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FS Student Field Study 1 Field Study 2

OBSERVE (Page 2)
REFLECT (Page 9)
Domingo, K Use the observation guide and matrices provided for you to
What insights have you gained while doing this learning episode?
document your observations in an online class.


(Page 3)
ANALYZE (Page 9)
Record the date you gathered about the learners’ characteristics and
What factors/ conditions prompted you to establish those
Estrella, V need in this matrix. This will allow you to compare the characteristics
classroom routines and procedures?
and needs of learners. The items under each domain are by no means
exhaustive. These are just sample indicators. You may add other
aspects which you may have observed.


Write the most salient developmental characteristics of the learners To ensure that I can carry out/perform my task efficiently and
Guzman, J in the grade/ high school level you observed. Fill-out only the row effectively in participating and assisting my cooperating teacher
appropriate to the grade/highs school level you observed. Based on in establishing routines and procedures, in the classroom or in
these characteristics, think of implications for the teacher. remote learning. I must be guided by the following questions.

REFLECT (Page 5)
REFLECT (Page 5)
While you were observing the learners, did you recall your own
As a future teacher I feel that the on-line learning environment
Palanggoy, J experiences when you were their age? What similarities or differences
can be safe if…
do you have with the learners you observed?

OBSERVE (Page 9)
Use the observation guide and matrices provided for you to
document your observations. ANALYZE (Page 4)
Which of the following is/are your analysis/analyses of on-line
Quegan, A
REFLECT (Page 10) learning environment? Check one or more.
Reflection as a future teacher.
Why do you need to enforce positive discipline?
ANALYZE (Page 11)
NOTICE (Page 4)
How did the classroom organization and routines in the online class
Unlike the traditional face- to-face classroom environment,
affect the learners’ behavior?
online or virtual environment is a bit difficult to manage. It is
Ursua, V -XXX-
because Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is imaginary and
not in the physical sense. It has no corners or walls and it can be
REFLECT (Page 11)
set up with the support of technology.
Reflect on the following and write your insights.

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