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Theory of flow refers to 3 main conservation principles:

1. Conservation of Mass: mass can neither be created
nor destroyed.
This allows to develop the Continuity Equation
– deals with the fluid flow rates.
2. Conservation of Energy: energy can neither be created
nor destroyed.
This allows to develop the Bernoulli Equation
– keep track with the various form of energy possessed by
the fluid.
3. Conservation of Momentum: an application of
Newton’s Law of Motion, where:
FORCE = Rate of change of momentum
ΣFORCE = Momentum OUT – Momentum IN
Consider a storage tank:
45 kg/s 45 kg/s 45 kg/s

40 kg/s b) 48 kg/s c) 45 kg/s


The level of liquid in the tank depends on the flow rates

at the inlet and outlet
Case a) when the liquid flow rate at the exit < at the inlet, the difference
will be stored in the tank and the liquid level will rise.

45 kg/s
Case b) When the liquid flow rate at the exit > at the
inlet, the liquid level in the tank will fall.
The rate of mass decreases in the tank.

b) 48 kg/s

45 kg/s
Case c) when the flow rate at the exit = at the inlet, the
liquid level will not change over a period
of time (steady state)

c) 45 kg/s

Under Steady state : mass enters per second = mass leaves per second

ρ1 ρ2

v1 v2
Section 1
Section 2
ρ1 & ρ2 = density of fluid at section 1 & 2 respectively
A1 & A2 =cross-sectional area at section 1 & 2 respectively
v1 & v2 = average fluid velocity at section 1&2 respectively
In a given time,
the same mass of fluid that enters section 1 will flow out of section 2
Section1 : mass enter per second, = ρ1 A1 v1
Section 2 : mass enter per second, = ρ2 A2 v2
Under Steady State : =
ρ1 A1 v1 = ρ2 A2 v2 A
For incompressible fluids, the density is practically constant, thus:

Equation A A1v1 = A2v2 = Q (volumetric flow rate, m3/s) B

Equation A and B are continuity equation

Water flows through a pipe reducer as shown below.
The diameter at section 1 and 2 are 50 cm and 25 cm
respectively. If the average velocity of fluid at section 1
Is 0.5 m/s, determine the velocity at section 2.
d1 = 0.5 m A1 =
v1 v2 d2 = 0.25 m
v1 = 0.5 m/s A2 =
2 A1v1 = A2v2
v2 = (A1v1)/A2
In a solar air-heating system, cold air enters the heater through a
rectangle duct (300 mm by 150 mm), gets heated up and the warm air
then leaves the heater through a 250 mm diameter pipe. The density
of air at the inlet and exit are 1.17 kg/m3 and 1.2 kg/m3 respectively.
If the velocity of air at the inlet is 0.1 m/s, determine the mass flow rate
at the inlet. Thus determine air velocity at the exit?
Conservation of Energy

The total energy of a fluid in motion per unit mass is

made up as follows:

1) Potential Energy (PE)

due to elevation : Energy possessed by the mass due to the
earth attraction when the mass is located at some height (z)
above reference line (datum)
Unit: Nm or Joule
PE = mgz
2) Kinetic Energy (KE)
An element of weight, W and moving with a velocity, v is
said to possesses a kinetic energy of :

KE = ½ mv2
3) Flow Energy or Pressure Energy (FE)
The amount of work that pressure accomplishes by pushing
the element of weight, w.

P Direction of flow

Flow energy is a work done by the pressure force, F in

moving the fluid element through a distance L.

FE = F x L
TOTAL ENERGY (in element) = PE + KE + FE
 Air enters a nozzle steadily at 2.21 kg/m3 and 30
m/s and leaves at 0.762 kg/m3 and 180 m/s. if the
inlet area of the nozzle is 80 cm2, determine (a)
the mass flowrate through the nozzle and (b) the
exit area of the nozzle

 A 1-m3 rigid tank initially contains air whose

density is 1.18 kg/m3. The tank is connected to a
high pressure supply line through a valve. The
valve is opened and air is allowed to enter the
tank until the density in the tank rises to 7.20
kg/m3. Determine the mass of air that has
entered the tank.
 Ans: (a) 0.530 kg/s (b) 38.7 cm2
 Answ : 6.02kg

Assumption /Limitations on the use of the Bernoulli

– Fluid is Steady flow: d/dt = 0
– Fluid is ideal, frictionless flow
– No shaft work: Wpump=Wturbine=0
– Incompressible flow: r and specific weight =
– No heat transfer between considered section:
– Applied along a streamline


Pressure Kinetic Potential Total

Head + Head + Head = Head

1 1 2 2
1 2
 The air velocity in the duct of a heating system is
to be measured by a Pitot-static probe inserted
into the duct parallel to flow. If the differential
heighjt between the water columns connected to
the two outlets of the probe is 2.4cm, determine
(a) the flow velocity and (b) the pressure rise at
the tip of the probe. The air temperature and
pressure in the duct are 45˚C and 98 kPa
 Ans: (a) 20.9 m/s (b) 235 Pa
 Air at 110 kPa and 50˚C flows upward through a
6-cm diameter inclined duct at a rate of 45 L/s.
the duct diameter is then reduced to 4 cm
through a reducer. The pressure change across
the reducer is measured by a water manometer.
The elevation difference between the two points
on the pipe where the two arms of the
manometer are attached is 0.20 m. Determine
the differential height between the fluid levels of
the two arms of the manometer.
 6.24cm

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