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QP Code:19UT99NEEG5 QP Code:19UT99NEEG5 2

BDP Term End Examination c) How would you account for the relevance of
December-2018 & June-2019 the title of Jane Austen’s novel Pride and
Elective Course
Prejudice ?
ENGLISH d) Write an essay on John Keats’
5th Paper
understanding of the nature and function
( New Syllabus )
of poetry as revealed in his ‘Letters’.
The Romantic Period : EEG-5
( Enrolled from July, 2015 ) 2. Answer any three of the following : 12 × 3 = 36
Time : 4 Hours a) Analyse the contribution of Walter Scott to
Full Marks : 100 the English novel.
Weightage of Marks : 70%
b) Is it possible to read ‘Christabel’ ( Part I ) as
Special credit will be given for precise and correct an allegorical poem ? Substantiate your
answer. Marks will be deducted for spelling mistakes,
answer with textual references.
untidiness and illegible handwriting. The figures in the
margin indicate full marks. c) Show how John Keats deals with the
themes of transience and permanence in
1. Answer any two of the following : 20 × 2 = 40 ‘Ode to a Nightingale’.

a) In what ways did the Pre-Romantics deviate d) What are the major turning points in the

from neo-classical literary norms ? How did plot of Pride and Prejudice ? How do they

the cultural environment of the time favour affect the drift of the novel ?

such deviation ? e) How does Charles Lamb blend fact, fiction,

b) Discuss with suitable textual illustrations, and willful mystification in his ‘Essays’ ?

the different phases in Wordsworth’s f) What are Wordsworth’s views on the

relationship with Nature as shown in language of poetry, or poetic diction in

‘Tintern Abbey’. ‘Preface’ to Lyrical Ballads ?

B.A.-15461-Y [ P.T.O. B.A.-15461-Y

3 QP Code:19UT99NEEG5 QP Code:19UT99NEEG5 4

3. Answer any four of the following : 6 × 4 = 24

a) Briefly enumerate any three features of the
English Romantic movement.
b) Explain with reference to the context :
When the stars threw down their spears
And water’d heaven with their tears :
Did he smile his work to see ?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee ?
c) How does Shelley present the themes of
death and rebirth in ‘Ode to The West
Wind’ ?
d) What is the role of Wickham in Pride and
Prejudice ?
e) What account of John Lamb does the
author provide in ‘Dream Children : A
Reverie’ ?
f) Whom does Hazlitt refer to as his “First
Love” ? What is his view of the French
Revolution ?
g) What are Wordsworth’s views on Aristotle’s
idea of poetry ?
h) Why did Robert Southey call the location of
Greta Hall “the ant-hill” ?

B.A.-15461-Y [ P.T.O. B.A.-15461-Y

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