Borszcz 95 Pavlovian

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Behavioral Neuroscience Copyright 1995 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.

1995, Vol. 109, No. 4, 648-662 0735-7044/95/53.00

Pavlovian Conditional Vocalizations of the Rat: A Model System for

Analyzing the Fear of Pain
George S. Borszcz
Dartmouth College

Presentation of a 6-s light conditional stimulus (CS) that overlapped with a 1-s tailshock
unconditional stimulus (US) generated audible conditional vocalization responses (VCRs) during
the CS period. The rate of conditioning was observed to be directly related to the intensity of the
tailshock US (0.15 mA-0.80 mA). The amplitude, duration, and number of VCRs was also directly
related to US intensity, whereas the latency of VCRs from CS onset was inversely related to US
intensity. VCRs were not observed in rats given explicitly unpaired presentations of CS and US
(0.80 mA). The capacity of tailshock to support development of VCRs was found to depend on its
capacity to elicit vocalization afterdischarges (VADs). Sonographic analysis of vocalizations
revealed that VCRs and VADs share spectrographic characteristics. Results are discussed in terms
of VCRs' providing a model system for analyzing the fear of pain and its suppression.

Studies of chronic pain behaviors in humans have empha- chronic pain behaviors, the present study was designed to
sized the contribution of the development of fear-avoidance evaluate an animal model of the fear of pain. Audible
beliefs in the etiology of these syndromes (Fordyce, Shelton, & vocalizations of the rat that were generated by the pairing of a
Dundore, 1982; Lethem, Slade, Troup, & Bentley, 1983; discrete conditional stimulus (CS; light) with a noxious uncon-
McCracken, Zayfert, & Gross, 1992; Philips, 1987; Waddell, ditional stimulus (US; tailshock) were examined. Two features
Newton, Henderson, Somerville, & Main, 1993). These studies of conditional vocalization responses (VCRs) recommend
indicate that the negative affective-motivational state associ- them as a model of the fear of pain. First, considerable
ated with the pain of acute injury (Melzack & Casey, 1968) progress has been made in delineating the mammalian vocaliza-
supports the conditioning of a central fear state through tion circuit (for reviews see Sutton & Jiirgens, 1988; Vogt &
Pavlovian contingencies. The fear state in turn generates Barbas, 1988). This anatomical specificity indicates that the
avoidance of the cues, and activities that were associated with neural circuit(s) responsible for generating VCRs may eventu-
the injury and thereby initially promotes recuperation and ally be identified and encourages the prospect of identifying
healing. However, for some individuals the avoidance re- the neural mechanisms that suppress their generation. Second,
sponses remain although tissue damage decreases. The mainte- the mammalian vocalization circuit comprises rhinencephalic-
nance of these chronic pain behaviors is believed to be diencephalic structures that have been shown to mediate the
sustained by the Pavlovian conditional anticipation of pain fear and anxiety associated with chronic pain in humans. The
(i.e., fear of pain) rather than the pain itself. Consequently, as amygdala, anterior cingulate cortex, midline thalamic nuclei,
tissue damage remits, the fear of pain may remain but is no and dorsolateral periaqueductal gray (dlPAG) are compo-
longer supported by noxious sensory input; rather, it is nents of the mammalian vocalization circuit (Jiirgens, 1982;
maintained by the reduction of emotional distress that derives Jurgens & Miiller-Preuss, 1977; Jiirgens & Ploog, 1970; Jur-
from avoidance of the cues and activities that were associated gens & Pratt, 1979a, 1979b; MacLean, 1985; Magoun, Atlas,
with the initial injury. For example, a strong correlation has Ingersoll, & Ranson, 1937; Robinson, 1967). Lesions of these
been reported between the development of the fear of pain structures have been reported to alleviate the emotional
and both work-loss and disability in activities of daily living distress associated with chronic pain in humans, and they are
(Waddell et al., 1993). But it is important to note that little especially effective when fear and anxiety are components of
relationship was found between these chronic pain behaviors the pain state (Ballentine, Cassidy, Flanagan, & Marino, 1967;
and biomedical measures of the current intensity of pain. Bouckoms, 1984; Brown, 1977; Corkin & Hebben, 1981; Foltz
In recognition of the seminal involvement of Pavlovian & White, 1962; Hassenbusch, Pillay, & Barnett, 1990; Jelasic,
conditional fear in the development and maintenance of 1966; Mark, Ervin, & Yakovlev, 1963; Schvarcz, 1977; White &
Sweet, 1969). Correspondingly, stimulation of the amygdala,
anterior cingulate cortex, anterior cingulum, and dlPAG gener-
This research was supported by Grant NS-27668 from the National ates reports of fear and anxiety in human subjects (W. P.
Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
Chapman et al., 1954; Gloor, Olivier, & Quesney, 1981; Meyer,
I wish to acknowledge the excellent technical assistance of Christine
McElhaney, Martin, & McGraw, 1973; Nashold, Wilson, &
P. Johnson.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Slaughter, 1974; Schvarcz, 1977). Therefore, VCRs may reflect
George S. Borszcz, Department of Psychology, 6207 Gerry Hall, activation of the rhinencephalic-diencephalic structures that
Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755. Electronic mail are known to be critical to the production of fear and anxiety
may be sent via Internet to George.S.Borszcz@Dartmouth.EDU. associated with chronic pain in humans.


The present study is a parametric analysis of Pavlovian Method

conditional audible vocalizations in the rat and thereby pro-
vides a foundation for subsequent analysis of the neural Subjects
mechanisms underlying the generation and suppression of
Forty-eight male Long-Evans-derived rats, 120-180 days old at the
these responses. The rate of conditioning was evaluated as a
beginning of the experiment, were used. The rats were individually
function of the intensity of the tailshock US. Changes in the
housed under a 14:10-hr light-dark cycle and given ad-lib access to
form (i.e., latency, duration, amplitude, and number) of VCRs food and water. They were handled 2-3 times per day for at least 1
were examined both during the course of conditioning and as a week prior to training. All training was conducted during the light
function of US intensity. The relation between conditioning portion of the light-dark cycle.
and the generation of various unconditional responses (URs)
was also investigated. Three URs that are organized at
different levels of the neuraxis were monitored during condi- Apparatus
tioning (Borszcz, Johnson, Anderson, & Young, 1992; Carroll
& Lim, 1960; Hoffmeister, 1968). Spinal motor reflexes (SMRs) The apparatus in which the rats were trained is shown in Figure 1.
consist of tail flexion and hindlimb withdrawal and are orga- The rat was restrained in a torso sling suit (Harvard Apparatus, South
nized at spinal levels. Vocalizations elicited during tailshock Natick, MA) that was modified with Velcro strapping. The rat was
(VDSs) are organized below the junction of the medulla and restrained to a Plexiglas pedestal by additional strapping that ran
pons, and vocalizations that extend beyond tailshock offset underneath its torso through loops in the suit. This design maintained
(VADs, or vocalization afterdischarges) are integrated within the rat in a crouching posture throughout training. The apparatus was
the rhinencephalon-diencephalon. I have previously reported contained within a sound-attenuating isolation chamber.
that a Pavlovian conditional avoidance response in rats relies Unconditional stimulus. Shock electrodes were constructed of two
0-gauge stainless steel insect pins. The pins were held in place by the
on the capacity of tailshock to generate VADs (Borszcz, 1993).
chucks of insect pin holders that were embedded in plastic clothespins.
I therefore hypothesized that the capacity of tailshock to The tension of the clothespins on the tail was adjusted to ensure that
support the acquisition of VCRs would also rely on its circulation to the tail was not restricted. The electrodes were placed
generation of VADs. Finally, I performed spectrographic intracutaneously on opposite sides of the tail 7.0 cm (cathode) and 8.5
analysis on VCRs, VADs, and VDSs to determine whether cm (anode) from the base. Current (20-ms pulses at 25 Hz for 1,000
these vocalizations are distinguishable by their sonographic ms) was delivered to the tail by means of a computer-controlled
characteristics. shocker. The intensity, duration, and timing of tailshocks were

Figure 1. Apparatus used for conditioning audible vocalizations in the rat. See text for details.

controlled by a microcomputer. Different current intensities were presentations was controlled by the microcomputer. The tailshock US
generated by applying different input voltages to the shocker by means was presented during the last second of CS presentation.
of a digital-to-analog converter. Current intensity was monitored by an Conditional responses. Conditional responses (CRs) were moni-
analog-to-digital converter that digitized (500-Hz sampling rate) an tored during the first 5 s of CS presentation. VCRs were measured
output voltage of the shocker that was proportional to the current with the audio system used to measure VDSs and VADs. On each trial
delivered. It is important to emphasize that this form of tailshock does the microcomputer recorded three features of VCRs: (a) latency (in
not produce the sensation of vibration that is generated by the milliseconds) from CS onset to the first VCR, (b) peak amplitude (in
superficially applied 60-Hz AC current commonly used in studies of decibels) of the most intense VCR, and (c) total duration (in
aversive conditioning. Bromm and Meier (1984) reported that intracu- milliseconds) of VCRs. The experimenter recorded the total number
taneously applied pulsed DC current predominately activates primary of VCRs generated on each trial by monitoring the output of the audio
afferent nociceptors (A-delta and C fibers) and generates a sharp, system on a digital storage oscilloscope.
stabbing or burning pain in humans rather than the diffuse paresthesia Tail movements during the first 5 s of CS presentation were
produced by superficially applied AC current. monitored by the displacement transducer used to measure SMRs.
Unconditional responses. The rat's tail distal to the shock elec- The microcomputer recorded the latency, peak amplitude, and magni-
trodes was attached with cotton thread to a semi-isotonic displacement tude of the first tail movement that exceeded the 0.5-mm criterion.
transducer (Lafayette Model 76614, Lafeyette, IN). The arm of the Spectrographic analysis. For all rats on each trial, vocalizations
transducer was positioned behind and perpendicular to the tail such during the first 5 s of the CS period, during US presentation, and for
that the thread extended in a straight line directly behind the rat. the 2,000-ms interval following US offset were recorded on stereo
Movement of the transducer arm beginning with shock onset was used cassette tape (Optimus SCT-36 high-speed stereo cassette deck,
to measure SMRs. The output voltage of the transducer was amplified Tandy, Ft. Worth, TX) for subsequent spectrographic analysis. The
(x50) and then digitized (500-Hz sampling rate) by a second analog-to- unfiltered vocalizations were recorded on one track of the cassette
digital converter. I calibrated this system by determining the relation tape. The other track recorded three different computer-generated
between digital conversions of voltage outputs from the transducer/ tones that corresponded to the three intervals described above and
amplifier and millimeter movements of the transducer arm. The thereby permitted identification of VCRs, VDSs, and VADs. For
computer used this derived function to convert digitized voltages to sonographic analysis the audiotapes were digitized (44.1-kHz sampling
millimeters of tail movement. SMR was defined as movement of the rate) by an Audiomedia card (Digidesign Inc., Menlo Park, CA)
transducer arm by at least 0.5 mm. Once SMR criterion was exceeded, installed in a NuBus slot of a Macintosh Ilfx computer. Digital
the output voltage of the transducer was monitored for 2,000 ms. The recording was controlled by the Tape Deck module of Sound Designer
microcomputer recorded the latency (in milliseconds), peak amplitude II software (Digidesign Inc.). This software was also used to display
(in millimeters), and magnitude (integrated voltage output expressed both channels (vocalizations and tones) of the audiotapes and to select
as centimeters x milliseconds) of tail movement on each trial. Displace- the vocalizations to be analyzed. Selected vocalizations were trans-
ments up to 100 mm could be detected, and latencies in 2-ms ferred to Soundscope/8 software (GW Instruments Inc., Somerville,
increments could be measured. MA) for sonographic analysis. Spectrograms were produced using the
Vocalizations were measured by a pressure-zone microphone (Real-
Spectrogram module with the display range set at 0-20 kHz and the
istic Model 33-1090, Tandy, Ft. Worth, TX) placed approximately 16
number of data points used by the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
cm in front of the rat. The microphone was attached to an audio
algorithm set at 2,048. Power spectra were generated using the
amplifier (Technics Model SA-160, Tandy, Ft. Worth, TX) and a
10-band frequency equalizer. The frequency equalizer was adjusted to Average Spectrum module with the display range and number of FFT
selectively amplify frequencies above 1500 Hz. At 80 dB, frequencies points set as for spectrogram production.
below 1500 Hz were attenuated by approximately 12 dB. The response
function of the system was relatively flat (±0.5 dB) from 1500 to 18000
Hz. The filtering of low frequencies prevented extraneous noise (i.e., Procedure
rats' respiration and movement artifacts) from contaminating vocaliza-
tion records. The output of the amplifier was integrated by a Eight rats were randomly assigned to each of five different groups
Coulbourn Instruments (Allentown, PA) contour following integrator based on the intensity of tailshock used during training (i.e., 0.15 mA,
(2-ms time base) and then digitized (500-Hz sampling rate) by a third 0.20 mA, 0.40 mA, 0.60 mA, or 0.80 mA—paired groups). An
analog-to-digital converter of the microcomputer. additional group of eight rats received explicitly unpaired presenta-
I calibrated the audio system by determining the relation between tions of the CS and US (0.80 mA—unpaired controls). Rats were
the peak digitized output of the converter and the amplitude (SPL, B adapted to the apparatus for 30 min on the day prior to the beginning
Scale) of a 2.5-kHz pure tone—the approximate fundamental fre- of training. Training was conducted on the next 5 consecutive days.
quency of pain-induced vocalizations of the rat (Levine, Feldmesser, On each training day, rats were placed in the apparatus and given 10
Tecott, Gordon, & Izdebski, 1984). The derived function was used to min of adaptation. Paired groups received 15 trials per day of paired
convert analog-to-digital inputs to decibels. Sound intensities up to presentations of the CS and US on a variable interval (VI) 2.5-min
103.0 dB could be measured. The most intense vocalization measured schedule (range = 2-3 min). Presentation of the US overlapped with
during any sampling period was 97.1 dB. The microcomputer recorded the last 1 s of the 6-s light CS. The unpaired control group received 15
the peak intensity (in decibels), latency (in milliseconds), and duration unpaired presentations per day of the CS and US on a VI 1.25-min
(in milliseconds) of vocalizations during the shock epoch (i.e., VDS) schedule (range = 1-1.5 min). Stimuli were presented in a pseudoran-
and for the 2,000-ms interval following shock termination (i.e., VAD). dom order with the restriction that the CS or US could not be
The ambient background noise level in the isolation chamber was 54.0 presented on four consecutive trials and that the order of presentation
dB. Sounds above 57.0 dB were considered to be vocalizations. had to differ on each day. Vocalizations and tail movements were
Conditional stimulus. A discrete 6-s light CS was provided by a recorded in the same manner as for the paired groups. For both
150-W lightbulb in the otherwise dark isolation chamber. The light- US-alone and CS-alone trials, responses were measured during the CS
bulb was placed above the microphone such that it was approximately period, US period, and post-US period irrespective of whether the CS
4 cm in front and 12 cm above the rat's head. The timing of CS or US was presented.

Data Analysis
Each rat was evaluated to determine whether a criterion level of
conditioning had developed. Rats that generated VCRs on at least 8 of
the 15 trials on Day 5 were judged to have met the criterion for
conditioning, and their data were analyzed separately from those of
rats that failed to meet the criterion. Increases in the percentage of
VCRs generated by each group over the 75 conditioning trials
(CS-alone trials for the unpaired controls) were analyzed with one-
factor repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). Differences
between paired and unpaired groups in the percentages of rats
generating VCRs were assessed by two-factor repeated measures
ANOVA. Changes in the latency, amplitude, duration, and number of
VCRs generated during the course of conditioning were also assessed
with one-factor repeated measures ANOVA. On trials during which
VCRs were not generated, latency was arbitrarily assigned as 5,000 ms.
Differences between groups at the end of training were assessed over
the last block of three trials via Student's t tests for independent groups
with the alpha level divided by the number of comparisons (Bonferroni
URs generated only on the first trial (first US-alone trial for
unpaired controls) were analyzed because VCRs contaminated UR
assessment on subsequent trials. Group differences in UR perfor-
mance were analyzed with one-factor ANOVA. Three rats from the
0.15-mA group did not generate VADs, and the latency of the VAD
was arbitrarily assigned as 2,000 ms. Pairwise comparisons between
groups were made via Student's t test for independent groups with
Bonferroni corrections of the alpha level.
For each rat that exhibited the criterion level of conditioning, three
VCRs were subjected to spectrographic analysis. The total number of
trials in which VCRs were generated was counted, and the first,
middle, and last trials were analyzed. When multiple VCRs were
generated on a trial, a middle response was selected for analysis. For
all rats, VDSs and VADs on the first trial were subjected to Figure 2. Oscilloscope (MacScope, Hanover, NH) records from a rat
spectrographic analysis. The first VDS and first VAD were generally in the 0.80-mA group during the first 2 days of training. Each day (D)
selected when multiple responses were present. The frequencies of the consisted of 15 trials (T). Integrated vocalizations are represented in
fundamental and the harmonics of each vocalization were calculated the upper trace and spinal motor reflexes (SMRs) in the bottom trace
from the peaks of the power spectra by an experimenter unaware of of each record. The bars between the traces indicate the 5-s condi-
the type of vocalization being analyzed. tional stimulus (CS) period (open bar), the 1-s unconditional stimulus
(US) period (stippled bar), and the 2-s post-US period, (solid bar).
Conditional vocalization responses (VCRs) were assessed during the
Results CS period, vocalizations during shock (VDSs) were assessed during
Pairs of oscilloscope traces over the first 2 days of training the US period, and vocalization afterdischarges (VADs) were assessed
during the post-US period.
from a rat in the 0.80-mA group are shown in Figure 2. In each
pair the top trace represents VCRs, VDSs, and VADs, and the
bottom trace represents SMRs. For the rat depicted in Figure the 0.15-mA-COND (met criterion) and the 0.15-mA-NC
2, VCRs developed during the 1st day of training (D1T1- (failed to meet criterion) groups.
D1T15; D = day, T = trial) and increased in number, ampli-
tude, and duration while decreasing in latency from CS onset. Percentage VCR
VCRs were maintained over the 24-hr intersession interval as
reflected by their generation on the first trial of Day 2 (D2T1). Increases in the percentage of rats generating VCRs during
Over the course of Day 2, the number, amplitude, and conditioning are shown in Figure 3. For the sake of clarity,
duration of VCRs continued to increase and the latency percentage responding is presented as the means of blocks of
continued to decrease. By the conclusion of Day 2, the three consecutive trials, and symbols are presented for every
amplitude of VCRs was similar to the amplitude of VDSs and second block. Percentage responding on the first trial (FT) of
VADs (compare VCRs on D2T15 with VDSs and VADs on each day is also depicted. Two-factor repeated measures
D1T1). ANOVA of all paired groups that met the criterion level of
The course of conditioning depicted in Figure 2 is represen- conditioning and the unpaired controls over the course of the
tative of all rats that met the criterion level of conditioning. All 75 conditioning trials revealed significant main effects of
8 rats in the 0.20-mA, 0.40-mA, 0.60-mA, and 0.80-mA groups groups, F(5, 38) = 27.19, p < .001, and trials, F(74, 2,812) =
demonstrated the criterion level of conditioning. However, U.76,p < .001, and a significant Groups x Trials interaction,
only 4 of 8 rats from the 0.15-mA group met the criterion, and F(370, 2,812) = 1.76, p < .001. The interaction reflects the
this group was divided accordingly into two separate groups: finding that whereas all paired groups demonstrated a progres-

that met the conditioning criterion exhibited a significant

increase in percentage responding (all Fs > 2.6, all ps < .05).
The unpaired controls and the 0.15-mA-NC group did not
demonstrate an increase in first-trial responding during train-
ing (Fs < 1).
As depicted in Figure 3, the rate of conditioning was found
to be directly related to the intensity of the tailshock US.
Tailshock intensity was found to be inversely related to the
number of trials required by groups to reach at least 80%
responding (Pearson's r = -.93). Nevertheless, no differences
were observed between paired groups in percentage respond-
ing at the end of training. One-way ANOVA of percentage
responding over the last block of three trials on Day 5 revealed
no significant differences between paired groups that had met
---o— 0.80mA
0.60mA the conditioning criterion, F(4, 31) = 1.07, p > .35.
---a-- o.40mA No group demonstrated an increase in tail movements
during CS presentations. Occasionally tail movements were
0.1SmA-NC recorded during the CS period, but examination of oscillo-
scope records indicated that these tail movements were small
(less than 4.7 mm) and coincided with VCRs. When multiple
Day 4 VCRs were produced, the SMR trace revealed small tail
movements that lagged slightly behind the VCRs. These tail
Figure 3. Percentage of rats in each group generating conditional movements were judged to be movement artifacts associated
vocalization responses (VCRs) over the 5 days of training. Each day with vocalizing and were not subjected to further analysis. The
consisted of 15 trials. Separate groups of 8 rats received paired
intermittent occurrence of these tail movements presumably
presentations of the conditional stimulus (CS) with different intensi-
ties of the tailshock unconditional stimulus (US; 0.80 mA, 0.60 mA, reflects slight postural adjustments made by the animal.
0.40 mA, and 0.20 mA). The 0.15-mA-NC group (n = 4) failed to
reach the conditioning criterion, and its data were analyzed separately
from those of the 0.15-mA-COND group (n = 4) that met the
VCR Performance
criterion. All rats from all other paired groups met the conditioning Changes in the number, amplitude, duration, and latency of
criterion. Unpaired controls (UNP; n = 8) received explicitly unpaired VCRs in paired groups during the course of conditioning and
presentations of the CS and US (0.80 mA). Percentage responding
differences in these performance variables as a function of US
during CS-alone trials is depicted for the UNP group. For the sake of
clarity, percentage responding is presented as the means of blocks of intensity are depicted, respectively, in Figures 4, 5, 6, and 7.
three consecutive trials, and symbols are presented for every second Over the course of the 75 conditioning trials all paired groups
block. Percentage responding on the first trial (FT) of each day is also demonstrated a progressive increase in the number (all
represented. Fs > 2.4, allps < .001), amplitude (all Fs > 2.6, allps < .001),
and duration (all Fs > 2.2, all ps < .001) of VCRs and a
progressive decrease in the latency of VCRs from CS onset (all
sive increase in percentage responding [for the 0.20-mA, Fs > 2.4, allps < .001). Identical results were obtained when
0.40-mA, 0.60-mA, and 0.80-mA groups, allFs(74,518) > 4.0, performance was analyzed across first trials (for number, all
slips < .001; for the 0.15-mA-COND group, F(74,222) = 2.83, Fs > 3.9, allps < .05; for amplitude, all Fs > 3.8, allps < .05;
p < .001], the unpaired controls did not demonstrate a signifi- for duration, all Fs > 3.3, all ps < .05; and for latency, all
cant change in percentage responding during training, F(74, Fs > 3.1, allps < .05).
518) = 1.03, p > .40. Individual comparisons of paired groups Like the rate of conditioning, the performance of VCRs was
with unpaired controls also revealed significant Groups x also related to US intensity. The mean number, mean ampli-
Trials interactions (all Fs > 2.0, allps < .001). On the other tude, and mean duration of VCRs on the last block of three
hand, the 0.15-mA-NC group did not exhibit an increase in trials on Day 5 were directly related to US intensity: Pearson's
percentage responding during training, F(74, 222) = 1.23,p > « = .98, .95, and .94, respectively. The mean latency of VCRs
.10, and did not differ from the unpaired controls (F < 1). over these trials was inversely related to US intensity (Pear-
The results observed over all 75 trials were also observed son's r = —.79). Unlike percentage responding, VCR perfor-
when only the first trials of each day were analyzed. These mance differed among paired groups at the end of training.
results demonstrate that the conditioning that develops during One-way ANOVA over the last block of three trials on Day 5
each daily session is maintained during the 24-hr intersession revealed significant group differences on all four performance
intervals. Overall two-factor repeated measures ANOVA over variables: number, F(4, 31) = 7.47, p < .001; amplitude, F(4,
the first trials of each day revealed significant main effects of 31) = 18.71,p < .001; duration, F(4, 31) = 7.19,p < .001; and
groups, F(5, 38) = 9.69,p < .001, and trials, F(4,152) = 33.35, latency, F(4, 31) = 12.22, p < .001. Pairwise group compari-
p < .001, and a significant Groups x Trials interaction, F(20, sons with the 0.80-mA group revealed that VCRs were
152) = 1.91, p < .05. As with the analysis of all trials, the significantly reduced in number, amplitude, and duration and
interaction reflects the observation that only paired groups significantly elevated in latency in the 0.15-mA-COND and

on all three performance variables, all Js(6) > 4.7, all ps <
.001. Moreover, the VAD performance of the rat in the
0.15-mA-NC group that generated the response did not
overlap with the VAD performance of the 0.15-mA-COND
group. The VADs generated by the rat in the 0.15-mA-NC
group were reduced compared with the smallest VADs gener-
ated by the 0.15-mA-COND group: for the 0.15-mA-COND
group, latency = 2,089 ms, amplitude = 9.2 dB above criterion,
and duration = 254 ms; for the 0.15-mA-NC rat, latency =
FT Day 2 FT 3
2,102 ms, amplitude = 4.2 dB above criterion, and duration =
104 ms. These results indicate that the tailshock US must
generate VADs of a minimum intensity for it to support VCR
—O— 0.80mA
—•— 0.60mA
—o— 0.40mA
Spectrographic Analysis of Vocalizations
• 0.20mA
tr-- O.ISmA-COND Representative spectrograms of VDSs, VADs, and VCRs
from rats in the 0.60-mA group are shown in Figure 11. For all
three types of vocalizations the power in each frequency band
FT Day 4 FT Day 5 increased with US intensity, but the frequencies of the funda-
mental and the harmonics remained constant across US
Figure 4. Mean number of conditional vocalization responses (VCRs)
intensity (all Fs < 1). Similarly, whereas the power in each
generated by paired groups in which all rats met the conditioning
criterion (COND). Rats received 5 days of training with 15 trials per
frequency band of VCRs increased during the course of
day. For the sake of clarity, data are presented as the means of blocks conditioning, the frequencies of the fundamental and the
of three consecutive trials, and symbols are presented for every second harmonics did not change (all Fs < 1). These results indicate
block. Mean numbers of VCRs on the first trial (FT) of each day are
also represented. All groups demonstrated a significant increase in the
number of VCRs across all trials and across FTs. Asterisks indicate
significantly fewer VCRs on the last block of trials when compared
with the 0.80-mA group (Student's t test for independent groups,
alpha = .0125).

0.20-mA groups (all ts > 3.4, attps < .01). The amplitude of
VCRs was also significantly reduced in the 0.40-mA group
compared with the 0.80-mA group, t(U) = 4.16,p < .001.

Unconditional Responses FT Day 1 FT Day 2 FT Day 3

The performance of SMRs, VDSs, and VADs of all groups

on the first training trial are shown in Figures 8, 9, and 10,
respectively. All performance variables for all three URs were
---O— 0.80mA
related to US intensity. One-way ANOVA across paired -» 0.60mA
groups that met the conditioning criterion revealed a signifi- —-D— 0.40mA
••— 0.20mA
cant increase in the amplitude of all three URs, all Fs(4,31) > --•A—- 0.15mA-COND
42.4, all/7S < .001, a significant increase in the magnitude of
SMRs, F(4, 31) = 41.4,^ < .001, a significant increase in the
16 18 20 21 23 25
duration of VDSs and VADs, all Fs(4, 31) > 21.5, all ps < FT Day 4 FT Day 5
.001, and a significant decrease in the latency of all three URs,
allFs(4, 31) > 10.0, all ps < .001. The 0.80-mA group did not Figure 5. Mean peak amplitude of conditional vocalization responses
differ from the unpaired controls on any performance variable (VCRs) depicted as decibels (dB) above the criterion level of back-
for any response, all ts( 14) < 1.96, all ps > .05. ground noise (57.0 dB) in the isolation chamber. Data are from paired
It is important to note that only the performance of VADs groups in which all rats met the conditioning criterion (COND). Rats
distinguished the 0.15-mA-COND and the 0.15-mA-NC groups. received 5 days of training with 15 trials per day. For the sake of clarity,
The tailshock US elicited SMRs and VDSs in all rats of both data are presented as the means of blocks of three consecutive trials,
and symbols are presented for every second block. Mean amplitudes of
groups, and the performance of these URs did not differ
VCRs on the first trial (FT) of each day are also represented. All
between groups, all rs(6) < .50. However, whereas all 4 rats in groups demonstrated a significant increase in the amplitude of VCRs
the 0.15-mA-COND group generated VADs on the first trial, across all trials and across FTs. Asterisks indicate significantly less
only 1 of 4 rats in the 0.15-mA-NC group generated VADs. intense VCRs on the last block of trials when compared with the
Consequently, the groups differed in their production of VADs 0.80-mA group (Student's t test for independent groups, alpha = .0125).

that the sonographic differences among vocalizations are not 5000

dependent on the intensity of the vocalization. 4000-

The mean frequencies of the fundamental and the harmon-
ics of VDSs, VADs, and VCRs are shown in Table 1. These 3000
means are collapsed across US intensity. The most striking
observation was the similarity between VADs and VCRs and
their differences with VDSs. VADs and VCRs did not differ in 1000-

their fundamental frequency or in the frequencies and number

of their harmonics, all ft (70) < 1.26, all ps > .20. Alterna- 1 3 5 6 8 10 11 13 15

tively, the frequencies of the fundamental and the first and FT Day 1 FT Day 2 FT Day 3

second harmonics of VDSs were significantly lower than those

of either VADs or VCRs, all ft (70) > 22.9, allps < .001. In
addition, whereas VADs and VCRs exhibited only two harmon- £ 4000-

ics, VDSs were composed of five or six harmonics. The second <J 3000- —It-- 0.15H1A-COND
harmonic of VADs and VCRs did not exceed 11.5 kHz, • 0.20mA
whereas the frequency of the highest harmonic of VDSs was 2000- — -0-- 0.40mA
never less than 14.0 kHz. These results demonstrate that 1000-
•— 0.60mA
VADs and VCRs are discriminable from VDSs on the basis of o— 0.80mA

their sonographic characteristics. 16 18 20 21 23 25

FT Day 4 FT Day 5
Figure 7. Mean latency (in milliseconds) from conditional stimulus
The development of audible vocalizations in the rat that is (CS) onset to the first conditional vocalization response (VCR). Data
described in the present study is consistent with established are from paired groups in which all rats met the conditioning criterion
principles of Pavlovian conditioning (Gormezano, 1966; Ka- (COND). Rats received 5 days of training with 15 trials per day. For
the sake of clarity, data are presented as the means of blocks of three
consecutive trials, and symbols are presented for every second block.
Mean VCR latencies on the first trial (FT) of each day are also
represented. All groups demonstrated a significant decrease in VCR
latency across all trials and across FTs. Asterisks indicate significantly
longer VCR latency on the last block of trials when compared with the
0.80-mA group (Student's nest for independent groups, alpha = .0125).

min & Brimer, 1963; Pavlov, 1927), and therefore I conclude

that these vocalizations are CRs. The failure of VCRs to
develop in the group that received explicitly unpaired presen-
FT Day 1 FT Day 2 FT Day 3 tations of the CS and US demonstrates that VCRs arise as a
result of contingent presentation of the two stimuli rather than
from sensitization or pseudoconditioning. The maintenance of
VCRs over the 24-hr intersession intervals also demonstrates
that the within-session increases in percentage VCR and VCR
o— 0.80mA
-•— 0.60mA
performance are not the result of sensitization generated by
---D-- 0.40mA repeated presentation of the tailshock US. The direct relation-
-•— 0.20mA ship between US intensity and both the rate of conditioning
A— 0.15mA-COND
and the performance of VCRs is also consistent with estab-
lished parametric features of Pavlovian CRs.
The VCR also satisfies the requirements of a suitable model
system for analyzing the neuronal basis of learning in verte-
Figure 6. Mean duration (in milliseconds) of conditional vocalization brates (Kapp & Pascoe, 1986; Thompson, 1976). A Pavlovian
responses (VCRs) during the 5-s conditional stimulus (CS) period. CR is recommended because the paradigm permits control
Data are from paired groups in which all rats met the conditioning over the stimuli (CS and US) that produce the response and
criterion (COND). Rats received 5 days of training with 15 trials per allows precise measurement of the CR. These features permit
day. For the sake of clarity, data are presented as the means of blocks development of the CR to be characterized under a variety of
of three consecutive trials, and symbols are presented for every second stimulus conditions, and differences in CR development can
block. Mean durations of VCRs on the first trial (FT) of each day are
also represented. All groups demonstrated a significant increase in the
then be correlated with electrophysiological activity in poten-
duration of VCRs across all trials and across FTs. Asterisks indicate tial neural substrates. For example, activity in the neural
significantly shorter duration of VCRs on the last block of trials when substrates responsible for generating VCRs should reflect the
compared with the 0.80-mA group (Student's t test for independent VCR's sensitivity to US intensity with respect to the rate of
groups, alpha = .0125). conditioning and performance (latency, duration, and ampli-

SMR Because these neurophysiological techniques are limited by

200 -i the length of time neural activity can be recorded, it is
necessary for the CR to develop rapidly. Maintenance of the
•" 150 CR between sessions permits evaluation of the effects of
various manipulations on the retention versus acquisition of
the CR. Finally, it is recommended that the efferent motor
» 100-
pathways responsible for generating the CR be identifiable.
Localization of the motor neurons that produce the CR
50 H provides the basis for experiments designed to identify the

.15mA .15mA .20mA .40mA ,60mA .80mA UNP

NC COND — 300-

» 200

•o 40- 100-


20- ,15mA ,15mA ,20mA ,40mA ,60mA ,80mA UNP

CO 10-
o 40-1

.15mA .15mA ,20mA .40mA .60mA .80mA UNP


< « 20-

•o 300- 10-
'«' CD
E .15mA ,15mA ,20mA ,40mA ,60mA ,80mA UNP
0) 100-

.15mA .15mA ,20mA ,60mA ,80mA UNP ^ 600-
« 400-
Figure 8. Mean performance of the spinal motor reflex (SMR) on the Q
first conditioning trial for paired groups (n = 8) and on the first 200-
unconditional stimulus (US)-alone trial for unpaired controls (UNP;
n = 8). Paired groups are designated by the intensity of the tailshock
US; the UNP group received 0.80-mA tailshock. The performance ,15mA ,15mA ,20mA ,40mA ,60mA ,80mA UNP
variables measured were latency (in milliseconds) from US onset, peak NC COND
amplitude (in millimeters), and magnitude (in centimeters x millisec- Groups
onds). Peak amplitude and magnitude increased, and latency de-
creased, across paired groups that received increasing levels of Figure 9. Mean performance of vocalizations during shock (VDSs) on
tailshock. The UNP group did not differ from the 0.80-mA group on the first conditioning trial for paired groups (n = 8) and on the first
any measure. The 0.15-mA-NC group (n = 4) failed to reach the unconditional stimulus (US)-alone trial for unpaired controls (UNP;
conditioning criterion, and its data were analyzed separately from n = 8). Paired groups are designated by the intensity of the tailshock
those of the 0.15-mA-COND group (« = 4), which met the criterion. US; the UNP group received 0.80-mA tailshock. The performance
These groups did not differ on any measure. variables measured were latency (in milliseconds) from US onset, peak
amplitude (in decibels above criterion background noise), and dura-
tion (in milliseconds). Peak amplitude and duration increased, and
latency decreased, across paired groups that received increasing levels
tude). Another recommended characteristic of a CR, which is
of tailshock. The UNP group did not differ from the 0.80-mA group on
met by the VCR, is that it develop to a significant degree within any measure. The 0.15-mA-NC group (n = 4) failed to reach the
one session and endure between sessions. Single-session acqui- conditioning criterion, and its data were analyzed separately from
sition is largely a practical requirement of studies designed to those of the 0.15-mA-COND group (n = 4), which met the criterion.
correlate electrical activity of a neuron with CR development. These groups did not differ on any measure.

VAO nucleus, facial nucleus and hypoglossal nucleus, and expiratory
motor neurons located in the ventral horn of the lower thoracic
and upper lumbar spinal cord. These motor neurons generate
the laryngeal, articulatory, and respiratory activity that consti-
tute a vocalization. Sources of afferent projections to these
motor neurons that coordinate their activity to produce vocaliza-
tions and possibly VCRs are discussed in the following section.

VCRs as a Model of the Fear of Pain

The "two-process" theory of Pavlovian conditioning pro-
posed by Konorski (1967) and adapted by others (Borszcz,
1993; Thompson et al, 1986; Wagner & Brandon, 1989;
Weinberger, 1982) posits that an aversive US is composed of
two separate but interrelated sensory attributes. Within this
framework, the VCR is a CR that reflects the association of the
CS with the affective-motivational (protopathic-emotive) at-
tributes of an aversive US. These attributes of the US are
believed to generate an unconditional fear state in the animal,
and therefore VCRs are indicative of the conditioning of a
central fear state. In addition, the sensory-discriminative
(epicritic-sensory) attributes of an aversive US support the
.15mA .60mA ,80mA conditioning of CRs that mimic the withdrawal reflexes elic-
ited by the US (i.e., SMRs in the present study). These
attributes of the US code its particular sensory dimensions
-~ 1200- (location, timing, and modality), and therefore these CRs are
ooo- believed to be adaptive to the particular US that was used.
Furthermore, the conditioning of adaptive CRs is proposed to
be supported by the conditional fear state. This interrelation-
3 600- ship is thought to account for the observation that develop-
o ment of adaptive CRs requires substantially more conditioning
a trials than do CRs that represent the conditional fear state.
a> 200-
S # Consequently, the failure to observe conditional SMRs in the
present study may have been the result of insufficient training.
.]5mA .ISmA .20mA .40mA .60mA ,80mA UNP The development of Pavlovian conditional tail flexion has been
Groups reported to require 200-500 conditioning trials (Miller, Greco,
& Vigorito, 1981), compared with the 75 trials used in the
present study.
Figure 10. Mean performance of vocalization afterdischarges (VADs) Although VCRs generated in the present study reflect a
on the first conditioning trial for paired groups (n = 8) and on the first conditional fear state, it is necessary to establish that these
unconditional stimulus (US)-alone trial for unpaired controls (UNP;
responses represent the anticipation of pain if they are to be
n = 8). Paired groups are designated by the intensity of the tailshock
US; the UNP group received 0.80-mA tailshock. The performance used as a model system of analyzing the fear of pain. This issue
variables measured were latency (in milliseconds) from US offset, peak turns on the determination of whether the US is noxious.
amplitude (in decibels above criterion background noise), and dura- When evaluating whether or not a stimulus to be used in
tion (in milliseconds). Peak amplitude and duration increased, and animal studies is noxious it is necessary to determine whether
latency decreased, across paired groups that received increasing levels it generates pain in humans and selectively activates primary
of tailshock. The UNP group did not differ from the 0.80-mA group on nociceptive afferents (Hammond, 1989). As discussed above,
any measure. The 0.15-mA-NC group (n = 4) failed to reach the the tailshock US used in the present study was modeled after
conditioning criterion, and its data were analyzed separately from the stimulus described by Bromm and Meier (1984) and used
those of the 0.15-mA-COND group (« = 4), which met the criterion. extensively in the study of pain and analgesia in humans (see
These groups differed on all measures of VAD performance. Asterisk review by Bromm, 1989). The intracutaneously pulsed DC
indicates Student's Mest for independent groups, p < .001.
current predominately activates peripheral nociceptors (A-
delta and C fibers) and generates reports of sharp pain and
burning in humans. I have confirmed from personal observa-
afferent links in the neural circuit responsible for its produc- tion that these are the sensations generated by the stimulus
tion. As previously noted, the mammalian vocalization circuit used as the US in the present study, and therefore VCRs may
has been described in considerable detail (see review by Sutton reasonably be viewed as reflecting the anticipation of pain.
& Jurgens, 1988). Its most efferent level consists of phonotory On the other hand, the superficially administered 60-Hz AC
motor neurons located in nucleus ambiguus, trigeminal motor current that is often used in studies of aversive conditioning is

A. Calc
El T
F2 •18




0.0 118-4 36.8 355.2 473.7 592.1 7J&, 828.9 947.3 msec

B. Calc 20



^HI****"^ r*. 10

Htiate v^Miitr.r.

0 110 220 330 440 551 661 771 881 991 1101 1211 1321 1432 1542 1652 1762 1872

Figure 11. Spectrograms from rats in the 0.60-mA group. Time (milliseconds) is represented on the
abscissa and frequency (kilohertz) on the ordinate. A: Vocalization during shock (VDS; left) and
vocalization afterdischarge (VAD; right) from the same rat on the first conditioning trial. These
vocalizations were selected from the trial record, and therefore the time scale does not reflect their actual
temporal association. B: Conditional vocalization responses (VCRs) from three different rats. These
vocalizations were taken from the middle trial of all the trials in which the rats generated VCRs. The left
spectrogram is from the animal whose VDS and VAD are depicted in A. Note the different time scales in

likely not to be noxious. This form of stimulation generates use intensities in the painful range. Consequently, the fear
sensations of vibration and pressure without pain in human conditioning supported by this form of stimulation likely
participants at intensities up to 4 mA. At higher intensities, an reflects the anticipation of the aversive but non-noxious
increasingly aversive, but not painful, paresthesia is produced attributes of the US.
with a steady transition to painful sensation from 4.6 mA to 5.4 The reliance of VCR acquisition on the capacity of the US to
mA (Bromm, 1989; Bromm & Meier, 1984; Price & Tursky, generate a minimum intensity of VAD also supports the
1975). Studies that use this stimulus as a US typically do not proposition that VCRs reflect the fear of pain. I have previ-

Table 1 ing neural substrates. An examination of the mammalian

Mean Frequencies (in kilohertz) of the Fundamental and the vocalization circuit may therefore provide insight into the
Harmonics of Vocalizations During Shock (YDS), Vocalization forebrain structures responsible for production of these re-
Afterdischarges (VAD), and Conditional sponses. The motor neurons that generate the phonotory and
Vocalization Responses (VCR) respiratory activity that constitute a vocalization require facili-
Vocalization tatory input from the dlPAG and laterally boarding tegmen-
tum in order for a vocalization to be initiated. The dlPAG
projects directly and indirectly (via the lateral reticular forma-
Harmonics M SE M SE M SE tion of the pons and medulla) to nucleus ambiguus, trigeminal
Fundamental 2.61 ±.022 3.66* ±.027 3.56* ±.028 motor nucleus, and nucleus retroambiguus, which contains
1 5.02 ±.043 7.27* ±.047 7.14* ±.042 respiratory premotor neurons (Holstege, 1989; Jiirgens &
2 7.75 ±.060 10.26* ±.055 10.16* ±.065
3 10.04 ±.070 Ploog, 1988). These projections of the dlPAG coordinate the
4 12.85 ±.102 activity of motor neurons to produce a vocalization. Lesions of
5 14.63 ±.123 the dlPAG lead to total or partial mutism without paresis of
6 16.47 ±.060 the vocal folds (Adametz & O'Leary, 1959; Blanchard, Wil-
Note. VAD and VCR did not differ on any measure. Means are liams, Lee, & Blanchard, 1981; Chaurand, Vergnes, & Karli,
collapsed across unconditional stimulus intensity. *Comparison of 1972; Jiirgens & Pratt, 1979b). Correspondingly, electrical or
VDS with either VAD or VCR on the frequencies of the fundamental chemical stimulation of the dlPAG yields natural-sounding
or the corresponding harmonics, independent Student's t test, p < vocalizations, whereas stimulation of nucleus ambiguus is
either ineffective or produces vocalizations that are acousti-
ously reported that the capacity of noxious tailshock to support cally degraded and not within the animal's repertoire (Jiirgens,
the conditioning of an avoidance response in rats also relies on 1991; Jiirgens & Ploog, 1970, 1988; Magoun et al., 1937). In
its generation of VADs, and I argued that VADs reflect addition, the intensity of electrical stimulation of the dlPAG is
processing of the affective-motivational attributes of this directly related to the loudness of the elicited vocalization and
noxious US that are critical to the conditioning of a fear state to the magnitude of laryngeal and respiratory muscle contrac-
that reflects the anticipation of pain (Borszcz, 1993, 1995). tions (P. J. Davis & Zhang, 1991; Larson, 1991b; Larson,
That VADs reflect processing of the emotional attributes of Ortega, & DeRosier, 1988). The coordinating function of the
the pain experience is supported by pharmacological and dlPAG is also supported by the results of studies that have
neuroanatomical evidence. Drug treatments (i.e., systemically recorded single-unit activity in this structure from monkeys
administered morphine, fentanyl, benzodiazepines, or neuro- trained in an operant paradigm to vocalize in order to obtain a
leptics) that have been shown to preferentially suppress the reward (Larson, 1991a, 1991b; Larson & Kistler, 1986). Unit
emotional component of human pain (C. R. Chapman & activity in the dlPAG was shown to anticipate the operant
Feathers, 1973; Gracely, McGrath, & Dubner, 1978; Price, conditioned vocalizations, and discharges were correlated with
Harkins, Rani, & Price, 1986; Price, Von der Gruen, Miller, the intensity and duration of both the vocalization and EMG
Rani, & Price, 1985) have been shown to preferentially raise recordings of laryngeal and respiratory muscles.
the threshold of VADs (Borszcz, Johnson, & Fahey, 1994; The type of vocalization that is generated is believed to be
Carroll & Lim, 1960; Hoffmeister, 1968; Levine et al, 1984). In determined by inputs from the limbic forebrain (amygdala,
addition, VADs rely on rhinencephalic-diencephalic struc- anterior cingulate cortex, substantia innominata, anterior per-
tures for their production (Carroll & Lim, 1960; Hoffmeister, forated substance, stria terminalis, septum, preoptic area,
1968). Although the neural circuit responsible for the genera- nucleus accumbens, zona incerta, ventral tegmental area,
tion of VADs has not yet been described, the mammalian midline thalamus, lateral hypothalamus) to various rostro-
vocalization circuit is composed of rhinencephalic (anterior caudal subdivisions of the dlPAG. Stimulation of different
cingulate cortex, amygdala), thalamic (medial and intralami- regions along the rostro-caudal extent of the dlPAG has been
nar nuclei), and midbrain (dlPAG) structures that underlie the reported to elicit many different call types in cats and monkeys
negative emotional state associated with pain in humans (Handler & Carrive, 1988; Jiirgens & Ploog, 1970; Larson,
(Ballentine et al., 1967; Brown, 1977; Bouckoms, 1984; W. P. 1990; Zhang, Bandler, & Carrie, 1990) and sonic versus
Chapman et al., 1954; Corkin & Hebben, 1981; Foltz & White, ultrasonic vocalizations in rats (Bandler & Depaulis, 1991;
1962; Gloor et al., 1981; Hassenbusch et al., 1990; Jelasic, 1966; Jensen & Yaksh, 1992; Keay, Depaulis, Breakspear, & Ban-
Mark et al., 1963; Meyer et al., 1973; Nashold et al., 1974; dler, 1990). For the monkey, these calls are known to accom-
Schvarcz, 1977; White & Sweet, 1969). I have postulated, pany different social interactions in a natural setting that
therefore, that the development of CRs that reflect the fear of reflect disparate affective states (Grimm, 1967; Jiirgens, 1979).
pain may depend on the capacity of a noxious US to generate Alternately, stimulation of limbic sites that project to the
neural activity in the rhinencephalic-diencephalic circuit that dlPAG typically produce only one or a few call types in monkeys
is responsible for the production of VADs. (Jiirgens & Ploog, 1970; Robinson, 1967).
Accordingly, Jiirgens and Pratt (1979b) described one func-
tion of the dlPAG as integrating specific motivational states
VCRs and the Mammalian Vocalization Circuit
(via limbic forebrain input) with their corresponding vocal
It is tempting to speculate that because VADs and VCRs expressions (via outputs to nucleus ambiguus and nucleus
share sonographic characteristics they may also share underly- retroambiguus) by coordinating the internal and external

stimuli that induce an animal to generate a vocalization. by a predator, they will display various defensive behaviors
Within this framework, a particular motivational state may be depending on the proximity of the predator and the availability
characterized by the pattern of limbic input(s) to specific of escape routes (Blanchard & Blanchard, 1987; Chance, 1962;
subdivisions of the dlPAG. One behavioral manifestation of Fanselow, 1989). When contact with the predator is imminent
this pattern of dlPAG activation is the production of a specific (distance less than 0.5 m) and an escape route is not available,
call type. VADs may therefore be viewed as providing a rodents will engage in defensive threat-attack behaviors. The
"readout" (cf. M. Davis, 1989) of the neural activity within the rat will rise up to face the predator, display its teeth, and emit
limbic-midbrain circuit responsible for processing the affective- audible vocalizations. Continued approach by the predator will
motivational attributes of a noxious US that yields an uncondi- elicit a jump-attack (Blanchard, Flannelly, & Blanchard,
tional fear reaction. VCRs, in turn, may reflect activation of a 1986). A good illustration of the former behaviors is shown in a
similar limbic-midbrain circuit by a CS that has become photograph provided by Flynn (1967, Figure 1) that depicts the
associated with the unconditional fear state. This interpreta- "affective" attack of a cat (elicited by hypothalamic stimula-
tion is supported by the observation that lesions of the central tion) on a rat.
nucleus of the amygdala prior to training suppressed both I propose that VCRs represent a conditional defensive
VADs and the acquisition of VCRs (Borszcz & Leaton, 1994). reaction that mimics a component of the defensive threat-
The involvement of the amygdala in processing the affective- attack response. Fanselow (1989) previously demonstrated
motivational attributes of noxious stimuli has been previously that freezing, a defensive behavior of a rodent to a distant
discussed (Borszcz, 1995). predator, can come under the associative control of contextual
The anterior cingulate cortex may permit the discrimination cues when freely moving rats receive footshock in an observa-
of limbic sites that contribute to the production of VADs tion chamber. In the present study, the use of a discrete visual
versus VCRs. Lesion studies have demonstrated that monkeys CS presented near the rat in its upper visual field coupled with
trained on a discriminative operant conditioning task to restraint provides an approximation of a cat's attack on a
vocalize either to obtain food reward or to postpone an electric cornered rat. That these features are critical to determining
shock lose the ability to perform following ablation of the the type of conditional defensive behavior that is elicited is
anterior cingulate cortex (Aitken, 1981; Sutton, Larson, & supported by my observation of rats that were trained in a
Lindeman, 1974; Sutton, Samson, & Larson, 1978). A similarly passive avoidance paradigm using tailshock (Borszcz, 1993).
conditioned operant lever-press response was retained by When tested, they did not vocalize but rather engaged predomi-
these animals following the lesion. Correspondingly, single- nately in freezing and the stretched attention posture (a
unit activity in the anterior cingulate cortex was found to defensive reaction to low levels of threat).
change prior to the utterance of a conditioned vocalization Conceptualization of VCRs as a conditional defensive
(Sutton et al., 1978). On the other hand, vocalizations re- reaction suggests a substrate that may be responsible for
corded between conspecifics were not altered in their rate of processing the CS. A class of neurons in the superior colliculus
occurrence, variety, or acoustic structure following ablation of of rats has been identified that responds preferentially to
this limbic site (Franzen & Myers, 1973; Kirzinger & Jiirgens, looming stimuli presented to the upper visual field (Westby,
1982; Trachy, Sutton, & Lindeman, 1981). Keay, Redgrave, Dean, & Bannister, 1990). Redgrave and
These findings, coupled with the observations that the Dean (1991) postulated that these neurons encode an ap-
anterior cingulate cortex is the only limbic site at which proaching predator and in turn activate the dlPAG, which
stimulation generates a variety of call types and that the calls coordinates the execution of defensive behaviors (also see
are not accompanied by an emotional reaction, led to the Redgrave, Westby, & Dean, 1993). In support of this interpre-
proposition that the anterior cingulate cortex mediates direct tation is the report that lesions of the superior colliculus
control over "volitional" (conditional) vocalizations but not reduced a rat's defensive threat-attack reaction to an approach-
unconditional species-specific vocalizations (Jiirgens, 1976; ing experimenter, but the response was initiated once contact
Kirzinger & Jiirgens, 1982). The conditional emotional state was made with the animal (Blanchard et al., 1981). Lesions of
that generates the conditional vocalization is proposed to be the dlPAG completely eliminated the response. Correspond-
transmitted to the anterior cingulate cortex via direct projec- ingly, stimulation of the superior colliculus has been shown to
tions from the other limbic sites at which stimulation-elicited elicit defensive responding (Dean, Mitchell, & Redgrave,
vocalizations are accompanied by emotional reactions (Jiir- 1988; Dean, Redgrave, & Westby, 1989). Although the CS in
gens, 1976; Jiirgens & Muller-Preuss, 1977). Production of the the present study did not loom, it was presented to the upper
conditional vocalization is coordinated by the dlPAG, which visual field and it is reasonable to speculate that it may,
receives direct projections from the anterior cingulate cortex through its association with the US, also be processed by
(Jurgens & Muller-Preuss, 1977). neurons in superior colliculus that have been implicated in the
initiation of defensive threat-attack reactions. I am currently
investigating the efficacy of various CSs in supporting the
The Ethological Basis of VCRs acquisition of VCRs.
An evaluation of the circumstances under which rats in a
natural setting emit audible vocalizations may provide insight Conclusion
into the particular features of the paradigm that support VCR
acquisition and thereby provide additional insight into the The VCR is a Pavlovian conditional response that reflects
neuronal substrates of VCRs. When rodents are approached the fear of pain. Its ease of measurement and sensitivity to

parametric manipulations of US intensity recommend the J. G. Martin-Rodrequez (Eds.), Neurological treatment in psychiatry,
VCR as a model system for analyzing the fear of pain. This pain and epilepsy (pp. 661-672). Baltimore, MD: University Park
recommendation is further supported by the feasibility of Press.
identifying the neural substrates responsible for its acquisition. Carroll, M. N. Jr., & Lim, R. K. S. (1960). Observations on the
Current studies are being directed toward delineating the neuropharmacology of morphine and morphinelike analgesia. Ar-
experimental variables that are critical to the acquisition of the chives Internationales de Pharmacodynamie en Therapie, 125, 383-
VCR, the neural circuit(s) responsible for its generation, and 403.
the mechanisms by which it can be suppressed. Chance, M. R. A. (1962). An interpretation of some agonistic
postures. Symposia Zoological Society of London, 8, 71-89.
Chapman, C. R., & Feathers, B. W. (1973). Effects of diazepam on
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Adametz, J., & O'Leary, J. L. (1959). Experimental mutism resulting
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from periaqueductal lesions in cats. Neurology, 9, 636-642.
Fager, C., Poppen, J. L., Solomon, H. C., & Yakolev, P. I. (1954).
Aitken, P. G. (1981). Cortical control of conditioned and spontaneous
vocal behavior in rhesus monkeys. Brain and Language, 13, 171-184. Psychological evidence concerning the importance of the amygda-
Ballentine, H. T. Jr., Cassidy, W. L., Flanagan, N. B., & Marino, R. Jr. loid nuclear region in the integration of circulating function and
(1967). Stereotaxic anterior cingulotomy for neuropsychiatric illness emotion in man. Science, 129, 949-950.
and intractable pain. Journal of Neurosurgery, 26, 488^95. Chaurand, J. P., Vergnes, M., & Karli, P. (1972). Mesencephalic
Bandler, R., & Carrive, P. (1988). Integrated defense reaction elicited central grey and the rat's mouse-killing behavior. Physiology and
by excitatory amino acid microinjection in the midbrain periaqueduc- Behavior, 9, 475-481.
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