Case Xi - Physics

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Class- 11th Physics


I Read the passage given below and answer

Q.1 The relation between density of solid and liquid at

temperature T is

Q.2 If temperature of system increases, then fraction

of solid submerged in liquid

(A) Increases (B) decreases

(C) Remain the same (D) Inadequate information

Q.3 Imagine fraction submerged does not change on

increasing temperature.

Q.4 Imagine the depth of the block submerged in the

liquid does not change on increasing temperature then

Q.1 B Q.2 D Q.3 A Q.4 A

II. Read the passage given below and answer

In everyday life, the term work is used to refer to any form of activity that
requires the exertion of mental or muscular efforts. In physics, work is said to be
done by a force or against the direction of the force, when the point of
application of the force moves towards or against the direction of the force. If no
displacement takes place, no work is said to be done.

i. A box is pushed through 4.0 m across a floor offering 100 N resistance. How
much work is done by the applied force?

a. 100J

b. 200 J

c. 300 J

d. 400 J

ii. What is work done in holding a 15 kg suitcase while waiting for 15 minutes?

a. 22.5 J

b. 225 J

c. zero

d. 150 J

iii. Frictional forces are:

a. conservative forces

b. non- conservative forces c. buoyant force

c. buoyant force

d. none of these

iv. When the body moves in circular motion, net 'work' done is:

a. positive

b. negative c. zero

c. zero

d. none of these

v. Force of 4N is applied on a body of mass 20 kg. The work done in 3rd second is:

a. 2J

b. 4J

c. 6J

d. 8J


i. (d) ii. (c) iii . (b) iv. (c) v. (a)

III Read the passage given below and answer :

In physics, we come across many examples of collisions. The molecules of a gas
collide with one another and with the container. The collisions of a neutron with
an atom is well known. In a nuclear reactor, fast neutrons produced in the fission
of uranium atom have to be slowed down. They are, therefore, made to collide
with hydrogen atom. The term collision does not necessarily mean that a particle
or a body must actually strike another. In fact, two particles may not even touch
each other and yet they are said to collide if one particle influences the motion of
the other. When two bodies collide, each body exerts an equal and opposite
force on the other. The fundamental conservation law of physics are used to
determine the velocities of the bodies after the collision. Collision may be elastic
or inelastic. Thus a collision may be defined as an event in which two or more
bodies exert relatively strong forces on each other for a relatively short time. The
forces that the bodies exert on each other are internal to the system. Almost all
the knowledge about the sub-atomic particles such as electrons, protons,
neutrons, muons, quarks, etc. is obtained from the experiments involving
collisions.There are certain collisions called nuclear reactions in which new
particles are formed. For example, when a slow neutron collides with a U235
nucleus, new nuclei barium-141 and Kr92 are formed. This collisioin is called
nuclear fission. In nuclear fusion, two nuclei deuterium and tritium collide (or
fuse) to form a helium nucleus with the emission of a neutron.

Q.1 Which one of the following collisions is not elastic?

(A) A hard steel ball dropped on a hard concrete floor

and rebounding to its original height.

(B) Two balls moving in the same direction collide and stick to each other

(C) Collision between molecules of an ideal gas.

(D) Collisions of fast neutrons with hydrogen atoms in

a fission reactor.

Q.2 Which one of the following statements is true

about inelastic collision?

(A)The total kinetic energy of the particles after collision

is equal to that before collision.

(B) The total kinetic energy of the particle after collision

is less than that before collision.

(C) The total momentum of the particles after collision

is less than that before collision.

(D) Kinetic energy and momentum are both conserved

in the collision.

Q.3 In elastic collision

(A) Only energy is conserved.

(B) Only momentum is conserved.

(C) Neither energy nor momentum is conserved.

(D) Both energy and momentum are conserved.


Sol 1: (B) Obvious (inelastic)

Sol 2: (B) Inelastic collision leads to loss of energy.

Sol 3: (D) Basic concept

IV Read the passage given below and answer:

A spray gun is shown in the figure where a piston pushes air out of a nozzle. A
thin tube of uniform cross section is connected to the nozzle. The other end of
the tube is in a small liquid container. As the piston pushes air through the
nozzle, the liquid from the container rises into the nozzle and is sprayed out. For
the spray gun shown, the radii of the piston and the nozzle are 20 mm and 1 mm
respectively. The upper end of the container is open to the atmosphere.

Q.1 If the piston is pushed at a speed of 5 mms-1 , the

air comes out of the nozzle with a speed of

(A) 0.1 ms-1 (B) 1 ms-1

(C) 2 ms-1 (D) 8 ms-1

Q.2 If the density of air is ρa and that of the liquid ρl,

for a given piston speed the rate (volume per unit time)

at which the liquid is sprayed will be proportional to




V Read the passage given below and answer:

The van-der Waals equation is

Q.1 The dimensional formula for b is same as that for

(A) P (B) V (C) PV2 (D) RT

Q.2 The dimensional formula for a is same as that for

(A) V2 (B) P (C) PV2 (D) RT

Q.3 Which of the following does not possess the same dimensional formula as
that for RT?

(A) PV (B) Pb (C) a/V2 (D) ab/V2

Q.4 The dimensional formula for ab/RT is

(A) M L5 T-2 (B) M0 L3 T0 (C) M L-1 T-2 (D) M0L6T 0

Q.5 The dimensional formula of RT is same as that of

(A) Energy (B) Force

(C) Specific heat (D) Latent heat


Q.1 B Q.2 C Q.3 C Q.4 D Q.5 A

VI Read the passage given below and answer:

Work is said to be done by the force acting on a body, provided the body is
displaced actually in any direction except in a direction perpendicular to the
direction of force. Mathematically ,W = ⃗F . ⃗S

=F.Scosϴ. Whereas energy is the capacity of a body to do the work;

Power is the rate at which the body can do the work.

W F . ⃗S

P= = = F
⃗ . ⃗v
t t

Both , work and energy are measured in joule and power is measured in watt.

With the help of above comprehension, choose the most appropriate

alternative for each of the following questions:

Q1. A box is pushed through 4.0 m across a floor offering 100N resistance.
Work done by the applied force is

(a) 400J (c) 25J

(b) -400J (d) 0.04J

Q2. In the above question ,work done by the resisting force is

(a) 400J (c) 25J

(b) -400J (d) -25J

Q3. In the above question, work done by gravity is

(a) 400J (c) zero

(b) -400J (d) -25J

Q4. A truck draws a tractor of mass 1000kg at a steady rate of 20ms -1 on a level
road.The tension in the coupling is 2000N . Power spent on the tractor is

(a) 40W (c) 20kW

(b) 20W (d) 40kW


Q1.(a) Q2.(b) Q3. (c) Q4.(d)

VII Read the passage given below and

Potential energy of a body is the energy possessed by the body by virtue of its
position .P.E.=m g h where the symbols have their usual meaning. Kinetic
energy of a body is the energy possessed by the body by virtue of its velocity.
K.E. = 2 mv2

Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed. However energy can be

changed from one form to the other, such that energy appearing in one form is
equal to the energy disappearing in other form.

With the help of above comprehension, choose the most appropriate

alternative for each of the following questions:

Q1. A body of mass 1kg is allowed to fall freely under gravity. The momentum
of the body 5 second after it starts falling is

(a) 100kgms-1 (c) 150kgms-1

(b) 50kgms-1 (d) 200kgms-1

Q2.Kinetic energy of the body at the same time is

(a) 1250J (c) 625J

(b) 2500J (d) 2500J

Q3. The body will attain this K.E. when it fall freely from a height of

(a) 125m (c) 1250m

(b) 250m (d) 2500m

Q4. Velocity of the body on striking the ground will be

(a) 25m/s (c) 50m/s

(b) 12.5m/s (d) 100m/s

Q5. The ratio of P.E. to K.E. at a height of 62.5 m above the ground is

a) 2 (c) 3

(b) 1 (d) 4


Q1. (b) Q2. (a) Q3. (a) Q4. (c) Q5.(b)

VIII Read the passage given below and

The centre of mass of a body is a point at which the entire mass of the body is
supposed to be concentrated. The position vector r⃗ of C.O.M. of the system of
two particles of masses m1 and m2 with position vectors ⃗r 1 and ⃗
r2 is given
r 1+ m2 ⃗
⃗ r2
r⃗ = m1+ m2

For isolated system , where no external force is acting , Vcm = constant

Under no circumstances , the velocity of the C.O.M. of an isolated system can

under go a change .

With the help of above comprehension, choose the most appropriate

alternative for each of the following questions:

Q1. Two bodies of masses 1kg and 2kg are located at (1,2) and(-1,3)
respectively . The co-ordinates of C.O.M.are
−1 8
(a) (-1, 3) (c)( 3 ,3)
1 8
(b) (1, 2) (d) ( 3 ,− 3 )
Q2. Two blocks of masses 5kg and 2kg are placed on a frictionless surface and
connected by a spring .An external kick gives a velocity of 14m/s to heavier
block in the direction of lighter one. The velocity gained by the C.O.M. is

(a) 14m/s (c) 12m/s

(b) 7m/s (d) 10m/s

Q3. An electron and proton move towards each other with velocities v1 and v2
respectively. The velocity of their Centre of mass is

(a) zero (c) v2

v 1+ v 2
(b) v1 (d) 2

Q4. A bomb dropped from an aeroplane in level flight explodes in the middle.
The centre of mass of the fragments

(a) is at rest

(b) Moves vertically downwards

(c) Moves vertically upwards

(d) continues to follow the same parabolic path which it would have followed if
there was no explosion.


Q1.(c) Q2.(d) Q3.(a) Q4.(d)

IX Read the passage given below and

Moment of inertia of a body about a given axis is the rotational inertia of the
body about that axis . It is represented by I= MK2 , where M is mass of body and
K is radius of gyration of the body about that axis . It is a scalar quantity , which
is measured in kgm2 . When a body rotates about a given axis , and the axis of
rotation also moves , then total K.E.of body =K.E. of translation + K.E. of
1 1
E = 2 mv2 + 2 Iω2

With the help of above comprehension, choose the most appropriate

alternative for each of the following questions:

Q1. Moment of inertia of a body depends on

(i) mass of body (ii) size and shape of body

(iii) axis of rotation of body (iv) all the above

(a) (i) and (ii) (c) (ii) and (iii)

(b) (i) and (iii) (d) (iv)

Q2. A circular disc and a circular ring of same mass and same diameter have
_____________________ about a given axis .

(a) same moment of inertia

(b) unequal moments of inertia

(c) cannot say

(d) sometimes equal sometimes not

Q3. A 40kg flywheel in the form of a uniform circular disc of diameter 1m is

making 120 rpm . Its moment of inertia about a transverse axis through its
centre is

(a) 40kgm2 (c) 10kgm2

(b) 5kgm2 (d) 20kgm2

Q4. Kinetic energy of rotation of flywheel in the above case is

(a) 20J (c) 400J

(b) 2J (d) 80J


Q1.(d) Q2.(b) Q3.(b) Q4. (c)

X Read the passage given below and

Significant figures in the measured value of a physical quantity tell the number
of digits in which we have confidence .Larger the number of significant figures
obtained in a measurement , greater is the accuracy of measurement and vice –
versa . In addition or subtraction, the number of decimal places in the result
should equal the smallest number of decimal places in any term in the
operation .

In multiplication and division , the number of significant figures in the product

or in the quotient is the same as the smallest number of significant figures in
any of the factors.

With the help of above comprehension, choose the most appropriate

alternative for each of the following questions:

Q1. The area enclosed by a circle of diameter 1.06 m with correct number of
significant figures is

(a) 0.88m2 (c) 1.88m2

(b)0.883m2 (d) 0.882026m2

Q2. The circumference of the circle of diameter 1.06 m with correct number of
significant figures is

(a) 3.33m (c) 3.3m

(b)3.33142m (d) 3m

Q3. Subtract 2.6x 104 from 3.9x 105 with due regard to significant figures.

(a) 3.64x105 (c) 3.6 x105

(b) 3.7x105 (d) 3.65 x 106

Q4. Add 3.8x 10-6 to 4.2 x 10-5 with due regard to significant figures.

(a) 4.6 x10-5 (c) 4.58 x10-5

(b) 4.6x10-6 (d) 4.580 x 10-5


Q1.(b) Q2. (a) Q3. (c) Q4.(a)

XI Read the passage given below and
According to Newton’s second law of motion ,F = m .a ,where F is the force
required to produce an acceleration a in a body of mass m .If a= 0 then F = 0 , i.
e , no external force is required to move a body uniformly along a straight
line .If a force F acts on a body for t seconds , the effect of the force is given by
impulse = F x t = change in linear momentum of the body .

With the help of above comprehension, choose the most appropriate

alternative for each of the following questions:

Q1. A cricket ball of mass 150g is moving with a velocity of 12m/s and is hit by a
bat so that the ball is turned back with a velocity of 20m/s. If duration of
contact between the ball and the bat is 0.01 sec. The impulse of the force is

(a) 7.4Ns (c) 1.2Ns

(b) 4.8Ns (d) 4.7Ns

Q2. Average force exerted by the bat is

(a) 480N (c) 1200N

(b) 120N (d) 840N

Q3. The retardation of the ball is

(a) 1600m/s2 (c) 3200m/s2

(b) 320 m/s2 (d) 160 m/s2

Q4. An impulsive force of 100N acts on a body for 1s .What is the change in its
linear momentum?

(a) 10Ns (c) 1000Ns

(b) 100Ns (d) 1Ns

ANSWERS Q1. (b) Q2. (a) Q3. (c) Q4. (b)

XII Read the passage given below and

Friction between any two surfaces in contact is the force that opposes the
relative motion between them. The force of limiting friction (F) between any
two surfaces in contact is directly proportional to the normal reaction (R)
between them i .e . , F∝ R or F= μR , where μ is coefficient of limiting friction ,
then μ= tanθ.

With the help of above comprehension, choose the most appropriate

alternative for each of the following questions:

Q1. A force of 49N is just able to move a block of wood weighing 10kg on a
rough horizontal surface. The coefficient of friction is

(a) 0.5 (c) 10/49

(b) 4.9 (d) 49/9.8

Q2. The angle of friction in the above question is

(a) 34026’ (c) 26034’

(b) 300 (d) 450

Q3.A horizontal force of 1.2kg is applied on a 1.5 kg block ,which rests on a

horizontal surface .If the coefficient of friction is 0.3 , force of friction is

(a) 0.45 kg f (c) 1.5kg f

(b) 1.2kg f (d) 0.3kg f

Q4. The acceleration produced in the block in the above question is

(a) 9.8m/s2 (c) 1.5m/s2

(b) 0.3m/s2 (d) 4.9m/s2


Q1. (a) Q2. (c) Q3. (a) Q4.(d)

XIII Read the passage given below and

An elastic collision is a collision in which there is no net loss in kinetic energy in
the system as a result of the collision. Both momentum and kinetic energy are
conserved quantities in elastic collisions.

Q1.. In which motion, momentum changes but K.E does not?

a. circular motion
b. parabolic motion
c. straight line motion
d. none of these
Q2. coefficient of restitution for elastic collision is:
a. 0
b. 1
c. -1
d. infinite

Q3. Two balls at the same temperature collide. What is conserved?

a. momentum
b. velocity
c. kinetic energy
d. none of these
Q4.Momentum of two objects moving with the same speed but in opposite direction upon
collision is
a. increased
b. decrease
c. zero
d. none of these
Q5. In elastic collision, the relative speed of approach and separation is:
a. equal
b. unequal
c. zero

d. infinite

Q1. (a) Q2.(b) Q3.(a) Q4.(c) Q5.(a)

10 J
10 J

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