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Ready check for A pull is called Someone brags

Raid leads won- An extra mob
something other smooth, easy, about their
der how X died gets pulled
than a pull. clean, etc. damage/parse

Loot is blamed
Raid leads tell on/credited to
An attempt to about sundering Unintentional
us to pre-pot po- person who
feign death fails and first global pet pull.
tions "started the

We are remind-
ed we've done a “Happy Raid Confusion over
"Hardest pull in Night” Someone asks
fight before, or whether we are
the game" for a summon.
all know the FREE SPACE wiping or not

Someone asks
Boss is called Fen tells some- Raid warning
if they can / Someone talks
easy, simple, one they're in- spammed 3
does hearth out about pot
etc. nervated times or more
to save buffs

The following
Raid leads iden-
Natural Kill Or-
tify a problem or
der is followed. Someone asks Someone re-
A suggestion is solution be-
Skull -> X -> if we have a re- peats some-
ignored cause they al-
Square (on pair bot thing just said
legedly looked
packs greater
at log.
than 3)

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