believe
getting married soon after. Seniors Francesca Forel- the combination of Christian influence and balanced
la and Luke Barry fall into this statistic, but these se- freedom I received set me up to develop into a moral
niors are not just a number. Managing school, work, but freethinking individual, and has ultimately great-
a relationship and big plans in the future, this couple ly enriched my spiritual experience (limited as it has
offers valuable insight for young couples and under- been). My faith has additionally been profoundly in-
grads alike. fluenced by contact with the many books, ideas and
“After graduation, Luke and I are getting married people I have encountered at PBA (specifically in the
in July! We are so excited and cannot wait to start our honors program and philosophy department).”
life together. We also plan to work. Luke most likely Some students may fear that dating in college will
will be working full time in the ministry not only as take away time from their schoolwork or be a distrac-
the worship leader but will also head up the youth/ tion but Francesca and Luke have found just the op-
young adult ministry. I am going to be working with posite to be true.
my dad in the selling of his clothing line Sofibella (ac- “Since Luke and I have started dating, I have had
tive/yoga/tennis wear). I will basically be traveling the highest GPA ever at PBA (and he can say the
Francesca and selling his line with him, which I am super ex-
cited about because I love his clothes! I will also con-
same) and have accomplished way more than ever.
Luke and I are naturally very disciplined and diligent
tinue to serve at the church on the worship team and not only with school, but with life so with both of us
in the youth/young adult ministry.” encouraging and motivating one another we make a
These two were lucky to grow up in Christian fami- great team and we are better than ever before,” Fran-
lies and with church being a constant in their up- cesca says.
bringing. So their testimonies and decision to attend In a relationship, you can learn a lot from one an-
a Christian university is no surprise. other. “I couldn’t enumerate the countless lessons
“I became a Christian at age seven and ever since Francesca and I have learned through our relation-
then I have grown up in a Christian home and have ship, but I can say that Francesca teaches me every
Francesca Forella gone to Christian schools. I am so blessed to have day to be humble, honest, patient and understanding
been fortunate enough to be raised by such wonder- and I am very grateful for that,” Luke says.

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