Offering Adjusment Salary Pepiyanti

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Jl. Pecenongan No.

72 Blok C6
Kebon Kelapa, Gambir Jakarta 10120
Tel : 62-21 352 1811 Fax : 62-21 350 1752



Dear, Ms. Pepiyanti

Company pleased to offering adjusment salary for your employment in the
position of Finance Staff with us on the terms and conditions set out in this letter.

GROSS SALARY (Office - Jakarta)

Basic Allowance Remarks
Phone (Fixed) IDR 100,000/ Month Based on Timesheet
IDR 3.900.000
Meal (Non Fixed) IDR 20,000/ Working day Based on Timesheet
Transportation (Non Fixed) IDR 15,000/ Working day Based on Timesheet


- Take Home Pay is total fixed and non fixed salary (based on timesheet)
- The salary is net salary, income tax (PPh21) will be borne by the company without
deduction from the salary
- BPJS Worker and Health as regulation Goverment (paid by company and deduct
employee salary).


The offering will be effectiveness at Wednesday, September 1st, 2021. Any condition isn’t
regulated in this offering will be stated in agreement of employment, and any condition is conflict
with agreement of employment will be decided by agreement.
Issued by Fransiska Romaulina Accepted Pepiyanti Date September, 1st, 2021 have read and
understood this letter and accept the offering adjusment salary on the terms and conditions set
out in the letter.

Jakarta, September 1tst, 2021

Prepared by, Accepted by,

Fransiska R Pepiyanti
HR Dept. Finance Staff

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