Believe in Imamat of Ali RA Without Divine Attributes?: Additional Details

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believe in Imamat of Ali RA without divine

Just the Imamat, like, he is Imam of Islam.

Is it compulsory in giving divine attributes to him such as All-Seeing, All- hearing, All-knowing,
posses all things in universe etc?

Is giving divine attributes which are only suitable to Allah, a good thing?
• 2 years ago
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Additional Details
Here are some links to prove my opinion.……
2 years ago
PS: I am talking about Tawwassul thingy, Calling upon Ali RA , swirling around his grave,
prostrating to his grave etc.
2 years ago

by Deedat
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
The status of the imams of the Ithna ‘Ashari Shi’ah
What is the position on the 12 Imams of the Shia, especiallt the later ones?.

Praise be to Allaah.


The Raafidis, Imamis or Ithna ‘Asharis (“Twelvers”) are one of the branches of Shi’ism. They
are called Raafidis because they rejected (rafada) most of the Sahaabah and they rejected the
leadership of the two Shaykhs Abu Bakr and ‘Umar, or because they rejected the imamate of
Zayd ibn ‘Ali, and deserted him. They called Imamis because they are primarily focused on the
issue of imamate, and they made it a basic principle of their religion, or because they claim that
the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) stated that ‘Ali and his descendents
would be imams. They are called Ithna ‘Asharis (“Twelvers”) because they believe in the
imamate of twelve men from the Prophet’s family (ahl al-bayt), the first of whom was ‘Ali (may
Allaah be pleased with him) and the last of whom was Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-‘Askari, the
supposed hidden imam, who they say entered the tunnel of Samarra’ in the middle of the third
century AH and he is still alive therein, and they are waiting for him to come out!

They hold beliefs and principles which are contrary to those of the people of Islam, such as the


They exaggerate about their imams, claiming that they are infallible, and they devote many acts
of worship to them such as supplication, seeking help, offering sacrifices and tawaaf
(circumambulating their tombs). This is major shirk which Allaah tells us will not be forgiven.
These acts of shirk are committed by their scholars and common folk alike, without anyone
among them objecting to that.


They say that the Holy Qur’aan has been distorted, and that things have been added and taken
away. They have books concerning that which are known to their scholars and many of their
common folk, and they even say that believing that the Qur’aan has been distorted is an essential
tenet of their beliefs. See the answer to question no. 21500.


They regard most of the Sahaabah (may Allaah be pleased with them) as kaafirs, and disavow
them, and they seek to draw closer to Allaah by cursing and reviling them. They claim that they
apostatized after the death of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) except
very few (only seven). This is a rejection of the Qur’aan which affirms their virtue, and says that
Allaah was pleased with them and chose them to accompany His Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him). It also implies a slur against the Qur’aan itself, because it was transmitted
via them; if they were kuffaar then there is no guarantee that they did not distort it or change it.
This is what the Raafidis believe anyway, as stated above.

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: As for the one who goes
further and claims that they apostatized after the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him) died, apart from a small number, no more than ten or so, or that they
became evildoers, there is no doubt that he is a kaafir, because he is rejecting what it says in the
Qur’aan in more than one place, that Allaah was pleased with them and praised them. Indeed, the
one who doubts that such a person is a kaafir is to be labelled as a kaafir himself, because what
this view implies is that those who transmitted the Qur’aan and Sunnah were kuffaar or
rebellious evildoers. The verse says “You (true believers in Islamic Monotheism, and real
followers of Prophet Muhammad ‫ صلى ال عليه وسلم‬and his Sunnah) are the best of peoples ever
raised up for mankind” [Aal ‘Imraan 3:110], and the best of them were the first generation. But
according to this view, most of them were kaafirs and rebellious evildoers, and this ummah is the
worst of nations and the earliest generations of this ummah were the most evil of them. The fact
that this is kufr is something that no Muslim has any excuse for not knowing. End quote from al-
Saarim al-Maslool ‘ala Shaatim al-Rasool (p. 590).


They attribute badaa’ to Allaah, i.e., forming a new opinion that was not held before. This
implies attribution of ignorance to Allaah, may He be exalted.


They believe in taqiyah (dissimulation) which means showing outwardly something other than
what one feels inside. In fact this is lying and hypocrisy and skill in deceiving people. This is not
something that they do at times of fear; rather they regard use of taqiyah as a religious duty for
minor and major matters, at times of fear and times of safety. Whatever of truth was narrated
from one of their imams, such as praise for the companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him), or agreeing with Ahl al-Sunnah, even in matters of purification or food
and drink, is rejected by the Shi’ah who say that the Imam only said that by way of taqiyah.


Belief in raja’ah, which is the belief that the Proph

• 2 years ago
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And thanks everyone.

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Other Answers (9)
• by ‫أم عبد الملك‬
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July 24, 2009
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Sister even though im anti-shia , ive never heard a shia praise Ali(ra) like Allah swt...

Where did you get this 'fact' from, because i have never read it in their books so far or
heard a shia call Ali(ra) all hearing,all knowing ect:

edit: sister, ive never heard a Shia do that stuff around Ali(ra) grave, maybe a idiot
uneducated Shi'a did it and thats why youre assuming all of them do.

Even my DH hasnt heard of what youre stating, he said its possible but its not in their
books or from their Alims to do such actions or speak such words, he said maybe a Shi'a
went over the top when describing how wonderful Ali(ra) is.
Husband Hafiz & Alim - Lived with Shi'as, Studies their books
Im an Alima Student, Grade 1.- Knows Shi'as and some aren't too bad as people.
○ 2 years ago
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• by Steadfas...
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We have to be fair
Most Shia's do not
what you hear in the streets is ignorance

Muslims are divided into Sunnis 90% and Shi'a 10% + or - approximately
and Shi'a are divided into Jaafri (twelvers) 90% and others 10% + or - approximately like
Alawis (Naussairis), Ismailis (seveners) etc

the majority of Shia do not attribute divine anything to Ali though they give him too
much credit for supernatural things sometimes as miracles not divine.

but the Ismailis do claim that Ali is better than prophets etc but not yet God

Nussiris have hidden teachings and what ever surfaced to light show that they do think
Ali is an incarnation of God

do not forget that there lots of street rumors and books that get circulated to the masses
and they wrongly get exchange as accepted beliefs by Shi'a even Shi'a think they are right
but they are worn and some creep into Sunni traditions

so we need to be constructive and logical about how we discuss the topic with each other.
○ 2 years ago
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• by PassPort
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Shia Muslims do not believe the Imams(as) are ALL knowing, ALL hearing etc. This is

You believe that we believe this, I'm not sure where you are learning about Shia Islam,
but it is most likely you are learning about Shia Islam just like how any other typical
Sunni, from ""

Anyways, the Imams(as) had extensive knowledge, not ALL knowledge, they had the
best knowledge of their time, if they had any divine knowledge it is because it was the
will of Allah(swt)

Everything leads back to Allah(swt), He is the main source. Shia Muslims do not believe
the Imams(as) had this knowledge on their own, they had this knowledge from

I don't understand why Sunnis need to lie and twist the beliefs about Shia Islam, so that
their own sect looks flawless, just have an honest and mature debate.
○ 2 years ago
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• by ‫السلم عليك يا ابا عبدال‬Pedram
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there is, unfortunetly, a MASSIVE misunderstanding about the Shia beliefes.......

Shias do NOT believe the Imams (PBUT) are "devine"......

.......we believe they're devinly "appointed" Imams (PBUT)

the idea of Tawasul is different,

we read in the Holy Quran:

"We did not send a messenger but that he should be obeyed by Allah's permission; and
had they, when they had done injustice to themselves, come to you and asked Allah's
forgiveness; and the messenger (also) had asked pardon for them, surely, they would
have found Allah oft-returning, merciful" (4:64)"

It is part of the Mercy of Allah that thou dost deal gently with them Wert thou severe or
harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from about thee: so pass over (Their
faults),>>> and ask for (Allah's) forgiveness for them; <<<and consult them in affairs (of
moment). Then, when thou hast Taken a decision put thy trust in Allah. For Allah loves
those who put their trust (in Him).

And when it is said to them: Come, the Messenger of Allah will ask forgiveness for you,
they turn back their heads and you may see them turning away while they are big with

it's very unfortunate that people see our Imams (PBUT) as "dead".....

"And reckon not those who are killed in Allah's way as dead; nay, they are alive (and) are
provided sustenance from their Lord;"

“And do not speak of those who are slain in Allah's way as dead; nay, (they are) alive,
but you do not perceive.”
truth speaks for itself.........
○ 2 years ago
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• by *muslima...
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I have never seen Shias say that Ali RA is All-Seeing, etc. - they exaggerate about him
(RA) in my opinion, but they don't say that he's (RA) actually divine like that. But the
whole calling upon Ali RA thing is haraam, end of. AstaghfiruAllah, Allah SWT should
be the only one we call to.
○ 2 years ago
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• by lebanese Spirit
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Assalamo alaykom.

sister i would like to ask u to stop asking about shiaa bcz Ramadan is coming and we
want to have peace and not just debates all the time.

as for the q some do ( giving divine attributes to him ) but not all of them.that should
answer ur q in a short way.
so let close it here..ok?

yala assalamo alaykom sis

○ 2 years ago
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• by druid_gt...
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I know several shia who do not attribute to Ali any kind of divinity. I doubt any shia do.
○ 2 years ago
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• by Lightnin...
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dont generalize sister
○ 2 years ago
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• by rostame_...
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I think it's the right way, the true path.
○ 2 years ago
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