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Eid Milad un Nabi

Dear all

Assalam Alaikum

I wish a lot virtue and happiness to all our members, and our
brothers and sisters in Islam on the auspicious occasion.of Eid
Milad un Nabi .

Celebration of the birth of Prophet Mohammad , is mandatory

on all Muslims of the world as a show gratitude and happiness
towards Allah for His favor on humanity by sending His Apostle
Mohammad as mercy for all the worlds. If someone does not
show happiness on this occasion, surely there is something
wrong with his Iman.


It is in Hadith - Abu Said al-KhudhrI narrated that Muawiya

said : Once Prophet Mohammad came out of his Hujra to a
gathering (Halaqa) of Sahabah who had gathered in Masjid-e-
Nabawi and inquired as to why they were sitting in a Jalsa . The
Sahabah said 'the purpose of our gathering is to call upon Allah
and to praise Him because He has done a great favor upon us
by sending you to us and showing his Deen'. The Prophet
asked, can you swear by Allah that you have really gathered for
this purpose (to celebrate my Mawlid)? The Sahabah said, we
swear to Allah that we are sitting for that purpose only. Then
the Prophet said, 'I did not mean that I doubted your
statement, but it is for the reason that Jibreel came to me and
informed that Allah expresses His happiness by showing your
gathering to His Angels. (Muslim, Tirmidhi, Nasai, Baihaqi).

Mohammed Abdul Hafeez


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