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Learning Module 3

Unit 2: The Challenges of Pluralism and Fundamentalism
B. Challenges to Fillenials
Think of moral values of the older generation versus the moral
values of millennials. Discuss the factors that could have
influenced these differences between generations.

The moral values that I could think between the older generation and
millennial is the older generation’s values were making time with what
is important, courage and family matters. While the millennials have a
sense of selflessness that leads them to engage in social actions that
make a difference and they are active and engaged. And also the
difference between the older generation and new generation is the
technology. Because the older generation does not have that much
technology, they are not that exposed in technology compared to the
Discuss some difficulties of understanding and conventions that
occur between different generations.

The moral values that I could think between the older generation and
millennials is the older generation’s values were making time with
what is important,courage and family matters. While the millennials
have a sense of selflessness that leads them to engage in social
actions that make a the difference and they are active and engaged.
And also the difference between the older generation and new
generation is the technology. Because the older generation does not
have that much technology, they are not that exposed in technology
compared to the Millennials.
After reading the qualities of Fillenials, describe the modern
Filipino youth.

The Filipino youth are empowered. They are aware of their rights and
are willing to fight for them. They are aware of what is true and are
willing to speak out their mind. And they are determined, ambitious,
and brave. They do not hesitate to take a stand for what is right after
thinking rationally about the causes they stand for.
Cite some issues that cause moral friction between Millennials/Fillennials
and their parents. How will you resolve the conflict? Who is right?

When parents and children have a moral conflict, it takes time for them to reflect on
their actions. One of the issues that cause moral friction between Millenials and
their parents doing something that are against in the moral values or principles. For
example, you did something that are against in your parents rules. Your parents
confronted you and scolded you because of what you did and asked you to not be
like others who weren’t disciplined. Parents did their best to discipline their children
in order for them to know how to respect others and think of what is right and
wrong. Parents knows what’s best for their children. Both parents and children are
right depending in the situation that they are facing, but I must say that parents are
always right because they are the ones who experienced those lessons in the
hardship of life. And they want what is best for their children. To solve the conflict,
you must forgiveness and always keep in mind that they know what is best for you.
Post a picture or an illustration that summarizes how you understand
and see Filipino millennials.
The illustration shows what I understand and see
the Filipino millennials is most of the filipino
millennials rely on the use of technologies
especially their mobile phones. They connected all
their daily activities in social media with the use of
their mobile phone. It became a part of their
lifestyle. They learn new things and adopt things
that interests them from social media through their
mobile devices. It also one of the reasons why the
adopted and changes their moral views and

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