Bhakti Shastri Close Book Test 26 Sept

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Close book test

Sections A


-Charity given out of duty

-With no expectation in return,
-At the proper time and place
-To a deserving person

a.) Leaves are Vedic hymns
b.) It is nourish by the 3 modes of nature
c.) One can disentangle oneself from this tree with the axe of detachments and
sharpened by determination ( drdhena )
d.) Just as a tree’s reflections is situated in water , the reflection of spiritual world is
situated on desire
e.) The real tree situated in the spiritual world
f.) Different branches of the trees spreading up and down , represents different
species – On lower planets consist of human beings , horses , cows , dogs , cats
> Upper parts are higher planet forms like demigods , gandharvarse & brahma
loka lies at the root

3.) Definition
- Ksetra – Is body ..The field of activity for conditioned soul is the material body
.Product of matter or prakriti
- Ksetra jNa – Is soul – The knower of body is the individual soul living within that body
. Hes different from body and its proprietor
- Jnaman – Perfect Knowledge of material body and its knowers – the soul and
-Jneyam – what is the object of knowledge, the aim of knowledge.
- Prakartim – Material nature
- Purush – the enjoyer

4.) Those situated in that mode become conditioned by a sense of happiness and
Person in mood of goodness means greater knowledge and a greater sense of happiness.
Because of false ego he feels he is advanced in knowledge and is better than others. In this
way they becomes conditioned . examples are philosopher & scientist .They are proud of
their knowledge and have good standard of living but due to bondage of such ignorance
they keep on taking birth and couldn’t able to pass the cycle of birth and death .
Hence in order to progress in the spiritual life we should be humble and meek as explain
the Sri Siksastakam ( One can chant the Holy Name of the Lord in a humble state of mind,
thinking himself lower than the straw in the street, more tolerant than the tree,
) . By doing devotional service in humble and meek state of mind then only we can
transcends the mode of nature even in the mood of goodness
5. 3 gate of hell are

Lust - If a person is lustful about something then he deviates from the primary objective of
life. He is ready to do anything to satisfy his lust without thinking about right or wrong.

Greed - Greed forces man to crave for more and more, and that drives him towards material
pleasures and he is no more into the spiritual world. Attachment to material pleasures takes
a man away from Krishna

Anger It destroys love and compassion. Anger makes a man violent. He is not compassionate
to others. Angry people are not able to understand other’s feelings and thoughts. Anger
blocks the ability to love and respect.

6. 3 types of austerity are

- Austerity of body – worship of Krishna , guru and brahmanas , follow celibacy ,

nonviolence , simplicity and cleanliness
- Austerity of speech – not speaking agitating words to others , truthfulness , reading
scriptures and performing sankirtan
- Austerity of mind – Simplicity , self-control , satisfaction and purity of heart

Austerity in the mode of passion – performing tasks out of pride & respect & honors from
others. Getting famous among society .Gaining temporary recognitions

Austerity in the mode of ignorance - performing tasks out of foolishness and self-torture and
to destroy or injure others

7.) Progress in which directions

Goodness – Higher planet of great sages like brahmaloka and janaloka

Passion – Birth among those engaged in the fruitive activities on the earth palnet
Ignorant birth in the lower species animal planets


Section a –

This is the essence of bhagawat gita – Devotion to krsna

man-mana- Concentrate of the mind on krsna . The original form of godhead Krishna
Syamsunder in Vrindavan .Always think of krsna and never forget krsna . while japa think of
krsna playing flute , wearing pitabari cloth , with peacock weather and decorated with
Vrindavan wild flowers . This is top most devotional service . In case one cannot perform this
because of flicking nature of mind there are other options to perform devotional service and
get progress in the spiritual life

bhava mad-bhakto- is to became krsna devotee . one should serve krsna by hearing his
pasttimes , chanting his name and glories and performing sankirtan , seeing his deity form in
temple or pictures , cleaning temple , offering flowers , fruits , water and tulsi leaves

mad-yaaji – worshiping krsna by offering him ornaments , incense , lamp , umbrella ,

flowers , ganga water , camara , kirtan and bhajans

maam namaskuru- - measn to fall on the ground with whole body and offering respect to
krsna by touching the body to the ground with eight limbs . Most easy and effective way to
get krsna mercy and perform devotional service

section part 2

yatra yogeshvarah krishno - Wherever there is Kṛṣṇa, the master of all mystics,

yatra partho dhanur-dharah - The supreme archer Arjuna

there will also certainly be opulence ( spiritual knowledge and wishdom ) , victory,
extraordinary power, and morality.

As per prabhupada – If krsna is at the center of society, then the people will be perfectly
secure and prosperous

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