Running Head: Affective and Cognitive Proponents

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Affective and Cognitive Proponents


Institutional Affiliation
Affective and Cognitive proponents 2

The adds which have affective effect/s on the viewers are those adds that affect the feelings
or emotions of the viewer while those that have cognitive effects mostly affect the thinking of
the viewer. An add can some time affect both the feelings and thinking [affective and cognitive]
of the viewer; this is owing to the fact that feelings subject the viewer to thinking and vice
versa. It is widely believed that an add which uses visual stimuli will elicit visual response but
whether the response is to the add or the product advertised is yet to be established

The company chose Spiderman on their product because of the affectionate they have on
him. Most people like Spiderman and they will buy the toothbrushes associated with him out
of emotional feeling. According to the print add the power that Spiderman has will also
convince people that that brushing with it will make them also have powers like him, thus its an
advertisement of affection.
Affective and Cognitive proponents 3

Cognitive proponents are ads that make one judge and its is where people inferences on
situations can be drawn. A person suggests what he or she thinks about something . for
example in the ad above shows picture of a dead person so when one reads the short message
besides it then you know how bad smoking can be.

A print

Advertisement appeals for fear

Affective and Cognitive proponents 4
Affective and Cognitive proponents 5

A T.V Commercial

Sex Appeal
Affective and Cognitive proponents 6


It is well understood that social class has got some bearing on the type, quality, and
quantity of good purchased either the class can have a big influence on the spending habit. If
we can have a look at two families from two different TV programs; James[ghost] St.Patrick of
the TV program power and that of scandals Olivia Pope as a measure of class then we will
establish the difference.St.james family lives the life of an upper class, these is supported by the
fact that St.James and his family are living in a posh house, purchases more consumable goods,
fine jewelry and often shop at exclusive shops and have an expensive vehicle with a family
driver the same can not be said with Olivia Pope of Scandal whom despite her connections she
lives in an apartment common to the middle class and drives herself.

Summary of Empire

The movie empire is about a family of a hip-hop mogul[luscious] who is the founder and
CEO of a successful record label who has been diagnosed with ALS.lucious have to choose from
his three sons who are battling over his multi-million dollar company while his ex-wife schemes
to get hers.

The movie empire displays the lifestyle of the majority of African Americans and to a larger
extent the lifestyle of many of rich families. Either it equally displays one of the world’s leading
topic of discussion which is a family conflict arising from the fight for wealth and power. One of
the luscious sons is a guy a trend which is common in the modern day America How do cultures
form? People living in specific environment interacted with it[environments ] time.
Commercials equally take the culture of the people involved into consideration.

Currently, most will accept a more inclusive definition of culture; the way of thinking,
behaviors, languages, customs, race, the things they produce and the methods they use to
produce them. Thus, commercials have the ability to create and transmit culture. In the series
Empire, for example, the main commercial is Pepsi; the advert shows some cultural imperialism
and globalization. These are done to address global markets, the feature of summer activities,
participants’ being both male and female with a mixture of race and ethnicity.
Affective and Cognitive proponents 7


Characteristics of rave sub culture

A} They have minimalistic dress policy of either all white or black outfit.
B} Rave fashion is characterized by how they put on accessories like jewelers that shine under

C} They carry out illegal parties and usually conducted outside in poorly ventilated houses.

D. Their hair is dyed others keep dreadlocks while some shave Mohawks.

E} Tattoos and piercings are popular.

Subculture means a relatively new group studied far from their families and
domestic or private settings, with emphasis on voluntary, informal, and non-biological
affiliations formed either in the unregulated public domain of the street or conversely within
and against the disciplinary structure of enforced institutions. Subcultures are general groups
which are taken to deviate from the normal standards of the dominant culture, as this is
defined according to their age, sexuality, and taste in economic, racial, and gender. They often
position themselves as being socially unique. They often distinguish themselves as being
oppositional, alternative, and countercultural, compared to others, they also differentiate
themselves and in so doing create hierarchies of participation, knowledge, and taste. {table 12-
1, Chapter 12 is missing from the quiz sent}

Attitudes towards credit cards

Concerning the attitude of the rave subculture concerning the use of credit cards is
positively owing to the fact that it will afford them the extra cash for use in case of extortion of
their upfront credit credentials. Being people who like partying any extra cash in their pockets;
despite the difficulties that will be encountered during repayment, will be appreciated.

The reception of an idea to sell credit cards to such a group is good although with some
minimal concerns on issues related to the subscription rates of the credit cards and the service
Affective and Cognitive proponents 8

fee. The issue of reliability of the credit service providers is also another topic of concern,
although it is one thing most of the subculture members were not keen on.

Being people who are ready to spend money on anything to meet their entertainment
desires then it means they can do it so long as it meets their entertainment desires, the people
of the subculture, however, might have difficulties meeting their credit limits mostly due to
overindulgences. For the few whom can afford; within the group. Then they can’t be denied the
right to.

Development of tourism destination areas all over the world has increased the
international arrivals. The study evaluated tourism destination attractions and the influence of
marketing strategies and communication tools on tourists’ choice of destination area in the
USA. The study relied on data from government tourism and private tourism service providers
who are involved in marketing and promotion of tourism products. Mine are of research is
Brazil, which is a middle-level economy thus the majority of her citizens visiting the USA, will
most likely prefer some middle-class kind of attendance and services, for the other exception
group[ who could prefer upper-class service then the country tourism sector Has much on its
library which the visitors are encouraged to read.
Affective and Cognitive proponents 9


Babcock, B. A. (1996). Sex discrimination and the law: History, practice, and theory. Boston, MA:
Little, Brown.

France, K. R. (1994). The impact of program affective valence and level of cognitive appraisal on
advertisement processing and effectiveness.

Kramer, M., Call, W., & Harvard University. (2007). Telling true stories: A nonfiction writers'
guide from the Nieman Foundation at Harvard University. New York: Plume.

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