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A mantra is a specific sound or vibration, a Sanskrit term that translates as veh

icle of the mind.

Ah is primordial energy
Ra is the energy of fire
Ka is the first principle of matter
Ra is the energy of fire
Here are two meditations created by Dattatreya Siva Baba:
1. The first one is called the Ah Meditation:
You can watch a condensed version of it guided by Dattatreya Siva Baba on You Tu
Miracles happen immediately after the aahhhh sound. This unlocks the creative proc
ess of the world.
The Ah meditation specifically moves the creative energies found in the sex chakra
, located around the area of the sex organs, up into the third eye chakra, locat
ed between the two eyes and eyebrows. By moving this energy, you shift its expre
ssion from creating a baby into creating other desires, such as a home, job or r
For the Ah meditation, sit quietly in a comfortable upright position. You can clos
e your eyes for better focus if it helps. You may do the meditation silently or
out loud. This meditation is about the feeling and expression of joy and joyful
creative energy, so enjoy your toning of Ah rather than just doing it mechanically
Now bring in a visual image of what you wish to create at the third eye, as you
continue the toning. Then, just enjoy the emotional satisfaction of your manifes
tation, and end the toning.
2. The second meditation from Dattatreya Siva Baba is called the AhRa KaRa medit
The AhRa KaRa meditation specifically references primordial sounds in the Universe
for creation and manifestation. AhRa strengthens your imagination. KaRa brings
out the manifestation into physical reality. This meditation calls on the primor
dial energies of creation, fire and material forces.
The sounds AhRa KaRa have the ability to attract everything to you. The sound Ah is
the embodiment of desire. Ra symbolizes the fire energy, and Ka is an important prin
ciple of materiality.
The sounds AhRa KaRa can transform a psychological reality into a material reality
. When you vibrate with the sounds AhRa KaRa , then your thoughts begin to vibrate
with the sounds AhRa KaRa . This is the key. Your thoughts will now have the abil
ity to manifest in a three-dimensional form.
For AhRa KaRa , simply repeat the mantra. While all manifesting relies on joyful c
reative emotion, for this meditation you are not specifically trying to move you
r internal energy.
You can say it, chant it, or sing it. The only thing that is essential is to phy
sically or mentally make the sound of those four syllables. You can SILENTLY say
this sound and create results. (This is true of all mantras. In fact, some mant
ra teachers say that the SILENT repetition of a mantra is a more powerful use of
the mantra than out loud chanting.)
AhRa KaRa Mantra
How to do it:
1. Pick a goal that you urgently WANT and is good for all concerned. I would rec
ommend doing this method with something that is verifiable in consensual reality
. A new job, a new car, a happy relationship, etc. Be sure to have an intention
that you and everyone concerned will benefit somehow from this goal being true.
2. Think about (vividly imagine) your intention being true WHILE you make the so
und AhRa KaRa (either silently or out loud). Don t worry about HOW the goal will h
appen. Just vividly imagine it, eyes closed, WHILE you make that sound.
3. Do this as OFTEN as you feel like it.
Another primordial sound mantra for instant manifestation is the Secret Name of
God .YHVH.
Legend has it that Isis, The Egyptian high priestess moon goddess, convinced the
sun god Ra to tell her his secret names that contained vibrational tones that c
reated instant manifestations. Thus, Isis is also known as a goddess of divine m
agic and alchemy.
Another legend has it that Archangel Uriel, also considered as one of the wisest
archangels, brought the knowledge of the Qaballa and the knowledge and practice
of alchemy .the ability to turn base metal into precious metal, as well as the ab
ility to manifest from thin air to humankind.
The secret name of God has been hidden for centuries, guarded over by the ancien
t Qaballists.
The secret, however, is out in the open now. The Hebrew letters YHVH that for ce
nturies people have pronounced as either Jahweh or Jehovah ARE the secret name o
f God! The true vocalization of YHVH, the most-high Name, was lost for centuries b
ut now we know the true sound is Yud Hey Vauv Hey .
You can practice this like the AhRa KaRa Meditation if you like or start in the
third eye and go down chakra by chakra down to the sex center and imagine giving
birth to it in the physical realm. Also remember to do this in a state of joy a
nd gratitude!
Happy Manifesting!
To begin, focus on the area at the base of the spine. Feel the energy as you rep
eatedly tone aaaaahhhhh . Continue the toning as you slowly raise the energies from
the base of the spine to your navel center. Feel the energy as you repeatedly t
one aaaaahhhhh into the navel center. Continue the toning as you slowly raise the
energies from the navel into your heart center.
Feel the energy as you repeatedly tone aaaaahhhhh into the heart center. Continue
the toning as you slowly raise the energies from the heart center into your thir
d eye.
Feel the energy as you repeatedly tone aaaaahhhhh into the third eye. Let the soun
d penetrate your third eye as you feel the energies in your third eye.

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