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The change in elevation between two points divided by the horizontal distance
between those points is the:
a. Benchmark b. Gradient c. Talus slope d. Angle of repose
2. Steep topography on a topographic map is best represented by contour lines
close together, whereas flat topography on a topographic map is best represented
by contour lines further apart.
a. True b. False
3. The tendency of a mineral to break along definite planes of weakness is referred
to as:
a. Streak b. Hardness c. Cleavage d. Luster
4. Circle the the two types of vesicular volcanic rocks:
a. Gneiss b. Scoria c. Pumice d. Limestone
5. The property of a clast that generally reflects how far the clast has been
a. Rounding b. Sorting c. Size
6. The property of a clast that reflects what sizes of clasts are available to an
environment and whether the energy of the environment is constant:
a. Rounding b. Sorting c. Size
7. A geologic map can help a mining company discover lucrative new mineral and
energy resources.
a. True b. False
8. The boundary between two rock units on a map, representing where the two
different rock types join on the ground is shown with a line called a:
a. Map unit b. Contact c. Contour d. Geologic section
9. Relative dating methods determine the actual time at which an event occurred,
while absolute dating only determines the sequence in which these events
a. True b. False
10. In a cross-cutting relationship, a fault cuts through rocks that are younger than
the movement on the fault.
a. True b. False
11. An unconformity represents a time in the geologic record where only deposition
was occurring with no weathering or erosion.
a. True b. False
12. If a rock has fossils of lizard tracks, it formed in a marine (ocean) environment.
a. True b. False
13. Sedimentary rocks record differences in magma stored in the crust.
a. True b. False
14. A fault that is formed by compression (hanging wall moves upward) which causes
uplift (thick crust):
a. Reverse b. Normal c. Strike-Slip d. Anticline
15. A fold shaped like an A. Oldest beds exposed in its center:
a. Strike-Slip b. Syncline c. Anticline d. Monocline
16. A fault that is formed by tension (hanging wall moves downward) which causes
subsidence (thin crust):
a. Reverse b. Normal c. Strike-Slip d. Anticline
17. You are holding a rock with a sugary, white surface. It reacts with weak HCl acid,
and is crystalline because it has been metamorphosed. This rock is:
a. Quartzite b. Schist c. Marble d. Slate
18. You are holding a rock, very fine-grained, with layers that are not metamorphic.
The rock is made of silt and clay-sized grains and contains a fossil (imprint of a
leaf). You are holding a:
a. Chert (chemical sedim. rock) c. Slate (metamorphic rock)
b. Shale/Mudstone (sedimentary rock) d. Sandstone (sedimentary rock)
19. In geologic maps, formation name and rock name and rock type are all the same
a. True b. False
20. You are holding a dark (mafic), vesicular volcanic rock. You can tell it is volcanic
because of the “bubbly”/porous texture, and because you found it near a cinder
cone. This rock is called:
a. Pumice b. Obsidian c. Scoria d. Tuff

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