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Teacher Candidate:
Jozy Jones
Content Area: Lesson Topic: Length (timing) of Lesson:
9th Grade English Personal Narrative 50 Minutes

WV Standard(s):
Learning Objective(s):

SWBAT understand the genre of the personal narrative.

SWBAT read mentor texts to generate ideas for their own writing.

Formative Assessment:
Journal/Daybook entry
Partner/Group discussion to compare mentor texts

Personal Narrative Essay Examples High School | Cram (laptop/school computers)

Internet access/Microsoft Word

*Highlight BLUE for materials/GREEN for technology
*Highlight PINK for instructional strategies
*Highlight YELLOW for discipline-specific academic language/vocabulary

Procedural Steps Questions Differentiated Instruction

Activating Strategy/ Time - Students will be asked to answer the prompt Prompt: “What is a type of writing
Introduction 10 question in their journal/daybook. that you have created in the past?
mins What was it about?”
- Have 3 students share out loud to the class.

Core Instruction Time - Discuss characteristics of a short narrative, what What are some things you would
30 is included, etc. include in a short story written by Have the whole class share
mins you about you? some ideas that were included
- View the website *linked* in the “Preparation” in the narrative we read
8:00- category above. Read aloud as a class 1 of the Will everyone please get with a together to try to make it a
8:30 narratives from the link. partner to read another personal little bit easier to compare
narrative and create a bulleted list of since they’d already have a list
- Have students then get with a partner to read similarities between the two? that they could look for from
one more together from the website and pick out the first in the second.
similarities between the 2.

Closure Time - Ask that students get with another set of partners Did you all find the same things?
10 and discuss what all they came up with as Did someone mention something you
mins similarities between the 2 narratives that they hadn’t noticed at first?
read. What were some of the similarities
8:30- you all noticed in the two personal
8:40 -
Ask students to then share at least one thing narratives we read?
from each group for me to make a list on the
white board
Contingency Time If there is extra time, have students read at least one
more narrative from the website, if not, ask that they
n/a read one more for homework.


Teacher Candidate:

Jozy Jones

Content Area: 9TH Grade English Lesson Topic: Personal Narrative Length (timing) of Lesson: 50 mins

WV Standard(s):


Learning Objective(s):

SWBAT brainstorm ideas for their own personal narrative

SWBAT draft their own personal narrative

Formative Assessment:

Journal/Daybook brainstorming

Draft of student’s own personal narrative




Donald Murray’s “Write to Learn” article, only brainstorming page (Handouts for whole class)

*Highlight BLUE for materials/GREEN for technology

*Highlight PINK for instructional strategies

*Highlight YELLOW for discipline-specific academic language/vocabulary

Procedural Steps Questions Differentiated Instruction

Activating Strategy/ Time - Have a handout of the page from Donald Why is brainstorming important? Have a copy of the handout up
Murray’s article that discusses brainstorming on on the board as well so I will be
Introduction 15 each student’s desk. As a class, go over it and How does this strategy help us
able to point to where we’re at
mins read over the examples provided. organize our thoughts?
in case some students are not
7:50- Did something you write down while able to read it that well. (font
- After this, ask that students take about 8 minutes reasons, etc.)
8:05 brainstorming surprise you? If so,
to do some brainstorming of their own. This
highlight it.
brainstorming should pertain to content for their
own personal narrative.

Core Instruction Time - Ask that students go over their own Does everyone understand the If students do not seem
brainstorming page for their personal narrative assignment? confident, ask that they first
30 and try to outline/organize the words/phrases in get with a partner to talk out
mins a chronological order. their ideas and brainstorming
8:05- entry.
- From here, ask that students begin drafting their
own personal narratives. Allow students to revisit their
notes from the narratives read
- I will be available for any help students need. from the day before and offer
them the chance to read
additional narratives if they
need to.
Closure Time - Ask that students return with their Zero Draft of Does anyone need help or have
their personal narrative for tomorrow’s class for questions/concerns about what is
5 workshopping. Make sure that students have at asked of you?
mins least 500 words prepared. Answer any questions
8:35- students may have at the end of the period.
Contingency Time If student’s do not seem confident or make noticeable
progress, provide an additional drafting day, and push
back workshop. Workshop should happen on day 3


Teacher Candidate: Jozy Jones

Content Area: Lesson Topic: Length (timing) of Lesson: 50 mins

9th Grade English Personal Narrative Workshop


WV Standard(s):

Learning Objective(s):

SWBAT workshop peer’s narratives to help identify strong points of their writing

SWBAT use feedback in the revision process

SWBAT create a reflection on their drafting process

Formative Assessment:

Workshop sheets for peers

Personal reflection on writing


Copies of writer’s draft (3)

Workshop feedback sheets (provided by me)


*Highlight BLUE for materials/GREEN for technology

*Highlight PINK for instructional strategies

*Highlight YELLOW for discipline-specific academic language/vocabulary

Procedural Steps Questions Differentiated Instruction

Activating Strategy/ Time N/a N/a If students need it, then I

would give them 5 minutes to
look over their work or go to
the library to print additional
copies if they didn’t already.

Core Instruction Time - I will explain the contents of the workshop and Does anyone have questions about Students who would feel more
what each category of feedback means. the feedback being asked of you to comfortable workshopping
provide? with appropriate resource
mins - Students will get into groups of 3 to begin their teacher (Students only with IEP
workshopping activity. accommodations) may be
8:30 Please create a question you want excused to receive feedback
- Handouts will be provided to each student with
specific instructions on the type of feedback answered by your peers in your from them.
required to give their peers. group pertaining to your draft.

- Say Back, Center of Gravity, and a question posed

by the author will be required fields of the
workshop feedback from peers to writer.
Closure Time - Any additional comments can be made here.
- Introduce and assign reflection paper to be due in
10 2 days on the workshop and writing/drafting
mins process.

Contingency Time N/a n/a n/a

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