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Revised School-Based Management Assessment Tool

(November 27, 2012

Part I: Introduction
The revised School-Based Management (SBM) Assessment tool is guided by the four principles of ACCESs
(A Child-and Community –Centered Education System). The Indicator of SBM practices are contextualized on the
ideas of an ACCESs school system. The unit of analysis is the school system which is classified as developing,
maturing and advanced (accredited level). The SBM practice is ascertained by the existence of structured
mechanisms, processes and practices in all indicators. A team of practitioners and experts from the district, division,
region and central office validates the self-study/assessment before a level of SBM practice is established. A school
on advanced level may apply for accreditation. The highest level, the “advanced” is candidacy for accreditation.
Part II: Basic School/Learning Center (LC) Information

School/Learning Center : ______________________________________________

Region/Division : ______________________________________________
Name of School Head/LC Head : ______________________________________________
Address : ______________________________________________

Part III: Instruction to the Users

Please Indicate using a check mark the extent of SBM practice for each indicator listed below (numbered)
based on the validation team’s consensual agreements after systematic D-O-D (Document Analysis – Observation –
On the other hand, for indicators with no evidence just indicate zero.
Part IV: Rating Scale

0 -No Evidence
1 -Evidence indicated developing structures and mechanisms are place to demonstrate ACCESs
2 -Evidence indicates planned practices and procedures are fully implemented and aligned to
3 -Evidence indicates practices and procedure satisfy quality standards
A. Leadership and Governance
A network of leadership and governance guides the education system to achieve its shared vision, mission
and goals making them responsive and relevant to the context of diverse environments.
A. Indicators
1. In place is a Development The development plan The development plan is The development plan
Plan (SIP) developed guided by the school’s evolved through the is enhanced with the
collaboratively by the vision, mission and goal shared leadership of the community performing
stakeholders of the school (VMG) is developed school and community the leadership roles,
and community. through the leadership of stakeholders. and the school
the school and the providing technical
participation of some support.
invited community
2. The development plan The school leads the The school and The
(e.g SIP) is regularly regular review and community stakeholders communitystakeholders
reviewed by the school improvement of the working as full partners, lead the regular review
community to keep it development plan. lead the continual review and improvement
responsive and relevant and improvement of the process; the schoool
to emerging needs, development plan. stakeholders facilitate
challenges and the process.
3. The school is organized The school defines the The school and Guided by an agreed
by clear structure and organizational structure, community organizational
work arrangements that and roles and collaboaratively define structure, the
promote shared responsibilities of the structure and the community
leadership and stakeholders. roles and resposibilities stakeholders lead in
governance and define of stakeholders. defining the
the roles and organizational structure
responsibilities of the and the roles and
stakeholders. responsibilites; school
provides technical and
adminsitrative support.
4. A leadership network A network has been The network actively The network allows
facilitates communication collaboratively provided stakeholders easy exchange and
between and among established and is information for making access to information
school and community continuosly improved by decisions and solving sources beyond the
leaders for informed the school community. learning cand school community.
decision-making and administrative problems.
solving of school-
community wide- learning
5. A long term program is in Developing structures are Leaders undertake Leaders assume
operation that addresses in place and analysis of training modes that are responsibility for their
the training and the competency and convenient to them (on- own training and
development needs of development needs of line, off-line, modular, development. School
school and community leaders is conducted; group, or home-based) community leaders
leaders result is used to develop and which do not disrupt working individually or
a long-term training and their regular functions. in groups, coach and
development program Leaders monitor and mentor one another to
evaluate their own achieve their VMG.
learning progress.
Total Number of Checks

B. Curriculum and Learning

The curriculum learning systems anchored on the community and learners’ contexts and aspirations are
collaboratively developed and continuously improved.
B. Indicators

1. The curriculum provides All types of learners of Programs are fully The educational needs
for the development the school community implemented and closely of all types of learners
needs of all types of are identified, their monitored to address are being met as
learners in the school learning curves performance shown by continuous
community. discrepancies improvement on
assessed; appropriate benchmark best learning outcomes and
programs with its practices, coach low products of learning.
support materials for performers, mentor Teachers’ as well as
each type of learner is potential leaders, reward students’ performance
developed. high achievement and is motivated by intrinsic
maintain environment rather than extrinsic
that makes learning rewards. The schools’
meaningful and differentiated program
enjoyable is frequently
benchmarked by other
2. The implemented Local beliefs, norms, The localized curriculum Best practices in
curriculum is localized to values, traditions, is implemented and localizing the
make it more meaningful folklored, current events, monitored closely to curriculum are
to the learners and and existing technologies ensure that it makes mainstreamed and
applicable to life in the are documented and learning more benchmarked by other
community. used to develop a lasting meaningful and schools. There is
curriculum. Localization pleasurable, produces marked increase in
guidelines are agreed to desired learning number of projects that
by school community and outcomes, and directly uses the community as
teachers are properly improves community life. learning laboratory,
oriented Ineffective approaches and the school as an
are replaced and agent of change for
innovative ones are improvement of the
developed community.
3. A representative group of A representative team of Learning materials and Materials and
school and community school and community approaches to reinforce approaches are being
stakeholders develop the stakeholders assess strengths and address used in school, in the
methods and materials for content and methods deficiences are family and in the
developing creative used in teaching creative, developed and tested for community to develop
thinking and problem criticial thinking and applicability on school, critical thinking and
solving. problem solving. family and community. problem solving
Assessment results are community of learners
used as guide to develop and producing desired
materials. results
4. The learning systems are A school-based The school-based The monitoring system
regularly and monitoring and learning monitoring and learning is accepted and
collaboratively monitored system is conducted systems generate regularly used for
by the community using regularly and feedbakc that is used for collective decision
appropriate tools to cooperatively; and making decisions that making.
ensure the holistic growth feedback is shared with enhance the total
and development of the stakeholders. development of learners.
learners and the
community. The system uses a tool A committtee take care The monitoring tool has
that monitor the holistic of the continuous ben improved to
development of learners. improvement of the tool. provide both
quantitative and
qualitative data.
5. Appropriate assessment The assessment tools The assessment tools School assessment
tools for teaching and are reviewed by the are reviewed by the results are used to
learning are continuously school and assessment school community and develop learning
reviewed and improved, results are shared with results are shared with programs that are
and assessment results school’s stakeholders community stakeholders. suited to community
are contextualized to the and customized to
learners and local each learner’s context,
situation and the results of which are
attainment of relevant life used for collaborative
skills. decision-making.
6. Learning managers and Stakeholder are aware of Stakeholders begin to Learning environments,
facilitators (teachers, child/learner-centered practice child/learner- methods and resources
administrators and rights-based, and centered principles of are community driven,
community members) inclusive principles of education in the design inclusive and adherent
nurture values and education. of support to education. to child’s rights and
environments that are protection
protective of all children requirements.
and demonstrate
behaviors consistent to Learning managers and Learning managers and Learning managers
the organization’s vision, facilitators conduct facilitators apply the and facilitators observe
mission and goals. activities aimed to principles in designing learners’ rights from
increase stakeholders learnig materials. designing the
awarness and curriculum to
commitment to structuring the whole
fundamental rights of learning environment.
children and basic
principle of educating
7. Methods and resources Practices, tools and Practices, tools and There is continuous
are learner and materials for developing materials for developing exchange of
community-friendly, self-directed learners are self-directed learners are information, sharing of
enjoyable, safe, inclusive, highly observable in beginning to emerge in expertise and materials
and accessible and aimed school, but not in the the homes and in the among the schools,
at developing self- home or in the community. home and community
directed learners. community. for the development of
Learners are equipped self directed learners.
with essential knowledge,
skills, and values to Learning programs are The program is The program is
assume responsibility designed and developed collaboratively mainstreamed but
accountability for their to produce learners who implemented and continuously improve
own learning. are responsible and monitored by teachers to make relevant to
accountable for their and parents to ensure emergent demands.
learning that it produces desired
Total Number of Checks
C. Accountability and Continuous Improvement
A clear, transparent, inclusive, and responsive accountability system is in place, collaboratively developed
by the school community, which monitors performance and acts appropriately on gaps and gains.
C. Indicators

1. Roles and responsibilities There is an active The stakeholders are Shared and
of accountable person/s party that initiates engaged in clarifying and participatory processes
and collective body/ies clarification of the roles defining their specific are used in determining
are clearly defined and roles and responsibilities roles, responsibilities,
and responsibilities in
agreed upon by and accountabilities of
community stakeholders
education delivery stakeholders in
managing and
supporting education.
2. Achievement of goals is Performance A community-level A community-accepted
recognized based on a accountability is practiced accountability system is performance
collaboratively developed at the school level evolving from school-led accoutability,
performance initiatives recognition and
accountability system; incentive system is
gaps are addressed being practiced.
through appropriate
3. The accountability system The school articulates the Stakeholders are School community
is owned by the accountability engaged in the stakeholders
community and is assessment framework development and continuously and
continuously enhanced to with basic components, operation of an collaboratively review
ensure that management including implementation appropriate and enhance
structures and guidelines to the accountability accountability systems’
mechanisms are stakeholders. assessment system processes, mechanism
responsive to the and tools.
emerging learning needs
and demands of the
4. Accountability The school, with the Stakeholders are Stakeholders
assessment criteria and participation of engaged in the continuously and
tools, feedback stakeholders, articulates development and collaboratively review
mechanism and an accountability operation of an and enhance
information collection and assessment framework appropriate accountability systems;
validation techniques and with basic components, accountability processes mechanisms
processes are inclusive including implementation assessment system. and tools.
and collaboratively guidelines.
developed and agreed.
5. Participatory assessment School initiates periodic Collaboratively conduct School-community-
of performance is done performance assessment of performance developed
regularly with the with the participation of assessment informs performance
community. Assessment stakeholders. planning, plan assessment is
results and lessons adjustments and practiced and is basis
learned serve as basis for requirements for for improving
feedback, technical technical assistance. monitoring and
assistance, recognition evaluation system,
and plan adjustment. providing technical
assistance, and
recognizing and
refining plans.
Total Number of Checks
D. Management of Resources
Resources are collectively and judiciously mobilized and managed with transparency, effectiveness and
D. Indicators

1. Regular resource Stakeholders are Resource inventory is Resource inventories

inventory is aware that a regular characterized by are systematically
collaboratively undertaken resource inventory is regularity, increased developed and
by learning managers, participation of stakeholders are
available and is used
learning facilitators, and stakeholders, and engaged in a
community stakeholders
as the basis for communicated to the collaborative process
as basis for resource resource allocation and community as the basis to make decisions on
allocation and mobilization. for resource allocation resource allocation and
mobilization and mobilization. mobilization.
2. A regular dialogue for Stakeholders are invited Stakeholders are Stakeholders
planning and resource to participate in the regularly engaged in the collaborate to ensure
programming, that is development of an planning and resource timely and need-based
accessible and inclusive, educational plan in prograamming, and in planning and resource
continuously engage resource programming, the implementation of programming and
stakeholders and support and in the the education plan. support continuous
implementation of implementation of the implementation of the
community education educational plan. education plan.
3. In place is a community- Stakeholders support Stakeholders are Stakeholders sustain
developed resource judicious, appropriate engaged and share the implementation and
management system that and effective use of expertise in the improvement of a
drives appropriate resources. collaborative collaboratively
behavior of the development of resource developed periodically
stakeholders to ensure management system. adjusted, and
judicious, appropriate, constituent-focused
and effective use of resource management
resources system.
4. Regular monitoring, Stakeholders are invited Stakeholders Stakeholders are
evaluation, and reporting to participate in the collaboratively engaged, held
processes of resource development and participate in the accountable and
management are implementation of development and implement a
collaboratively developed monitoring, evaluation, implementation of collaboratively
and implemented by the and reporting processes monitoring , evaluation, developed system of
learning managers, on resource and reporting processes monitoring, evaluation
facilitators, and management. on resource and reporting for
community stakeholders. management. resource management.
5. There is a system that An engagement Stakeholders support a An established system
manages the network and procedure to identify and system of partnerships of partnership is
linkage which strength utilize partnerships with for improving resource managed and
and sustain partnerships stakeholders for management. sustained by the
for improving resource improving resource stakeholders for
management. management is evident. continuous
improvement of
resource management.
Total Number of Checks

Part V: Scoring Instructions

1. The four (4) principles were assigned percentage weights on the basis of their relative importance
to the aim of school improved learning outcomes and school operations:
 Leadership and Governance – 30%
 Curriculum and Learning – 30%
 Accountability and Continuous Improvement – 25%
 Management of Resources – 15%
2. Each principle has several indicators. Based on the results of the D-O-D (Document Analysis,
Observation, Discussion), the evidence is summarized, and a consensual rating is arrived at.. What
rating would one give to each indicator;
3. Rate the items by checking the appropriate boxes. These are the points earned by the school for
the specific indicator.
The rating scale is:
0 – No evidence
1 – Evidence indicates early or preliminary stages of implementation
2 – Evidence indicates planned practices and procedures are fully implemented
3 – Evidence indicates practices and procedures satisfy quality standards
4. Assemble the rubrics rated by the respondents; edit them for errors like double entries or
incomplete responses;
5. Count the number of check marks in each indicator and record in the appropriate box inside the
summary table for the use area/standard rated;
6. Multiply the number of check marks in each column by the points (1-3).
7. Get the average ratings for each principle by dividing the total score by the number of indicators of
the principle.
8. Record the average ratings for the principle in the Summary Table for the computation of the
General Average;
9. Multiply the rating for each principle by its percentage weight to get the weighted average rating.
10. To get the total rating for the four principles, get the sum of all the weighted ratings. The value
derived is the school rating based on DOD.
11. The resulting score will be interpreted as:
0.5 – 1.4 – Developing
1.5 – 2.4 – Maturing
2.5 – 3.5 – Advanced

Level I: Developing- Developing structures and mechanisms with acceptable level and extent of

Level II: Maturing- Introducing and sustaining continuous improvement process that integrates
wider community participation and significantly improve performance and
learning outcomes.

Level III- Advanced (Accredited) – Ensuring the production of intended outputs/outcomes and
meeting all standards of a system fully integrated in the local
community and is self-renewing and self-sustaining.

Average Average
Principles Indicators Total
I – Validated SBM Practice
1. Leadership and Governance 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 .30
(Indicate 0,1,2, or 3
2. Curriculum and Learning 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4a 2.4b 2.5 2.6a 2.6b 2.7a 2.7b .30
(Indicate 0,1,2 or 3)
3. Accountability and
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 .25
Continuous Improvement
(Indicate 0,1,2 or 3)
4. Management of Resources 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 .15
(Indicate 0,1,2 or 3)
Validated SBM Practice
Description SBM level of Practice
0.5 – 1.4 – Developing
1.5 – 2.4 – Maturing
2.5 – 3.5 – Advanced

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