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FRAUD – is an intentional act involving the use of  Misrepresentation or omission of events,

deception that results in a Material Misstatement transaction, or the other significant

of the financial statement. information
 Intentional Misapplication of accounting
1. Misstatement arising from misappropriation of
2. Misstatement arising from fraudulent financial THE FRAUD TRIANGLE – Characterizes incentives,
reporting opportunities and rationalizations that enable fraud to


1. Incentive to commit fraud

2. Opportunity to commit and conceal the fraud
3. Rationalization- The mindset of the fraudster to
ASSET MISAPPROPRATION justify committing the fraud.

- Occurs when a perpetrator steals or misuses an

organization’s asset.
1. Incentive to commit fraud
Asset Misappropriation can be accomplished in
o Incentives relating to asset misappropriation
 Embezzling
 Cash Receipts
 Personal factors, such as severe financial
 Stealing Assets
 Causing the company to pay for goods
 Pressure from family, friends or the culture
or services that were not received
to live a more lavish lifestyle than one’s
Asset Misappropriation occurs when personal earnings allow for
employees:  Addiction to gambling or drugs

 Gain access to cash and manipulate

accounts to cover up cash thefts.
o Incentives include the ff. for fraudulent
 Manipulate cash disbursements
financial reporting:
through fake companies.
 Management compensation schemes
 Steal inventory or other assets and
 Other financial pressures for either
manipulate the financial records to
improved balance sheet
cover up the fraud.
 Debt Covenants
 Pending wealth tied to either financial
results or survival of the company.
 Greed
- The intentional manipulation of reported financial
results to misstate the economic condition of the
2. Opportunity to commit fraud
3 Common ways in which fraudulent financial  Significant related-party transactions
reporting can take place include:  A company’s industry position, such as
the ability to dictate terms or conditions
 Manipulation, falsification, or alteration of
to supplier or customers that might allow
accounting records or supporting documents.
individuals to structure fraudulent
 Management inconsistency involving Misappropriation of asset
subjective judgments regarding assets or
- involves the theft of an entity’s asset and is often
accounting estimates
perpetrated by employees in relatively small and
 Simple transactions that are made
immaterial amounts.
complex through an unusual recording
process -However, it can also involve management who are
 Complex or difficult to understand usually more able to disguise or conceal
transactions, such as financial derivatives misappropriations in ways that are difficult to detect.
or special-purpose entities.
 Ineffective monitoring of management by Misappropriation of asset can be accompanied
the board, either because there is a in a variety of ways including:
domineering manager  Embezzling receipts
 Complex or unstable organizational  Stealing physical assets or intellectual
structure property
 Weak or nonexistent internal controls.  Causing an entity to pay for goods and
services not received
3. Rationalizing the Fraud  Using an entity’s assets for personal use
o For Asset Misappropriation:
 Fraud is justified to save a family
member or loved one from financial A. INCENTIVES/PRESSURES
crisis. - Personal Financial obligations may create pressure
 We will lose everything if we don’t take on management or employees with access to cash
the money. or other assets susceptible to theft to
 No help is available outside. misappropriation those asset.
 This is “borrowing”, and we intend to B. OPPORTUNITIES
pay the stolen money back some point. - Certain characteristics or circumstances the
 Something is owed by the company susceptibility of asset to misappropriation.
because others are treated better. C. ATTITUDES/ RATIONALIZATION
 We simply do not care about the - Disregard for the need for monitoring or reducing
consequences of our actions or of risks related to misappropriation of asset.
accepted notions of decency and trust; - Disregard for internal control over
we are for ourselves. misappropriation of the asset by overriding
o For Fraudulent Financial Reporting: existing control or by failing to correct known
 This is one-time thing to get us through internal control deficiencies.
the current crisis and survive until things - Behavior indicating displeasure or dissatisfaction
better. with the entity or its treatment of the employee.
 Everybody cheats on the financial - Changes in behavior or lifestyle that may indicate
statements a little; we are just playing assets have been misappropriated.
the same game. - Tolerance of petty theft.
 We will be in violation of all of our debts
covenants unless we will find a way to
get this debt off the financial statements RISK FACTOR CONTRIBUTORY TO FRAUDELENT
 We need a higher stock price to acquire FINANCIAL REPORTING
company XYZ, or to keep our employees
through stock options, and so fourth FRAUDELENT FINANCIAL REPORTING

- Involves international misstatement including

omission of amounts or disclosures in financial
RISK FACTORS CONTRIBUTORY TO MISAPPROPRIATION statements to deceive statement users.

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