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“Technology As Way of Revealing”

1.Essence of Technology based on Martin Heideger's work.

- According to Martin Heidegers’s work where he goes beyond the traditional view of
technology as machines and technical procedures. He instead tries to think through the
essence of technology as a way in which we encounter entities generally, including
nature, ourselves, and, indeed, everything.
- First, the essence of technology is not something we make; it is a mode of being, or of
revealing. This means that technological things have their own novel kind of presence,
endurance, and connections among parts and wholes.
- The second point is that technology even holds sway over beings that we do not
normally think of as technological, such as gods and history.
- Third, the essence of technology as Heidegger discusses it is primarily a matter of
modern and industrial technology. He is less concerned with the ancient and old tools
and techniques that antedate modernity; the essence of technology is revealed in
factories and industrial processes, not in hammers and plows.
- Fourth, for Heidegger, technology is not simply the practical application of natural
science. Instead, modern natural science can understand nature in the characteristically
scientific manner only because nature has already, in advance, come to light as a set of
calculable, orderable forces — that is to say, technologically.

2. Photos showing technology as:

a) Bringing-Forth is the proper attitude and use of technology. Technology is in some way
integrated with the craftsman.

Take a block of marble for example. The marble

is its own Subject with it’s own Essence, the
Sculptor then takes the Chisel and uses it as a
tool to reveal the Essence of the Sculpture

The nature of the sculpture itself wasn't

fabricated or covered up in some way, rather it
was illuminated, enhanced in a way consistent
with its nature. The craftsman did not
manufacture, he revealed. The dignity of the marble itself still stands, just in a new form. Apply
this principle to other things that we obtain through technology, treating aspects of nature as
having a metaphysical essence, a certain necessity for reverence. Technology is a means
towards fulfilling our needs while respecting nature's needs.

b) Challenging-Forth is the opposite of Bringing-Forth, it is the most prevalent attitude towards

technology today, and it is the improper one. With this attitude, Subjects do not have essence;
they are merely viewed as material.
When they look at a forest, they don't necessarily
see trees, they see lumber. Everywhere they look
in nature they only see raw material. They set
their machines upon the mass of, "potential
lumber" liquidating the forest.
Challenging-Forth robs all of Nature of its
integrity, sacredness, metaphysical life, and
dignity. What has essence is reduced to
interchangeable matter and energy. According to
the Challenger-Forth, nature won't be allowed to
stand on its own, or stand, "chaotically." Those
trees that once stood, "chaotically" in the forest
are now logs that can be easily counted, weighed, piled, and shipped. In the mind of any
materialist this is good, more wood for either gaining revenue (Capitalist) or serving the people
(Communist). Make no mistake, both capitalism and communism are materialist in this way.

You could summarize Challenging-Forth as being materialist and anthropocentric while

Bringing-Forth as being idealist and, "naturocentric." Bringers-Forth don't view humanity as the
rulers of nature, we view humans as one species out of many, as subject to Nature's Law as
anyone. Humans are clever species, but we are ultimately no match for Nature and if we don't
exist in harmony with Nature, we will be destroying ourselves. The Challengers-Forth view
humans in a separate category from all over life, and that is a self-destructive belief indeed.

3."Art as the saving power"

As Martin Heidegger said, it is art that can save us. After all, artistic creations have always had
political, religious and social meanings that also aimed in some way to save us. The saving
power can be fostered only in a realm which is, on the one hand, akin to the essence of
technology and, on the other, fundamentally different from it. Such a realm is art. For technology
and art essentially belong to techne as ways of revealing, ways of bringing forth truth. Thus
Heidegger concludes that art is the realm of being which is primarily claimed to foster the saving
power in its increase.

In this work of art, it reminds us that

environmental conservation comes in
many forms and reminds us to be
mindful of daily choices. No matter how busy your life may be, it remains fairly easy to make
small, yet necessary, changes for the good of the Earth. If we all took little steps, we would
make our way towards major progress. This can be achieved by paying more attention to what
we buy and not using resources unnecessarily. We must also remember to recycle and dispose
of chemicals properly so that the ground and bodies of water are not poisoned.

Bringing-Forth vs Challenging-Forth: Attitudes towards technology.
Robert Metcalf. Art and the Saving Power in Late Heidegger
Only art can save us now.
Environmental Conservation

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