Test Den Reading

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Early Radio

Communication by telegraph was gradually phased out with the invention of wireless radio
signals but radio broadcasting took decades to develop. Once the Italian inventor Guglielmo
Marconi demonstrated the successful transmission and reception of long-range radio signals
near the end of the 19th century, American scientists and entrepreneurs began refining the use
of radio waves for different purposes. The first to realize the potential of this new wireless
communication, mainly for navigational purposes, was the U.S. army and navy.

The use of radio transmission remained with the military for many years before its potential
for home and business was realized. Initially, the financial returns were not evident and
industrial backers were reluctant to take a chance on developing further commercial
applications for this new technology. By 1904, numerous wireless companies had emerged
and were actively seeking investors. The largest of these was DeForest Wireless Telegraph
Company. Transmitters designed by this company were set up in China to aid in the
correspondence of news of a growing conflict between China and Japan. Later, five
international broadcasting stations were established in the US and the Caribbean with
investment from the US Military. DeForest was eventually consolidated under United
Wireless, a separate wireless broadcasting operator.

During the preliminary years, the company aggressively sought investors to develop the use
of broadcasting technology, however, stockholders continued to be disappointed with the
returns and soon lost faith in the market. In 1908, while company officials assured investors
of the bright future of wireless technology, stock-holders revolted with claims of fraud and
misrepresentation. In the summer of 1910 officers of United Wireless were arrested on fraud
charges for creating an inflated investment climate and dubious stock promotion schemes.
Other wireless companies faced similar charges, and were eliminated from the marketplace
by 1912. The American branch of the Marconi company took over United Wireless, and
established itself as the largest radio company in the United States. Marconi remained the
primary radio transmission company throughout World War One. During the war, the
government took control of all radio communications for the duration of the conflict. The
development of radio communication for military purposes was realized during World War
One to assist in navigation, especially for the Navy. Radio broadcasting was utilized by the
Agricultural Department as well to produce weather reports for farmers.

Following the war, the prospects of commercial wireless telegraphy were still pessimistic.
Radio was in competition with the established and more reliable land telegraph and cable
networks. Early visionaries attempted to promote radio as a form of personal communication,
much like the telephone or the telegraph, however without the cables and wires. In 1920, a
more modern vacuum tube invention assisted the process of radio transmission. On August
31, 1920 the first independent radio news program was broadcast in Detroit Michigan by
station 8MK. Soon after, Westinghouse, a company located in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, was
granted the call letters KDKA and became the first licensed radio broadcaster in the U.S.

Throughout the 1920s and 1930s radio stations proliferated and soon radios were appearing
in most residential homes. Programs included a variety of different genres including news,
music, comedy, drama, romance and vaudeville. Radio became the most popular form of
home entertainment and radio theater made a large impact on the mass entertainment
industry. Broadcasters reenacted Hollywood movies in front of live audiences and distributed
them across the country. Romantic daytime serials began in the 1930s. They were called soap
operas because of their sponsorship by prominent soap manufacturing companies.

As commercial use increased, investors returned to the market and many new radio-
broadcasting corporations emerged. Additionally, the Armed Forces Radio and Television
Service obtained copies of commercial radio programming to send to troops serving overseas.
These recordings are some of the most well preserved examples of America's early
broadcasting roots.

1. The author begins paragraph 4 with the phrase Following the war in order to
relate the events of the war in the following paragraph.
introduce a new time period for paragraph 4.
emphasize that the war was finished.
indicate that the following paragraph will discuss the war.

2. It can be inferred from paragraph 4 that station 8MK

An arrow [     ] marks paragraph 4.

was based in Pennsylvania
was established before 1920
was broadcasting during World War One
was not officially licensed

3. The word proliferated in paragraph 5 could be replaced with


4. The word them in paragraph 5 could be replaced by

5. Which of the following is stated in paragraph 5 about radio programs in the 1920s and

An arrow [     ] marks paragraph 5.

Some stations would specialize by providing only news, drama or comedy.
The mass entertainment industry started with radio but soon developed into television.
Programs with continuing story lines were supported by soap advertisements.
Radio as a form of entertainment received marginal success during this period.

6. The word realized in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to


Lead Poisoning

From roofing material to coolants to paints, lead has been used by man in various stages of
civilization. In contrast to its numerous applications in daily life, lead is one of the few
natural resources that the human body has no tolerance for. Once extracted from the ground,
lead is virtually impossible to dispose of safely, putting anyone who comes in contact with it
at risk of suffering major health problems.

For thousands of years, man has been aware of the hazards of lead. This is evident in the
words of Dioscorides who, in approximately 200 BC, noted that lead caused the mind to
"give way." Lead poisoning became a public concern in the United States during the
twentieth century. The paint industry, which used lead to add color to white paint, was one of
the first to face lead restrictions and regulations. In the 1930's paint manufacturers began
using pigment substitutes in order to remove lead from interior paints. By the late 1970's
government regulations required that lead be removed from gasoline. This measure alone
caused a 37% reduction in the blood lead levels in American citizens. Since the 1980's further
efforts have been made to reduce the use of lead altogether.

Since there is no biological use for lead, any exposure to the toxic substance can result in lead
poisoning. Found in contaminated dust, air, food, or water, inorganic lead enters the body
through ingestion or inhalation. This is also the case with organic lead, the element in leaded
gasoline, which can also seep through the skin. Regardless of the type of lead, the body's rate
of absorption depends on a number of factors, including the age, health, and diet of the
person who has been exposed. Young children and pregnant women tend to absorb lead more
readily, and thus are considered at a greater risk of lead poisoning. Research shows that a
young child's developing brain can easily absorb lead. Pregnant women and children
(especially those from low-income families), also tend to have lower iron and calcium levels,
which accelerates the rate at which lead is absorbed. Lead enters the bloodstream first, and
then is absorbed into the soft tissues, such as the brain and kidneys. It is then stored in the
teeth and bones where it can remain for as long as ten years. Chronic poisoning is lead
exposure that takes place in small amounts over a long period of time, while acute poisoning
generally occurs after one severe, accidental exposure. Symptoms of lead poisoning range
widely as well. Though it is possible to test the levels of lead in the blood, it is much more
difficult to detect it after it has been absorbed into the tissues. Children may exhibit no
symptoms at all, or may display ones that are mistaken for other illnesses, such as fever and
stomach cramps. Vomiting, anemia, and seizures often result from acute exposure. Long-term
effects that have been linked to lead poisoning include learning disabilities and behavioral
problems such as Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D).

Despite the knowledge of these health hazards, lead poisoning is still a major concern in the
United States. Though lead based paint is no longer used in residential areas, many older
homes and buildings still contain dangerous levels of lead. The US Department of Urban
Housing and Development suggests that close to a quarter of all homes in America contain
enough lead dust to cause health problems in the nation's children. Residential exposure
generally originates from deteriorating walls and furniture. However, remodeling or
renovating a home can actually add to the problem because lead dust that falls onto
household objects and toys is easily ingested by children. Old homes can also contain pipes
made of lead, which over time will contaminate the drinking water. In addition to residential
concerns, there are a number of industries in the US that continue to expose workers to lead
on a daily basis. Occupational fields that are considered high risk for lead exposure, include
shipbuilding, mining, welding, and construction.

7. The word its in paragraph 1 refers to

building materials

8. Look at the four squares + that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the

Harmful lead was still added to exterior paints, such as those used on bridges and signs, due to
its high resistance to corrosion.

Where would the sentence best fit?

9. The word measure in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to


All of the following can directly or indirectly affect the rate of lead absorption EXCEPT
blood type

11. According to the author, how does organic lead differ from inorganic lead?
It has an additional route of exposure.
It is only found in unleaded gasoline.
It takes longer to reach the bloodstream.
It can't be inhaled or ingested.

12. Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted
sentence in paragraph 3? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave
out essential information.

An arrow [     ] marks paragraph 3.

Acute poisoning occurs after a long period of chronic lead exposure.
Accidental lead exposure can be classified under two different categories.
Lead poisoning results from exposure that is long and slow (chronic) or fast and short
Acute lead poisoning is more deadly than chronic poisoning in children and adults.
years. Chronic poisoning is lead exposure that takes place in small amounts over a long period of
time, while acute poisoning generally occurs after one severe, accidental exposure.

hat is the student's main problem?

She does not like her dorm room.

She wants a daily newspaper.
She needs directions to the Birks dorm.
She is concerned about her mail delivery.
hat is the student's main problem?

She does not like her dorm room.

She wants a daily newspaper.
She needs directions to the Birks dorm.
She is concerned about her mail delivery.
How does the clerk feel about the mail service in China?

He is enthusiastic.
He is angry.
He is resigned.
He is worried.

What does the clerk NOT recommend when sending a package overseas?

Including the country in the address

Putting a slip in her mail box
Weighing the package herself
Making a list of what is inside

Why does the student mention her hectic schedule?

She is trying to explain why she was feeling so impatient.

She is emphasizing that she needs to receive her mail on time.
She is worried that she hasn't had time to access her box.
She is confused about the schedule of mail delivery.

How is the information organized in the lecture?

Two waterway systems are compared.

The current waterway system is presented.
Historical events are summarized sequentially.
Waterways are described by their usage.

About 65 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous period, a large fraction of plant and
animal families suddenly went extinct. In this Cretaceous-Tertiary (or K-T) mass extinction
all land animals over about 55 pounds went extinct, as did many smaller organisms. The K-T
mass extinction obliterated all the dinosaur species among countless other.

The most likely theory regarding the K-T mass extinction is referred to as 'impact theory'.
This theory suggests that the extinction was the result of a giant asteroid striking the Earth.
This theory is supported by evidence that asteroids have hit the Earth many times, including a
massive impact around the time of the dinosaurs' extinction. However, a clue to the actual
cause of extinction may be found in the fossil records of that time.

In 1980, scientist Walter Alvarez and his colleagues announced that they had an explanation
for the mass extinction that occurred between the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods, 65 million
years ago. Around the world, geologic studies revealed a thin band of the rare mineral iridium
in layers of rock dated from those periods. Alvarez argued that the presence of iridium was
evidence of a large collision between the Earth and an asteroid approximately ten kilometers
in diameter. The cloud of dust that resulted would have been large enough to block the Earth
from sunlight for several years, and Alvarez claims this would have caused the death of the

Alvarez's theory gained even more support in the early 1990s, when scientists determined
that the remains of a large-impact crater lies under the ocean at Chicxulub, in Mexico's
Yucatan Peninsula. This crater, estimated to be 300 kilometers across, is evidence of the
impact of a comet or asteroid that was between six to fifteen kilometers in diameter.

Summarize the points made in the talk you just heard, explaining how they differ from the points
made in the reading.

Ringkaslah poin-poin yang dibuat dalam ceramah yang baru saja Anda dengar, jelaskan
perbedaannya dengan poin-poin yang dibuat dalam bacaan.

Dalam cerita yang dibacakan menjelaskan bahwa dinosaurus punah terjadi di meksiko sekitar 65 juta
tahun yang lalu. Dimana penyebab kepunahan ini adalah karena adanya tumbukan asteroid / meteor
jatuh yang mengenai bumi 65 juta tahun yang lalu. Asteroid yang jatuh tidak hanya mengakibatkan
kepunahan dinosaurus, namun juga spesies-spesies lain. Seperti tumbuhan dan organisme kecil.
Sedangkan dalam bacaan menjelaskan kepunahan dinosaurus disebabkan oleh hal yang sama namun
disebut dengan istilah “impact theory”

Dalam teks yang dibacakan menjelaskan, jika selama 65 juta tahun ada sekitar 335 spesies
dinosaurus yang diketahui. Dan juga dijelaskan jika dinosaurus terus berevolusi kemudian punah
tidak lebih dari 2 jutan tahun. Dimana dijelaskan dari kepunahan dinosaurus, selanjutnya mereka
akan berevolusi. Dimana spesies yang berhasil terhindar dari kepunahan dan terus melakukan
evolusi. Menjadi hewan-hewan yang sangat kita kenal dan sering jumpai pada masa sekarang
In the story that was read explained that the dinosaurs became extinct in Mexico about 65 million
years ago. Where the cause of this extinction was due to an asteroid/meteor crash that hit the earth
65 million years ago. The falling asteroid caused not only the extinction of the dinosaurs, but also
other species. Like plants and small organisms. Meanwhile, in the readings, it explains that the
extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by the same thing but is called the "impact theory".

In the text that was read it explained, if for 65 million years there were about 335 known species of
dinosaurs. And also explained if dinosaurs continued to evolve and then became extinct no more
than 2 million years. Where explained from the extinction of the dinosaurs, then they will evolve.
Where the species that managed to avoid extinction and continue to evolve. Become the animals
that we know very well and often encounter today.

One of the species that has successfully evolved is the bird. Where modern birds evolved from
carnivorous theropod dinosaurs. Of course, it appears that birds are descended from meat eating
dinosaurs, and the earliest birds look just the same, except for feather impressions as small, meat
eating dinosaurs.

In the Alvarez collision theory. Any impact it caused in the extinction of the dinosaurs should have
extinguished all life on Earth. Fossil records, However, show that many species of birds, mammals
and reptiles survive to collision.

And as I mentioned, fossil records suggest dinosaurs disappeared gradually over thousands of years,
not rapidly as the result of a catastrophic event. This evidence indicates that more gradual changes
such as upheavals in the ocean, volcanic eruptions, and climatic changes were to blame. It is true
that a giant asteroid struck the Earth, and this may have played a role in why many dinosaur species
died out around that time. But this alone was probably not enough to wipe out the dinosaurs.
Now listen to part of a talk on the topic you just read about. As you've been reading in the text, the
prevailing thought regarding the KT mass extinction is that it was the direct result of a giant asteroid
landing in what is now Mexico around 65,000,000 years ago. While many believe this was at the very
least a large factor in the extinction, we should touch on some of the other plausible theories that
look to explain this mass extinction. One explanation is that the dinosaurs were already dying out or
perhaps were completely extinct when the asteroid struck.

Dinosaurs were around for around a hundred and 65,000,000 years, and there are 335 known
species of dinosaurs.

No one kind of dinosaur was around for more than 2,000,000 years, which means that dinosaurs
were constantly evolving and going extinct. The only reason we think of dinosaurs going extinct all at
one time due to some sudden catastrophic event, is that this last group of dinosaurs didn't get
replaced as previous dinosaurs had. Or perhaps they did get replaced. And the successful species
simply evolved into animals that are very familiar to us today. Many scientists think birds are

There is a lot of evidence to suggest that modern birds evolve from the carnivorous theropod
dinosaurs. Certainly, it appears that birds are descended from meat eating dinosaurs, and the
earliest birds look just the same, except for feather impressions as small, meat eating dinosaurs. This
points to the one major hole in the Alvarez impact theory. Any impact it resulted in the extinction of
the dinosaurs should have extinguished all life on Earth. Fossil records, However, show that many
species of birds, mammals and reptiles survive to collision.

And as I mentioned, fossil records suggest dinosaurs disappeared gradually over thousands of years,
not rapidly as the result of a catastrophic event. This evidence indicates that more gradual changes
such as upheavals in the ocean, volcanic eruptions, and climatic changes were to blame. It is true
that a giant asteroid struck the Earth, and this may have played a role in why many dinosaur species
died out around that time. But this alone was probably not enough to wipe out the dinosaurs.

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